Cerro Gordo County Iowa
Part of the IaGenWeb Project




In the November 3, 1945 issue of The Globe Gazette, it was reported that:

"A total of 165 men from Cerro Gordo county have died in service in World War II, according to files on record at the Globe-Gazette as brought up to date.

"Of these 140 were killed in action or died later of wounds received in action; 16 were killed in accidents in camps in the states or overseas; 4 died as prisoners of war, and 5 died in camp of natural causes. In the instances the date of death is the presumptive date set by the war department following a lapse of time after the soldier had been reported missing.

"The files show 21 men listed as missing in action, though some of these may have been transferred to other classifications without being reported here.

"The records further show 4 men still listed as prisoners of war. There are 39 former prisoners of war in the repatriated list. All known Japanese prisoners of war - 8 from the county - have been accounted for."



  Below are the names provided in the Globe Gazette's 1945 article with updated information and links to each individual's webpages contained within this site.


NOTE: To search for a specific surname on this webpage
press "Ctrl" key and the "F" key together on your keyboard
(Command + "F" for Mac users)
then type the surname in the dialog box which pops up.

    A    B   C    D   E    F    G   H
   I   J    K    L    M   N    O   P
   Q   R    S   T    U   V    W    X
      Y    Z    MIAs    POWs   


   ACC - Accident    DNB - Died Non-battle    DOI - Died of Injuries
   DOW - Died of Wounds    FOD - Finding of Death    K.I.A. - Killed in Action
   M.I.A. - Missing in Action    POW - Prisoner of War    W.I.A. - Wounded in Action


Pvt. Orville Richard "Duke"

U.S. Army, 318th Infantry
MIA/KIA 04 Dec 1944
Stone Hampton Cemetery
Hampton IA
wife, Kathyn BERGMAN ALDEN
Rockwell IA
ALLEN, FM 3/C Lloyd Phillip
U.S. Navy Res. aboard USS Warrington (DD-383)
K.I.A. 13 Sept 1944
lost in hurricane
off Florida coastline
Memorialized East Coast Memorial, Manhattan NY
wife, Mrs. Lloyd Phillip ALLEN
son of Mr. & Mrs. Lloyd G. ALLEN
all of Mason City IA
AMOS, Sgt. Joseph Burton
U.S. 26th Marine Corps, 5th Marine Div.
K.I.A. 07 March 1945
Iwo Jima
Awarded Bronze Star, Silver Star
Memorialized Honolulu Memorial, HI &
Memorial Park Cemetery
Mason City IA
wife, Mrs. Frances G. AMOS
404 N. Adams Ave.
Mason City IA
ANDERSON, Sgt. Robert Harold
U.S. Eighth Army Air Force
344th Bomb Sqn.
385th Bomb Grp.
K.I.A. 25 June 1944
Awarded Air Medal
Memorial Park Cemetery
Mason City IA
wife, Mrs. Luella Margaret ANDERSON MILTENBERGER
U.S. Army
POW Captured 04 Oct 1943
Not reported as liberated or repatriated
Globe Gazette
Nov. 9, 1945
AUCKER, Sgt. Harold Leroy
U. S. Army

K.I.A. 10 Feb 1944
Awarded Purple Heart
Interment unknown
son of Mr. & Mrs. L. A. AUCKER
1418 Adams N.W.
Mason City
AUSTIN, Tec5 Nelson Adelbert "Nels
U.S. Army
BTY E, 19th Coast ARTY
DNB 15 Aug 1942
Los Angeles Co. CA
Evergreen Cemetery
Brainerd MN
Mason City IA
Pilot Officer John Ellsworth

Royal Canadian Air Force
M.I.A. 17 Oct 1942
over Africa
Declared deceased
Memorialized Alamein Memorial, El Alamein Egypt & Memorial Park Cemetery, Mason City
wife, Mrs. Louise LEACH AVISE
son of Mr. & Mrs. Dennis E. AVISE
all of Mason City IA
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BALLEY, SSgt. Ralph
U.S. Army
K.I.A. 02 Feb 1944
Sicily-Rome American Cemetery
Nettuno, Italy
wife, Mrs. Florence Nesje BAILEY
son of Mr. & Mrs. James BAILEY
all of Mason City IA
BERNHART, Seaman 1/C Gust
U.S. Navy
K.I.A. 13 Nov 1943
Memorialized Manila American Cemetery, Manila, Philippines
& Memorial Park Cemetery
Mason City IA
son of Mr. Fred BERNHARDT
Plymouth IA
BLACK, Pvt. Joseph W.
U.S. Army
K.I.A. 07 Oct 1944
Lorraine American Cemetery, Saint-Avold, France son of Mr. & Mrs. George V. BLACK
Mason City IA
BLANCHET, Pvt. Joseph Jon
U.S. Army
W.I.A. March, 1944, Italy
DOW 23 May 1944, Italy
Memorial Park Cemetery
Mason City IA
son of Mr. & Mrs. E. C. BLANCHET
all of Ventura
BOND, Pfc. Jerold Richard
U.S. Army
Cavalry Armored Division
K.I.A. 18 Aug 1944
Rhone American Cemetery
Draguigan, France
wife, Mrs. BOND
son of Mr. & Mrs. Lewis BOND
all of Mason City IA
BRACKLEIN, Pvt. William
U.S. Army, paratrooper
K.I.A. 19 Feb 1945

Globe Gazette
July 1, 1946
BRESLIN, Pfc. Francis J.
Co. F., Iowa National Guard
M.I.A. Oct., 1944
still M.I.A. end of war

Res: cousin Mr. Frank WILDER
710 Oak St., Clear Lake IA
BROOD, Jacob Peter
USMCR, 5th Amphibious Corps, Assault Troop
K.I.A. 22 Feb 1945
Iwo Jima
Awarded Purple Heart
Pleasant Valley Twp. Cemetery
rural Swalddale IA
son of Mr. & Mrs. Hans P. BROOD
R.F.D. 1, Swaledale IA
BURKE, Pvt. William A. "Bill"
USMCR, aircraft group
K.I.A. 04 June 1942
Midway Island
buried at sea
Memorialized Honolulu Memorial, HI
& Elmwood-St. Joseph Cemetery, Mason City IA
son of Mr. Ida BURKE
410 5th St. SE
Mason City IA
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2nd Lt. Thomas Justin

U.S. Eighth Air Force
W.I.A. over France
DOW 16 Feb 1944, England
Cambridge American Cemetery
Coton, England
son of Mr. & Mrs. David C. CAMPBELL
formerly of Mason City IA
CARROLL, QM 2/D Guy Wayne
U.S. Navy
aboard USS SHAW (DD-373)
K.I.A. 07 Dec 1941
Pearl Harbor HI
Memorialized Memorial Park Cemetery, Mason City IA son of Mr. & Mrs. Walter Guy CARROLL
35 Lehigh Addition, Mason City IA
CARROLL, SSgt. John W.
U.S. Army, 37th Infantry Division
K.I.A. 15 March 1944
Awarded Purple Heart
American Cemetery
son of Mrs. Mary CARROLL
221 West State, Mason City IA
CAVANAUGH, Sgt. Robert J. "Bob"
Royal Canadian Air Force
K.I.A. 19 Nov 1942
son of Mrs. Catherine CAVANAUGH
1421 Quincy Ave., Mason City IA
Maj. Paul Edwin West

U.S. Army, Cavalry
Died 14 Feb 1945
Los Angeles CA
I.O.O.F. Cemetery
Indianola IA
former Mason City IA resident
CHEHOCK, Sgt. Lester P.
U.S. Army, C. M, 425th Infantry
Captured 21 Feb 1945
died POW 21 Feb 1945
Ardennes American Cemetery
Neuville-en-Condroz, Belgium
wife, Mrs. Gertrude SPONHEIM CHEHOCK
Plymouth IA
CHIMBIDIS, Pfc. Michael N.
U.S. Army
K.I.A. 11 Feb 1945
Luxembourg American Cemetery
Hamm, Luxembourg
Globe Gazette
July 1, 1946

