updated 04/13/2019
Bits of Information from various newspapers 1920 - 1929 |
Meeting Library Association, Postville
Herald, May 07, 1920 At the business meeting of the Postville Library Association, held after the program in the High School Assembly last Wednesday evening, the following officers were elected for the coming year: President............Mrs. R. N. Douglass. Vice President.......Mrs. Will Leui. Treasurer............A. L. Peterson. Secretary............Mrs. Flora Franklin. Librarian............Miss Edna Stolt. Directors............Mrs. S. C. Baily, and A. L. Peterson. The report of the secretary showed a membership of eighty-six. Anyone wishing to become a member may do so by paying fifty cents to the treasurer. There is now on hand the sum of $46.11, which is to be spent for new books. The Home Economics Department donated the proceeds from the refreshments served during the evening for the purchase of juvenile books. The library, which is located in the Public School building, is open from four until five p. m. on Tuesday and Friday of each week. Everyone is welcome. ~ contributed by Reid R. Johnson |
from a Waukon newspaper, June 1920 A heavy windstorm did a large amount of damage in Hanover and French Creek townships Saturday evening, several barns and other property being destroyed. At the Larry Byrnes farm in Hanover, one barn was demolished and another moved from its foundation. In French Creek township, the fury of the wind struck the Tom Deviney place three miles north of Lycurgus church, the Andrew Leppert farm a mile or so from the Deviney place and the Devitt place. Many auto parties from Waukon were out through the storm-swept section Sunday viewing the ruins in its wake. -- Arrangements have been completed whereby Waukon will maintain a fast base ball team this season and the opening game will be played next Sunday with the fast Ossian team. Chief Bender of Marion has been engaged to do the twirling for the season and the big Indian will not doubt prove an excellent drawing card as he comes with excellent recommendations and can deliver the goods. ~Contributed by Kathy Maurer |
Damages Boy, Postville Herald,
Thursday, March 24, 1921 Edward Quillin, 13 year old son of Mr. and Mrs. Phil Quillin, living just north of Waukon, met with a most serious and painful accident Friday, when a dynamite cap he was holding in his hand exploded, tearing off two fingers and the thumb of the left hand, cutting fingers on the right, and burning his face and abdomen severely. Small portions of the cap cut his face and ears badly and also a small cut on one eye which doctors believe will not prove to be serious. The clothing over the abdomen was shredded and several cuts sustained. but these were mostly only skin abrasions. The lad found two dynamite caps, and thinking them empty touched a match to one of them with the inevitable result. -- Waukon R & S ~contributed by Reid R. Johnson |
You Remember When?, Postville Herald,
Thursday, February 16, 1922 Who remembers the first blacksmith shop in Postville ? A man by the name of Draper was the first blacksmith; his shop was near where the Lutheran parsonage now stands. James Roll bought this shop, and I remember it well as I used to get my breaking plow sharpened there. -- A man by the name of Joe Reed was the first man that had a store in Postville. He built a one story building on the corner opposite the Lutheran church, the north part of the McDaneld building , and was postmaster. Russell & Higby bought his store. Mr. Reed married a daughter of Mrs. Post ~contributed by Reid R. Johnson |
Decomposed Body Hanging in Tree Near Rossville, Oelwein
Daily Register & Waukon
Democrat, October 1922 Waukon, Oct 9 - the badly decomposed body of an unidentified man was discovered hanging in a tree yesterday afternoon on the William Shuss farm near Rossville. The suicide is believed to have occurred several weeks ago. The man used his undershirt for the rope. He wore a black hat and overalls. All identifying marks had been removed from his clothing. -- Rossville - Late Sunday afternoon while Almer Hefner, who lives on the the Charles Blum farm, was passing through the Shuff land looking for some cattle he was astonished to see a man’s head hanging from the limb of a tree and looking around he found the body lying on the ground. Mr. Hefner came to Rossville at once and notified Sheriff Woodmansee and Coroner Huecker of Waukon, who came at once. After an investigation they announced that the body had been hanging for some time. The suicide was unidentified and the body was buried Monday in the Rossville Cemetery. ~Contributed by Reid R. Johnson & S. Ferrall |
Klux Klan Hold A Public Meeting, Postville
