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Information from various newspapers 1950's |
Climb in County, Allamakee Journal
, Wed. January 11, 1950 According to records in the office of County Clerk Lloyd Kosrud there were 420 babies born in Allamakee county in 1949, compared to 399 in 1948. Marriage licenses issued in 1949 were 185, 40 less than in the previous year. In 1949 deaths numbered 137, an increase of 11 over 1948. There were 15 divorces granted in 1949 and a like number in 1948. ~contributed by Diana Henry Diedrich |
Back items from the Lansing Journal
January and February 1950 -Rites were held for John Casey, 36. He was killed in a one-car accident on Stirn Hill. -Mary MARSDEN and Pat O’MALLEY were married at St. Patrick’s. -Ruth BAXTER became the bride of David RAINEY at St. Patrick’s. -Rites were held for Celia (McLAUGHLIN) COLLINS at Dorchester. -Three hundred county old-age assistance recipients averaged $45.30 each in February. ~see note at bottom of page |
Back items from the Lansing Journal
March and April 1950 -Rites were held for James O’MEARA, 69, at St. Patrick’s with burial at Hanover. -A former Silver Creek resident David DONOVAN, 59, died at St. Paul. -Rites were held at St. Mary’s Hanover for Mrs. Thomas COLLINS (Anna BYRNES). -Fr. Maurice GALLAGHER celebrated his first mass at St. Mary’s Hanover. -Rites were held for Thomas BYRNES, 75, at Hanover. -Last rites were held for Mike BURKE, 68, at Hanover. ~see note at bottom of page |
Plan Minstrel Play, La Crosse
Tribune, April 6, 1951 (Lansing,
Iowa Clips) LANSING, Ia.- (Special)- The Lansing firemen are presenting a program “Cotton Blossom Minstrel,” April 12 and 13 under the direction of Mrs. L.O. Terry. John Brophy will be interlocutor and end men will be Dol Koeller, Eugene Mayer, Ralph Glynn, Jay Madema, Mike Connor, Bob Thorsten, Chuch Haendel, Ralph Bartles, Arlen Bjerke and Ralph Hanson. The chorus will include Norbert Spinner, Francis Weipert, Orval Mattice, John Burke, Joe Crowley, Leo Monroe, Reg O’Malley, James Rossi, Herbert Reller, Dan Murphy, Carl Slindee, John Spoelstra, Paul Gibbs, Vic Johnson, Glendon Connor, James Scholted and Milton Wild. During the program 15 popular songs will be sung. ~Contributed by Aubrie Lenz-Monroe. Note: Leo Monroe is her husband’s grandfather. |
Allamakee Journal,
August 30, 1950 - Members of the congregation of the Presbyterian Church held a pound party for Pastor Kuhn and wife. - Mr. and Mrs. Leo Stirn, Maxine and Gary are on a trip to Drummond, Mont. - Mildred Snitkerp and Clarence Carroll were married in Preston, Minn. - Kathryn O’Neill of Long Beach, Calif. is a guest at the Art Bakewell and Mrs. W.E. Albert homes. - Dr. Kahnan Kroack and family left for their new home at Wahpeton, No. Dakota. - The Heiderscheit brothers purchased the former Bjorklund building. - Work has begun on a new 2-story home on the Ralph Sweeney farm. - Girls were born to the Harris Grubers and the Paul Ferrings. - Boys were born to the Lawrence Gilsons and the Henry Benekes. - Pvt. William Benson received a citation in Korea. - Marilyn Bray and Fred Gorman exchanged vows in Waukon. - Rites were held for John Byrnes in Waukon. - The Vets Club will be enlarged. ~contributed by Errin Wilker |
Back items from the Lansing Journal
October and November 1950 -William BARTHELL and Dale REEDER are prisoners of war in Korea. -Thomas TIERNEY, 34, was killed in a car accident near the county home. Last rites were held at St. Mary’s Hanover. -Donna ZOLL and Thomas DANAHER will be married on Thanksgiving. -Agnes A’HEARN received word from the War Department that her son’s body will be sent to Zachary Taylor Cemetery for burial. -Mrs. Alfred HOWE of Hanover is a surgical patient at St. Francis. ~see note at bottom of page |
Back items from the Lansing Journal
March 1951 -Funeral services were held for Wallace PLADSEN at Old East Paint Creek. -A former SILVER CREEK resident James DONOVAN, 70, died at St. Paul. ~see note at bottom of page |
Back items from the Lansing Journal
April 1951 -Lawrence Byrnes underwent the amputation of a leg in Iowa City. -Barbara CAMPBELL and Emmet WAGNER were married at St. Patrick’s. ~see note at bottom of page |
Air Corps Orders, Waukon Democrat,
April 26, 1951 Ann Taylor, R.N., daughter of Mrs. H.E. Taylor, who since graduating from the University Hospital at Minneapolis, has been employed there, has received the commission of First Lieutenant in the Army Air Corps and is awaiting orders. ~contributed by Errin Wilker |
from the Allamakee Journal,
June 13, 1951 -Eaton Cote received his degree from Bradley University at Peoria, Ill., at commencement exercises there Monday. -Frank Plein had 3 hits and Merle Ryan and Tom O'Neill had 2 each as Lansing defeated Castalia 7-5. -Romona Hawes and Carl Mullarkey were married June 6 at Wexford. -Dale Robey and his crew of construction workers began work on the Cote business building next to the Theatre in Waukon. -David Shogren was honored on this 90th birthday on Sunday at his Center Township home. -Mrs. Burnice Moore has resigned as the county public health nurse. -Jake Iseli purchased the Arvin television set from Stirn's Home Appliance and has been getting some nice reception with no special aerial. -A prenatal shower was held at the home of Mrs. Arne Helle for her daughter, Mrs. Horace Magnusson. -The death of Mrs. Francis (Effie) Morrison took place on June 5 at a La Crosse hospital. -Lorraine Dresselhaus and Robert Bensend were married June 5 at the United Methodist Church in Pigeon Falls, Wis. -Mr. and Mrs. Versall Pohlman were the honored guests at a party in their honor Sunday. It was their 15th wedding anniversary. -Martin Conway died at the home of his daughter. Mrs. Ellen Hawes on Thursday. -The Ed Sawvell family left last week for their home in Wilton Junction following a few days visit with Harpers Ferry relatives. -A girl was born recently at the Waukon Hospital to Mr. and Mrs. Charles Fetketter of Lansing. -Mr. and Mrs. Leo Mathis were honored Sunday, June 10, at the Rainbow Gardens in Waterville on their 25th wedding anniversary. A picnic dinner was enjoyed by nearly 200 relatives and friends. ~contributed by Errin Wilker |
