updated 04/30/2019
Bits of Information from various newspapers 1960's |
New Albin
newspaper, hand-dated June 1960 - Clem Moore of St. Louis, Mo., and Mrs. P.G. Owen of Waterloo, Ia., visited their brother Kenneth Moore and sister, Mrs. Jesse Garrett and husband of New Albin last week. - Relatives here received announcements last week of the birth of a daughter to Mr. and Mrs. Virgil Richards on Wednesday, June 15th, at Alliance, Nebraska. Mrs. Richards will be remembered as the former Sandra Dresselhaus of this place. This being their first child their many relatives and friends extend their congratulations. ~contributed by Errin Wilker |
Looking Back items
from the Lansing Journal
July 1960 -A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Richard DELANEY (nee Patricia KELLEHER). -Darlene LARSON and Gary KLEIN were married. -Sandry GRAY and Roger PLADSEN were married in Waukon. ~(*see note at bottom of page) |
Journal, August 24, 1960 - Mr. and Mrs. Herb Feuerhelm Jr. celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary. ~contributed by Errin Wilker |
Looking Back items
from the Lansing Journal
November 1960 -A former resident of Silver Creek, Thomas DONOVAN, 57, death occurred at Rochester, Minn. ~(*see note at bottom of page) |
Burglaries, Postville Herald, December 28, 1960 (Area
Briefs column) Waukon- Two business places in Lansing were burglarized Sunday night according to report made at the office of Allamakee County Sheriff William M. Huffman. At Lenz and Underwood about $5.00 was taken, and at Garrett garage, $35.00. Both places had been entered by breaking glass. ~contributed by Aubrie Monroe; Note: My grandpa Roger Lenz remembers going over to town to check on it in the middle of the night with my g-grandpa Curtis Lenz. They had to check and see what all was taken. I don’t think they ever found out who did it. |
Cedar Rapids Gazette;
January 22, 1961 Waukon – Much of the history of railroading in Waukon is tied up in the 52-year career of Fred M. Intlekofer, who has retired as telegraph operator and station agent. Intlekofer began work as assistant station agent June 4, 1908, under the supervision of E. B. Gibbs, who had been the agent since the first train steamed into Waukon Oct. 27, 1877. When Gibbs retired he was replaced by Intlekofer. So the station in Waukon has been served by only 2 men since the first train. Minnesota Native. Intlekofer was born at Red Wing, Minn. April 24, 1881. His family moved to Lansing, Ia., where he was to learn telegraphy and station work under Julius Boecre. Before coming to Waukon he was night and relief operator at Lansing. Mr. Intlekofer often put in 15 hours a day. He was always on hand for the 6:30 a.m. and 8:30 p.m. trains. In earlier days he also remembers delivering as many as 30 telegrams a day, which meant walking all over Waukon.He was busy with civic activities too. He was on the Waukon school board for 15 years, on the Allamakee county school board for years, chairman of the county defense board from 1941 until after the war: mayor of Waukon for 2 terms; on the city council for 18 years and secretary of the Knights of Columbus for 21 years. Intlekofer’s assistant, Francis Kurt, Waukon station clerk for 20 years, will become the night man at Marquette. Ernest Johansen of Dubuque has temporarily been named to succeed Intlekofer. 50th Anniversary Mr. Intlekofer and his wife, Mabel, will celebrate year their 50th wedding anniversary Oct. 10. They have 3 sons, Dr. James Intlekofer, of Monticello; Charles, an engineer for the Great Northern railroad at Seattle. Wash. and Francis, of Waukon, and 2 daughters, Ruth Ann, at home, and Mrs. Karl Kelleher, a teacher in Cedar Rapids. There are 23 grand-children. -Contributed by Diana Henry Diedrich |
Looking Back items
from the Lansing Journal
September 1961 -Ruth Ann KELLEHER and James MASTERSON were married. -Funeral services were held at St. Patrick’s for Julia DELANEY (nee O’DONNELL), age 82. ~(*see note at bottom of page) |
Looking Back items
from the Lansing Journal
January and February 1962 -James RYAN has been promoted to cashier at Kerndt Brothers Savings Bank. -A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Dick DELANEY. -Rites were held in Waukon for Dr. Martha O’MALLEY. -In Waukon, rites were held for Mrs. Catherine GRADY. ~(*see note at bottom of page) |
Looking Back items
from the Lansing Journal
March and April 1962 -Rites were held in Waukon for Mrs. T. E. KERNDT. -James DREW was named Waukon’s postmaster. -Rites were held for Andrew GAVIN at Cherry Mound. -Mike and Harold DEVITT are having a farm sale. ~(*see note at bottom of page) |
Waukon Democrat,
