updated 11/02/2014
Bits of Information from various newspapers 1940 - 1944 |
Journal and Lansing
Mirror, November 13, 1940 Early Winter Storm Lashes
Countryside The worst storm in over half a century
struck this section and the entire middle west Monday and
resulted in many fatalities throughout the entire region
with duck hunters suffering the heaviest casualties.
After a heavy rain in the morning the weather started to
turn cold about noon and a bitter northwest wind began
which continued throughout the night and practically all
the next day, accompanied by the blinding snow flurries.
Owing to the open country and velocity of the wind,
countless duck hunters were marooned all day and night on
the islands in the Mississippi river valley and many
froze to death and others enduring untold suffering until
their rescue on Tuesday with many still unaccounted for.
Minnesota reported 27 known dead with 11 between Red Wing
and Winona, five at the latter place; several in South
Dakota and many in Illinois and states to the south. |
Mason City
Globe Gazette (Mason City, Iowa)
Nov. 20th, 1940 Postville- Miss Mary McDonald, 80, reputed to be the first white person born in Postville, suffered a broken hip in a fall over a rug in her home here Monday. Her condition is not considered serious. ~contributed by Cindy Bray Lovell |
Journal and Lansing
Mirror, February 19, 1941 -Ed. Valentine of Lansing, who had been serving a term in the county jail at Waukon for the past two months for resisting an officer, was released Friday on good behavior after the balance of his six months sentence was suspended by Judge H. E. Taylor. -John Eckert Jr. and Walter Burt, both of Waukon, escaped serious injury Monday morning about 11 o’clock when their car left the road on the Iron Mine Hill north of town. The accident occurred after Mr. Eckert lost control of the car when it hit an area of ice on the hill concealed by snow. The machine, which rolled over a number of times, was damaged to an extent of $200. -After several weeks absence from duty, the trial jury for this term of Allamakee county’s district court at Waukon has been ordered to appear Monday morning, February 24. Cases scheduled for trial at the time are Strub vs. McKinney, Waukon Equity vs. Sunderman, Mary Hammell, Raymond Hammell, Mrs. Mary Hammell all vs. Jordan and Irons in three distinct suits, Noack vs. Olson, and Martin vs. Luettchens. Cases to be heard the following days are Velma Clark vs. Laurence Miller, Schukei vs. Nierling, Swebakken vs. Thompson, Cota Exec. vs. Cota, Weaver vs. College, and Tweeet vs. Smith. -In spite of discouraging weather conditions, the auction sale on Deputy Sheriff R. J. Waters’ farm in Post township Monday brought in a gross receipt of $2700. Bidders from all parts of this county and neighboring counties were present and a top price of $112 was paid for cows and heifers with an average standing at $94.95. Average price for sows was $38.80 apiece with a top of $40 paid for the choice animals. Letchford and Rudnick were the auctioneers. -The Spanish-American war veterans of the Waukon camp and their ladies’ auxiliary met Saturday shortly afternoon in their hall for a special observance of the 43rd anniversary of the sinking of the battleship, Maine. The hall was decorated for the occasion by Claude Dean and Royal Pratt who arranged an interesting display of historical material pertaining to the disaster. A potluck dinner was served on a banquet table at noon. Mrs. Hall Robert of Postville provided excellent entertainment after the dinner by showing a series of colored motion pictures which she took of scenes in Allamakee county when the leaves were turning in the fall, and also shots taken on eastern and western trips. -Gene Mason of Waukon, who is employed in the Dubuque Boat and Boiler Works, is now engaged in a department of the plant where five mine sweepers are being constructed for the government as a part of the national defense program. I. E. Davenport, brother-in-law of Mrs. J. G. Minert of Waukon, is the operator of the plant. -A wedding reception and shower was tendered the newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. Ted Troendle, at the home of her mother, Mrs. Jeanette Peterson, Sunday evening. Cards furnished the entertainment and lunch was served. ~contributed by Ann Krumme ........ there's lots more!!! continue reading this issue of the Allamakee Journal and Lansing Mirror ..... |
Journal, February 26, 1941
........ there's
lots of news!!! Read this issue of the Allamakee
Journal ~contributed by Errin Wilker |
Republican & Standard, February
26, 1941 ........ there's
lots of news!!! Read this issue of the Waukon
Republican & Standard ~contributed by Errin Wilker |
Journal and Lansing Mirror, April
9, 1941 Lester Webster of Waukon appeared before Justice L. T. Hermanson Saturday evening and was sentenced to 15 days in the county jail for operating a motor vehicle without a driver’s license. The balance of the sentence could be suspended if the defendant pays a fine of $15 and costs. Mr. Webster was taken into custody after the car he was driving crashed into a parked machine of Ed Haehlen on the street between the court house and the Allamakee Hotel at 4 o’clock Saturday afternoon. Upon questioning, Webster admitted he had no driver’s license. ~contributed by Ann Krumme ........ there's lots more news!!! Continue reading this issue of the Allamakee Journal and Lansing Mirror ..... |
Looking back to
April 1941 -With the national defense effort steadily gaining momentum, and more training camps constructed and enlarged, quotas for young men to take military training under the selective service program are expected to be increased. According to word received by the Allamakee draft board, this county will be called upon to provide 53 additional men by the first of July, most of whom are expected to be drafted. -In accordance with the growing custom throughout the Christian world, we ask, that as usual, activity be suspended between the hours of 12 noon and 3 p.m. Good Friday to commemorate the Passion and Death of Our Lord and Savior Jesus Christ upon the cross. -Gov. Wilson late Tuesday signed the bill increasing the minimum pay of Iowa teachers from $50 to $65. More than 2,000 teachers will benefit from the increase. -A large party of friends met at the Henry O’NEIL home in Wexford recently to bid farewell to their son Steve O’NEIL who went into the army for a year’s training. -One of the largest crowds of the season attended the wedding last Wednesday at the new city hall, given in honor of the newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs. Delbert MATHIS. -Eddie LECHTENBERG went to Freeburg, Minn., the middle of last week where he will work for his uncle Ben the rest of the summer. ~(*see note at bottom of page) |
Journal, June 11, 1941 -Waukon defeated Lansing 6-4 Sunday. Farason pitched for Lansing and Erickson for Waukon. -Esther Brink and Freeman Reppe were married June 3 in the First Reformed Church. Other weddings were those of Anna Troendle and Delbert Mathis at Lansing I.C., and Ruth Cahalan and Leo Daman at St. Pius, Cherry Mound. -Milton Wild has been selected to be a judge for the National Creamery Buttermakers at the Land O' Lakes plant in Minneapolis. -Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Schild and baby of Cedar Falls drove over last week and Mrs. Schild and the baby remained for a week's visit at the Dan Goettel home. -Mr. and Mrs. Leo T. Hufschmidt celebrated their 24th wedding anniversary Saturday and on Sunday Mr. and Mrs. Harold Gaunitz celebrated their 21st anniversary. Both couples enjoyed an outing on Sunday on the Mary Lee. -Mr. and Mrs. Kern Kelleher are happy over the birth of a daughter on June 8. She will be named Dorothy Louise. -Wallace Zimmerman left Sunday for Washington, D.C., where he will spend a month visiting his sister, Esther Zimmerman, employed there. -Mr. and Mrs. P.J. Laffan of Waukon drove to St. Paul, Minn., Friday to attend the Democratic Women's Regional Conference. -John Beisker, 17, received a leg fracture Saturday when he was run over by a tractor and corn plow. -A party was held in honor of Ed Bock's 78th dirthday on June 8. -Robert H. Thomson, 94, died at his New Albin home Monday. -Miss Maxine Dumber assumed duties June 1 as a nursing attendant at the Bakkum Hospital. -Mrs. Vince Kernan and Mrs. Harry Boardman of Fort Madison visited several days the past week at the James Kernan home and attended the KernanMcMahon wedding Saturday. ~contributed by Errin Wilker |