U.S. Army
W.I.A. 20 Nov 1944, France
DOW 03 April 1945
Denver, CO
Clear Lake Cemetery
Clear Lake IA
son of Mr. & Mrs. Albert CHRISTENSON
300 Burden St., Clear Lake IA
U.S. Army Air Corps
ACC 18 July 1945
Tinian, Pacific Theater
Elmwood-St. Joseph's Cemetery
Mason City IA
son of Mr. & Mrs. John CHRISTIANSEN
321 15th St. NW, Mason City
CLARK, 2nd Lt. Arthur LeRoy
U.S. Eighth Army Air Force
K.I.A. 06 Feb 1944
over France
son of Mr. & Mrs. A. L. CLARK
308 20th SE, Mason City IA
COLLINS, Pfc. John
U.S. Army
POW 16/17 Feb 1943, Africa
died as POW
date unknown
wife, Mrs. Harriet WADDELL COLLINS
523 Georgia Ave. NE, Mason City IA
PhM 1/C Willis Lloyd

U.S. Navy Reserves
W.I.A. Pacific
DOW 22 April 1945
Memorialized Honolulu Memorial, HI
& Memorial Park Cemetery
Mason City IA
wife, Mrs. Donna Lorraine FLETCHER CONKLIN
1224 Washington NW, Mason City
COOK, Pvt. George H. Jr.
U.S. Army, Co. B, 152nd Inf.
38th Infantry Division
K.I.A. 19 May 1945
son of Mr. & Mrs. George H. COOK, Sr.
Dougherty IA
COOKMAN, SSgt. Harold F.
U.S. Army Air Corps
MIA 31 March 1943, Mediterranean
declared deceased April 1, 1944
Memorialized N. African American Cem., Carthage
& Memorial Park Cemetery, Mason City IA
son of Mr. & Mrs. Floyd G. COOKMAN
409 E. Main St., Clear Lake IA
COOKMAN, 2nd Lt. Robert G.
U.S. Army Air Corps
K.I.A. 23 Oct 1944 over Italy
Awarded Air Medal
wife, Mrs. Marianne STAFFORD COOKMAN
son of Mr. & Mrs. Harvey A. COOKMAN
all of Mason City IA
COOKMAN, 2nd Lt. William B.
U.S. Army
American Expeditionary Force
W.I.A. 15 Oct 1944, Germany
DOW 16 Oct 1944
Awarded Silver Star
Henri-Chapelle American Cemetery, Henri-Chapelle, Belgium
son of Mr. & Mrs. Leslie W. COOKMAN
902 6th SE, Mason City IA
COOLEY, Pfc. Arnold L.
U.S. Army
K.I.A. 14 Dec 1942
New Guinea
Awarded Purple Heart
Interment unknown son of Mr. & Mrs. Addison COOLEY
Ventura IA
COX, Cpl. Warren H.
U.S. Army
K.I.A. 11 Feb 1945
wife, Mrs. Viola PARSONS COX
1750 Delaware NE, Mason City
SigM 1/C Herbert Oscar

U.S. Navy
aboard USS LST 342
K.I.A. 18 July 1943
torpoded in Solomon Sea
Memorialized Manila American Cemetery, Philippies & Memorial Park Cemetery, Mason City IA son of Mr. & Mrs. Oscar Otis CREEKMUR
2007 Wilson SW, Mason City
CROOK, 1st Lt. Lyle W.
U.S. Army, Glider Infantry
K.I.A. 28 Aug 1944, France Rhone American Cemetery
Draguigan, France
son of Mr. & Mrs. F. J. CROOK
620 Harrison Ave. NW, Mason City IA
CROSBY, Pfc. Phillip W.
U.S. Army, armored field artillery unit
W.I.A. 20 Dec 1943
DOW 21 Dec 1943
Cambridge American Cemetery
Coton, England
son of Mrs. Andrew MEYER
113 1/2 E. State, Mason City IA
CROSS, PlSgt. William Charles
U.S. 6th Marine Corps.
2nd Marine Division
K.I.A. 15 June 1944
Elmwood-St. Joseph Cemetery
Mason City IA
son of Mr. & Mrs. William T. CROSS
422 5th St. SE, Mason City IA
1st Lt. Albert Henry "Al"

U.S. army, 142nd Inf.
36th Infantry Division
K.I.A. 28 Sep 1944, France
Awarded Bronze Star, Distinguished Service Cross, Purple Heart
Golden Gate Nat'l Cemetery
San Bruno CA
Mason City IA
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DAVIS, S 1/C Arthur William "Bill"
U.S. Navy
aboard USS Black Hawk (AD-9)
K.I.A. 29 Feb 1949
S. Pacific
son of Mrs. Della DAVIS
1414 Virginia NE, Mason City
DEAN, PFc. Donald L.
U.S. Army, infantry
K.I.A. 26 Apr 1944
Sicily-Rome American Cemetery
Nettuno, Italy
grandson of Mr. & Mrs. August H. GROHS
527 4th SE, Mason City IA
DEDINA, Sgt. William J.
U.S. Army
FOD 23 Dec 1945
Memorialized Manila American Cemetery, Manila, Philippines Globe Gazette
July 1, 1946

DEETS, Darrel
K.I.A. 1945
Pacific Theater
- Globe Gazette
July 1, 1946

DIXSON, Pfc. Roy E.
U.S. Army
K.I.A. 17 April 1944
Sicily-Rome American Cemetery
Nettuno, Italy
Globe Gazette
July 1, 1946

DUNTON, AVO 1/C Willard Earl
U.S. Navy Air Corps
K.I.A. 20 Feb 1944
over Bougainville
Zachary Taylor Nat'l Cemetery
Louisville KY, Plot E, 97
Memorial Stone at
Memorial Park Cemetery
Mason City IA
son of Mr. & Mrs. Willard Delbet DUNTON
703 3rd St., Mason City IA
DYE, Cpl. Keith Ellsworth
U.S. Army
Awarded Purple Heart
WIA March, 1944, Mediterranean
K.I.A. 01 June 1944, Anzio, Italy
Sicily-Rome American Cemetery, Nettuno, Italy
Memorialized Memorial Park Cemetery, Mason City IA
wife, Mrs. Virginia DYE
102 14th Place NE, Mason City
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EDEL, 2nd Lt. Clair B.
U.S. Army Air Corps
MIA 26 Aug 1944 over France
FOD 27 Aug 27 1945
Normandy American Cemetery, Collevile-sur-Mer, France son of Mr. & Mrs. Charles H. EDEL, Route 3, Mason City IA
FM 1/C Emmon Hartman Jr.

U.S. Naval Reserves
K.I.A. 22 April 1945
Pacific Theater
Memorialized Zachary Taylor National Cemetery, Louisville KY & Memorial Park Cemetery
Mason City IA
son of Mr. & Mrs. E. H. ENGLEMAN Sr.
Route 4
Mason City IA
1st Lt. Hilmar Germaine

U.S. 9th Army Air Force
391st Sqn, "Holt Hun Hunters"
P-47 Thunderbolt pilot
ACC 02 June 1945
Netherlands American Cemetery, Margraten, Netherlands; Memorial stone Memorial Park Cemetery
Mason City IA
son of Mr. & Mrs. Louis ERICKSON
228 25th S.W.
Mason City IA
MMM 1/C Lyle Franklin

U.S. Navy
aboard USS Robalo (SS-273)
MIA/KIA 26 July 1944
Robalo mined off Palawan Island
Memorialized Manila American Cemetery, Philippines; Memorial Park Cemetery & 1st Cong. UCC Columbarium, Mason City IA son of Mr. & Mrs. Harvey M. ERVIN
208 10th St.
Mason City IA
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FACTOR, Cpl. Leland Dale
U.S. Army Air Force
95th Bomb Sqn., 17th Bomb Group, Doolitle Raider
K.I.A. 18 April 1942
Awarded Distinguished Flying Cross, Purple Heart, Chinese Breast Order of Yung Hui
Wan Tsuen, China; reinterred 1949 Bohemian Cemetery
Plymouth IA
son of Mr. & Mrs. Louis FAKTOR
Plymouth IA
FERRIER, 1st Lt. Donald L.
U.S. Army Air Force
flight instructor
George Field ILL
ACC C-46 crash 07 April 1945
near Lawrenceville IL
Elmwood-St. Joseph's Cemetery
Mason City IA
son of Mr. & Mrs. Ashley E. FERRIER
Route 4
Mason City IA
U.S. Army
K.I.A. 15 Aug 1945
Elmwood-St. Joseph'e Cemetery
Mason City, IA
Globe Gazettte
July 1. 1946
GM 3/C Marion Eugene