June 21, 1962 -Oscar Kidd of Richland center, Wis., called on friends here Monday. -Red Robinson, a patient at St. Francis hospital in La Crosse had surgery there Saturday. -George Sullivan, a patient at the Veteran's hospital in Iowa City will have surgery during the week. -Ben Gavin is a patient at the hospital in Waukon. -Mr. and Mrs. Joe Calvey of Milwaukee spent their vacation last week at the parental Joe Bowen home. -Ruth Ann Damon left here Sunday, June 17 to spend a week's vacation with relatives in Janesville. -Mr. and Mrs. Harry Boardman and Rosemary of La Crosse were arrivals Friday to spenda week's vacation here with relatives. -Madonna Luster, instructor in the Beloit, Wis., schools and Dolores Delphey, instructor in Madison, Wis., schools, came here Friday to spend their vacation with home folks. -Calling on relatives and friends here over the weekend were Ralph Cota, Bob Hogan, Bonny Brannan, the Palmer Severson family, Norbert Brazell of Cedar Rapids; Mary Kay Collins of La Crosse; and Mr. and Mrs. Henry Traeger of West Union. -Contributed by Errin Wilker |
Dubuque, Iowa, December 6, 1962 The ninth annual Allamakee County Soil Conservation District dinner meeting will be held at 6 p.m. Thursday in St. Paul's Methodist Church in Waukon. Sweepstake achievement awards will be given to Dewey Leppert and sons, who farm near Lansing. First place district winner honors will go to John Brainard, Postville-area farmer. Charles Ballantyne, extension soil conservationist of Iowa State University, will be guest speaker. ~contributed by Errin Wilker |
Allamakee Journal,
Lansing, January 9, 1963 New Albin news - Mrs. John Reburn and children, and Mrs. Floyd Barth were La Crosse callers last Wednesday afternoon. - Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Hertzfeldt and family of Topeka, Kansas, were weekend visitors at the home of her mother, Mrs. Doris Spinner. - Renee Weymiller returned to her home in Harpers Ferry last Monday after spending a few days at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weymiller. - Mr. and Mrs. Allison Weymiller and family of Harpers Ferry were last Sunday visitors at the home of the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weymiller. The former's son, Steven, accompanied his parents home after a several days visit at the home of his grandparents. -R.N.A. INSTALL OFFICERS - Mrs. Mariam Weymiller was installed as oracle of Mt. Oneota Camp of Royal Neighbors in a ceremony at the home of Mrs. Clara Darling Tuesday evening, January 1st, Mrs. Josephine Moore installing officer. Others installed were Mrs. Alice Hurley, recorder; Mrs. Pearl Kroack, receiver; Mrs. Louise Meyer, chancellor; Mrs. Verona Bellon, outer sentinel; Mrs. Clara Darling, flagbearer; and Mrs. Colletta Meyer, manager for a three-year term. Mrs. Jo Moore was the installing officer. Following the business session, bridge and bingo were played with Mrs. Verona Bellon winning high score at bridge, and Mrs. Mariam Weymiller, high score at bingo. Mrs. Colletta Meyer won the guest prize. In conculsion, lunch was served. -Mrs. Otto Hurley was hostess at a bridge party in her home last Wednesday afternoon. A 1 o'clock dessert luncheon was served followed by bridge. Prize winners were: Mrs. Walter Middendorf, high score; Mrs. Bill Bina, traveling prize; Mrs. Herman Dannenbring, low score; and Mrs. John Kroack, guest prize. -contributed by Errin Wilker |
Looking Back items
from the Lansing Journal
January and February 1963 -Lee SHERIDAN had back surgery at Rochester hospital. -Rites were held for Mike DEVITT, 92, who died Feb. 1, at St. Patrick’s with burial at Hanover. -Waukon native Robert HAGEMAN is among 10 finalists for design of a Battle of Gettysburg commemorative stamp to be issued in July. -Services were held at St. Patrick’s for Mrs. Michael DEVITT, 84, with burial at Hanover. ~(*see note at bottom of page) |
Allamakee Journal,
February 20, 1963 Five business places in New Albin were entered by thieves, but only about $30 was stolen. Rites were held in New Albin for Edith Reburn, 83. Confirmed at St. Peter's UCC in New Albin: Steve Breeser, Bob Beneke, Roxanne Barth, Gwen Meyer, Debbie Carroll, Tim Riehm, Jerry Plagge and Don Somermeyer. Lynn Livingood went to Marshalltown for cataract surgery. Jon Rittgers, County Extension assistant, has joined the Peace Corps in Panama. Anthony Quinn and Jackie Gleason star in "Requiem for a Heavyweight" at the Town Theatre. A boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. John Wolfe of Harpers Ferry, and a giri to the Don Tobins of Waukon. Mr. and Mrs. Fred Bulman and Mr. and Mrs. Earl Beardmore attended the funeral of Mrs. Calvin Sires in Caledonia. Hiram Robinson, 78, and his brother, Fred Chapman, 75, were united for the first time in 75 years in Harpers Ferry -Contributed by Errin Wilker |
La Crosse Tribune,
September 1963 Elmer Lenz, 71, resident of New Albin, became the La Crosse Tribune carrier in 1952 and although he has turned that job over to others more youthful he continues to be the local correspondent. Elmer carried the Tribune nine years in the community, peddling his bicycle through rain and shine. He was riding his third bike when he retired in 1961. He came to the town in 1912 as a harness and saddle maker apprentice. He then bought the business and operated it until 1918 when he entered the Army for overseas service. He resumed and continued in the harness business until 1934 when he went to work at the town lumber yard. He also was an alderman two terms and fire chief two years. -Clipping from my grandmother's scrapbook, I am not related -Contributed by Errin Wilker |
