IAGenWeb Project - Allamakee co. Newspapers
updated 02/05/2014

Bits of Information
from various newspapers
1945 - 1949

undated clippings

Looking back to January and February 1945
-Ray ZOLL was wounded in France; three other sons of the Vic ZOLLS are in the Navy.
-Cpl. Ralph ANDERSON is a radio operator on a B-17 Bomber in Germany.
~(*see note at bottom of page)
Looking Back items from the Lansing Journal February 7, 1945 (The left side of this page was cut off, so some words are incomplete)
-Memorial services were held at St. Patrick’s for __rl (Earl? Carl?) QUILLIN, 20, killed while serving as a paratrooper in Belgium.
-Relatives learned of the death of Donald REEDER, Navy, and Gerald A’HEARN, Army.
~(*see note at bottom of page)
Misc Area News from the Allamakee Journal, March 21, 1945  
-Miss Mercedes Owens of Cresco was a week-end visitor at the home of her sister, Mrs. Elmer Rasmussen.
-Mrs. Art McKee and children of Lansing were up between trains last Wednesday, visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. Walter Boltz.
-Mrs. E. Dresselhaus returned home Friday after visiting the past two weeks at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Clinton Dee, near Lansing.
-Leo Blocker of Cedar Rapids spent the week-end with his family here
-Mr. and Mrs. William Kirchoff of Lansing were Sunday guests at the home of the latter's brother, Elmer Lenz.
-The Rev. L. Hayes was a La Crosse caller between trains Friday.
-Mrs. Harold Fritz returned to her home near Lansing Friday after a few days visit at the home of her mother, Mrs. Elsie Somermeyer.
-Dr. and Mrs. R.J. Eischeid of Dubuque came up Thursday morning for a couple of days visit with the latter's cousin, Mrs. C.E. Burke and husband, returning home Friday afternoon.
-Mrs. Otto Hurley entertained the Bridgette Club in her home Thursday evening of last week. At bridge Miss Gretta Lager won first prize; Mrs. Alfred Meyer, guest prize; and Mrs. Walt Linzenmeyer traveling prize.
~Contributed by Errin Wilker
Looking Back items from the Lansing Journal April 18, 1945 (The left side of this page was cut off, so some words are incomplete)
-__t. (Lt.? Capt?) Anna Mae ZOLL goes to Camp Gordon, Ga.
-Mrs. Clara DARLING received word her son Douglas has been missing in action in Germany since March 16.
-Franklin D. Roosevelt, 63, died suddenly April 12. He had served as president of the U.S. since 1933. Harry S. Truman was sworn in as 32nd president _ ½ hours later.
-The Earl BIRDSELLS leased the S&D café from Clare DUGGAN, who expects to go into the Navy next month.
~(*see note at bottom of page)
clipping, June 1945
Mr. Edward Bock of this city reached his 81st birthday Monday, June 11th, and in honor of the event his niece, Mrs. Hattie Kumpf, entertained a number of friends at a dinner that evening, which was greatly enjoyed by those present, including the following: Dr. and Mrs. F.S. Wilson and son Bruce, Mr. and Mrs. A.B. Ferguson and family, Mr. and Mrs. John Mendenhall, Mmes. Maude Greer, Charles Stewart, Ruth Tufts, F.H. Robinson, Walt Linzenmeyer and family, Misses Daisy Robinson, Annabel Fitschen, Cora Thomson, Lois Kumpf and daughter Sharon, Rev. DeWitt Clinton, Messrs. James Sires, C.J. Travis and George Angell. The guest of honor was presented with a purse of money and all present wished him peace and happiness in the evening of life.
~Contributed by Errin Wilker
Looking Back items from the Lansing Journal May & June, 1945 (The left side of this page was cut off, so some words are incomplete)
-Germany surrendered unconditionally at 2:41 a.m. French time Monday in a little red school that has been Eisenhower’s headquarters.
-Air Force Sgt. Malcolm HART died May 26 at St. Mary’s in Rochester, Minn.
-Married: Pfc. James F. DOUGHERTY and Bonnie O’MALLEY; Margaret LINK and _lden NELSON; Donald McDONALD and Janet FLEMING.
~(*see note at bottom of page)
Allamakee Journal, July 18, 1945
- Pvt. John Teff has been discharged. He enlisted in Sept. of 1942.
- Stub Davis has sold his delivery service to Harold Deeney.
- The name “Waukon” has been painted on the city water tank.
- Pvt. George Anderson arrived from Ft. Riley.
- Don Hegeman left for the west coast and expects to be sent overseas to attend a Navy radar school.
- The Sweeney tavern is being remodeled, Herman Krzbietke in charge of the project.
- Raymond Sires arrived from Camp Hood, Texas on a 12 day furlough.
- Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ribbeck have opened a dry cleaning shop in Lansing.
- Judy Wiedner celebrated his seventh birthday with his first grade classmates attending a party.
~Contributed by Errin Wilker
Clippings, summer 1945
-Wind damaged a barn and windmill on the Frank Hertrumph farm just south of Waukon; a barn, windmill and killed four head of cattle on the Oliver Snitker farm west of Waukon; a barn on the Ed Thiele farm west and south of Waukon, and demolished a barn and silo and killed two calves on the Paul Hansmeier farm south of Waukon.
 -Matthew Ryan, son of Mrs. Thomas Ryan, George Troendle, son of Cy Troendle, Robert J. Campbell, son of Leonard Campbell, Waukon, and Curtis Palmer, son of Everett Palmer, Waterville, were enrolled Tuesday by a recruiting officer for naval service.  They leave July 5 for Des Moines for examinations and enlistments.
-July 19, a photo of a hay crop, cut and baled on the old Den Depping farm in Ludlow Township, contained 3,632 bales.  The crop took five days to bale, and the stack measured 200 feet long, 14 feet wide and 12 feet high. Crew members doing the baling were Joe Schulte, owner of the baler; Ed Thiele, owner of hay; Harold, Don and Dale Schulte, Howard Beardmore, Delbert Dee, Reuben Meier, Chester Thiele and Art Fiet.  The baling was necessary because of the loss of the barn in the recent windstorm.
~Contributed by Kathy Maurer
Confirm Reports of Bear Near Waukon, Waterloo Sunday Courier, July 1, 1945
Waukon, la.—Farmer Nels Johnson now has several residents up north of here to back up his statement that he recently saw a large brown bear on the loose in this area. They said they have seen the animal too. Johnson missed two calves from his herd of cattle and started looking for them. As he was walking along the edge of some timber, he said, ' he came face to face with the animal. Not being armed, he kept his distance, and the bear went back into the timber, Johnson said. A group of farmers later staged a hunt and some of them reported seeing huge tracks, indicating that a bear might have been in the vicinity recently, along the banks of a spring-fed stream.
~Contributed by Cindy Bray Lovell
News from the Allamakee Journal, July 4, 1945
-Mortgage Burning Ceremony at Mt. Hope Church Sunday: The oldest member of the church, Mrs. James Bulman, 85, and a member for the past 65 years, lighted the candle and passed it on to the youngest member, Loren, 16-year-old son of Mr. and Mrs. Alton Bulman, as a symbol of the undying spirit of the Church of Christ as the torch of service is passed from the old to the young.
 -Mr. and Mrs. Walter Beck are receiving congratulations over the birth of a second daughter at the Waukon General Hospital, Thursday, June 28. They have one other child, a little boy, giving them a family of three children.
-Mr. and Mrs. Fred Ribbeck and two children of Waterloo moved over on Saturday and have again taken over the dry cleaning establishment they operated before going to the west a couple of years ago. We are glad to announce that they are getting settled and will open the place for business in a week or so.
-Mr. and Mrs. George Gonyier of Buffalo, Iowa, came up Thursday of last week and remained until Saturday when they moved some of their furniture to their new location. Clyde Roeder purchased their house on North Front street and Sunday moved some furnishings to it from over the restaurant.
 -Pvt. Robert Maust of the U.S. infantry, who was in on the first invasion of Okinawa and seriously wounded by a Jap hand grenade, arrived home the middle of last week on a sixty days convalescent furlough which he is spending with home folks, the Robert Maust family. He has been hospitalized and is glad to be home.
-Pvt. and Mrs. Dick Cassidy and little son of Minneapolis, came down the week-end before last and are visiting relatives, the Clarence Spinner family of Lansing, and the Mel Wiedner and Bernard Houlihan families of Harpers and vicinity. Dick was a prisoner of war of the Germans for seven months, and has now gained back 25 pounds, and is beginning to look like he used to.
-Another veteran to come home last week, having received his honorable discharge from the army, was T-5 Cletus McKee, son of Mr. and Mrs. James McKee of north of town. He has been in the service 49 months, spending 40 months overseas, being in the African, Italian, and European Theatres of War as a member of the famous 34th division of the Fifth Army. He saw much action with a medical corps unit, and assisted Robert Weipert when the latter was seriously wounded at the Anzio beachhead in Italy. He was the only local soldier he met during his long service. He is very glad to get home.    
~Contributed by Errin Wilker
Looking Back items from the Lansing Journal July 1945
-Pvt. Albert BRITT, who was a prisoner of the Germans for 27 months, is enjoying a 72-day furlough.
-WAVE Jean DOUGHERTY has been transferred from Oak Knoll Hospital in Oakland, Calif., to Great Lakes.
-Hubert DAYTON, 37, of Waukon, died after a long illness.
-Harold LUDEKING has assumed ownership of the Allis-Chalmers implement shop.
-Pvt. John TEFF has been discharged. He enlisted in September 1942.
