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New Oregon Cemetery
Gravestones in Sequential Order

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New Oregon Township Cemetery Table

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SeqPicSecWFGONamesBirth DateDeath DateNotes
801 SWQ  G 
Cipera, Pauline
Aug. 13, 1912Aug. 20, 2005
Married Surname is: Wilson
801 SWQ  G 
Wilson, Pauline (Cipera)
Aug. 13, 1912Aug. 20, 2005 
802pictureSWQ  G O
Wheeler, Mary Ellen
Feb. 13, 1927Feb. 18, 2015
Daughter d/o Edward and Mary (Crawford) Wheeler Adjacent Stone to : Mary Ann Wheeler
803 SWQ  G 
Wheeler, Mary Ann
Mother Adjacent Stone to : Mary Ellen Wheeler
804 SWQ  G 
Wentworth, Violet H
804 SWQ  G 
Wentworth, William G
805 SWQ  G 
Albers, Emma
805 SWQ  G 
Albers, John
806 SWQ  G 
Dotzler, Anna Regina
Nov. 24, 1933Feb. 20, 2006
w/o Paul R Hanni p/o Paula, Lee Ann, Karla, Lynda, Mary Jo, Jon and Rudi
806 SWQ  G 
Hanni, Anna Regina (Dotzler)
Nov. 24, 1933Feb. 20, 2006
w/o Paul R Hanni p/o Paula, Lee Ann, Karla, Lynda, Mary Jo, Jon and Rudi
806 SWQ  G 
Hanni, Paul R
h/o Anna Regina (Dotzler) Hanni p/o Paula, Lee Ann, Karla, Lynda, Mary Jo, Jon and Rudi
807 SWQ  G 
Wentworth, Marvel G
Grouped With 3 other graves: Robert R Wentworth, Ronald D. Wentworth and Marlene A. Wentworth
807 SWQ  G 
Wentworth, Robert R
Grouped With 3 other graves: Marvel G Wentworth, Ronald D. Wentworth and Marlene A. Wentworth
808 SWQ  G 
Wentworth, Marlene A.
Dec. 1, 1944Nov. 21, 2007
Grouped With 3 other graves: Marvel G Wentworth, Robert R Wentworth and Ronald D. Wentworth
808 SWQ  G 
Wentworth, Ronald D.
Dec. 13, 1937Aug. 21, 2001
Grouped With 3 other graves: Marvel G Wentworth, Robert R Wentworth and Marlene A. Wentworth
809 SWQ  G 
Halweg, Fred
809 SWQ  G 
Halweg, Lydia
810 SWQ  G 
Nakata, Dorothy A.G.
Apr. 23, 1929June 25, 1961 
811 SWQ  G O
Linderman, Leroy L
Aug. 19, 1891June 13, 1966
s/o Mr. and Mrs. Owen Linderman
812 SWQ  G 
Mackenburg, Ruth Hannah
w/o William F. Woodard Married: Dec. 8, 1925
812 SWQ  G 
Woodard, Ruth Hannah (Mackenburg)
w/o William F. Woodard Married: Dec. 8, 1925
812 SWQ  G 
Woodard, William F.
h/o Ruth Hannah Woodard Married: Dec. 8, 1925
813 SWQ  G 
Mohs, Bernice M
w/o Donald Eugene Mohs p/o Barbara and Connie
813 SWQ  G O
Mohs, Donald Eugene
July 25, 1927Dec. 30, 1999
Married Bernice Ripley Jan. 7, 1953 p/o Barbara and Connie
814 SWQ  G 
Wilmot, Elizabeth J
Aug. 21, 1882Feb. 8, 1969 
814 SWQ  G 
Wilmot, Walter Burnette
Mar. 12, 1882July 30, 1962 
815 SWQ  G 
Rucker, Gertrude Rosetta (Specht)
Nov. 16, 1900July 27, 1983 
815 SWQ  G 
Rucker, Haswell Arthur
Nov. 19, 1897Sept. 5, 1977
S1 US Navy WW I
815 SWQ  G 
Specht, Gertrude Rosetta
Nov. 16, 1900July 27, 1983
Married Surname is: Rucker
816 SWQ  G 
Lewis, Frieda
816 SWQ  G 
Lewis, Tom
817 SWQ  G 
Ranc, Florence
817 SWQ  G 
Ranc, Frank
818 SWQ  G 
Kach, Evelyn Rose
July 1, 1917Aug. 22, 2005
w/o Paul A Lewis Married: Mar. 29, 1939
818 SWQ  G 
Lewis, Evelyn Rose (Kach)
July 1, 1917Aug. 22, 2005
w/o Paul A Lewis Married: Mar. 29, 1939
818 SWQ  G O
Lewis, Paul A
July 15, 1917Sept. 18, 2000
Married Evelyn Kack March 29, 1939 Married: Mar. 29, 1939
819 SWQ  G 
Brink, Gerald H
Mar. 2, 1926Mar. 17, 1978
h/o Verda M Brink Cpl US Army WWW II Married: Jan. 9, 1946
819 SWQ  G 
Brink, Verda M
w/o Gerald H Brink Married: Jan. 9, 1946
820 SWQ  G 
DeWater, Marlys Jean
June 22, 1933Dec. 8, 2007
w/o Donald F. Hovey p/o Debra and Jean
820 SWQ  G 
Hovey, Marlys Jean (DeWater)
June 22, 1933Dec. 8, 2007
w/o Donald F. Hovey p/o Debra and Jean
821 SWQ  G 
Krueger, Clarence T.
Oct. 14, 1921Sept. 7, 1999
h/o Evelyn I Krueger Pfc US Army WW II p/o Ronald L.
821 SWQ  G 
Krueger, Evelyn I
w/o Clarence T. Krueger p/o Ronald L.
821 SWQ  G 
Krueger, Ronald Lee
Aug. 22, 1953Oct. 2, 2002
s/o Evelyn I and Clarence T. Krueger
822 SWQ  G 
Connolly, Frances B
822 SWQ  G 
Connolly, Janet M.
