Mills County, Iowa
1881 Mills County History

Quimby, H. H.,
Farmer and stock raiser, P.O. Benton; was born March 26, 1847, in Cass county, Michigan. He was educated in the common school, and passed a number of the years of his life in labor on a farm and as a railroad laborer. He was married June 7, 1868, to Miss Louisa Krupp. In 1870 he came to Mills county, and has since been occupied in farming. His family consists of four children living: Blanche, Lee P., Harriet and Lottie. He owns a farm of one hundred and sixty acres. p. 706 Anderson Township

Rains, Lawrence,
Farmer and stock raiser, section 9, P.O. Hillsdale; born March 23, 1812, in Jackson county, Ohio. At the age of fourteen he moved with his parents to Warren county, Indiana, where he worked on a farm until he grew to manhood. He received his education in the common schools of his native county. In 1837 he went to Cedar county, (at that time Polk,) Missouri, where he remained until the spring of 1850, and then came to Iowa, arriving June 3rd, and locating in Rawles township, Mills county, and in the same year entered a claim in section 18, and in 1868 settled on the farm where he now resides. Was married January 20, 1839 to Miss Mary, daughter of Isaac and Hannah Troth. She was born in Highland county, Ohio, October 22, 1820. They are the parents of ten children, seven of whom are living: Francis M., William J., Mary J., Allen T., H. Charlotte, Sarah M. and Lawrence W. The family are members of the M. E. church. Mrs. Rains died September 2, 1876, of typhoid fever. She was a most excellent lady, loved and esteemed by all who knew her. Mr. Rains owns a fine farm of 180 acres, which is well improved and has many facilities for the raising of stock in which he is largely engaged. He has lived longer in Rawles township than any other person, and has watched the marvelous growth of his township and county with a deep interest. p. 614/15 Rawles Township

Ranne, Henry,
Stock dealer, P.O. Malvern; was born in Baltimore, Maryland, in March 1819. At an early age he was taken to Pennsylvania, remaining five years, and thence to Stark county, Ohio. In 1837 he went to Pike county in the last named state, and in October, 1844, came to Muscatine, Iowa. In 1855 he became a resident of Harrison county, Missouri, and in 1864 of this county, where he purchased his present farm. He moved to it in 1869. The farm contains 618 acres, and is a model one in arrangement and care. In May, 1842, he married Miss Margaret Brown, of Piketon, Ohio; born in 1818. They have ten children, six living; William, Catharine, Ella, Jasper, Henry and Alice. He has been identified with the interests of the county ever since coming here. p. 600/601 Center Township

Reasoner, James P.,
Farmer, section 1, P.O. Hillsdale; born in Coshocton county, Ohio, November 2, 1839; moved with his parents when very young to Muskingum county, where he grew to manhood. working on his father's farm and attending the common schools. Came with his parents to this county in 1863, locating near Glenwood, and settled on the farm where he now lives in 1872. Was married to Miss Mary S., daughter of Dr. John S. and Abigail W. Haldeman, of Hamilton county, Ohio, October 20, 1870. They have had six children, four of whom are now living: Lucy A., Abby E., Florence J. and Olive A. He is a member of the M. E. church; has held the office of justice of the peace, and enjoys the fullest respect and confidence of his neighbors. He owns an improved farm of two hundred and fifty-five acres, which is the result of his indomitable will and patient toil. p.613 Rawles Township

Reasoner, W. B.,
Farmer, P.O. Glenwood; born February 9, 1834 in Muskingum county, Ohio. He received the principal portion of his education in the city schools of Adamsille, Ohio. He came to Mills county in the spring of 1862. He now lives on a farm of 220 acres, about two miles east of Glenwood. He also owns a well improved farm of 240 acres in Shelby county, Iowa. He was married in February, 1857, to Miss Mary Vernon, of Muskingum county, Ohio. By this happy union they are the parents of nine children: Mary Alice, Charles M., James H., Laura Ellen, Newton C., George T., Gracie Elizabeth and Freddy E. Mr. and Mrs. Reasoner are zealous members of the M. E. church of Glenwood. He is in every way a self-made man; coming to Mills county with nothing but a team of horses, he has, by industry and economy, succeeded in amassing a neat little fortune. p. 601 Center Township

Ringland, I. B.,
Is a native of Washington county, Pennsylvania, and his birth was December 9, 1827. At the age of twenty-seven, 1854, he was elected auditor of his native county, and in 1856, resigned and moved to Marshall county, Iowa. April 16, 1857, he married Mary A. Evans, and remained in that county until 1863. In 1869 he came to Malvern where he engaged in the lumber business. Was mayor of the town; a member of Silver Urn Masonic order, and of the Christian church. He died December 8, 1880. p. 640 Malvern Township

