Mills County, Iowa
1881 Mills County History

Terry, Alby,
Farmer, section 10, P.O. Glenwood; born in May, 1836, in Kalamazoo county, Michigan, where he remained until sixteen years of age, spending much of his time in company with the Indians, who thickly infested that country. In 1852 he moved to Warren county, Illinois. A few years later he came to Iowa, locating in Madison county, where he remained until 1863. He then went to Denver and engaged in the manufacture of charcoal, returning to Madison county, Iowa, in the following year. In 1866 he came to Glenwood, and in 1867 located on the farm where he now resides. Was married February 7, 1857, to Miss Sarah Ann Ludwick, of Pennsylvania. Six children have been born to them - five now living: Harriett A., Van Doren P., Rosetta, John Francis and Hazzard P. He is a member of the I.O.O.F., and has served two years as a policeman in Glenwood. He owns seventy-seven acres of land, on which are good buildings and a fruitful orchard. His life has been uneventful and unromantic. He is a man of strict integrity, and has proven himself a valuable citizen. p. 688 Glenwood Township

Tipton, James A.,
Farmer, section 34, P.O. Bartlett; born October 6, 1827 in Wilson county, Tennessee. Moved with his parents when nine years of age to Lincoln county, Missouri, and then three years later went to Cale county, Missouri, where he grew to maturity, working at farm labor and attending the subscription schools. When nineteen years old he went to Mexico but soon returned. In 1854 he came to this county, locating near Waubonsie lake, and four years later he settled on the farm where he now resides. Was married in March, 1852, to Miss Louisa Rankin, a native of Kentucky. They are the parents of ten children, nine now living: Jesse W., Eliza F., Rebecca V., John Q., James M., Mary A., Cordelia J., Charles and Alfred H. Mr. Tipton has secured since coming to Mills county, a good farm of ninety acres. He has held various township offices and served with credit in the war of the rebellion. p. 628 Lyons Township

Tipton, Saul,
Section 8, P.O. Silver City. Among the early settlers of Mills county we find the name of the subject of this brief sketch, who was born in Holmes county, Ohio, March 8, 1832. During early youth he moved with his parents to Putnam county, and about twelve years later to Lucas county, where he attained his majority, receiving his education in the common schools. In 1853 he moved to Atchison county, Missouri, and three years later came to Mills county. September 18, 1854, he was married to Miss Rachael Woolsey, who died in April, 1860. By this union they had three children: Mary E., Charles W. and Anna. He was again married October 6, 1861, to Maria C. Woodman, a native of Ohio. They have six children living: Rachael E., John W., William S., Olive E., Myrtle A. and Rosamand G.; one deceased. Mr. and Mrs. Tipton are members of the M.E church, and their home is a good farm of 160 acres, well improved. p. 699 Ingraham Township

