updated 01/22/2019
Bits of Information from various newspapers 1859 - 1899 |
Census, The Miner’s Express -
DuBuque Visitor, Wednesday, Nov 20,
1850, Dubuque, IA, Page: 2 CENSUS – We are indebted to E. Price, Esq., of Clayton Co. for the following census information. Fayette Co. is 831; Winneshiek Co. is 547; Allamakee is 768. The population of Clayton Co., is estimates at 5,000. ~contributed by Cheryl Moonen |
Lansing Postoffice burglary, Burlington
Hawkeye and Telegraph, March 15,
1859 On the night of the 23d of February last, the Post Office in Lansing, Alamakee County, was entered burglariously and the mail bags stolen. Circumstances led to the suspicion that one Bill Faulkner and a negro named Peter Montgomery were parties to the crime, and they were accordingly arrested and taken before Justice Merrill, of Lansing, for examination. After his arrest the negro made a full confession, showing Faulkner had been the principal. The amount of booty obtained by the robbery was $2 mailed in Wisconsin for Mr. Coil, of Dorchester, and a package of postage stamps amounting to [?]. The stamps were found concealed after the arrests in a board pile near Faulkner's house. Faulkner was committed in default of bail, and the negro was detained as a witness. ~Contributed by Cathy Joynt Labath |
Wolves, Burlington
Weekly Hawkeye, June 30, 1860 From the Waukon Journal we learn that a Mr. James Reed, living near that place, tracked some wolves from his farm to a cave, and then had some rare sport in burning them out. He collected a large lot of birch bark, and placing it in the mouth of the den, set fire to it, thus roasting several of them. Just as he was applying the torch, two young ones came home. One of them he caught while the other scrambled over his back into the cave. ~Contributed by Cindy Bray Lovell |
A Brute in Lansing, Burlington
Hawk Eye, July 16, 1864 Considerable excitement was lately stirred up in Lansing by the act of a man by the name of Hoberg who whipped an orphan girl, a resident in his family. It is a good long distance from this place to Lansing; but from this remote stand point we take the liberty to call Mr. Hoberg a brute. ~Contributed by S. Ferrall |
Murder, Hawk-Eye,
Burlington, Iowa, April 22, 1865 Gov. Stone has offered a reward of $300 for the apprehension of Garrit Riley, who murdered Thomas Cunningham near Rossville, in Alamakee county, on the 6th day of March, A.D. 1865. Riley is an Irishman, speaks with some brogue -- about forty years of age, five feet eleven inches high, weight, about one hundred and seventy, dark brown hair, small blue eyes, light yellow complexion, pock-marked in the face, walks straight, and full breast. He is a terrible villain. ~Contributed by S. Ferrall (transcriber's note: I believe that Thomas Cunningham is buried in the Cherry Mound cemetery, Linton twp.) |
Murder! Waukon
Standard, January 28, 1869 On Monday evening two cousins, or as some say, a nephew and uncle, by the name of May, living near New Galena, in this county, go into a quarrel about some land, or the crops growing thereon. Frank and Charles May had taken land to work on shares, but Charles thinking he could do better on the river, took to boating, the agreement being that they would equally divide the proceeds of both the land and the boating season. In the autumn Charles returned, but with no money, yet claiming his full share of the crops of the arm. This Frank thought unjust and threatened Charles. The latter from time to time removed a part of the grain, but on going to take the last load, Monday, a quarrel ensued, during which Charles was shot dead, as Frank says in self-defense. He went to Lansing and consulted Watts, attorney at law, who advised him to surrender himself to the proper authorities. He said he would do so, but changed his mind and decamped. He will probably soon be arrested. ~contributed by Errin Wilker Another
Cold Blooded Murder, Dubuque Daily
Times, Sunday, January 31, 1869,
page: 4 Two cousins named Frank May and Charley May, rented
the Dignan farm last season and were to work it in
partnership. After the spring crops were planted, Charley
May took a notion to work on the river during the summer,
and an agreement was made between the parties to the
effect that Frank should receive one-half of
Charley’s earnings while on the river, and Charley
should receive one-half of the products of the farm.
