Montgomery County, Iowa


These biographies are alphabetical by surname. Women that have a maiden name and a married name will be listed twice. For example, Elizabeth Smith Jones will be listed as: "Jones, Elizabeth Smith" as well as "Smith, Elizabeth [Jones]"



Abramson, Forrest

Acree, Lisle F.

Adams, Lynn

Adams, William Walter

Agnew, Wayne B.

Ahlquist, John

Aiken, Simon A

Aiken, Simeon - Family

Allard, Alonzo

Allard, George W

Alliband, Dr. George A

Alm, Carl Verner

Almquist, John P

Almquist, Oscar

Anderson, Alexander

Anderson, Alfred O

Anderson, C.C.

Anderson, Charles H.

Anderson, Darwin A

Anderson, Elmer "Dean"

Anderson, Elmer Donald Clifford

Anderson, Elmo E. "Andy"

Anderson, George W

Anderson, Gerald W

Anderson, Gustaf

Anderson, Harold W.

Anderson, Hubert A.

Anderson, Hulda Christina Peterson

Anderson, John A

Anderson, John S

Anderson, Lyman E

Anderson, Marion "Pinky"

Anderson, Norman C.

Anderson, Orville A.

Anderson, Randolph O

Anderson, Reuben Edward

Anderson, Samuel

Anderson, Stanley E

Anderson, Victor

Anderson, Wayne Robert

Andrews, John G.

Ankeny, Isaac W

Ankeny, Milton Elmo

Archer, Merle E
Archer, Sarah Benton

Arnold, John C

Arnold, R. J.

Artlip Family

Artlip, Charles R

Artlip, Delbert Dean Jr.

Artz, Adalyn

Artz, Louise

Ashby, George T.

Askey, John

Askey, Samuel

Atkinson, Cecil L

Atwood, Charles G

Austrin, John F

Ayers, Duane "Stub"



Babb, David Edward

Babb, Isaiah M

Bacon, William L

Bailey, Donald D

Bailey, Edwin C

Bailey, Frank L

Baker, Arthur R

Baker, Everett Ernest

Baker, John L

Baker, Laurence A

Baker, Leroy Lawrence

Baker, Robert L

Bakke, Russell "John"

Baldwin, Charles

Ballain, Clyde

Bangston, Harley B

Bangston, Homer

Barnard, Emily Merritt

Barnes, Adelburt

Barnes, Henry

Barr, Arthur W.

Barr, Carl

Barr, John

Barr, William H

Barr, William Hutchison

Bass, George Wallace

Batchelder, Henry L

Bates, Orrin C

Bates, Peter R

Bauer, Max E

Baxter, E O

Baxter, Fred E

Baxter, Samuel

Beals, Robert R

Beard, James

Beaty, John

Beck, Donald M

Becknell, A

Beeson, Byron C

Beeson, Don

Belt, Bert H.

Benshoof, Paul

Bergren, Merlin J

Bergren, Ralph Eugene

Bergsten, Daniel F

Binder, Anthony

Binney, Joseph

Binns, Glenn H

Birbeck, David

Bird, Miles R

Bishop, John Edward

Bishop, Nell

Bishop, Robert Grandon

Bishop, Wright Clark

Bixby, John

Bjorklund, Nels J.

Blackburn, Byron F.

Blake, Samuel P

Blank, Kenneth Charles

Bloomquist, Charles A.

Bodelson, Swan

Boeye, John F.

Boll, Bonnie Elwood

Boll, William Elwood

Bolt, Charles

Bond, Amasa

Bond, Ellis

Bond, Sally

Bontrager, Roland D

Booton, Charles Vinton

Botts, Clyde F

Botts, Lyman

Botts, S J

Botts, Sidney Jasper

Bowman, James P

Boyle, Anna Thomsen

Bradbury, Doc

Braden, Clyde E.

Braden, Court

Braden, Grant Nathanial

Braden, Warren H

Braden, William C

Bradley, Howard Rolland
Branan, Clifford Q.

Brannan, Robert C

Branning, Frank Eugene

Brees, D I

Brees, Deane W

Brenning, Herman

Brenton, C. Perry

Brenton, Dencil K.

Brenton, Mary Merideth

Brenton, W. F.