Back item from the Lansing Journal
July 1951 -Hanover resident Larry BYRNES, 79, died at his home and was buried at St. Mary’s. ~see note at bottom of page |
from the Allamakee Journal,
July 11, 1951 -Charles Bischoff, a native of Germany, died at his home near the Lansing park Sunday. -Margaret McMahon and Kenneth Larson were married at I.C. yesterday. -The John Feuerhelm family of Hanover, Ill. visited a couple of days last week with home folks, the Harvey Feuerhelms. -Donald Burke is recovering nicely from injuries he received when he was struck by a train. -A new Surge milking parlor is in operation at the Peter Conway farm. -Dr. Otto J. Schott of Gays Mills, Wis. was over on business Friday, also visiting his brother, Dr. Tade Schott and wife. -Births at the Waukon hospital: a girl on July 9 to Mr. and Mrs. Duane Seneff; a boy to Mr. and Mrs. Curtis Piggott; a boy to Mr. and Mrs. Norman Reeves; and a boy to Mr. and Mrs. Calvin Beardmore. -Ronald Herman, 26, died of a skull fracture when a car he had jacked up fell on him. -Recently inducted into the armed forces were Robert Ferring and William Baxter. -Dorothy Alcott, teacher in Milwaukee, spent the week visiting friends while a guest at the Leonard Molitor home in Hanover. -Jane Ellen Metzdorf was guest of honor at a birthday party on July 3. -A pre-nuptial shower Was given by Mrs. John Fink in honor of Helen Solberg, who was married July 6 to Bud Fink. J-ames Murphy, former Wexford boy, has retired after 45 years service as an engineer with the Chicago & Great Western Railroad. -Anna Marie Guthneck of Dubuque, accompanied by her gentleman friend, came on Thursday and visited until Sunday at the parental E.A. Guthneck home. ~contributed by Errin Wilker |
from the Allamakee Journal,
July 18, 1951 -Bernard A. Halvorson passed away July 9th. He was a former Lansing resident. -Elizabeth Keppler and George Oelberg were married July 7 in Washington D.C. -The funeral of 26 year old Ronald Herman was one of the largest to be held at St. John's Lutheran Church in Waukon. -A daughter was born to Mr. and Mrs. Walter Keenan and a son to Mr. and Mrs. John Smerud of Dorchester. -Services were held at I.C. Church, Lansing, for John Cassidy who died in Kansas City. -Miss Mary Ellen Elefson and Herbert Bailey were married recently. -Miss Rose Garlow and Joseph Boardman of Harpers Ferry were married by Rev. R.L. Palen on July 17. -Alfred Pederson was installed as Commander of the Ralph D. Walter Amercan Legion post. -The Al Swarzhoff family returned from a vacation in Chicago. -A baby girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Bill Cavers in Dubuque on July 17. -The Winnebago Indians beat Eitzen 10-6 with Leo Whalen from New Albin as leading hitter. ~contributed by Errin Wilker |
Back items from the Lansing Journal
October and November 1951 -Funeral services were held at West Ridge for Albert LIDDIARD. -John A’HEARN is home on leave from Anchorage, Alaska. -Helen MARTIN and Falby STILWELL were married at Waukon. -Mrs. P. J. McCAULEY’s ristes were held at Waukon. -Rites were held for Agnes A’HEARN, 72, at St. Patrick’s, with burial at Hanover. ~see note at bottom of page |
Items from the files of the Postville
Herald, January 16, 1952 -The friendliness and genuine helpfulness of the American people is leaving a lasting impression on a displaced German family now starting life anew in the rural area of Postville. Mr. and Mrs. Adolf Wagner and two sons, Adolf, Jr. 10 and Willi, 8, are now making their home with Mr. and Mrs. Harry Gass south of Postville. -The grand opening of "The Lark", the recently purchased cafe of Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Schultz, formerly Schroeder's Cafe, will be held Saturday, January 19. -Funeral services were held at Oklahoma City, Oklahoma on Tuesday, January 15, for Miss Violet Caroline Read, 60, a former resident of this community. Miss Read was the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Read of Postville and Forest Mills. -Funeral services were held Thursday afternoon at St. John's Lutheran Church in Luana for William Doerring, 83, who passed away at Postville Hospital on January 7. -Funeral services for Mrs. Helen D. Wiedeman, former resident of this community, were held January 3 at Glendale, California with interment here. Mrs. Wiedeman died January 1. Born in Postville, the daughter of Brunett and Charles Skelton, Mrs. Wiedeman had lived in Glendale for 21 years. -Iowa and this community's worst ice storm of the year Monday made auto travel extremely hazardous and was the cause of several accidents. Monday morning about 9:30 two cars collided at the Y intersection of 18 and 52 just west of Postville. A 1950 Plymouth driven by T. W. Dickeson of Manitoba, Canada slid on the ice at the stop sign entering highway 18 and out into the path of a car driven by Don Hendrickson of Elgin. Hendrickson smashed into the side of the Canada car. A school bus-car collision two miles south of Luana was attributed directly to the heavy fog blanketing the area. A bus, driven by Roy Brown of Luana, was returning children from the Luana school to their homes and was hit head-on by a car driven by Anne Kamin. A Decker meat truck ditched the Bernie Martins car on highway 18 and 52 between here and Luana about 4:30 Monday afternoon. Martins had stopped at the rear of a school bus which had stopped on the highway to release a rider. -H. Q. Christofferson, Elmer Meyer, Keith Gray, Roland