Garrigus, James Edward,
is a native of Indiana, having entered the conflict of life the sixth of Oct. 1852, in Dearborn county, where he continued to sojourn for the first twenty years of his existence, when he launched
out for new climes; tarrying at Trenton, Clinton county, Illinois, for four years. He continued toward the "Star of Empire" until he reached Malvern, Mills county, Iowa, where he hung up his hammock and with a will he laid hold of
the opportunities which presented themselves for his future success. He received his education in the common school, and Moore's Hill college, Indiana, from which he graduated in 1872. Afterward he was chosen the principal of the
public schools at Delaware, Indiana, for a year and after coming westward he taught a public school for a year in St. Clair county, Illinois; and subsequently was principal of the public schools at New Memphis, Illinois, for three
years. Soon after his arrival at Malvern, Iowa, he was chosen principal of the public schools of that town for a year. After his graduation at Moore's Hill, Mr. G. began reading law, which he continued during intervals while
teaching; and during his vacations while teaching in Illinois, he read in the office of G. Van Horbecke, at Carlisle. He completed his law reading in the office of D. H. Solomon, Esq., of Glenwood, in the spring of 1878, when
he was admitted to the bar, and formed a co-partnership with Robert Aiton for practice. After three months he continued alone until September 1, 1879, when he formed a co-partnership with A. L. Young, which still continues
under the firm name of Young & Garrigus. On May 1, 1880, he formed another co-partnership with Miss Clara L. Boehner for life for the practice of love and affection, and the domestic and social amenities of life as well.
To this firm has been added another member; though brief in life, little Helen bids fair to add abundant sunshine to the domestic circle. Mr. G. is a member of the masonic order, and also of the Baptist church.
p. 636 Malvern Township
Gaston, James K.,
farmer and stock-raiser, section 27, P.O. Tabor; born in Richmond, Berkshire county, Massachusetts, April 17 1882. Moved with his parents to Lorraine county, Ohio, when he was six years of age
where he remained until he grew to manhood, working on a farm. He received his education chiefly in the common schools, but attended Oberlin College several terms. He arrived in Iowa November 27, 1852, and worked as a farm
laborer for some time, and in the summer of 1853 taught school at Pleasant Grove, near Sidney, in Fremont county. Was married in Tabor, Fremont county, Iowa, November 23, 1857, to Miss Sarah J. Cummings, who was born in
Lorraine county, Ohio, September 12, 1839. They are the parents of nine children, eight of whom are now living: Emily C., Ellen M., Willard E., Burton C., Vernon L., Lillie J., Lucy May and George R. He has been a member
of the Congregational church since 1854, and has always been identified with the work of temperance. He has filled various township offices with credit to himself, and has been school treasurer since 1873. He owns a fine
farm of 280 acres, which is well improved and especially adapted to stock raising, in which business he is extensively engaged. He has a very fine building upon his farm, which is a model of neatness and convenience.
p. 608/609 Rawles Township
from A. T. Andreas' Illustrated Historical Atlas of the State of Iowa, 1875
Genung, L. T.,
attorney at law, Hastings, P.O.; born September 24, 1842, in Rock Island, Illinois. He there grew to manhood, and was educated in the common schools and by his own exertions. He enlisted in June
1861, in the three months service, and served in the 13th Illinois infantry. He again enlisted December 16, 1861, in Co. H., 51st Illinois infantry, serving until January 1, 1864. He then veteranized in the same regiment
and served to June 13, 1865, when he was honorably discharged at Davenport, Iowa. He was promoted to sergeant and second lieutenant. He was wounded October 30, 1864, at Franklin, Tennessee, and at the same time and place
taken prisoner of war, and was sent to Meridian, Mississippi. He was discharged as a paroled prisoner in 1865. From the time of his return home until 1869, he was engaged as a contractor on the Union Pacific and Colorado
Central railroads. In 1869, he located in Hastings, and engaged in farming, following this occupation until 1876, when he opened a law office in Hastings, having been admitted to the bar by Judge T. R. Stockton,
in November 1875. He had obtained his legal education at home amid the toil of a farmer's life, thus testifying to his indomitable will and energy. He is now serving his second term as mayor of Hastings, which thus
proves the esteem in which he is held. He was married March 3, 1872, to Miss Julia Anderson, a native of Canton, Illinois. They have four children: Charles C., Bertie L., Louis C. and Clyde T. p. 711 Indian Creek Township
Gerard, J.,
farmer, P.O. Glenwood; was born in Prussia in 1824. He there grew to man's estate, and learned the occupation or trade of a miller. In 1854 he came to America, and in the fall of that year located