822 SWQ  G 
Connolly, Judith A
822 SWQ  G 
Connolly, William M
823 SWQ  G 
Voyna, Emily E
823 SWQ  G 
Voyna, William F
Sept. 19, 1917June 3, 1992 
824 SWQ  G 
Brewer, Louisa A
Mother w/o Walter Brewer Married: June 8, 1929
824 SWQ  G 
Brewer, TheraRita
Dau s/o Louisa A and Walter Brewer
824 SWQ  G 
Brewer, Walter
Father h/o Louisa A Brewer Married: June 8, 1929
824 SWQ  G 
Brewer, Walter John
Son s/o Louisa A and Walter Brewer Capt. Air Force
825 SWQ  G 
Owen, Anna
825 SWQ  G 
Owen, Henry
826 SWQ  G 
Webster, Calvin Ross
Jan. 7, 19021980 
826 SWQ  G 
Webster, Rose K
827pictureSWQ  G 
Essen, Bertha Rebecca (Specht)
Nov. 14, 1891Dec. 9, 1964
Grouped With 2 other graves: Claude George Essen and Kenneth Eugene Essen
827 SWQ  G 
Essen, Claude George
June 23, 1884Apr. 9, 1968
Grouped With 2 other graves: Bertha Rebecca Essen and Kenneth Eugene Essen
827pictureSWQ  G 
Specht, Bertha Rebecca
Nov. 14, 1891Dec. 9, 1964
Married Surname is: Essen Grouped With 2 other graves: Claude George Essen and Kenneth Eugene Essen
828 SWQ  G 
Essen, Kenneth Eugene
Feb. 20, 1926June 17, 1998
Dad and Grandpa to Jodi, Christine and Dalton Grouped With 2 other graves: Bertha Rebecca Essen and Claude George Essen
829pictureSWQ  G 
Essen, Leone Gertrude
June 1, 1920Dec. 2, 2011
Married Surname is: Stockdale m/o Ron, Carol, Arnie and Bonnie
829pictureSWQ  G 
Stockdale, Leone Gertrude (Essen)
June 1, 1920Dec. 2, 2011
m/o Ron, Carol, Arnie and Bonnie
830 SWQ  G 
Mohs, Nellie Mae (Wilmot)
830 SWQ  G 
Mohs, William A
830 SWQ  G 
Wilmot, Nellie Mae
Married Surname is: Mohs
831 SWQ  G 
Hoseley, Ruth A
w/o Searle Hoseley p/o Emma
831 SWQ  G 
Hoseley, Searle
h/o Ruth A Hoseley p/o Emma
832pictureSWQ  G O
Haynes, Ruth M. (Rewoldt)
Jan. 25, 1924Sept. 11, 2010
Married Walter M. Haynes Dec. 8, 1943 p/o Allan L. andd Debra A.
832pictureSWQ  G O
Haynes, Walter M.
May 7, 1920July 10, 2012
Married Ruth M. Rewoldt Dec. 8, 1943 Tec 4 US Army WW II p/o Allan L. andd Debra A.
832pictureSWQ  G O
Rewoldt, Ruth M.
Jan. 25, 1924Sept. 11, 2010
Married Walter M. Haynes Dec. 8, 1943 p/o Allan L. andd Debra A.
833 SWQ  G 
Fagner, Charles C
Dec. 19, 1890Apr. 25, 1961
Adjacent Stone to : Myrtle I Fagner Iowa Pfc Co K 47 Infantry WW I
834 SWQ  G 
Fagner, Myrtle I
May 3, 1900Oct. 3, 1976
Adjacent Stone to : Charles C Fagner m/o Norine Ora Mae a nd Charlene
835 SWQ  G 
Stevens, Bert L
835 SWQ  G 
Stevens, Luverna E
836 SWQ  G 
Blackburn, Elizabeth
837 SWQ  G 
Gerber, Ferdinand
Oct. 19, 1902Dec. 13, 1977 
837 SWQ  G 
Gerber, Lucille
Aug. 12, 1910Sept. 7, 1962 
838 SWQ  G 
Dvorak, Edward W
h/o Gladys B Dvorak p/o Dolores and Rogr
838 SWQ  G 
Dvorak, Gladys B
w/o Edward W Dvorak p/o Dolores and Rogr
839 SWQ  G 
Croxton, Cassius
839 SWQ  G 
Croxton, Clara E
840 SWQ  G 
Sobolik, Anna
840 SWQ  G 
Sobolik, John W
841 SWQ  G 
DeNoyelles, Agnes
842 SWQ  G 
Boyd, Fred F
Aug. 19, 1888Apr. 14, 1970 
843 SWQ  G 
Stevenson, Charles Alexander
Nov. 11, 1887Oct. 27, 1969
Dad h/o Ida B Stevenson
843 SWQ  G 
Stevenson, Ida B
Mom w/o Charles Alexander Stevenson
844 SWQ  G 
Peter, Fred, Jr
h/o Maxine Peter p/o Sharon, Shirley, Sherry, Dennis and Donna Grouped With 3 other graves: Maxine Peter, Leona O Peter and Walter Peter
844 SWQ  G 
Peter, Maxine
w/o Fred, Jr Peter p/o Sharon, Shirley, Sherry, Dennis and Donna Grouped With 3 other graves: Fred, Jr Peter, Leona O Peter and Walter Peter
845 SWQ  G 
Peter, Leona O
Grouped With 3 other graves: Maxine Peter, Fred, Jr Peter and Walter Peter
845 SWQ  G 
Peter, Walter
Grouped With 3 other graves: Maxine Peter, Fred, Jr Peter and Leona O Peter
846 SWQ  G 
Voyna, Phyllis A
847 SWQ  G 
Lienhard, Gary L.
Mar. 8, 1938Sept. 25, 2008
h/o Carol M. (Hruska) New Oregon Cemetery Caretakers 1887 - 20006 Married: May 21, 1960 p/o Jan. Jerilyn and Judy Grouped With 2 other graves: Virgie Alice Hruska and Jerry M Hruska
848 SWQ  G 
Hruska, Jerry M
h/o Virgie Alice Hruska p/o Laverne, Beverly, Jerome and Carol Grouped With 2 other graves: Gary L. Lienhard and Virgie Alice Hruska
848 SWQ  G O
Hruska, Virgie Alice (Kach)
July 12, 1914Aug. 27, 2010
Married Jerry Hruska Feb. 5, 1935. p/o Laverne, Beverly, Jerome and Carol Grouped With 2 other graves: Gary L. Lienhard and Jerry M Hruska
848 SWQ  G O
Kach, Virgie Alice
July 12, 1914Aug. 27, 2010
Married Jerry Hruska Feb. 5, 1935. p/o Laverne, Beverly, Jerome and Carol Grouped With 2 other graves: Gary L. Lienhard and Jerry M Hruska
849 SWQ  G 
Chapman, Alice
June 11, 1912May 10, 1980
w/o William A Jirak Married: Aug. 27, 1940 p/o Cynthia, Leathia, Steven, Rta and Clifford
849 SWQ  G 
Jirak, Alice (Chapman)
June 11, 1912May 10, 1980
w/o William A Jirak Married: Aug. 27, 1940 p/o Cynthia, Leathia, Steven, Rta and Clifford
849 SWQ  G 
Jirak, William A
Jan. 8, 1904Jan. 10, 1988
h/o Alice (Chapman) Jirak Married: Aug. 27, 1940 p/o Cynthia, Leathia, Steven, Rta and Clifford
850 SWQ  G 
Kratz, Glen Edward
850pictureSWQ  G O
Kratz, Isabelle Jean (Quinn)
Oct 15, 1921Nov. 28, 2012
Married Glen Edward Kratz Oct. 6, 1940
850pictureSWQ  G O
Quinn, Isabelle Jean
Oct 15, 1921Nov. 28, 2012
Married Glen Edward Kratz Oct. 6, 1940
851 SWQ  G 
Peter, Lawrence
851 SWQ  G 
Peter, Phyllis
852 SWQ  G 
Andrus, Glenn E
852 SWQ  G 
Andrus, Mary M. (Reyolds)
Aug. 15, 1916Sept. 10, 2006 
852 SWQ  G 
Reyolds, Mary M.
