Mills County, Iowa
1881 Mills County History

Salyards, William,
Farmer, section 25, P.O. Glenwood; born in Franklin county, in Ohio. When seventeen years of age he moved with his parents to Putnam county, where he remained eight years. He then came to Iowa, locating in Poweshiek county, Iowa, and in the winter of 1855 went to Davis county, Missouri, and resided there four years. He then returned to Ohio, where he remained twelve years, and then emigrated to Hamilton county, Nebraska, but the grasshopper plague compelled him to leave the state, and he went to Jasper county, Iowa. Was married in 1853, to Miss Sarah Bogart, of Hamilton county, Pennsylvania. Ten children were born to them; but three of whom are now living: David, William and Mary F. Mr. Salyards at one time served a term of two years as street commissioner of Columbus , Ohio. He purchased the farm where he now lives in 1880. It is a neat little place of forty acres, upon which is an elegant dwelling house and a productive orchard. p. 627 Lyons Township

Salyers, Samuel S.,
Farmer, P.O. Clark; born October 24, 1831, in Jefferson county, Indiana, where he remained until twenty-five years of age. He then moved to Marion county, Iowa, 1856, and engaged in farming until 1861, when he went to Monroe county, Iowa, and to Mills 1870. He enlisted August 15, 1862, in company G., Thirty-fourth Iowa infantry, and while in the service participated in the following battles: Chickasaw Bayou, Arkansas Post, siege of Vicksburg, Yazoo City, Graham's Plantation, Fort Gaines, Fort Morgan and Fort Blakely. Was mustered out at Davenport, Iowa, September 5, 1865, and returned to Monroe county, where he remained until 1870. He then came to Mills county, and in 1874 located on section 13, White Cloud township, where he now resides. Was married May 26, 1853, to Miss Melissa J. Copeland, a native of Indiana. They are the parents of five children, four of whom are now living; George M., James M., William S. and Robert F. p. 655 White Cloud Township

Salyers, William G.,
Farmer, P.O. Clark; born November 20,1834 in Jefferson county, Indiana, and remained in his native county until twenty-two years old. He then emigrated to Marion county, Iowa, where he engaged in farming. Came to Mills county in 1872, and located on section 26 White Cloud township, where he now resides. Was married August __1854, to Susan M. Barber, who was born in Indiana, December 18, 1837. They are the parents of six children: Rhoda J., George F., William H., Charles W., Daria N. and Sadie I., and James S. deceased. Has a fine farm of three hundred and sixty acres, which is well improved. p. 654 White Cloud Township

Sawyers, N.,
Farmer, P.O. Hillsdale; born May 19, 1823, in Knox county, Tennessee, where he was raised on a farm and educated in the common schools. In 1864 he came to Mills county, and has resided here continuously since that time. He was married May 19, 1855, to Miss Nerva J. Skaggs, a native of Knox county, Tennessee. This union has brought them eight children: Tuman, Laura, Alonzo, Eli, John, Stella, William and James. Mr. and Mrs. Sawyers are consistent members of the M. E. Church, of Hillsdale. His farm of 140 acres is well adapted to stock-raising and contains many modern improvements. p. 602 Center Township

Schanck, D. G.,
Section 18, P.O. Silver City; a native of Monmouth, New Jersey, born near the battle ground bearing that name, April 15, 1821. He received his education in the common schools, and in May 1860, left his native place and settled in Cedar county, Iowa, remaining there until he came to Mills county in 1874. December 29, 1847, he married Miss Julia A. Vanderbilt, a native of New Jersey, who was born September 18, 1825. They have one child, Alice, born October, 1850. Mr. Schanck owns a good farm of eighty acres. p. 699 Ingraham Township

Schick, William,
farmer and stock raiser, P. O. Emerson; was born November 7, 1836, in Northampton county, Pennsylvania. When three years of age he moved with his parents to Columbiana county, and after a residence there of some fourteen years, went to Lee county, Illinois. In 1872 he came to Mills county, and has gained a farm of some one hundred and sixty acres on section 14. He was married July 2, 1857, to Miss S. Fender, a native of Illinois. They have four children living; Sarah E., Emma I., Fannie and Henry. p. 700 Deer Creek Township