in this county. He was married in 1870 to Miss Emily Rapp, also a native of Prussia. They are the parents of four children; Anna, Fred, Joseph, and Pale. His wife died August 20, 1879, and lies buried at the Lutheran
cemetery in Oak township. The farm of Mr. Gerard comprises 380 acres of land, and is one of the finest in the township. Beginning as a day laborer the success which he has attained marks what patient toil and frugality
may accomplish. p.668 Oak Township
Gerard, Nicholas,
miller, P.O. Glenwood; was born in Germany in the year 1820. His youth and early manhood were passed as a miller and factory man, until 1854, when he came to America,
and located in this county in the fall of that year. In 1854 he joined with his brother in the milling business, but subsequently became sole proprietor in the mills. His business is successful and his trade large and
increasing. p. 667/668 Oak Township
Gidley, Richard L.,
is a cousin from over the sea. He is a native of Cornwall, Wales, born June 4, 1841. At the age of five years he immigrated to America with his parents who located
in Wisconsin. Here Mr. G. remained until 1865, when he went to school some, and commenced learning the carpenter's trade. That year he came to Iowa, stopping at Des Moines, where he remained until 1868. From thence he went
to Council Bluffs, remaining until 1870, when he sought Malvern for his future home, of where he was among its first settlers. In it, he has held various positions of trust - Mayor, town trustee, twice, and is now serving
his third term under the present organization. He has worked at the carpenter trade for twenty-five years, having commenced to learn its mysteries when but fifteen years old. He is now the proprietor of the Inter Ocean
Hotel of Malvern. Sena Mabee, of Monroe county, Iowa, joined Mr. Gidley, as a co-laborer in his pilgrimage through life's journey, April 15, 1878. One child, Richard E., born at Malvern, August 24, 1879, has been added
to that home circle. Mr. D. did good service for his adopted country in the rebellion. He enlisted in company I, of the second Wisconsin infantry, in April, 1861, and served in the army until June 30, 1864. He was in the
battles of Bull Run, Fredericksburg, Charlottsville, South Mountain, Antietam, and Gettysburg, at which battle he was wounded. He explains that
he fired the first shot from the infantry, at the battle of Gettysburg. From the effects of his wound he was confined to the hospital some eleven months. He was a prisoner for the three days the rebels occupied the town.
He is a Mason and was master of the Silver Urn Lodge of Malvern for two terms. p635/636 Malvern Township
Gilliland, Edward,
farmer, P.O. Pacific City; born in Brown county, Kentucky, May 6 1814. At an early age he moved
with his parents to Orange county, Indiana, and there passed the major part of his youth. In 1851 he became a resident of Atchinson county, Missouri, and in May following came to this county. He first located in Plattville
township , and in 1857 located where he now resides. He was married February 15, 1835, to Miss Florence Wright. They are the parents of eight children, six of whom are now living: Reuben W., John W., Amanda K., Emma,
Shirley, and Anna. Mr. Gilliland has long been identified with the best interests of Mills county, and is an honored and exemplary citizen. p. 660 Plattville Township
Gillilland, John W.,
farmer, section 8, P.O. Pacific City; born February 2, 1842, in Pulaska (sic) county, Indiana. When quite young he came with his parents to this county. His youth was passed on his father's
farm and in attending the district schools and the Glenwood city schools, where he received a good business education. He was married September 14, 1862, to Miss Elizabeth E., daughter of William and Mary Stone. Eight
children have been born unto them, of whom seven are living: Viva, Clyde, Carrie, Walter, Gertrude, Bernard and Pearl. Mr. and Mrs. G. are worthy members of the Congregational church. He has always been identified with
every move that had for its object the advancement of his township and county. He has frequently been elected to the office of township trustee, and is at present one of the members of the board of county supervisors;
in all cases giving satisfaction to his constituency. He owns a fine farm, well improved, with a good substantial barn, and a large and productive orchard. He began life with very limited means, but by industry and
strict economy has secured his present enviable position. p. 661 Plattville Township
Glynn, John W.,
farmer and stock-raiser, section 25, P.O. Tabor; born May 29 1845, in County Carlow, Ireland, where he attended school and worked on a farm until he grew to manhood. Emigrated to America in 1857,
and first located in New York. Came to Iowa in 1870, and settled on the farm where he now lives in 1871. Was married in 1872 to Miss Betsy King, daughter of Carlos and Betsy West. They are the parents of one child, Walter W.