Journal, July 9, 1941 -Air mail and air express facilities to 105 cities, including Lansing, are being offered in an application filed by the Mercury Development Corp. of Indianapolis. Ind. before the Civil Aeronautics Board in Washington D.C. -Mr. Edwin Cooper was taken to La Crosse hospital after being struck by a stray bullet while he was sitting at the back of his home, the old Nopper place. -Carl Fitzgerald of Milwaukee. Wis. came Thursday evening to spend the weekend with his wife and home folks, the Ed Fitzgeralds of New Albin. -Kathryn Roeder and Midge Gibbs of Waterloo were Fourth of July visitors with home folks, -Bob Sweeney and the former's brother, Bud Roeder, driving over to get them. -Rita Unterberger took the Star Route yesterday to Waterville to visit her folks, the John Unterbergers of Cherry Mound area. -Mr. and Mrs. John Kosbau and daughter Florence and son Harold and Anna Mae Ward drove to Dubuque over the Fourth and visited the former's daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Wells. -Miss Arlene Moen, senior nurse at the University of Iowa, is spending three weeks vacation with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Albert Moen and family. -Bob McDonald's two run homer was not enough, as Waukon was defeated by Monona 7-6 Sunday. -Pallbearers at the funeral of Mrs. Minnie Pohlman were Mrs. James Valesh, Elmer Lenz, A.G. Meyer, Simon Medicus, Geo. May and J.J. Higgins. -Mr. and Mrs. Leo Colsch came home Saturday after visiting with their daughter, Mrs. Barry Braheny and family of Clear Lake. -Mabel Mae returned to her home in La Crosse Saturday after visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. Arlie Kubitz. -Lawrence Odegard of Waterville and the Alton Odegard family of Waukon visited their mother, Mrs. Henrietta Odegard, who is housekeeper at Leppert Bros. -Bud Rethwisch, Leo Brazell, Jim Williams, Mel Traversey, Ben Quillin and Joe Wachter drove to Chicago to see the White Sox beat Cleveland. ~contributed by Errin Wilker |
Journal, July 16, 1941 -Edwin Cooper, well known Lansing resident, died in Grandview hospital in La Crosse Sunday. -Miss Gertrude Williams and Leo Devitt, popular Waukon couple, were married at the Peosta Catholic Church recently. -Louis Schiek owner of the famed cafe in Minneapolis that bears his name, died after a short illness. -Ray Eastless has been named the new manager of the Piggly Wiggly store in Waukon. -The Harper Hawks beat Monona 5-4 in a game played Sunday. -Dr. Warren Hayes has been elected commander of the American Legion post in Waukon. -Mr. and Mrs. Mike Schofield of the Monona area are the proud parents of a son born recently at the Bakkum hospital. -A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bakewell of Lansing. -A Meyer family reunion was held at the Otto C. Meyer home. -contributed by Errin Wilker |
Looking back to
July & August 1941 -The J.D. COWAN home was demolished by an explosion and fire. COWAN, Francis “Bud” REGAN and Ralph ANDERSON were severely burned. -Iowans are suffering through the “worst heat wave on record” with temperatures close to 100. The growth of much of the corn is stunted. ~(*see note at bottom of page) |
Looking back to
August & September 1941 -Pete CONWAY of Center Township this morning sold 13 six-month-old hogs to Schach and Fink which weighed 243 pounds each and brought him the neat sum of $335.49. The price paid was $10.60 per hundred and they were certainly a fine bunch of porkers -Cyril MURPHY, proprietor of the Lansing Garage, announces the employment of Ray SPINNER as mechanic to take the place of Clem PETERS who was gone into business with Eddie KNOPF. “Rusty” is an expert mechanic and will be on the job at all times in his new position. ~(*see note at bottom of page) |
Looking back to
October & November 1941 -Notice: Owing to advanced living expenses and supplies, prices for barber work beginning Oct. 6 will be: Hair cuts, 40 cents; shaves, 25 cents; shampoos, 40 cents; tonic, 15 cents; oil, 10 cents; neck shave, 10 cents; neck clip 10 cents. All Lansing barbers. -Mr. Frank BECHTEL, the orchestra man from Church, now takes the band around in a new 1942 Dodge sedan which he purchased last week. -Private Frank FERRING, son of Mr. and Mrs. Tony FERRING of Lansing, was discharged from active duty in Uncle Sam’s army Nov. 1 at Camp Claiborne, La., Saturday. He arrived home Monday, coming by bus to Waukon. Mr. Leo BRYNE drove him to Lansing where he was pleased to meet former friends. He was the first young man from here who was honorably discharged because of the age limit, being 28 years. Frank says they are transferred to the Enlisted Reserve Corps to remain on that list for nine years. -A fire broke out Thursday evening after 10 o’clock in the grease house at “Dutch” GOEPEL’s oil station, but was soon extinguished by members of the Pioneer fire department. -Martin MANTON last week purchased the Bill HURM farm in Lafayette Township comprised of 80 acres for $3,200. ~(*see note at bottom of page) |
Herald, December 10, 1941 -A one-handed push-shot by guard Ray Brainard with two minutes to play spelled victory for coach. Blackmer's Pirates at Fayette Monday night as Postville tripped Fayette, 23 to 21. -While Japan unexpectedly struck a heavy blow at the United States Sunday in its premeditated war in the Pacific Ocean, life in this community continues on an even keel. Consternation and anxiety where rife when the impact of the blow fell, but a determination and confidence to win the war is voiced on every hand and business and social life goes on as usual. A number of boys from this community are in the trouble zone and prayerful hopes are expressed on every hand that they may be spared from any mishap. Robert French, grandson of Mrs. Harvey French, of Postville, is stationed at Pearl Harbor, Hawaii, on the U.S.S. New Orleans; William Hofer, son of Mrs. Sam Hofer of this city, is likewise at the same naval station on the U.S.S. Holland; Loyle Baltz, son of Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Baltz of Castalia, is stationed at Fort Kamchameha, Wahu Island, Hawaii, and Ted Szabo, son of Mr. and Mrs. Steve Szabo of Castalia, is with the marines doing duty on the U.S.S. Arizona. Kenneth Evans, son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Evans on rout 3, Postville, is also at Pearl Harbor, stationed on the U.S.S. Pensacola. Another Postville boy located in the Pearl Harbor sec-sector (sic) is Martin Hilmer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert Hilmer. He is a cook in the U. S. armed forces stationed in the fortified zone. ~contributed by Mary Durr from her mother's scrapbook collection. |
Looking back to
December 10, 1941 -Japanese attack Pearl Harbor in the Hawaiian Islands Sunday, Dec. 7, 1941. The first local result of the war with Japan was the arrival in Lansing Monday evening of a detachment of regular soldiers sent to guard the Blackhawk Bridge from possible sabotage. -The U.S. Navy department has advised Mr. and Mrs. Mike CASEY of New Albin of the death of their youngest son, William, who was on duty in the Hawaiian Islands. [note: see below, Dec. 31] -The Pacific fleet is “seeking contact” with the enemy. This was the heartening news revealed by Secretary of the Navy Frank Knox Monday as he disclosed that the treacherous Japanese attack on the Hawaiian base of Pearl Harbor failed to achieve its prime purpose – to knock out the U.S. Navy before the war began. The Japanese did strike a heavy blow, he conceded, announcing that it cost the fleet the battleship Arizona, three destroyers and two other vessels and 91 officers and 2,638 men. ~(*see note at bottom of page) |