Scott, B. W.,
Section 36, P.O. Glenwood; is a native of Tyler county, Virginia, and was born March 18, 1826. At the age of eight years he moved with his parents to Van Buren county, Iowa, which was then a territory and sparsely settled. He witnessed the great changes made in that county in twenty-one years, and in 1855 came to Mills county, arriving in October of that year; at first locating in Glenwood and engaging in hauling goods from the Missouri river, then the only thoroughfare by which the comforts of life were obtainable. He was then elected by the people to the office of drainage commissioner, and served four years. He also served as sheriff and acted as U. S. marshal. After serving as sheriff for one year he resigned, to enable him to give his attention to his farm, which contains 155 acres, is well improved, with good buildings, an orchard, and is well stocked. He was married in June, 1852, to Miss Cynthia McCammon, of Van Buren county, who was born in 1829. The fruits of this union are nine children: Charles B., Francis M., Willard S., George B., Romain, R. F., Bert and Ada A. Mrs. Scott is probably the oldest resident of Iowa in Mills county, dating her residence from 1834. p. 687/688 Glenwood Township

Sheffer, Rilan K.,
Grocer, carpenter and cabinet-maker, Emerson P.O.; was born in Tioga county, Pennsylvania, July 7, 1850, and is the son of a carpenter. He was educated solely in the common schools. He was early put to work at the trade followed by his father and continued in the same until 1869. In that year he came to Iowa, locating at Osceola, Clarke county, and followed the same occupation. In 1870, he moved to Garden Grove, followed his trade two years, and then entered the furniture business which he continued until 1875. He then came to Emerson where he has since resided. He was married May 5, 1873, to Miss Clara J., daughter of Thomas Chamberlain, of Garden Grove. They have two children, Thomas and Ila. Mr. Sheffer is the architect of his own fortunes, owns a fine residence and business building. He is a master mason, and stands very high in the esteem of his fellow townsmen. p. 719 Indian Creek Township

Sheldon, Ancil L.,
Proprietor of Emerson House, P.O. Emerson; was born in Lafayette county, New York, January 21, 1826, where he resided until 1832 when he moved to Huron county, Ohio. In 1844 he went to Ripley county, Indiana, remaining until 1869. He then became a resident of this state and county, locating in White Cloud township. His father was a clergyman in the M. E. Church. He learned the printer's trade in 1843 and 1844, and from 1844 to 1847 worked as a Knight of St. Crispin. From 1847 to 1869 he had cleared and worked three farms, realizing some $7,000 profit in the meantime. With this entered the business of a general merchant in Emerson, but soon sold out and built the Emerson House. He was married in October, 1849, to Miss Mary J. Richardson, who died in 1862. By this wife he had three children, one living: Alla C. He was again married in April 1864 to Miss Mary R. Sutton, who died in October, 1875, leaving one child, Maud O., living and one deceased. He was married again April 5, 1877, to Miss Georgie A. Edwards. He has been a member of the M. E. Church since 1844, and much of the time a member of some one or other of the official boards. He owns a farm of some eighty-eight acres, near Emerson, besides his hotel business. p. 720 Indian Creek Township

Shepherdson, William,
Farmer, section 12, P.O. Glenwood; born December 2, 1823, in Franklin county, Massachusetts. When eleven years of age he moved with his parents to Huron county, Ohio, where he grew to manhood, and received his education in the common schools. His youth was passed in farming, but in after life he learned the trade of a carpenter. On the 27th day of April, 1847, he arrived in Mills county, locating in Silver Creek township. Three years later he came to Lyons township, and in 1871 he located on the farm where he now resides. Enlisted October 10, 1861, in company F, Fifteenth Iowa infantry, and participated in the battles of Pittsburg Landing and Corinth, and was in all the engagements of the Atlanta campaign. He served as a fifer, and was honorably discharged December 16, 1864. He owns a farm of 187 acres, on which is a good dwelling house, barn, orchard and other improvements. Mr. Shepherdson has been a township officer several years and according to the best of authority, has lived longer in Mills county than any one in Lyons township. p. 627/628 Lyons Township