Tipton, Theodore D.,
Farmer and fruit grower, section 10, P.O. Glenwood; born October 1, 1841, in Allen county, Ohio. When thirteen years of age he moved with his parents to Atchison county, Missouri, where he resided until 1856, and then came to this county. In 1859 he went to Denver, Colorado, and was engaged for three years in freighting. In December, 1863, he enlisted in company F, First Nebraska cavalry. While in this company he participated in many skirmishes with the Indians, including the noted battle of White Stone Hill. During the evening on the day of this battle the commander called for a volunteer to carry a message to the general camp. Mr. Tipton responded promptly and set out late in the evening. He had not proceeded far when he found himself pursued by Indians, and during the heat and excitement of the chase he became lost. After four or five days search, utterly exhausted, and almost at the point of starvation, he reached his friends. He was discharged at Omaha, after fourteen months faithful service. In 1864 he was employed by Judge Brown, who lived in Montana, to take his wife and daughter from Nebraska City to that territory. He started in May, in company with several others, who accompanied him until reaching Soda Springs, on Bear river. Here they separated, and Mr. Tipton and the two ladies continued their journey alone. On reaching Crow Foot river they encountered a band of about seventy desperate characters called "road agents" who seemed determined to get possession of the ladies under his charge. Mr. T. and the ladies were some distance on their way before the desperadoes missed them. They were hotly pursued, and would have been overtaken, but just as they were about to despair they saw a wagon train in the distance, and the road agents seeing assistance at hand, abandoned the chase. Mr. Tipton delivered his charge to Mr. Brown at Virginia City in safety. He remained in this wild country about six years, engaged in various occupations, and then went to Salt Lake City and engaged in the livery business. While in this city he was disabled by the fall of a horse, and was compelled to walk on crutches nearly three years. He has been engaged in the real estate and mining business in various places in Iowa, Nebraska and Colorado. Was married December 14, 1873, to Miss Sadie E. Strair, a native of Champaign county, Ohio. They are the parents of four children: Emma May, Homer Jasper, Orville DeLoss, and Elvira Leora; the two latter deceased. Mr. T. has been an active member of the M. E. church since childhood. He was the first commissioned officer in Nebraska, and the first justice of the peace in Montana. He owns the Pacific Hill fruit farm, consisting of one hundred and ninety-five acres, with an elegant house and commodious barns. p. 688/689 Glenwood Township

Tubbs, Judge L. W.,
Farmer, stock dealer and real estate dealer, P.O. Emerson. This gentleman is a son of Nathaniel Tubbs, an ex-member of congress from Albany district in the state of New York, and was born in Binghamton, New York, January 4, 1826. He was but eleven years of age when his father left the Empire State to find a residence in the Western Reserve, Ohio. The greater portion of his youth was spent on a farm, during which time those features of his character which in after years enabled him to surmount obstacles and win success, found a birth and were carefully nurtured. His education was received in the city schools of Sandusky, Ohio. At the early age of thirteen years he was apprenticed to learn the Miller's trade, and six years later went to Michigan where he followed his trade until 1849. In that year, it will be remembered that not only the United States, but the world was excited over the discovery of gold in California. Thither went many thousands of men, and among them went Judge Tubbs, as the captain of a company of miners. Arrived in California the native energy of the man promptly placed him among the front ranks of prominent men. He entered political life, and in 1850 was elected as a member of the first state legislature. In the summer of 1850 he was employed by the governor of the state to locate a road from the head waters of the Sacramento to the Willamette valley in Oregon, which kept him occupied until the spring of 1851. The winter of 1851 and 1852 was spent in the Sandwich Islands. On his return to the United States he went to Michigan and engaged in the milling business. In the spring of 1856 he came to Iowa and located at Malvern, or rather the place where that enterprising city now stands. In 1858 he was elected Judge of Probate for Mills county, and held this office until it was abolished. He enjoys the distinction of having been one of the first two men ever elected on the republican ticket in this county. In May, of 1861, he organized the first cavalry company ever organized in the state, and of which he was duly elected captain. The company was organized for state protection, and its members were known as the "Mills County Minute Men" One feature of this company deserves mention, it has never been mustered out to this day. In 1869 Judge Tubbs sold his Malvern farm and located at Emerson. He was married October 1, 1853, in Kalamazoo, Michigan, to Sybil J., daughter of William Wheeler, born October 13, 1836. He is the father of eight children, six of whom are now living: William L., Mary D., Hattie M., Volna V., Bertha E. and Ray B. He is a member of the Blue Lodge, A. F. & A. M. and its first master. He became a member of the lodge in Michigan, in 1853. Judge Tubbs is a very large land holder, owning 3,200 acres in Mills county, besides considerable town property, and 1,280 acres in Texas. He has been in the county for many years, and been closely identified with its material advancement. To him as much as any other one man is it indebted for prosperity. He is honorable and upright in his business enterprises, generous in his benefactions, kind in manner, and admired and respected by all. p. 721/722 Indian Creek Township