-Stub DAVIS has sold his delivery service to Harold DEENEY.
~(*see note at bottom of page)
Looking Back items from the Lansing Journal August 1945 (The left side of this page was cut off, so some words are incomplete)
-The Rev. William A. ROACH has been appointed assistant pastor at St. Patrick’s.
-Married: Florence SHERMAN and Mulroy McDERMOTT; Margaret DELANEY and Frank MELLICK.
-Model dairy announces it has been forced to raise the price of a delivered quart of milk to 14 cents.
-Japan’s surrender has been announced by President Truman.
-Ensign Robert Christ is missing in action in the Southwest Pacific since July 18.
-Twins, a boy and a girl, were born to Cp. And Mrs. Dale _oltz (may be GOLTZ).
-Mrs. Charles Pratt, 28, drowned near Waukon Junction.
-Nuptials: Genevieve TONY and Robert KLINKEL.
~(*see note at bottom of page)
Looking Back items from the Lansing Journal September & October 1945
-Pallbearers at the funeral of Henry G. TEFF were Jack GRIFFIN, Francis PLEIN, Francis SCHWARTZHOFF, Adolph IVERSON, Leonard BEARDMORE, Clarence SCHULTE and Francis FLYNN. Mr. TEFF was a World War I vet and lost two sons in the military in World War II.
-Nathan JOHNSON has purchased from his mother, Anna JOHNSON, the Nels JOHNSON place. The 240-acre farm sold for $11,333.
-Harry KESSEL, 52, drowned fishing with Pat Gallagher and P. D. COTA.
-Obituaries: James MANNING, Wexford native, who died in Milwaukee; and former Deputy Sheriff Ernie SMITH.
-Mr. and Mrs. Cyril ELLIOTT are opening a ready-to-wear shop in Waukon.
~(*see note at bottom of page)
Looking Back items from the Lansing Journal November & December 1945 (The left side of this page was cut off, so some words are incomplete)
-Bob LANGHEIM reports 120 ships wrecked on the beach after an Okinawa typhoon (I was in on that blow; it was a Class A storm – Harold).
-Married: Michael CAMPBELL and Frances LARSON.
-Virginia BLOCKER went to LaCrosse to meet her brother, Maurice, home on leave from the Navy.
-Ray ZOLL is opening the former Cy TROENDLE oil station on Rossville Road.
~(*see note at bottom of page) Sharyl
Tidbits from the Allamakee Journal, January 9, 1946
Harpers Ferry News
-The Jerry Cota family moved to the Martin Cota home the past week.
-Gerald Guthneck arrived Saturday and is enjoying a well earned furlough at the parental E.A. Guthneck home. He was a member of the Seabees on the Marshall Islands for the past two years.
-Sgt. Robert Sweeney of Lansing visited over the week-end with his wife and daughter at the P.S. Pearson home.
-Eleanor Hawes of Wexford left on Wednesday last for Cedar Rapids where she has secured employment.
French Creek News
-John and George Hartley spent last week at the home of their grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. George P. Hartley, at Postville.
-Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Wild and daughter Joyce, attended a farewell party in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dahle and son at Houston, Minnesota, Sunday. The Dahles are moving to a farm near Eitzen, Mrs. Wild and Mrs. Dahle being sisters.
-Elizabeth Mauss who teaches one of the French Creek schools and makes her home with the Dewey Leppert family, spent the week-end with home folks, the Joe Mauss family.
Dorchester News
-Norris Shefelbine is spending a 30 day furlough with the Albert Shefelbine family. He has served in the South Pacific for a year and has re-enlisted again.
Lansing News
-Elmer and Ted Kelleher left early last week for the west, the former going to Grand Forks, N. D., for a visit with relatives after a holiday visit with home folks, the Thomas Kelleher family. His brother Ted went on to his old job at Anaconda, Mont., where he was employed before entering military service. He has been here the past few months.
-Sgt. Raymond Mulholland, one of the two paratroopers from Lansing, the other being Wesley Bailey, arrived Saturday with his honorable discharge from the Army after serving about 38 months, 18 of which were spent overseas in the European theatre of operations. Sgt. Ray was a member of the famous 101st Airborne Division which saved the day for the allies in the battle of the Belgium bulge about a year ago. He was separated at Camp Grant, Ill., and will make an extended visit with home folks, the Len Mulholland family and was one of five brothers and a brother-in-law serving his country during the war.
-Master Richard Stirn was 10 years old Sunday and in honor of the occasion his mother, Mrs. Herbert Stirn entertained 10 little boys at a birthday party in the afternoon. Games were played and refreshments served and Dickie received some nice gifts in remembrance of the day. Among those present were Robert Eglseder, Vincent Verdon, Richard Spinner, Clair Van Brocklin, John Anderson, James Wagner, David Gantenbein, Francis Garrett, John Dunlevy, and his brother Raymond Stirn.
-Arne Helle received a letter New Year’s Day from his brother-in-law in Valdress, Norway, the first in several years, which brought the sad news of the death of his only sister, Mrs. Sigrud Tofte, who had passed away a year ago in November. He said that their place was real nice and well built up and that section evidently not unduly damaged by the Germans during their long occupation of the country. Arne has no other brothers or sisters left in Norway, an only brother, Knute, residing southwest of town.
New Albin News
-Peter Metzdorf returned home last Thursday after a few days visit with his daughter, Miss Kathryn and Mrs. James Dayton and family in La Crosse.
-AMM2-c Delbert Fink received his honorable discharge from the Navy at Minneapolis, arriving home Wednesday of last week. “Bud” served in the Navy 40 months, 22 of which were spent overseas.
~Contributed by Errin Wilker
Looking Back items from the Lansing Journal January and February 1946
-Grover HEADINGTON bought the Glen BRAY farm in Jefferson Township, southeast of Oakland Cemetery, 50 acres for $2,800.
-BRAY Bros. Report a successful livestock sale, with over 200 head sold and around $9,000 in receipts.
-County Sheriff Len BULMAN was shot and killed by a crazed man in Postville.
-Pfc. John “Bud” CAMPBELL and Pfc. Harold DEVITT received their discharge at Ft. Leavenworth, Kansas, and returned to Waukon.
-Dudley C. O’HARE, a French Creek farmer, was buried at Hanover.
-Pete HENDRICKSON has been appointed county sheriff by the supervisors. Widow Mrs. Len BULMAN refused to accept the position.
-A former Hanover resident, Frank Fitzgerald, 44, died in Minneapolis and will be buried at St. Mary’s Hanover.
-Dorothy HOSCH and John FITZGERALD will be married Feb. 26
-Forrest RYAN has traded the Art KRUGER house and five acres of land for the Mrs. FRANK MELLICK farm.
-Edward THIELE sold his 120-acre farm in Ludlow to James KNEESKERN for $7,500.
-Forrest RYAN bought THIELE’s 33 acres northeast of the fairgrounds for $4,500.
-Mark MAUSS and family are moving back to Waukon from Akron, Ohio.
~(*see note at bottom of page)
Looking Back items from the Lansing Journal March & April 1946
-William E. PETERSON has purchased the 141-acre Dave BAUERCAMPER farm in Ludlow for $22,000.
-Mrs. Reuben HAGER has received word from her husband that he will be discharged at Fort Leavenworth.
-Interstate Power Co. Announces it will build a new plant at Lansing.
-In Waukon, Sno-White has been forced to close.
-Emmet SULLIVAN, Milton WILD and Len STOCK are organizing the Waukon Flying Service and will push for an airport at Waukon’s north end where 40 acres have been leased.
-Elizabeth BYRNES and Kenneth BRANDT were married at St. Patrick’s.
-A fire in the Ray ZOLL oil station caused over $20,000 in damage.
~(*see note at bottom of page)
News from the Allamakee Journal, May 22, 1946
-Federal District Judge Henry Craven appointed W.E. Albert of Lansing Receiver for the Iowa-Wisconsin Bridge Company with authority for him to go ahead and have the span repaired. This action took place at Dubuque one day last week. The petition stated it would take between $70,000 and $80,000 to make the needed repairs. Receiver’s certificates issued are to be a prior lien on the bridge and on the basis of tolls collected in recent years the judge ordered the bridge repaired and the Receiver will file quarterly reports.
-Major Louis White of the U.S. Infantry and now on terminal leave was a guest of former Wexford friends several days last week, spending some time at the Carl T. and Victor Johnson homes. He will be discharged the first week in August and has been appointed pastor at Greeley to assume charge the end of this month. Father White served over two years in the southwest Pacific area and saw the war at its worst, serving in the front lines with the infantry. Though his hearing is impaired he looks and feels fine and has one little scar on his hand.
-A deal was made last Thursday whereby Mr. Carl Ribbeck, of Tripoli, became the owner of the Cyril Murphy house on Center street, consideration $4,500, possession to be given June 1st. The Murphy’s will move to the flat over the Art Wendel hardware store on Main Street until their new house is finished on Center street. Mr. Ribbeck will move here the first of the month. He is an expert tailor and will be associated with his son Fred in the Lansing Cleaners and Tailor Shop.
-CBM Ray Sweeney arrived home Monday, having received his discharge from the Navy at Boston, Mass., after 8 years service, having participated in some of the toughest fighting in the South Pacific. He is making his wife and home folks, the Ben Sweeney family, an extended visit.