Sherman, C. W.,
Editor Journal, Glenwood, Iowa; is a native of Richland county, Ohio, where he was born June 9, 1841. His father, Henry Sherman was a native of Franklin county, Pennsylvania, and his paternal grandfather was a soldier in the revolutionary war and a member of the Roger Sherman family. His mother was of German descent, a native of Lancaster county, Pennsylvania, and whose maiden name was Nazor. The youth of Mr. Sherman was passed in the ordinary manner, with no occurrences of note, except that his father died in 1844, leaving him without a paternal guide at the age of three years. In 1856 Mr. Sherman came to Iowa in company with an elder brother, remaining a few months in Winneshiek county, and then joining a surveying party he went to Minnesota. In the following spring he went to Council Bluffs - performing the long journey on foot - and entering the printing office of the Weekly Nonpareil began the printing trade. In 1860 he went to Omaha and remained one year. In the spring of 1861 he made two trips as a teamster across the plains. At the commencement of the war he determined to enlist; in order to do this he came to Marion county, Iowa where his mother had previously located, and enlisted August 20, in company K, Third Iowa Cavalry. He was in the battles of Vicksburg, the second battle of Jackson, and on the raid from Grenada to Memphis, in the engagements at Guntown, Harrisburg, Tupelo, Old Town Creek and others. His regiment was one of those sent in pursuit of General Sterling Price in Missouri, during which he participated in the battles of Big Blue, Little Blue, Independence and Little Osage. Thence they pursued Price's army into the Indian Territory. Returning he was assigned to Wilson's cavalry corps of the Army of the Cumberland, and was in the battles from Montevallo to Selma, a struggle lasting nearly three days. He participated in the last battle of the war, that fought in front of Columbus, Georgia. He was twice slightly wounded during his service, at Salem and at Village Creek, in Arkansas. He was promoted from the ranks to be a sergeant, on account of meritorious conduct. He was discharged at Atlanta, Georgia, and mustered out at Davenport, Iowa, August 15, 1865. In December of that year he purchased the Eddyville Star, and began his career as an editor. After a year he became associate editor of the Burlington National Merchant. He next established the Quincy Journal, in Adams county, and in 1869 the Villisca Journal in Montgomery county. In 1872 he established the Journal with which he is still connected, and to the history of which the reader is referred. He was married at Knoxville, Iowa, in 1866, to Miss Orilla Groom, a native of Iowa, born on the banks of the Des Moines, while this now great state was still a territory. They have a family of four children: Eva, Charles, Mary A. and Frank M. He has gained the reputation of being an excellent man, and adds to his business qualities great energy and tact. He is respected and widely known, and a justly esteemed member of the community, and a consistent Christian. p. 684/685 Glenwood Township

Sherwin, James,
Farmer and stock raiser, P.O. Emerson; was born March 14, 1818, in Jefferson county, New York. His youth was passed in farming, and this occupation he continued until 1852. He then went to California, and after a mining experience of two years, he returned to New York. The following year he went to Kendall county, Illinois, and again engaged in farming. He came to Mills county in 1872. Hon. John C. Sherwin, a member of congress, from Aurora, Illinois, is a son of Mr. Sherwin. He was married July 4, 1837, to Miss S. M. Crocker, a native of Madison county, New York. They have six children living: John C., Mary E., Nettie L., James P., Charles E. and V. His children all occupy positions of influence and trust. John C. is a member of congress; Mary E. is principal of first ward school, Bloomington, Illinois; Nettie L. is wife to M. M. Short; James P. is a Chicago commission merchant; and V. is now a clerk in C., B. & Q. R. R. local office at Chicago. p. 700 Deer Creek Township

Shinn, Frank,
Attorney at law and real estate agent, Emerson P. O.; son of a Methodist Episcopal clergyman, was born in Adams county, Ohio, October 28, 1843. When nine years of age he moved to Kentucky with his father's family, where he remained four years. In 1856, he came to Iowa and to Marshalltown, where he resided one and a half years. He then moved to Pottawattamie county, and remained until 1862, when he came to Mills county, and has since resided here continuously. His education was received in the common schools, and all before the age of thirteen years. His subsequent success as a student and lawyer has been due to his untiring application during leisure hours. He began his practice before the justices' courts, and in 1877, was admitted to practice in all the courts of the state. As a lawyer he is a success, and is building for himself a lucrative practice and enviable reputation. He was married January 25, 1867, to Miss Almira Schenck. they have four children: Linnie A., James A., Kate and Iola. In his younger days an accident deprived him of the full use of his limbs, and he has been a cripple since 1857. His legal library is both fine and valuable. He owns a farm of 135 acres, a house and lot; and deserves the success he has attained. p. 719 Indian Creek Township

Sidener, E. L.,
Farmer and stock raiser, section 22, P.O. Silver City; was born in Decatur county, Indiana, in 1840. His youth was there passed and his education obtained. He was married in 1860 to Miss Mary H. Dunbar, also a native of Indiana. In 1868 he came to this county and located on the farm he now owns, containing some one hundred and sixty acres, well improved and with comfortable buildings. His attention is now chiefly directed to stock raising. p. 698 Ingraham Township

Sidener, M. F.,
Proprietor city livery stable; was born in Decatur county, Indiana, March 12, 1842. His youth was there passed, and his education received. He enlisted in the autumn of 1861 in company E, Thirty-seventh Indiana infantry. Soon after he was mustered in he was discharged for disability, having been seized with a severe sickness. In 1864 he was married in Decatur county, Indiana, to Miss Eliza Cline, a native of that county. In the spring of 1868 he came to Mills county, Iowa and settled in Oak township. In the fall of 1869 he came to this township, and purchased a farm of one hundred and sixty acres. His especial attention is given to the breeding of fine horses, in which business he is achieving a deserved reputation for fine stock. p. 698 Ingraham Township