Journal, Lansing, December 17, 1941 New Albin News Tidbits -Mrs. Hazel Metzdorf was a Lansing visitor last Tuesday evening. -Mr. and Mrs. August Meyer returned home Tuesday of last week after visiting at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Nick Evasco, in Chicago. -Mrs. Gil Beeler and daughter Mary of Detroit, Mich., arrived Saturday for a several weeks visit at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. P.F. Ryan. -William Willich spent Thursday of last week in La Crosse. -Mrs. John Fink was a Lansing visitor, Friday. -Mrs. A.A. Rudnick and Miss Helen Kelly were La Crosse callers between trains, Saturday. -FOR SALE—Dry oak cord wood. Inquire of Elmer Middendorf, New Albin, Iowa. -Mrs. Wm. Gade, Miss Malitta Staggemeier and Louis Gade have returned home after visiting Sister Anna Pohlman, a patient at the Deaconess hospital in St. Louis, Mo. -Robert Kester of Chicago arrived Monday for a several weeks visit at the home of his mother, Mrs. W.E. Stevens. -Bring your poultry and eggs to the D.J. Kelley Produce House and receive highest cash market prices. -Mrs. Leo King and daughter Glenda Mae went to St. Paul, Monday, for a several days visit with the former’s sister, Miss Edna Gilbertson, and brother Tillman and family, returning home Thursday of this week. -Misses Evelyn Krueger and Lorena Jordan were Lansing callers on Saturday afternoon. -Mrs. Jack Sweeney and son Gene returned to their home in Lansing Saturday after spending a few days at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Krzbietke. -James C. Valesh, accompanied by Mmes. Louis Tabbatt and Ledford Irons, motored to La Crosse Friday afternoon. -Mrs. Rose Harvey returned to her home in La Crosse, Friday, after visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. L.F. May. -Mrs. W.E. Stevens and father, Mr. L.F. May, spent Monday in La Crosse. -Mrs. Bertha Kean and friend Mrs. Cora Roggerwen departed Tuesday for their homes in Chicago following a month’s visit at the George Campbell home. -Eugene Kerrigan, 94, one of New Albin’s venerable old-timers, was suddenly taken ill Saturday afternoon. His daughter, Miss Elizabeth, of Milwaukee, and son John of La Crosse, motored here Sunday, taking him to the latter’s home where he is being cared for. Gene’s many friends wish him a speedy recovery. -Mrs. Ruth Tuft entertained the members of her bridge club at a 7 o’clock luncheon in her home last Wednesday evening, followed by bridge with Miss Daisy Robinson winning head prize, Mrs. J.J. Higgins Jr. guest prize, and Miss Annabel Fitschen the consolation. ~contributed by Errin Wilker |
Looking back to
December 24, 1941 -A detachment of soldiers who have been guarding Blackhawk Bridge returned Saturday to Fort Des Moines. Under orders from the War Department, the guard is to be carried on, so the work must be done by civilians. At present, Legionnaires Henry BECK, Walter BAILEY, and Robert PROTSMAN are patrolling the span. ~(*see note at bottom of page) |
Looking back to
December 31, 1941 -A county rationing board is being established at Waukon for the purpose of controlling civilian consumption of vital defense needs such as automobile tires, it was moved yesterday by Fred M. INTLEKOFER, chairman of the Allamakee County Defense Council. -We are more than pleased to announce that Mrs. Mike CASEY informed us that she had received a letter form her son William, at first reported missing in action from the Japanese attack on Pearl Harbor in the Hawaiian Island Dec. 7. The letter was mailed Christmas Day and stated that William is fine. He is in the Navy, along with his brother Kenneth. -A deposit of land, which was mined to some extent some 70 years ago in the vicinity of New Galena in Hanover Township, has attracted the interest of an Ohio concern which sent two representatives here to examine the terrain and to take samples of ore from the old surface pits. Clem BYRNES, on whose land one deposit lies, was contacted by the rep. And they indicated that a lease would be prepared and sent back to the youthful farmer for his consideration. -Robert ANDERSON and a group of local men, who were working at the Lockheed Airplane plant in Burbank, Calif., formed an amateur baseball team there under the name “Waukon Indians.” ~(*see note at bottom of page) |
Looking back to
January, 1942 -Mr. Theo. BECK and Frank FERRING, discharged recently and placed in the enlisted mens reserve corps, received notice to report for duties again and left last week for training centers. -The individual sugar allowance may be as low as 12 ounces a week per person when rationing begins next month. ~(*see note at bottom of page) |
Unknown Allamakee
county newspaper, April 1942 WAUKON -Mrs. James Drew was hostess on Tuesday at her home to the members of her bridge club, serving a desert lunch at the close of the evening. -Russell Johnson and children were bus passengers last Thursday s afternoon for Moline, Ill., called by the critical illness of her mother, who l has been ill with a heart ailment. -Miss Mary Redding, who has been making her home at Mary of the Angels Home in Dubuque the past several months, came up last week to look after property interests here. -Mrs. Charles Berg was hostess to her card club members Tuesday evening of last week at a 6:30dinner at the S & D Cafe and the evening was spent playing contract at the Berg home. -Members of the V.O.V. Circle will meet Friday afternoon at the home of Mrs. Joe Ocasek. The lesson subject is "Overseas Entertaining" and will be in charge of Mrs. Robert White. -The Women’s Missionary Society of the Zion Reformed Church are meeting this (Wednesday) evening with Miss Adeline Depping. Mrs. Robert Dunning will be assistant hostess. -Fred Stilwell, retired farmer of this city and residing in the late Miss Anna Stilwell house in southeast Waukon, is reported as being in failing health and confined to her bed practically all time. -Members of the Aquinas Study Club enjoyed their first social gathering of the season when they met at the Mrs. Wm. Kaveny home on Monday evening where 6:30 dinner was enjoyed, followed by a social hour. -Mrs. Wm. Sevatson is the newly elected president of the Nineteenth Century Club. She succeeded Mrs.Lin Harden. Mrs. W.H. Hegeman is vice president, Mrs. Fred Hausman secretary and treasurer. The year book committee is Mesdames H.E. Taylor, Louis Williams and A.E. Sheridan. -Miss Marie Groezinger, teacher of Jefferson No. 2 school, departed last week for Cedar Rapids where she has secured employment. Due to so few pupils in the school it was necessary to close it and transfer the pupils elsewhere. She is a daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Groezinger of Jefferson township. -Mrs. Robert White and Miss Marion Keenan were hostesses on Thursday to a party of lady friends at the Mrs. Will Kaveny home where they enjoyed a 6:30 bridge dinner. The evening was spent in playing contract with prizes awarded to Mrs. Charles [paper Ends Here] -Mrs. L.S. Meier went to Cedar Falls, Saturda ,where she will assist in the care of her friend, Mrs. Fred Meredith, a former Waukonite, who suffered a stroke. -There was a good turnout at the RNA social at Mrs. Edith Gleisner’s on Friday afternoon, which all enjoyed. She served a real spread, the receipts being $3.65. -Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Dresselhaus from near Decorah, formerly of Waukon, are happy over the arrival of a baby boy, born April 3rd, and has been named William Edward. -Fred Orr, lineman with a telephone company out of Sauk City, Wis., enjoyed a week-end visit with his daughter, Mrs. James Cassidy and two children and other relatives. -Mrs. Walter Martin, who was hostess to her card club Wednesday evening of last week, served a delicious lunch, followed by cards, the prizes going to Mrs. Wm. Leschensky, Harry Heiser and Mabel Dunlevy. ~contributed by Errin Wilker |
Looking back to May
18, 1942 -Tom O’MALLEY, a pioneer of Hanover Township, passed away at the age of 80. Funeral services were held in Hanover. ~(*see note at bottom of page) |
Allamakee Journal,
August 26, 1942 Methodist Church Notes -A class of ten young people united with the church at New Albin Sunday morning, namely, Belva Tippery, Tom and Elton Darling, Dixie Irons, Naney Steele, Shirley Ferguson, Darlene Pohlman, Donna Russell, Lois Weymiller and Garland Irons. -Wednesday, September 2, Spiritual Life Committee of the W.S.C.S. meets at 2:30 p.m. at the home of Mrs. Kate Sires. -The French Creek W.S.C.S. will meet September 3 at 2:00 p.m. at the home of Mrs. H.O. Buntrock. ~contributed by Errin Wilker |
Waukon Democrat,
