Biographical Sketch

Daniel D. Knowles





Daniel D. Knowles, a merchant of Manly, conducting a general store, was born in Truxton, Cortland county, New York , on the 18th of April, 1864 , his parents being Daniel D. and Rhoda A. (Wiggins) Knowles. The father was also a native of Cortland county, while the mother's birth occurred in England . He followed the occupation as a life work, was married in the Empire state, and in the year 1865 removed westward with his family, settling first at Lom­bard, Dupage county, Illinois, where he purchased a farm and devoted his atten­tion to its cultivation and improvement for fourteen years. He at length sold that property and established his home at Bloomingdale , Illinois , where he lived retired. He made the removal to educate his children there and in the spring of 1880 he came with his family to Manly, Iowa, where he engaged in the hotel business to the time of his death, which occurred in June, 1881, when he was fifty-three years of age. His widow and her sons afterward continued the hotel until January 27, 1887.

It was at that date that Daniel D. Knowles of this review and his brother Delivan purchased the store which the former still owns. The partnership between them was maintained until the death of the brother, which occurred in 1917, when he was fifty-six years of age, his birth having occurred in 1861. Mr. Knowles of this review has since continued the business and has a well-appointed store, carrying a good line of general merchandise and enjoying a liberal patronage. In early manhood he engaged in clerking for three years in Manly and during his active life he has purchased a farm adjoining Manly comprising one hundred and sixty acres of land, which he cultivates and from which he derives a good annual income.

On July 5, 1893 , Mr. Knowles was united in marriage to Miss Myra Blackmore, a daughter of Fred and Martha (Ellis) Blackmore and a native of Chippewa Falls , Wisconsin . The parents were natives of New York and on removing west settled in Wisconsin among the pioneer residents of the state. They afterward removed to Danville township, Worth county, Iowa , where the father engaged in farming. His death occurred while he was on a visit in New York and his widow is now living at Cottage Grove , Oregon , with her daughter, Mrs. Beaver. To Mr., and Mrs. Knowles have been born six children, Bessie, Bernice, Wilbur, Clifford, Martha and Dorothy.

The religious faith of Mr. Knowles is indicated by his membership in the Evangelical church, while his political belief is that of the republican party. When he came to Manly the town had a population of two hundred and fifty and today its residents number twelve hundred. He has been an active factor in advancing its interests and promoting its growth and as the years have passed he has enjoyed a well-earned reputation as a progressive and enterprising busi­ness man and a substantial citizen

Transcribed by Gordon Felland - July 13, 2005