Clipping, unknown paper, hand-dated 1963 The Mill Supper Club at New Albin was raided on Friday night with two State Agents, Allamakee County SHeriff Theodore H. Rumph, Deputy Sheriff Mulroy McDermott and Marshal Cletus Mullarkey, Lansing, in charge. Two full bottles of liquor were found and two empty liquor bottles. The owner, Victor Cremer was charged with bootlegging and was to appear in Justice Paul Hueneman's Court on Monday. The hearing was delayed until Wednesday. This is the first raid in Allamakee County and the second in Northeast Iowa, the other one being the Oriole Club at Dubuque. -Contributed by Errin Wilker |
Allamakee Journal,
Lansing, January 8, 1964 FRENCH CREEK NEWS - Mr. and Mrs. W.C. Harris and sons Clark and James accompanied by Mrs. Harris' niece, Judith Ashbacher, the latter of Spring Grove, Minnesota, left Friday from Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin, for Chicago, then by jet to Los Angeles, California, after visiting with Mrs. Harris' parents, Mr. and Mrs. U.J. Ashbacher and family and Sylvan Ashbacher and family. WANT ADS - Feed Grinding, Mixing and Shelling at the Mullen Feed Store, Lansing. - Wheel Balancing $1.25 and Weights at Knopf's Standard Service Station, Lansing. - For Sale: About 5000 Bales, 1st, 2nd and 3rd Crop Hay. Brennan Construction Company of Lansing. - For Sale: Hampshire Stock Hog, Anout 250 lbs. $55 Cyril Knopf, Lansing. - For Sale: New and Used Homelite Power Saws, Lawnmowers and Post-Hole Diggers. Richard Reppe, Lansing. - For Sale: 2 Combination Storm Windows, 30" x 70", Used 6 Months. Phone Liberty 4-3631. Milton Somermeyer, New Albin. - Wanted: Man or Woman for Profitable Business of Your Own. Choose Hours. Rawleigh Products. L. Lasche, Lansing. - For Sale: 2000 Bales Good Conditioned Hay. Also 10 Sows to Farrow 1st Part of February. Myron Guider, Lansing. -contributed by Errin Wilker |
Looking Back items
from the Lansing Journal
January 1964 -Last rites were held at St. Patrick’s for Margaret HOWES, 82. ~(*see note at bottom of page) |
Looking Back items
from the Lansing Journal
March 1964 -Rites were held at Hanover for Otto STEINHART, 88. ~(*see note at bottom of page) |
Looking Back items
from the Lansing Journal
May 1964 -Velma FINK and Walter MACK were married in Chicago. -Funeral services were held for Terrence O’HARA, 78, of Hanover. ~(*see note at bottom of page) |
Looking Back items
from the Lansing Journal
September 1964 -Rites for Anna TIERNEY (nee GRIFFIN), 80, were held at St. Patrick’s with burial at Hanover. ~(*see note at bottom of page) |
Journal, Lansing, November 25, 1964 New Albin News -Mr. and Mrs. Donald Schoh, Mr. and Mrs. Paul Breeser, Kathryn and Sharon Neumann, were dinner guests last Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Robert Maust Jr. -Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Lager, Rick and Kip, arrived Sunday evening from Grand Forks, N.D. to spend the Thanksgiving holiday with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lager. -Mrs. Alvin Sires was hostess to her Zion Check card club Monday evening, Nov. 16th. Mrs. Glen Meyer was high score winner, Mrs. Marion Crane, low, and Mrs. Donald Schoh, guest. A dessert lunch was served. -Contributed by Errin Wilker |
Journal, Lansing, April 1965 - Mrs. Claude Grahlman, Robert and Susan, James Sires, and Mrs. Joe Crowley drove to Tulare, S.D., to visit the Forrest Sires family. - Mr. and Mrs. Robert Jenkins, Cedar Falls, visited the Herbert Jenkins home. - Tade Bechtel and Mrs. Lydia Merritt arrived home after spending the winter at Portland, Oregon. - Harold Doehler was unable to get to a medical appointment in La Crosse because of water over the dike. - Joseph Marley spent Easter with Mrs. Mary Manton. - Leo Colsch died April 13 in Osage, where he was visiting his daughter. - Tim Spinner, Aurora, Ill., is visiting his parents. - Mrs. Floyd Barth is visiting her mother, Mrs. John Spores, in Dubuque. ~Contributed by Errin Wilker |
Looking Back items
from the Lansing Journal
April 1965 -The Bob COTA and Bob HEFFERNs attended the William ZOLL funeral at Hanover. ~(*see note at bottom of page) |
Looking Back items
from the Lansing Journal
June 1965 -Irene (RONAN) ZOLL, 70, rites were held at St. Mary’s Hanover. ~(*see note at bottom of page) |
Allamakee Journal,
June 1, 1965 Lansing residents and merchants are pleased to welcome Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brown who have taken over the management and operation of the G. Kerndt & Bros. dry goods and apparel store on upper Main St., which will be known as Brown's Department Store. They are the parents of six children and are now nicely settled in the Moritz Kerndt home on Center St. -Contributed by Errin Wilker |
Looking Back items
from the Lansing Journal
October 1965 -Waukon deaths were Mrs. Emmet G. DOUGHERTY and Leslie McCORMICK. ~(*see note at bottom of page) |
