Military Involvement
Servicemen - C surnames |
Pic/s |
Cady, Donald George |
Cady, Joe Jr. |
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Calkins, Arthur William |
Calkins, Earl Louis |
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Calkins, John Lyle |
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Calkins, Leslie Francis |
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Calkins, Lyle Samuel |
Calkins, Vilo C. |
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Calkins, Wayne Oliver |
Callahan, Maurice J. |
Callery, Charles E. |
X |
Callery, Warren W. |
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Campbell, Leonard Orville |
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Campbell, Lyle Maurice |
Caquelin, Donald M. |
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Caquelin, Lowell Francis |
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Carlberg, Bertil Raymond |
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Carlson, Arthur |
Carlson, Arvid J. |
Carlson, Donald Eugene |
Carlson, Eldren G. |
Carlson, Eugene Francis |
Carlson, Marvin Carl |
Carlson, Oren Duane |
Carlson, Robert LeRoy |
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Carnell, Ernest F. |
Carnell, Walter John |
Carpenter, Arnold H. |
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Carpenter, Harold A. |
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Carpenter, Mitchell John |
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Carroll, John Dixon Jr. |
Carroll, Marvin Joseph |
Carroll, William E. |
Carroll, William Joseph |
Carsey, Maynard T. |
Carson, Donald Everette |
Carson, Marion G. |
Carstens, William August |
Caruth, Donald Denham |
Casady, Cleo Pearly |
Caudle, Wayne Lowell |
Chaffee, James Albert |
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Chalfant, James Rodney |
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Chalfant, Milo Walter |
Challe, Laverne Melvin |
Chally, Lowell Dean |
Chambers, John B. |
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Chambers, William James |
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Chapman, Henry |
Chardoulias, Chris George |
Charlson, Earl Beacher |
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Charlson, Lyle Marion |
Charlson, Sherman J. |
Chase, Daniel Cady III |
Chauncey, William F. |
X |
Chelsvig, Harley J. |
Chenault, Miles Stanley |
Cheyne, Donald |
Christensen, Clifford W. |
Christensen, Donald C. |
Christensen, Earl August |
Christensen, Lawrence R. |
Christensen, Lowell James |
Christensen, Merle Lloyd |
Christenson, Leo Peter |
Christenson, Lester A. |
Christenson, Moses Izatus |
Christenson, Oscar C. |
Christenson, Raymond Chris |
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Christenson, Richard Mack |
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Christenson, Stanley James |
Christeson, Dean M. |
Christeson, Robert C. |
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Christianson, Arnold Eugene |
Christianson, Clarence Arnold |
Christianson, Herbert Leroy |
Christianson, Kenneth Carl |
Church, Frederick Walsh |
Clagett, Richard C. |
Clanahan, William Douglas |
Clark, Robert Gerald |
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Classon, Wilmer Raymond |
Claude, Charles |
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Claude, Claire |
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Claude, Forrest LeRoy |
Claude, Harold |
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Claude, James |
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Claude, Kenneth |
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Claude, Lyle |
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Claude, Marvin Lyle |
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Claude, Virgil D. |
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Claude, Wayne George |
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Clauson, Lowell F. |
Clayberg, Lowell H. |
Clayton, William |
X |
Cleckner, Gerald A. |
X |
X |
Clem, Glen Ford |
Cleveland, John Orange |
Cleveland, Roger Myron |
Clifton, Edwin Lee |
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Cline, Paul Downey |
Clouse, Derrold Dean |
Clouse, Paul Elwood |
Coats, Henry P. |
X |
Coats, Marvin F. |
Coble, Harry John |
Coble, Warren |
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Coffman, Leonard L. |
Cole, Byron F. |
Cole, Calvin Coolidge |
Coleman, George W. |
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Coleman, Myrrl Robert |
Coleman, Norval |
X |
Coleman, Virgil J. H. |
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Conklin, Charles Harold |
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Conklin, James Elwin |
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Conklin, William Orville |
Conkling, Harville Richard |
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Conkling, Herbert Francis |
Conner, William John |
Cook, Zeno Anthony |
Coon, R. L. |
Cooper, Allen Richard |
Cooper, Bradden Leroy |
X |
Cooper, Paul Eugene |
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Cordes, Anton Byron |
Cordes, Kenneth William |
Corisis, William George "Bill" |
X |
Cormaney, Donald H. |
Cormaney, Melvin Earl |
Cornett, Kenneth Wesley |
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X |
Coslow, Roy David |
Cottington, Levi Ardean |
Cottington, Lyle Perry |
Coulter, Dean William |
Coulter, Don Elwood |
Coulter, Glen Roy |
Cox, Arthur W. |
X |
Crabtree, Dwight Edmond |
Craig, LuVerne Jennings |
Cramer, Gordon |
X |
Crippen, Marshall Ernest |
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Croonquist, Bernard George |
Crim, Halbert Peter |
Crim, Vincel Alvin |
Crosby, James Dennis |
Crose, Estelle Carl |
Crosley, Carlton Whitley |
X |
Crosser, Clifton Jasper |
Crouch, Lawrence Dean |
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Crouch, Marvin Leland |
Crouse, Donald Arthur |
Crouse, Harold Engelbert |
Crouse, Merlin Eugene |
Crouthamel, Leslie R. |
Culbertson, Frank Bertram |
Culmer, Lyle Ervin |
Cupp, Ernest Earl |
Cunningham, Gerald Ashley |
Curran, Thurber Freeborn |
Currie, David Hume |
Currington, Ernest Edward |
Curtis, Gerald A. |
Curtis, Leonard M. |
X |
Cutler, Howard Armstrong |
X |
Leroy Andrew Carnell was born Apr. 12, 1914 to Harry John and Martha Wagner Carnell. He died May 18, 1998 and is buried in South Marion Cemetery, Stratford, IA.