U.S. Navy
ruptured intestine 03 May 1944 Oakwood Cemetery
Plymouth IA
wife, Mrs. Charene May HUGI FINDLING
Plymouth IA
son of Mrs. Minnie LOWN
202 2nd S.W.
Mason City IA
FISHER, Donald O.
U.S. Army, field artillery
K.I.A. 06 April 1945
Re-interred New Albany National Cemetery, New Albany IN, Plot G, 136, with Pfc. Clifford A. Flanagan wife, Mrs. Donald O. FISHER
Apt. 8, 12 1/2 First St. S.W., Mason City
son of Mr. & Mrs. Earl FISHER, Nashua
FLORES, Pvt. Salude F.
U.S. Army
K.I.A. 27 Jan 1945
Memorialized Memorial Park Cemetery, Mason City IA wife, Mrs. Esther FLORES
832 Carolina NW, Mason City
FOELL, Ensign Cecil Duane "Bud"
U.S. Naval Reserves
aboard USS Indianapolis (CA-35)
K.I.A. 30 July 1945
Pacific Theater
Awarded Purple Heart & Asiatic-Pacific Campaign Medal
Memorialized Manial American Cemetery, Manila, Philippines & Memorial Park Cemetery
Mason City IA
son of Mrs. Jennie Ersuilia FOELL, Swaledale
FORD, Pfc. Donald Rex
U.S. Marine Corp Reserves
K.I.A. 20 Nov 1943
S. Pacific Theater
- son of Mr. & Mrs. Orville E. FORD, R.F.D. 1
Clear Lake IA
FOWLER, Sgt. Robert D.
Co. H, 133rd Infantry
Iowa National Guard
K.I.A. 27 May 1944
Sicily-Rome American Cemetery
Nettuno, Italy
son of Mr. & Mrs. C. C. FOWLER
formerly of Clear Lake IA
FRANKE, 2nd Lt. Carl Francis
U.S. Army Air Force
735th Bomber Squadron
453rd Bomber Group, Heavy
K.I.A. 06 Feb 1944
over European Theater
Cambridge American Cemetery
Coton, England
son of Mr. & Mrs. Harry FRANKE (both deceased), formerly of Mason City IA
FRAZIER, Pvt. Harold D.
U.S. Army
Awarded Purple Heart, Citation of Honor and Bravery; Sharp Shooter's Medal; Good Conduct Medal
K.I.A. 06 June 1945
D-Day, Normandy, France
Normandy American Cemetery; Memorialized Memorial Park Cemetery, Mason City IA son of Mr. & Mrs. E. C. FRAIZER
Mason City IA
FRIESNER, 1st Lt. Curtis David
U.S. Army
120th Inf., 30th Inf. Div.
K.I.A. 09 Oct 1944
Awarded Purple Heart, Bronze Star, Silver Star
Henri-Chapelle American Cemetery,Henri-Chapelle, Belgium; Memorialized Memorial Park Cemetery
& 1st Congregational UCC Columbaium, both at Mason City
wife, Mrs. Irene HOLMAN FRIESNER, 659 2nd N.W.
Mason City IA
son of Mr. & Mrs. Harvey Clarence FREISNER, 246 Crescent Dr.
Mason City IA
FURLEIGH, Patrick J. "Pat"
U.S. Naval Air Corps
ACC 11 May 1944
Pensacola FL
Clear Lake Cemetery
Clear Lake IA
son of Mr. & Mrs. Philip FURLEIGH
Clear Lake IA
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GAGNON, SSgt. John Raymond
U.S. Marine Corps
60th Infantry
K.I.A. 18 Sept 1944
Elmwood-St. Joseph Cemetery
Mason City IA
son of Mr. & Mrs. John GAGNON
206 26th S.W.
Mason City IA
Signalman 2/C Roger Amu

U.S. Navy
K.I.A. 25 Feb 1945
Pacific Theater
Memorialized Honolulu Memorial
Honolulu HI
son of Mrs. Burt GALE
formerly of Mason City IA
GALLUP, Pfc. Earl B.
U.S. Army
K.I.A. 23 July 1944
Normandy American Cemetery
Colleville-sur-Mer, France
son of Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. GALLUP, Nora Springs IA
GALLUP, Pfc. Lloyd
U.S. Army Medical Corps
K.I.A. 14 Oct 1943
Memorialized Memorial Park Cemetery, Mason City IA wife, Mrs. Alice DAVID GALLUP, Mason City IA
son of Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. GALLUP, Nora Springs IA
GALLUP, Robert L.
U.S. Army
K.I.A. 23 Nov 1944
Memorialized Memorial Park Cemetery, Mason City IA wife, Mrs. ___ WATTS GALLUP, 115 4th St. SW, Mason City IA
son of Mr. & Mrs. Charles F. GALLUP, Nora Springs IA
Flight Officer Robert J.

U.S. Army Air Corps
B-24 bombardier
K.I.A. 31 July 1944
over Munich, Germany
- son of Mr. & Mrs. William T. GAMBLE
407 2nd NE
Mason City IA
GANNON, 2nd Lt. Ardath R.
U.S. Army Air Corps
ACC bomber crash 24 April 1944
Delight Mt. near Epsom NH
- son of Mr. & Mrs. Arthur L. GANNON
Rockwell City
GARCIA, Pfc. John Michiel Jr.
U.S. Army
141st Infantry Div.
WIA 17 June 1944, Italy
DOW 23 June 1944
Grossetio ,Italy
Memorialized at Elmwood-St. Joseph Cemetery
& Memorial Park Cemetery
Mason City IA
son of Mr. & Mrs. John E. GARCIA Sr.
714 6th SW
Mason City IA
GERRIER, 1st Lt. Donald L.
U.S. Army Air Corps
ACC 03 April 1945
- Globe Gazette
July 1, 1946
GILBERT, 1st Sgt. Nolan M.
U.S. 1st Ranger Battalion
WIA & DOW 04 Nov 1943
Cassino, Italy
Memorialized Memorial Park Cemetery, Mason City IA son of Mrs. Minnie GILBERT
404 West State
Mason City IA
GOAD, SSgt. Harold V.
U.S. 8th Army Air Force
K.I.A. 11 June 1944
over English Channel
Memorialized Memorial Park Cemetery, Mason City IA son of Rev. & Mrs. E. V. GOAD
Swaledale IA
GRANGE, 2nd Lt. Dorance S.
U.S. Army Air Corps
flight instructor
ACC, crash 09 May 1944
near Caddo TX
Calvary Cemetery
Klemme IA
son of Mr. & Mrs. Paul GRANGE
216 Vermont Ave. SE
Mason City IA
GRELL, Cpl. Orval John
U.S. Army, infantry
K.I.A 14 April 1945
Battle of the Bulge, Germany
American Military Cemetery
Margraten, Holland
Memorialized Memorial Park Cemetery, Mason City IA
son of Mr. & Mrs. J. E. GRELL
Ventura IA
GROW, 1st Lt. Richard L.
U.S. Army Air Corps
Awarded Air Medal with Oak Leaf Clusters; Distinguished Flying Cross
K.I.A 22 Dec 1943
over Netherlands
Ardennes American Cemetery
Neuville-en-Cordroz, Belgium
son of Mrs. Ruby R. GROW
808 1/2 East State, Mason City & Samuel A. GROW, Waterloo
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FM 1/C Duane Herman