-Mrs. P. Hosch had a very pleasant surprise for Mother’s Day when her son Ensign Orval sent her a corsage of orchids from Hawaii. They reached her in fine shape and were most beautiful. She also heard from another son Pfc. Donald who is stationed at Naka, Japan, who is in the military police over there and kept busy. He also sent a gift to his mother and dad, they being watches and silk which he had purchased.
Ray Higgins has resigned his position as clerk in the post office and has accepted a position with the railway mail service with headquarters in Dubuque. Mrs. Alvin Sires succeeds Ray in the post office.
-Vincent Imhoff returned to Dubuque, Monday, following a two weeks’ visit with his wife and children, and also his parents, Mr. and Mrs. I. Imhoff.

-AMM2-c Ralph McKee and wife and the former’s brother, Francis McKee and family of New Albin left Sunday for Ottumwa, Ia., where the former will receive assignment orders, they having spent several weeks with home folks, the W. K. Ebner and John McKee families.
-Mr. and Mrs. C.J. Hinrichs, Floyd Wild, wife and daughter Joyce, the H.O. Buntrock family, Mrs. Josephine Buntrock and son Dale and Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hartley attended a belated silver wedding anniversary in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hausman at Waukon Sunday evening.

-The Allen Hartley family attended the 8th grade graduation exercises at Waukon Monday afternoon, Ramona Hartley being a member of the class.
-Phyllis Spiegler spent one night last week with her friend, Aloris Beardmore.
-The Clear Creek school closed last Wednesday noon for the summer months when the children and parents all enjoyed a picnic dinner at the school house. Miss Frances Blake was the teacher.
~Contributed by Errin Wilker
Looking Back items from the Lansing Journal June and July 1946
-Obituaries: John COLSCH and Maurice GALLAGHER.
-Betty Byrnes and Walter HAMMEL were married at Hanover. Mrs. Phil QUILLIN sold her 178-acre farm to Melvin ROE Price was $14,240.
-Horace (?) sold his 140-acre farm to John GOEKE for $14,250.
-Married: Lucille LEAS and Merton F. PALMER; Kathleen WUNDERLIN and Joseph SCHULTE.
-Harry THIES’ S&D Café is closed until July 8 undergoing improvement.
-Dutch RICHIE has Prince Albert in the can for 11 cents, sundaes for a dime, and hamburgers for 10 cents.
-Francis “Handy” INTLEKOFER arrived home from service.
~(*see note at bottom of page)
News from the Allamakee Journal, July 10, 1946
-Nuernberg, Germany, July 3, 1946 - Hitler’s former chauffeur, Erich Kempka, testified today that he saw the German leader lying dead in the reichschancellery the afternoon of April 30, 1945, and also helped carry Eva Braun’s body outside for cremation.
-Manila, July 4, 1946 – The Republic of the Philippines was born today amid the rubble of war, cradled by the strong hand of Uncle Sam. Happy, excited thousands attended the historic ceremony which cut the islands free from the United States and gave the Filipinos their long desired freedom. Manuel A. Roxas was sworn in as president and Elpidio Quirino as vice president to guide the country in its first years of independence.

-M-Sgt. Howard Meehan of Kelly Field, Texas, spent a few days at the parental Rich Meehan home in Paint Rock.
-Relatives have received word from Irene Melavin SK3-c, who is now stationed at Balboa Park, San Francisco, Calif., that she expects her discharge from service about the end of August. She has been in service over two years, getting her first training at Hunter’s College, New York, and is now in the ship serving as head cashier. Irene joined the WAVES from Dubuque a couple of years ago, giving up her position, and since then by hard work and diligent application has received a grand education and great training. Her mother, Mrs. Josephine Melavin, and other relatives feel justly proud of the fine record she has made during her service.

-Ben Bunge of Eitzen was a Sunday caller at the Dan Sires home.
-Judge and Mrs. T.A. Beardmore, Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Beardmore and daughter, all of Charles City, were 4th of July visitors at the Earl and John Beardmore homes.

-Mrs. Vera Raymond of Waukon, announces the engagement and forthcoming marriage of her daughter, Miss Jean, and Walter R. Hagen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Albert G. Hagen of Waukon, which will take place Sunday, July 28, at Waukon. Miss Raymond has been serving as secretary of the Waukon public schools, and her husband is engaged in farming on the Hagen farm near Waterville.
-Robert, son of Mrs. James Collins, arrived last week from San Francisco, Calif., and is expecting to go to Fairbanks, Alaska, in the near future where he will be employed as an engineer in the building of a new airport.
-The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Cunningham was baptized Sunday at St. Patrick’s church Sunday by the pastor, the Rev. E. J. McDonald and given the name of Joseph Leo. His sponsors were Miss Helen Cunningham and Daniel Regan, aunt and uncle of the new baby.

-Clem Orrben, who is employed by the Soil Conservation Department at Washington, D.C., and who had been to the West Coast with a number of co-workers, enroute East, was an over night guest Saturday at the home of his sister, Mrs. Oscar Kerndt. Another sister, Mrs. Jack McKee and family, of near Monona, came over Saturday and all enjoyed a family dinner at the Kerndt home. Francis McKee took Clem to La Crosse Sunday to catch his train to the nation’s capital. It is needless to say he enjoyed very much his stay in the old home town.
-John Becker of Moline, Ill., motored up and spent the week-end with home folks, the Mrs. Maggie Becker family, returning Sunday afternoon accompanied by his brother Henry.

-Ralph Meyer, son of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin Meyer, celebrated his tenth birthday, which was the Fourth, last Tuesday afternoon by entertaining a group of friends at a party in his home from 2:30 to 5:30 p. m. Games furnished the afternoon’s entertainment and luncheon was served at a table with a large decorated birthday cake as the centerpiece. Ralph received many nice gifts and among those present were Charles Irons, Victor Vichlach, David Steele, Tommy and Lloyd Pottratz, Leo Timmesch, Larry Lager, Donald Franzmeier, Earl Crowley and Alvin Darling.
~Contributed by Errin Wilker
News from the Allamakee Journal, August 14, 1946
-Mr. and Mrs. Roland Johnson drove down from Minneapolis on Friday evening to see their son Larry, who is ill with the flu at the Art Beardmore home. Roland returned home Sunday evening and Mrs. Johnson remained for a few days.
-Mr. and Mrs. French and daughter of Kansas City, and Mr. and Mrs. Bryan and sons of Edmund, Oklahoma arrived at the Allen and Ben Hartley homes Sunday afternoon where they will spend several days.

-Mrs. Mary Weber, of Davenport, Iowa and son Fred Weber and wife, of Oelwein, were week-end visitors at the Mrs. Lizzie Zeiman home. The former remained and will make an extended here with relatives.
-Mr. and Mrs. Wilfred Schultz, son Junior and daughter June, spent their vacation last week with relatives at Janesville, Wis.
-Mr. and Mrs. Don Dougherty, and two children, returned to their home in Cedar Rapids, the latter part of the week, after a visit with home folks, the Joe Donahue family Mrs. Dougherty and children had been here for several weeks.

-Rapid progress is being made on the Bob Koch ice cream parlor after several weeks work. The new ice cream making machine, manufactured by the Mills Novelty Company, of Chicago, arrived last week and is installed. New floor is laid and with the painters touching up the inside and outside it will make a classy business place. The fluorescent lights, booths and new plate glass front and doors add much to give it a nifty appearance.
-Miss Gretchen Ferring leaves today Wednesday for the west coast and to fly to Tokyo, Japan where she has accepted a civil service position with the government. She has been visiting home folks, the Nick Ferring family after being discharged from service.
-Mrs. Frank Haley, of Larchmont, N.Y. left yesterday on her return trip home after a few days visit with home folks, the Ehrlich family. She had been about a month in Minneapolis visiting her daughter June, Mrs. Harold Poesnick, and making the acquaintance of her grandson.
Mrs. J. M. Sullivan, of Waterloo visited her daughter, Mrs. Harvey Gruber and family last week, another daughter and sister, Marjorie, spending the week end with relatives here.
-Ford agent Pete Gantenbein received a new coupe again Saturday and is expecting more. He has a large crew at work since yesterday on the construction of his new garage on Second Street. The forms for the front wall are in place and cement was starting to be poured.