September 24, 1942 WATERVILLE -Mrs. John Fellows and baby daughter arrived home Saturday from the Hall hospital at Waukon. -Mr. and Mrs. Larry Slattery became the parents of a boy on Tuesday, September 22 at St. Ann’s hospital, La Crosse, Wis. This gives them a family of three boys and one girl ELON -Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Roe are the proud parents of their first born, an eight pound baby girl, who arrived Sunday morning at the Allamakee General hospital. This baby puts Mr. and Mrs. Oluf Hill in the grandparent class for the first time. Congratulations. -Mrs. Peder Pederson left Wednesday by bus for Minneapolis to consult a foot specialist, and will also visit her sister, Miss Martha Ericsen and her brother and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Hans Ericsen at St. Paul. -Mr. and Mrs. A.H. Roe, Miss Marian Roe and Miss Emma Paulson were at La Crosse on Wednesday. -Bobbie Condit came Saturday to pay his last respects to his grandfather, Will Thomson, returning Sunday evening to his naval training in signal and radio school at the University of Chicago. -Our former neighbor, Mrs. Ida Anderson, arrived last week at Postville to visit her son Ted Anderson and wife and to be present at the funeral of Will Thomson. -Mr. and Mrs. Victor Larson of Moline are visiting friends here and are guests of Mr. and Mrs. Clifford Anderson. -Mrs. Harold Sivesind and son Robert and Mrs. Chas. Anderson and Ruth visited with Mrs. Oscar Johnson and Mrs. Roy Forkner on Friday afternoon. -Mr. and Mrs. Harold Whitney of Mora, Minn., and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Thomson of Minneapolis were among the host of relatives in attendance at the funeral of Will Thomson. The ladies are sisters of Mrs. Thomson, Mildred and Verona respectively. -We are very glad to learn that the last report of the condition of George Gullickson was more encouraging about his recovery from his head injuries sustained by a kick from his pet colt. His father, Harry Gullickson, returned home on Sunday and his mother is with him at a hospital at Rochester, Minn. -Mr. and Mrs. Robert Anderson and Kenneth visited with Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bechtel near Church on Sunday and after the dinner they attended the funeral of Willard Marti. FRENCH CREEK -Mr. and Mrs. J.C. Mendenhall of New Albin were Sunday evening visitors at the O.E. Buntrock Home. -Mr. and Mrs. C.J. Hinrichs were callers at the O.E. Buntrock home one evening last week. -Mr. and Mrs. H Ardell Mosher and son Douglas of Onalaska, Wis., Mr. and Mrs. G.P. Hartley of Postville, and Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Wild of here were Sunday dinner and supper guests at the Robert Hartley home. LANSING NEWS - by Mrs. Katharyne Feuerhelm -Miss Clara Hefty, who is teaching near Sparta, drove home Sunday for a few hours visit. -Mr. and Mrs. Al Fitschen of La Crosse spent the week end with the Alvin Wildes and Kermit Fitschen families. -Herbert Towle of Milwaukee spent the week end with relatives of his wife, the Ben Feuerhelm and Riser families. -Miss Marcella Rush has secured employment in Waterloo in a firm’s shipping department and stays at the home of her sister, Mrs. Harold Knight. -Mr. and Mrs. Adolph Gruber, daughters Lois Ann and Mabel were La Crosse visitors Saturday, visiting the clinic and with ill relatives. -The Walter Aschom and Geo. Kaufman families drove to Winona Sunday where they were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Ed. Davis, federal ranger who resided here a year ago. -The home economics department of the city schools, under the management of Miss Elaine Harrington, sponsored a get acquainted party Thursday evening at city hall, when games and dancing were enjoyed by the high school students. -Phillip Schafer leaves the end of this week, returning to Harvard where he will be a senior student. He is majoring in botany and spent much of his spare time this summer in the woods here and in Wisconsin collecting specimens, finding over 200 of value to him. -The equinoctial rains started early this year and 1.7 inches fell between midnight and 8:00 a. m. Friday, added to through the day and night, making a much larger total. This was fine for fall pastures but not so good for corn which is supposed to be drying out. -Mrs. Eva Becking sold her household goods at auction Saturday afternoon and will visit among friends for a week or more before going to Florence, S. D., where she will spend the winter with her daughter, Mrs. Selma Maag. Her son William came during the week to visit her before she went north. -The following women have been selected to judge the stamp corsages: Mrs. E.B. Gaunitz, Mrs. F.J. Nachtwey and Mrs. P.E. Rethwisch. It is the hopes of chairman Mrs. Katharyne Feuerhelm, that they will have a number to select winners from. Corsages in Waukon area are to be turned in to Mrs. O.J. Moe and in Postville area to Mrs. Nina Riser, all to be forwarded to Lansing for judging. -The Women’s Community club will meet at the library Thursday afternoon at four o’clock. -Mr. and Mrs. Emmet Gaunitz left Friday for South Bend for a visit with the former’s brother Will and family. -Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Kerndt of Rock Island, Ill., spent the week end with the Theodore Kerndts and father, C.M. Kerndt. -Mr. and Mrs. Chester Lorenz of Dubuque spent the week end with the latter’s sister, Mrs. Arne Helle and other relatives. -Lester Fink, who has been employed on the Alaskan highway, was expected home the first of the week, his kind of construction work completed. -Mr. and Mrs. Ben Irons and baby came over from Riceville Wednesday and next day left for a job near Lincoln, which will take a couple of months. -Leland Richie and Jimmie Fredrickson hitch-hiked home Friday to spend the week end at their respective homes. Both are Luther college freshmen. -Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ashbacher and family of French Creek attended services at the Evangelical church Sunday and were dinner guests at the home of the Dewey Gramlichs. -Mr. and Mrs. Leland Snell of La Port City spent the week end with the former’s aunts, Mrs. Edna Kelley and Miss Laura Schisler. Both Mr. and Mrs. Snell are teaching at their home town. -Mr. and Mrs. Leo Fink and family spent Sunday with their daughter Dorothy and family living near Prairie du Chien visiting her before her brother La Verne goes into service. -Mrs. George Baker was a passenger Saturday for Saint Paul where, with her husband, employed there, they went apartment hunting with plans for the family to move from Lansing to the city. -Mrs. Alvina Yohe came home Saturday from New York where she had gone two weeks ago. She went as Alvina Protsman and came home with a new name, having been married there to her soldier fiancee. She remained as long as he was in the states. -At 3 a. m. Monday morning Bob Feuerhelm arrived home from National City, California, making the 2300 miles in 60 hours. Bob has been gone a year and is employed in an airplane factory. He will remain until the end of the month, having to be back on the job October 3. -Miss Lois Ann Schafer left Saturday from La Crosse to spend the week end in Milwaukee and from there on Monday went to Chicago where she registered as a freshman at the University of Chicago, taking advantage of a scholarship awarded to her for outstanding work in her high school studies. -Mr. and Mrs. George Hausworth of La Crosse entertained relatives of Mrs. Peter Kehr, also of La Crosse on Sunday, the occasion being that lady’s birthday. In attendance from Lansing were the families of Will and Albert Kehr, Alex Knutson, Fred Kehr, Charles Brandsmeier, Mrs. H.O. Kehr, Mrs. Walter Beck and children, Miss Clara Kehr, Mrs. John Lehner and Louie Kehr. -The Rev. and Mrs. H.C. Marks and daughter Ruth were in La Crosse Friday and visited Fred Zimmerman at the hospital. He recognized and spoke to them. Reports are so conflicting that his condition varies with reports supposed to be authentic. His many friends hope for an ultimate recovery and normalcy again. Mrs. C.C. Riser accompanied Rev. Marks to visit her sister, Mrs. Anna Gjefle. ~contributed by Errin Wilker |
Clipping, November 1942 Former New Albin Resident National Rubber Authority If a large scale production of synthetic rubber from farm grains develops, a lot of the credit will belong to a quiet, determined Iowan names, Dr. Orville E. May. He has been a pioneer in the work of finding industrial uses for farm products over a period of 20 years. The conversion of butylene glycol to butadiene, from which synthetic rubber is made, is largely attributed to him. When the Regional Research Laboratory was established in Peoria, Ill., 5 years ago, May became its head. His work includes the conversion of farm products, such as soybean oil, and corn oil into its products now used as rubber substitutes and rubber extenders. May joined the department's scientific staff in 1923 and attracted attention by developing the use of soybean oil in paint. He organized the research program of the U.S. Regional Soybean Industrial Products Laboratory, of Urbana, Ill., where he served as director from 1936 to 1938. During that time the present practices for the use of soybeans in making plastics were worked out. No successor to the late Dr. Henry G. Knight, head of the Bureau of Agricultural Chemistry and Engineering, has been named as of yet, but Mr. May, one time New Albin, Iowa, resident, is mentioned more than any other man for the position. ~from the Washington Roundup, a column conducted by Fred Bailey in the Country Gentleman, Nov. 1942 issue |