U.S. Navy
aboard submarine
USS Cisco (SS-290)
Awarded Purple Heart
MIA ca. 28 Sept 1943
Sulu Sea, Pacific
FOD 08 Jan 1946
Memorialized Manila American Cemetery, Manila, Philippines & Memorial Park Cemetery
Mason City IA
son of Mr. & Mrs. Herman C. HALSTEN
2216 Delaware SE, Mason City
HAMMOND, Cpl. Paul E.
U.S. Army Air Corps
379th Bomber Group
323rd Bomber Squadron
K.I.A. 11 June 1943
over Germany
Memorialized Memorial Park Cemetery, Mason City IA son of Mr. & Mrs. Nick KALOPLASTOS
718 Van Buren Ave. SW
Mason City IA
HANKS, 2nd Lt. Warren E.
U.S. Army Air Corps
ACC plane crash 22 Feb 1944
Matagordia Island
Cambridge Cemetery
Cambridge IA
Globe Gazette
July 1, 1946
HANNA, Pfc. Frank "Fred"
U.S. Army
K.I.A. 24 Mar 1945
- Globe Gazette
July 1, 1946
HANSON, Tom M. "Tommie"
U.S. Army
armored regiment
K.I.A. 03 Sept 1944
Ardennes American Cemetery
Neuville-en-Condroz, Belgium
son of Mr. & Mrs. Tom HANSON
222 S. 2nd St.
Clear Lake IA
HARDING, Pvt. Mitchell A.
U.S. Army
K.I.A. 15 Feb 1945
Memorialized Memorial Park Cemetery, Mason City IA Globe Gazette
March 23, 1945
HARRISON, Col. Glenn E.
U.S. Army Medical Corps
DNB 31 Aug 1945
Mason City IA
West Fairview Cemetery
Lenox IA
wife, Mrs. ___ HARRISON FOURTZ
formerly of
709 3rd NE
Mason City IA
HART, Pvt. Peter
U.S. Army
102nd Regiment
94th Division
K.I.A. 19 March 1945
Memorialized Memorial Park Cemetery, Mason City IA son of Mr. & Mrs. Frederick O. "Fred" HART
816 Jefferson NW, Mason City
HAYES, 2nd Lt. Roger W.
U.S. 8th Army Air Force
328th Bomber Squadron
93rd Bomber Group
B-24 Liberator pilot
M.I.A. 18 Oct 1943
over North Sea near Holland
FOD 19 Oct 1944
Awarded Air Medal & Purple Heart
Memorialized Cambridge American Cemetery, Coton, England & Memorial Park Cemetery, Mason City IA son of Mrs. & Mrs. Charles S. HAYES, formerly of Mason City
HEAFORD, S 1/C William Phillip "Bill"
U.S. Naval Reserves
K.I.A. 09 May 1945
special mission, Pacific
Memorialized Honolulu Memorial
Honolulu HI
son of Mr. Charles W. HEAFORD
Rockwell IA
Pvt. Kenneth Dale

U.S. Army
DNB after operation
08 May 1944
Schnick Hospital, Clinton IA
Memorial Park Cemetery
Mason City IA
son of Mr. & Mrs. George HEIMENDINGER
all of Mason City IA
Pfc. Dwight Mimshall

U.S. 9th Army
Co. C, 7th Armored Infantry BN
K.I.A. 07 April 1945
Netherlands American Cemetery
Margraten, Netherlands
Memorialized at Memorial Park Cemetery & 1st Congregational UCC Columbarium of Mason City, IA and Lakeside Cemetery, Dover DE
son of Dr. & Mrs. Roy C. HELFENSTEIN
221 3rd NE
Mason City IA
1st Lt. Lawrence E.

U.S. Signal Corps
captured 09 April 1942, Bataan
died 16 Dec 1944 when Japanese POW transport was torpedoed & sunk
lost at sea son of H. J. HENDRICKSON
25 20th SE
Mason City IA
U.S. Army
Co. H, 133rd Inf., 34th Div.
K.I.A. 16 April 1944
Anzio Beachhead, Italy
Memorialized Memorial Park Cemetery, Mason City IA son of Mr. & Mrs. Alva Lee HICKLING
1418 Jefferson NW, Mason City
U.S. Naval Reserves
13th District, Seattle WA
ACC 04 Oct 1943
off Washington State coast
Elmwood-St. Joseph's Cemetery
Mason City IA
son of Mr. Roy HIGHSMITH Sr.
1639 Delaware Ave. NE
& Mrs. Clara HIGHSMITH
1322 Jersey Ave. NE
Mason City IA
HINRICHS, Pvt. Enoch
U.S. Army
captured 15 Feb 1943
German POW N. Africa
FOD 15 Feb 1944
- brother, Mr. William "Bill" HINRICHS
formerly of Ventura IA
Clear Lake IA
HORRMANN, Pvt. Richard W.
U.S. Army
K.I.A. 27 April 1945
- son of Mr. & Mrs. August HORRMAN
R.F.D. 1
Mason City IA
HOWARD, Gunner's Mate 3/C Rolan George
U.S. Navy
aboard USS Arizona (BB-39)
K.I.A. 07 Dec 1941
Pearl Harbor HI
USS Arizona Memorial
Pearl Harbor HI
son of Mr. & Mrs. R. R. (H.R.) HOWARD
formerly of Mason City; Springfield IL
HURLT, PhM Maurice T.
U.S. Navy
K.I.A. - Globe-Gazette
Aug. 2, 1944
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SSgt. Kenneth L.

U.S. Army
129th Inf., 37th Inf. Div.
K.I.A. 10 Feb 1945
Battle of Manila, Luzon
American Cemetery, Luzon
Memorialized Richaland Lutheran Cemetery
Thornton IA
son of Mr. & Mrs. Melvin A. INGEBRETSON
Thornton IA
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Cpl Robert Claire

U.S. Marine Corps
K.I.A. 19 Feb 1945
Iwo Jima
Memorialized at Memorial Park Cemetery, Mason City IA Globe Gazette
July 1, 1946
JAROUSH, 2nd Lt. Edward S.
U.S. Army
ACC 16 Aug 1945
Interment unknown Globe Gazette
July 1, 1946
JOHNSON, Pfc. James H.
U.S. Army
128th Inf., 32nd Div.
K.I.A. 04 July 1945
Luzon, Philippine Islands
Memorialized Memorial Park Cemetery, Mason City IA Globe Gazette
July 1, 1946
JOHNSON, Cpl. Kenneth L.
U.S. Army
Engineers Combat BN
WIA 17 Jan 1945, Germany
DOW 15 Feb 1945, Belgium
American Military Cemetery
wife, Mrs. Corabelle (GRELL) JOHNSON
710 3rd St., Clear Lake IA
son of
Mr. & Mrs. William JOHNSON
Forest City IA
JOHNSON, Pvt. Robert Bruce
U.S. 7th Army
K.I.A. 21 Dec 1944
Epinal American Cemetery
Epinal, Lorraine, France
wife, Mrs. Robert B. JOHNSON
4 Hazel Court
Mason City IA
JONES, 1st Lt. Enos D. Lloyd
U.S. 3rd Army
K.I.A. 13 Sept 1944
- wife, Mrs. Barbara (THOMAS) JONES
Mason City IA
son of
Mr. & Mrs. Ralph Lloyd JONES
104 River Heights Dr.
Mason City IA
JOSLYN, 2nd Lt. Harper Smyth
U.S. Naval Reserves
Bombing Squadron 104
MIA/KIA 23 March 1944
plane flight S. Pacific
Memorialized Manila American Cemetery
Manila, Philippines
& Memorial Park Cemetery, Mason City IA
son of Mr. & Mrs. Albert Arthur JOSLYN
515 E. Main St., Clear Lake IA
Return to Top      
KASIK, Pfc. Joseph "Joey"
M.I.A. 18 July 1944
La Taute River, France
FOD 24 July 1945
body not recovered son of
Mr. & Mrs. William KASIK
815 6th S.W.
Mason City IA
S 2/C Stephan Jess

U.S. Navy
aboard U.S.S. Enterprise (CV-6)
K.I.A. 26 Oct 1942
Battle of Santa Cruz
Pacific Theater
Memorialized at Memorial Park Cemetery, Mason City IA son of Mr. Steve S. Kercheff
1918 N. President St.
Mason City IA
KING, Frank Water Tender 2/C
U.S. Navy
aboard U.S.S. Minneapolis (CA-36)
M.I.A. Dec, 1942
South Pacific
FOD March, 1943
South Pacific son of
Mr. & Mrs. Raymond KING
105 15th St. NW
Mason City IA
KIMBALL, Pvt. Gene B.
U.S. Marine Corps
28th Marines, 5th Marine Div.
K.I.A. 19 Feb 1945
Iwo Jima
Memorialized Memorial Park Cemetery, Mason City IA Son of Mr. & Mrs. Glenn L. KIMBALL
503 14th St. SE, Mason City IA
KIRSCHBAUM, Pfc. Eugene P.
U.S. Army
33rd Regiment, 3rd Armored Div.
K.I.A. 11 July 1944
Normandy American Cemetery
Colleville-sur-Mer, France
son of
Mr. & Mrs. Ollie KIRSCHBAUM
1422 Washington NW
Mason City IA
KLEIN, SSgt. John Joseph
U.S. Army
Mess Sgt., Infantry
K.I.A. 25 Dec 1944
European Theater
Memorialized Memorial Park Cemetery, Mason City IA wife, Mrs. Delph (HUEY) KLEIN
Clear Lake IA
son of
Mr. & Mrs. Harry KLEIN
209 S. 3rd St.
Clear Lake IA
KNUDSON, AV Ordnance 3/C Richard Herman "Dick"
U.S. Naval Reserves
Patrol Bombing Sqd. 159
MIA 20 Dec 1944
Pacific Theater
reported 27 Dec 1944
FOD March 1946
Memorialized Honolulu Memorial, Honolulu HI & 1st Congregational UCC Columbarium, Mason City IA son of Senator & Mrs. Herman KNUDSON
24 15th St. SE
Mason City IA
KOPECKY, Tec5 Richard E. "Dick"
U.S. Army
70th Reconnaissance Troop
K.I.A. 21 Feb 1945
Memorialized Memorial Park Cemetery, Mason City IA son of
Mr. & Mrs. John KOPECKY
342 E. Main St.
Clear Lake IA
Cadet Warren George