Looking Back items
from the Lansing Journal
December 1965 -Charles TIERNEY is selling his beef herd and hogs on Jan. 4. He has sold his farm to John J. McCORMICK. -Mrs. Catherine KELLEHER, 55, was injured in an auto accident on Stirn Hill. -Fire discovered at 3:45 a.m. Friday destroyed Waukon High School and its contents, $1,000,000 loss. Built in 1916, it housed 600 students. -Funeral services were held at Hanover for Morris McCARTHY, 70. ~(*see note at bottom of page) |
Looking Back items
from the Lansing Journal
April and March 1966 -ENYART Motors has been sold to Richard QUANDAHL and Francis MARTIN. -William PLEIN, 50, died at the Waukon hospital. -Ninety-eight-year-old John Blake of Dorchester died at his daughter’s home. ~(*see note at bottom of page) |
Allamakee Journal,
June 15, 1966 -An open house in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Feuerhelm will be held at the Lansing EUB Church to celebrate their 50th anniversary on Sunday, June 26. -Mary C. Ellingson, Allamakee County Relief Director, will be honored at an open house and reception on the same day. -The marriage of Mary Radloff and Mr. Darrell Gilbert took place in the rectory of St. Patrick's Church, the Rev. John McDonald officiating. -Last rites for Alphonse Hess were held at Lansing I.C. Church. -Bill Kelleher arrived home Friday on a 30 day furlough. He has been stationed in Korea. -Harold Kumlin has taken over the former Heim Tavern in Lansing. -Levi Sweat caught a 9 pound 10 ounce walleye on Thursday. -Suzanne Hart was honored Friday evening, June 10, at a pre-nuptial shower at the home of Mrs. Joe Aliesch. -Attending a surprise birthday party for Mrs. Victor Jacobson in New Albin were Mr. and Mrs. Max Marzen, Mr. and Mrs. Bob Colsch, Mr. and -Mrs. Duane Bakewell, Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Bakewell, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Burke, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Zezulka, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Burke, and Mrs. Floyd Barth. -Liz Jordan and Dan Metzdorf went to Milwaukee on June 6 to spend the summer with the former's mother, Mrs. Bette Jordan. -Elmer Lenz is a medical patient at St. Francis Hospital in La Crosse. -Mr. and Mrs. J. Simpson and son, Jimmy, of Dubuque spent the weekend at their trailer home. -Mr. and Mrs. Hugh Acuff were arrivals last Sunday, driving from Phoenix, Ariz., and they will spend a few weeks visiting her parents, the John Schulte Sr. family. -contributed by Errin Wilker |
Looking Back items
from the Lansing Journal
July 1966 -Rites for Mrs. Tom O’MALLEY, born in Ireland in 1870, were held. -Cyril MURPHY has sold his interest in the Lansing Garage to Al SCHULTZ and Harvey HALVERSON. -Lyle Burke, 17, was killed when he was struck by a car while he was lying in the middle of the highway early Saturday. ~(*see note at bottom of page) |
Allamakee Journal,
July 13, 1966 -Cyril Murphy has sold his interest in the Lansing Garage to Al Schultz and Harvey Halverson. Cyril was in business for 43 years at the garage. -Sheila Powers and Gary Lyons were married in St. Joseph the Workman Cathedral in La Crosse on July 9. -The class of 1956 of Lansing High School held a ten year reunion at the Fireside in La Crosse on Sunday. -Mr. and Mrs. Ernest Luster have a new girl. -Mr. and Mrs. Don Koch and four children of Mandan, North Dakota came Saturday for a visit with his brother, Bob Koch, and family. -Byron Steiber underwent a checkup at a Rochester, Minn. hospital last week. -Dean Eckberg of Minneapolis spent the past week in Waukon visiting at the home of his uncle, Floyd Larson, and his aunt, Mrs. Earl Gruber. -Friends of Ed Lauerman have learned that he has taken a position with a Dyersville, Iowa bank. -Mrs. Ellen O'Malley, 96, died July 10 in her northwest Waukon home. -Mr. and Mrs. Jim Burke and baby of Waterloo were weekend guests at the Joe Burke and Glen Buege homes. -Harry Wilson of Sacramento, Salif. was a guest from Saturday to Wednesday at the Leonard Heiderscheit home. -Mr. and Mrs. Vern Dahl and family of West Salem, Wis. were guests at a cookout supper Sunday evening at the Alvin Darling home. -Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Mitchell and family have bought the John Schuldt home and moved last week from Lansing. -Pat Houlihan and Jim Foley left by auto on a sight-seeing trip to Washington, D. C. and will visit the George Supers at Reading, Pa. -Harpers Ferry's oldest citizen, John Clarke, celebrated his 92nd birthday on July 1. He makes his home with his sister, Mrs. Neil Daman. -Janet Farley left Sunday for Ballygawley, Ireland. She plans to spend a year overseas if she can find employment. -contributed by Errin Wilker |
Allamakee Journal,