Looking back to
December 1942 -Tim BRESNAHAM [BRESHNAHAN], 69, passed away at his home in Hanover Township with burial at S. Mary’s Hanover. ~(*see note at bottom of page) |
Journal, December 30, 1942 New Albin News - Les Dresselhaus returned to his employment at Lewiston, Illinois, Sunday following a Christmas visit with his family. - Bennie Quillan of Harpers Ferry was a New Albin caller on Monday. - Miss Blanche Hannafin who teaches in the public schools is in Iron Mountain, Michigan, arrived Thursday to spend her holiday vacation at the home of her mother, Mrs. T. F. Hannafin. - Mr. and Mrs. R. "Pete" Gantenbein and family of Austin, Minnesota, spent the weekend at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Carver Gantenbein here and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Glynn in Reno, Minnesota. - Melvin and Ralph Meyer went to Dubuque Saturday afternoon for a week's visit at the home of Mrs. Sadie Reavell. - Miss Jessie Jo Young of La Crosse, Wisconsin, came Saturday for a visit at the home of her aunt, Mrs. Elmer Lenz. - Mrs. Stanley Ambrose of Elkhart, Iowa, arrived Friday to visit her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Lager. The former's sister, Miss Gretta Lager, motored to Waukon to meet her. - Pvt. Daniel Kelly left Monday afternoon for Ft. Bragg, North Carolina, after spending several days furlough at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.F. Kelly. - Miss Gladys Casey, who attends school in Winona, Minnesota, came last Thursday to spend her holiday vacation at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Casey. - Mr. and Mrs. Harris Fink returned to their home in Chicago, Illinois, after visiting with the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. John Fink. - Mrs. Ruth Dresselhaus and daughter, Lorraine returned to their home in Galesville, Wisconsin, Sunday after a visit with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Krzbietke and other relatives. - Mr. and Mrs. Carl Fitzgerald and baby daughter departed Monday for their home in Milwaukee, Wisconsin, after visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Fitzgerald here, and her relatives in Lansing. - Mrs. Ferdinand Pottratz of La Crosse, Wisconsin, came Saturday for a weekend visit with relatives, returning to the Gateway City Monday night. - Mrs. Sadie Dennis and son, Leo of Caledonia, Minnesota, and Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Holter of Milwaukee, Wisconsin, spent Christmas at the Stanley Buege home. ~contributed by Errin Wilker |
Looking back to
January 1943 -The Rev. Patrick REYNOLDS, pastor of St. Mary’s Hanover, for the past 27 years, became a U.S. citizen. He was born in Ireland in 1876 and came to America in 1901. ~(*see note at bottom of page) |
Hammond Times,
Hammond, IN, March 7, 1943 DES MOINES, la.—(INS)—Chief R. W. Nebergall of the state bureau of investigation announced Saturday a 16-year-old murder mystery had been solved with a life-time prisoner at Fort Madison admitting the slaying of Wilkes Williams at Postville in 1927. Nebergall said a signed confession had been obtained Friday from Henry Miller, 59, serving a life sentence for the slaying of Christian Ruckdaschel at Postville in 1940. Both slayings were similar in many respects. Miller in his confession admitted striking Williams on the head with a claw hammer and setting fire to his home in an effort to conceal the murder. The pair had argued over the rent on some land. ~Contributed by Cindy Bray Lovell |
Looking back to
March 6, 1943 -James DEVITT, 72, died at his home of a heart attack. He was a resident of Hanover Township all his life. Services were held at S. Mary’s Hanover. Fr. J. J. REYNOLDS officiating, with burial at Lycurgus. -Leo BRESNAHAM [BRESHNAHAM], a resident of Silver Creek, was buried from St. Mary’s Lycurgus. ~(*see note at bottom of page) |
Republican, March 24, 1943 D.F. Duggan was selected to head the Waukon Golf and Country Club as president for the ensuing year at the annual meeting of that organization held Monday night in the office of Dr. L.L. Shurtleff. J.H. Hager was elected vice-president and Dr. L.L. Shurtleff, secretary. Committees were named as follows: Membership -- B.H. Antonoff, Dr. F.W. Norden, Dr. Warren Hayes, A.L. Meier and C.H. Megorden Stock -- G.W. Eaton, A.E. Sheridan, M.L. Connor and O.J. Moe Entertainment -- M.C. Stoneburg, G.E. Schultz, M.L. Connor and G.B. Richter Greens and Ground -- Leo Samek, A.L. Meier and W.H. Nichaus Supper, Match and Local Tournament -- Arthur Jacobsen, Fred O'Riley and Elmer Fogt ~Contributed by Errin Wilker |
Looking back to
July 1943 -Bryan DEVITT, 58, died of a heart attack at the home of his brother, Francis, in French Creek Township as they were getting ready to hay. Rites were held at St. Mary’s Lycurgus. ~(*see note at bottom of page) |
Journal, September 15, 1943 Lansing Locals & other misc. -Mr. and Mrs. Carl Youngblood and son Lt. Carl, of Iowa City, were Friday guests of Mr. and Mrs. Leo T. Hufschmidt, stopping here enroute to Rochester, Minn. -Mr. and Mrs. Paul Larson and son, Leigh, of Milwaukee, Wisc. drove out last week Wednesday, to spend a week visiting his mother, Mrs. Ella Larson, at the Vernon Peters home. -Miss Rose Hurm returned to her position in Chicago last Wednesday evening, going in via Prairie du Chien. She was accompanied back by Jackie Dempsey, who has gone to the city, and plans to remain there. -Little Norbert "Sonny" Peterson passed his second birthday last Thursday, Sept. 9th. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Hjalmar Peterson, and received some nice present in remembrance of the day. -Friday, Sept. 10th, was Mr. Frank Strub's 73rd birthday anniversary and he received cards and messages from his several children away and those nearby, some coming to call in person and spend awhile with him. -Midland Army Air Field, Midland, Texas: Corporal Robert B. Cooper, son of Mrs. Caroline R. Cooper of Lansing, Iowa, has been promoted the grade of sergeant, it was announced at this headquarters field of the nation's bombardier training program. -Mrs. Alice Bailey returned home to Galena, Ill. Thursday evening after a visit with her son, Lloyd and family, and other relatives in and about Lansing. While here she spent a couple of days with her daughterin-law in La Crosse. -Mr. Milton Randall of Nashua, Minn., returned home last week after a visit with his grandmother, Mrs. Hy Gibbs, and family. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Chester Randall and his sister, Velma, remained here instead of returning home as we had it last week. -Mrs. Wallace Hawkins returned home Thursday afternoon from a week's visit with her daughter, Mrs. Forrest Sheriff and family, at Vinton. The latter and her two little sons, David and infant son Tommy, returned home with her and will sojourn here awhile. -Seaman Dave Sauber, who has been stationed at the Great Lakes Training Station the past year and a half, spent a few days last week with Lansing friends, a guest at the Ehrlich home. He enjoyed part of his time off from duty with La Crosse friends. -Mr. Chester Gibbs and friend, Miss Doris Berger, enjoyed a couple of days visit last week with relatives in the Twin Cities and at Nashua, Minn. They planned to take in the sights at the Minnesota State Fair and returned home the middle of the week. -Miss Zita Ferring, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John P. Ferring, who was home on a visit from Dubuque, was taken quite ill early last week and has since been confined to her home. We are glad to report her condition as better this week, of which her many relatives and friends will be glad to learn. -Pfc. Clarence Weipert, who is stationed with the coast artillery in the Pacific northwest, arrived home early Wednesday morning on a week's furlough which he spent with home folks, the Robert Weipert family. -The Oscar Sorlie family were La Crosse business callers Thursday morning. -Mrs. Floyd Hogan and baby were over Sunday visitors with home folks in Marquette. -Miss Ruth Lambert of Dubuque was an over Sunday visitor with friends, the W.E. Albert, Jr., family. -Mr. and Mrs. Otto Wurtzel and their daughter, Mrs. Joe Aleisch, were La Crosse business