Skadan, J. Edgar,
Is a native New Yorker, where he entered life May 27, 1839, in Cayuga county, and where he lived until he was eighteen years of age, and acquired a common school education, at which age he came to LaSalle, Illinois, and resided for twelve years. In 1869 he came to Iowa, where he found his future home. He first remained some five years in Villisca, after which, in 1874, he sought Malvern. Prior to 1869 his pursuits were various; but since that time he has been engaged in farming, real estate and general agency business. While a resident of Montgomery county he was honored with the election of school director. He was twice married - first, in 1862, to Maria Good, of Dayton, Ohio, who died in March, 1869. His second marital alliance was with Julia M. White, of Orange county, Vermont, February 28, 1874. Two children by his first marriage are all he has to hand his name down the line of coming generations. Mr. and Mrs. S. are both members of the Baptist church. p. 641 Malvern Township

Slater, Sampson,
Is a native of the British Isle, where he first saw light in Morley Moor, Derbyshire, February 3, 1826; and where he continued to live until 1851, when he immigrated to America, and located at Strongsville, Ohio. After a four years sojourn in the Buckeye State, he came to Johnson county, Iowa, where he spent ten years of his life, which was employed in tilling the soil. In 1865 he removed to Mills county, where he purchased a farm of two hundred acres, in section 28, with timbered land in other sections. He was one of the pioneers of Silver Creek township, and aided in gathering a wheat harvest on the ground now occupied by the town of Malvern. His farm improvements are after the modern style, including a fine two story barn 36x46 feet, upon a stone base for stable. His farm also contains an orchard of some 300 trees, some 200 of which are apple bearing, the others include cherries, plumbs, peaches, etc. Mr. Slater married November 11, 1868, Kate Byers, of Ohio, and Charles born April 16, 1872, will perpetuate the name to generations hence. In 1880 Mr. S. returned to his old home in England for a month's visit to the relatives and scenes of his manhood; giving London and its Museum, Tower, Halls and other points of interest, a part of his time; as well as other towns in the realm. He returned to his adopted country in contentment. p. 630/631 Silver Creek Township

Slaughter, Franklin,
Farmer, P.O. Glenwood; is a native of Surrey county, Ohio; born in 1840. In 1858 he left the state of his birth for Iowa, and located for some years following in Lee county. In the spring of 1866 he came to Mills county and has since resided here. He served in the Fourth Iowa battery nearly three years. In September of 1859 he married Miss Mary E. Lutis, a native of Ohio, who died in September 1878. They became the parents of five children: Lucinda, Philip, Junietta, Myrtie and John. In October, 1880, he married Miss Mary Meral, of this county. He has a good farm of eighty acres, and commands both respect and esteem for his qualities of character. p. 699 Ingraham Township

Smawley, Franklin,
Superintendent Mills county poor farm, P.O. Glenwood; was born in Pennsylvania, August 30, 1830, where he resided many years. He came to this county in 1869 and here he has since resided. In October, 1854, he was married to Miss Rachel N. Sidener, a native of Decatur county, Indiana. They are the parents of three children: Harriet, Carrie and Mary. Mr. Smawley is making the county poor farm, not only self-sustaining, but a pleasant home for the unfortunates within its borders. His conduct of the institution appears to be eminently satisfactory. p. 601/602 Center Township

Smith, T. P.,
A Marylander, a native of Baltimore, added one to the census record of that city the 24th of September, 1813, where he spent his minority, and received a public school education. In 1834, he came to Springfield, Illinois, where he resided for eighteen years, when he was married to Sara Jones, March 21, 1837, who died July 20, 1851, at St. Joseph, Missouri, to which place he had removed shortly prior. He married Susan Mattingly as his second wife July 12, 1858: Affie A., W.T., who is a presiding elder in the M. E. church, and Elizabeth T. are the children of the first marriage. Hotel-keeping is the vocation which Mr. Smith has pursued for years, and is the present proprietor of the Malvern House. In 1862 he entered the Union forces - company F, Twentieth Missouri infantry - remaining in the service a year. He was in the battles of Fort Donelson, Fort Henry and Shiloh. For a time he had charge of some sixteen patients as nurse, on the steamboat Memphis. He was a member of the M. E. church, and his present wife a member of the Catholic church. p.640/641 Malvern Township