Rist, Henry,
Farmer and stock raiser, section 21, P.O. Tabor; born May 7 1822, in Fayette county, Pennsylvania, where he lived until sixteen years of age. He then moved with his parents to Fulton county, Illinois, and remained there, working on a farm and attending school until he grew to manhood. He arrived in Iowa in October 1853, and located on the farm where he now resides, in 1854. Was married December 24, 1846, to Miss Eliza Boyd, a native of Highland county, Ohio, daughter of Spencer and Nancy Boyd. They are the parents of five children: James I., Jacob S., Henry H., Mary J., and Louisa N. Mr. Rist is a member of the M.E. church, with which he has been identified as class leader, trustee, and church steward. He has held various township offices, and was for fifteen years justice of the peace. He owns a farm of 160 acres in Rawles township, 40 acres of timber in Lyons township and a farm of 160 acres in Nebraska. He is one of the oldest settlers, coming to this county with nothing, but by good management and hard work has acquired a competence. p. 615 Rawles Township

Roberts, Benjamin C.,
Farmer, P.O. White Cloud; born August 16, 1831, in Howard county, Missouri. When one year old his parents moved to Adams county, Illinois. Mr. Roberts remained in this county until he became of age and then engaged in the harness business, which he followed for about two years and then engaged in farming until 1860, when he made a trip to Pike's Peak, mining there one year. He then returned to Hancock county, Illinois. In 1865 he came to Mills county and located on section 2, White Cloud township, where he now resides. Was married October 26, 1853, to Miss Sarah A. Butler, who was born in Tennessee June 27, 1838. They are the parents of seven children: John W., Sabra E., George H., Uriah T., Frank P., Eunice F. and Jasper C. Mr. Roberts laid out the town of Lawrence, the junction of the Wabash railway with the Sidney branch of the C. B. & Q. He owns a farm of one hundred and twenty acres which is well cultivated. p. 653 White Cloud Township

Robinson, J. E.,
County clerk, Glenwood; was born in Guernsey county, Ohio, March 15, 1853. In 1854 he came with his parents to Marion county, Iowa, leaving there in 1855 for Union county, where he resided until 1871, when he came to Mills county; he obtained his education in the common schools. After coming to this county he acted as clerk in a store in Malvern for five years, at the same time being deputy postmaster. In 1878 he was elected county clerk, and in 1880 was re-elected. He was married May 19, 1878, to Lizzie Kemmer of Union county, Iowa. They have one child, John R. p. 683 Glenwood Township

Roennan, Henry,
Farmer, section 36, P.O. Henton; born July 3, 1804, in Hollenstine, Germany, where he was educated in the state national schools. When quite a young man he commenced keeping a hotel, which he conducted twenty-four years. His building was then burned and he immigrated to America. He arrived at Davenport in 1855, and two years later came to Mills county, locating at St. Mary's. Here he purchased a farm of eighty acres, on the banks of the Missouri river, which was soon engulfed in that turbulent stream. He then purchased another farm, which was destroyed in like manner, together with some valuable property in the town of St. Mary's. In 1867 he located on the farm where he now resides, which consists of 160 acres, a good dwelling house, commodious barn, and other substantial buildings. His extensive feed yards are well filled with horses, cattle, sheep and swine. He is one of the oldest and most successful farmers in Mills county, and is honored by the people of his community for the interest he has shown in the advancement of the county. Was married in 1834 to Miss Christina Shreader, by whom he is the father of three children: Dora, John and Emma. The family are members of the Lutheran church. p. 645 St. Mary Township

Roennan, John,
farmer, section 31, P.O. Henton; born January 26, 1847 in Germany. He immigrated with his parents to America, when he was eight years of age. He was educated in the German language in his native country, and received a good English education in the common schools of this country. Was married December 13, 1871, to Eliza Glemann, a native of Germany. They have five children: Henry Emma, Dora, Mollie and Rudolph. His farm consists of 160 acres, on which is an excellent dwelling house, commodious barn, and good orchard. He is largely interested in live stock, to the raising of which his farm is well adapted. p. 645 St. Mary Township

Rogers, Jacob,
Farmer, section 23, P.O. Emerson; was born in the state of New York, in the year 1828. He was there educated, grew to manhood, and passed his youth in agricultural pursuits. In this business Mr. Rogers has passed his life. He owned several fine farms at one time or another in his native state; and like the most of men has experienced reverses as well as the favoring smiles of fortune. He became a resident of this county in 1878, and purchased his present farm of 190 acres. The land is valuable in itself but is becoming more so under his judicious management. He was married in the year 1850 to Miss Levina Bellinger, a native of New York. They are the parents of three children: Gulice A., wife of H. P. Ladd; Mary E., wife of William Crawford; and Myron E., now at home. Mr. Rogers is representative of several insurance companies of this state. p. 718/719 Indian Creek Township

Rowe, Philip,
P.O. Glenwood, farmer and stock raiser, is a native of Bergen, New Jersey, where he was born in the year 1815. When quite young he went with his parents to the city of New York, and subsequently to Ontario county, New York. In 1827 he went to Monroe county, in 1836 to Michigan, and in 1842 to northeastern Indiana. In the fall of 1862 he came to Mills and purchased the farm he now occupies. He was married in February of 1848, to Eliza Noyes, of Ontario county, New York. She was born in April 1823. They are the parents of two children, Harvey C., born in March, 1862, and Alice A., born in November, 1864. p. 600 Center Township