Mrs. Glynn was married previous to the time mentioned, to Lewis A. King, an account of whose tragic death appears in the criminal department of this book. By this marriage she was the mother of five children, two of whom
are now living: Marcly R., and Mary E. Mr. and Mrs. Glynn own a fine farm of three hundred and sixty acres, with good dwelling house and many other substantial improvements, which farm is admirably adapted to stock raising,
in which he is extensively engaged. Mr. Glynn is a member of the I.O.O.F. p.607 Rawles Township
Goddard, T.S.,
land agent, P.O. Hastings; was born September 1, 1831, in Livingston county, New York; he grew to manhood in this county, receiving his education in the common schools and at Madison University,
at Hamilton, New York. Until 1858 he followed the occupation of a farmer, but in that year went into business at Rochester, New York, remaining some two years. The next two years were spent in the lumbering business in
Pennsylvania. He then went to Monroe county, New York, engaging in the mercantile business at Mumford, in which he was occupied some two years when he went into the milling business at West Bloomfield. In 1869 he came to
Iowa and located at Hastings, entering the drug business for the first two years. He then went into the real estate and implement business, but he soon after devoted all his time to real estate transactions. He is agent
for the C. B. & Q. R.R. company's lands in western Iowa, and has charge of their town lots in Hastings and Emerson. He was married to Miss A. L. Harmon, a native of New York September 26, 1860. They have three children:
Walter W., Paul R. and Horace M. He is a thorough business man, and as such enjoys the confidence and esteem of the general public.
p.712 Indian Creek Township
Godsey, D. I.,
farmer, section 5, P.O. Henton; is a native of Washington county, Virginia, born January 1, 1826. At an early age he went to Meiggs county, Tennessee, and there reached his majority.
The greater part of his youth was passed in farm labor. In 1852 he moved to Putnam county, Missouri, where he remained until 1864. In that year he came to Mills county, and purchased a part of his present farm.
He was married February 18, 1851, to Mrs. Margaret T., daughter of Jonathan and Hannah Collins. They are the parents of nine children: Leonidas D., Lycurgus J., Mansfield S., Samuel W., Stephen T., Sarah E., Jackson,
Martha, and William E. (deceased).
p. 660 Plattville Township
Goheen, S. G.,
section 26, P.O. Glenwood; is a native of Kentucky and was born September 6, 1838. At the age of seven, he, with his parents, moved to St. Clair county, Illinois, and in another seven years
moved to Champaign county, Ohio. His youth was passed on a farm and in attending school. After attending school at Springfield he attended college one year, and then attended Bryant & Stratton's business college at
Chicago and St. Louis. He enlisted in company C, 170th Illinois infantry, and participated in the battles of Clinton, Mississippi, Ft. Dersey, Pleasant Hill, Centerville, Yellow Bayou, Lake Clicot, Tupelo, Hurricane
Creek, Franklin and Nashville, and was discharged August 5, 1865. After the war he taught school for a short time and then came to Mills county. He was married March 13, 1867, to Carolina Anderson of Macon, Illinois.
This union has brought them five children: W. C., J. A., S. A., Jennie K. and Mary E. He is located on a good farm of 120 acres and is engaged in stock raising. Mr. Goheen is secretary of the school board, and himself
and wife are members of the Congregational church.
p. 678 Glenwood Township
Goode, John,
farmer and stock-raiser, section 32; born in the town of Bricksworth, Northamptonshire, England, and was educated in the schools under the supervision of the Church of England. When seventeen
years of age he commenced to learn the trade of a general mason, and followed that occupation at his native place until thirty-eight years of age, and then went to London and remained there eleven years. In 1852 he
emigrated to America, and first located at Chester, Ohio, where he remained until April, 1867. He then came to Mills county, Iowa. He was married in July 1838 to Miss Elisheba, daughter of Samuel and Elizabeth Thompson
of Northamptonshire, England. They are the parents of fourteen children, eleven of whom are now living: Lucy E., Charlotte A., Anna M., Mary P., Wm. Henry, Frank L., John T., Joseph, Edward T., Flora L., and Charles F.
Mr. Goode built the first brick building in Tabor, and is one of the most skillful mechanics in the county. He is a member of the Reorganized Church of Jesus Christ of the Latter Day Saints. He owns a farm of one hundred
and thirty-five acres, with good house, barn and other improvements.
p. 607/608 Rawles Township
Goodell, William S.,
merchant, Emerson P.O.; was born May 7, 1837, in Madison county, New York. At an early age he moved with his parents to Wyoming county, New York, where he remained until January 1862.