Smith, W. S. C.,
Is a native of Putnam county, Indiana, where he entered the scenes of life April 24, 1843. In 1845 he, with his parents, came to Illinois and tarried until 1848, when he came to Clark county, Iowa. Here he acquired a common school education, and worked until 1862, when he entered the service of his country, enlisting in company F., Sixth Iowa infantry, in which he served two years, and in 1864 re-enlisted in the same regiment as a veteran, and served to the close of the war. He was in twenty-seven regular engagements, among which were the battles of Mission Ridge, Jackson, Miss., Kenesaw Mountain, New Hope Church, Atlanta two days, Griswold, Georgia, and Savannah, the latter place being the terminus of Sherman's march to the sea. Here is a record of patriotism rarely excelled. At the close of the war in 1865 Mr. S. settled in Mills county, where he purchased a farm of one hundred and sixty acres, in section 21, being one of the early settlers of the locality, and where he still lives, giving his energies to farming. He was married December 25, 1867, to Rosene Wheeler, of Glenwood, the result of which were four children: Bernice H., Daisy R., Earnest G. and Jeptha G., who will carry their memory hence. Mr. S. is a member of the Odd Fellows and Masonic Orders, at Malvern. p. 630 Silver Creek Township

Skaith, George,
Farmer, section 33, P.O. Tabor; born April 25, 1842, in Lincolnshire, England, where his youth was spent attending school and working on a farm. Immigrated to America in July, 1861, and located in Newcastle county, Delaware, where he remained until 1865, when he came to Iowa. He first located in Tabor, and settled on the farm where he now lives in February, 1877. Was married April 21, 1865, to Miss Elizabeth, daughter of Francis and Sarah J. Spore. She was born in Delaware. They are the parents of eight children, seven of whom are now living: John F., Mary M., George, Jr., Sarah A., Effie M., William and Robert. Mr. Skaith is a member of the Baptist church and a man well respected by his neighbors. He owns a neat little farm of forty acres. p. 615/616 Rawles Township

Spees, F. B.,
Farmer, section 35, P.O. Tabor; born May 3, 1830, in Chenango county, New York, where he remained until four years of age when he went with his parents to Hampden. When twelve years of age he went to Oberlin, Ohio, where he grew to manhood. He spent his youth in attending the common schools and in farming, and also took a course in Oberlin College, and has since been many years engaged in teaching school. Came to Iowa in 1866, and located where he now resides. Was married October 22, 1854, to Miss Maria, daughter of Joseph and Hulda Merrifield. She was born in New London, Huron county, Ohio. They have by this union one child, Frank. Mrs. Spees died November 27, 1859. He was married a second time May 21, 1862, to Miss Abigail, daughter of Prelet and Phoebe Taft. They are the parents of two children, one living, Lora G. A son Wm. F., was killed by the accidental discharge of a revolver in the hands of a playmate, Carl Boswoth, on the morning of July 4, 1879. It was a sad accident, and brought great grief upon both families. The son was about sixteen years of age, and a lad of great promise. Mr. Spees is a member of the Congregational church. He has held numerous township offices, and is at present justice of the peace. He owns a well improved farm of 120 acres. p. 616 Rawles Township

Sprague, Ira A.,
Of the firm of Sprague & Co., Glenwood Iron Works. The subject of this sketch was born in Ohio in 1820. There he spent his early youth in the pursuits of agriculture and acquiring a liberal common school education. In 1843 he went to Massachusetts to learn the trade of an iron worker, devoting about two years to its pursuits there and in New York, returning to Ohio at the end of that time, having spent his time in some of the best shops in the country. In 1863 he turned his course westward, arriving in Adair county, Iowa, in June of that year. The following spring he went to Adams county, where he purchased and improved a farm which he still possesses. In 1869 he went to Des Moines and took charge of the iron works of Tidrick & Vorse, which he conducted for several years. In 1873 he came to Glenwood, and with the assistance of its citizens erected his present shops. He was married in New York state, in 1845, to Miss Mary Colville, a native of that state. Their family now consists of three children, Charles and Robert, who are in business with him, and a daughter Jessie. Mr. Sprague is a man virtually self-made and self-educated, as he began business for himself with very limited means, and through his habits of continued industry and close attention to business has succeeded in surrounding himself, as well as providing his children, with all the necessaries and many luxuries of life. As a mechanic he stands at the head of his trade, and in his shops can be seen many samples of his work, which are a standing credit to his skill. He is a good citizen and has done much toward the development of the business resources of the town in which he resides. p. 685/686 Glenwood Township