-Miss Nita and Mona May of Washington, D.C., arrived Sunday to visit at the parental Mr. and Mrs. George May home.
-Ray Higgins returned to Chicago Friday after spending a few days at the home of his mother, Mrs. D.H. Higgins. She accompanied him to the Windy City, leaving there for Fitchburg, Mass., for an extended visit with her son-in-law and daughter, Dr. and Mrs. T.F. Davin and also to become acquainted with her new grandson.
-Miss Genevieve Sires went to Caledonia, Saturday, to visit her sister, Mrs. Elmer Middendorf and husband.
~Contributed by Errin Wilker
Looking Back items from the Lansing Journal August and September 1946
-Mary Ellen ZOLL and James ZOLL were married in Chicago.
-Thomas TIERNEY has bought the former Mike TIERNEY farm in Hanover Township, from Louis EBNER.
-Handy INTLEKOFER bought a service station from Ralph SWEENEY.
-The Leonard CAMPBELLs learned that their son, Cpl. William CAMPBELL, died August 4 in France.
-A second girl was born to Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Kibby.
-Deaths: Hugh DEENEY, Albert STEFFEN.
-Ralph SWEENEY has purchased a building lot on School Street west of St. Pat’s from Mrs. Leo DEVITT.
-Helen McCARTHY and Milton MELLICK were married at Caledonia, Minnesota.
~(*see note at bottom of page)
News from the Allamakee Journal, October 9, 1946
World and State reviews of interesting and important occurrences.
-Brooklyn, N.Y. - A hair-raising ninth inning rally by Brooklyn's battling Dodgers fell short last Thursday and the St. Louis Cardinals wrapped up their fourth National league penant in 5 years by taking the second and deciding game of their unprecedented playoff series, 8 to 4, before a heartbroken throng of 31,875 at Ebbets field.
-Chicago, IL - Bob Feller's team of major league All-Stars, with the Cleveland strikeout star hurling three scoreless innings, defeated Satchel Piage's Negro All-Stars 6 to 5 at Comiskey park last Wednesday night. About 20,000 saw the exhibition.
-Bratislava - The oldest woman in Czechoslovakia is reported by the press to be 107-year old Marie Valsova of Sabinova, Slovakia, who at 105 came down from a hard winter in the mountains with a partisan band to welcome Russians to Slovakia for the fourth time in her lifetime. Last living eyewitness of the 1848 revolution in Slovakia, the spry old woman told Red Army men she had greeted their forebears in 1848, 1877 and 1916. When the Germans occupied Slovakia she fled to the hills with her son and lived there throughout the winter.

-Maurice Brazell came from Baraboo, Wis., Friday and on Saturday accompanied by John, Norbert and Bob Brazell and Paul Cavanaugh, drove to Waterloo and attended the Cattle Congress.
-Pfc. Emmett O'Brien came Thursday from Fort Sheridan, Ill., having received his discharge after spending two years in the army, 18 months of which were spent in the South Pacific.
-Mrs. J. A. Fosselman, sons Earl and Greg and Miss Therese Cavanaugh motored here from Waterloo Saturday and spent the day with her sister, Mrs. Tom Cavanaugh and family, also Mrs. Josie Melaven and other relatives. Earl recently returned from Germany and is now taking a law course. His brother Greg is also attending college.

-The Misses Aloris, Jane and Ruby Beardmore spent Sunday afternoon with their friend, Grace Meiners.
-Mrs. Charley Beardmore and Mrs. Leo Pottratz assisted Mrs. Allen Hartley with cooking for the silo fillers one day last week.
-Mr. and Mrs. Leland Weymiller had their infant daughter baptized at the Mount Hope Church Sunday morning and she received the name Joyce Lee.

-The many friends of Helmer "Yam" Aschom were pleased to see him able to get down town last Thursday for the first time since his recent severe heart attack.
-The Frank Riser family motored to La Crosse, Friday, in their new Mercury sedan purchased from agent Pete Gantenbein of the Ford service garage. They took their eldest daughter Florence to St. Francis hospital for a check up.
-Ralph Thorsten and painting crew recently completed a fine piece of work at the Otto Wurtzel farm in Lafayette township. All the farm buildings, about 14 in number were painted along with the spacious house, the latter being completely redecorated inside under Ralph's personal supervision and, as usual, it is just about the last word in interior decorating.
-Miss Selma Thompson arrived late Sunday evening for a visit with her mother, Mrs. Alex Thompson and sister, Mrs. Clifford Gruber and family, the latter motoring to Cedar Rapids to meet her. Selma has returned from Tokyo, Japan, where she has been employed a year or so since getting discharged from service. Enroute here she stopped at Pearl Harbor to visit her sister, Mrs. Beth Gartz and in California visited her brother George and family and now will make a sojourn here awhile.
-The Leo Mathis family motored to Waterloo one day last week and took in the sights at the Cattle Congress, which closed there Sunday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Ray Sweeney became parents of a baby girl, their first child, Wednesday of last week. The mother was formerly Alice Clancy. Congratulations.
-Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Aschom are happy over the birth of a daughter Friday morning at the Waukon general hospital. The little lady is the prize among the other three children, all of whom are boys.

-The public relations office of the AAF technical base at Wright Field, Ohio, announces that Capt. Kalman J. Kroack is soon to be discharged. He is a son of Mr. and Mrs. J. J. Kroack of New Albin and after being commissioned was stationed at Carlisle, Pa., where he served awhile. He was promoted to the rank of Capt. In the Medical Corps in August, 1945 and was assistant to the surgeon at the Davis Memorial Hospital, Elkins, Va.
-Forrest Sires returned to his home in Tulare, S.D., Friday after a several weeks visit with his father, James Sires, and other relatives here.