Tubbs, William L.,
Farmer and stock raiser, section 25, P.O. Emerson; born April 17, 1855, in Flowerfield, Michigan. Came with his parents to Mills county, in 1856, arriving April 14. He has resided in this county continuously since that time. He received his early education in the common schools, and finished at Tabor College. After returning from college he was employed in the mercantile house of Messrs. Paddock, at Malvern about two years. Was married September 20, 1876, to Allie N. Tomblin, of Illinois. They are the parents of two children: Harry S. and Mabel, deceased. After his marriage he was engaged in mercantile pursuits at Emerson, for two years. He then settled on the farm where he now resides. His farm consists of one hundred and eighty-five acres, all under cultivation, upon which is one of the finest dwelling houses in the township. Is an honored member and officer in the Masonic lodge of Emerson. Mr. T. is the son of Hon. L. W. Tubbs, who is one of the earliest, and has always been one of the most prominent citizens of Mills county. p. 722 Indian Creek Township

Turner, Albert W.,
Farmer, section 29, P.O. Henton; born August 22, 1845, in Lincolnshire, England. He immigrated to America with his parents when eight years old. He first located, April 3, 1853, at East Plattsmouth, in this county, and soon after went to St. Mary's where he grew to manhood. When fifteen years old he went to Utah, where he engaged in teaming. He soon after became connected with Holliday's stage line, and served this company in different capacities for some time and was afterward appointed express messenger. After traveling extensively through the west and south, he returned to Mills county, and engaged in farming. He was married December 31, 1869, to Miss Sarah Gowens, a native of East Plattsmouth. They are the parents of five children, four of whom are living: Oliver F., Lewis C., James A. and George W. By patient toil and frugality he has secured a good farm of one hundred and twenty acres, which is substantially improved. p. 669 Oak Township

Turner, Alfred S.,
Farmer, section 19, P.O. Council Bluffs; born January 1, 1845, in Great Grunsby, England. He immigrated to America when nine years old, coming directly to this county and locating in Platteville township. In 1854 he went to St. Marys township, where he grew to manhood, and was educated in the common schools. In 1862 he engaged in freighting across the plains, remaining in this business four years, and then commenced farming, in which occupation he has continued until the present time. He was married in 1868, to Miss Isabel Runkles, a native of Ohio. Mrs. T. died April 15, 1877, leaving five children: Lettie May, Charley, Augusta, John and Leroy. He was married a second time March 20, 1879 to Miss Lillie Finney. She was born in St. Marys township, October 30, 1855. They are the parents of one child, Dolly T. Mr. Turner has served his township officially four years. He owns a neat little farm of 40 acres. His parents were among the early settlers of the county and both died here. p. 645/646 St. Mary Township

Utterback, Addison,
Farmer and stock raiser, section 15, P.O. Hillsdale; born January 2, 1844 in Boone county, Indiana, where he remained until 12 years of age, and then moved with his parents to Story county, Iowa. He remained there but a short time and then came to Mills county, and located in Lyons township. Enlisted October 10, 1861, in company F, fifteenth Iowa infantry volunteers, and was with Sherman on his "march to the sea," and also at the siege of Vicksburg and the battle of Shiloh; was discharged at the expiration of his tern of service, December 16, 1864, near Savannah, Georgia. He returned home in July, 1865, and resumed farming, which he continued until 1877, when he went to Hillsdale and engaged in the lumber business, remaining there until 1880 when he returned to his farm. Was married January 1, 1865, to Miss Eliza Ann Rains, a native of Cedar county, Missouri. They have four children: Oliver F., Sarah E., Martha E. and Alice E. He is a member of the Christian church, and has held several of the township offices. He owns a farm of 80 acres, with orchard and other improvements. p.616/617 Rawles Township