Brewer, Charles A

Brick, Lettie Shields

Bridges, Jack

Briggs, Clair M.

Briggs, Orval Pershing

Briggs, Ralph O

Brown, Ethric Lavern

Brown, I W

Brown, Lloyd C

Brown, Mary Frances Hunter

Brownlee, Scott

Brownscombe, P A

Bruce, Floyd L.

Bruner, W W

Bryam, James D

Bryan, Clarence Russell

Bryant, J. Chilton

Bryant, Wayne O

Bryson, Don E

Bryson, Elmo K

Bryson, Robert D

Buehler, Darwin Faye

Buffington, Abram C

Bull, Lester

Burgum, A T

Burleson, David G

Burnett, C L

Burr, Joseph A

Burris, Arthur M

Burson, Clement C

Buss Family

Byrkit, Frank M



Cadwell, Charles Francis

Cain, Nellie Gertrude Tyler

Canfield, Robert James Jr.

Cannon, Loren Russell

Cantrall, John H.

Carbaugh, Clarence C

Carey, Carrie Gilman

Carey, Edward M

Carey, Joel

Carey, John Absalom

Carlson, Andrew

Carlson, David Edgar

Carlson, Glen

Carlson, Harley A

Carlson, Joseph L

Carlson, Paul Harold

Carlson, Ronald L

Carlson, Roy D

Carmichael, Arthur P

Carper, Warren F "Frosty"

Carroll, Julius

Carson Family

Casey, Charles J.

Cassat, David William

Cederberg, Raymond

Chamberlain, James S

Chaney, Ernest Franklin

Chaney, Laurence E

Chard, David

Charles, Samuel Franklin

Christopher, John C

Clark, Charles F

Clark, Chester Merrill

Clark, Justus

Clark, Rosa Shirk

Clayman, Charles W

Clayton, B F

Cleaver, Elwood

Close, George V.

Cochrane, Myrtle Eleanor Murphy

Cole, Lena Adeline Pilkington

Collard, Nora Kretchmer

Combs, Aaron B

Conley, Pat

Conner, William

Cook, J S

Cook, N A

Cooney, Jedediah

Cooper, Filson

Cooper, George T

Cooper, Gladys A.

Cooper, J C

Coppage, Minna Hawkins

Cornelius, James T

Coverston, L F

Cowgill, Jonathan B

Cozad, William

Craig, Benjamin Franklin Family

Cram, Isabella

Cramer, O A

Cruse, William H

Critenden, A

Crumb, Aldon

Cupp, Lewis



Dahlquist, Charles A

Dalrymple, Col. L. J.

Danbom, Andus P

Danbom, Carl J

Davies, David M

Davis, J A

Davis, Robert

Davis, Samuel S

Davis, W. J.

Davis, William J

Dearborn, Helen Towle

Deemer, Horace E

De Frehn, J W

Deideriks, G Y

Delany, William B

Denison, William M

Devoss, Joseph W

Devoss, Joseph

Dewitt, Alvin

Dewitt, Charles Elmer

Dewitt, George Dille

Dewitt, John Franklin

Dewitt, William Lowe

Diamond, D. J.

Dillon, Charles C

Dingman, John S

Docker, William

Dodd, William W

Donelson, Andrew J

Donoho, Electa E. Sherman

Donoho, Orlando S.

Dotson, George S

Douglas, John

Dowhower, Xena Beulah Delaney

Dunn, William Sr.



Ebersol, John R

Edmonds, R J

Edquist, John Martin

Edwards, William T

Ellenwood, John W

Ellett, Thomas E

Ellis, William W

Ellis, William

Elwood, Phoebe Horton

Erickson, John A.

Evans, Bertha Iona Swanker

Evans, W H

Ewing, Samuel



Fahlin, Andrew

Falk, Hulda Maxell Gustafson

Farlin, Horace

Farlin, T J

Farlow, E. J.

Fast, Luther

Faunce, Bertha E. Stevenson

Ferguson, Robert G

Figgins, A. S.

Figgins, Charles F

Figgins, George

Figgins, William

Figgins, William M

Findley, William H

Fisher, Joseph F

Fisher, Milton E

Fisher, Orange A

Fisher, Sara Condit Morrell

Fisher, Zelotes T

Focht, Jacob

Focht, Persifer S.