Charley, it seems, did not succeed in obtaining much
wealth while boating, but returned home after the close
of navigation without much surplus funds. He, however,
claimed his share of the crops which had been raised on
the farm. Frank though him unreasonable on his claims,
and remonstrated with him, and tried to convince him that
he was unjust in his demands, after the hard labor he had
undergone in securing the crops &c. Charley was still
persistent in his claims and went so far as to remove
some of the grain from time to time. Yesterday he went
after the last load of corn, and Frank, exasperated by
his conduct, deliberately shot him dead. The murderer
came into town last evening, and called upon Mr. Watts,
one of our lawyers, and had informed him of what he had
done, and asking advise as what he should do. Mr. Watts,
of course, told him to place himself in the custody of
some of our officers. He concluded, we believe, to do so,
but it seems that afterwards he changed his mind, and
concluded to attempt escape, which he did, through the
assistance of Peter Banks, who resides in this city.
Officers were at once notified of his escape, and
immediately started in pursuit. No trace of him can be
had. Banks was taken into custody this morning, and will
be held to answer for assisting the murderer to make his
escape. A Man Kills his Nephew in a
Quarrel about the Division of Grain; Sacramento
Daily Union, February 17, 1869 |
bits of news items abstracted from the Waukon
Standard 1869-1875 April 22, 1869 p. 4 - a mean man - G.W. Allen July 21, 1870 - storm - J. Shaff Sept 7, 1871, p. 3 - Delinquent Tax Sale - Shaff, E NW NW sec27 40 acres, 6.95 tax, 1.04 int, 20 cost, 8.19 total, delinq 1870 Oct 27, 1871 - married at Ludlow at ME parsonage by Rev J B Camreon - Mr H.R. [or E. Wood] and Sophia Kirschman Nov 9, 1871, Thurs. - Board of Supervisors, James Shaff, Trustee, School Fund Loans May 30, 1872, Tues. - Center School, Ludlow Twp, Mr. James Shaff Director December 12, 1872 - Emmett Allen of Rossville - died - via Rev J. Hanna February 26, 1874 - John Barker, engr on D & M RR was around this way for a brief visit with friends Thursday April 23, 1874, p. 1 - Mrs Lydia Barker sold to A. S. Cochrane NE 28-97-6 $200 March 25, 1875 - Transactions of Real Estate filed in County Recorder during week ending 3-20-1875: Waukon Burying Ground Assn to M. G. Wood - Lot #231 of Burying Ground $10 ~Contributed by 'Marie' |
Northern Line Packet Company, Dubuque
Daily Times, 3/27/1870 The following boats will run between St. Louis and St. Paul: Lake Superior -Commander, Jonas Worden; First Clerk, L. C. Grinnell; Second Clerk, William Well Red Wing -Commander, W. P. Hight; First Clerk, P. Flanigan; Second Clerk, Theodore Jones Dubuque -Commander, James Ward; First Clerk, D. V. Dawley; Second Clerk, T. H. Ward Minnesota -Commander, T. B. Bill; First Clerk, G. D. Carroll; Second Clerk, C. Gregg Minneapolis -Commander, Geo. W. Jenks; First Clerk, W. W. Van Dyke; Second Clerk, R. Jones Muscatine -Commander, M. Green; First Clerk, E. Lee Brady; Second Clerk, A. Delaney Between Dubuque
and St. Paul Between the Rapids Dubuque and Davenport Trade St. Paul and St. Croix Trade The following boats are held in reserve to be used
whenever needed during low water: Savanna, Reserve,
Keithburg, Pembina and Charley Cheever. The
following will also be used during the season as tow
boats: Petrel, Little Giant, Dan Hines and Iron
Sides. These, with the use of barges, will be
enabled to transport an immense amount of grain and other
freight. The Canada and Old Hawkeye
have been sold and torn up, so that two of the familiar
boats that have been so long in the trade will visit our
port no more. |
Meeting at Lansing, Over 500 Present, Dubuque
Daily Times, Tuesday, Apr 26, 1870 A special dispatch from out friend, Mr. T. C. Medray, informs us that a rousing railroad meeting was held at Lansing last evening. Over 500 people were in assembled to take in consideration a building of a railroad to Dubuque, and all were unanimous for its immediate construction. We like to chronicle such meetings. It shows the people are waking up along the line, and the energy lately manifested by Dubuque is having a favorable influence. ~contributed by Cheryl Locher Moonen |