July 20, 1966 -Lyle Burke, 17, died as a result on injuries sustained when struck by a car on Hwy. 13 north of Waukon. Services were also held for Rev. Howard Strong at Centerville, Iowa, and burial was in Oak Hill Cemetery, Lansing. -Miss Rita Rouster and Ronald Miller were married at St. Paul's Lutheran Church on July 10. -A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Robert Larson (the former Norita Fjeran) in St. Paul. -Clarella Guider has been named to the second semester Dean's List at La Crosse State University. -Julie Ackerman and James H. Bieber were married at Blair, Nebraska. -A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Milo Timmerman at Waukon hospital on July 13. -A girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Gerald Schroedel at St. Francis in La Crosse. She was given the name Tamara Lynn. -Richard Protsman returned from Lutheran Hospital after surgery for appendicitis. -Orville Meyer and Bruce Beneke of New Albin have left for 4 year hitches in the Air Force. -contributed by Errin Wilker |
Looking Back items
from the Lansing Journal
August & September 1966 --Some new listings in Connor Real Estate ad: GRAMLICH 80 acres near Lansing, $8,500; Floyd POTTRATZ dairy farm, 245 acres, $80,000; James STRUB’s 40 acres of river bottom, all open, $200 per acre. -Rites were held at St. Mary’s Hanover, for Geraldine (HOWE) WATERS, 40. ~(*see note at bottom of page) |
Looking Back items
from the Lansing Journal
October 1966 -Rites were held in Waterloo for Mary (BRESHNAHAN) REGAN, 49, who died suddenly. -John A’HEARN, 54, death occurred Oct. 22. The military funeral was held at St. Patrick’s Waukon, with burial in Hanover. ~(*see note at bottom of page) |
Allamakee Journal,
October 12, 1966 Lansing Student Council news On September 1, nominees for student council turned their nominations slips into the office and the election campaigns were under way. The candidates for student council were: 7th grade; Noeline Strub, Patty Dyb, Patty Strong, Rose Strub, Marilyn Kernan, Paula Cleveland and Ruth Yeoman; 8th grade; Janice Leppert, Mike Zeimet and Laurie Magnusson; freshmen; Cheryl Steiber, Linda Magnusson, Danny Maust, Jeanie Webb, Laughn Gordon, Dan Larson and Dane Cole; sophomores; Villi Jo Amundson, Donna Heim and Joye Sandry; juniors; Pat Strub, Ron Protsman and Jim Wilde; and seniors; James Spinner, Jane Sires, Steve Protsman, Cheryl Fink, Gwen Meyer, Judi Sandry and Wayne Goodell. The nominees for presidential office gave their campaign speeches at the student body assembly on September 7. The nominees for the office of the president were: Jane Sires, Judi Sandry, Ron Protsman, James Spinner and Steve Protsman. Elections were held on September 8 during the homeroom period. These election returns were announced over the intercom system third period that day. Seniors: Cheryl Fink and Gwen Meyer; juniors: Jim Wilde and Pat Strub; sophomores: Donna Heim and Joye Sandry; freshmen: Jean Webb and Linda Magnusson; 7th grade: Pat Dyb and Marilyn Kernan; and 8th grade: Mike Zeimet and Laurie Magnusson. Guiding the student council are faculty sponsors, Sara Smerud, Jerry Schroedel and Robert Scott. Serving as president is Ron Protsman. During the first meetings of the student council, the elections of officers were held. The nominees for secretary were Cheryl Fink and Pat Strub; and for treasurer: Cheryl Fink and Gwen Meyer. The returns favored Pat Strub for secretary and Cheryl Fink for treasurer. -contributed by Errin Wilker |
Allamakee Journal,
April 5, 1967 Sp./4 E-4 Ronald Ferring, U.S. 558-00112, has been promoted to the rank of Sp./5 E-5. Specialist Ferring is a precise power generator operator and is currently serving at a radar and missile fire distribution site. The site is located on Wolmido Island in the Yellow Sea, off the west coast of South Korea. He is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Ferring of rural Lansing. -Contributed by Errin Wilker |
Looking Back items
from the Lansing Journal
May 1967 -A well-known businessman, Pat J. MAHONEY, 94, was buried from St. Patrick’s. ~(*see note at bottom of page) |
Allamakee Journal,
June 5, 1968 New Albin News by Mrs. Melvin Darling -Mr. and Mrs. Orvin Holtr and grandson, Mike Allioto of Milwaukee were Friday overnight guests at the Stanley Buege home. -William Ingles of Marion, Indiana arrived Thursday for a several days visit with his mother, Mrs. Verda Cronk and Mary Ann. -Mr. and Mrs. George Kubitz, Dubuque, were guests last week end at the home of their daughter, Mrs. Duane Bakewell and family. -Mrs. Flora Mauss, Mrs. Stacia Hartley, Mrs. Blanche Freilinger and Mrs. Emma Greiser attended Memorial Day services in Lansing. -Mr. and Mrs. Francis Ward and family of Fort Wayne, Indiana spent last week end at the Joe Ward home in Prairie du Chien and the John Mendenhalls here. -Mrs. Jenny Bender, St. Joseph, Michigan, who was a guest at the home of her brother, Hobson Meiners near Caledonia, called on friends here on Memorial Day. -Mr. and Mrs. George McGillinay of Minneapolis were dinner guests on Friday at the Art Beardmore home enroute home from a visit with relatives in Waukon. -Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Meyer and family and Mr. and Mrs. Fritz Meyer of Waukesha, Wisconsin were week end guests