-The Dale Butler family moved last week to the south apartment in the Ralph Ludeking building, formerly the Earle property. Mr. Butler is employed by the Rath Packing Co. here and for several months he and family have been making their home at a local hotel awaiting this apartment.
-Mrs. Thomas Gronna of Paint Creek enjoyed a visit last week from Capt. Norman Gates, wife and little daughter of New Carlisle, Ohio. Capt. Gates made his home for several years at the Gronna farm. Mrs. Gates will be remembered as Shirley Griebel before her marriage and visited Waukon friends before their return East Friday. Capt. Gates received his discharge at Ft. Sheridan, Ill., last week and is now on a two months terminal leave. They may decide to make their home in California where the Griebel family reside if he secures a suitable position.
Thomas Stone of the U. S. Navy is spending his leave with his wife, nee Alice Steffenson, and with home folks, the Herschel Stone family.
~Contributed by Errin Wilker
Looking Back items from the Lansing Journal October, November and December 1946
-WIEDNER Real Estate has 21 farms listed, from 80 to 640 acres, and from $25 an acre and up.
-Don Rice, formerly of Waukon, will play in the movie “Lady Luck.”
-Funeral services were held for Thomas FITZGERALD at St. Patrick’s Church with burial in Hanover.
-W. L. “Chip” CLANCY has purchased the William F. KELLEHER stock farm for $10,000.
-The Avalon Ballroom in LaCrosse announces the Dick JUERGENS Orchestra will be playing there Dec. 16. Tickets are $1.20 per person.
~(*see note at bottom of page)
Looking Back items from the Lansing Journal December 1946
-The Waukon Commercial Club, M. L. CONNOR president, is sponsoring the huge task of soliciting funds to erect a $100,000 veterans memorial hospital.
-A Mass of Requiem was offered. At St. Mary’s Hanober for Mrs. Pat FITZGERALD, 78.
-Mr. and Mrs. Jack Martindale have opened a new lunchroom at SWEENEY’s station in Waukon.
-Mrs. George TONEY’s funeral was held at St. Patrick’s.
~(*see note at bottom of page)
clipping, ca1946
Sheriff L.J. Bulman returned Friday from Iowa City, where he had accompanied Oliver Geinzer, 22, to the psychopathic hospital, where he was examined by a corps of five specialists who all pronounced him mentally sane. He was returned to the county jail and will now go before the judge, who will pronounce sentence. Geinzer has been found guilty of petty larceny and has been in jail here the past couple months.
~Contributed by Errin Wilker
News from the Allamakee Journal, January 29, 1947
-Mr. and Mrs. Cletus Valley and son Roger, George Sullivan, Mrs. Ralph Brainerd, Mrs. Bill Valley, Joe O'Brien and Clem Cassidy were Waukon callers Monday of this week.
-Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zezulka and their daughter, Mrs. Martin Schuttemeier and son Arlyn visited Sunday afternoon at the George Verthein home.
-Walt Mahr and C. Schwartzhoff bought 20 head of very fine Holstein cows in Wisconsin.
-Gene Mahr took a load of posts to Dakota for Joe Bakewell.
-Lumber  was being unloaded on Saturday at Kehr Bros. building next door to the Journal office, and the job of rebuilding the hardware store will be taken care of by Contractor Les Fink. Work will commence in the near future.
-A deal was made Saturday whereby Ben Feuerhelm became the owner of the old Zeitler farm, 80 acres which joins his place on Mays Prairie, he having purchased it from Mrs. Simonson of Fort Dodge. There are no buildings on the place.
-Frank T. Spinner, salesman for The Lansing Company, Inc., spent a couple of days in town last week on business connected with the firm, leaving for his home in Minneapolis Friday afternoon.
-Julius Boeckh, the "You tell 'em, we sell 'em" real estate man, went to Calmar Monday and closed the deal on the sale of the Calmar Wagon Co. to Berge Brothers of Waukon and Decorah, who have taken possession and will increase the output very much. The building is 2 stores and covers a half block.
~Contributed by Errin Wilker
Looking Back items from the Lansing Journal January and February 1947
-William RYAN has been named deputy sheriff, and Lloyd KOLSRUD assumed duties as deputy clerk of court.
-Petty Officer William ZOLL has arrived back in the States after a cruise to China and Japan.
-County assessors are to begin work. Pay scale is $5 a day. Corn is to be assessed at 60 cents and soybeans at 90 cents.
-Marcella HAMMEL became the bride of John P. COLLINS at Immaculate Conception, Lansing.
-Fr. P. J. REYNOLDS, 70, pastor at St. Mary’s Hanover, for more than 30 years, died suddenly of a heart attack.
-The parochial residence at St. Mary’s Hanover was destroyed by fire. The house had been built 33 years before with stone from a nearby quarry.
-Allamakee County was hit with one of the worst storms and blizzards ever.
-Harold QUILLIN won first place in the oratorical contest at St. Pat’s.
-The hospital fund drive in Waukon reached the sum of $58,131 (Note: Just a few months ago, in the December 1946 Looking Back item, a $100,000 pledge drive was announced.)
-Merrill MURPHY, son of the Joe MURPHYs, former Allamakee residents, died in the crash of a seaplane near Tijuana, Mexico.
-Alan CROWLEY of New Albin died unexpectedly.
-Handy INTLEKOFER purchased the SWEENEY building on Pitt Street in Waukon.
-Dr. J. H. McCULLOUGH had major surgery at St. Francis in LaCrosse.
~(*see note at bottom of page)
Area News from the Allamakee Journal, February 5,1947
-F.J. Robinson and Jess Boardman were Lansing business callers last Tuesday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Roy Vickery, Mrs. Ralph Brainerd and Mrs. Bill Valley were Waukon callers, Saturday.
-Leonard and Romaine Beardmore and William Link were Sunday dinner and supper guests at the Frank Beardmore home.
-The Grover Timmerman family have moved to the former Regan farm near Landmark Inn which they recently purchased from Mr. Regan. They had been tenants on the Mathias Johnson estate farm in Jefferson township. The Wm. Regan family, who have been residing on the farm, have moved in with his parents.
-Miss Dorothy Kehr and fiance Ralph Bartels, of Maynard, spent several days last week with her folks, the Albert C. Kehr family, coming Wednesday evening and returning during the week-end.
-Emil Pladsen recently sold his place, the former Ted Strong property in South Lansing between George Roeder's and the Mrs. Ida Slindee homes, to Clem Knickerbocker. Possession is to be given March 1st and Emil plans not to leave Lansing but may buy another place.
-Messrs. Thomas Albert, Karl Kelleher, James and Robert Bakewell, Joseph and Edward Lechtenberg, all students at Loras College, Dubuque, spent a few days vacation between semesters with home folks in Lansing and vicinity last week, returning to studies on the bus Sunday afternoon.
-Mr. and Mrs. Cyril Murphy and Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Spinner were La Crosse callers Sunday, visiting friends and patients at the hospital. Mrs. Will Schafer returned home with them from St. Francis hospital following her operation and is now recuperating at the Mrs. Henry Schafer home on the edge of town, being unable to get to her home due to the badly drifted roads.
-Another real estate deal made recently was the sale of the Russell Moline farm at Village Creek to Earl Bennett, of the Postville vicinity. The farm consists of 277 acres and was formerly tenanted by Mr. Bennett and family a dozen years ago. It is rented for this year and the Bennetts will move over next spring. Mr. Moline soon moves to the John Wendler farm purchased from James C. O'Malley.
~Contributed by Errin Wilker
News from the Allamakee Journal, February 12,1947
- Dennis Quillin of the St. Patrick's school, Waukon, debate team won superior rating at a forensic 3-day speech festival held at Coe College, Cedar Rapids last Thursday, Friday and Saturday. He and James Theis, members of the affirmative, placed second. Harold Quillin was given an excellent rating. He and Robert Luther are members of the negative team. There were 18 schools represented.
- M.J. Wiedner, Cletus Valley, A.F. Houlihan, Joe Garis, LuVerne Valley, Ben Quillin, Mrs. Lucille Brazell and Dom Brazell drove to Dubuque, Monday, to see the Loras-Luther basketball game.
- During the severe wind and snow storms of the past two weeks the Lansing firemen were on watch at the fire station from 6 a.m. to 6 p.m. in 3 hour shifts, with 3 to 4 men on each shift. The firemen are to be commended for this precautionary measure and although this is a volunteer organization, they should be paid by the city for this none too pleasant night work.
- Next Sunday the Lansing folks have a chance to see Don Rice, son of Mrs. Ruby Rice of Waukon, in the movie "Lady Luck" where he plays an important role along side of such famous stars as Robert Young, Barbara Hale and Frank Morgan. He was born in Lansing and as a little boy moved with his folks to Waukon where he grew up and has since made his home. He was with a USA group of entertainers overseas several months during the war, serving in the European theatre. He made a visit with his mother in Waukon during the Christmas holidays.
~Contributed by Errin Wilker
News from the Allamakee Journal, February 19,1947
- Pfc. Francis Meehan came Sunday from Poughkeepsie, N.Y., having received his discharge after spending 18 months in the army.
- Friends and neighbors of Mr. and Mrs. James Corrigan held a surprise party for them Sunday evening in the school gym. A delicious lunch was served from well-filled baskets following progressive euchre. Adolph Mathis won the head prize and Dom Brazell the consolation. Mr. and Mrs. Corrigan were presented with a gift of money. They are moving soon to a farm near Waterville.
- The following babies were baptized Sunday at St. Ann's Church by Rev. Father Costello: Patrick Joseph, son of Mr. and Mrs. James Houlihan, Loretta Alyward and Wm. Joyce, sponsors; Bernard Peter, son of Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Rethwisch, sponsor Mr. and Mrs. Phillip Rethwisch of Lansing; Monica, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Elder, sponsors Mr. and Mrs. Carl Heim.
- Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Wild had their infant son baptized at the Lutheran Church in Eitzen Sunday. Mrs. Wild's mother, Mrs. Herman Muenkel, Hugo Muenkel and Lewis Ebner were the sponsors, and he was given the name of Burton Floyd. A dinner at the Wild home followed and those present were Mrs. F.F. Elert, Mrs. Herman Muenkel, Hugo and Marie Muenkel, Lewis Ebner, Mr. and Mrs. Herman Dahle and son.
- Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ashbacher and Mr. and Mrs. William Gordon had their infant sons baptized at the French Creek M.E. Church Sunday morning by Rev. H.H. Dill of Oelwein. The Ashbacher baby was named Ronald Wayne and the Gordon baby, William Devillo.
- Eighty-five relatives and friends gathered at the Fetketter Bros. home Sunday afternoon for a shower on Mr. and Mrs. Henry Luth who were married at Lansing I.C. Church Monday. Among those from here attending the ceremony at Lansing were Charles Fetketter, Mr. and Mrs. Jerome Ashbacher, Mrs. J.R. Ashbacher, Mrs. George Verthein, Mr. and Mrs. Theo. Welper, William and Ruth, Mmes. H.O. and Josephine Buntrock, Mr. and Mrs. U.J. Ashbacher and son Sylvan. The newlyweds will settle down on the Robert Hartley farm where the groom is employed.