Starbuck, E.,
Attorney, of the firm of Starbuck & Ivory, attorneys, P.O. Glenwood; was born in Belmont county, Ohio, the 9th day of April 1842. When he was about twelve years of age, his parents brought him to Iowa, locating near Osceola on a farm. There his early youth was spent in the pursuits of agriculture, and acquiring an education. When he was about eighteen years of age he engaged in school teaching, devoting about nine months in the year to its pursuits, and the balance of his time to the duties of the farm. He began the study of law in Osceola under the tuition of Messrs. Scovill & Clark, of that place, in 1862. In the autumn of 1862 he enlisted in company K, Thirty-ninth Iowa infantry. He participated in some of the severest contested battles of the war, among which were the battles of Dalton, Georgia, Resaca, Snake Creek Gap, Altoona and others. He was on detached duty during a part of his service; was taken prisoner at Parker Cross Road, and after being kept a season of six or eight months was exchanged. He was promoted to orderly sergeant during his service. On the 5th day of June 1865, he was mustered out at Washington, and in the autumn of that year he returned to Iowa, resumed the study of law, and was admitted to the bar in Mills county the spring of 1866. He was married October 1866, to Miss Sallie L. Delashnutt; she is a native of Jefferson county, this state. Their family consists of three children living: Gertie, Essie and Frankie. Mr. S. is now associated with Mr. T. W. Ivory. They practice in all Iowa courts; are also engaged in real estate and loan and trust business, and have identified themselves as among the leading attorneys of Mills county. They have carried many prominent litigations to successful endings. p. 686/687 Glenwood Township

Starbuck, Elisha,
P.O. Glenwood; born April 10, 1801 in Guilford county, North Carolina. When four years of age he moved with his parents to Ohio, locating in Belmont county, where he grew to maturity, attending the public schools and working on a farm. Thirty years of his life were passed dealing in horses, in which business he was an expert. He located in Clarke county when he first came to this state and came to Mills county in 1878. Was married in 1829 to Miss Mary Plumer. They are the parents of ten children, eight of whom are now living: Robert, Abram, Rachael, Elizabeth, Sarah, Elisha, jr., Mary and Hezekiah. The others, John and George, died while in defense of their country during the war of the rebellion. p. 683/684 Glenwood Township

Stephens, T. L.,
Postmaster, Glenwood; the subject of this sketch was born in Carroll county, Ohio, the 20th day of October, 1838. When he was about six years of age his parents brought him to Iowa, locating in Scott county, where he made his home until 1860. He then entered Cornell College at Mount Vernon, which institution he attended five years, graduating in the classical course in the spring of 1865. He was then employed as a tutor in that college for about three years. He then went to Nebraska City, where he remained about one year, when he came to Glenwood. In the spring of 1869 he was appointed principal of the Western Iowa College, which he conducted about one year. He was appointed superintendent of the Soldiers' Orphans' Home, which position he held until the close of that institution, and its change to the asylum for feeble-minded children. He then conducted the Glenwood Opinion about six months as its editor. He was appointed postmaster the 23rd of February, 1876, which office he still holds. He was married at Mount Vernon, Iowa, in 1865, to Miss Lizzie Prior. She is a native of Worthington, Ohio. She is a lady of refinement and culture, and was a teacher in the musical department of Cornell College previous to their marriage. from this union they have one child living, Thomas L; they lost three. In May, 1864, Mr. Stephens was enrolled as a second lieutenant in company D, Forty-fourth Iowa infantry, and was mustered out with the regiment in 1865. In 1856 he became a member of the Methodist Episcopal church and has since been an active worker for the cause of Christianity. He has been a local preacher in that body for the past eighteen years, and local deacon since 1879. Mr. Stephens is a man who is highly esteemed as a citizen, has done much for the elevation of his fellow beings, and has made an efficient postmaster. p. 687 Glenwood Township

Stout, James E.,
Farmer, section 11, P.O. Malvern; born in Fulton county, Illinois, April 3, 1855, and there grew to manhood. His youth was passed in farm labor and attending the common schools of his native county. He came to Mills county, and located on the farm where he now resides in 1877. He owns a good farm of 120 acres, well improved. His father John Stout, was born April 18, 1810, in Pennsylvania, and was married to Sarah A. Boyd in 1847. They had a family of seven children: Matthias J., Joshua A., Eliza, James E., William, Michael H. and Mary J. Mrs. Stout died March 14, 1871. Mr. Stout was married a second time in August 1879 to Jane Noble, by whom he is the father of one child. p. 615 Rawles Township