Focht, William

Foote, Harmon D

Fortune, Will

French, H C

Frisk, Axel J



Gaff, Elijah

Gallagher, Peter

Gallaner, Lee

Gammell, Don

Gammell, Nellie

Gebbers, Charles

Gebbers, William G

Gemmill, Duncan

Gibson, Abner

Giltner, A M

Givan, Kate E. Smith

Godfrey, Dorothy Weidman

Godfrey, Emma

Gohagan, Frances

Goodwin, Alfred N

Gould, Edward

Gray, Thomas J

Gustavson, C



Haag, Theodore G

Hagemaster, Henry

Halbert Family

Hall, Cyrus F

Hall, Edgar

Hall, Edward P

Halland, Rev. B M

Haller, R H

Hamilton, Anna

Hanna, Rebecca

Harding, A A

Harding, L N

Harding, William A

Harris, E A

Hart, James H

Hart, James M

Hartman, Ambrose

Hascall, Charles

Hass, D S

Hawkins, Swan

Hayes, Addie Clark

Hays, H C

Hebard, Alfred

Hebard, Anna M.

Heckert, Jonas

Hendrix, W H

Henry, Samuel A

Hewitt, Joseph M

Hewitt, Sarah Harris

Hibbs, John D

Hicks, George C

Higgins, George Washington

Hines, Nell Wever

Holcomb, Jedediah L

Hoover, Reuben O

Hornady, L D

Hornby, Thomas

Houghton, Dorothy Deemer

Howard, Henry

Howard, Oliver W

Howard, Titus

Howland, Joseph M

Hulett, M Y

Hunt, Dean

Hunter, George



Ingman, George

Ingmand, Opal Marjorie Lundgren

Irwin, Robert E

Irwin, William A

Isaacson, Isaac A



Jackson, Gustaf

James, John W

James, R C

James, William M

Jarboe, Fredrick

Jenkins, Jenkin D

Jennings, L J

Johnson, A W

Johnson, August

Johnson, August A

Johnson, Christ

Johnson, J V

Johnson, Klaes

Johnson, Nels P

Johnston, George W

Jones, Annie

Jones, C W

Jones, Hugh W.

Jones, Lewis

Jones, Samuel Rev.

Jones, William E

Judkins, F O

Judkins, J W

Judkins, Joseph M



Kallstrom, Charles G

Keil, Kasper

Kellenburger, Charles W

Kelly, Virginia

Kennedy, Clarence K

Kenworthy, Enoch

Kerrihard, Thomas F

Keyte, Hazel

Killits, John M

Kimball, Albert A

Kinkade, John M

Kinney, James N

Kinney, John

Kipp, Odgen Sherwood

Kirby, Josephus

Knapp, John W

Kneedy Family

Knight, Daniel W

Kretchmer, E

Kruse, Herman



Lambert, Emanuel

Lane, Caroline Mathilda Morgan

Lantis, James

Larson, John

Lathen Family

Lathrop, Paul

Lawrence, Harris W

Lawrens, John H

Leach, Edwin F

Leach, Mathias

Lee, James J

Lell, William

Leonard, George

Lepley, James B

Lester, Parker J

Levin, John A

Lewis Family

Lightbody, Lydia Ann

Lilljeberg, Charles

Lindberg, B J

Lindley, T J

Lloyd, Noah R

Loeb, G

Loftstedt, Lars

Logan, John P

Losey, Ebenezer T

Lott, Henry S.

Lowman, Emery A

Lowman, John

Lowman, Lucie Marie [Smith]

Lull, Albert M

Lundy, Cyrus C

Luppold, Darleen Clair Bolt

Lyon, Joseph M



Mahaffy, James

Mainquist, G Alfred

Manker, C W

Manker, Henry E

Manker, J J

Manley, F W

Manly, James W

Manning, John W

Marsh, Washington

Martin, Dr. James W

Martin, G W

Mattson, Charley

Maxell, John Albin Gustavsson

Maybon, Hinton C

Mayhew, Judson

Mayhew, Norman P

McAfee, Rev. Samuel L

McAlister, Isaac

McCarthy, Emmett C.