Gray and Rudy Hartwig were in Iowa City last Saturday evening watching the Hawks defeat Indiana in a Western Conference basketball game. -A Mass of the Angels was read by Rev. F. J. Vallaster Tuesday morning at 8:30 a.m. in St. Bridget's Church for William Lee, infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Smith, Jr., who died shortly after birth at Postville Hospital, January 12, 1952. -Laverne Rose of Fayette has joined the staff of Hall Roberts Son Elevator today. Previously Mr. Rose has been in charge of the soybean processing plant at Fayette and had been associated with Big Gain feeds in West Union. -Richard Cayton leaves Monday to be employed at the City Municipal Diesel plant at Maquoketa. Mrs. Cayton will join him later. -Warrenty deed transfers of the past week include: Falb Motor and Implement Co. to C. B. Osmundson, the east 125 feet of Lot 1¾ in east Postville. The Hanks estate was also transferred to Marvin Suckow consisting of lots 13 and 14 of block two in Ellis and Company's second addition to Postville. ~contributed by Mary Durr |
Items from the files of the Postville
Herald, January 30, 1952 -Otto Sander this year is joining the half century club having been continuously in the one trade of carpentering and constructing for 50 years. Otto started as a carpenter in 1902 and has been active in that trade ever since. A dinner in honor of the occasion was held last Wednesday evening at the V and J Koffee Shop with 42 in attendance. Louis Hill gave a short talk and a social evening followed. -Robert Burton Waters, 82, a lifelong resident of this community passed away on Thursday morning at the Postville hospital following an illness of six weeks. -The F.F.A. sponsored rat control program is well underway in this community now with cooperation having been excellent. Business establishments are joining in the campaign whole heartedly and the residential area is swinging into line. Feeder boxes containing 100 pounds of Warfarin were placed at the city dump Friday afternoon and by Monday morning over half the poison had been eaten. The F.F.A. is buying feed for the dump. -Al Winter had the misfortune of slipping on the ice last Thursday evening and broke his left ankle in the fall. -Mary Miene, who is attending Iowa State Teachers, enjoyed a short vacation between semesters here with her parents Mr. and Mrs. Otto Miene. -Olive Grinder and Irene Meier left for Chicago on Sunday to purchase new merchandise for their respective shops. -Mr. Willard Schutte was in Des Moines several days last week attending the executive board meeting of the Iowa Synodical Society of the Presbyterian Church. -Mr. and Mrs. Harold Eberling and family and Mr. and Mrs. C. F. Meier drove to Iowa City on Sunday for dinner in the James Searls home. On their return, they stopped in Cedar Rapids for a visit at the Kenneth Olson home. -Mrs. Neiling Thoma arrived here last week from Arizona to prepare for the shipment of the family household good to the new home in Phoenix. Both Neiling and Bob have found employment and the family home will be established there. -A store party was given last Friday night at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Roy Knight in honor of Cliff Mork, who is leaving his job at the Farmers Store to join his father on the farm. Cliff who has been with the Farmers Store over four years is being replaced by George Ewing. -Mr. and Mrs. Lee Bowers attended the funeral of Ned Vance last Wednesday at Dubuque. Mr. Vance had been construction foreman for the Interstate Power Company for the past 25 years. -Dr. and Mrs. John R. Mott, former residents of this community, who now live in Orlando, Florida, sent a happy remembrance card to Mrs. H. E. Roberts last week in which they spoke of their sixtieth wedding anniversary and family reunion. ~contributed by Mary Durr |
Years Old, Ida County Pioneer Record
January 31, 1952 Mrs. Jake Marti of Waukon has just about finished the first hundred years. She was 99 last week. Mrs. Marti has been a resident of Allamakee county for over 85 years. ~contributed by Cindy Bray Lovell |
Back items from the Lansing Journal
January and February 1952 -Mary Bresnahan and Kenneth FAHEY were married at St. Patrick’s -Mike CAMPBELL bought the Model Café from Bob McDONALD. -A letter written Nov. 22 by Korean POW Pfc. John RYAN was received by his parents. -Last rites were held for Thomas DELANEY, 84, at St. Patrick’s with burial at Lycurgus. ~see note at bottom of page |
Back items from the Lansing Journal
June 1952 -Rites were held for Oliver DIXON at St. Patrick’s. -Dennis QUILLIN received his discharge from the Marine Corps. ~see note at bottom of page |
Wanted For Love Rival's Killing Gives Up; from the
Sheboygan (Wis.) Press,
Oct. 13, 1952 WAUKON, la. — A rejected suitor, wanted in the slaying of his former girl friend's fiance, surrendered to authorities early today to end a three-day manhunt in the rugged wooded terrain of northeast Iowa. George Duffy, 22, and his parents walked into the Allamakee County sheriff's office here. A half hour earlier the young fugitive had slipped out of his hiding place near here and entered the family farm home two miles north of Waukon to talk to his father and mother. Authorities in Wisconsin, Illinois and Minnesota were alerted Saturday. Duffy was sought in connection with the fatal shooting of James Hackrnan, 18, in Cedar Rapids last Thursday night. Hackman's body was found in his parked car. He was the victim of a shotgun blast in his head, police said. Hackman was shot to death two days before his scheduled marriage to Miss Shirley Arnold, 18, of Cedar Rapjds. Miss Arnold told authorities she had planned earlier to marry Duffy on Saturday but decided last Wednesday to break their engagement and marry Hackman instead. Sunday Duffy's parents made their own attempt to get their son to surrender. They toured the roads around Waukon in a car equipped with a loud speaker, broadcasting pleas for him to give up. ~contributed by Cindy Bray Lovell |