Stout, Joshua,
Farmer and stock raiser, section 17, P.O. Malvern; born February 17, 1843, in Fulton county, Illinois, where he grew to manhood, attending the common schools and working on his father's farm. Was married February 20, 1873, to Miss Eliza Wicoff, of Fulton county, Illinois. They are the parents of three children; two of whom are now living: Charles W. and Effa Stella. Mr. Stout located here in February 1874. He owns a fine farm of 120 acres in a high state of cultivation with a good dwelling house and superior facilities for raising stock, in which business he is largely engaged. p. 615 Rawles Township

Strahan, J. M.,
Is a native of Indiana. Was born in Putnam county, November 17, 1829, where he remained until his seventh year, when he, with his people, moved to Illinois. In 1850 he went to California, remaining some three years, when he returned to Illinois. In 1854 he made a second trip to California, driving a drove of cattle overland to that New Eldorado. This time he remained until 1855, when he returned to Iowa, locating in Marion county. Here he resided until 1870, when he moved to Mills county, Iowa. Here he formed a business connection with Mr. John Evans, with whom he pursued farming and feeding cattle for market, the latter to a large extent, from 200 to 1000 head per year. In 1873, he, in company with others , laid out that part of Malvern, known as Strahan's addition, into lots for building purposes. Mr. Strahan is also the president of the First National Bank, of Malvern, in which he is extensively interested. During the winter of 1879-80, Strahan & Company purchased and shipped over the Wabash road, 400,000 bushels of grain. In 1879 Mr. Strahan narrowly escaped death from the falling of the St. Charles bridge, over the Missouri river. Mr. S. gives these facts: He and six other men occupied the caboose of a stock train of eighteen cars filled with cattle, which he and others were shipping to St. Louis. While upon this bridge, ninety two feet above the river, he heard a sound of rushing water, which caused him to go to the door of his car, where he saw a frightful calamity befalling their train - a three hundred feet span of the bridge had gone down, taking with it seventeen cars and all the living freight therein. With active presence of mind he jumped for the ties when the car he was in was within twenty feet of the terrible abyss, which the falling span had opened, and it too, went down, carrying death to the six passengers within save one, who barely escaped. Mr. S's presence of mind and quick action saved him from the frightful doom of his companions, whose names were Fred Davis, Josiah Wearen, Mr. Hyde and John Somers. The others were train men. Mr. S's farm is in section 29, and contains 1,200 acres, all under cultivation. Among his various other business operations, he makes a specialty of raising and dealing in short-horned cattle, the Clydesdale English draft horses, and Cotswold and South Down sheep, which together with his cattle and horses have frequently been awarded premiums for excellence at fairs. Mr. Strahan married Miss F. C. Davis of Henderson county, Illinois, January 3, 1856, whose father served in the war of 1812, receiving the land on which he lived, for services therein. Lucy, Ella, Frank, Rosa and Otis are the rewards of that union. Mr. and Mrs. S. are members of the Baptist society. p. 641/642 Malvern Township

Stranathan, John,
Farmer and stock raiser, P.O. Malvern: born September 15, 1834 in Morgan county, Ohio. In 1836 he went to Coles county, Illinois, to remain ten years, at the end of which time he moved to Clarke county, same state, where he lived some years. In the fall of 1859 he became a resident of this county. In the spring of the following year, 1860, he went to the mountains, engaging in mining for two years, when he returned home. August 13, 1863, he enlisted in the Fourth Iowa battery, and was discharged July 14, 1865, at Davenport. In August of 1865 he was married to Miss S. C. Byers, by whom he has three children: C. C., R. E., and Leonora B. His farm contains 160 acres of choice. He is an honored citizen and intelligent, unassuming gentleman. p. 601 Center Township

Sturgeon, James,
Farmer and stock raiser, section 23, P.O. Emerson; born July 29, 1847, in Philadelphia, Pennsylvania. In 1849 he moved with his parents to Canada where he grew to manhood, working on the farm in the summer season and attending the common schools during the winter. He came to Mills county, Iowa in 1870. Was married August 1, 1877, to Marcia Lincoln, a native of Ohio. They are the parents of one child, Frederick James. Soon after his marriage he located on the farm where he now resides. His farm consists of one hundred and twenty acres on which is a good dwelling-house and a fine orchard. He has always taken an active interest in the schools and all township improvements, and now holds the office of township clerk. p. 720 Indian Creek Township

