Plymouth County
Union Twp Cemetery
Transcribed April 2005

Contributed by Duane & Viv Reeves



Union Township Cemetery , Union Township , ( Plymouth ), Iowa

Established 1882

Directions from LeMars: take 12th St. SE to K49. Turn south on K49 and go about 6 miles to C44. Turn east on C44. In approx. 5 miles the Union Township Presbyterian Church will be on the left. Proceed past the church approx. two more miles. The cemetery is on the south side of the road.

Names will be linked to the corresponding obituary as the obits are posted to this website. Additional burials with no tombstone markers or NEW burials will be posted on this list in RED type.


Ames, Mary A. 1868—1949


Baker, Allen J. Jan. 26, 1952 —Living

Baker, Donna J. Dec. 22, 1915 — Oct. 7, 2001

Inscription on joint stone: Married 24 years

Begg, Isabell, “Wife of R. Begg” Born Aug 24, 1819, Died Jan. 31, 1898

Begg, Peter 1870—1935

Begg, Robert Died Dec. 21, 1893, Aged 74 yrs 11 mo. (Husband of Isabell)

Begg, Robert Born Feb. 2, 1854, Died April 23, 1900

Blair, Annie 1865—1946

Blair, Baby Died Aug. 25, 1893

Blair, Bessie Died May 24, 1902 , Aged 6 mos.

Inscription: Children of D. & A. Blair (“Baby” and Bessie)

Blair, David 1866—1945

Bunn, Elizabeth 18 Dec 1890 - 17 Apr 1923 (wife of Jonathan)


Chappell, Alva W. Jan. 25, 1888 — Jan. 19, 1933 (husband of Hilda)

Inscription: IOWA , COMP. 349 INF., 88 DIV.

To rest in peace, from earthly cares and sorrows past.

Chappell, Hilda

Charlson, Elmer O. 1911—1987

Charlson, Herman J. May 9, 1912 — Feb. 4, 1951

Inscription: IOWA , Pvt. 137 Infantry, World War II, BSM-PH

Charlson, Hilda 1889—1965

Charlson, John 1881—1936

Charlson, John R. Nov. 30, 1926 — Apr. 22, 1984

Inscription: Sgt. U. S. Marine Corps, World War II , Korea

Charlson, Margaret E. 1919—1991 (Mrs. Elmer O.)

Chase, Davina Blair, “Loving Mother” 1905—1991

Clarke, Edward A. “Son of C. E. & L. M. Clarke” Born Feb. 19, 1902 , Died Nov. 20, 1902

Inscription: We loved him in life. Let us not forget him in death.

Cunningham, “Infant Son of Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Cunningham”, Died Feb. 17, 1897

Inscription: Mother's little angel before the heavenly throne.

Cunningham, Margret, “Dau. of R. J. & J. M. Cunningham” Died May 17, 1895 , Aged 1 yr. 28 ds


Dempster, Edward May 6, 1950 —Living

Dempster, Paulette E. June 7, 1951 — Dec. 30, 2001 (Mrs. Edward)

Inscription on joint stone: Married April 14, 1973 , Parents of Hallie – Todd

Denton , Emma Swihart, “Mother” Aug. 4, 1864 — Jan. 12, 1943


Eaton, John W. 1817—1902

Eaton , Lydia Payzant 1817—1903 (Mrs. John W.)

Edwards, Harry “In Loving Remembrance of…” Born Mar. 10, 1884 — Apr. 10, 1901

Edwards, John J. 1831--1902

Eyres, Agnes H. 1875—1964 (Mrs. Wesley H.)

Eyres, Bessie V. Dec. 26, 1907 — Jan. 9, 1989 (Mrs. Robert G.)

Eyres, Christina, “Mother” May 26, 1871 — Sept. 25, 1944 (Mrs. Thomas)

Eyres, Donald F., b. 12 Aug 1898 d. 08 Feb 1942

Eyres, Doris. L. 1920—2010 (1st/Mrs. Roderick S.; 2nd/Mrs. Richard Zimmerman)

Eyres, Isaac, “Father” 1833—1894

Eyres, Mary, “Mother” 1837—1925 (Mrs. Isaac)

Eyres, Robert G. Jan. 27, 1904 — Feb. 24, 1999

Eyres, Roderick S. 1915—1970

Eyres, Sara Mildred, “Dau of Wesley & Agnes Eyres” Apr. 21, 1900 — Feb. 20, 1905

Inscription: Our darling one hath gone before to greet us on the blissful shore.