Aug. 15, 1916Sept. 10, 2006
Married Surname is: Andrus
853 SWQ  G 
Fenske, Geneva R.
Mother w/o Floyd Oliver Gager
853 SWQ  G O
Gager, Floyd Oliver
July 29, 1911Nov. 14, 2014
Father Married Geneva Fenske March 1934
853 SWQ  G 
Gager, Geneva R. (Fenske)
Mother w/o Floyd Oliver Gager
854 SWQ  G 
Fenske, Lloyd Henry
May 13, 1914Dec. 23, 1982
Father h/o Pearl Luella Fenske Tec 5 US Army WW II Grouped With 2 other graves: Pearl Luella Fenske and S Thomas "Tom" Fenske
854 SWQ  G 
Fenske, Pearl Luella (Knutson)
Mother w/o Lloyd Henry Fenske Grouped With 2 other graves: Lloyd Henry Fenske and S Thomas "Tom" Fenske
854 SWQ  G 
Knutson, Pearl Luella
Mother w/o Lloyd Henry Fenske Grouped With 2 other graves: Lloyd Henry Fenske and S Thomas "Tom" Fenske
855 SWQ  G 
Fenske, S Thomas "Tom"
Jan. 27, 1944Sept. 10, 2004
Brother Grouped With 2 other graves: Pearl Luella Fenske and Lloyd Henry Fenske
856 SWQ  G 
Neubauer, Beverly A
w/o Zachary P Neubauer
856 SWQ  G 
Neubauer, Zachary P
h/o Beverly A Neubauer
856 SWQ  G 
Newbauer, Daughter
857 SWQ  G 
Swanson, Ervin L
857 SWQ  G 
Swanson, Lucille
858 SWQ  G 
Peter, Viola C
d/o Fred J. and Louise Grouped With 2 other graves: Fred J Peter and Louise Peter
859 SWQ  G 
Peter, Fred J
Nov. 3, 1895July 26, 1964
h/o Louise Peter Iowa Cpl Co E 313 Engrs 88 Div WW I Grouped With 2 other graves: Viola C Peter and Louise Peter
859 SWQ  G 
Peter, Louise
w/o Fred J Peter Grouped With 2 other graves: Viola C Peter and Fred J Peter
860 SWQ  G 
Conklin, Charles R
h/o Goldie M Conklin p/o Doris
860 SWQ  G 
Conklin, Goldie M
w/o Charles R Conklin p/o Doris
861 SWQ  G 
Thorson, Blanche E
861 SWQ  G 
Thorson, Severt I
862 SWQ  G 
Martins, Elizabeth C
Married Surname is: Rix
862 SWQ  G 
Rix, Elizabeth C (Martins)
862 SWQ  G 
Rix, Warren E
863 SWQ  G 
Strnad, Rosie
Married Surname is: Zahasky
863 SWQ  G 
Zahasky, Rosie (Strnad)
863 SWQ  G 
Zahasky, William
864 SWQ  G O
Polivka, William
May 24, 1910May 11, 2000
s/o John and Stella Grouped With 2 other graves: Stella Polivka and John Polivka
865 SWQ  G 
Polivka, John
h/o Stella Polivka Grouped With 2 other graves: William Polivka and Stella Polivka
865 SWQ  G 
Polivka, Stella
w/o John Polivka Grouped With 2 other graves: William Polivka and John Polivka
866 SWQ  G 
Snow, Werner N
Aug. 4, 1920Nov. 25, 2003
h/o Verna Snow Col US Army WW II Korea Married: Dec. 8, 1945 p/o Richard, Jean and Susan
867 SWQ  G 
Fenske, William J.
