Mills County, Iowa
1881 Mills County History

Ingrum, James,
Farmer, section 32, P.O. Pacific Junction; was born in the state of Illinois, February 12, 1844. At a very early age he moved with his parents to the state of Wisconsin, and when five years of age to Richland county. When twenty-one he went to California, and for fourteen years resided there, engaged in mining for the precious metal. In 1876 he came to Mills county, and has since been engaged in farming. He was married in April, 1867, to Miss Mary Williams, a native of Erie county, New York. They are the parents of six children: E. Ellsworth, Carrie E., Ella E., Oscar L., Jessie and Martin. p. 662 Plattville Township

Ives, O. T.,
Proprietor Ives House, P.O. Hastings; was born May 23, 1833, in the State of Vermont. In 1838 he went with his parents to Ohio, where he was educated, and where he matured to manhood. When seventeen years of age he went to learn the carpenter's trade, and served with a Mr. J. G. Chamberlain for three years. He had learned the weaver's trade while young, as his father owned a woolen mill. In 1853 he came to Iowa and located at Cedar Rapids, working at his trade in a woolen factory. In 1854 he moved to a milling property near Tipton, Cedar county, remaining until July, 1855, when he went to Minnesota. In the fall of 1856 his father died and he returned to Cedar county. In 1874 he came to Hastings and built the Ives House. He was married April 11, 1860, to Miss J. M. Cornell, a native of Ohio. They are the parents of five children: Sadie, Mary, Victor, Frank and Ida. He is a good landlord and genial host, popular and successful. p.714 Indian Creek Township

Jackson, Andrew,
Section 17, P.O. Silver City; was born February 1, 1842, in Montgomery county, Indiana. At about the age of eleven he moved with his parents to Louisa county, Iowa. After about four years they moved to Clark county, where they remained nine years. His youth was passed in receiving an education in the common schools, and farming. He settled permanently in this county in 1867, having been here once before. Responding to the call of his country, he enlisted in the Thirty-ninth Iowa infantry, August 13, 1862, in company D. At the battle of Snake Creek Gap; he was captured and held for ten months, when he was exchanged. He participated in the battles of Savannah, Columbia, Altoona Pass, and the last of Sherman's battles at Sherah, North Carolina. He was discharged June 5, 1865. He was married December 25, 1865, to Deliah Tipton, of Mills county. She was born May 28, 1844. They have been blessed with five girls: Nora, Eva, Lulu, Nellie, and Lizzie. Mr. and Mrs. Jackson are members of the Protestant Methodist church. They live on a good farm of 120 acres, and have a fine orchard and grove. p. 696 Ingraham Township

Johnson, John M.,
A native of England, was born in Cambridgeshire, July 29, 1834. He immigrated to America in 1851, locating in St. Joseph county, Michigan. After a seven years stay here, he changed his location to section 29, Silver Creek township, Mills county. In 1861 he removed to the farm on which he still resides, in section 16, containing 340 acres of prairie and timber. He came to Mills as a pioneer in his township, and with but slight means, save his sturdy hands. His fine farm with excellent house, out buildings and other modern improvements, are the accumulations of his own hands, aided by the economy and industry of his wife, who was Mary M. Hicks, prior to November 30, 1856, on which day he united his fortunes with her, at St. Joseph county, Michigan. Five children: James E., Ira, Minnie, Susan and John M., have risen up to call them blessed. Mr. J. served his country three years during the late rebellion, as an enlisted soldier in company B, Twenty-ninth Iowa infantry. He was in the battles of Helena, Arkansas, Fort Spanish, and Fort Blakely. He is one of the six neighbors who entered the service, and served their three years, returned without mishap, and are still living near each other. Mr. J. has been elected township trustee several times and served as school director for some twelve years. He received his education in the common school, has always been a farmer, and himself and wife are members of the Baptist church, of Malvern. p. 637/638 Malvern Township

Jones, Benjamin F.,
Blacksmith, P.O. Glenwood; is a native of Pennsylvania, and was born in 1848. There he grew to manhood, and was educated in the common schools. In 1863 he began to learn his trade which he completed and followed there until 1872, when he came to Glenwood and went into the employ of Geo. Davies, with whom he worked about one year. He then went to California and remained about one year, when he returned and again went to work for Mr. Davies, with whom he worked four years. In August, 1877, he opened a shop on his own account and has continued it ever since, enjoying a fine trade and reputation as a mechanic in his line. He was married March 14, 1877, to Miss Celesta C. Hamilton, a native of Iowa. By this union they have one child, E. Pearl, born April 14, 1880. p. 679/680 Glenwood Township

Jones, G. F.,
Farmer, P.O. Glenwood; among the later comers to this county, who have by integrity and fair dealing become entitled to recognition as among the county's most honorable men, none are more worthy of mention than Mr. Jones. He was born in Jefferson County, Ohio, in the year 1837, in the month of August. Ten years later he moved with his father's family to Morgan county, Ohio, where were received, in the common school, all the educational qualifications he possesses. In 1857 he went to Athens county, in the same state and at the end of five years became a resident of Hardin county, Ohio. He served two enlistments in the late war, and was in the battles of Rich Mountain, Laurel Hill, Fredericksburg, Harper's Ferry, and the seven days fight before Richmond, and was here disabled by receiving the weight of a horse which fell upon him at James River. In the spring of 1875 he came to this county. He was, for two years, the superintendent of the county poor farm, and proved to be an excellent manager. He was married to Miss Melissa Kinney, of Nelsonville, Ohio, born in March 1849, in the month of July, 1870. p. 596 Center Township

Jones, Norvel,

farmer and stock dealer, P.O. Malvern; born in August, 1845, in Mercer county, Illinois, and remained in that county until the fall of 1863. He was educated in the common schools and at Knox College. In May, 1864, he enlisted in company C, 137th Illinois infantry for one hundred days, and participated at the battle of Memphis. He was mustered out in October, 1864, and returned again to his studies. In the spring of 1867 he went to Henry county, Illinois, and remained there eight years, engaged in raising livestock. He came to this county in 1875, and has resided here since that time. Was married in March, 1870, to Miss Ella Mason, of Galesburg, Illinois, by whom he is the father of three children: P. Orel, Orpha and Vena, the two last named being deceased. He is located on a good farm of 160 acres, well improved. He deals extensively in cattle, sheep and hogs. p. 596/597 Center Township

Source: "History of Mills County, Iowa"; Des Moines: State Historical Company, 1881.
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