Worth County IAGenWeb
Biographies (1918)
Source: History of Mitchell and Worth Counties, Iowa, Vol. II, 1918
- B
Backhaus, Herman C.
Backhaus, John Henry
Baken, Theodore S.
Bakken, Alfred B.
Beach, Ashbel
Beckett, Benjamin H.
Beckett, Benjamin H.
Benjegerdes, Carl G.
Benjegerdes, Emil F.
Benjegerdes, G. Henry
Benjegerdes, P. Dietrich
Beyer, Henry J.
Biederman, Henry
Blackmore, Hon. Albin
Blackmore, Marcus
Blackmore, Hon. Albin
Bolton, Thomas
Bonker, Herman H.
Bosworth, George L.
Brattrud, Knut
Bringolf, Glen H.
Brunsvold, Nels E.
Burtness, Gerhard
Burtness, Knute O.
Baurtness, H. G.
Butler, Lindley S.
- D
Dahlby, Peter A.
Dahl, Christian
Dillon, Lloyd T.
Dixon, William
Doebel, Henry
Dwelle, Charles Horace
Dwelle, Dr. Elmer Hinman
Dwelle, Horton A.
Dwelle, Horace V.
Dwelle, Hon. Lemuel
- H
Hanson, Edward T.
Hanson, Theodore S.
Harmon, Harry O.
Haugen, Lars T.
Haugen, Honorable Gilbert
Helgeland, Andrew S.
Hendrickson, Iver
Hendrickson, John and Clarence
Hendrikson, Lauritz I.
Hengesteg, Andrew N
Hewitt, Dr. Leland G.
Hill, Charles Joseph Albert
Hill, Victor Oscar
Hjelmeland, Rev. R. O.
Hoel, Olaf
Holden, William H.
Holm, Perry
Hove, Olavus H.
Hove, Nels
Hovland, Martin
Huber, James H.
Hunchis, Joseoh George
Hunches, John M.
Hungerford, James
Hurd, Charles Addison
- M
Marken, George
McEnelly, Cliford L.
McKercher, David E.
McKercher, Theodore
McQuatters, Golde
Mehus, Andrew H.
Mellem, Charles G.
Mellem, Lewis G.
Mellem, Nels
Michalek, Anton
Millerm Alonzo E.
Miller, Edward
Miller, William E.
Mitchell, Roy G.
Moen, Ole O.
Mueller, Gottlieb
Myli, Eric H.
Myli, Halgrim H.
Myli, Ole
- P
Parker, Mervin
Paulson, K. S.
Paulson, Paul A.
Paulus, Conrad W.
Payne, Franklin E.
Pederson, Peter M.
Pence, John
Perkins, Orra F.
Peterson, John I.
Pike, Edwin
Pike, Fred George.
Pixley, William H.
Powell, Dr. Charles W.
Prell, Ira F.
- R
Ramsey, Adam
Randall, Claus J.
Reinsmoen, Peter M.
Reyerson, Christ B.
Rhodes, J. F.
Ringham, Thomas L.
Roslien, Hans
Roslien, Lars O.
Roslien, Ole A..
Roslien, Simon O.
Rossiter, George H.
Rowe, George C.
Rustad, Edward
Rye, Arne O.
Rye, G. A.
- S
Sabin, Edwin M.
Sage, T. J.
Sanders, Dr. Charles Willard
Scammon, Frank
Schmidt, Frank W.
Schulte, John F.
Schulte, F. W.
Schulte, H. H.
Schultz, Alvin
Severson, Sam
Severson, Marcus
Sheimo, Carl M.
Sheimo, Clarence O.
Sheka, Ed E.
Sheka, William H.
Sherven, Bella L.
Siefjediers, Henry
Slosson, Hon. John M.
- T
Tenold, John A.
Tenold, Ole A.
Thomas, Walter C.
Thompson, Alfred Orlando
Thompson, C. H.
Thompson, L.
Thompson, Sam O,
Thompto, Albert
Thorson, Nels
Toye, Henry T.
- W
Walser, Andrew
Walser, John
Wardall, Charles F.
Weieneth, Armont E.
Whitcomb, G. H.
White, E. E.
Wiley, Henry E.
Wiley, Henry Eugene
Wiley, Henry H.
Willing, John H.
Willing, William A.
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By Kermit L. Kittleson, Gordon Felland and Cay Merryman.
IAGenWeb Bios