Leroy served in World War II with the U.S. Army 1622nd Ordnance Supply and Maintenance Company.
Paul Winslow Carpenter was born June 29, 1908 to Clarence Ellsworth and Josephine Ann Osborn Carpenter. He died Jan. 12, 1949 and is buried in Graceland Cemetery, Webster City, IA.
Sgt. Carpenter served in World War II with the U.S. Army 624th Ordnance Battalion.
Delmar Carter was born May 3, 1925 to George D. and Sarah Frances Kindred Carter. He died Apr. 22, 1998 and is buried in Williams Cemetery, Williams, IA.
Delmar served in World War II with the U.S. Army Signal Service and was awarded the Philippine Liberation Ribbon with two Bronze Stars.
Gailen Robert Cayler was born June 3, 1916 to Samuel and Ruth Reed Cayler. He died Jan. 27, 1994 and is buried in Graceland Cemetery, Webster City, IA. Gailen served with the U.S. Army in World War II.
John William Chapman as born Nov. 5, 1910 to William and Edna Chapman. He died Apr. 10, 1970 and is buried in Forest Lawn Memorial Park, Omaha, NE. John served in World War II with the U.S. Marine Corps and was editor of the Marine Corps Leatherneck newspaper.
Johnie Francis Christenson was born Feb. 1, 1922 to Morris T. and Maryette Slawson Christenson. He died Mar. 12, 2018 and is buried in Liberty Center Cemetery, Blairsburg, IA.
Johnie served in World War II with the U.S. Marine Corps Anti-Aircraft Artillery.
Merlin Curtis Christopherson was born May 29, 1917 to Olof and Inga M. Housken Christopherson. He died Mar. 17, 2001. Merlin served in World War II with the U.S. Army.
Robert Richard Cole was born June 11, 1923 to Robert R. and Sadie Ellen Cunningham Cole. He died Sept. 18, 1963 and is buried in Sunset Memorial Gardens, Des Moines, IA.
Robert served in World War II with the U.S. Army 70th Vet Food Inspection Detachment.
Firmie Arlee “Bunk” Coles was born Jan. 23, 1901 to Charles Calvin and Catherine Aumiller Coles. He died May 15, 1971 and is buried in Williams Cemetery, Williams, IA.
Sgt. Coles served in World War II with the U.S. Army.
Charles Raymond Cramer was born Dec. 22, 1918 to Ernest and Jennie Cleo Chapman Cramer. He died Jan. 6, 2010 and is buried in Graceland Cemetery, Webster City, IA.
Sgt. Cramer served in World War II with the U.S. Army 351st Infantry Regiment.
Eugene Terry Cramer was born May 2, 1922 to Jelske and Helena Terry Cramer. He died Feb, 28, 2007 and is buried in Vernon Township Lutheran Cemetery, Dows, IA. Eugene served in World War II with the U.S. Army in the Pacific Theater.
James Eugene Cunningham was born Aug. 22, 1922 to Patrick J. and Catherine R. Murray Cunningham. He died Mar. 22, 2008. James served with the U.S. Army in World War II.

ServiceMen Research done by WWII Researcher, Pat Holt Juon, Feb & Aug 2020; updated Mar & Apr 2024