Sept. 14, 1915Dec. 24, 1971
Father h/o Rosella G. Fenske Iowa Tec4 HQ Co 3 Bn 168 Inf WW II Married: Jan. 11, 1947 Grouped With 2 other graves: Floyd W Fenske and John A Fenske
868 SWQ  G 
Foss, Emma (Gager)
868 SWQ  G 
Foss, Jovial
868 SWQ  G 
Gager, Emma
Married Surname is: Foss
869 SWQ  G 
Neubauer, Brenda L
d/o Zachary
870 SWQ  G 
Bronner, Eldred Charles
Aug. 2, 1914Sept. 10, 1998
h/o Marjorie M Bronner p/o Barbara, Janet, Joan, Ronald and Roger
870 SWQ  G 
Bronner, Marjorie M
w/o Eldred Charles Bronner p/o Barbara, Janet, Joan, Ronald and Roger
871 SWQ  G 
Zahasky, Joseph E
Feb. 7, 1920June 21, 1992
h/o Pauline Zahasky Pfc US Army WW II Married: Feb. 3, 1947 p/o Jim
871 SWQ  G 
Zahasky, Pauline
w/o Joseph E Zahasky Married: Feb. 3, 1947 p/o Jim
872 SWQ  G 
Fenske, Floyd W
Grouped With 2 other graves: William J. Fenske and John A Fenske
873 SWQ  G 
Fenske, John A
s/o William J. and Rosella Grouped With 2 other graves: William J. Fenske and Floyd W Fenske
874 SWQ  G 
McIntyre, Danny Lee
s/o James and Doris Grouped With 2 other graves: Doris Mae McIntyre and James E McIntyre
875 SWQ  G 
Lucus, Doris May
Dec. 8, 1933Oct. 29, 2010
Married James McIntyre April 14, 1951 Married: Apr. 14, 1951 p/o Steve and Danny Grouped With 2 other graves: Danny Lee McIntyre and James E McIntyre
875 SWQ  G 
McIntyre, Doris May (Lucus)
Dec. 8, 1933Oct. 29, 2010
Married James McIntyre April 14, 1951 Married: Apr. 14, 1951 p/o Steve and Danny Grouped With 2 other graves: Danny Lee McIntyre and James E McIntyre
875pictureSWQ  G O
McIntyre, James E
Jan. 31, 1930May 1, 2012
Married Doris Mae Lucas April 14, 1951 Married: Apr. 14, 1951 p/o Steve and Danny Grouped With 2 other graves: Danny Lee McIntyre and Doris Mae McIntyre
876 WC1  G 
Voves, Charles
Nov. 11, 1901June 24, 1981
Pfc US Army WW II Grouped With 2 other graves: Anna Voves and John Voves
877 WC1  G 
Voves, Anna
Mother w/o John Voves Grouped With 2 other graves: Charles Voves and John Voves
877 WC1W G 
Voves, John
Father h/o Anna Voves Grouped With 2 other graves: Charles Voves and Anna Voves
878 WC1  G 
McArthur, Ada C
May 7, 1856Jan. 6, 1928 
878 WC1W G 
McArthur, Milton James
May 4, 1840Jan. 9, 1924 
879 WC1  G 
Wheeler, Anna L
880 WC1  G 
Sabin, Son
Oct. 7, 1916Oct. 10, 1916
s/o Gyard and Bernice Sabin
881 WC1  G 
Philbrick, Earl
Adjacent Stone to : Simon S. Philbrick
882 WC1W G O
Philbrick, Simon S.
1838Jan. 31, 1914
Married Eveline A. Mitchell, Oct 23, 1881 Adjacent Stone to : Earl Philbrick Co C 18 ILL Inf.
883 WC1  G 
Decker, William E
884pictureWC1W G 
Decker, Frederick W
June 4, 1875May 24, 1919
h/o Louisa R "Lula" Decker
885pictureWC1  G 
Decker, Louisa R "Lula" (Hoppe)
Oct. 12, 1877June 7, 1925
Mother w/o Frederick W Decker
885pictureWC1  G 
Hoppe, Louisa R "Lula"
Oct. 12, 1877June 7, 1925
Mother w/o Frederick W Decker
886 WC1W G 
Roth, Paul R.
 Jan. 8, 1918
Iowa Pvt Sig. Corps Grouped With 2 other graves: Friedrich Roth and Charlotte Roth
887 WC1  G 
Roth, Charlotte
Aug. 18, 1858Feb. 21, 1911
Mother w/o Friedrich Roth Grouped With 2 other graves: Paul R. Roth and Friedrich Roth
887 WC1W G 
Roth, Friedrich
Mar. 30, 1857Feb. 16, 1924
Father h/o Charlotte Roth Grouped With 2 other graves: Paul R. Roth and Charlotte Roth
888 WC1W G O
Rucker, Thaddeus
Aug. 30, 1839Nov. 10, 1910
Co. K 1 Minn H. A. 8 graves are grouped near the Thaddeus Rucker Stone they are: Thaddeus, Eva Amanda Mrs., Wilma N. (Rucker), Jennie A Green, Milton H, Anna R , Arthur H and Minnie I
889 WC1  G 
McMillan, Eva Amanda
Dec. 28, 18431921
Married Surname is: Rucker 1 of 8 graves grouped near the Thaddeus Rucker Stone
889 WC1  G 
Rucker, Eva Amanda (McMillan)
Dec. 28, 18431921
1 of 8 graves grouped near the Thaddeus Rucker Stone
890 WC1  G 
Rucker, Wilma N.
Married Surname is: Schmarzo 1 of 8 graves grouped near the Thaddeus Rucker Stone
890 WC1  G 
Schmarzo, Wilma N. (Rucker)
1 of 8 graves grouped near the Thaddeus Rucker Stone
891 WC1  G 
Green, Jennie A
w/o Arthur Loomis A. C. Green 1 of 8 graves grouped near the Thaddeus Rucker Stone
892 WC1  G 
Rucker, Anna R (Stephens)
Mother w/o Milton H Rucker 1 of 8 graves grouped near the Thaddeus Rucker Stone
892 WC1  G 
Rucker, Milton H
Father h/o Anna R Rucker 1 of 8 graves grouped near the Thaddeus Rucker Stone
892 WC1  G 
Stephens, Anna R
Mother w/o Milton H Rucker 1 of 8 graves grouped near the Thaddeus Rucker Stone
893 WC1  G 
Rucker, Arthur H
Father h/o Minnie I Rucker 1 of 8 graves grouped near the Thaddeus Rucker Stone
893 WC1  G 
Rucker, Minnie I
Mother w/o Arthur H Rucker 1 of 8 graves grouped near the Thaddeus Rucker Stone
894 WC1  G O
Markham, Herbert W
Feb. 28, 1891Jan. 6, 1897
Their Son s/o Moretta L "Etta" and William J Markham
894 WC1  G 
Markham, Moretta L "Etta" (Wheller)
Aug. 24, 1855May 23, 1919
His Wife w/o William J Markham
894 WC1  G 
Markham, William J
Sept. 6, 1855unknown