McConoughey, H N

McCracken, John H

McCue, John

McCue, William

McCune, Robert

McDannel, Daniel S

McFarland, Charles

McGee, Jane Harper

McGreer, William A

McGuire, S D

McIntyre, Isaac

McKeever, Solomon

McLean, James Arnott

McManis, Hiram

McMillin, H C

McMullin, Robert

McNeil, J G

McPherson, Frances H. Boyer

McPherson, Smith

McPherson, Smith

Mealey, Bertha Weibel

Means, Thomas C

Mellott, Jacob

Mercer, Charles W

Mercer, Frank Hubert

Mercer, J T

Mercer, Jesse "Bud" Thornton

Mercer, Jesse Thornton

Mercer, William Leroy

Mewhirter, H J

Mewhirter, Lee

Meyers, Dr. Jacob Franklin

Mickle, Elizabeth

Miller, Ella Pine

Miller, Isaiah

Miller, William

Miller, William Washington

Mills, Amos

Milner, Aaron B

Milner, Armstead

Milner, Cornelia Merritt

Milner, Elmer Claude

Milner, Ephriam P.

Moates, Jacob F

Moody, F J

Moore, Charles S

Moore, Henry N

Moore, James H

Moore, John L.

Moore, Philip

Morgan, A A

Morgan, Glendon Thomas

Moriarty, Edward

Moritz, Peter M

Morris, Ethel Gillmor

Moulder, William

Mount, Robert T

Murer, John

Murphy, Frank Hiriam

Murphy, Ina Culbertson

Murphy, Lucy Thomas

Murray, Robert

Murray, Thomas

Myers, Angelo A



Nauertc, Mathew J

Nelson, L P

Newcomb, Joseph C

Nicholas, Henry M

Norcross, John P

Nord, John M

Nordquist, S C

Nyberg, Carl J


O'Brien, Michael J

Ockerson, Irene

Olson, Olof L

Orsborn, Lester L

Ossian, A J

Ossian, Anna L.

Ossian, G A

Ossian, Jonas L

Oster, Ernest

Overman, Elijah

Overman, Rebecca Spargur

Owens, Robert L

Owents, Rev. Owen

Oyster, Samuel



Packard, Cornelia Kennedy

Packard, Jason B

Packard, Kennedy

Palm, G L

Palmer, Henry Harrison

Palmer, Sarah

Parker, Ellen Witherow

Parker, William H

Patterson, Aaron

Patterson, George H

Patterson, John W

Patterson, Jonathan Trumbull

Patterson, Urias

Pattison, William E

Peck, William

Pegram, Hardin

Penry, Albert William

Penry, Emery Herman

Penry, James Monroe

Penry, Raymond Thomas

Perdue, Ira

Perley, J. Corliss

Perryman, Mary Gertrude Weir

Peterson, Henry

Peterson, John F

Peterson, John R

Peterson, John X

Peterson, Neal

Peterson, P J

Peterson, Peter G

Peterson, Swan A

Peterson, Tury

Peterson, William

Petty, Grethel Arlene Reynolds

Petty, J. H.

Petty, Max LeRoy

Petty, William J

Petty, W. J.

Phelps, Seth

Pieper, Sophia

Pierson, Donald Dwight

Pittenger, Thomas H

Planck, Theophile

Planck, William

Platt, Gertrude Dorothy Hall

Platz, Jacob

Ploghoft, William Christopher

Pogue, Ealy

Pogue, George Washington

Powell Family

Powell, A M

Powell, Velura E.

Powers, Alphonso E

Powers, William G

Preston, Charles N

Priest, Estelle



Rains, Isaac F

Rawlings, Thomas

Rawlings, William C

Redfern, Solomon

Redmon, Charles M

Redmon, Francis M

Reed, Charles Ellis

Reed, Charles Henry

Reed, Frederick

Reed, Lula B.

Reed, Melvin LeRoy

Reed, Merle Elton

Reed, Robert Hamilton

Reed, Robert Hamilton Family

Reid, J B

Reid, Thomas J

Reid, Rev. William T

Reimers, Mabelle

Renardin, Chas A

Reynolds, Daniel Curtis

Reynolds, James A.

