Edward T. Hanson Biography


Edward T. Hanson

Edward T. Hanson is identified with farming interests in Worth county, own­ing an excellent tract of land on sections 9, to and 15, Hartland township. He is also a traveling salesman, representing the Perfection Manufacturing Company of Minneapolis, Minnesota. He was born in Calmar, Winneshiek county, Iowa, August 10,1867, his parents being Thron and Kari (Braatin) Hanson, both of whom were natives of Ringerike, Norway. In that country they pursued their education and were married ere leaving the land of the midnight sun. The father took up the occupation of farming in Norway and was thus engaged until the spring of 1867, when he sailed with his wife for the United States, completing the voyage when eight weeks had been spent upon the Atlantic. They made their way at once into the interior of the country, establishing their home in Winneshiek county, Iowa, where they remained for two years. On the expiration of that period they took up their abode in Hartland township, Worth county, locating on section 9, where Mr. Hanson purchased two hundred acres of land. Upon the farm was a small log house but otherwise the place was unimproved. In true pioneer style they spent the early years there but after a time the little log cabin was supplanted by a frame dwelling and many other modern improvements were added, working a marked transformation in the appearance of their farm. The fields were brought under a high state of cultivation and all modern equipments and accessories were added, Mr. Hanson becoming recognized as one of the pro­gressive and prosperous agriculturists of his community. He voted with the republican party and both he and his wife were consistent and faithful members of the Norwegian Lutheran church. His death occurred in 1902, when he had reached the age of seventy-five years, while his wife died in the fall of 1906, at the advanced age of eighty-one years. Their children were seven in number, as fol­lows: Mary, who passed away in 1892; Hans, John and Christen, all of whom died of typhoid fever in 1867, at Calmar,Iowa; Helen; Edward T., of this review; and Henry.

Edward T. Hanson spent his youthful days in the usual manner of farm boys on the old homestead in Hartland township, pursuing his early education in the district schools, while later he attended the high school at Northwood, thus completing his education. He later returned to the homestead farm upon which his father lived and took up the work of cultivating this place in connection with his brother. He was thus engaged until 1901, when he discontinued active farming operations and began traveling for the Empire Cream Separator Company of Bloomfield, New Jersey, and for the Perfection Manufacturing Company of Minneapolis, Minnesota. He is still a traveling representative of the latter firm but he still owns his farming interests in Iowa and is planning to again take up the active work of developing his fields.

In 1895 Mr. Hanson was united in marriage to Miss Agneta A. Baklund, a daughter of John and Jennet Baklund. Mrs. Hanson was born in Drammen, Norway, and came to the United States with her parents when but four years of age, the family home being established in Hartland township, where Mr. Bak­lund purchased land which he continued to further cultivate and develop through­out his remaining days. Both he and his wife have now passed away. To Mr. and Mrs. Hanson have been born seven children: Clara J., Alvina, Grace, Elmer, Maurice, Harry and Vernon.

Mr. Hanson has made liberal provisions for his family through his careful managed business affairs. His investments have been judiciously placed and he is now the owner of two hundred and ninety-six acres of valuable farm land in Hartland township, Worth county, and also the owner of forty acres in Freeborn county, Minnesota. For a number of years he was the manager of the Hartland Dairy Association. He has membership with the United Commercial Travelers and with the Sons of Norway. His political allegiance has been given to the re­publican party since age conferred upon him the right of franchise and he has held a number of township offices. He is also a member of the Norwegian Luth­eran church and his entire life has been actuated by high and honorable principles, winning for him the warm regard and unqualified confidence of those with whom he has been brought in contact. He is of a genial, social nature which makes for personal popularity and wherever he goes he wins friends



Transcribed by Gordon Felland, October 2, 2005