Back items from the Lansing Journal
October, November and December 1952 -Mary TIERNEY and Joseph GAVIN exchanged wedding vows. -Charles TIERNEY’s 1949 Ford was stolen out in Hanover and recovered in St. Petersburg, Fla. The theft was thought to have been the act of two men who escaped from the Caledonia (Minn.) jail. -Bob O’MALLEY has concluded his work in Greenland and has joined his wife in Davenport. -Virginia DURHAM and Ralph ZOLL were married in California. ~see note at bottom of page |
Back items from the Lansing Journal
January and February 1953 -Five Waukon men took the Civil Service exam for substitute mail clerk and substitute carrier. Beginning pay rate is $1.61 per hour. -Rites were held in Waukon for James R. McANENY, 44. ~see note at bottom of page |
Horse Show Winners Announced, Dubuque
Telegraph Herald, September 15,
1953 WAUKON, Ia. -The Upper Iowa Saddle Club presented an all-western horse show Sunday at the Waukon fairgrounds. Adolph Rudnick, New Albin, was Master of ceremonies. Judges were Cleo Cahill and Harry Hubbard, both of Ossian. First place winners in the various events were Arthur Kruger of Waukon, pony class; Topper Clark of Lamont, senior musical chair race; Cleone Hull, Lamont, ladies’ western pleasure. Roger Odegard, Waterville, junior musical chare race; Ropper Clark, Lamont, novelty race; Richard Welch, Lansing, junior horsemanship; Ray Essling, Lamont, pole weaving and Alton Odegard, Waterville, bridal path western pleasure. A junior calf riding contest for youngsters under 14 years of age was held with winners being Jimmy and Dick Essling, Lamont; Richard Welch, Lansing; Jimmy Dunn, Waukon; and Robert and Gordon Odegard, Waterville. Leo Monroe of Lansing and Earl Iverson of Waterville each presented their horses in a special program of tricks. Mrs. Curtis Lenz of Lansing is president of the Upper Iowa Saddle Club. ~Contributed by Aubrie Lenz-Monroe. Note: Leo Monroe is her husband’s grandfather, and Mrs. Curtis (Virginia) Lenz is her great-grandmother. |
Maud News from the Waukon
Democrat, Sept. 1953 -Mr. and Mrs. Theo Gjefle and children drove to Dubuque Sunday for a visit with the Tennis Kolsrud family. -Mr. and Mrs. Almer Hanson, Arden and Josephine Smeby attended the wedding of a relative, Rosella Gjere of Bricelyn, Minn., on Sunday afternoon coming home Monday afternoon. They spent the night in Hanlontown with other relatives. Mrs. Caroline Smeby returned with them. She went up by bus Saturday. -Mr. and Mrs. John E. Larson visited Mrs. Rachel Larson Sunday afternoon at the Hanson home. ~contributed by Errin Wilker |
Back items from the Lansing Journal
November 1953 -Parishioners at St. Mary’s Hanover entertained at a farewell party for their pastor, Rev. Leo LOGAN, who will do missionary work in the Bahamas. -Former resident James McLAUGHLIN, 45, died in New Mexico (World War II vet). He is buried at St. Mary’s Hanover. ~see note at bottom of page |
Back items from the Lansing Journal March
and April 1954 -Forrest RYAN has sold his farm of 140 acres on Silver Creek to Mr. and Mrs. Milbourne Johnson. -Mrs. Maurice Waters, 81, lifelong Dorchester area resident, died in the Waukon hospital. -Harry LARSON, owner of Harry and Tade’s Tavern on Allamakee Street, has traded his business to Ervin SNITKER. ~see note at bottom of page |
Back items from the Lansing Journal
March and April 1954 -Forrest RYAN has sold his farm of 140 acres on Silver Creek to Mr. and Mrs. Milbourne Johnson. -Mrs. Maurice Waters, 81, lifelong Dorchester area resident, died in the Waukon hospital. -Harry LARSON, owner of Harry and Tade’s Tavern on Allamakee Street, has traded his business to Ervin SNITKER. ~see note at bottom of page |
Back items from the Lansing Journal
April and May 1954 -Last rites were held at St. Mary’s Hanover for Patrick J. DELANEY, 39, who died April 6 at Hot Springs, South Dakota, -Louis Williams has retired from the post office in Waukon. ~see note at bottom of page |
Years Old, Jackson Sentinal,
Maquokata, Iowa, July 23, 1954 At Waukon, Mrs. Mary Ann Healy observed her 102nd birthday anniversary on July 1. She's one of Iowa's oldest. ~contributed by Sharyl Ferrall |
Back items from the Lansing Journal July
and August 1954 -In New Albin, the Charles FINK house was sold to Mr. and Mrs. Alvin CROWLEY of Chicago. -Marrianne TEFF and Walter MAHR Jr. were married at Dorchester. -Jane HAMMON and Reber BRESNAHAN were married at St. Patrick’s. -Married at Immaculate Conception Dorothy KERNDT and Kenneth REGAN. -Mr. and Mrs. Frank TEELING announce the engagement of their daughter Sarah to Pfc. Daniel WELSH -Palmer Abstract lists the Ray HOWES farm of 120 acres at $17,000 and the A. J. KOSBAU home, four years old, at $10,000. ~see note at bottom of page |
Back items from the Lansing Journal
September 1954 -James A. RYAN will take a position with Kerndt Bros. Savings Bank. -A deal was made by which Glen CONNOR and Reg O’MALLEY have purchased the building of the late Julius RIETH on upper Main Street, and they will move their Star Dairy there. -William DREW has enrolled at Marquette University. -Dick DELANEY is a freshman at Winona St. Mary’s. -Francis SULLIVAN died at the Waukon hospital following a stroke. -Charles Anderson, 40, lost his left arm, which had to be amputated following a hunting accident on his farm near Elon. ~see note at bottom of page |
Albin News from the Allamakee Journal, Lansing, October