Senator Kinne, Dubuque
Herald, July 4, 1872 Senator Kinne, of Allamakee County, arrived in this city from Lansing, yesterday, and left on last night's train enroute for the Baltimore Convention. ~contributed by Cheryl Locher Moonen |
Howard Son Injured &
Harkins Horse Stolen, Dubuque Daily
Times, Saturday, July 13, 1872, pg
1 STATE NEWS - At Milton, Allamakee County, a little son of Mr. Howard, (of the Village Creek Woolen Mills), was firing a small cannon when it burst, mangling his left hand and arm, and putting out his left eye. The hand had to be amputated, and a splinter of iron a half inch long was taken from his eye ball. - On the 21st of June, C. Harkins of Waukon, had a horse stolen. No clue to the thief was found for a long time. Finally the horse was found at Fredericksburg, Chickasaw County, in the possession of one Frank Bartlett, formerly of Waukon. He is now safely jailed. ~contributed by Cheryl Locher Moonen |
'bad son' from Ludlow twp., Waukon
Standard, March 5, 1874 & April
23, 1874 Out in Ludlow township lives a wealthy farmer worth from $10,000 to $15,000. He owns a fine farm and good buildings. But one thing he does not possess, or the following would not be facts. For some time past his father, 84 years of age, and his mother 84 years of age, have been inmates of our county poor house. Last week the old gentleman died. Word was sent to the wealthy son, with the expectation that he would come and at least give his aged father a respectable burial. The son came to the poor house, and sat for an hour without expressing any intention on the subject. He was finally asked if he was going to take his father away, when he said not, that they might bury his father there in the paupers grave. They did so, the son in the meantime staying in the house enjoying himself by the fire until the job was done. He then took his mother home for a visit, stipulating with Mr Conkey, however, that he would not take her name off the books, so he could return her to the kind care of the county. His reason for this conduct is that he had not house room enough to keep the old folks at home. Comment is unnecessary. ---- Board of Supervisors Meeting April 6th, 1874 session - On motion, O. S. Conkey, was authorized to make a bill for keeping Mr. and Mrs. Shaff at the poor house and all expenses connected therewith, and present the same to James Shaff, son of Mr. and Mrs. Shaff, and demand payment thereof in behalf of the County. ~Contributed by 'Marie' - Marie's note: in the above articles the elderly couple are Moses and Sarah Shaff, and their son James Shaff. |
Fire in Village
Creek, Chicago Tribune,
May 22, 1875 A Tribune special from McGregor, Iowa, says the Village Creek woolen mills, near Lansing, Iowa, owned by Howard, Carroll & Ratcliff, were destroyed by fire last night. Loss $30,000. The fire is supposed to have been incendiary. ~Contributed by Sharyl Ferrall |
Standard, 1875 Transaction of Real Estate filed in County Recorder June 10, 1875, Mr. G.M. Wood to B.M. Wood NW NW 13-97-6 $800 ~Contributed by 'Marie' |
State vs. Misner,
Burlington Hawkeye,
July 8, 1875 In the case of the State vs. Misner, the defendant being a teacher of Allamakee county who had with some severity whipped Ida Benner, the court gave the following instructions: " If you find from the evidence that defendant committed an assault and battery upon the prosecutrix : and you further find from the evidence that at the time of the assault the prosecutrix had attained the age of twenty-one years, you are instructed that defendant had not the lawful right to make the assault and battery as a punishment for disobedience of the orders of the teacher, or of the rules of the school." The jury found the defendant guilty, and now the case goes to the Supreme Court. ~Contributed by Cindy Bray Lovell |