at the home of the men's parents, Mr. and Mrs. Howard Meyer. -Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Richards and baby returned to their home in Sandwich, Illinois on Monday after spending the holiday week end the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Bernet Richards. -Mrs. Lysander Darling left Sunday with her daughter, Mrs. Elsie Williams, Waukon, and granddaughter, Mrs. Jim McLennen of Greene, on a weeks motor trip through the southern states. -Mr. and Mrs. Bob Darling, Strawberry Point, were visitors at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Lysander Darling, last Wednesday evening. In the afternoon Mrs. Beulah Spiker and Ada May of Prairie du Chien were visitors at the Darling home. -Mr. and Mrs. Martin Hayes, Waukon, spent Memorial Day with his sister, Mrs. Ann Metzdorff. -Kendall Mork, Elgin, spent the week end at the home of his sister, Mrs. Wayne Sawyer and family. -Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Pottratz of Davenport are the parents of a baby daughter, Kelly, adopted on Friday, May 31. -Mr. and Mrs. Carl Colsch and family of Freeberg were supper guests on Thursday at the Lawrence Mitchell home. -Mr. and Mrs. Donald Puccio and boys of Dubuque were guests from Monday to Wednesday at the Floyd Pottratz home. -Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lager returned home Sunday from Alexandria, Minnesota where they were vacationing since Wednesday. -Mr. and Mrs. Tom Moore, Rockford, Illinois were guests Thursday to Saturday at the home of his mother, Mrs. Ann Metzdorff. -Mr. and Mrs. Bill Gade, Sumner, were Memorial Day supper guests at the home of his sister, Mrs. Howard Meyer and husband. -Mrs. Edgar Voelker, Milwaukee and Mrs. Lloyd Bailey, Des Moines, were visitors Sunday morning at the, Floyd Pottratz home. -Mrs. Ina Fitschen came in from Dubuque Wednesday night and spent Memorial Day at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Darling. -Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Pottratz visited his brother-in-law, "Chip" Clancy of Lansing, a patient at Lutheran Hospital, La Crosse, on last Monday. -Jeffrey Middendorf, son of Mr. and Mrs, Walter Middedorf Jr., was one of the 83 seniors who graduated from Caledonia High School Friday evening. -Mr. and Mrs. Ronald Johnson, Minneapolis, Mrs. Helga Winchip and son, Milton, of Clinton, came Wednesday evening for a Memorial Day visit at the Art Beardmore and Milton Paus homes. -Barry, Karen and Lynette Sires of Tulare, South Dakota arrived Thursday. Barry returned to his home. The girls stayed to visit a week with Mr. and Mrs. Joe Crowley, Mr. and Mrs. Cleon Sires and other relatives. -Mr. and Mrs. Versell Pohlman, Mr. and Mrs. August Neumann Jr. and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Lampert attended the funeral of Mervin Heintz at Emmaual Lutheran Church in Caledonia on Sunday afternoon. -Fr. Donald Bakewell, Elkader, his mother, Mrs. Veronica Bakewell, Waukon, and brother, Norbert Bakewell of La Crosse, were visitors May 26th at the home of Mrs. Gladys Bakewell and the Duane Bakewell family. -Mrs. Donald Sires and daughters, Julie and Jodi, of Enumclaw, Washington arrived Saturday night for a several days visit at the Alvin Sires home. They left Tuesday for Christianberg, Virginia, accompanied by Mrs. Alvin Sires, to visit the former's parents, Mr. and Mrs. LeRoy Akers. -Mr. and Mrs. Jerry Mitchell and family, Springville, were week end guests at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. James Mitchell, and the Lawrence Mitchell family. On Saturday the former two attended the ordination of Mrs. Mitchell's cousin to the priesthood at Winona, Minnesota. -Dinner guests at the Lawrence Mitchell home on Sunday were: the Jerry Mitchell family, Springville, Mr. and Mrs. David Mitchell and famiy, Mr. and Mrs. James Mitchell and son, Bill. They were joined in the afternoon by Mr. and Mrs. Tony Diaz and boys of La Crosse and Mr. and Mrs. Dick Kubitz and family. -Supper guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Crowley on Sunday were: Mr. and Mrs. Claude Grahlman and Susie, Waukon, Lynette and Karen Sires, Tulare, South Dakota, Mrs. Don Sires and daughters, Enumclaw, Washington, Mr. and Mrs. Clean Sires, Mr. and Mrs. Douglas Sires and Andy and Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Sires of New, Albin. -A group of friends and relatives gathered at the Ben Pohlman home on Saturday night to help Mr. Pohlman celebrate his 90th birthday. Guests lncluded: Mr. and Mrs. Albert Diersen, Mr. and Mrs. Ivan Diersen of Caledonia, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Meyer, Wayne, Christy and Karla, Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Pohlman and Mr. and Mrs. Ted Kruse of New Albin. -Lorraine Renk and her U.N.I. roommate, Natalie Troutner of Nashua, spent the Memorial Day week end at the Roy Renk home and went to Chicago on Sunday where they both are employed for the summer. Carolyn Renk went with them for a visit before returning to summer school at Luther