20, 1954 -NOTICE: Free coffee and donuts will be served Saturday afternoon, October 23, 1954, from 2 o'clock to 10 o'clock so as to acquaint the people with the products and goods of my store. I also have a complete line of Zanol Products. Lulu's Dress and Dry Goods Shop -CARD OF THANKS: We wish to express our sincere thanks to the kind neighbors, friends and relatives for their assistance and expressions of sympathy during our bereavement, the death of our husband and father. We also wish to acknowledge gratefully the floral offerings, memorials and food. We also thank Rev. Cawley and James Sires. Mrs. Frank Weymiller, Sr., Mr. and Mrs. Walter Weymiller, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Weymiller, Jr. ~contributed by Errin Wilker |
Back items from the Lansing Journal
October, November and December 1954 -Rites were held at Martin Brothers for John Jenkins, 45, who died at the home of Albert Klein. -A severe windstorm hit the county with heavy damage reported on the Ray SWEENEY and Patsy WELSH farms. -Mr. and Mrs. Anton ELLINGSON of Waukon announce the engagement and approaching marriage of their daughter, Bernice Opheim, to Duane WEDO of Postville. -Deputy Sheriff William RYAN, 65, died of a heart attack. -Mrs. Mary RONAN celebrated her 92nd birthday Christmas Day. -Brennan Bros. Had the low bid of $38,777 for a bridge across Bear Creek west of Dorchester. -Connor advertises Velveeta, 2 pounds for 89 cents, Folger’s coffee 97 cents a pound, picnic ham for 35 cents and chicken 39 cents. ~see note at bottom of page |
Back item from the Lansing Journal January
1955 -Rites were held for Mary PLIEN COLLINS, 86. ~see note at bottom of page |
clipping from the Dubuque
Telegraph-Herald, Dubuque, February
18, 1955 POLICE, SHERIFF HUNT CAR STOLEN AT WAUKON A car was stolen from a Waukon street Wednesday night less than 20 minutes after its owner, Albert Shafer, a farmer of Ludlow Township, parked it. Waukon police and the Allamakee County sheriff's office were still hunting the vehicle Thursday morning. Shafer drove his blue 1952 Chevrolet into Waukon at about 8 p.m. Thursday. He took the keys from the car but didn't lock the ignition after he parked it on Spring Avenue. When he returned at 8:20 to where he had left the auto, it was gone. The license number is 3-1877. ~contributed by Errin Wilker |
Back items from the Lansing Journal
March 1955 -A former Silver Creek resident, Jerry DONOVAN, 71, died at Wilmar, Minnesota. -Salaries of the county auditor, clerk, recorder and sheriff were raised from $3,500 to $3,900 per year. ~see note at bottom of page |
Back items from the Lansing Journal July and August 1955 -Shirley DUFFY and Lloyd SCHULTE were married at St. Patrick’s. -Mary Lou FIETE and Thomas MONROE were married in St. Benedict’s rectory in Decorah. -Ken “Cod” BRANDT has taken over the DX station in Waukon. -Janette MONROE and Donald F. RYDER were married Monday. -Earl GANDER, 26, was injured on the farm he rents near Dorchester when his clothes got caught in a spreader. -Donna QUILLIN and LeRoy POPE were married in Waukon. -Mrs. Kenneth COLLINS began teaching at the Sanders school in Union Prairie Township. -Rites were held for Knute KAVENY, 67. -Virginia DUFFY and Theodore KELLY were married in Waukon. -Hanover resident Mrs. Hannah McGRAW, 76, was buried at St. Mary’s Hanover. ~see note at bottom of page |
Waukon School Bus Drivers
Cited, Cedar Rapids Gazette,
Sunday, August 28, 1955, pg 23 The State Department of Public Safety has cited the following Waukon school bus drivers for safety: William Dee, Chris Teff, Howard Theis, Chester Martin, Joseph Gavin, Hubert Hermanson, Egbert Ewing, Robert Nurtzel, Ray Shogen, Alfred Burroughs, Ed Hix, James Empting and Floyd Zarwell. Gary Swanson has been hired as science and math instructor. ~contributed by Cindy (Maust) Smith |
Back items from the Lansing Journal
September and October 1955 -Daniel ZOLL received his degree in electrical engineering from Iowa State. -Lorraine MAGNER and Paul DREW were married at West Ridge. -Capt. Mary Plien and Arthur Jacobson met in Tokyo. Mary is stationed in Korea and Art was completing a tour of the East. -Mrs. P. J. Mahoney celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary. -Carl EHDE bought the Clarence KOSBAU farm of 120 acres for $14,500. -Andrew WACKER has acquired the Aldrich JOHNSON farm of 130 acres for $14,000. ~see note at bottom of page |
from the Allamakee Journal,
October 26, 1955 -A Norwegian maple tree near the P.J. Houlihan home is covered with yellow leaves on the north side and all green on the south side of the tree. -There was a great deal mourning by the children of Mr. and Mrs. John Burke Friday night when it was learned that their little dog "Pal" had been run over and killed by an auto on Main St. in the factory district. Funeral services were held early the next day and "Pal" was laid to rest in grandpa Henry Burke's garden with a group of kids taking part in the burial. -Larry Hammel, of near New Albin, had his car damaged to the extent of a couple of hundred dollars Monday morning when he struck and killed a pig on highway 182 north of Lansing. County Sheriff Wm. Huffman investigated this accident. ~contributed by Errin Wilker |
Back items from the Lansing Journal
November and December 1955 -Incumbent Mike CONNOR won 361 of 437 votes cast for Lansing Mayor. -In Waukon, Tom MULLANEY narrowly won over incumbent Charles FEUERHELM. -Last rites were held for Martin DEVITT, 76, at St. Patrick’s, with burial at Lycurgus. -The Dan McCAULEY family moved from French Creek to Waukon. ~see note at bottom of page |
Was Made From One Tree, Independent
Record, Helena, Montana, December