Standard, 1875 & 1876 Transaction of Real Estate filed in County Recorder November 4, 1875, B. M. Wood to Moses Wood - NW NW 13-97-6 $950 Transaction of Real Estate filed in County Recorder July 13, 1876, US to Wm Shuff N 1/2 NE 31-97-4 ~Contributed by 'Marie' |
Ed Tomkins Accidentally Shot, Dubuque
Daily Times, Wednesday, September
01, 1875, (Dubuque, IA) Page: 8 Edward Tompkins is a young man of nineteen years and lives in Allamakee County. He and his father were hunting, and at the time of the accident which befell the lad, they were in a boat. He somehow dropped the oar, which fell upon the hammers of a loaded shot gun, discharging both barrels. One charge shattered the young man's ankle with a ghastly wound, rendering amputation necessary near the knee. The wound was tied up with his father's coat which was torn up for the purpose, and then the father rowed the boat sixteen miles upstream before they reached home and the surgeon. Gleaned from the Lansing Mirror. ~contributed by Cheryl Moonen |
Accident, Buchanan County Bulletin,
Friday, Nov 05, 1875, Independence, IA, Page: 2
A brakeman on the Postville branch of the B. C. R. & M. R. R., named Charles Morse, fell between the cars of the mail train Monday afternoon, about two miles north Clermont, the cars passing over his right leg below the knee and breaking his left leg. He was taken to Postville where everything was done for his comfort. The physicians think his recovery probable. ~contributed by Cheryl Moonen |
Robbery in the City of Lansing; Dubuque
Daily Times, Friday, September 15,
1876, pg 1 Harper’s Ferry, Sept. 14th - As Mr. H. Stott, a well-known grain dealer of this place, was locking his warehouse doors last night, three unknown men who had been lying in wait for him, seized him, and strangled him by throwing a rope over his head, thus rendering it impossible for him to give any alarm. They then forcibly chloroformed him into insensibility, rifled his pockets of between six and seven hundred dollars cash, and left him lying in the midst of a driving rain storm, insensible, gagged and bound, under a large tree, where he was discovered several hours after by friends, who became alarmed at his long absence, had at Mrs. Stott’s request started in search of him. He is apparently but little injured, and will be alright in a few days. No clue is known in capturing the perpetrators of this bold and daring outrage, who evidently knew their victim carried on this occasion a plethoric purse – a thing unusual with him. How they became possessed of this information is a mystery. ~Contributed by Cheryl Moonen |
Items - Anamosa Eureka,
Thursday, December 28, 1876, Anamosa, Iowa Page: 3
The following named persons* have been sent to the penitentiary at Anamosa since are last report about a month ago: Allamakee County – Melvin Clark, grand larceny, 16 months; L. Buecker, assault with intent to kill, 1 year (*note: this article covered several Iowa counties, only the Allamakee co. names have been included here) ~Contributed by Cheryl Moonen |
Tragedy At Waterville - Elkader
Register, Thur., 31 Oct. 1878 -
reprinted from the Waukon Standard, undated issue. An affray occurred in the village of Waterville last Sunday evening, resulting in the death of J. G. Savage which very distinctly comes under the head of another whiskey-murder. The particulars are as follows: Jim Savage came from the Elkader narrow-gauge railroad last fall and secured a job in the construction of our railroad. He was an experienced hand and by attention to duty, and knowledge of what was necessary to be done, soon became a "section boss", and held the place up to the time of his death. He was a quite intelligent, well disposed man, and peaceable when sober; but the demon of intemperance had gained the mastery of him, and he was given to indulgence "in regular sprees" at which times he was an ugly customer as liquor made him wild and quarrelsome. In the past few months he had figured prominently in numerous fights and one serious stabbing affray. In company with several congenial spirits, Sunday morning, Savage went down to Johnsonsport by hand-car and procured liquor, returning