U.S. Naval Reserves
ACC 10 Aug 1943
Corpus Christi TX
Elmwood-St. Joseph Cemetery
Mason City IA
son of
Dr. & Mrs. H. C. KRUEGER
Clear Lake IA
Return to Top      
LANGLITZ, Pvt. Leland Paul
U.S. Army
K.I.A. 24 April 1944
Memorialized at Memorial Park Cemetery, Mason City and Meservey Cemetery, Meservey IA son of
Mr. & Mrs. George LANGLITZ
Meservey IA
Flight Officer Harley R.

U.S. Army Air Force
glider pilot
MIA 28 Sept 1945
Catalina Island CA
declared deceased
Memorialized at Memorial Park Cemetery, Mason City IA wife, Mrs. Harriette J. LARSON
Mason City IA
son of
Mr. & Mrs. Louis B. LARSON
1442 Jefferson NW
Mason City IA
U.S. Navy
K.I.A. 07 Dec 1941
Pearl Harbor HI
NOTE: Melvin was erroneously reported KIA at Pearl Harbor but his name has been carried on Honor Rolls over the years.
d. 23 Feb 2000
inter: Riverside CA
son of Mr. & Mrs. A. A. LASKOWSKI
Sheffield IA
LAUER, Sgt. Willie
U.S. Army
379th Reg., 95th Div.
K.I.A. 14 Dec 1944
Lorraine American Cemetery
Saint-Avold, France
son of Mr. & Mrs. William LAUER
1021 Carolina S.E., Mason City
MoMM 2/C Ronald Douglas

U.S. Naval Reserves
K.I.A. 21 Dec 1944
Memorialized Manila American Cemetery, Manila, Philippines & Memorial Park Cemetery, Mason City IA son of Mr. & Mrs. George E. LAW
R.F.D. 3, Clear Lake IA
LEE, Pfc. Douglas F.
Co. M, Iowa National Guard
M.I.A. 09 July 1944
- son of
Mr. & Mrs. Morley V. LEE
610 Monroe S.W.
Mason City IA
LEE, MSgt. Francis M.
U.S. Air Corps
ACC 07 Aug 1943
plane crash, Australia
Forest Hill Cemetery, Canton SD son of
Mr. and Mrs. Tom LEE
Mason City IA
LEWIS, 1st Lt. Robert W.
U.S. Army Air Force
MIA 12 May 1945
over Germany
awarded Air Medal/oak leaf cluster
- son of
Mrs. Gladys ANDERSON
410 2nd St. S.E.
Mason City IA
LUNDEEN, Tec4 Gordon Rexford
U.S. Army
Medical Corps
DOW 11 June 1944
Memorialized at Memorial Park Cemetery, Mason City IA son of
Mrs. Jennie LUNDEEN
546 8th S.E.
Mason City IA
Return to Top      
MAASS, Pvt. Robert H.
U.S. Army
K.I.A. 15 April 1945
Walferareuth, Germany
Memorialized at Memorial Park Cemetery, Mason City IA son of
Mr. & Mrs. Harold MAASS
929 8TH N.E.
Mason City IA
Flight Officer Roger E.

U.S. Army Air Corps
34th Bomb Group
MIA 23 Mar 1945
over Coblenz, Germany
FOD 23 Mar 1946
Jefferson Barracks National Cemetery, St. Louis MO; Memorialized at Memorial Park Cemetery, Mason City IA son of
Mr. & Mrs. Frank E. MAILLARD
2515 Jefferson SW
Mason City IA
McCANN, Pvt. Richard James
U.S. Army
paraglider unit
K.I.A. 20 April 1945
Luzon, Philippines
Memorialized Manila American Cemetery, Manila, Philippines son of
208 7th NE
Mason City IA
McCREEY, Pvt. Floyd G.
U.S. Army
DNB in camp 12 Dec 1942
Interment unknown Globe Gazette
July 1, 1946
McDOUGLE, TSgt. Harvey E.
IA National Guard
A.E.F., Red Bull Div.
K.I.A. 03 Jul 1944
Cecina, Italy
- son of
Mr. & Mrs. Herman McDOUGLE
821 Carolina PL SE
Mason City IA
Seaman 1/C George H.

U.S. Navy
heart attack 24 Oct 1944
- wife, Mrs. Olga McELROY
222 4th NE
Mason City IA
Pfc. Robert Eugene

U.S. Army
95th "Victory" Div.
ACC 24 Oct 1945
Mason City IA
Elmwood-St. Joseph Cemetery, Mason City IA son of
Mr. & Mrs. Earl McKIBBEN
15 N. Adams
Mason City IA
Seaman 1/C Marvin Joseph

U.S. Naval Reserves
K.I.A. 03 May 1945
Memorialized Honolulu Memorial, Honolulu HI son of Mr. & Mrs. Ralph McLAUGHLIN
706 Washington SW
Mason City IA
Capt. Lawrence Kent I

313 Philippine Scout Artillery
died 16 Jun 1943
POW camp, Philippines
Memorialized at Manila American Cemetery, Manila, Philippines & 1st Congregational UCC Columbarium, Mason City IA wife, Mrs. Betsy Isabel (BURGESS) MEADE
San Diego CA
son of
Dr. & Mrs. C. L. MEADE
504 Ninth St. SE, Mason City
MESTEAD, Cpl. Carl O.
U.S. Army
M.I.A. 03 Dec 1943, Corsica, FOD - Globe Gazette
July 1, 1946
MILLER, Pfc. Richard R.
U.S. Army
glider infantry
WIA 07 Jan 1945
DOW 09 Jan 1945
Luxembourg American Cemetery
Hamm, Luxembourg
nephew of
Mrs. Helen ULRICH
520 Van Buren NW, Mason City
son of
Rockford IL
Seaman 1/C Robert Charles

U.S. Naval Reserves
ACC 26 May 1944
S. Pacific Theater
Oak Hill Cemetery
Belle Plaine IA
son of
Mr. & Mrs Claude L. MODLIN
710 Monroe N.W., Mason City IA
MULLIN, Pvt. Clair
U.S. Army
K.I.A. 21 Sept 1944
- son of
Mrs. Annie L. MULLIN
Dougherty IA
SSgt. William C.

U.S. Army Air Force
MIA 16 Nov 1944
near Belgium border
FOD Nov 1945
Netherlands American Cemetery
Margraten, Netherlands
son of
Mr. & Mrs. C. C. MUPRHY
E. Division St.
Clear Lake IA
MYRELL, SSgt. Lowell L.
U.S. Army
K.I.A. 21 Nov 1944 Elmwood-St. Joseph's Cemetery
Mason City IA
Globe Gazette
Nov. 9, 1945
Return to Top      
NELSON, Pfc. Julian D.
U.S. Army
K.I.A. 11 Mar 1945 Luxembourg American Cemetery
Hamm, Luxembourg
Globe Gazette
July 1, 1946
NISSEN, SSgt. Donald Luverne
U.S. Army
7th Field Artillery Battalion
K.I.A. 16 Dec 1944
Memorialized at Memorial Park Cemetery, Mason City IA son of
Mr. & Mrs. Amos NISSEN
Fertile IA
SSgt. Andrew Olie Jr.