25, 1955 Imagine! One pine tree furnished all the lumber for a whole house! It took Erick Selland three years to build the house. It was in the year 1857. When this rugged pioneer settled in Allamakee county, Iowa, he looked about for suitable material with which to build a home for his little family. One tree on his land stood tall and straight above all the rest. It was a majestic pine tree. "Mother," is is reported Selland said to his wife, "this one tree is all we need to give us shelter." Erick Selland felled that tree. He cut lumber and split logs. Painestakingly he built his house from a single tree. When his task was done, he managed to make a water wheel from the part of the stump that still remained. Erick Selland's spectacular craftsmanship is stil admired by hundreds who visit the Norwegian-American Historical Museum at Decorah, Iowa, where the one-tree house is carefully treasured. -- by Evelyn Witter. ~contributed by Sharyl Ferrall |
Back items from the Lansing Journal
January and February 1956 -Dan REGAN has bought the DREW and HAAS drug store. -Rites were held in Hanover for Lawrence McGRAW, 55. -Walter TROENDLE bought the 160-acre farm north of Waukon on Silver Creek from Upper Iowa University. ~see note at bottom of page |
Back items from the Lansing Journal
May and June 1956 -Fire destroyed the slaughterhouse and granary on the BAXTER and MELLICK property at Waukon’s southeast city limits. -Twin boys were born to Mr. and Mrs. L. J. POPE (Donna QUILLIN). -Frances TEELING and Keith FAHEY will be married July 28. -John MARTIN has enlisted in the Air Force. ~see note at bottom of page |
Back items from the Lansing Journal
July and August 1956 -Births: A girl July 3 to Mr. and Mrs. Paul DREW; a girl July 6 to Mr. and Mrs. Don McGRAW. -Lyle SIMON, 49, died at Waukon hospital. -Teresa SCHWARTZHOFF and James McCORMICK were married at Dorchester. -Alice BAUMGARTNER and Gary BULMAN were married. ~see note at bottom of page |
Back items from the Lansing Journal
September and October 1956 -F. J. “Jack” LUTHER funeral was held at St. Patrick’s. -Herb JENKIN has purchased the Ellingson farm in Hanover Township. -Marlene COOPER was crowned queen of Waukon’s Homecomeing. -Mrs. T. E. KERNDT submitted to surgery at St. Mary’s in Rochester. ~see note at bottom of page |
Back items from the Lansing Journal
February and March 1957 -Francis LIDDIARD, 51, died with services at St. John’s West Ridge. -Home Oil Co. will be a new business in Waukon. Ralph SWEENEY will hold one-quarter; the other partners are Don SWEENEY, Joe TYSLAND and Bob ANDERSON. ~see note at bottom of page |
Back items from the Lansing Journal
May and June 1957 -HALE and Sons are going out of business after 92 years. The GRAHM Co. will rent the store. -A large group of friends helped the Reuben KELLEHERS celebrate their 25th wedding anniversary. -Mary Kay GRIFFIN and William BURKE were married at St. Joseph’s in New Albin. -Social Security checks for the disabled went out for the first time. -Patricia KELLEHER and Richard DELANEY were married at Immaculate Conception Lansing June 25. ~see note at bottom of page |
Journal, Lansing, July 3, 1957 NEW ALBIN -Father Ralph Meyer of Cascade was a visitor with home folks, the Irvin Meyer family during the weekend. -Mrs. Laurence Neumann of Manchester, Ia. spent the weekend with Mr. and Mrs. Melvin Pohlman and family. -Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Lenz spent several days visiting in La Crosse at the Fern Young home returning Tuesday evening. -Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Metzdorf, Jim, Jerry of Chicago, Ill. are spending a 2 weeks vacation at the Vernon Darling home. -Mr. and Mrs. George Colsch of Waukon were Sunday afternoon callers with Mr. and Mrs. Versell Pohlman and Leander. -Mr. and Mrs. Laurence Burroughs and family spent the weekend at New Hartford, Ia. with Mr. and Mrs. Manford Burroughs and Paul, also visiting Harvey Burroughs and family. -Mr. and Mrs. Edward Zezulka and friends of Chicago, Ill. arrived at the home of their niece, Mr. and Mrs. Martin Schuttemeier and Arlen Saturday for a several weeks vacation. -Raymond Sires and Alfred Tabatt are now enjoying outings on the river with the new Alumacraft boats they have recently purchased through the Lansing Company who are the nearest dealers. -The new front and alterations are about completed on the Heiderscheit cafe making it one of the highly improved buildings on Main St. All of the work is being done by Mr. Heiderscheit himself. -Mrs. Pat Burke and daughters Loretta Donovan and Greta of Chicago arrived last week and are amending to business matters having rented their home to one of the teachers of the New Albin school. -Mr. Charles Colsch of Pontiac, Mich. left for home last Tuesday after spending his vacation with the L.J. Burroughs family and Nick Colsch also visiting his brother George and 2 sisters at Waukon. ~contributed by Errin Wilker |
Back item from the Lansing Journal
July 1957 -Theresa CONWAY and Ralph LYONS were married at Lansing Immaculate Conception. ~see note at bottom of page |
Clippings from the Postville Herald,
August 7, 1957 FIVE NEW ARRIVALS AT HOSPITAL HERE Five new arrivals, three boys and two girls, were added to the community during the past week at Postville Hospital. Following is a list of the births: Boy, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Roffman, Postville, July 31 Girl, Mr. and Mrs. John Green, Postville, Aug. 4, 6 lbs., 13 ozs. Boy, Mr. and Mrs. Lee Henningsgard, Waukon, Aug. 5, 7 lbs., 7 ozs. Girl, Mr. and Mrs. Carlton Schroeder, Postville, Aug. 6, 6 lbs., 13 ozs. Boy, Mr. and Mrs. C.W. DeGarmo, Postville, Aug. 7, 7 lbs., 7 ozs. Medical Cases Mrs. Marion Lambert, Luana, July 30 Audrey Pulfer, Elgin, July 31 J.F. Sawvelle, Postville, Aug. 1 George Nydigger, Elgin, Aug. 1 Alan Davis, Postville, Aug. 1 Mrs. Wm. Marfilues, Monona, Aug. 1 Mrs. Kenneth Strong, Elgin, Aug. 2 Mrs. Ed Auer, Postville, Aug. 2 Art Sandry, Postville, Aug. 3 Mrs. Hubert Sass, Monona, Aug. 4 ~contributed by Errin Wilker |
Back items from the Lansing Journal