to Waterville in the afternoon considerably intoxicated and consequently with his ugly nature uppermost ready for a row, in which he seemed to take a crazy delight. In this condition his party went to the Adams House, a tavern kept by Ed Neudeck, and called for liquor. They were refused, where upon Savage proceeded to demolish things generally, throwing bottles, glasses, etc., out of doors, and treating the "boys" all around. They afterwards went out, and returning about dusk found the doors locked, and Neudeck warned them to keep away, and that he would shoot them if they forced an entrance. Regardless of this in his drunken bravado, Savage kicked in the door, and as he did so Neudeck fired one barrel of his shotgun, the charge not taking effect, and immediately fired again as Savage pressed forward to seize the gun, whereupon the unfortunate man fell to the floor and Neudeck in the excitement slipped away. The wounded man was attended by Dr. Rowe, and a hand-car dispatched to this place for Dr. Barnes who arrived about one o'clock at night and found that nothing could be done to save the man's life. The charge of shot took effect in the abdomen below the navel and ranged downward, tearing the intestines and shattering the bones of the pelvis. He died about eleven o'clock the next day. He remained conscious of his condition, conversed with his friends, and said to his wife that he alone was to blame. He leaves a family of several children in destitute circumstances. The wife and mother was frantic with grief, rending the air with her cries of lamentation for hours after his death. Ed Neudeck is a man of more than ordinary intelligence and ability, a mill-write by trade, who came from Guttenberg, we believe, Clayton county, last fall, to engage in the milling at Waterville. Since the freshet of last summer the mill has not been running and several months since he took charge of the tavern and saloon. He has a wife and children. It was thought Monday morning by those best acquainted with him that he would deliver himself up to the authorities, and they were not disappointed, for in the afternoon he appeared in Waukon, presented himself to the sheriff, and was lodged in the jail here. The general opinion at Waterville is that he was justified in shooting; and also in fleeing, for if he had remained on the scene the infuriated companions of Savage would have surely killed him. It is a sad affair all around, and another terrible illustration of the course of intemperance. However justifiable Neudeck may be for shooting (and who would not do likewise under such circumstances ?) we can not lose sight of the fact that blame in some degree attaches to him, being himself engaged in the same hellish traffic that brought poor Savage to a drunkard's horrible death. ~Contributed by Reid R. Johnson ~Notes: Accounting of this incident is also in both the 1882 & 1913 Allamakee co. history books, although the above contains a few additional details. Frederick E. 'Ed' Neudeck is buried in New Albin cemetery (died 1888) & James Savage is buried in Old East Paint Creek cemetery. |
Van Hooser Arrested, Elkader
Register, Fri., December 15, 1882 From the Dubuque dailies we learn that Edgar Van Hooser, son of Warren and a cousin of Sheppard Van Hooser, who are now serving terms at Anamosa for counterfeiting, was arrested at Osage, Monday, for "shoving the queer." The officers who arrested him also secured about forty counterfeit silver dollars, which were so neatly executed as to almost defy detection. Van Hooser is now in the Dubuque jail in default of bail in the sum of $2,000. These Van Hoosers formerly resided at Postville, and were always considered a hard lot. ~Contributed by Reid R. Johnson |
Residence Burned, Elkader Register,
Fri., March 9, 1883 - from an undated Allamakee Co.
newspaper The residence of Merrit Frink, near Rossville, was burned on the 25th ult. Everything was lost, but it was covered by insurance. ~Contributed by Reid R. Johnson |
Residence Burned, Elkader Register,
Fri., March 23, 1883 - from an undated Allamakee Co.