U.S. 5th Army
K.I.A. 19 Oct 1944
Florence American Cemetery
Florence, Italy
son of
Mrs. Laura NORDAHL
Mason City IA
& Andrew NORDAHL Sr.
Emmons MN
U.S. Army
K.I.A. 27 May 1944
Lorraine American Cemetery, Saint-Avold, France; Memorialized at Memorial Park Cemetery, Mason City IA Globe Gazette
July 1, 1946
Return to Top      
ORR, Lt. Vernon J.
U.S. Navy
MIA 10 Nov 1944
Pacific Theater
FOD 1945
Memorialized Manila American Cemetery, Manila, Philippines nephew of
Mr. & Mrs. J. C. DICKINSON
Mason City IA
OSWALD, SSgt. Swen
U.S. Army
Co. E, 32nd Infantry Div.
K.I.A. Aug 1945
Luzon, Philippines
Memorialized Memorial Park Cemetery, Mason City IA son of
Mr. & Mrs. Sig OSWALD
Ventura IA
OTTAWAY, Capt. L. A. "Doc"
Royal Canadian Air Force
MIA Sep 1944 over Holland
reported deceased
- Globe Gazette
July 1, 1946
Return to Top      
PAXTON, Pvt. Harry
U.S. Army
K.I.A. 02 June 1944
Sicily-Rome American Cemetery, Nettuno, Italy
Memorialized Memorial Park Cemetery, Mason City IA
wife, Mrs. Myrtle PAXTON
1st Lt. James M. K.

Royal Canadian Air Force
U.S. 8th Army Air Force
MIA 17 Nov 1943
over Mannheim, Germany
declared deceased Nov 1944
Memorial Park Cemetery
Mason City IA
son of
Mr. & Mrs. Charles PEDERSEN
412 5th SW
Mason City IA
PENCINA, Sgt. Edward
U.S. Army
DOW 14 Sept 1944
Lorraine American Cemetery, Saint-Avold, France; Memorialized Memorial Park Cemetery, Mason City IA Globe Gazette
July 1, 1946
PETERS, TSgt. Elmer R.
U.S. Army
DNB 12 March 1943
Camp Gordon Johnston FL
Pleasant Valley Cemetery
Thornton IA
son of
Mr. & Mrs. Charles PETERS
Rt. 1, Thornton IA
PETERSON, Tec5 Kermit R.
U.S. Army
DNB 10 May 1945 Epinal American Cemetery
Epinal, France
Globe Gazette
July 1, 1946
Sgt. Ralph Richard

U.S. Army, infantry
MIA 07 May 1942
Fall of Corregidor, Philippines
declared deceased 08 May 1944
- son of
Mr. & Mrs. Martin PETERSON
1712 Delaware NW, Mason City
PETERSON, Cpl. Raymond L.
U.S. 14th Army Air Force
"Famous Flying Tigers"
MIA 12 Jan 1945 over China
declared deceased 13 Jan 1946
Memorialized at Manila American Cemetery, Manila, Philippines son of
Mr. & Mrs. Nels PETERSON
Rockwell IA
MoMM 2/C Kenneth Wayne

U.S. Naval Reserves
MIA/KIA 16 Sep 1944
Mediterranean Theater
Sicily-Rome American Cemetery, Nettuno, Italy; Memorialized Memorial Park Cemetery, Mason City son of
Mr. & Mrs. Wayne C. PIERCE
125 S. Jackson St., Mason City
PION, SSgt. Louis Joseph Jr.
U.S. 9th Army Air Force
"Tiger Stripe" Squadron
K.I.A. 05 Sept 1944
Memorial Park Cemetery
Mason City IA
son of
Mr. & Mrs. Louis J. PION Sr.
215 1st NW
Mason City IA
PRITCHARD, Pfc. William D.
U.S. 11th Marine Corps
1 Marine Div.
K.I.A. 12 May 1945
Honolulu Memorial, Honolulu HI; Memorialized at Memorial Park Cemetery, Mason City IA Son of Mr. & Mrs. Paul PRITCHARD
832 1st St. NW, Mason City IA
Return to Top      
QUINONES, Cpl. William
U.S. Army
K.I.A. 27 Dec 1944
Netherlands American Cemetery, Margraten, Holland son of
Mr. & Mrs. John QUINONES Sr.
820 Van Buren SE, Mason City
Return to Top      
2nd Lt. Charles S. Jr.

U.S. Army Air Corps
Awarded Air Medal w/Oak Leaf Cluster
M.I.A. 02 May 1945
over Borneo
FOD Mar 1946
Zachary Taylor National Cemetery, Louisville KY wife, Mrs. Marjorie M. (WEBER) RANKIN
203 21st SE
Mason City
son of
Mr. & Mrs. Charles S. RANKIN Sr.
823 12th NE
Mason City IA
Seaman 1/C Richard Dwight

U.S. Navy
aboard USS Atlanta (CL-51)
MIA 13 Nov 1942
Battle of Savo Island
FOD 04 Nov 1943
awarded Purple Heart
Manila American Cemetery, Manila, Philippines son of
Mr. & Mrs. Ben C. REIBE
Garner IA
formerly of Thornton
REYNOLDS, Pfc. William R.
U.S. Army, infantry
K.I.A. 16 July 1944
Keokuk National Cemetery, Keokuk IA son of
Mr. & Mrs. Harley REYNOLDS
927 Polk NW
Mason City IA
formerly of Plymouth IA
2nd Lt. Andrew Porter

U.S. Navy, pilot
ACC 06 Feb 1943
airplane crash
near New Orleans LA
Sacred Heart Cemetery
Rockwell IA
son of
Mr. & Mrs. Edward J. ROEDER
Rockwell IA
ROOKS, 1st Lt. Ardell E.
U.S. Army Air Force
700 Bomb Squadron
462nd Bomb Group
ACC 27 June 1944
B-29 crash Chengdu, China
Meservey Cemetery
Meservey IA
Memorialized Memorial Park Cemetery, Mason City IA
son of
Mr. & Mrs. Ed ROOKS
Meservey IA
Lt. Howard Elliott

U.S. Army
DNB 02 Sept 1943
Camp Shelby MS
Clear Lake Cemetery
Clear Lake IA
MM 2/C Althon Leonard

U.S. Naval Reserves
K.I.A. reported Nov 1944
South Pacific
Memorialized at Manila American Cemetery, Manila, Philippines & Memorial Park Cemetery, Mason City IA wife, Mrs. Fern Alice (WITHAM) ROSSUM
801 N. Delaware Ave.
Mason City IA
son of
Mr. & Mrs. Anton ROSSUM
1120 Pennsylvania NE
Mason City IA
Pvt. Royce Duane

U.S. Army
27th Infantry, "Tokyo Express"
DOW 29 Apr 1945
Memorialized at Memorial Park Cemetery, Mason City IA son of
Mr. & Mrs. Anton ROSSUM
1120 Pennsylvania NE
Mason City IA
RUHNKE, SSgt. Ernest Hall
U.S. Army
K.I.A. 10 June 1944
Normandy, France
Memorialized at Memorial Park Cemetery, Mason City IA son of
Mr. & Mrs. Gustave F. RUHNKE
Sgt. Dennis Patrick "Dick" Jr.

U.S. Army Air Force
11 Mapping Squadron
ACC 19 Jan 1944
Birmingham, Alabama
Elmwood-St. Joseph Cemetery, Mason City IA son of Mr. Dennis P. RYAN Sr.
523 1st St. SW, Mason City IA
RYAN, Sgt. Marcus John
U.S. 4th Marine Corps
6th Marine Division
K.I.A. 08 June 1945
Memorialized at Honolulu Memorial Cemetery, Honolulu HI son of
Mr. Dennis P. RYAN Sr.
523 1st St. SW, Mason City IA
Return to Top      
SAGE, Pvt. James F.
U.S. Army
47th Infantry, 9th Inf. Div.
"Raider" Rifle Platoon
K.I.A. 20 Nov 1944
Henri-Chapelle American Cemetery, Henri-Chapelle
wife, Mrs. Beverly E. (DeGROOTE) SAGE
501 E. South St.
Clear Lake IA
K.I.A. 09 Nov 1944
Dutch New Guinea
Memorialized Memorial Park Cemetery, Mason City IA Globe Gazette
July 1, 1946
AV MM 1/C Raymond Earl