Reynolds, Robert H

Reynolds, Robert Henry "R H"

Rhoten, Josiah

Richards, Mary Louise Mills

Richards, Oliver M

Ring, Andrew

Ring, Lewis J

Roberts, D W

Roberts, Humphrey

Roberts, John H

Roberts, Reuben M

Robinson, Frank W

Robinson, William R

Rogers, Elliott S

Rooney, Michael T

Rooney, Patrick

Ross, Augustus

Ross, Lloyd D

Runnels, Benjamin F

Runnels, Ormond

Rush, William Riley

Rushton, Frances Madelyn Webster



Saint, James

Sample, Jeremiah

Samuelson, August

Sandill, A G

Sandquist, Andrew G

Sanford, Edwin S

Schimpff, Viola

Schriver, John D

Schuler, John C

Scott, James M. D.

Seaman, Jonathan

Selby, George Lloyd

Sellegren, Gust

Sellegren, John

Sellergren, Florence

Shank, Henry C

Shank, Sophronia Dean

Shank, William

Shank, Z M Pike

Shaw, Charles E

Shaw, Charles S

Shaw, George

Sherman, Joseph T

Shields, Charles Raymond

Shields, Charles Rolland

Shields, Fred James

Shields, William T

Shields, William Thomas

Shires, Alice Jones

Shires, Samuel Day

Shriver, Henry W

Sillik, Frank M.

Simons, B E A

Smiley, George M

Smith, Alonzo

Smith, C H

Smith, Frank H

Smith, George W.

Smith, Henry C

Smith, John

Smith, Lucie Marie Lowman

Smith, Milton

Smith, Patrick

Smith, Raymond W.

Smith, Samuel M.

Smith, Seth M.

Spears, Samuel

Sperry, Rufus D

Spetman, Don

Spicer, Thomas

St Clair, Benjamin A

Stafford, Ellen

Stair, Theodore Preston

Stayer, George Russell

Stennett, Elizabeth Layman Light

Stennett, Hugh L

Stevens, Erial

Stiles Family

Stillinger, William B

Stinemate, L D

Stipe, William

Stocksleger, A F

Stocksleger, Isaac

Stone, Oscar Delois

Stover, Jacob

Strickler, Conrad

Stroh, Charles

Swanson, Adolph

Swanson, Alfred

Swanson, Andrew M

Swanson, C R

Swanson, Ruth Wright

Swanson, S W

Swisher, John W



Taylor, Jonathan M

Thomas, Edith Satchwell

Thomas, Fred Charles

Thomas, Griffith

Thomas, John L

Thomas, John

Thomas, W

Thomas, William H

Thompson, Charles C

Thompson, I G

Thornton, Amos G

Thurman, Morgan S

Tobin, James J

Tolman, Hugh Harrison

Townsend, Frank Loren

Tracy, Perry F

Traver, George

Tubbs, R F

Tucker, James R

Turner, Cyrus Filmore

Turner, Josephine Cochrane

Tuttle, Stephen

Tyler, Carolyn May Wall

Tyler, Thomas Dexter



Updike, Edgar W



Vannordstrand Family

Viner Family



Walker, Nellie Verne

Wall, Charles

Wall, Thomas

Wall, Thomas

Wallace, Dean

Washburn, William

Watkins, John M

Watkins, Randolph

Watrous, Henry R

Wax, F M

Weidman, Thomas

Weilenman, Edward

Wells, Daniel D

Welsch, Charles C

Wenburg, Peter

Werthner, Christian

Wessman, Nels P

West, Fenno

West, George M

Westerlund, John Oscar

Westling, Theodore

Westrope, Thomas R.

Wheeler, Amanda Saphronia McComb

Whitaker, O E

White, R L

White, Shem

Whitney, Theodore

Wickersham, Caleb E

Wieland, Daniel

Wight, F M

Wiley, W P

Wilkinson, Jim

Williams, James W

Williams, John F

Williams, William A

Wilson, Bertram

Wilson, Earle W

Wilson, Edward D

Wilson, J S

Wilson, Scott

Wollenhaupt, George E

Wood, Dr. Chas S.

Wood, Hazel Kirk

Wood, Joe

Wood, Mabel Alice Welty

Wood, T J

Wood, William Clark

Wood, Winfield D

Woolard, James Robert

Wormley, Fred P

Wymore, Phylander



Yager, Nicholas

Yale, Charles

Yockey, William

Young, H S



Woods, Richard