Shown below are veterans of the World War II known to have resided in Madison County. Information has been gathered from the Winterset Madisonian, Madison County Recorder's Office, gravestones/markers, and relatives.
Names with a grey background were killed while serving in the military.


Name Service Branch Service Record
Mabbitt, Albert E.    
Mabbitt, Russell    
Mack, Eugene    
Macumber, Morris M.    
Macumber, Rex    
Madison, Robert    
Mampe, George    
Manning, Cleo    
Mapes, Dick    
Mapes, Ernest Dale    
Mapes, Leslie W.    
Marsch, Richard R.    
Martens, Irvin Walter US Army Company A, CNS Training Battalion, Edgewood Arsenal, Missouri, enlisted 09 Jan 1942, discharged 09 Oct 1946
Martin, Clifford US Army  
Martin, Dean US Navy Ensign, patrol bomber pilot
Martin, Dyle    
Martin, John W.    
Martin, Maurice    
Martin, Wilbur J.    
Mathew, Alfred O'Dell    
Mathews, George W.    
Mathews, John US Army Staff Sergeant
Mauck, Harold    
McBride, Pauline    
McCartney, Francis R.    
McClain, John C.    
McClelland, Rex    
McCombie, John E.    
McCorkle, Hugh    
McDonald, Dean    
McDonald, Donald    
McDonald, Harold W.    
McDonald, Raymond C.    
McFarlin, Charles    
McFarlin, Robert Eugene US Navy  
McKee, Elmer    
McKee, Francis    
McKee, Gayle A.    
McKee, Lyman C.    
McKee, Wilbert L.    
McKeever, William    
McKibben, Norman    
McKinney, Marvin D.    
McLarnand, Floyd E. US Army Pvt., 137th Infantry Regiment, 35th Infantry Division
McLaughlin, Francis E.    
McLaughlin, Vernon    
McLees, John K.    
McMahon, Phillip M.    
McMurray, Robert    
McNamara, Dan    
McNamara, Martin, Jr.    
McNamara, Robert L.    
McNeley, Lee Roy    
McNichols, Wilbur    
McNichols, Willard    
Meade, Earl    
Meade, John G.    
Meader, Clarence    
Meader, Harry Lyle    
Meader, Leo    
Mease, Willard    
Meilike, Carl    
Melroy, Charles    
Melroy, James    
Melroy, Walter    
Merriman, Donald F.    
Merryman, Jack W.    
Michael, Harry L.    
Michael, Raymond H.    
Michaud, Elmer    
Miles, David B. US Army Enlisted Aug 1942, Company F, 136th Infantry, 33rd Division, 1st Lieutenant, killed in action 29 Mar 1945, Luzon, Philippines
Miles, Phillip H.    
Miles, Victor    
Miller, A. E.    
Miller, Carroll E.    
Miller, Donald M.    
Miller, Earl    
Miller, Eldridge    
Miller, Ernest F.    
Miller, Harold    
Miller, Henry C.    
Miller, Jack L.    
Miller, Keith    
Miller, Kenneth E.    
Miller, Max B.    
Miller, Robert L.    
Miller, Virginia    
Mills, C. Dale    
Mills, John Albert US Army Air Corps Sergeant, enlisted 03 Oct 1942, discharged 01 Mar 1946
Mills, Marvin    
Mills, Robert    
Mintle, Harland Russell US Army Enlisted 12 Jun 1945 at Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas, discharged 05 Dec 195
Misner, Jack E.    
Mitchell, Eldon R.    
Mohler, Arthur M.    
Monaghan, Jack    
Monaghan, John    
Monaghan, Mary Margaret    
Monaghan, Thomas E.    
Monaghan, William J.    
Monroe, Leroy William US Army  
Montgomery, Ernest   Staff Sergeant
Montross, George    
Moon, William Clell US Navy Reserves Shipfitter Second Class, enlisted 07 Sep 1942, discharged 07 Jul 1945
Moore, Charles C.    
Moore, Kermit    
Moore, Marvin    
Moore, Rex    
Moore, Roslyn US Army Tech Sergeant 5, 585th Signal Depot Company
Moore, Wilbur    
Moorhead, James Milo US Army Air Corps Enlisted 23 Feb 1923 at Camp Dodge, Iowa, discharged 29 Oct 1945; POW Aug 1944-Jul 1945
Moorman, Archie Dale US Army Enlisted 17 Apr 1945, Ft. McArthur, San Pedro, California
Moreland, Dorrence D.    
Morgan, Benjamin Frederick    
Mork, James    
Morris, Cyril E.    
Morris, George S.    
Morris, Theral    
Morrissey, James E.    
Morrissey, Roger A.    
Morrow, Galen    
Morrow, Paul E.    
Morton, Manford E.    
Mueller, Ernest    
Mueller, Herman, Jr.    
Mueller, Merle    
Mullins, Merwin    
Mulvihill, James, Jr.    
Mundell, Dwight V. US Army Staff Sergeant
Murphy, Charles    
Murphy, Laurel S.    
Murrell, Phillip Dale    
Murry, Donald    
Muselman, Fred K.    
Muselman, Harrison, Jr.    
Myers, Kenneth    
Myers, Veryl C.    



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This page was last updated Thursday, 05-Sep-2024 16:42:31 CDT .