U.S. Navy
K.I.A. 30 Jan 1942
near Hawaii
Memorialized at Honolulu Memorial, Honolulu HI son of Mrs. Mary SCHOLL
612 N. Mass. Ave., Mason City IA
SCHULTZ, SSgt. Edward C.
U.S. Army Air Force
9th Bomb Squadron
7th Bomb Group
ACC 21 Jan 1945
crash Pandaveswar Army Air Base, India
awarded Air Medal w/Oak Leaf Cluster & Purple Heart
National Memorial Cemetery of Pacific, Honolulu HI
interred 07 Feb 1949
SCHULTZ, Pfc. Roy J.
U.S. Army, infantry
WIA 24 May 1944, Italy
DOW 03 Jun 1944
Elmwood-St. Joseph Cemetery
Mason City IA
son of
841 13th SE
Mason City IA
SEARLE, GM 3/C Erwin Leroy
U.S. Navy
aboard USS California (BB-44)
K.I.A. 07 Dec 1941
Pearl Harbor HI
Memorialized Memorial Park Cemetery, Mason City IA son of
Mr. & Mrs. Ira J. SEARLE
242 8th St. SE
Mason City IA
SERAKOS, Pfc. James C.
U.S. Army
K.I.A. 15 April 1945
Memorialized Memorial Park Cemetery, Mason City IA Globe Gazette
July 1, 1946
SHARFF, Cpl. Willard C.
U.S. Army
KIA 28 Apr 1944, Europe Memorialized Cambridge, England son of
Mr. & Mrs. Bert SHAFF
121 29th SW, Mason City
SHINN, Tech5 Martin Elvin
U.S. Army
DOW 21 Nov 1943, Italy Memorialized at Memorial Park Cemetery, Mason City IA sister, Mrs. Harry DOLTER
511 Jackson NW, Mason City
SHIPLEY, Pvt. John H.
U.S. Army
301st Ordnance Regiment
Co. A 1st Battalion
ACC 04 Oct 1942
near Sparta WI
Elmwood-St. Joseph Cemetery
Mason City IA
son of
114 3rd NW
Mason City IA
Omaha NE
SMITH, 2nd Lt. Donald L. "Don"
U.S. 8th Army Air Force
MIA 11 Jun 1944 over English Channel
FOD 11 June 1945
awarded Air Medal w/5 Oak Leaf Clusters; Purple Heart; ETO Ribbon w/2 Bronze Battle Stars
- son of
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur L. SMITH
902 President SW, Mason City
SOWLES, SSgt. Edwin E.
U.S. Army Air Force
MIA 06 March 1944
near Amsterdam, Holland
FOD 03 Sept 1945
- son of
Mrs. Mary F. SOWLES
35 Taylor NW
Mason City IA
SPENCER, Pfc. William C.
U.S. Army
ACC 24 Nov 1945, France Epinal American Cemetery
Epinal, France
Memorialized at Memorial Park Cemetery, Mason City IA
wife, Mrs. William C. SPENCER
621 1st SE
Mason City IA
SPRAU, Pfc. Raymond C.
U.S. Army
K.I.A. 01 Jun 1944
Memorialized at Memorial Park Cemetery, Mason City IA son of
Mr. & Mrs. John H. SPRAU
R.F.D. 4
Mason City IA
SPRINGER, Pvt. Wallace Ray
National Guard AEF
34th Division
K.I.A. 26 June 1944
Florence American Cemetery, Florence, Italy;
Memorialized at Memorial Park Cemetery, Mason City IA
son of
Mr. & Mrs. Neal L. SPRINGER
1051 4th SW
Mason City IA
STAUDT, Pfc. Morris P.
U.S. Army
K.I.A. 17 Nov 1944
Interment unknown Globe Gazette
July 1, 1946
Pvt. Eldon Kenneth

U.S. Marine Corp Reserves
K.I.A. 10 May 1945
Memorialized at Memorial Park Cemetery, Mason City IA son of
Mr. & Mrs. Chester R. STEUERWALD
General Delivery
Ventura IA
STOECKER, SSgt. Frederick G. "Fred"
U.S. Army Air Corps
M.I.A. 25 Nov 1944 Holland
FOD 27 Nov 1944
Memorialized at Memorial Park Cemetery, Mason City IA son of
Mr. & Mrs. Albert L. STOECKER
1004 Elm Dr.
Mason City IA
STRICKER, Pfc. Elmer G.
U.S. Army
K.I.A. 07 May 1945
Luzon, Philippine Islands
Memorialized at Memorial Park Cemetery, Mason City IA son of
Mr. & Mrs. Gottfried STRICKER
Clear Lake IA
STUBBS, 1st Lt. Donald Glenn "Don"
U.S. 15th Army Air Force
K.I.A. 12 Nov 1944
over Brenner Pass, Italy
awarded Air Medal w/Oak Leaf Cluster
Memorialized at Memorial Park Cemetery, Mason City IA son of
Mr. & Mrs. Glenn C. STUBBS
1604 Delaware SE, Mason City
Return to Top      
Seaman 1/C Alvin Roger

U.S. Naval Reserves
MIA/KIA 23/26 March 1945
aboard a submarine
Memorialized at Manila American Cemetery, Manila, Philippines
& Memorial Park Cemetery, Mason City IA
son of
Rockwell IA
Seaman 1/C Meredith Williard

U.S. Naval Reserves
aboard USS Kimberly (DD-521)
MIA 26 Mar 1945
off Okinawa Coast, Pacific
FOD 27 Mar 1946
Memorialized Honolulu Memorial, Honolulu HI wife, Mrs. Kathryn (HANE) TEMPLE
304 S. Vermont
son of
Mr. & Mrs. W. M. TEMPLE
109 Conn. SE
all of Mason City IA
THOMAS, Lt. John Charles
U.S. Army Air Force
ACC 01 Feb 1943
Roswell, New Mexico
Elmwood-St. Joseph Cemetery
Mason City IA
son of
Mrs. Christina THOMAS
Mason City IA
THOMAS, Pvt. Robert L.
U.S. Army
Armored Divison
K.I.A. 05 March 1945
Netherlands American Cemetery
Margraten, Netherlands;
Memorialized at Memorial Park Cemetery, Mason City IA
son of
Mr. and Mrs. Leon C. THOMAS
812 3rd S.W.
Mason City IA
Return to Top      
UFFORD, Capt. Richard C.
U.S. Army
KIA 28 Oct 1944
Leyte, Philippines
Memorialized at Memorial Park Cemetery, Mason City IA wife, Mrs. Faythe (NOLTERIEKE) UFFORD
53 River Hts. Dr.
Mason City IA
son of Mrs. Fern GRIFFIN
314 9th St. NE
Mason City IA
ULIN, Pvt. Robert Vance
U.S. Army Medical Corps
K.I.A. 29 June 1944
English Channel
Memorialized at Memorial Park Cemetery, Mason City IA son of
Mr. & Mrs. Wilbur ULIN
924 Monroe NW
Mason City IA
URBATCH, 1st Lt. John P.
U.S. Army
60th Infantry, 9th Division
K.I.A. 12 Dec 1944
Henri-Chapelle American Cemetery, Henri-Chapelle
wife, Mrs. Lois (WEYN) URBATCH
son of Mr. & Mrs. George W. URBATCH
Swaldale IA
Return to Top      
Van FLEET, Pvt. Marion
Iowa National Guard
Co. H, 133rd Infantry
ACC 11 Oct 1941
near Farmington MO
Alden IA son of
Mrs. Grace Van FLEET
Clear Lake IA
& Mr. Van FLEET
Bremerton WA
VICIAN, Capt. John J.
U.S. Army
K.I.A. 01 Aug 1944
awarded Bronze Star
Brittany American Cemetery, Saint-James, France;
Memorialized at Memorial Park Cemetery, Mason City IA
wife, Mrs. John J. VICIAN
son of
Mrs. Elizabeth POLACEK
Pfc. Raymond Lawrence

U.S. Army, infantry
K.I.A. 06 Oct 1944
Monterenzio, Italy
awarded Purple Heart
Memorialized Memorial Park Cemetery, Mason City IA wife, Mrs. Esther (MITCHELL) VOSS
Clear Lake IA
son of
Henry VOSS
Aredale IA
Return to Top      
WADE, S 1/C Arthur Menchel
U.S. Naval Reserves
aboard USS Lagarto (SS-371)
MIA 25 May 1945
Gulf of Thailand
FOD 25 May 1946
Awarded Purple Heart & Submarine Combat Insignia
Memorialized Manila American Cemetery, Manila, Philippines
& Memorialized at Memorial Park Cemetery, Mason City IA
wife, Mrs. Marcella Katherine WADE
211 1st St. SW
Mason City IA
WAHRER, Pfc. William F. Jr.
U.S. Army
K.I.A. 19 March 1945
Lorraine American Cemetery
Saint-Avold, France
son of
Mr. & Mrs. W. F. WAHRER Sr.
15 13th SE
Mason City IA
Tech5 Cletus D.

