Cerro Gordo County Iowa
Part of the IaGenWeb Project
The Globe Gazette
New Selectees Are Named Cerro Gordo county draft boards will be called upon to furnish a total of 58 selectees between April 20 and July 1 for one year's service in the army, it was announced Saturday . . . . Selectees in call No. 8 were sent to Fort Des Moines for induction by both boards Thursday. Saturday it was reported that two men from each were accepted for the army - Cecil WEBB of Thornton and Ora Dutson LYMAN, 2223 Twenty-third street southwest, from board No. 1, and Bert Louis SCHENFELD, 211 1/2 North Federal avenue, and Howard William STEINEZ, Rockwell, from board No. 2. . . .
The Globe Gazette
Private LYMAN went into the service with the national guard which went to Camp Claiborne, La., and then to Ireland.
The Globe Gazette
Pfc. Ora D. LYMAN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy D. LYMAN, 2235 23rd S. W., is one of 8 Iowans among the 233 sick or wounded army officers and enlisted men, former prisoners of war of Germany, who the war department announced were enroute to the United States aboard the Swedish motorship Gripsholm following an exchange of prisoners at Gotesburg, Sweden. The ship is due to arrive in the states late this month. Pfc. LYMAN, who left Mason City with the national guard in February, 1941, was taken prisoner in north Africa a year ago last July. He is the 2nd exchange prisoner from Mason City to be repatriated, the other being Cpl. Francis NUGENT. The information is according to an Associated Press dispatch received here Thursday.
The Globe Gazette
Pfc. Ora D. LYMAN, son of Mr. and Mrs. Roy D. LYMAN, 2235 23rd S. W., was one of 8 Iowans who were listed among the sick and wounded army officers and enlisted men, former prisoners or war of Germany, who were aboard the Swedish motorship Gripsholm which docked Tuesday at Jersey City, N. J., according to an Associated Press dispatch recieved here.
Transcriptions by Sharon R. Becker, May of 2013
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