callers a short time, Saturday. -Mrs. Peter W. Spinner and little son Billy went up to New Albin saturday morning for a short visit with home folks, the Pat Ryan family. -Miss Mona Revoir returned home last Wednesday from Port Huron, Mich., where she went with her mother, and visited a week or two. -Mr. and Mrs. Arne Helle were passengers to Omaha, Neb., Saturday evening for a week's visit with her sister, Mrs. Mart Seeley and husband located at nearby Ft. Crook. -Miss Corrine Helle of Hanley Falls, Minn., was a week-end visitor with her friend, Miss Mary Rita Mooney. Both young ladies are teachers in the Waterville Consolidated school. -Mrs. Louis Knockle left Sunday for Ft. Benning, Ga., where she joins her husband, a lieutenant in armed forces. She had spent a couple of weeks at the parental Floyd Ferris home on north Third street. -The Misses Katherine Guider of La Crosse, and her cousin, Miss Clare, of Madison, Wis., were passengers Saturday morning, both returning to their positions after a visit with home folks and relatives here. -Mrs. Susie Verdon was a passenger to Winona, Minn., Saturday morning, going up to attend the funeral of a relative. She planned on meeting her daughter, Mary Rita, of St. Paul, in La Crosse for a visit between trams. -Mrs. Sarah Leppert was a passenger to Edgeley, N.D., Thursday morning for a couple of weeks visit at the home of her sons, Oscar and Gilbert and families. She makes her home in French Creek where another son, Dewey, resides. -Master Ralph Metille, son of Mr. and Mrs. George Metille of near Lycurgus, had his tonsils removed last week-end at St. Francis hospital, La Crosse, Wisc. His mother was with him and they returned home Friday on the afternoon train. -Mrs. Walter Bailey returned home Friday afternoon from a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Cecil Knoenke, at Manchester, and her brother, Father H.J. Krieger, at Winthrop. She went down on Monday and returned via bus to Waukon. -Mrs. Myrtle Baumbach, nee Myrtle Sadd, moved back to Lansing from her home near Sparta, Wis., last week and will now make Lansing her residence again. Her daughter Shirley and son Gerald have been with their grandfather, Mr. Frank Sadd, and have attended school here before. -Mr. and Mrs. David Opfer and family of St. Paul, Minn., came down Thursday evening for a visit with home folks, the Freeman Bauman family. Mrs. Opfer will be remembered as the former Dorothy Bauman. While here they visited other relatives and friends both in Lansing and Waukon. -Miss Eleanor Murphy, R.N. of La Crosse, Wisc., came down last week-end for an over Sunday visit and to see her father, Mr. Gus Murphy, whose health does not seem to imrpove as family and friends would wish. Her sister, Miss Alice, took the opportunity to visit friends in La Crosse over Sunday while Eleanor was home. -Mrs. Eddie Colsch and baby were with New Albin relatives and friends between trains, Thursday. We are glad to report that her mother, Mrs. Leonard Mulholland, who has been receiving medical treatment in a La Crosse hospital the past couple of weeks, is much improved and expected to come home early this week. -Mrs. Mark Schafer and two daughters, Virginia and Juanita, of Wellman, were over Sunday visitors with the former's sister, Mrs. Church. The latter was Miss Carol Nicholson before her marriage last summer, and is a teacher at the city schools. The visitors came on Saturday and returned home Monday on the afternoon train. -Miss Veronica Knopf, who was the housekeeper for Father Gerleman and has been with home folks, the Joe Knopf family the past three weeks, went down to Dubuque Monday evening for a visit with relatives and friends. Miss Knopf informs us that Father G. has been transferred to a Chaplain's assignment at a Waterloo hospital. -Cpl. Theo. Scholtes returned to military duties at Charleston, S.C., Sunday after about a two week's visit with home folks, the George Scholtes family. On Tuesday of last week he visited with his mother at a La Crosse hospital and we are pleased to report she is getting along nicely since her recent goiter operation, coming home last weekend. -Mesdames Mary Flynn, Otto Hurley and Peter Metzlorf and Miss Gretta Lager of New Albin, were Lansing callers Thursday of last week. Other New Albin residents down last week were Mrs. Leo Blocker and Mr. Henry Reiser, the latter going on to the Churchtown vicinity for a visit with his brothers, Will and Philip, and sister, Barbara. -Among other La Crosse callers between trains, Monday, were Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Spinner, who transacted business there. -The name for the new Frank Murphy baby should have read Ambrose Anthony instead of Anthony Ambrose, as we published it last week. -Mrs. Art Werth and children of La Crosse, came down Monday evening for a visit with relatives, the Tom Murphy family in Lafayette township. -Miss Alice Walleser returned to her position at the Patterson Air Field at Dayton, Ohio, Monday evening, after a ten-days' visit with home folks, the J.J. Walleser family west of town. -Fresh fish for sale at all times. Call 3881. Hogan Fisheries, Lansing -Thomas Albert returned to Loras College, Dubuque, Monday morning, for the fall term after a couple of weeks vacation between courses which he spent with home folks, the W.E. Albert family. Tom will continue his pre-medic study. -Mrs. Fred Walters, of Chicago, Ill., went over to Cherry Mound on the Star Route yesterday for a visit at the home of her sister, Mrs. Robert, McGeough and family. She has been with relatives, the Mike J. Gavin and Henry J. Wagner families. -Pfc. Thomas Bigelow arrived on Sunday evening from Roswell, N.M., on a ten-day furlough which he will spend with his family here at the Mrs. Margaret Guider home and with relatives and friends in Waukon. Tom is in the Air Corps and looks as tho the army life agrees with him. -Congratulations are in order for Mr. and Mrs. Richard Schultz, who became the parents of a son, born to them Saturday, Sept 11th, and will be given the name Richard Gary. The mother will be remembered as the former Miss Ruth Iseli of Landmark Inn. -Mesdames Joe Manning, Winnie Dowdal and son Emmett were La Crosse callers Monday between trains, going up to consult their eye specialist. While in the city they enjoyed a short visit with Miss Georgia Rouser, a student nurse at St. Francis Hospital. -The Jack Sweeney family moved last week to the vacant apartment in the Serene house, part of which home is occupied by the Donald "Bud" Wolfe family. Mr. Ben Irons and family will move into the Herman Magnusson home on Second street, which was vacated by the Sweeney family. Mr. Irons is making some repairs at present. -Mr. and Mrs. Adam Wendel went to Spring Grove, Minn., Sunday for an over night visit with his nephew, Al-fred Wendel and family, leaving next day via La Crosse for their home in Detroit, Michigan. They had been here to attend the funeral services of the former's father, the late William Wendel, and spent about a week visiting relatives hereabouts. -In sending a remittance for her Journal, Mrs. Ruth Harris, of Tacoma, Wash. says: "I don't want to miss one copy of the old home paper. Sure enjoy the letters, especially by some of the older residents. We are working every day in the ship yards, and remember me to old friends. Mrs. Harris is the former Ruth McMahon of Lansing. -Attorney and Mrs. Robert Olson arrived last evening for a visit with his mother, Mrs. Albert Olson, at the old home on Front street. -Father Al White of Cedar Falls came over yesterday for a few days visit with his brother, Rev. Louis White, at the parsonage in Wexford. -Mr. John H. Hirt returned to his home in Minneaplolis this Wednesday morning after about a month's pleasant visit with relatives and old home friends in this vicinity. -Mr. Thomas Manton of Cedar Rapids was a visitor with relatives in Lafayette township the first of the week, coming up Monday and returning Tuesday on the afternoon train. -Mrs. Helg Leach left yesterday morning on an early train from La Crosse for an extended sojourn with relatives at Methow, Wash. She plans on being gone a month or two. -Earl Gander returned home Saturday evening from a five weeks sojourn in North Dakota, where he was employed in the harvest fields. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Gander residing west of town. -Mrs. Harvey Feurhelm returned home Saturday morning from a short visit in Savanna, Ill., where she had gone a copule of days previous to form the aquaintance of her first grandson, born recently to Mr. and Mrs. John Feuerhelm. The father is a non-commissioned officer is the armed forces and the little lad will be given the name Donald Richard. Lansing relatives and friends extend congratulations. -Laverne Fink, who has never had furlough since going into service a year or mora ago, writes home folks, the Leo Fink family, that after completing his work at the electrician's school at the air field near Denver, Colo., he will be given a furlough, and hopes to get back to see home folks and friends. He has been in Florida to New York to Denver and other places and has the ranking of corporal. -Seaman Earl Wiemerslage arrived home Thursday from Brooklyn, N.Y., to spend leave with home folks, the William Wiemerslage family of near Village Creek. He will also visit with other relatives and friends while here, and informas us that he has been over and on seas for several months. He reports back again on Sept. 26th. -According to an official announcement in the Witness, Archdiocesan publication of Dubuque, dated Sept. 9th, the Rev. Lawrence P. Craney, former assistant pastor of St. Columbkille's Church, Dubuque, will be administrator of Immaculate Conception Church, Wexford. Next Sunday will be the last one for Father Louis White, who leaves the next day for four weeks' chaplain training at Harvard University, Cambridge, Mass. -The George Thompson family of Westby, Wis., and Miss Selma Thompson of Des Moines were Labor Day visitors with their mother, Mrs. Alex Thompson and family. When the latter returned Tuesday she was accompanied back by Mrs. Albert Kehr who went down to visit relatives a week or two. She is expected home early next week and plans to stop off in Dubuque for a couple of days visit with her daughters, Jean and Dorothy, students at Dubuque University. -On Wednesday evening the I.C. basket ball girls' team entertained at a six o'clock chicken supper for Fathers Breitbach and White who coached and led the team to many victories. An impromptu program was given and the guests of honor presented with an Ever-Sharp pencil and Army Service toilet set. Coaches Mary Wellendorf and Celia Burds were in charge, and graduated players present included Evelyn Ryan, Betty Ferring and Belle Wellendorf. On Friday evening the Young Ladies Sodality presented Father Breitbach with another gift, Miss Veronica Wendler making the presentation in place of their Prefect, Miss Clara Beck. ~contributed by Errin Wilker |
Looking back to
December 1, 1943 -At the John FERRING estate sale, some prices: hay for $11 a ton; steers for $133; a cow and a calf for $151. Tony FERRING had the highest bid on the farm, with $15,800 offered. -John GRIFFIN, Waukon implement dealer, purchased the 240-acre James DEVITT farm for $42 an acre. Pat DEVITT bought the other DEVITT farm of 132 acres for $21 an acre. ~(*see note at bottom of page) |
Waukon Democrat,
December 22, 1943 Leap from R.R. Bridge Results in Death of Two Horses - Two horses belonging to Ed DONAHUE and Leo WARD, farmers residing between Waukon Junction and Waterville, received injuries last week when they jumped from the bridge on the Milwaukee branch road that spans Paint Creek four miles north of the Junction. The morning train from Marquette to Waukon was approaching the bridge when Engineer George MILCKS saw two horses standing on the trestle, their feet caught between the ties. He stopped the train and Brakeman Ambrose O'NIELL went to the nearest farm home to telephone the section boss for help in removing the trapped animals. Before he returned the Ward horse loosened it's feet and jumped to the bank of the creek 15 feet below, breaking its neck. The other animal also jumped , picked itself up from the bank after a few moments and was seen to walk off down the pasture to the DONAHUE farm a half mile away, but dropped dead an hour later. ----- The Presbyterian Church was attractively decorated and candle-lighted Sunday afternoon for teh vesper service presented by the senior and junior choirs and the pastor, Rev. A. H. GROSSHEIM. The auditorium was filled to capacity and high praise is expressed for those taking part in the beautiful cantata. The theme was "The Christmas Story in Scripture and Song" and Robert ENGRAV was the accompanist on the pipe organ. Soloists from the senior choir were Dr. C. W. ROMINGER, Misses Lois HANSON, Angelen DARZES, Shirley GRIEBEL and Joan PHILLIPS. Reeve WATKINS, jr., and Joan GRIEBEL were the junior choir soloists. The collection for the organ fund taken at the close of the service was in memory of the late Mrs. I. E. BEEMAN. ----- News from Allamakee General Hospital Mr and Mrs. Joe LIER, Waterville, a girl, born Tuesday, and a son to Mr. and Mrs. Elmer WINKE of Ludlow. Medical patients consist of Mr. Irvin MAGNER, Hanover; Matt OLSON and Mrs. Jas. WELCH, Lansing; Mrs. Alma JOHNSON, Waukon. Mr. and Mrs. Melvin ANDERSON south of town, took their four year-old son Richard home Tuesday, he having received hospital care for flu. ~Contributed by Jeannie Hegeman |
Journal, Lansing, February 2, 1944 English Bench -Ed. Duffy was in these parts the fore part of the week buying up old horses for fox meat. -The ice went out of the Iowa river Thursday night, caused by the heavy rain. We still have not had any snow, but are enjoying the nice weather. - Word was received by his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Beardmore, that their son, Glenn Beardmore, who is training in Iowa City, is ill in the hospital with pneumonia, following a siege of the flu. - Mr. and Mrs. Forest Sadler and daughter Marsalene of La Crosse, drove down Friday to spend the night with his mother, Mrs. Rose Sadler at the store. They left the little girl and went on Saturday to Fayette to make a short week-end visit with friends, the Arthur family. Mr. Arthur is the former athletic coach of the Jesup school, and on Saturday eveniong attended a basketball tournament at Independence, seeing their old friend, Mr. Breeding, also a coach, whose team of boys won second place. -The Misses Audrey and Alice Beardmore spent Sunday with their little friend, Marsalene Sadler at her grandmother's home. -On last Thursday, Ryan brothers had quite a bad chimney fire, and an hour later the chimney at the store started to burn out, but with timely help, both fires were soon under control. -John, Earl and Frank Beardmore marketed hogs at New Albin one day last week. -Mr. and Mrs. Art Beardmore were Sunday dinner guests at the Frank Beardmore home, enjoying a social afternoon. -Miss Gladys Halvorson of Waukon, spent the week-end with her sister, Mrs. Frank Beardmore and family. -Mrs. John Waters was very sick with the flu and under the doctor's care most of last week, but we are glad to report her better. ~Contributed by Errin Wilker |
Journal, Lansing, February 9, 1944 - Funeral services will be held tomorrow for Henry Riek of Lansing. - Wedding banns of Paul Whalen and Dorothy Gallagher were announced by Fr. Scharphoff. - Mr. and Mrs. Devallo Cassidy of Chicago are rejoicing over the birth of their fifth son, who arrived Feb. 4. - Lt. and Mrs. M.Z. Bailey of Montgomery, Alabama became the parents of their first born, a son, on Feb. 8. - Emma Bock’s rites were held New Albin. - Pfc. Richard Olloff came from his California army base and is spending some time with his folks, Mr. and Mrs. Mike Olloff. - Delpha Mae Thoma and Donald Flage were married at St. John’s Luth. Church Sunday. - Bob McDonald has written his folks from his military base in India. - Mr. and Mrs. Gratton O’Brien of Des Moines spent the weekend at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. J.E. O’Brien. - W.I. McMahon is selling out at an auction on the Loras College farm a mile north of Harpers Ferry. - A boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Albert Asleson on Feb. 6. - Joe Delaney and family moved Saturday to the farm vacated by Joe Wagner, known as the M.J. Gleason place. - The following will soon take their final physical exam as Army Air Force candidates: Lyle M. Yeoman, Curtis E. Olson, Leon T. Goodell and Gerald L. Baumbach. ~Contributed by Errin Wilker |
Allamakee Journal,