Herald, Thursday, July 02, 1925 The Ku Klux Klan held a public meeting at the Postville Baseball Park on Tuesday evening which attracted a large number of Klansmen from this and surrounding counties and a goodly number of spectators as well. The meeting was addressed by a lady speaker, and at it's conclusion a large class was initiated into the order. Not being present we are unable to make further report concerning the meeting other than it was a quiet and orderly gathering. ~Contributed by Reid R. Johnson |
Clipping, November 4, 1925 About six o’clock Friday evening as Clarence Kosbau was coming to town from his place down the track, walking the road instead of the track as was his usual custom, he came upon the body of a man beside the road near the John Carlson place about a mile and a half southeast of town. On turning the body over, he discovered it to be Dud Whaley, who lives along on his deceased wife’s place near the switch. The road was strewn with groceries for some distance and it was thought that Whaley’s team had run away as he was on his way home. Kosbau secured the assistance of John Carlson and they brought the still-unconscious man to the local hospital, thinking he was seriously hurt, his face being covered with blood. An examination by Dr. Jeffries disclosed the fact that Whaley was suffering from an overdose of hooch and that his injuries consisted only of some superficial cuts and bruises. If Kosbau was walking the track as usual, Whaley would likely have remained there all night, and the chances are he would have been dead all right when discovered. ~Contributed by Kathy Maurer |
Klux Klan Notes, Postville Herald,
Thursday, November 26, 1925 After scaling around in the hay mows of some of the Kluxers, enough of the feathery tribe was caught to make a real pigeon feed after the Koevenig Brothers had applied their culinary skill to same, all of which was served to a large number of Klansmen last Thursday evening, who ate until they were puffed out until you would think they all had pigeon breasts (in their tummies). A large delegation of the Kluxers was over from Rossville, who enjoyed the team work as well as the feed, and before leaving assured the Exalted Cyclops that another such evening might be looked forward to in the near future. Due to the generosity of the Klansmen the debt on the Klavern has been paid. ~Contributed by Reid R. Johnson |
Comedy At Lansing High School, Dubuque
Telegraph Herald, January 30, 1927 Lansing, Ia., Jan. 29-Special: The Glee clubs of the Lansing high school presented the musical comedy “Miss Cherry Blossom” Friday and Saturday evenings before large and appreciative audiences. Miss Rosa Cady was the director and a great deal of the success is due to her efforts. The cast: Cherry Blossom- Marcella Halverson; Jack, Milton Magnusson; Kokemo, Grant Gordon; Togo, Harvey Gruber; Jessica Worthington’s Niece, Mildred Marti; Harry, Jack’s pal in love with Jessica, Odean Sandry; Worthington, Albert Hefty; James, Worthington’s secretary, Curtis Lenz. Geisha Girls: Adaline Bechtel, Ruth Englehorn, Frances Beckman, Thelma Roe, Muriel Steiber, Evelyn Severson, Helen Bieber, Marcella Kernan. American Girls: Ida Markley, Gladys Gruber, Virginia Cooper, Vera Steiber, Phyllis Henry, Goldie Fragre, Celia Kernan, Elsie Wendel. American Boys: Paul Larson, Marland Hogan, Vernon Peters, Clarence Gruber, Rudolph Larson, Reuben Leppert, George Magnusson, John Beck. Accompanist: Mildred Bulman. ~contributed by Aubrie Lenz-Monroe. Note: Curtis Lenz and Virginia Cooper are her great-grandparents. |
Albert Kielsmeier
Funeral, Sheboygan Press,
March 9, 1927 Albert Kielsmeier, St. Paul, Minnesota; Mrs. Julius Johnson, of Columbus, Ohio; Albert Bahr, Waukon; and Mr. and Mrs. Gus Bahr, Mrs. Edgar Karstedt, and Mr. and Mrs. Walter Toepfer and Miss Linda Bahr, all of Milwaukee, attended the funeral of the late Fred Kielsmeier at Centerville Saturday afternoon. They are all relatives of the deceased. ~Contributed by Cindy Bray Lovell |
News, Postville Herald,