The foundation of his education was laid in the common schools of the Empire State, and finished at Lima, New York. In 1863, he went to Ashtabula county, Ohio, and remained until 1865, being engaged in farming. He
then moved to Whiteside county, Illinois, remaining until 1872, when he came to Emerson. He engaged in the stock and grain trade and in general merchandising until 1874, when the firm with which he had been connected
as a member divided, and Mr. Goodell assumed the merchandising portion. He was married to Miss Mary E. daughter of Gilbert Cole, January 1, 1862, and to them have been born two sons, Frank E. and Fred R. Mr. Goodell
and lady are both members of the Baptist church, of which Mr. G. is also a prominent official member. He is a large property holder, owning the Commercial hotel, and three residences, besides his fine residence and
business block, and a farm of some 120 acres. the Goodell & Schaul elevator was built while the firm of that name was in existence. It is not necessary to say more of Mr. G., his business record is a history and a
prophecy in itself.
p.711/712 Indian Creek Township
Goodwin, Charles F.,
is a native of the "city of churches". March 12, 1855, he began his mortal career, and in the fifth year of his boyhood he went to Flushing, L. I., and whiled
away two years more of his youth; after which he peregrinated to Buckport, Maine; thence to Wintersport; thence to Buckport again; thence to Roscoe, Illinois and thence to Malvern, Iowa, which place he reached in
1870. He was educated in the common school, concluding at the East Maine Conference Seminary, at Buckport, including a commercial course. He was married August 16, 1878, to Miss Anna Evans, of Malvern; and one child,
Frank E., is the comfort of the twain. Mr. G. is a member of the firm of Munger & Goodwin, druggists and dealers in jewelry, books, etc. He is a member of the Silver Urn Lodge 234, of masons. p.637 Malvern Township
Graves, E. R.,
farmer, P.O. Tabor; born February 22, 1820, in Knoxville, Tennessee, where he grew to manhood. At an early age he commenced working at the carpenter trade, and later learned the trade of a millwright.
He lived in Tennessee until 1855, when he came to Iowa and located in this township. He remained here but a short time and then went to Nebraska City and worked as a carpenter for one year and then returned to Tennessee.
In 1875 he came again to Iowa and located where he now lives. Was married July 24, 1845, to Miss Alice J. Sinter, a native of Tennessee. They are the parents of eleven children, nine of whom are now living: Salathiel V.,
William T., Joan M., Laura B., Tennie M., Marquis D. L., Adda L., Ulysses R. and Edward C. During the war he was employed by the government as a workman in the machine shops at Kingston, Tennessee. Mr. Graves afterward
owned a foundry in Kingston but owing to his strong Union sentiments, was compelled to abandon it. He then moved to the country, in the vicinity, and engaged in farming, but his crops were destroyed by Confederate troops,
and himself taken prisoner, and only escaped being hung by the intervention of some relatives, who were themselves Confederates. p. 609 Rawles Township
Gray, G. W.,
is a native Iowan, born in Mahaska county, January 10, 1857. When two years of age he removed with his parents to Page county where he procured a common school education. In July, 1877, he made
Malvern his home, and made the harness manufacturing business his avocation, which he still pursues. He is a member of the order of Odd Fellows, and of the Malvern cornet band.
p. 636 Malvern Township
Gray, H. B.,
member of the firm of H. B. Gray & Co., merchants; was born October 7, 1853, in Clayville, New York. He was educated in the common school, and at Whitestown Seminary, near Utica, New York. He
came to Iowa in April, 1873, and entered the service of J. G. Cilley, lumber dealer, with whom he remained until January 1878. In March of that year he opened a general store in Hastings, under the firm name of H. B.