September and October 1957 -Cyril MURPHY was critically injured in a tractor accident. -Harlan LINK retired after 40 years in the mail service. -Betty Lou BERNS became the bride of Emmet HOWE. -Dr. R. J. JEFFRIES and Dr. C. R. ROMINGER are co-chairmen of the drive to build a $129,000 addition to the Good Samaritan Home. -Delores MAGNER and Norman SCHAULS were married at West Ridge. -Jeannette SCHULTE became the bride of John J. McCORMICK at Dorchester St. Mary’s. -Betty RYDER entered the novitiate at St. Francis convent, Dubuque. -Cyril MURPHY was allowed to come home after hospitalization for over a month at Rochester. -Anna ZOLL has been commissioned captain in the Army Nurse Corps. ~see note at bottom of page |
Back items from the Lansing Journal
November and December 1957 -Ten inches of snow fell at Lansing. -Ruth Ann KELLEHER left for California to visit her sister Mrs. Dick DELANEY. ~see note at bottom of page |
Back items from the Lansing Journal
January and February 1958 -Fr. E. J. McDONALD, former pastor at St. Patrick’s in Waukon, was buried from there. -Marlene McCORMICK returned to her government job in Washington, D.C. after visiting the John McCORMICKs. -A tractor accident took the life of Fred W. WEYMILLER, a prominent New Albin farmer. -Mrs. And Mrs. Adolph MATHIS and son Maurice moved to Waukon. ~see note at bottom of page |
Back items from the Lansing Journal May
and June 1958 -Last rites were held at Immaculate Conception for Reuben KELLEHER. -A boy was born to the Dick DELANEYS are Merced?, California. -Art SANDBECK retired after 49 years of service to Bell Telephone Co. -Married at Lansing Immaculate Conception: Theresa KELLEHER and Anthony LINK. -Married at St. Patrick’s Waukon” Mary Ann WILLIAMS and Fred PALUMBO. ~see note at bottom of page |
Back items from the Lansing Journal
July and August 1958 -Beatrice COLLINS became the bride of Bill ZOLL. -Thomas MULLANEY’s funeral was held at St. Patrick’s; he was killed in a car accident. -The Leo DEVITTs attended the Democratic convention in Des Moines. -Mary Jo WARD and Ernest BREVIK were married. ~see note at bottom of page |
Bits from the Allamakee Journal,
August 20,1958 Veterans Memorial Hospital-Patients Admitted. August 3, John Simmons, Waukon, Surg.; Aug. 4, John Larson, Waukon, Med.; Robert Goeke, Postville, Acci.; Mrs. Merle Stee and baby boy, Castalia, obs.; Mrs. Arthur Marsden, Waukon, Med.; Aug. 5, Miss Lou McGeough, Waukon, Med.; Aug. 6, John Kelly, Lansing, Surg; Albert P. Nolting, Waukon, Med.; Aug. 7, Mrs. Richard Langland, Waukon, Surg.; Mary Kay Hawes, Harpers Ferry, Med.; Nancy L. Tangen, Dorchester, Med.; Thomas F. Murphy Lansing, Med.; Edwin Gelo, Lansing, Acci.; Aug. 8, Mrs. Ralph Sweeney and baby girl, Waukon, obs.; Mrs. Roy Mettille and baby girl, Waterville, Obs.; Floyd Knudtson, Waukon; Med.; Aug. 9, Mrs. Norman Rosendahl and baby boy, Waukon, obs. -- -Mr. and Mrs. Len O’Brien, Mr. and Mrs. Vince Mooney and baby James, Kate Grady and Miss Ella Waters attended a Grady family reunion Sunday held in Monona at the city park Sunday. -Mr. and Mrs. L. N. Letta and family of Minneapolis were overnight guest Wednesday at the home of her brother and family, Mr. and Mrs. Bob White. ~contributed by Diana Henry Diedrich |
Back items from the Lansing Journal
September and October 1958 -Funeral services were held at Hanover for Ellie BURKE, 76. -Funeral mass was held for Peter E. WELCH at Lycurgus. -Mr. and Mrs. Ivan LACHMAN (Josephine BRESNAHAN) came from Guam to visit family. -A girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. Mike BURKE. -Married at Immaculate Conception: Margaret BAKEWELL and Robert WELCH. ~see note at bottom of page |
Attorney, Dubuque Telegraph-Herald,
Dubuque, January 13, 1959 Waukon -- Philip Furlong, 28, has become associated with the Waukon law firm of Sheridan & Sheridan. Furlong attended Loras College, Dubuque, for three years, received his bachelor of arts degree from State University of Iowa, and his law degree from Drake University, Des Moines. He has worked as an insurance adjuster in Des Moines and as a benefit plans administrator for Oliver Corporation, Charles City. ~contributed by Errin Wilker |
in Fatal Crash is Fined, Dubuque
Telegraph-Herald, Dubuque, January
14, 1959 The driver of a car that plunged into a ditch and killed a Canton, Minnesota, woman Sunday was fined $300 and costs Monday on a charge of operating a motor vehicle while intoxicated. He is William O’Hara, 24, Waukon, who pled guilty to the charge when he appeared before District Court Judge T.H. Goheen, Calmar. Phyllis Pierce, 22, Canton, Minnesota, was killed in the crash, which happened 32 feet south of the state line on Highway 52. ~contributed by Errin Wilker |
Dubuque, February 10, 1959 Two Charged in Grader Crash -Prairie du Chien, Wis.—Two men were charged as a result of a car-grader collision on Marquette Road in Prairie du Chien early Monday. Herman Marti, 28, Waukon, Ia., the car’s driver, will face a charge of reckless driving filed by city police. Marti is hospitalized with chest injuries. Marti’s passenger, Gordon Engen, 33, also of Waukon, was charged with intoxication. He was examined at and released from a local hospital. The car, police said, collided head on with a Crawford County highway department road grader operated by Thomas Halverson, 49, Prairie du Chien. Waukon Couple Married 25 Years - Mr. and Mrs. Irvin Bangs celebrated their 25th wedding anniversary Sunday with a family dinner at their home in Waukon. Miss Arkley Blilie and Mr. Bangs were married in 1934 and are the parents of three children, Donald of Waukon, Betty of Waterloo and Shirley of Shelby, Mont. Relatives Are Visitors - Lansing, Ia.—Mr. and Mrs. Fred Broeckh of International Falls, Minn., were overnight guests Saturday of his sister, Mrs. Len Barthell, who were on their way to Hot Springs, Ark., for a two weeks vacation. OES
Officers Given Instruction - Lansing, Ia.—Mrs.