newspaper William Powers' residence near Lansing, was entirely burned to the ground on the 14th. ~Contributed by Reid R. Johnson |
Postville's Centennarian,
Postville Review;
July 12, 1884 One hundred years ago not far from the banks and braes of Bonny Doon, near the castles of Montgomery, Scotland, a child was born, fair, plump and pretty we are told and in due time was christened, getting the plain simple name of John LAIRD. The lapse of three fourths of a century brings him to Iowa, and now at the age of 100 years he resides among us able to walk, talk and sing his song. Mr. and Mrs. LAIRD are happy as little children, and still welcome all with much cordiality. ~Contributed by S. Ferrall |
Excerpts from the Waukon
Standard; 1885, misc dates Thurs, July 2, 1885: Mrs. Knudt TOBIASON, of Hanover, was brought to Waukon Tuesday to be examined by the insane commission, being considered in a deranged condition. Since writing the above examination has been made, and while her mind seems somewhat affected, whe has given an apparently clear and correct history of her past life. Last fall she had the misfortune to break both bones of a leg in a very bad manner. TOBIASON never called a physician or took any decent care of her and we are told has abandoned her, roaming about the country according to his own selfish desires. There was a mortgage on the place on which she lived, which he permitted to be foreclosed and she turned out of house and home, he making no attempt to provide for her. No wonder her mind is a little demoralized under the inhuman treatment she has suffered at TOBIASON's hands. -- Thurs August 20, 1885: -The household of Dr. BOWEN rejoices in the presence of an infant daughter since Friday last. -Miss Agnes RYAN returned to White Lake, Dakota, last Friday. -- Thursday, July 2, 1885: Local and Miscellaneous Waukon Junction, Friday, June 26, 1885. About 1 o'clock p. m. to-day the house of Esq. HULSE was discovered to be on fire, and was burned to the ground in about thirty minutes. Most all the furniture and goods downstairs saved; about everything upstairs lost. Total loss estimated at about $700 insured for $450 with U. M. BACON's companies, of Lansing. Mr. HULSE is a poor man, has a large family to support, and has the sympathy of the community. (transcriber's note: I don't know which HULSE this is talking about, but would probably have to be Silas HULSE or Squire HULSE.) -- Thursday, August 27, 1885 From Frankville: Katy RYAN is living in a very critical condition. Very little hope is given for her recovery. ~Contributed by Patricia Hamarstrom |
Marshal Robey, Waukon
Republican, February 16, 1893 Marshall John Clark Robey was exercising the tramps in the jail digging snow and ice out of the street gutters Monday. A good thing to do. ~contributed by Connie Ellis |
Oldest Man in Iowa, Morning
World Herald, Omaha, Nebraska,
February 20, 1893 Mason City, Ia., Feb. 19. -- The oldest man in Iowa and probably in the west, is Mr. Charles L. Pool of Allamakee county, who will celebrate his 107th birthday on the 15th of the coming month. He was born in Congrasbury, Somersetshire, England, in 1786. He was thrice married, his first wife living but nine years. In England his business was farming and speculating in teasles, and after coming to this country he was engaged in farming as he was able to work at all. In 185? he came to this country with his wife and ten children, leaving his oldest son in England. He settled first in Kane county, Illinois, where in 1850 his wife died. In 1851 he removed to Allamakee county, which has since been his home, although he has spent one year in Dakota. Although so advance in years, Mr. Pool can walk about, and with the aid of his glasses can read the tinest print. Two years ago he was hurt by a fall, since which time he uses a cane to assist him in walking. Mr. Pool has seventy living descendants, seven children and sixty-three grandchildren. ~Contributed by S. Ferrall (transcriber's note: Charles L. Pool, 99 years, Iowa township, Allamakee county - from the 1885 Iowa census) |
Clippings, September 1, 1893 -Bryce L. Baldwin is the name of the gentlemen who succeeds to the management of the Postville Graphic. He is an original writer, knows much about the trottin’ hoss and appears to be a hard worker. -Believe all reports you hear about the dust these days. They can’t be overdrawn. It is like riding through a sand bank every where. A ride in the country with Coroner Nopper Tuesday, convinces us fully that the traveler has a hard time of it now, something similar to driving through blinding snow. -A man named Kaiser, employed on Nachtweys’s farm, while grubbing one day last week, cut off his two toes. As the grub hoe had not done a very smooth job, Kaiser completed it by putting his foot on a stump and trimming the toes to suit his taste. He then carried the amputated members in his pocket and came to the doctor to have the foot dressed. ~Contributed by Kathy Maurer |