Eyres, Thomas “Father” Oct. 31, 1860 — Aug. 10, 1934

Eyres, Wesley H. 1866—1939


Fulton, Kermit 1910—1974

Fulton, Viola 1918—1994 (Mrs. Kermit)


Gist, Charles D., “Father” 1868—1950

Gist, Nancy C., “Mother” 1868—1924 (Mrs. Charles D.)

Gowling, Hannah, “Wife of Harrison Gowling” Died Feb. 20, 1891 , Aged 32 ys. 9ms. 7ds.

Groenhagen, Rosie M. July 12, 1935 — July 26, 1935


Hall, Ada (Hawkins), "Dau" 1874—1905

Harvey, Benjamin, “Son” 1887—1963

Harvey, Carrol, “Son” 1892—1918

Harvey, Catherine 1819—1902

Harvey, David Jr. (husband of Catherine)

Harvey, James, “Father” 1854—1916

Harvey, John 1850-1908, son

Harvey, Martha, “Mother” 1857—1948

Harvey, Roy, “Son” 1889—1957

Hawkins, Lulu (shares a stone with Pearl ; Lulu's side is unreadable except for her name)

Hawkins, Margaret, “Wife of J. W. Hawkins” 1848—1905

Hawkins, Pearl June 24, 1891 — June 24, 1891

Inscription on stone shared with Lulu: Children of J. W. & M. Hawkins;

            Gone to bloom in the garden of heaven, to dwell with the happy and blest.

Henry, Charles B. Died Sept. 6, 1895 , Aged 55 years

Inscription: Not lost, blest thought, but gone before, where we shall meet to part no more.

Henry, Sarah A. Born Oct. 7, 1819 , Died Apr. 5, 1897

Herron, Raymond Wallace, “Son of C. D. & Lizzie Herron” Born Mar. 1, 1898 , Died Jul. 15, 1899

Hindel, Agnes H. 1862—1924 (Mrs. Chalder A.)

Hindel, Chalder A. 1859—1911

Hindel, Edward H. Died July 30, 1901 , Aged 12 yrs, 9 mos, 1 day

Inscription: Only Son of C. A. & M. A. Hindel

Hoyt, G. W. (husband of Lydia)

Hoyt , Lydia M. 1858—1941

Hoyt, Marjorie 1900—1965

Huff, Junior (husband of Sarah)

Huff, Sarah Lee, “Mother” 1897—1921 (wife of Junior)


No Burials under “I”


Johnson, Leonard C., “Husband” 1910—1984

Johnson, Opal O. “Wife” July 10, 1910 — May 6, 1996 (Mrs. Leonard C.)


Kohl, Conrad Apr. 22, 1840 —May 20, 1898

Kohl, Elizabeth, “Wife of Thomas Kohl” Born Mar. 12, 1810 , Died May 26, 1900

Inscription: Blessed are the pure in heart for they shall see God.

Kohl, Thomas Died Jan 27, 1892 , Aged 91 yrs, 5 mos, 19 das

Kohl, Wilhelmina May 26, 1843 — Oct 24, 1901 (Mrs. Conrad)


Laughlin, Bessie, “Wife” 1885—1966 (Mrs. Frank)

Laughlin, Frank, “Husband” 1883—1959

Law, Jane R. “Janey”, “Mom” Dec. 18, 1952 — Mar. 22, 1994

Lees, Autumn Mackenzie Oct. 26, 1999

Inscription: Great-great granddaughter of Leonard and Opal (Johnson)


Mackay, Verona L. 1925—1993 (Mrs. Donald P.)

Mackay, Donald P. 1920—1995

Mackay, S. Sgt Melvin, “Son” 1920—1943

Inscription: He is laid to rest in the deep blue sea, and this is a token of his memory.

Meister, Phyllis, 1918—Living (Mrs. Walter)

Meister, Walter 1910—2001

Milton, Alexander, “Father” Born Mar. 15, 1833 , Died June 11, 1915

Milton, Alexander Oct. 20, 1857 — Dec. 1, 1933

Milton , Anna, “Mother” Born Dec. 21, 1833 , Died Feb. 1, 1912 (Mrs. Alexander, the elder)

Milton, Arba, “Mother” 1878—1970 (1st: Mrs. John Milton; 2nd Mrs. Philip MacKay)

Milton, Baby Feb. 26, 1915

Milton, Hope M., “Daughter” 1904—1924

Milton, James Died July 4, 1893 , Aged 33 yrs, 2 mo, 27 ds

Inscription: Dearest one we have laid thee in the peaceful grave's embrace,

                                 but thy memory will be cherished till we see thy heavenly face.