h/o Moretta L "Etta" Markham
894 WC1  G 
Wheller, Moretta L "Etta"
Aug. 24, 1855May 23, 1919
His Wife w/o William J Markham
895 WC1  G 
Shook, Frank V
Aged 1 yr 7 ms 22 ds s/o M. L. a nd E. L. Shook
896 WC1  G 
SN6475, GN6475
Grouped With 3 other graves: GN6480 SN6475, GN6485 SN6475 and GN6490 SN6475
897 WC1  G 
SN6475, GN6480
Grouped With 3 other graves: GN6475 SN6475, GN6485 SN6475 and GN6490 SN6475
898 WC1  G 
SN6475, GN6485
Grouped With 3 other graves: GN6475 SN6475, GN6480 SN6475 and GN6490 SN6475
899 WC1  G 
SN6475, GN6490
Grouped With 3 other graves: GN6475 SN6475, GN6480 SN6475 and GN6485 SN6475
900 WC1  G 
Siddall, Jennie R
unknownMar. 19, 1873
1 of 6 graves grouped near the Hugh Buchanan Stone
901 WC1  G 
SN6500, ?bert C
1 of 6 graves grouped near the Hugh Buchanan Stone
902 WC1  G 
Elderkin, Martha
1 of 6 graves grouped near the Hugh Buchanan Stone
903 WC1  G 
Buchanan, Evalyn
Jan. 21, 1860Nov. 17, 1884
Aged 24 ys 9 ms 27 ds w/o D. Buchanan 1 of 6 graves grouped near the Hugh Buchanan Stone
904 WC1  G 
Adamson, Jane
Dec. 12, 1820Apr. 17, 1908
Mother w/o Hugh Buchanan Adjacent Stone to : Hugh Buchanan 1 of 6 graves grouped near the Hugh Buchanan Stone
904 WC1  G 
Buchanan, Jane (Adamson)
Dec. 12, 1820Apr. 17, 1908
Mother w/o Hugh Buchanan Adjacent Stone to : Hugh Buchanan 1 of 6 graves grouped near the Hugh Buchanan Stone
905 WC1W G 
Buchanan, Hugh
Feb. 4, 1821Nov. 25, 1882
Father h/o Jane Buchanan Adjacent Stone to : Jane Buchanan 6 graves are grouped near the Hugh Buchanan Stone they are: Hugh, Jennie R Siddall, ?bert C SN6500, Martha Elderkin, Evalyn and Jane
906 WC1W G 
Elderkin, G D
907 WC1  G 
Mlady, Mayme
Nov. 25, 1911July 26, 1992
w/o Joseph F Mrachek Married: June 28, 1949
907 WC1  G 
Mrachek, Joseph F
h/o Mayme Mrachek Married: June 28, 1949
907 WC1  G 
Mrachek, Mayme (Mlady)
Nov. 25, 1911July 26, 1992
w/o Joseph F Mrachek Married: June 28, 1949
908 WC1  G 
Capouch, Violette E. (Valvoda)
Mar. 18, 1920Nov. 13, 2003
Mother of David
908 WC1  G 
Valvoda, Violette E.
Mar. 18, 1920Nov. 13, 2003
Married Surname is: Capouch Mother of David
909 WC1  G 
Riha, Leonard
909 WC1  G 
Riha, Lillian Mary (Valvoda)
Apr. 20, 1914Dec. 23, 1973 
909 WC1  G 
Valvoda, Lillian Mary
Apr. 20, 1914Dec. 23, 1973
Married Surname is: Riha
910 WC1  G 
Frank, Charles August "Charley"
Father h/o Eva B Frank Grouped With 2 other graves: Eva B Frank and Baby Frank
910 WC1  G 
Frank, Eva B
Mother w/o Charles August "Charley" Frank Grouped With 2 other graves: Charles August "Charley" Frank and Baby Frank
911 WC1  G 
Frank, Baby
Grouped With 2 other graves: Eva B Frank and Charles August "Charley" Frank
912 WC1  G O
Scholze, Heinrich A
Oct 5, 1842Aug. 22, 1914
Married Juliana Mey Oct. 26, 1868
912 WC1  G 
Scholze, Juliane H
Nov. 1, 1845Mar. 6, 1922
His Wife w/o Heinrich A Scholze
913 WC1  G 
Derr, Caroline
Feb. 22, 1858May 1, 1926
Adjacent Stone to : Michael, Jr Derr
914 WC1  G 
Derr, Michael, Jr
Apr. 15, 1855Aug. 6, 1937
Adjacent Stone to : Caroline Derr
915 WC1  G 
Gesell, Elizabeth
Mother w/o Phillip Gesell
915 WC1W G 
Gesell, Phillip Jacob
Nov. 22, 18571916
Father h/o Elizabeth Gesell
916 WC2  G 
Duneman, Hazel Amelia
Dec. 7, 1922Dec. 18, 2010
w/o Harold James Lewis p/o Thomas, Diane, Jan, Linda and Michael
916 WC2  G 
Lewis, Harold James
Oct. 20, 1922Feb. 23, 2001
h/o Hazel Amelia Lewis Pfc Us Army WW II p/o Thomas, Diane, Jan, Linda and Michael
916 WC2  G 
Lewis, Hazel Amelia (Duneman)
Dec. 7, 1922Dec. 18, 2010
w/o Harold James Lewis p/o Thomas, Diane, Jan, Linda and Michael
917 WC2  G 
Gerber, Rosa
Apr. 5, 1883Jan. 4, 1968
h/o Fred Gerber Adjacent Stone to : Fred Gerber Grouped With 3 other graves: Fred Gerber, Samuel H Gerber and Fritz G Gerber
918 WC2  G 
Gerber, Fred
Mar. 26, 1880June 6, 1952
w/o Rosa Gerber Adjacent Stone to : Rosa Gerber Grouped With 3 other graves: Rosa Gerber, Samuel H Gerber and Fritz G Gerber
919 WC2  G 
Gerber, Fritz G
s/o Fred and Rosa Gerber Grouped With 3 other graves: Rosa Gerber, Fred Gerber and Samuel H Gerber
919 WC2  G 
Gerber, Samuel H
May 19, 1911Jan. 16, 1981
s/o Fred and Rosa Gerber Tec5 US Army WW II Grouped With 3 other graves: Rosa Gerber, Fred Gerber and Fritz G Gerber
920 WC2  G 
Koentop, Wilhelmine "Minnie"
Sept. 28, 1864May 10, 1924
Married Surname is: Moldenhauer Grouped With 3 other graves: Herman Moldenhauer, Amanda Moldenhauer and John O Moldenhauer
920 WC2  G 
Moldenhauer, Herman
Jan. 14, 1856Feb. 15, 1936
Grouped With 3 other graves: Wilhelmine "Minnie" Moldenhauer, Amanda Moldenhauer and John O Moldenhauer
920 WC2  G 
Moldenhauer, Wilhelmine "Minnie" (Koentop)
Sept. 28, 1864May 10, 1924
Grouped With 3 other graves: Herman Moldenhauer, Amanda Moldenhauer and John O Moldenhauer
921 WC2  G 
Moldenhauer, Amanda (Warneke)
Grouped With 3 other graves: Wilhelmine "Minnie" Moldenhauer, Herman Moldenhauer and John O Moldenhauer