May 3, 1928 -Mr. and Mrs. John Barton Jones arrived home yesterday from their winter spent in Long Beach, Calif., says the Waukon Journal. -Attorney A.J. Eaton, who has suffered from throat trouble during the winter, says the Waukon Journal, went to Rochester last Wednesday and had his tonsils removed. -John Hand of this city, says the Waukon Democrat, was a patient at the hospital for several days recently on account of an attack of hiccoughs which were hard to counteract. -At a meeting of the school board last Wednesday evening, says the Waukon Journal, Miss Lydia Schukel was elected teacher of the third grade, and Miss May Barthell teacher of the fourth grade. -Nomination papers were filed Monday for Julius Boeck of this city, as representative , 90th District, and Dr. B.J. Dillon of Waterville as senator from the Allamakee - Fayette District, says the Lansing Journal, both democrats. -County Attorney E.F. Pieper accompanied his little son Bobby to Iowa City the first of the week, says the Waukon Democrat, to consult physician regarding the latter. While there they enjoyed a visit at the home of his parents, Mr. and Mrs. A.S. Pieper. -The Masonic lodge conferred the third degree Friday on Merle Landis and Rodger Millinex, says the Waukon Journal, commencing the work at 4 P.M. At 6 P.M. they adjourned to the Hagen café, thirty-four in number and partook of a fine supper, resuming work in the lodge room afterward. -A truck loaded with twenty cans, 4,000 rainbow trout fingerlings came up from the Lansing hatchery for Clerk Wm. Schafer Saturday, says the Waukon Journal, and he accompanied the load to see them properly placed in springs running into the Yellow Rover. They will furnish good fishing down that way in a couple of years. -Mrs. Lafayette Bigelow has purchased the former Gus Rumph residence in the block north of the Methodist Church from Receiver Mackey of the Citizen’s State Bank, says the Waukon Journal, the consideration being $6,300. It is a fine modern house and will make Mrs. Bigelow and family a comfortable, convenient home. -Nathan Hager, son of Paul Hager of Ludlow, met with a mishap one day last week on the public school grounds which confined him to the local hospital for several days, says the Waukon Democrat. A stray snowball struck him in the right eye, causing a hemorrhage and a very painful injury. He was able to return to school Monday and is thankful he did not lose the sight of the eye. -Messrs. Julius Boeck and J.W. Dunlavy were up from Lansing Tuesday, and called briedly at this office where Julius recounted some of the lively incidents of the big Isaac Walton league convention he attended at Omaha last week, relates the Waukon Democrat. He went there to proffer the Mount Ida Eminence at Lansing for a suitable site for the projected Dilg Memorial. The Lansing site, which was portrayed in some fine views he displayed, greatly impressed the delegates, but action on the project was deferred until next year’s meeting to be held in Chicago, where Lansing will doubtless back up her offer in stirring style. ~contributed by Aubrie Lenz-Monroe |
King Steps on a Bear, Postville
Herald, August 20, 1928, County
News Column While investigating some wayfarers near the stock yards one night this week, says the Waukon Democrat, officer John King nearly stepped on a bear which was quartered there, being chained to a post. John saw a huddle of something as he approached it and turning on his flashlight was a bit startled to find it to be a husky sized cinnimon bear. It belonged to a small show outfit traveling through. - Waukon Democrat ~contributed by Reid R. Johnson |
Dr. John R. Mott
Retires, Iowa Recorder,
November 7, 1928 The people of Iowa have an unusual interest in the announcement that Dr. John R. Mott, for forty years a world character in Y. M. C. A. activities, has retired from active service. For more than a decade he has been general secretary of the National Council of that organization. The man who bad come to be regarded by many as the foremost lay religious leader of the world had announced his intention to retire, and the council had extended an invitation to Fred W. Ramsey of Cleveland, former president of the council, to succeed him. John R. Mott and Ringling Brothers, the great showmen, were all born in northeastern Iowa, near Postville, Allamakee County. Mr. Mott is known in every section of the globe. ~Contributed by Cindy Bray Lovell |
back to November 21, 1928 The Farmers Savings Bank of New Albin, by action of its board of directors, closed its doors this morning. Depleted reserves and low earnings are given as the cause. ~clipping is from the Lansing papers "Looking Back" collection of the late Harold Devitt (*see note at bottom of page) |
back to February 20, 1929 Ben and Otto RISER sent the first carload of Hampshire hogs from Lansing. The 87 head averaged 200 pounds, bringing $10.30 in Chicago. ~clipping is from the Lansing papers "Looking Back" collection of the late Harold Devitt (*see note at bottom of page) |
back to March 13, 1929 -The firm of MURPHY, KNOPF and RILEY of the Lansing Garage has dissolved, RILEY selling his interest to the other two. -This is the time to buy land, as nobody wants to buy it. We know of a farm of 170 acres of good land in Winneshiek County that sold for $40 per acre. ~clipping is from the Lansing papers "Looking Back" collection of the late Harold Devitt (*see note at bottom of page) |