- Howard Phipps, son of Mr. and Mrs. E.M. Phipps of Franklin township, while engaged in sawing wood at the George Seitz farm, had the middle finger of his left hand cut off at the second joint by being caught in the circle saw.
- Saturday morning a number of Boy Scouts went on a hiking trip which took them up the New Albin road and over the bluffs to the Tade Bechtel farm and back down the hills to the pavement west of town. With compasses, lunch kits and other equipment they spent an enjoyable time, cooking their meals, and getting home late in the afternoon. Killy Knittle bruised his knee in a fall and Peter Rethwisch rendered first aid. Among others making the hike were Charles Knopf, Joe Spinner, Gene Miller, Emmett Dowdal, Billy Sandry, Bobby Rossi and Norbert Olloff.
- Little Joan Spinner, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent Spinner, celebrated her fifth birthday Saturday with her mother entertaining a group including Shirley Weipert, Billy and Jerry Spinner, Anna Mae Fitzgerald and Donna Ferring. Refreshments, games, presents and the usual good time reported.
- Messrs. G.M. Kerndt and Julius Boeckh went to Chicago Thursday, to be witnesses in the U.S. Court of Claims in the Wisconsin Bridge Company's $138,000 damage suit against the government. F. Thomas and Robert Kerndt of Chicago, were also there as witnesses. Mr. Boeckh returned home Saturday afternoon, while Mr. Kerndt remained over for a visit with his nephew, Thomas, an F.B.I. agent, who has recently been transferred to Chicago from Seattle, Washington.
~Contributed by Errin Wilker
News from the Allamakee Journal, February 26,1947
- U.C. "Carver" Gantenbein and son Gail, commercial fishermen of New Albin, made a very successful haul yesterday in Minnesota Slough, getting between 20 and 25 thousand pounds of buffalo and carp. This is one of the largest catches of fish made in this vicinity in recent years and assisting them were the other sons and brothers, Clifford of near New Albin, and Pete of Lansing. Among the few spectators were Frank May, Walter Middendorf, Mike Schulz and Jim Price of New Albin, who kept serving coffee all day, and Robert Sweeney of Lansing.
"Barney" Rudnick and Joy Ryan of Austin, Minn., spent the week-end at their homes here.
- Mrs. Tillie Welper sustained a fracture of her left leg in a fall at the Raymond Sires home Friday evening.
- A group of ladies surprised Mrs. Abe Meiners at her home Friday afternoon. Bunco was played, after which a delicious lunch was served from the well filled baskets brought by the guests. Those present were Mmes. Edith Reburn, Chas. Kubitz, John Fink, Hazelle Metzdorf, Clara Darling, Robert Thomson, J.J. Higgins, Frank Weymiller and grand-daughter Ruth Ann Weymiller.
- Mr. and Mrs. Dewey Sandry, the newlyweds, were tendered a shower at the Edmund Anderson home in Center township Tuesday evening of last week. A most enjoyable time is reported and the honored guests were the recipients of numerous useful gifts.
- Miss Norma Kehr of the Eastern Air Lines and employed in Atlanta, Ga., returned to her work Sunday after visiting home folks, the Wm. H. Kehr family, since Tuesday of last week.
- Mr. Pete Gantenbein and two sons, David and Glen, were at LaCrosse a couple of days last week, where on Friday the boys underwent tonsillectomies, returning home that evening.
- The infant daughter of Mr. and Mrs. George Anderson was baptized Sunday by Father Henry Scharphoff of I.C. Church and given the name Mary Margaret. Sponsors were the baby's aunt, Mrs. Robert Faherty of Chicago, and uncle Mr. John Welch, of Dowagiac, Mich., the latter by proxy. Mrs. Faherty and daughters Tira and Erin came out Saturday for the occasion and returned Monday morning via Prairie du Chien. She is now society editor for the Chicago Sun, writing under her maiden name of Adeline Fitzgerald.
- A group of neighbors and friends of Mr. and Mrs. Irvin "Butch" Rettinger and family tendered them a farewell party at their home on Faegre Prairie Sunday evening. Cards furnished entertainment and a midnight luncheon was served. They will move this week-end to the Julius Hurley farm, purchased last fall, and vacated by the J.J. Walleser family, who purchased the Moritz Gruber farm on Gruber Ridge.
- Atty. Robert Olson of Chicago, has been elected secretary of the Light and Power company, and has been transferred to their Kansas City, Mo., office, where he reported for work on Feb. 10th. This is a nice promotion for the former Lansing youth, and his wife will move there as soon as living quarters are found.
- M. Garlow has purchased the Standard Oil filling station from Neal Manning and it is now open to the public for business.
- Mr. M.O. Delphey celebrated his 88th birthday Saturday, Feb. 22. Mr. Delphey makes his home with his daughter, Mrs. P.S. Pearson, and still enjoys good health. His four young great granddaughters made the day more pleasant by calling and singing the "Happy Birthday" song. Numerous friends of this fine old gentleman called during the day and all extended congratulations and best wishes for more happy birthdays in the evening of life.
- Another of our prominent and well thought of citizens, Mr. P.J. Houlihan, observes his 76th birthday today (Wednesday, Feb. 26th). He also enjoys good health and likes a game of "euchre" most any old time.
- About 60 neighbors and friends gathered at the Charley Beardmore home last Wednesday evening for a farewell party as the Beardmores will soon move to their new home near Eitzen. Cards furnished the evening's entertainment and a late lunch was served. A gift of money was presented to the Beardmores and on departing the guests all wished them success and happiness in their new home.
- About 75 relatives, friends and neighbors gathered at the John Shefelbine home Saturday evening in a combination farewell and anniversary party as the Shefelbines will soon move to their new home they recently purchased at Waukon, and it was also their 49th wedding anniversary. Cards and a social evening were enjoyed with a late lunch being served. The honored couple were presented with a purse of money and the guests departed at a late hour, wishing them much happiness in their new home.
- contributed by Errin Wilker
News from the Allamakee Journal, March 3, 1947
- Noel Traversey is tearing down the old butcher shop. Cletus Valley will use the lumber to build an addition to his tavern.
- Elaine Easley was six years old on Saturday and her mother invited several of her little friends to a party. After playing games, a delicious lunch was served and Elaine received many nice gifts in remembrance of the day.
- Saturday, March 1st, was "moving day" with many changes taking place. The Donald Fish family who have resided on the E.A. Leschensky farm the past several years, moved to Waukon and the Ray Zezulka family moved onto the place they vacated. Floyd Waters and family moved from the Buntrock house to their own farm recently vacated by the Zezulkas.
- The J.R. Ashbacher and Gus Wild farms are being wired for REA this week. Lynn Livingood of Postville is doing the work on the Ashbacher farm and George Shefelbine of Dorchester on the Wild Place.
- Mr. and Mrs. Alton Bulman entertained about 35 relatives Friday evening in honor of Mrs. J.T. Bulman's 87th birthday. They also celebrated other birthdays and their wedding anniversary. A late lunch was enjoyed after the movies shown by Neil Wiedeman. On Sunday evening the following were entertained at movies and lunch at the Bulman home:
Chas. Beardmore and family, Mr. and Mrs. Floyd Beardmore, Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Shefelbine, Leonard and Romaine Beardmore, Mrs. Art Beardmore and Lauraine, and the Frank Beardmore family. The movies shown by Neil Wiedeman were very interesting.
- Another farm sale of recent date was the one tenanted by Chas. Brooks on the old Village Creek road to Walter L. "Chip" Clancy, this farm joining the one he bought some time ago from Will Kelleher. We understand the Brooks family will move to Waukon.
- Mayor Peter Paulson, wife and daughter Jean Ann motored to La Crosse Saturday and attended the opening and dedication ceremonies of the new airport north of that city in the afternoon. They were thrilled with the stunt flyers and report an enormous crowd on the grounds.
- Carl Mullarkey, son of Mr. and Mrs. M. C. Mullarkey of Lafayette township, was the victim of a painful accident suffered one day last week while in the woods with his brother Leo. They were cutting down timber when one of the big limbs of a tree struck him across the face and mouth severely injuring same and knocking out and breaking his teeth. We are glad to report he is much improved this week from the cuts and bruises sustained in the accident.
- A deal was closed last week giving Joe Mullen possession April 1st of the old E.T. Duncan farm in Taylor twp. consisting of 200 acres, and purchased from Paul Alexander for $7,000, which makes the third farm which Joe owns and operates in the vicinity. We understand that Mr. Alexander bought the Flay Wilder farm near Village Creek and the latter will move to the Frank Riser farm at New Galena on the Iowa River.
- contributed by Errin Wilker
News from the Postville Herald, March 5, 1947
-The new rural fire truck ordered some time ago, arrived here last Thursday from St. Louis, Mo., and has since been tested out and declared ready to answer all calls.  The cost of truck and equipment approximates $9,000 and was paid for through some over 200 memberships sold for $50 each to farmers and farm owners last summer.
-Donald Estes of Cedar Rapids has accepted the position of assistant cashier at the Postville State Bank, starting upon his new duties last Saturday morning.
-Mrs. Julia Hansen last week purchased the two corner building lots opposite the Milwaukee depot from William Moll for $450.  E. C. Schroeder on Saturday purchased the H. J. Miller building, formerly occupied by the Thoma drug store and now tenanted by Geo. C. Eder who will continue there under the lease he now holds.  The Millers expect to move to Dubuque shortly.  Mr. and Mrs. Robert Burling yesterday purchased the George M. Campfield residence property in east Postville and will move there about June 15 from the Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Behrens apartment.  The Campfields will return to Madison, Wis., their former home, later this month.  Among the real estate transactions recorded at the court house in Waukon last week was the sale of the store building of Walter F. and Jennie Lambert and Miss May Lambert now housing the Postville bakery and the Mrs. Masonhall beauty shop to L. J. and Esther Masonhall.  Consideration is reported as having been $5,500.
-A chimney fire at The Palm called out the fire department Thursday evening, but no damage resulted from the blaze which was soon brought under control.