921 WC2  G 
Moldenhauer, John O
May 17, 1895Mar., 1958
Grouped With 3 other graves: Wilhelmine "Minnie" Moldenhauer, Herman Moldenhauer and Amanda Moldenhauer
921 WC2  G 
Warneke, Amanda
Married Surname is: Moldenhauer Grouped With 3 other graves: Wilhelmine "Minnie" Moldenhauer, Herman Moldenhauer and John O Moldenhauer
922 WC2W G 
Hoppe, Arthur A
Father h/o Emma T Hoppe Grouped With 4 other graves: Emma T Hoppe, Ellen M Hoppe, Kermit F Hoppe and Rita Jane Hoppe
922 WC2  G 
Hoppe, Emma T
Mother w/o Arthur A Hoppe Grouped With 4 other graves: Arthur A Hoppe, Ellen M Hoppe, Kermit F Hoppe and Rita Jane Hoppe
923 WC2  G 
Hoppe, Ellen M
Mother w/o Kermit F Hoppe Grouped With 4 other graves: Arthur A Hoppe, Emma T Hoppe, Kermit F Hoppe and Rita Jane Hoppe
923 WC2  G 
Hoppe, Kermit F
Father h/o Ellen M Hoppe Grouped With 4 other graves: Arthur A Hoppe, Emma T Hoppe, Ellen M Hoppe and Rita Jane Hoppe
923 WC2  G 
Hoppe, Rita Jane
Grouped With 4 other graves: Arthur A Hoppe, Emma T Hoppe, Ellen M Hoppe and Kermit F Hoppe
924 WC2  G 
Peter, Louie A
p/o John F. Johnson, Gayland, Gelene, Kareen, Louie Jr. and Linda Peter Grouped With 4 other graves: Marjorie F Peter, Alice M Peter, Adolf Peter and Caroline Johanna "Carrie" Peter
924 WC2  G 
Peter, Marjorie F
p/o John F. Johnson, Gayland, Gelene, Kareen, Louie Jr. and Linda Peter Grouped With 4 other graves: Louie A Peter, Alice M Peter, Adolf Peter and Caroline Johanna "Carrie" Peter
925 WC2  G 
Peter, Alice M
Mother Grouped With 4 other graves: Louie A Peter, Marjorie F Peter, Adolf Peter and Caroline Johanna "Carrie" Peter
926 WC2  G 
Peter, Adolf
Father h/o Caroline Johanna "Carrie" Peter Adjacent Stone to : Caroline Johanna "Carrie" Peter Grouped With 4 other graves: Louie A Peter, Marjorie F Peter, Alice M Peter and Caroline Johanna "Carrie" Peter
927 WC2  G 
Peter, Caroline Johanna "Carrie" (Schultz)
Aug. 23, 1873Apr. 16, 1955
Mother w/o Adolf Peter Adjacent Stone to : Adolf Peter Grouped With 4 other graves: Louie A Peter, Marjorie F Peter, Alice M Peter and Adolf Peter
927 WC2  G 
Schultz, Caroline Johanna "Carrie"
Aug. 23, 1873Apr. 16, 1955
Mother w/o Adolf Peter Adjacent Stone to : Adolf Peter Grouped With 4 other graves: Louie A Peter, Marjorie F Peter, Alice M Peter and Adolf Peter
928 WC2  G 
Gerber, Anna
Mother w/o Karl Gerber
928pictureWC2  G 
Gerber, Karl
Father h/o Anna Gerber
929 WC2  G 
Gerber, Ida Ann
Jan. 12, 1895Nov. 20, 1990
Married Surname is: Miller m/o Lurene and Doris
929 WC2  G 
Miller, Ida Ann (Gerber)
Jan. 12, 1895Nov. 20, 1990
m/o Lurene and Doris
930 WC2  G O
Buckridge, Doris Jean (Miller)
Dec. 30, 1931Dec. 30, 1999
Beloved Mom and Grandma Married William Buckridge
930 WC2  G O
Miller, Doris Jean
Dec. 30, 1931Dec. 30, 1999
Beloved Mom and Grandma Married William Buckridge
931 WC2  G 
Gerber, Alois Ben
Apr. 3, 1906May 16, 1958
Adjacent Stone to : Carl O Gerber
932 WC2  G 
Gerber, Carl O
Adjacent Stone to : Alois Ben Gerber
933pictureWC2  G O
Hoppe, Earl W.
Dec. 11, 1938May 2, 2015
Married Joan Good Dec. 17, 1960 Pfc US Arm Loran, Gerald and Gina
934 WC2  G 
Gerber, Maria J
Adjacent Stone to : Rudolph Gerber
935 WC2W G 
Gerber, Rudolph
Nov. 11, 1881Jan. 19, 1924
Adjacent Stone to : Maria J Gerber
936 WC2W G 
Amman, Jacob
Father h/o Katherine Amman
936 WC2  G 
Amman, Katherine
Mother w/o Jacob Amman
937 WC2  G 
Frank, Mary A
Married Surname is: Steinmetz
937pictureWC2  G 
Steinmetz, Elmer Henry
June 3, 1904May 22, 1973 
937 WC2  G 
Steinmetz, Mary A (Frank)
938 WC2  G 
Woodard, Sarah A.
Adjacent Stone to : William Russell Woodard
939 WC2  G 
Woodard, William Russell
Adjacent Stone to : Sarah A. Woodard Co. B. 38 Wis. Inf.
940 WC2  G 
Patterson, Grace A
Grouped With 3 other graves: Wilbur C Patterson, Ruth Patterson and Helen Patterson
940 WC2  G 
Patterson, Wilbur C
Grouped With 3 other graves: Grace A Patterson, Ruth Patterson and Helen Patterson
941 WC2  G 
Patterson, Ruth
Grouped With 3 other graves: Grace A Patterson, Wilbur C Patterson and Helen Patterson
942 WC2  G 
Patterson, Helen
Grouped With 3 other graves: Grace A Patterson, Wilbur C Patterson and Ruth Patterson
943 WC2  G O
Aberg, Leland E
1922Aug. , 1943
s/o Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Aberg Grouped With 3 other graves: Donald T Aberg, Mabel G Aberg and Theo H Aberg
944 WC2  G 
Aberg, Donald T
Grouped With 3 other graves: Leland E Aberg, Mabel G Aberg and Theo H Aberg
945 WC2  G 
Aberg, Mabel G
Mother w/o Theo H Aberg Adjacent Stone to : Theo H Aberg Grouped With 3 other graves: Leland E Aberg, Donald T Aberg and Theo H Aberg
946 WC2  G 
Aberg, Theo H
Father h/o Mabel G Aberg Adjacent Stone to : Mabel G Aberg Grouped With 3 other graves: Leland E Aberg, Donald T Aberg and Mabel G Aberg
947 WC2  G 
Mlady, Jennie
Married Surname is: Valvoda
947 WC2  G 
Valvoda, Frank R.
