Sioux County, Iowa

Photos - People - BIOs
B surnames

The Greater Sioux County Genealogical Society is compiling photo scrap books for each town and would appreciate anyone that has old photos of Sioux County such as families, businesses, and town scenes, please have them copied in good quality and send them to the GSCGS, 102 S. Main Ave., Sioux Center, IA 51250. Be sure to label them completely and who had them.

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SURNAME (link to family history) PIC/s

Baetke, William Rev. 1864-1940


Bailey, Charles F. & Elizabeth Morris Family

Bailey, Lincoln W. & Elizabeth Decker Family


Balkema, N.

Balkema, Nicholas


Balkema, Mrs. Nicholas (Clara Van Rooyen)

Ball, E. R. 1861-1922 (family history)


Ballard, Edward & Elizabeth Smith family

Bamberg, L. N.

Bamberg, Peter & Matthew (brothers)


Barents, John & Jennie Levering Family


Barry, Joseph & wife, Margaret Hevern family

Bartels, Pieter & Geesje (Kuiper)

Beach, Dr. C. L.

Beach, Lyman & Elizabeth Mills family

Beckmann, Henry Jr. & Elizabeth Trapp Family


Beckmann, Henry Sr. & Elizabeth Klaus Family


Beckmann, John & Catherine Rolling Family

Beernink, Hendrik W. & Wilhelmina Heideman

Behrend, John F.

Bellesfield, Peter & son, Samuel's Family

Bennett, David Knox

Bennier, Herman & Elizabeth Galles Family

Berends, Jantje (Albertus); Mrs. Roelof Kuiper, nee'Mos; b. 1834

Bergsma, Minnie Hemina


Bertram, Charles & Louisa Kluter Family


Bertram, Frederich & Bertha Flethman family

Betten, Rev. A. J. & family

Betts, Arthur

Beumer, Benjamin & Theresa Escher Family

Beyer, Gerrit & Jane VandeSteeg Family


Bierma, Watse & Geertje Sybesma family

Biever, John & Helena Wolf family

Biever, Michael & Wives Families


Black, E. W.

Black, Levi Morris and Families

Blatt, Hubert & Barbara Young Family


Blatt, Nick & Mary Malget Family

Blessing, O. C.

Bleyenberg, Derk & Aartje Lagerwy family

Bloemendaal, Evert J. G. & Johanna TenCate family

Boer, John

Boersma, Harke & Wyke Talsma family


Boeyink, Jno.

Boeyink, Gerrit & Magdelena

Boeyink, Harold & Grace Wandscheer

Boeyink, Henry Gerrit & Johanna

Boeyink, Ralph & Agnes


Boisen, William F. & Hannah Nenaber family

Bolluyt, Teunis C. & T.C. Bolluyt Family Bio w/pic

Booneville, Michael & Anna M. Roden family


Borgman, Jacob & Aaltje "Effie"VanderAar

Borgman, Menne 'Jim' & Berendina Wesselink family

Bos, Dirk & Wijgertje (Sneller)

Bosch, Gerald & family

Bosch, Rev. Gerrit & Alice Van Regenmorter Family


Bosch, Peter & Pearl

Bouder, Gottlieb & Salome "Sally" Jacobs


Bowers, Geo. E.

Boyer, Aaron Uriah Harrison family 1856-1939

Braaks, Habbie Wiards Family

Braaks, Henry & Anna Amen Family


Brandow, C. G.

Braskamp, Albertus & Gertrude Rouwenhorst family

Braskamp, Johannes H. & Maria E. Jillisse family


Breuer, Karl Herman

Brewster Bros. Families

Brink, C. W.

Brink, Gerrit & Johanna Pennings family

Brink, John A. & Gert Kuiken family

Brink, Milber Dr. & wife 1851-1937


Brocke, Charles 1869-1941

Broek, Cornelius & Albertha

Broek, David & Margaret VanDyke family

Broek, John & Elsie Wassink family

Broek, William & Hattie Hooyer family

Brooks, R. L.

Brouwer, W. J.

Brown, George T. & Mary Sara Dodd family

Brown, Jacob L. (family history)

Brown, John & Margaret Frew family

Brunsman, Herman & Anna Dopheide family


Brunsman, Joseph & Mary Koppert family


Brunsting, Albert Lucas & Margje (Timmerman)

Brunsting, Rev. Lukas A. & Maggie family

Buckley, John, Daniel C. & Daniel F. (3 Generations)


Buckley, Philip & Mary Muldowney family


Burke, William 1882 family


Burggraaf, Pieter & Cornelia Verschoor family


Burket, G. F.

Busch, Charles

Bushby, William J. & Sarah J. Bateman family



Copyright 2017-2025. These electronic pages are posted for the benefit of individuals only who are researching their family histories. These electronic pages may NOT be reproduced in any format for profit or presentation by any other organization or persons. Persons or organizations desiring to use this material, must obtain the written consent of the contributor, or the legal representative of the submitter, and contact the Sioux County Coordinator with proof of this consent.