College. The same day Marilyn went to La Crosse to work as a governess to the Peter Hurtgen home. NEW ALBIN WINS TWO Behind the combined 5 hits pitching of Tom Spinner and Mike Heiderscheidt, the New Albin "Indians" won their 2nd game of the 1968 season by downing Lansing 4 to 1 before a large crowd at New Albin on Memorial Day. The Indians broke a scoreless game with 3 runs in the 6th inning. Don Imhoff, T. Spinner and Ray Whalen led New Albin hitting while Alan Connor and Bob Wellendorff had 2 hits apiece for Lansing. Steve Protsman did the pitching with Roger Spinner catching for Lansing. Joe Fink did the New Albin catching. A hard battling Eitzen team held a 2 to 1 lead but a 2 run rally in the I bottom of the 9th inning pulled out a win for the New Albin Indians Sunday at New Albin. "Sonny" Dresselhaus and "Ken" Imhoff led off the 9th with hits followed by a long line drive to the fence by Merle Welper to win the 3rd game of the season for the Indians. Bob Meiners, Tim Spinner, G. Gimble and Dean Staggemeier had 2 hits apiece for Eitzen while Joe Fink had a double for New Albin. Mike Heiderscheit pitched 5 innings of fine relief ball and had 10 strike outs. Next Sunday Caledonia plays at New Albin, each team is unbeaten, having 3 wins and no losses. This should be a real battle. Other scores in Tri-State League baseball were: Caledonia 6, Spring Grove 4, Lansing 11, Waukon 5. Harpers Ferry and Genoa had open dates. LARGE CROWD ATTENDS MEMORIAL DAY SERVICES A large crowd attended Memorial Day services at the New Albin town park, Thursday morning to pay their respects to the honored dead. Under the direction of the V.F.W. members, the Ladies Auxiliary, and the Kee High School band assembled at the V.F.W. club rooms for the march to the park where the services were held. Gold Star mothers, Mrs. Walter F. Meyer and Mrs. Lysander Darling were presented with corsages by Mrs. Earl Wohlers, president of the Ladies' Auxiliary and Commander Garland Moe. Announcements were made by Leon Hosch. The fine program with Mr. Charle, Robinson, directing the band, Invocation by Rev. Clyde Lee, Address by Father Condon, Gettysburg Address by Susie Breeser, and Benediction by Rev. Tanaka. Taps were blown by Raymond and Joel Sires, followed by a salute fired by the squad ended the services. Short services were held at 3 cemeteries after the program. 4-H CLUB MEETS by Ray Mitchell The River Valley Panthers 4-H Club met Monday evening, May 27th at the home of Donnie Moore. A demonstration on planting pine trees was given by Doug Weymiller. A recreation period and lunch followed the meeting. CARD OF THANKS I want to thank all my friends and relatives for visits and cards while a patient at St. Francis Hospital. A special thank you to Rev. and Mrs. Lee and Rev. Graupman for their visits. They were all greatly appreciated. ~Mrs. Walter Middendorf GRADUATES AT CALMAR Roger Colsch was one of the graduates at Area One Vocational Technical School, Calmar, in the schools first Commencement Sunday, May 26th at the South Winneshiek High School Auditorium in Calmar. Roger completed a course in carpentry and building trades. The following day he began his employment in Oelwein. Other graduates from this area were Joan Protsman, Lansing; Mrs. Margaret Blake and daughter, Judy, of Dorchester. Those from New Albin attending the graduation exercises were: Mr. and Mrs. Bob Colsch and family, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Weymiller Jr. and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hammell. MENTAL HEALTH DRIVE COMPLETED Mrs. J.C. Mendenhall, chairman of the Mental Health fund drive in New Albin, reports that $117.05 was collected and sent to the County Mental Health Chairman. In behalf of the organization she wishes to thank the volunteer workers: Mary Lou Welper, Sandra Dresselhaus, Helen Fink, Edna Tabatt, Lucille Mitchell, Phyllis Breeser and Clara Pohlman for their cooperation in helping to make the drive a success. Also thanks to all the contributors who were willing to think and feel and care. -Contributed by Errin Wilker |
Looking Back items
from the Lansing Journal
September 1967 -A Dorchester man, Ray MAHR, 43, was killed in a car crash near Caledonia September 2. Burial was at St. Mary’s Dorchester. ~(*see note at bottom of page) |
Looking Back items
from the Lansing Journal
November & December 1967 -Janis LINK of Waukon became the bride of Gary SCHULTE of Dorchester at St. Patrick’s. -The Walter HAMMELs of New Albin returned from Nashua, Montana, where they attended the Ellen WILSON-Joe BYRNES wedding. -Mary FOLEY of Harpers Ferry and Francis BYRNES of Waukon were married. -Ens. 2 Kermit IVERSON, Great Lakes, visited his mother Otille at Dorchester; Kermit is a career navy many, having served 20 years. ~(*see note at bottom of page) |
Looking Back items
from the Lansing Journal