back to April 3, 1929 In "The Building News," sponsored by RETHWISCH Lumber Co, "COHEN and LEVY were in business, and while traveling out west, LEVY took sick and died. The undertaker who took charge of the body wired COHEN: LEVY died; can embalm him for $50, or freeze him for $25. COHEN wired back: Freeze him from the knees up for $15; his legs were frostbitten last winter." ~Contributed by Kathy Maurer (*see note at bottom of page) |
back to April 10, 1929 -Bill SLATTERY purchased a new John Deere tractor. Walter HALL bought the former Elam JONES farm five miles northwest of Waukon. The 119-acre farm sold for $8,400. -Ole ORNESS recently delivered eight head of dairy heifers to John L. HILL of Village Creek. HILL paid $675 for the cattle. ~clipping is from the Lansing papers "Looking Back" collection of the late Harold Devitt (*see note at bottom of page) |
back to May 1, 1929 -The State Bank of Lansing, established in 1859, has been closed, according to a statement from F. W. BLOXHAM, state bank examiner. B. F. THOMAS, with 80 shares, and NIELANDERS with 77, are the bank's major stockholders. Sheriff BULMAN and deputies came down from Waukon and took out several slot machines. -Cyril MURPHY bought the SAAM house on the corner of Center and Fourth Streets. -F. J. SPINNER has a 1926 Ford Roadster on sale for $50 down, balance on easy terms. -James BURKE of Waterloo Twp. died suddenly Sunday. ~clipping is from the Lansing papers "Looking Back" collection of the late Harold Devitt (*see note at bottom of page) |
back to May 22, 1929 -Vern SCHELLSMIST brought in seven and Will McGRAW brought in nine wolf cubs, collecting a bounty at the county auditor's office. -Emmet SULLIVAN received head injuries when some steel drills on a truck he was triving struck him as the load shifted while he rounded a curve. -Marjorie CALLAHAN and Joseph MAHONEY were married on July 6 in Dubuque. ~clipping is from the Lansing papers "Looking Back" collection of the late Harold Devitt (*see note at bottom of page) |
back to August 7, 1929 -Evelyn BRESNANAM [BRESHNAHAN] and Frank SPIEGLER were married at Hanover. -Pearl WATERS and Milton HENRY were married at Dorchester. -Steven GAVIN, working on the Peter CURTIN farm, suffered a badly cut foot when a team bolted and caused the hay mower to slice the member. -Frances GARROW and William C. WHEELER were married August 14 in the parochial residence of St. Patrick's. -Car accidents are becoming "quite popular," according to the New Albin writer, who cites the crash of a car driven by A. C. BELLOWS and one driven by August KRZBIETKE, and the crash of one driven by Miss Rose HARM and one piloted by Mrs. Fred LAGER. ~clipping is from the Lansing papers "Looking Back" collection of the late Harold Devitt (*see note at bottom of page) |
back to October 2, 1929 -Fred WEYMILLER bought a new John Deere last week. -The Dorchester Savings Bank failed to open yesterday and is in the hands of a temporary receiver, Bernard SCHWARTZHOFF of Waukon. -The Ed LUDEKING farm of 80 acres was sold to Grant FLAGE for $187.50 an acre. -A journal article on the front page says that work will commence on the Black Hawk Bridge dyke this fall. -Joseph and Tony FERRING Jr. and Merrit SHINGLER drove to Buffalo Center Sunday where they will pick corn. They get 8 cents a bushel and figure to make $6 a day. -Leslie GOPEL was struck by a rock while blasting for BRENNAN Bros. ~clipping is from the Lansing papers "Looking Back" collection of the late Harold Devitt (*see note at bottom of page) |
back to November 27, 1929 -Glen RICE, working with the LEPPERT construction crew, fell from a scaffold onto a sharp stake, gashing his side and breaking three ribs. -The 200-acre Albert JOHNSON farm two miles west of Waukon, with probably the best buildings in the county, was sold to Joe Johnson for $175 an acre. ~clipping is from the Lansing papers "Looking Back" collection of the late Harold Devitt (*see note at bottom of page) |
*This clipping is from the Lansing papers
"Looking Back" collection of the late Harold Devitt.
The contributor wrote: "These were given to me, so I
don't know when they ran as "Looking Back" items. I
still am not certain who typed these pages, but I think it should
be noted that many of the entries are just little snippets that
somebody chose to type up. I’m sure the original paper has
more information on some of these entries." The names in
[brackets] are alternate spellings added by the contributor. Also
note that some of the news doesn't 'fit' the date of the clipping
- researchers should verify these dates with their own research.