Lansing, February 23, 1944 - The Lansing I.C. girls basketball team won the Dubuque Diocesan tournament in class A with a 29-25 win over Bellevue. - A.L. Grimm died at his home in East Waukon. - Four children of Mr. and Mrs. Anthony Doubeck died when fire consumed their home north of Waukon. Dead are Betty, 6, Franklin, 5, Albert, 4, and Lawrence, 3. - Curtis Olson, 17, has qualified to become a member of the Reserve Corps of the Army Air Force. He will be called to active duty when he turns 18. - A girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Van Brocklin on February 18 and will be named Gloria Jean. - Recently promoted to Sgt. Milton Wilde, John Casey and Everett Bray, all serving overseas. - Private and Mrs. Harry Boardman of Harpers Ferry visited Monday at the home of the former’s sister, Mrs. Ben Gavin. - Marjorie Leet and William Waldron were married at St. Patrick’s Tuesday. - Art Kruger has resigned as Waukon’s weighmaster. He will assume management of the Waukon Equity sales pavilion. - Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Batteen of Jefferson twp. mourn the loss of their baby boy. - Married at St. Ann’s on Monday: Rita Valley and Joseph Charland. Attendants were Bernice Charland and Joseph Calvey. ~Contributed by Errin Wilker |
Looking back to
March 1944 -Lt. John O’MALLEY has returned from the Southwest Pacific where he was a glider pilot. -Bernice ELLINGSON and Harold OPHEIM were married on Sunday at the Canoe Ridge Lutheran Church. -The marriage of Mary GRADY and John KAESER took place in the rectory of St. Patrick’s, Waukon. -Claude LANE returned from Rochester where he had several major operations. -Ben HUBER has sold the City Club to James URELL. -Joe BURKE of New Albin got $14.50 per cwt. for three head of steers at the Lansing Sales Pavilion. -Fred INTLEKOFER won the office of mayor in Waukon, defeating Martin NOLTING 674 to 482. -Evelyn LEAS and Ralph SHERMAN were married Sunday at the Zion Reformed parsonage. ~(*see note at bottom of page) |
Looking back to
April 1944 -Viola AUGEDAHL and Cyril MANNING were married in the rectory of Immaculate Conception. -P. H. WELCH of French Creek Township purchased the 145-acre DEVINEY place for $11,700. -Obituaries: Thomas F. McDERMOTT, Mrs. Nels OPHEIM. -Anna Mae WHALEN and Robert CURTIN were married at Lycurgus. -Margaret HAMMEL and Pat BLAKE were married at New Albin. ~(*see note at bottom of page) |
Journal, Lansing, June 7, 1944 - Sue Whalen was Valedictorian and Cletus Hawes was salutatorian of I.C. High School, class of 1944. - Norma Gronna and Warren Junge were married at the East Paint Creek Church. - John Keller’s last rites were held at I.C. Monday. - Greg Thornton, Loras College student, is visiting his folks before going back for summer school. - Gordon Smedsrud, theology student at St. Paul, visited home folks over the weekend. He conducted services at the Lansing Lutheran Church on Sunday. - Francis Burke, who graduated in pharmacy at the University of Iowa, has taken a job at Sullivan Drug Store in Waukon. - Toywood Products of Lansing is offering kindling this week at $1 per load, ideal for summer cooking. - Wiebke Produce has been sold to Elmer Middendorf. - The Harpers Ferry community was shocked to learn of the sudden death of T. Owen Kavanaugh. - Mrs. Ethel Dayton was a passenger Saturday to Columbus Junction for a visit with her daughter, Mrs. Lester Orr, and family. ~Contributed by Errin Wilker |
Looking back to May
and June 1944 -Ed TEELING, 78, died at his home. -Angela SCHULTE and William REGAN were married at Dorchester. -Matt and Leo RYAN, Dick DASHER, John THIES, Vince HAAS, and Raymond TROENDLE were pallbearers at the funeral of Evelyn DUGGAN. -Francis PLEIN, Ray SCHNEIDER, Ray SPINNER, and Ray HIGGINS, along with Richard HALE, all in the military, had a reunion on an island off New Guinea recently. -Ray ZOLL arrived Sunday evening from Fort Sill, Oklahoma, and will visit with home folks, the Vic ZOLL family. -The forthcoming marriage of Kathryn WELSH and Earl MOORE has been announced at St. Mary’s Lycurgus. -Charles FEUERHELM has bought the wagon and mill shop in Waukon from William PETERSON. ~(*see note at bottom of page) |
Looking back to
July and August 1944 -Theresa SCHULTE, 18, was killed when struck by a train in Milwaukee. -Other deaths were Mary Ann HART, James DEVINEY, and Donald W. LAWSON. LAWSON was killed in action in New Guinea. -Joe A’HEARN, 3-year-old son of the Norbert AHEARNs, is being treated at a Rochester hospital for peritonitis. -Obituaries: John TANGER and Elizabeth MANNING. -Helen O’MALLEY and Mark BYRNES were married in Waukon. -Memorial services were held at St. Pius in Cherry Mound for Sgt. John HEIM. He died July 6 of wounds suffered July 4 while serving in France. -Atty. and Mrs. Sherman HART have a new girl, Suzanne. -Cpl. Robert F. WEIPERT arrived in Lansing last week. He is recovering from serious wounds suffered in the Anzio Beach fighting. -Lt. Robert SPINNER, pilot of a B-52 bomber, is reported missing over Romania. -Staff Sgt. Robert O’MALLEY is reported missing in action in France. -Leo COLSCH got word Tuesday that his son. Lt. John COLSCH is missing in action in France. ~(*see note at bottom of page) |
Looking back to
September and October 1944 -Paul FAHEY had the grand champion beef at the county fair. Ken FAHEY had the junior champion. -Leo FITZGERALD sold his Hanover Township farm of 265 acres to Ronald SNITKER for $14,000. -Bartley NEEDHAM has purchased a 120-acre Makee Township farm from the Guttenberg State Bank for $6,250. -The Alton HANSON farm in Union Prairie Township was sold to Fred HARRINGTON for $4,000. -Mr. and Mrs. Albert OELBERG received word that their son Pfc. Andrew J. OELBERG, died Sept. 14 from wounds suffered in action in Italy. -At the Jerry LANNIGAN farm, a team of horses brought $186; top Angus cow, $100; and loose hay, $9 per ton. -Mr. and Mrs. Glenn HAGEN received a telegram that their son, Lt. James B. HAGEN, is missing. -Joe TYSLAND, Norbert STRONG, Delbert RUSSELL and Donald HOSCH are to take their pre-induction physicals at Fort Snelling. -Howard G. HANSON is a Democratic candidate for county coroner. ~(*see note at bottom of page) |
Looking back to
November and December 1944 -Rites were held in Lansing for Msgr. HAXMEIER, who served as pastor of Immaculate Conception from 1880 until he retired in Dubuque a couple of years ago. -Cpl. Gerald A’HEARN is reported missing in action in France. -At Martin MEEHAN’s farm sale, the top cow brought $137. -The Garland BURROUGHS family moved to a farm on Silver Creek owned by Loras College. -Waukon Hospital board bought 3.7 acres for $1,500. -Mrs. Leo DEVITT went to Fargo, N.D., -Ray ZOLL arrived in France. -CONNOR-PEYTON-HOWE moved into their new building on North High. ~(*see note at bottom of page) |
clipping, late 1944
or early 1945 On Wednesday, Dec. 27th, (1944) Nick Colsch and nephew, peter Colsch of Iowa township, had occasion to drive past the Ed Sadd home north of Lansing and noticed no tracks in the snow nor signs of life about the place. On their return trip by the place the same conditions prevailed and they thought they had better investigate. They found Mr. Sadd in bed chilled to the bone with no fire in the house or food of any kind and in a pitiful condition. Nick immediately went to his home for food while Peter started a fire and cut up a supply of fuel during his absence and got Ed "thawed" out. Mr. Colsch went direct to Waukon and reported this deplorable condition to the authorities and provision was made whereby clothing and food was supplied Mr. Sadd. On New Year's Day Mr. Colsch, assisted by Messrs. Ed. Weymiller, Kenneth Moore, peter and Leo Colsch, moved a trailer house from the latter's place south of New Albin to the Sadd place, which they made comfortable and warm for Mr. Sadd to live in, and he will be hence forth be given old age pension and taken proper care of in the future. Mr. Sadd is 76 years of age and would doubtless have frozen to death had it not been for this charitable and most thoughtful act on the part of Mr. Colsch and his associates, all of whom are to be highly commended for their most gracious treatment of this old man. ~Contributed by Errin Wilker, note: James Edward Sadd died Jan. 1946 and is buried at Sand Cove cemetery |
*This clipping is from the Lansing papers
"Looking Back" collection of the late Harold Devitt.
The contributor wrote: "These were given to me, so I
don't know when they ran as "Looking Back" items. I
still am not certain who typed these pages, but I think it should
be noted that many of the entries are just little snippets that
somebody chose to type up. I’m sure the original paper has
more information on some of these entries." Any names in
[brackets] are alternate spellings added by the contributor. Also
note that some of the news may not 'fit' the date of the clipping
- researchers should verify these dates with their own research.