-Eldo E. Kluss, who for the past year has been operating a garage and filling station in Luana, has sold his business holdings to Harry Barr and will have an auction sale of his household furniture in Luana next Saturday.
-Mrs. H. H. Conley is a patient at Postville hospital, having sustained a fractured hip in a fall at her home Monday afternoon.
-Louis Christofferson brought an egg to our office yesterday which we mistook for a gayly colored Easter egg and when we told him he was rushing the season a bit, he informed us he was doing no such thing.  It seems Louis has a White Leghorn hen out at his place that has been laying green shelled eggs, whereas her sisters give out with the conventional white shelled variety.  All are being fed the same feed so Louis wants to know "how come?"
- contributed by Mary Durr
News from the Allamakee Journal, March 12, 1947
- Charles Luster was six years old Saturday and his mother invited several of his little friends to a party after playing games, lunch was served to the following guests: Bob Hogan, Kenny and Jimmie Williams, Roger Valley, and Danny Boardman. Charles received some nice gifts in remembrance of the day.
- The George Aschom family traded in their old sedan on a new Dodge which they secured last week from agent Cyril Murphy of the Lansing Garage.
- An adjourned meeting of the Iowa-Wisconsin Bridge Company was held Friday afternoon at the bridge property and was again postponed until the next regular meeting time scheduled for July 12th, due to a lack of stockholders or proxies being present. Among the few in attendance were President Schremser, Decorah; Irene Bell, Mason City; Andrew Sorum, Waukon; and Julius Boeckh, Lansing. A decision in their suit for damages against the government is expected soon according to Secretary Bell.
- Miss Rita Curran, 14 year old daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Curran of Cedar Rapids, was one of 33 teenagers whose poetry has been accepted for publication in the National High School Poetry Association anthology for the year .1947, the Midwest volume. Rita's poem, entitled "A Creation" was published in the Cedar Rapids Gazette on Sunday, Feb. 23rd. Her father was a forrmer Lafayette resident and all acquaintances here extend congratulations to Miss Rita for the honor bestowed upon her.
- Pfc. Robert Thorsten enjoyed a week-end visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Thorsten, coming out Friday evening from Fort Sheridan, Illinois, where he has been stationed the past month or so. He expects to be soon transferred to another camp.
~Contributed by Errin Wilker
News from the Allamakee Journal, March 19, 1947
- Mr. and Mrs. Ray Vickery left on Monday for Wyalusing, Wis. where the former will be employed by the Shroeder Construction Co. as shovel operator. Mr. and Mrs. John Lawson of near Decorah, the former also a shovel operator, will occupy the house vacated by the Vickerys.
- Mr. and Mrs. Alton Bulman and Mrs. Neil Wiedeman were Monday evening visitors at the Frank Beardmore home.
- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Hagen, nee Jean Raymond, of Paint Creek twp., entertained a number of the public school faculty Friday evening at a 6: 30 dinner at their home. Mrs. H. was formerly secretary at the local high school.
Mr. and Mrs. John Schon of Jefferson township moved last week to their newly purchased home, the former C.W. Sandbeck residence property in southwest Waukon. Their son and wife, Mr. and Mrs. Ralph Schon, are in charge of the Schon farm.
- The A.O. Nelson family who have been operating the Moritz Kerndt farm west of town since last fall have left it and moved to town and are residing in the Leonard Gander home in South Lansing. The Walter Arndt family from the Riceville vicinity are now operating the farm for Mr. Kerndt.
- Ford Agent Pete Gantenbein delivered a new Tudor sedan to Tade Weipert last week, keeping another one for demonstration purposes. Two of the trucks received in that shipment go to Fred Weymiller, of New Albin, and the State Conservation Commission of Iowa.
- James Peterson is enjoying a week's vacation from his book shop and left Friday to spend the time with his sister, Mrs. Alice Henning and family at Carroll, Iowa. His brother Harold accompanied him, returning to his clothing store duties in Waukon yesterday.
- The Dorf Halvorson farm sale a week ago Monday was largely attended and prices very high, cows averaging about $185 each. The farm land was purchased by Salem Shogren and nephew Kenneth, who will operate it.
- Julius Boeckh, the real estate man, sold the Carl Beck place in the north part of town to Fred Zimmerman. It will be occupied by the Louis Dahley family, who will move there next week.
- Mrs. Leo Fink returned home Saturday evening after a month's absence, part of which was spent in the New Sanatarium at Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin, where she received medical treatment and is much improved. The past couple of weeks were spent visiting with her daughter and recuperating at the latter's home in Bridgeport, Wisconsin.
~Contributed by Errin Wilker
Looking Back items from the Lansing Journal March and April 1947
-Lilliam WIEMERSLAGE of Dorchester and Eldon HANSMEIER of Waukon exchanged vows at Eitzen, Minn.
-The Dorf HALVERSON farm sale was well attended. Cows sold for $185.
-M. A. JACOBI has become associated with Ben. ANTONOFF in the B&B store.
-Lyle SIMON was elected mayor of Waukon.
-The Waukon board voted to have the junior college continue for one more year.
-SWEENEY Oil Co. is expanding to cover more of Northeastern Iowa, having purchased a station at Castalia and a built plant at New Albin.
-The debate team from St. Pat’s won second place at the state debate contest.
-Mrs. Julia WHALEN, 90, of French Creek Township, is seriously ill.
-The New Albin baseball team sponsored a show and dance. Prizes for best waltzing went to the Peter WHALENS and Bernadette LARKIN and Jack BRESHNAHAM.
~(*see note at bottom of page)
News Bits from the Allamakee Journal, Lansing, April, 1947
Harpers Ferry News
- Capt. and Mrs. Joe Whalen of the AAF came last Tuesday for a visit with bis sister, Mrs. Bernard Rethwisch and family. In the afternoon they drove to Lawler and visited their father, Roger Whalen.
- Mr. and Mrs. Tom Bridges have purchased the John Sawvell residence and moved there Thursday. Mr. Sawvell and son Vernon and family have moved into rooms in the Otto Heuer building.
French Creek News
- Mr. and Mrs. Kenneth Kerndt, of Church, the Jerome Ashbacher family and Goldie Crowley were Sunday visitors at the George Verthein home.
English Bench News
- Little Garry Wiedeman of Waukon spent a couple of days last week with his grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Alton Bulman.
Waukon News
-Frances Teeling was 13 years old Tuesday last and in the evening entertained a party of 12 school friends at her home, where games provided entertainment followed by a late lunch. She received a number of very pretty gifts.
Lansing News
- The Irvin "Bud" VanBrocklin family moved from the Boeckh house on north Fourth St. to a farm north of town, the old Ed Cooper place now owned by his father, Dwight Van Brocklin, which they will operate this year.
- The Frank Sandry family moved to Waukon last Wednesday where he will still be employed by the Goodrich Produce Company. The John Spoelstra family will move this week into the Sandry home on North Second St. from the Short house on upper Front Street.
- Norton Severide has his first flock of baby chicks since last Saturday, March 29th. He set a White Rock hen on eleven eggs Saturday, March 8th and three weeks later counted eight chicks.
New Albin News
- Miss Belva Hosch, a bride of this month, was honored as a miscellaneous shower in her home Sunday evening. Bingo furnished the evening's entertainment with Mrs. D.J. Kelley winning head prize; Miss Bernadette Larkin, guest prize; and Mrs. I. Imhoff, consolation. Refreshments were served and Miss Hosch received many gifts.
~Contributed by Errin Wilker
Local News from the Allamakee Journal, Lansing, April 9, 1947
Waukon News
- Dick Dasher of Waukon, St. Pat's six foot four inch star basketball player, was listed on the Des Moines Registers all-state basketball honor roll a week ago Sunday. In the 16 games played by the Wildcats during the season just past, Dasher averaged 10.8 points per game. His free throw percentage was .387, scoring 36 out of a possible 93.
Other Allamakee boys listed on the honor roll were Bill Terry and Robert Middendorf, Lansing, and Cloy and Grant Schultz. both of Postville.
Harpers Ferry News
- Herb, Don and Elton Easley drove to Marshalltown, Saturday, and visited their sister, Mrs. Bob Retz, returning home Sunday.
- Virginia Damon received a badly bruised hand Saturday when it was caught in the washing machine wringer. She was taken to Waukon where Dr. Jeffries took care of it.
English Bench News
"Stub" Waters began working for Vince Strub the past week.
- Walter Keenan, Frank Beardmore and Andy Bresnahan were business callers at St. Paul Thursday last.
Lansing News
- Cletus and Donald Hawes, Karl Kelleher, Joe Lechtenberg, Thomas Albert, James and Robert Bakewell, all students at Loras College, Dubuque, came up the middle of last week to spend the Easter vacation with home folks in Lansing and vicinity, returning to scholastic duties Monday. Eddie Lechtenberg spent his vacation time with friends at Austin, Minnesota.
- Easter Sunday was a blustery day with rain and snow falling at intervals, making it a poor time for new attire. The several churches in Lansing were largely attended. Immaculate Conception being crowded beyond capacity for the High Mass at 8 o'clock and at which nearly the entire congregation received Holy Communion.
The evening before was one of the worst wind and rain storms to ever hit here so early in the season. Rain had been pouring most of the two previous days and Saturday evening winds of high velocity caused much damage. The plate glass window in the Voss Comer Cafe was blown in and on Sunday a car was blown through a plate glass window at the Kerndt Bros. Savings Bank. We have heard of no injuries due to the storm.
- The fire company was called to the John Hirth home in Churchtown Sunday morning where a bad chimney fire was discovered but had burned out before the truck got there and they made the run in eight minutes. No damage was reported and the men opened up the chimney which was clogged.
New Albin News
- Gerald May and Gerald Lager, students of the State University at Iowa City, spent the week-end with their parents, Mr. and Mrs. George May and Mr. and Mrs. Fred Lager.
~Contributed by Errin Wilker
News Items from the Allamakee Journal, Lansing, April 16, 1947
Harpers Ferry News
- Dr. Dillon of Waukon was a professional caller here last Tuesday, Mr. Joe Kelly being on the sick list.
- The Steve Wiedner family of Waukon visited with his mother, Mrs. John Wiedner.
English Bench News
- Mr. and Mrs. Norman Rosendahl moved into the Mt. Hope parsonage last week, which they have rented.
-The Earl Beardmore family attended a birthday party at the Harry Clausen home Thursday evening in honor of Robert Rosendahl, who was six years old that day.
Waukon News