Sturgeon, John F.,
Farmer and stock raiser, section 22, P.O. Emerson; born in 1845. In 1849 he went with his parents to Canada, and in 1865 returned to Philadelphia, and from thence went to the oil regions, where he remained until April 1865, when he enlisted in the Ninety-eighty Pennsylvania infantry. He was at Richmond a few days after the surrender, and was with Gen. Sheridan on his march to Danville. Was mustered out July 11, 1865, returning to Oil City, and from there went to Canada. In 1866 he came to Iowa and stopped in Des Moines county, He then traveled through Missouri, Kansas and Nebraska, and returned to Iowa and located in Mills county in 1868. Was married in June, 1872, to Elizabeth Forest, a native of Iowa, born in 1854. They are the parents of three children, two of whom are now living: Maggie, May and Clarence. He owns a well improved farm of 320 acres, well adapted to stock raising, in which he is largely engaged. p. 720 Indian Creek Township

Summers, H. W.,
Farmer and stock raiser, P.O. Malvern; born July 4, 1826, in Tazewell county, Illinois, where he remained until 1855. In this year, in company with his brothers, he came to Mills county, and entered considerable land, and begun to lay the foundation for his future home, which was done in a permanent manner. His farm is admirable adapted to stock raising, in which enterprise he is extensively engaged. His farms consists of 2,000 acres, 200 acres of which is in tame grass and pasture. Mr. Summers ships a great deal of stock, and on one of his stock trains en route to St. Louis, while crossing the railroad bridge over the Missouri river at St. Charles, the bridge gave way, and John, the eldest son of Mr. Summers went down with the ill-fated train. The unfortunate young man was taken from the wreck alive, but survived only three days. Mr. S. was married February 24, 1850, to Miss Hannah F. Jennings, who was born in Virginia, June 2, 1832. they are the parents of five children, three of whom are now living: William L., Laura A., and Edward L. p.654 White Cloud Township

Summers, James M.,
Farmer and stock raiser, P.O. Malvern; born August 20, 1829, in Springfield, Illinois. While yet small he went with his parents to Tazewell county, Illinois, and remained there until 1855, engaged in farming and stock raising. He then came to this county and entered several tracts of land. He still resides where he first located on coming to the county, and now owns about one thousand acres of land, upon which are all the modern improvements. Was married February 5, 1863, to Miss Charlotte Rains, a native of Missouri. He had by this union three children: Charles W., Lillian A. and John H. Mrs. Summers died April 5, 1871. Mr. Summers was again married June 9, 1873, to Ella I. Brown, a native of Illinois. By this marriage he is the father of four children: Milton A., Ross B., Laura and Eunice. p. 654 White Cloud Township

Summers, William G.,
Farmer and stock raiser; born March 25, 1831 in Tazewell county, Illinois, where he remained until 1837, and then emigrated with his parents to Davis county, Missouri, and resided there about one year. In 1838 he went to Lee county, Iowa, and one year later returned to Tazewell county, Illinois, where for several years he was engaged in farming. He came to this county in 1856, arriving October 22nd. He had entered several tracts of land before coming to the county, and with the assistance of his three boys (who are now living in the immediate vicinity) soon succeeded in improving considerable of the then wild lands, of what is now White Cloud township. Mr. Summers owns 1,500 acres of land, 1,000 acres of which is under cultivation, with hedges, orchards, barns and an extensive dwelling house, with all modern improvements and conveniences. The Wabash railway, and the branch of the C., B. & Q., running from Hastings to Sidney, the county seat of Fremont county. He was married September 23, 1855, to Miss Mary A. Kellogg, who was born in Tazewell county, Illinois, November 11, 1834. They are the parents of eight children: Verona E., Kate F., William Grant, Mary E., Sanford W., Varna A. and Harrison L. p. 654/655 White Cloud Township

Swinnerton, M.,
Proprietor of the Mills county marble and stone works, which were established in 1874, and conducted successfully until March 1877, when Mr. Swinnerton visited Europe here he spent almost three years. He then returned to Glenwood and resumed his business in July, 1880; since then he has been doing an extensive business in this and surrounding counties. He is a first-class workman, having had upwards of twenty-six years experience in the business, and it can be truthfully said that he stands at the head of his art. He has gained a reputation for honest and upright dealing which is a standing credit to his integrity as a business man. He allows nothing but first-class work to leave his shops, and always employs skillful workmen. He manufactures everything in his line, from a paper weight to a family monument. He has executed many pieces of creditable work since his settlement in the county, and is now enjoying a trade which is commensurate with his untiring efforts to please the public. His success in this line can only be attributed to his skillful management and honest dealings. He has proved himself a benefactor to the town in which he resides, as he has built up an industry of which the people of the county should be justly proud. p. 684 Glenwood Township

Source: "History of Mills County, Iowa"; Des Moines: State Historical Company, 1881.
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