Utterback, William E.,
Farmer, section 16, P.O. Hillsdale; born August 22, 1836 in Eagle Village, Boone county, Indiana, where he grew to manhood, working on a farm and attending school. Came to this county with his parents in 1856, and located in Lyons township. He lived there until 1863, when he came to Rawles township, and in 1865 located on the farm where he now resides. Was married December 1, 1859, to Caroline McPherron, a native of Knox county, Tennessee. They are the parents of six children: M. Alice, S. Ellen, L. May, J. Belle, William Henry and Melville Mc. Mr. and Mrs. Utterback are members of the M. E. church. He has held at various times most of the township offices. In 1862 he was commissioned first lieutenant in the Mills county militia, and served under Capt. Wilson until the close of the war. He owns a farm of 115 acres, with a good orchard and other improvements. p. 617 Rawles Township

Van Doren, William,
Farmer and stock raiser, P.O. Malvern; born October 6, 1834, in Morris county, New Jersey, where he remained until about seventeen years of age. He then went to Summerset county, same state, remaining there but a short time, when he went to Newark, where for about two years he was employed as clerk in a wholesale grocery house. In 1855 he came to this county, rented land, and was engaged in farming until 1863, when he made a trip to Montana Territory. He only remained in the Territory one season, as the Indians were rather troublesome, and Mr. V. concluded it to be somewhat safer in Iowa and so returned. In 1865 he purchased the southeast quarter of section 6, in this township, and for the first time engaged in farming on land of his own. His farm now consists of 286 acres, under good cultivation and with many substantial improvements. He also owns a farm of 240 acres in Cass county, Nebraska, which is partially improved. He has just finished a term as member of the board of supervisors, in which capacity he has given entire satisfaction. Was married December 15, 1855, to Miss Ellen J. Hargan, a native of Indiana. He has seven children living: Milton, Clarence, Alice, Anna, Lewis, Ella and Franklin. His aged mother-in-law, Mrs. Hargan, who is now eighty-eight years of age makes her home with him, and is apparently yet in good health. p. 655/656 White Cloud Township

Van Orsden, Samuel,
Farmer, P.O. Hillsdale; is a native of Pennsylvania, where he was born in the year 1825. He was there reared to manhood as a farmer, receiving only a common school education. In 1854 he came to Mills county and has since resided here. In 1847 he was married to Miss Rebecca J. King, a native of Pennsylvania. They have six living children: Mary E., wife of H. L. Donner, Jacob K., Agnes J., wife to H. L. Brooks, Elizabeth A., wife to Nathan Miller, William A. and Alice M. Mr. Van Orsdel is one of the early settlers in this county, and was the first to settle in his neighborhood between Council Bluffs and Silver Creek. His farm, a most excellent one, comprises two hundred twenty-six acres. Mr. V. has held numerous offices of trust, and is now clerk of the township. p. 602 Center Township

Ventis, Isaac,
Farmer, section 29, P.O. Tabor; born April 13, 1836, in Orange county, Indiana, where he lived until fourteen years of age, and then came with his brother to Iowa. His mother died when he was quite young, and he resided with his relative, Samuel Harrison, until he grew to manhood. He received his education in the private and public schools of his native place, and in Mills county. Was married March 4, 1860 to Miss Elizabeth J. Williams, a native of Christian county, Kentucky. They are the parents of seven children: Andrew N., Mary J., Caudis N., Martha C., Clara A., Elvira M. and Edward. He is a member of the M. E. church and has been identified with its interests since his youth. He came to this county at an early day, a poor boy, but by his industry and strict integrity has succeeded in securing a good farm of 80 acres. p. 617 Rawles Township

Vernon, Allen,
Farmer, P.O. Hillsdale; born November 25, 1831, in Muskingum county, Ohio, where he lived twenty-three years, working at farm labor and attending the common schools. In 1854 he came to Iowa, located in Henry county, and remained there eleven years. In 1865, he came to Mills county, where he has since resided. He was married November 25, 1859, to Dorothy Bowers, a native of Ohio. By this union they are the parents of four children: Elizabeth R., Mary Alice, W. H. and Salina R., the two latter deceased. He owns a farm of eighty one acres, a good dwelling house, commodious barn and productive orchard. p. 602 Center Township

Source: "History of Mills County, Iowa"; Des Moines: State Historical Company, 1881.
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