January & February 1968 -Rites were held for World War I veteran Charles DONOVAN, 84, who died at the Decorah Retirement Center. -Mrs. Alma FITZGERALD was hospitalized after a fall while boarding the train at Aurora, Illinois. -Bill WATERS, 43, died at Waukon hospital. He bill be buried at Hanover. -Mrs. F. PLAGGE and Catherine KELLEHER left for Buena Park, California, to visit with the George SHIPMAN family. -Waukon is mourning the deaths of Mrs. James BAXTER and Mrs. Sherman (Lavina CALLAHAN) HART, 66. -Mrs. BERNICE (RYAN) McCORMICK received word of the sudden death of her son William in Spokane. -Waukon obituaries: Mrs. Marie VETHIEIN and Leona FIETE. -Waukon was stunned by the sudden death of Attorney William “Sherman” HART, 65. Burial will be at St. Patrick’s. -Patrick NORTAN (NORTON?) passed away at Northgate. ~(*see note at bottom of page) |
Looking Back items
from the Lansing Journal
March & April 1968 -Pfc. Jim BYRNES of Lansing received the Army Commendation Medal for heroism in Vietnam. -Mrs. Celia O’MEARA and Mrs. Andrew GAVIN became residents of Northgate Manor. -Rites were held for Nellie HANCOCK, 86, at St. Patrick’s. ~(*see note at bottom of page) |
Looking Back items
from the Lansing Journal
June 1968 -Rites were held for Francis DEVITT, 86, at St. Pat’s with burial at Lycurgus. He died at Northgate Manor June 6. ~(*see note at bottom of page) |
Journal, Lansing, August 7, 1968 - Earl Hammell, 44, died from injuries he received when a tractor tipped over on him. - Mrs. Alvin Wilde died August 3 at her Lansing home. - Rites were held August 6 for Celia Fish. - Mr. and Mrs. Al Hefty, Mr. and Mrs. Pat Sweeney, Jack and Ben Sweeney, Clyde "Bud" Roeder and John Brophy attended the funeral of Leo Willbrandt in Waterloo Thursday. - Richard J. Valley received his Bachelor of Science degree in English at La Crosse State University. - Kelli Marie will be the name of the new girl born to Mr. and Mrs. Bob Kernan. - Joel Sires and Sharon Huntington were married July 27 at St. Luke’s Methodist Church in La Crosse. - Mr. and Mrs. John W. Poulter and Billie of Minneapolis and Nancy Bina, employed there, spent the weekend at the home of the ladies’ mother, Marge Bina. - Candidates for county supervisor are Frank Beardmore, Robert Hartley and M.L. Yohe. - Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Swenson drove to Wisconsin Rapids Saturday and visited the Namen Belnap family. They were accompanied to Auburndale, Wis. by Mrs. Anna Piguet, who had been visiting in the Waukon area. - Emily Gilbertson spent several days in Waterloo last week completing plans for a foreign trip and also visiting at the Virgil Reetz home. ~Contributed by Errin Wilker |
Looking Back items
from the Lansing Journal
July & August 1968 -Sharon Kay SPOHN and Kenneth Larson exchanged vows at St. Mary’s in Dorchester. -Funeral services were held for James O’MALLEY at Hanover. -Rites were held for Thomas C. LYONS at St. Patrick’s. -Mrs. Peter CURTIN’s rites were held at St. Pat’s. ~(*see note at bottom of page) |
Looking Back items
from the Lansing Journal
October 1968 -Rites were held for Patsy L. WELSH at St. Patrick’s. -Mrs. And Mrs. Francis ZOLL celebrated their 45th wedding anniversary. -Rites were held for Lizzie MITCHELL. ~(*see note at bottom of page) |
Looking Back items
from the Lansing Journal
November & December 1968 -Dick DELANEY returned to his home in Anchorage, Alaska, last week after a visit with area relatives. -Obituaries: Earl Robinson, R. J. COONEY, Mrs. Joseph O’Hara and Mrs. Francis (Mary FAHEY) ZOLL. ~(*see note at bottom of page) |
Looking Back items
from the Lansing Journal
Feb, Mar & Apr 1969 -Rites were held at St. Patrick’s for Edward QUILLIN. -Harry SAEWERT (STEWERT?) was killed March 26 when a tractor he was operating rolled over on him. -Rites were held at St. Patrick’s for Joe DIXON Jr., 67, with burial at Hanover. -Mrs. Louis WILLIAMS has received word that her son-in-law, Fred PALUMBO, has been promoted to position of general manager of the Link Belt Plant in Woodstock, Ontario, Canada. -Rites were held for Joseph GAVIN at St. Patrick’s. -Alan BRESNAHAN, son of the Ray BRESNAHANs, was killed serving in Vietnam. -The Dick DELANEY family flew from Alaska for a month’s visit with area relatives. -The death of John M. GRIFFIN, 74, occurred June 16 at a Rochester hospital. -Rites were held in Waukon for Lawrence DREW, 52. ~(*see note at bottom of page) |
Looking Back items
from the Lansing Journal
August 1969 -Lansing relatives received word of the death of Ray Murphy, 57, in Chicago. ~(*see note at bottom of page) |
*This clipping is from the Lansing papers
"Looking Back" collection of the late Harold Devitt.
The contributor wrote: "These were given to me, so I
don't know when they ran as "Looking Back" items. I
still am not certain who typed these pages, but I think it should
be noted that many of the entries are just little snippets that
somebody chose to type up. I’m sure the original paper has
more information on some of these entries." Any names in
[brackets] are alternate spellings added by the contributor. Also
note that some of the news may not 'fit' the date of the clipping
- researchers should verify these dates with their own research.