947 WC2  G 
Valvoda, Jennie (Mlady)
948 WC2  G 
Kostka, Mary A
Apr. 24, 1887Feb. 15, 1954
Married Surname is: Mlady
948 WC2  G 
Mlady, Joseph Frank, Jr
Jan. 6, 1884Jan. 2, 1966 
948 WC2  G 
Mlady, Mary A (Kostka)
Apr. 24, 1887Feb. 15, 1954 
949 WC2W G 
Mosher, Albert P
Aug. 29, 1836Dec. 12, 1919
s/s Charlotte Mosher
950 WC2  G 
Mosher, Charlotte
July 19, 1836Jan. 14, 1924
s/s Albert P Mosher
951pictureWC2W G O
Dauberschmidt, Friederich Leonhardt
Jan. 10, 1842July 31, 1914
Married in 1866 Co. F 34 IA. Inf.
952 WC2W G 
Siddall, James
h/o Viletta Siddall
952 WC2  G 
Siddall, Viletta
His Wife w/o James Siddall
953 WC2  G 
Kratz, Bertha G
Dec. 12, 1880June 1, 1914
w/o Phil G. Kratz
954 WC2W G O
Husted, Daniel
Nov. 4, 1857Apr. 11, 1897
Married Ida E. Everingham in 1892
955 WC2  G 
Kennedy, S F
956 WC2  G 
Walchli, Elise Caroline (Zimmerman)
June 21, 1857July 7, 1893 
956 WC2  G 
Zimmerman, Elise Caroline
June 21, 1857July 7, 1893
Married Surname is: Walchli
957 WC2W G 
Kuntz, Lester L
958 WC2  G 
Buri, Fred
Father h/o Mary Buri
958 WC2  G 
Buri, Mary (Zingg)
Mother w/o Fred Buri
958 WC2  G 
Zingg, Mary
Mother w/o Fred Buri
959 WC2  G 
Bonnette, Edna Mae
Jan. 26, 1906Sept. 28, 1938
Mother w/o John Albert Grimm Adjacent Stone to : John Albert Grimm 1 of 6 graves grouped near the Karl and Lisette Grimm Stone
959 WC2  G 
Grimm, Edna Mae (Bonnette)
Jan. 26, 1906Sept. 28, 1938
Mother w/o John Albert Grimm Adjacent Stone to : John Albert Grimm 1 of 6 graves grouped near the Karl and Lisette Grimm Stone
960 WC2  G 
Grimm, John Albert
Father h/o Edna Mae Grimm Adjacent Stone to : Edna Mae Grimm 1 of 6 graves grouped near the Karl and Lisette Grimm Stone
961 WC2  G 
Grimm, Karl
6 graves are grouped near the Karl and Lisette Grimm Stone they are: Karl, Lisette, Edna Mae , John Albert, Leslie and Charles
961 WC2  G 
Grimm, Lisette
1 of 6 graves grouped near the Karl and Lisette Grimm Stone
962 WC2  G 
Grimm, Leslie
July 7, 1907July 14, 1980
Pvt US Army WW II 1 of 6 graves grouped near the Karl and Lisette Grimm Stone
963 WC2  G 
Grimm, Charles
Mar. 24, 1896Sept. 4, 1972
Pvt US Army WW I 1 of 6 graves grouped near the Karl and Lisette Grimm Stone
964 WC2  G 
Breedlove, Belle A
Oct. 3, 1865May 10, 1903
Mother w/o George M Breedlove Adjacent Stone to : George M Breedlove Grouped With 2 other graves: George M Breedlove and Harry E Breedlove
965 WC2  G 
Breedlove, George M
Father h/o Belle A Breedlove Adjacent Stone to : Belle A Breedlove Grouped With 2 other graves: Belle A Breedlove and Harry E Breedlove
966 WC2  G 
Breedlove, Harry E
s/o George M and Belle A Breedlove Grouped With 2 other graves: Belle A Breedlove and George M Breedlove
967 WC2  G 
Ohmacht, Anna (Reinhart)
967 WC2  G 
Ohmacht, August L.W.
967 WC2  G 
Reinhart, Anna
Married Surname is: Ohmacht
968 WC2W G 
Farnsworth, Frank Oliver
July 25, 1856Mar. 12, 1929
Father h/o Martha Ordelia Farnsworth Grouped With 2 other graves: Martha Ordelia Farnsworth and Claude V Farnsworth
968 WC2  G 
Farnsworth, Martha Ordelia (Vance)
Apr. 23, 1859Aug. 21, 1941
Mother w/o Frank Oliver Farnsworth Grouped With 2 other graves: Frank Oliver Farnsworth and Claude V Farnsworth
968 WC2  G 
Vance, Martha Ordelia
Apr. 23, 1859Aug. 21, 1941
Mother w/o Frank Oliver Farnsworth Grouped With 2 other graves: Frank Oliver Farnsworth and Claude V Farnsworth
969 WC2W G 
Farnsworth, Claude V
Dec. 6, 1888May 15, 1910
Grouped With 2 other graves: Martha Ordelia Farnsworth and Frank Oliver Farnsworth
970 WC2  G 
Howard, Frances H.
July 27, 1851Oct. 31, 1940
Married Surname is: Wildman 1 of 6 graves grouped near the Egbert Benson Wildman Stone
970 WC2  G 
Wildman, Frances H. (Howard)
July 27, 1851Oct. 31, 1940
1 of 6 graves grouped near the Egbert Benson Wildman Stone
971 WC2W G 
Wildman, Egbert Benson
Dec. 17, 1843June 3, 1914
6 graves are grouped near the Egbert Benson Wildman Stone they are: Egbert Benson, Frances H. , Bessie , Albert M., Howard and Ruth Glass
972 WC2  G 
Bufton, Bessie
Married Surname is: Wildman 1 of 6 graves grouped near the Egbert Benson Wildman Stone
972 WC2  G 
Wildman, Albert M.