Russell, A. J.,
Merchant, Glenwood; was born in Maine in 1837, where he was raised until he attained his eighteenth year. His early youth was spent in acquiring an education, and in mercantile pursuits as a clerk. In 1855 he moved to Parkville, Missouri, where he spent about six months when he came to Glenwood, and soon engaged in mercantile business as a clerk. In 1863 he embarked in trade for himself in the grocery line. In 1864 he added a line of dry goods. In the spring of 1870 he moved to his present store where he carries a large stock of dry goods, clothing, groceries, jewelry, etc. He was married in Glenwood in 1860 to Miss Sarah Hibbs. She is a native of Indiana. Their family consists of seven children: Lucy, Charles, Frank, Fred, Archer, Edward and a son A. J., junior. p. 683 Glenwood Township

Russell, Henry,
Farmer, section 26, P.O. Tabor; born December 5, 1853, in Fulton county, Illinois. Came with his parents when four years old to Iowa, and immediately located in Rawles township, where he has since continuously resided. His youth was passed in attending the public schools and working on the farm. Was married July 4, 1875, to Miss Margaret, daughter of James and Jane Bannister, of Hamilton county, Ohio. They have one child, Nettie E. Mr. Russell is one of the oldest settlers, the greater portion of his life being passed in the township where he now lives. He owns a fine farm of eighty acres, well improved with a good orchard and an abundance of small fruit. p. 614 Rawles Township

Russell, Hiram,
Farmer and stock raiser, section 23, P.O. Tabor; born August 30, 1832 in New York, where he remained until thirteen years of age, when he went with his parents to Fulton county, Illinois, and there grew to manhood. His youth was passed in farming, which occupation he has followed continuously to the present time. He attended the public schools of his place, and received an education commensurate with his surroundings. He came to Iowa in 1856, arriving October 25, and shortly after entered eighty acres of the farm he now owns, and purchased the remainder from time to time as his hard earned accumulations would permit; amounting at the present time to 256 acres, making one of the finest farms in the township. Was married August 21, 1851 to Miss Harriett E., daughter of Elias and Arpha Prosser of Albany county, New York. They are the parents of eight children: Henry E., Emma A., Lucy A., Mary E., Jennette O., Harriett B., Hiram E. and Elizabeth. Mr. Russell is an old and worthy citizen, and has been several times elected to the various township offices. p. 614 Rawles Township

Russell, L. L.,
Merchant, P.O. Glenwood; is a native of Franklin county, Maine, where he was born April 4, 1848. In 1855 he came to Mills county and has since made it his home. His business life began as a clerk at the age of twelve years. In 1868, just twenty years from his birth, he began business for himself, and has been remarkably successful. In 1871 he was married to Miss Alice M. Jackson of Glenwood, by whom he has three children: Mary S., Neva D. and Levi W. He stands foremost among the most enterprising business men of the county, and his business interests are second to no other firm. p. 683 Glenwood Township

Russell, Orlonzo B.,
Farmer and stock raiser, section 25, P.O. Tabor; born January 21, 1838, in Hastings, Oswego county, New York, where he remained until eleven years of age, and then moved with his parents to Fulton county, Illinois. He received his education in the common schools of his native state, and in the graded schools of Farmington, Illinois. He came to Iowa in 1855, arriving in this county June 6, and camped on Elm Creek, near where Hillsdale now stands. He shortly after entered eighty acres of the farm where he now lives, and purchased the remainder as his means would admit. Was married July 3, 1862, to Miss Josephine Hammond, a native of Fulton county, Illinois. They are the parents of five children: Edward S., Juanita, Robert B., Julia and John. Mr. Russell is a member of the Northwestern Mutual Life Association, and has held the office of township trustee and other local offices. He owns a fine farm of one hundred and sixty acres, all suitable for cultivation, and forty acres of timber land adjoining. His parents, John and Lucy Russell, were natives of New York, where his mother died. His father died shortly after locating in Illinois. p. 613/614 Rawles Township

Russell, Samuel S.,
Farmer section 25, P.O. East Plattsmouth; was born May 29, 1826, in Guilford county, North Carolina. At an early age he moved to Orange county, Indiana, with his father's family, where was passed his youth, and received his education. At the age of eighteen he moved to Boone county, Missouri, and after a residence of six years came to Iowa, locating in Monroe county. In 1865 he came to Mills county and has since resided here. He has been thrice married; he first married Miss Mary Gleason, a native of Henry county, Kentucky, by whom he is the father of three children, all now deceased. He married Miss Mary A. Little, a native of Henry county, Indiana. They are the parents of four children: William T., Andrew J., John A. and Julius F. Mr. Russell is an active member of the United Brethren Church, to the interests of which he has devoted much time and energy. P. 665 Plattville Township

Source: "History of Mills County, Iowa"; Des Moines: State Historical Company, 1881.
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