Milton, John, “Father” 1853—1915

Milton, Lloyd, “Son” 1900--1946

Milton, Margaret Sept. 10, 1858 — Nov. 27, 1935 (Mrs. Alexander, the younger)

Morton, Agnes H. 1888—1985 (Mrs. Earl W.)

Morton, Earl W. 1881—1966

Inscription on joint stone: Have thine own way

Morton, John W. b. 25 Oct 1920 d. 08 Nov 2007


Nelson, Anton, “Father” 1865—1940

Nelson, Caroline E., “Mother” 1870—1960 (Mrs. Anton)


Ostert, Ella

Ostert, John T. 1888—1938


Parry, Anna I., “Mother” 1881—1972 (Mrs. Evan M.)

Parry, Arthur Feb. 19, 1906 — Mar. 19, 1906 (Note—Parents were Evan & Anna)

Parry, Baby Jan. 12, 1905 — Jan. 12, 1905 (Note—Parents were Evan & Anna)

Parry, Baby (No date—likely the child of Jacob & Caroline)

Parry, Blanche 1908—1999

Parry, Caroline E., “Mother” 1845—1922 (Mrs. Jacob)

Parry, Ellsworth 1911—1991

Parry, Emily S., “Dau. of J. & Caroline Parry” Born June 9, 1885 , Died Sept. 4, 1896

Inscription: The day seems sad and lonely without thy sunny smile.

                                 We miss thy little  footsteps, we miss thee all the while;

                                 but we trust in heaven to greet thee, and never say goodbye.

Parry, Evan M., “Father” 1876—1940

Parry, Gladys 1913—1989

Parry, Jacob, “Father” 1836—1915

Parry, Jonathan 1867—1915

Parry, William A., “In Loving Remembrance of…Son of Jacob & Caroline Parry” Born Nov 23, 1878 , Died Jan. 22, 1906

Inscription: Life how short—Eternity how long

Pearson, Baby 1904 (Note: Baby boy's name was Henry)

Pearson, Margaret Eyres 1870—1905 (Note—Buried near Isaac & Mary Eyres)

Phelan, E. H., “Uncle” 1832—1912

Phelan, Josephine M. 1885—1966 (Mrs. Wyatt E.)

Phelan, Mary, “Mother” 1856—1946

Phelan, M. F. 1829—1901

Phelan, Roy W. 1909—1945

Inscription: In Memory of Sgt T/4 Roy W. Phelan, Hamm Luxembourg

Phelan, Wyatt E. 1887—1951


No Burials under “Q”


Reynolds, Edward, “Son” 1882—1902

Reynolds, E. J. 1845—1901

Reynolds, Louise, “Wife” 1848—1916


Slater, Bessie L. 1910—1976

Slater, Sam 1897—1980

Slater, Sam J., “Son” 1944

Smith, Emma L. Born May 6, 1884 , Died Aug. 30, 1884 (shares stone with her brother, Quintin P.)

Smith, Emma L. Evarts 1846—1926

Smith, Quintin P. Born July 1, 1875 , Died Mar. 16, 1882

Inscription on stone shared with Emma L.: Children of R. G. & Emma L. Smith

Smith, Robert G., “Father” 1842—1925

T, U, V

No Burials under “T”, “U”& "V"

Walden, Celia E., “Dau. of F. W. & F. J. Walden” Oct. 10, 1868 — Oct. 15, 1903

Walden, Fidelia J., “Mother” June 12, 1828 — Mar. 22, 1922

Walden, Freeman W., “Father” Mar. 11, 1835 — Jan. 19, 1918

Watson, Allen 1881—1952

Watson, Hugh 1828—1899

Watson, Infant, “Son of Mr. & Mrs. James Watson” Born Nov. 27, 1898 , Died Jan. 24, 1899

Watson, Mrs. Isabell Jan. 20, 1843 — Nov. 15, 1904

Watson, Robert J. Mar. 9, 1934 —May 16, 1989 -Inscription: US NAVY— KOREA

Watson, Sarrah (Kennimer) Jan. 4, 1938 -- Feb. 26, 2015

West, William Dec. 16, 1844 — Nov. 14, 1917

Wilson, Mrs. Henry C. nee' Alice West b. 15 May 1860 d. 29 Jan 1907

Wright, Doris L. 1913—2011(Mrs. Roy F.)

Wright, Roy F. 1905—1965

X, Y, Z

No Burials under “X”, “Y', or “Z”


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