from a Waukon newspaper, June 1895 -We, (The Standard) have been asked to “advertise” a Sunday base ball game. We cannot do that. We are not opposed to base ball or other athletic games; we believe in them and cheerfully publish notices of coming games, or reports of past games; but we do not believe in the descecration of Sunday by such means, and must refuse to help along what we hold to be unlawful and very demoralizing to the public by advertising them. -The motto for the Class of ’95 of the Waukon High School was “In Ourselves Our Future Lies.” Commencement exercises were held June 14, 1895, in Boomer Opera House. ~Contributed by Kathy Maurer |
Lucky John Witmer, 1895 Des Moines, July 18 - John E. Witmer, a deputy sheriff, has secured 160 acres of land in Allamakee county under an original homestead entry made at the land office, and all the place cost him was $18, the usual fee for filing on the land. The land is under cultivation and has been for twenty years. It is on the Mississippi river bottoms, not more than four miles distant from the river and about the same distance from two railroad towns, and is worth at least $8,000. A man who has been interested in the contest for a piece of land in the west part of the city in looking over the records found that two certificates had been issued for the same tract to the same man, and told Witmer of it. He investigated and found that in 1847 the land was entered by an original settler under the old homestead laws, but that the entry was an error on the part of the clerks in the office, as he had taken and was living on another piece of land. In 1861 the settler discovered the mistake and was permitted to correct his entry. This left the title to the piece originally entered with the government, and no one seems to have discovered it until recently. The land has been occupied all the time and it is presumed that some one bought it at a tax sale and thought they had a good title. On April 10, Witmer called at the land office and made a demand to be permitted to enter the land and tendered the fees of $18. The register and receiver doubted his right to enter it and refused to permit the entry to be made until they could look up the records. An inspection of the records seemed to satisfy them that the land was subject to entry, but they preferred to have the department officials at Washington look into the matter and forwarded the papers to them. They have just been returned with a decision to the effect that the land was subject to entry and Witmer made his original homestead entry. -Northwood Anchor, July 25, 1895 ~Contributed by S. Ferrall, (transcriber's note: I can't find Mr. Witmer on any census in Allamakee co., he must have lived elsewhere) |
Centenarians, Fort Dodge Messenger,
November 22, 1895 [extracted from the full article] The state of Iowa posses 508 people who are 90 years of age or over. Polk county has fifteen. There are twenty-one in the state 100 years or over, none of whom reside in this county [Webster]. Eleven of the centenarians are women and ten are men. Elizabeth Paulson, Allamakee county, 102 ~Contributed by Karen de Groote-Johnson |
Earthquake, Brooklyn Eagle,
June 7, 1897 Lansing, IA., June 7 -- An earthquake startled many citizens of Lansing between 4 and 5 o'clock yesterday morning. The shock, which lasted several seconds, was accompanied by a rumbling noise heard at Waukon, eighteen miles away. ~Contributed by S. Ferrall |
Klondike Gold Hunter, Waukon
Standard Wednesday, March 9, 1898 Mrs. Belle WILLIAMS of St. Louis Park, Minn., is visiting the family of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. A. R. PRESCOTT. Mr. WILLIAMS becomes a Klondike gold hunter. ~Contributed by Patricia Hamarstrom |
Tid-bits from the Waukon
Standard Wednesday, March 16, 1898 New Albin Courier -Miss Anna HAMARSTROM of Lansing is vising the C. G. Bock family this week. Lansing -Prof R. E. RICE of Dixon, Ill., arrived Saturday to attend the funeral of his father who died suddenly Friday morning, aged 79 years. ~Contributed by Patricia Hamarstrom |
Grace Waukon, Cedar
Rapids Gazette, March 21, 1898 Grace Waukon, a granddaughter of the Indian chief after whom the town of Waukon was named, is a teacher in the Indian school at Tomah, Wis. ~Contributed by Diana Henry Diedrich |