Gray & Co. He was married February 27, 1877, to Miss A. Jennette Chapin, a native of New York. They have one child: Grace D. By strict attention to business and honesty in his dealing, he was won an enviable reputation
as a man of business, and is deservedly successful. p.712 Indian Creek Township
Gray, W. A.,
farmer and stock-raiser, section 1, P.O. Malvern born June 16, 1847, in Knox county, Illinois, where his youth was passed in
agricultural pursuits and attending the public schools. He came to Mills county, Iowa in 1872. He owns two hundred and forty acres of land, well improved, and with superior facilities for stock-raising. Since coming to
this county he has been largely engaged in raising blooded hogs, and now possesses some of the finest stock in the county. Was married October 4, 1871, to Miss Sarah E., daughter of John and Sarah Stout, of Fulton county,
Illinois. They have four children: Bertha M., Minnie E., Nellie G. and Sarah L. Mr. Gray is a member of the Masonic order, and has held various offices to the entire satisfaction of his constituents. He began life with
nothing and has made what he owns by hard work and good management. p.607 Rawles Township
Gray, William E.,
began life September 1, 1851 in Guernsey county, Ohio. At the age of five years he went with his parents to Mahaska county, Iowa, remaining there until the spring of 1858, when he removed to
Page county, Iowa, thence to Taylor county in 1874, and finally brought up in Mills county the next year. Mr. Gray was the recipient of a common school education; he read law with Morledge & McPherrin, and was afterward
admitted to practice at Malvern, which profession he has pursued to the present day. He joined his fortunes with Miss E. J. Calhoun, of Page county, Iowa, October 5th, 1875, whose increase are two children: Byron O, and
Jesse E. Mr. G. is a member of the I. O. of O. F., being a Past Grand of the order. Two terms he has held the scales of justice in his township, as justice of the peace, and still holds them for the third term. He assisted
in the incorporation of the town as one of the attorneys. Mr. G. made his own way through the world from fourteen years of age without means or aid. He first worked in a woolen factory at a early age, and remained until
eighteen years old, when he began to learn the tinner's trade. From twenty-one years of age he taught school during the winters, and read law summers. Today he has a comfortable start in life.
p. 636 Malvern Township
Green, George W.,
farmer, section 30, P.O. Pacific Junction; was born in Brown county, Missouri, October 27, 1838. When thirteen years of age, in company with his parents, he removed to Monroe
county, Iowa, and there grew to manhood, acquiring his education at the common school. From 1859 to 1865 he resided in California, where he engaged in various kinds of business. In the fall of the latter year he came to
Mills county, Iowa, and has succeeded since that time in acquiring a good farm of eighty acres. p. 660 Plattville Township
Green, Levi,
the father of George M., is a native of Henry county, Kentucky, where he commenced
life as a farmer, which pursuit he still follows. He was married to Nancy Green, of Henry county, Kentucky, by whom he became the father of three children: James, Matilda, and John. His first wife having died, he remarried
in 1836, taking for his wife, Evaline Little, of Henry county, Kentucky. The result of this union was five children, four of whom are now living: George, Elizabeth, William, and Mary Ann; Caroline having died. At the age of
twenty-five Mr. Green removed to Missouri, and in 1852 came to Iowa, locating in Mills county in 1862, where he was one the earliest settlers. p. 661 Plattville Township
Gregory, Charles H.,
furniture and lumber dealer,
Pacific Junction; was born December 17, 1831, in Steuben county, New York. He was there educated and grew to man's estate. In March 1852, he went to Jackson county, Michigan, and after a short time went to Rock Island county,
Illinois. Two years after this he became a resident of Henry county, same state. While there he enlisted in company B, 25th infantry, August 15, 1861. He was in the battles of Chickasaw, Bayou, Arkansas Post, Vicksburg,
Missionary Ridge, and numerous other engagements. He was discharged for disability, October 8, 1864. Soon after the close of the war he engaged in the stock business in Montana territory, where he remained some four years.
He then went to Utah; from Utah to Nebraska, and to this place in 1880. He was married in 1855 to Miss A. E. See, a native of Indiana. They are the parents of eleven children, seven of whom are now living: James C., Porter B.,
William H., Jane E., Samuel T., Corwin I. and Sarah M. p.661 Plattville Township
Grosse, Thomas,
section 36, P.O. Tabor, farmer and stock-raiser, born December 19, 1821, in Lincolnshire, England, where he grew to manhood, his
youth being passed as a shepherd boy. He immigrated to America in 1865, arriving here on the 15th day of April of that year. He came immediately to the town of Tabor, and was engaged in the care of sheep, and in other farm
labor for about four years. In 1870 he located on the farm where he now lives, and engaged in farming and sheep raising, and has now some of the best sheep in the county. Was married May 29, 1849 to Miss Catharine, daughter
of William and Rebecca Spencer of Lincolnshire, England. They are the parents of three children: Lettia, William and Spencer. They are members of the Wesleyan church. He owns eighty acres of good land. He has also been
engaged as a veterinary surgeon since coming to the county. p. 608 Rawles Township
Gunsolly, Thomas,
farmer, P.O. Pacific Junction; was born October 3, 1851, in Oak township, Mills county, and has been a continuous resident of the county. His education was wholly received in the common
schools, and his youth was passed in the farming vocation. He was married June 24, 1872, to Miss Mary E. Allison, of Cumberland county, Illinois. They are the parents of four children, Samuel C., William T., Sarah C.,
and Nettie V. p. 660 Plattville Township.
Source: "History of Mills County, Iowa"; Des Moines: State Historical Company, 1881.
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