Lurene Walter of Postville conducted a school of
instruction for Eastern Star officers Friday afternoon
with inspection of the chapter that evening. Guests
present at the session were from McGregor, Waukon and
Postville. At the evening meeting Mrs. L.O. Terry was
accompanist for instrumental and vocal numbers by Linda
Peterson, John Sundry, John Wilde, Keith Lenz, David
Underwood and Michael Hogan. Luncheon for the officers
and instructor was served at noon and a dinner at 6:30. |
Back items from the Lansing Journal
February 1959 -The worst storm of the winter hit the county, closing roads, schools and places of business. -Mrs. John RYAN, 102, Allamakee County’s oldest resident, was buried at St. John’s West Ridge. -Funeral mass was celebrated for Joe WALSH at St. Patrick’s. -Margaret LANNIGAN and James WACKER were married at St. Pat’s ~see note at bottom of page |
item from the Dubuque
Telegraph-Herald, Dubuque, March 6,
1959 GOING-AWAY PARTY GIVEN FOR WAUKON GIRL A farewell party for Dixie Thomas was held Sunday afternoon at the Dr. Robert Sander home with Gloria Sander as hostess. Dixie and her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Phil Thomas, are moving to West Branch where Mr. Thomas will be associated with the Farm Bureau. ~contributed by Errin Wilker |
Clippings from the Postville newspaper, May 13, 1959 THREE NEW ARRIVALS AT HOSPITAL HERE Three new arrivals, two girls and a boy, were added to the community during the past week at Postville Hospital. Following is a list of the births: Boy, Mr. and Mrs. Charles Brainard, Postville, May 5, 9 lbs., 4ozs. Girl, Mr. and Mrs. Robert Thayer, Froelich, May 7, 7 lbs., 6 ozs. Girl, Mr. and Mrs. John Green, Postville, May 10, 6 lbs., 2 ozs. Medical Cases Mrs. Louis Fuelling, Farmersburg, May 7 Robert Garrison, Elgin, May 9 Robert Matt, Clermont, May 10 Mrs. Don Overbeck, Monona, May 11 John Thorsen, Postville, May 12 Roger Casper, Elgin, May 12 ~contributed by Errin Wilker |
Back items from the Lansing Journal
June and July 1959 -A STRUB family reunion was held at the Reuben KELLEHER home. -The Roy LUDWIG family of Fargo, N.D., are guests of the Leo DEVITTS. -Doris SCHULTE became the bride of Robert EGLESEDER. ~see note at bottom of page |
Attend County Fair on Weekend; Republican
Standard, Waukon, Tuesday August
11, 1959 “A wonderful county fair”, said Allamakee county fair workers when the work was done and the weekend event was over Sunday night. Monday was still a busy day, although the fair had closed, with the livestock sale in the morning, and general mop-up work still to be done throughout the day. Alfred “Red” Hansmeier, the fair’s treasurer, said yesterday afternoon that a total of 6.769 paid admissions had been chalked up for the weekend period, Friday evening, Saturday and Sunday and the two evenings. This included both children and adults who attended the fair. Everyone seemed to enjoy the fair, and to be having a wonderful time. Good weather, not too warm, and free of rainstorms, dust, and overly high temperatures, made fair going more comfortable than usual. Joe Deeney, fair secretary, pointed to wonderful cooperation from commercial exhibitors as a contributing factor in this year’s fair’s successes. Many fine exhibits were arranged by businesses. They were greatly enjoyed in the large exhibition hall as well as throughout the fair grounds, where heavy machinery was attractively displayed throughout the fair August 7, 8 and 9. Contributors note: The discrepancy in attendance totals in the article were as it stated. Two pictures accompanied the above article but did not reproduce well, they were captioned as follows; John Curtin, a member of the Flying Farmers 4-H club, had grand champion baby beef in the junior show at the Allamakee county fair. His Black Angus sold for a $36 figure at the Monday sale, going to the Waukon Sales commission. Pat Curtin had reserve champion in the junior show at the Allamakee county fair over the weekend, he is pictured here with his champion Hereford baby beef. Curtin is a member of the Top Three 4-H club. ~contributed by Reid R. Johnson |
Back items from the Lansing Journal
August and September 1959 -The Ray KIBBYs noted their 25th wedding anniversary. -Earl GANDER lost a hay barn with 4,700 bales of hay in a fire. -Rites were held for Frank TEELING in Waukon. -Rites were held for Anna THOMAS in Waukon. -Ida PLEGGENKUHLE and Howard DUFFY were married at WAUKON. -Robert WILLIAMS has received his discharge, having spent 17 months in France. ~see note at bottom of page |
*This clipping is from the Lansing
papers "Looking Back" collection of the late Harold
Devitt. The contributor wrote: "These were given to
me, so I don't know when they ran as "Looking Back"
items. I still am not certain who typed these pages, but I think
it should be noted that many of the entries are just little
snippets that somebody chose to type up. I’m sure the
original paper has more information on some of these
entries." Any names in [brackets] are alternate spellings
added by the contributor. Also note that some of the news may not
'fit' the date of the clipping - researchers should verify these
dates with their own research.