1 of 6 graves grouped near the Egbert Benson Wildman Stone
972 WC2  G 
Wildman, Bessie (Bufton)
1 of 6 graves grouped near the Egbert Benson Wildman Stone
973 WC2  G 
Glass, Ruth
Married Surname is: Wildman 1 of 6 graves grouped near the Egbert Benson Wildman Stone
973 WC2  G 
Wildman, Howard Milton
Jan. 7, 1915Dec. 11, 1999
1 of 6 graves grouped near the Egbert Benson Wildman Stone
973 WC2  G 
Wildman, Ruth (Glass)
1 of 6 graves grouped near the Egbert Benson Wildman Stone
974 WC2  G 
Peter, Alfred
6 graves are grouped near the Alfred Peter Stone they are: Alfred, Margrete Rose, Barbara, Lovene M, Ernest and Nettie A
975 WC2  G 
Peter, Margrete Rose
1 of 6 graves grouped near the Alfred Peter Stone
976 WC2  G 
Peter, Barbara
1 of 6 graves grouped near the Alfred Peter Stone
977 WC2  G 
Peter, Lovene M
Sept. 30, 1921Mar. 21, 1985
d/o Nettie A and Ernest Peter 1 of 6 graves grouped near the Alfred Peter Stone
978 WC2  G 
Peter, Ernest
Nov. 4, 1894Feb. 11, 1974
h/o Nettie A Peter Adjacent Stone to : Nettie A Peter 1 of 6 graves grouped near the Alfred Peter Stone
979 WC2  G 
Peter, Nettie A
Feb. 6, 1894Apr. 22, 1928
w/o Ernest Peter Adjacent Stone to : Ernest Peter 1 of 6 graves grouped near the Alfred Peter Stone
980 WC2W G 
Walton, Joseph Edward
Apr. 10, 1891May 7, 1930
1 of 7 graves grouped near the Frank J Walton Stone
981 WC2W G 
Walton, Robert Adam
Aug. 15, 1902Jan. 3, 1919
1 of 7 graves grouped near the Frank J Walton Stone
982 WC2  G 
Logue, Liona Evelyn
Nov. 6, 1864July 17, 1926
Mother w/o Frank J Walton Adjacent Stone to : Frank J Walton 1 of 7 graves grouped near the Frank J Walton Stone
982 WC2  G 
Walton, Liona Evelyn (Logue)
Nov. 6, 1864July 17, 1926
Mother w/o Frank J Walton Adjacent Stone to : Frank J Walton 1 of 7 graves grouped near the Frank J Walton Stone
983 WC2W G 
Walton, Frank J
Dec. 8, 1863Aug. 22, 1932
Father h/o Liona Evelyn Walton Adjacent Stone to : Liona Evelyn Walton 7 graves are grouped near the Frank J Walton Stone they are: Frank J, Joseph Edward, Robert Adam, Liona Evelyn , Donald James, William Clement and John Albert
984 WC2W G 
Walton, Donald James
Dec. 23, 1910May 8, 1933
1 of 7 graves grouped near the Frank J Walton Stone
985 WC2  G 
Walton, William Clement
Aug. 10, 1896July 22, 1967
1 of 7 graves grouped near the Frank J Walton Stone
986 WC2  G 
Walton, John Albert
Nov. 16, 1893Dec. 29, 1952
Father 1 of 7 graves grouped near the Frank J Walton Stone
987 WC2  G O
Sullivan, Carl W
Feb. 22, 1891July, 1950
Married Julie M. Madsen Oct. 21, 1915
987 WC2  G 
Sullivan, Julie M
988 WC2  G 
Biel, Emma M. (Kratz)
Feb., 1897May, 1936
988 WC2  G 
Kratz, Emma M.
Feb., 1897May, 1936
Married Surname is: Biel Mother
989 WC2W G 
Albers, Henry
Father h/o Mary Albers Adjacent Stone to : Mary Albers
990 WC2  G 
Albers, Mary
Mother w/o Henry Albers Adjacent Stone to : Henry Albers
991 WC2  G 
Aegler, Arthur F.
Feb. 13, 1919Nov. 23, 2012
Grouped With 3 other graves: Leona Aegler, Carl Aegler and Ida R Aegler
991 WC2  G 
Aegler, Leona
Feb. 16, 1923Oct. 12, 2014
Grouped With 3 other graves: Arthur F. Aegler, Carl Aegler and Ida R Aegler
992 WC2  G 
Aegler, Carl
Dec. 23, 1882June, 1969
Father h/o Ida R Aegler Grouped With 3 other graves: Arthur F. Aegler, Leona Aegler and Ida R Aegler
992 WC2  G 
Aegler, Ida R (Rutsch)
Feb. 29, 1892Oct., 1975
Mother w/o Carl Aegler Grouped With 3 other graves: Arthur F. Aegler, Leona Aegler and Carl Aegler
992 WC2  G 
Rutsch, Ida R
Feb. 29, 1892Oct., 1975
Mother w/o Carl Aegler Grouped With 3 other graves: Arthur F. Aegler, Leona Aegler and Carl Aegler
993 WC2W G 
Rutsch, John
1859Oct. 22, 1936
Father h/o Rosina "Rosie" Rutsch Adjacent Stone to : Rosina "Rosie" Rutsch Grouped With 3 other graves: Rosina "Rosie" Rutsch, Ernest Herbert Rutsch and Fred Rutsch
994pictureWC2  G 
Gerber, Rosina "Rosie"
Nov. 23, 1863Dec. 8, 1943
Mother w/o John Rutsch Adjacent Stone to : John Rutsch Grouped With 3 other graves: John Rutsch, Ernest Herbert Rutsch and Fred Rutsch
994pictureWC2  G 
Rutsch, Rosina "Rosie" (Gerber)
Nov. 23, 1863Dec. 8, 1943
Mother w/o John Rutsch Adjacent Stone to : John Rutsch Grouped With 3 other graves: John Rutsch, Ernest Herbert Rutsch and Fred Rutsch
995 WC2  G 
Rutsch, Ernest Herbert
Oct. 6, 18931949
Son s/o Rosina "Rosie" and John Rutsch Grouped With 3 other graves: John Rutsch, Rosina "Rosie" Rutsch and Fred Rutsch
996 WC2  G 
Rutsch, Fred
Sept. 22, 1888Apr. 8, 1969
Iowa Pvt Co D MG Bn WW I Grouped With 3 other graves: John Rutsch, Rosina "Rosie" Rutsch and Ernest Herbert Rutsch
997 WC2  G 
Mohs, Mathilda
997 WC2  G 
Mohs, Paul O
998 WC2  G 
Gerber, John J
Grouped With 2 other graves: Mary A Gerber and Edna E Gerber
998 WC2  G 
Gerber, Mary A
Grouped With 2 other graves: John J Gerber and Edna E Gerber
999 WC2  G 
Gerber, Edna E
Grouped With 2 other graves: Mary A Gerber and John J Gerber
1000 WC2  G 
Logue, Kathryn V
1000 WC2W G 
Logue, Robert J.C.