Service Troop, 12th Cavalry
K.I.A. 26 Feb 1945
Battle for Manila, Philippines
U. S. Military Cemetery, Luzon
Memorialized at Memorial Park Cemetery, Mason City IA
son of
Mr. & Mrs. H. H. WEILAND
418 Winnie St.
Clear Lake IA
Signalman 1/C Dale Edward

U.S. Navy
DNB 12 May 1944
hospital in Pacific Theater
Memorialized at Memorial Park Cemetery, Mason City IA son of
5 Lehigh
N. Federal
Mason City IA
U.S. Army
WIA 05 Dec 1944
DOW 13 Dec 1944
Lorraine American Cemetery
Saint-Avold, France
Vancouver WA
son of
West Haven IA
MM 2/C Lester Lee
"Buster BEAN"

U.S. Navy
aboard USS Neosho (AO-23)
MIA 07 May 1942
Battle of Coral Sea
FOD 08 May 1943
Memorialized at Manila American Cemetery
Manila, Philippines
wife, Mrs. Beatrice WILLIAMS
33 20th St. SE
Clear Lake IA
WILSON, TSgt. Darrell E.
Iowa National Guard, Co. E
U.S. Army
157th Infantry
Patch's 7th Army
WIA 01 April 1944
Schweinhelm, Germany
DOW 04 April 1944, Germany
American Military Cemetery
Benshein, Germany
Elmwood-St. Joseph Cemetery, Mason City IA;
Memorialized at Memorial Park Cemetery, Mason City IA
awarded Purple Heart
wife, Mrs. Dorothy (KLATT) WILSON
937 9th NE
Mason City IA
son of
Mr. & Mrs. Vern WILSON
502 Tyler NW
Mason City IA
Sgt. Cecil Thomas

U.S. Army
K.I.A. 26 March 1944
awarded Bronze Star & Purple Heart
American Military Cemetery
Memorialized at Memorial Park Cemetery, Mason City IA
son of
Mr. & Mrs. T. M. WOLDMOE
Mason City IA
Seaman 2/C Warren William

U.S. Naval Reserves
K.I.A. reported 10 Nov 1944
Invasion of Leyte
lost at sea son of
Mr. & Mrs. Carl F. WOLFF
1220 S. Kentucky St., Mason City IA
Ensign Lloyd Francis

U.S. Naval Reserves
Supply Corps
K.I.A. 25 Oct 1944
Leyte, Philippines
lost at sea
Memorialized at Honolulu Memorial, Honolulu HI
& Memorial Park Cemetery, Mason City IA, and Oakwood Cemetery, Plymouth IA
son of Mr. & Mrs. Frank WOODHOUSE
Plymouth IA
WYNN, Cpl. Harvey E.
U.S. Army
Co. I, 7th Infantry
Transportation Department
K.I.A. 24 Sept 1944
Memorialized at Memorial Park Cemetery, Mason City IA son of
Mr. & Mrs. Elmer WYNN
St. Paul MN
formerly of
Mason City IA
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ZIEGER, Boatswain Mate 2/C Joseph M.
U.S. Navy
MIA 08 May 1942, N. Atlantic
FOD 05 April 1944
awarded Purple Heart
Memorialized at Saint Francis Cemetery, Belmond IA wife, Mrs. Marie I. (HUNST) ZIEGER
Clear Lake IA
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Missing in Action

U.S. Navy
Leyte, Philippines 10 Nov 1944
FISHER, Charles E. Germany May, 1944
PEDERSEN, Pvt. Ervin D.
U.S. Army, infantry
M.I.A. 27 March 1945
returned to duty Apr 1945
son of
Mr. & Mrs. Arthur PEDERSEN
Clear Lake IA
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Prisoners of War
Not Reported as Liberated or Repatriated
Globe-Gazette, July 01, 1946

DOBBERTIN, Pfc. Myron Earl
U.S. Army
30th Inf., 3rd Div.
awarded Bronze Star
captured 06 Apr 1944, Germany b. 22 May 1923
d. 03 Jul 1991
Inter: Graceland Cemetery
Albert Lea MN
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Japanese Prisoners of War
All 7 accounted for by the end of the war.

BOYLE, Pfc. Thomas J.
U.S. Army Air Corps
Fall of Corregidor, 06 May 1942 liberated 17 Sep 1945
returned to Mason City IA
re-enlisted in the Army, 1946
CANNELLA, Cpl. John D.
U.S. Marine Corps
Fall of Corregidor, 06 May 1942 liberated October 1945
returned to Mason City November 1945; discharged from the Marine Corps
HENRICKSON, 1st Lt. Lawrence E.
U.S. Signal Corps
Fall of Bataan 09 Apr 1942 died 16 Dec 1944
Japanese POW transport torpedoed & sank
MEADE, Capt. Lawrence Kent I
313 Philippine Scout Artillery
Fall of Corregidor, 06 May 1942 died 16 Jun 1943
POW camp, Philippines
U.S. Navy
Fall of Manila, May 1942 liberated October 1945
returned to Mason City November 1945 and re-enlisted
TIMM, 1st Sgt. George A. Jr.
U. S. Army
Coast Artillery
Fall of Corregidor, 06 May 1942 liberated 04 Feb 1945
arrived in San Francisco 16 Mar 1945; retired from military & returned to Thornton
WILSON, Sgt. Ray C. Fall of Corregidor, 06 May 1942 liberated; moved to Long Beach CA
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Repatriated Prisoners of War ~ 39
Globe-Gazette, July 01, 1946

BOYLE, Pfc. Thomas J.
Japanese POW
BROWN, 2nd Lt. James R. "Jim"
German POW
CANNELLA, Cpl. John D.
Japanese POW
CLOUGH, Lt. Ray Ellison
German POW
COFFIN, Pfc. George H.
German POW
DAHL, Pfc. Robert H.
German POW
DANAHER, 2nd Lt. Robert W.
German POW
DIETZ, Pfc. Alex J.
German POW
FISCHER, Lt. Charles A.
HAIGHT, Pvt. Keith L.
German POW
HANSON, SSgt. Everett E.
German POW
HARRER, Lt. Donald Grady "Don"
German POW
JENSEN, Cpl. Donald J.
German POW
LAVIN, Pvt. Arnold Jerome
German POW
LAUDNER, SSgt. Delbert Dale "Scratch"
German POW
LYMAN, Pvt. Ora Dutson
Italian/German POW
MANSMITH, Pfc. Harold E. "Willie"
German POW
MARTIN, F/O Roy B. Jr.
German POW
Globe-Gazette, 09 Nov 1945
MYHR, Ellsworth B.
NESBIT, Lt. Donald D.
Romanian POW
NOZICKA, 2nd Lt. Benny J.
German POW
NUGENT, Cpl. Francis D.
German POW
OLIVER, Pfc. Bob
German POW
ONG, SSgt. Phil W.
German POW
German POW
SEWARD, Pfc. Charles Raymond
German POW
SHELDON, TSgt. Carlyle E.
Italian POW
SPENCER, 2nd Lt. Melvin J.
German POW
Japanese POW
THEILEN, Cpl. Harold L.
German POW
TIMM, 1st Sgt. George A. Jr.
Japanese POW
USHER, Flight Lt. Lee
German POW
VAUGHN, 2nd Lt. Richard E.
German POW
WAGNER, SSgt. William Repass
German POW
WATTS, TSgt. Donald E.
German POW
WATTS, TSgt. James W. "Jim"
German POW
WHORLEY, Capt. William Carl Jr.
German POW
WICKRE, Sgt. Sherman E.
German POW
  WILSON, Sgt. Ray C.
Japanese POW
  Liberation of Stalag Luft 1, Barth
German POW Camp
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Globe-Gazette articles, various obituaries, cemetery transcripts, World War II records at ancestry.com, World War II memorial site

Transcriptions by Sharon R. Becker, April & May of 2013



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