- Silas Grady, employed in the John Deere Co. plant at Waterloo, accompanied by a friend, spent the week-end with home folks, the John Grady family.
- Robert White and son Dicky, accompanied by Mrs. Al P. Hummel, motored to La Crosse Saturday and were accompanied home by Mrs. White and infant daughter, Denise Marie. Mrs. White had been a patient at St. Ann's hospital for over three weeks but she and her baby are now getting along nicely.
Lansing News
- Sgt. Bruce Reed, of Williams Field, Chandler, Arizona, flew here last Monday, April 7th, and visited a couple of days with his wife at the Harry Meyer home on Mays Prairie. Bruce landed in a field out there and remained until Wednesday when he took off for his army station. The occasion for bringing him home on such it hurried trip was his fifth wedding anniversary, April 7th. Mrs. Reed has been taking care of the household duties at the Meyer farm home the past several weeks.
- Members of the Kiwanis and Fin-Fur and Feathers Clubs enjoyed a trap shoot at the Aschom cabin north of town Sunday afternoon with Roland "Pete" Gantenbein making the high score.
- Stuart Hawkins has accepted an offer from a western theatrical company and left Monday afternoon by train for Kearney, Nebraska, where he will join the unit and be located there for a time. His family plans to remain in Lansing for the present.
- Messrs. Cyril and Robert Murphy, Alvin Schultz and Everett "Fat" Mulholland were in Decorah Monday evening in attendance at a John Deere implement dealers meeting. Boss Cyril went over to Mason City yesterday where he attended another meeting of the company.
- Major Ira Larson arrived yesterday morning from a military camp in the states for a few days visit with his family and home folks. He has been stationed in Germany the past year and returns in a few days for his discharge from service.
New Albin News
- Mesdames Frank Wilson, Herbert Brooks, Mr. Michael Corrigan, Miss Plein, accompanied by little Sue Wilson and Lucinda Olloff, made up a group who motored to Waterloo Saturday where the little ladies sang over radio station W.M.T. and got a great thrill out of it. Following the broadcast the party drove to Cedar Falls where they enjoyed a trip thru the State Teachers College and grounds.
- Mrs. Joe Crowley of Lansing visited a few hours with relatives here on Friday afternoon. Her nephews, Joel and Lynn Sires, accompanied her home for a week-end visit, returning home on Sunday, their parents, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond "Tat" Sires and little brother Jan motoring down after them.
- Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Hammer attended the wedding of the latter's brother, Herman Blegen to Eileen Loeffler, at Caledonia last Wednesday afternoon.
~Contributed by Errin Wilker
Area News from the Allamakee Journal, Lansing, April 23, 1947
Harpers Ferry News
- T.A. Oestern is painting the interior of the late Mrs. Mary Guthneck home which Bernard Houlihan has purchased from A.F. Houlihan and with his wife will move to Harpers in the near future.
- The infant son of Mr. and Mrs. Leo Livingston was baptized Sunday at St. Joseph's Church by Father Costelloe and given the name Gerald James. Mr. and Mrs. John Schwartzhoff were the sponsors.
English Bench News
- Neal Wiedemann, wife and son Gary of Waukon spent the week-end at the Alton Bulman home.
- Mrs. Marie Halverson and Donald of Waukon were Sunday dinner guests at the Floyd Beardmore home
French Creek News
- The Keith Wild family of Lycurgus, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Zezulka and the Floyd Waters family were Sunday supper guests at the E.L. Wild home.
- Mrs. H.O. Buntrock and daughter Jane and Mrs. Josephine Buntrock and son Dale were Friday evening visitors at the U.J. Ashbacher home.
- German Resident to Waukon -- Mr. and Mrs. John Schellhammer drove to Prairie du Chien, Wis., on Monday to meet the latter's mother, Mrs. Freda Koehring of Bremen, Germany, who has arrived for an indefinite visit with her two daughters Mrs. Schellhammer and Mrs. Julius Rissman. Mrs. Koehring spent some time here with her daughters and about 8 years ago returned to her native land.
Over a year ago the daughters here began to make arrangements to have their mother return to this country but encountered many difficulties. She has been residing in the English zone of occupation and unable to purchase clothing and other necessities even though she had the money sent to her by her daughters.
- Donald Bums and John Bresnahan, both Sl-c, left Sunday on their return trip to Corpus Christi, Texas, after enjoying a 17 days leave with home folks here. The former's brother Ray Bums, recently re-enlisted in the Navy for four years.
Lansing News
- "Growler" Dunlevy is No More -- At last we are called upon to chronicle the passing of the above little dog who has been in our household for the past 14 years and was truly "our best friend." His death took place Saturday morning about 8 o'clock by our side at the linotype machine in the office as he went to work with us every day for years and, although ill from early morning, he was "game" to the last and wanted to be with us to the very end. When but a few weeks old he was brought to our home by our son Tommy Mark (long time in the service and still in Germany) and after he enlisted he really became "our dog". He would have gladly given his life for our defense at any time and his intelligence bordered on the human. His loyalty and devotion to us was something we will always remember and the old saying "a dog is man's best friend" was never more truly exemplified than by "Growler." Deceased was a son of the late "Bozo" (bull terrier) Hintz and "Fanny" (fox terrier) Olson and his sole survivor is a son, "Rex" of the W.E. Albert, Jr., household on Diagonal St. Interment took place in our rose garden on North Second street by the side of another one of our great dogs, "Pencil", (water spaniel and one of the finest retrievers ever in this part of the state). His two little friends, Mary Murphy and Kitty Rose Dunlevy, placed a cross entwined with a lily and a spray of evergreen on his grave as a silent tribute to their little canine friend.
- Pvt. Edwin Walleser arrived home the week before last, having received his discharge from the army at Fort Meade, Md. He is with home folks, the J.J. Walleser family.
- Leonard Mulholland fell from a scaffold on which he was working at the Lansing Company, Inc., when it broke last Thursday, and Friday accompanied the doctor to La Crosse for X-rays to determine the extent of injuries received.
- Sgt T. Lyle Yeoman arrived home last Friday after a couple of years service, and has received his discharge. His wife was the former Betty Loomis and that family met Sgt. Yeoman in La Crosse and brought him to this city in their car.
- Owner Lawrence Terry of the Hotel Lansing has the sidewalk and pavement torn up in front of that building making new water connections for more pressure to his property. "Hod" Cole is assisting him with the work.
- The baseball season opened last Wednesday when New Albinhigh school played Lansing high on the local diamond, the visitors being defeated by the close score of 2 to 1 in ten innings. Bob Darling and Glen Buege did the pitching for New Albin and Ray Love hurled the first nine innings for Lansing, Geo. Feuerhelm hurling the last one. Nineteen strikeouts were made on each side and only a couple of hits made by each team.
- Gaunitz Market had new tile placed in the sewer from the rear of their slaughter house last week. Emmett Blanchard and Charles Rouster doing the work. The old tile was stopping up quite often and being continually dug up and opened so they
decided to replace it.
- John C. Brophy was a business caller in Des Moines over the weekend where he met salesman George Anderson, the two interviewing customers of The Lansing Company.
- Stf. Sgt. Ernie Whalen arrived last weekend from the east coast for a few days visit with his sister, Miss Sue Whalen, at the Carl Hurm home. He has recently returned from Germany and left yesterday for Bozeman, Mont., for a visit with his brother. He has a month's furlough and will return here before going back to service.
- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Magnusson, the newlyweds, arrived home Thursday from their wedding trip to Eureka Springs, Arkansas, where they spent the past week or so with relatives, the Mrs. Elsie Abitz family. They are now nicely located in the upstairs apt. in the. Mrs. C.O. Rud house on Center street.
New Albin News
- Mr. and Mrs. Earl Birdsell of Waukon were New Albin callers Wednesday of last week.
- Don Easton returned to his home in Decorah Friday after visiting his mother, Mrs. Frank Easton.
- Miss Phyllis Imhoff of Rochester, Minn., came Sunday for an extended visit with home folks, the I. Imhoff family.
~Contributed by Errin Wilker
Lansing News from the Allamakee Journal, Lansing, April 30, 1947
- Miss Jean Maust, whose marriage to Frederick Steiber takes place in June, was honored at a prenuptial shower at her home on Gruber Ridge Sunday evening. Twelve tables played progressive euchre with head prizes going to Willis Mathis and Mrs. C.E. "Gene" Johnson; the lows to Harold Moore and Mrs. Erwin Gruber and the traveling prize to Nelvin Steiber. A delicious luncheon was served and an enjoyable time reported.
- Work was commenced last week-end on the new house to be built for Herman Krzbietke on Front Street on a lot purchased from Con Spinner, Mr. K. and the Leslie Fink contracting crew doing the work. The latter crew are also busy on the house of Alderman Harold Wellendorf, putting in a new basement, and a couple of men are at work on Kehr Bros. new hardware store where the new front (when completed the finest in town) was installed by the Esser glass company of La Crosse last week-end.
- St. Patrick's high school of Waukon won an exciting baseball game from the Lansing Cardinals on the local diamond Thursday afternoon by the score of 12 to 11 with Dick Dasher for Waukon knocking out a home run. Lansing led 8 to 3 at one time in the early stages of the game. Richard Bechtel and Ray Love were the local pitchers with Tom Aschom catching; for Waukon Griffin pitched and Waldron caught.
- Dicky Aschom, son of Mr. and Mrs. Norbert Aschom, celebrated his sixth birthday Thursday with a party of his young friends at his home. The usual birthday cake graced the table at the luncheon served. Dick was remembered by many nice gifts, and the following youngsters who were present had their pictures taken by his mother: Anna Mae Fitzgerald, Marlene Hogan, Karel Magnusson, Gail Irons, Gregory and Barry Hawkins, Jerry Spinner, Glenn Gantenbein, Gregory Whalen, Johnny Verdon, Billy Munchoff, Danny Joe Severson, Junior and Mickey Aschom.
- Mr. and Mrs. Peter A. Whalen and three children of New Albin and the D.A. Holmes family of Lansing motored to the farm home of the former's mother, Mrs. Julia Whalen of near Lycurgus, and found her recovered from her recent illness. They also went to Waukon and visited his sister, Mrs. P.J. McCauley, who also is recovering from her recent illness.
~Contributed by Errin Wilker
Looking Back from the Lansing Journal May 1, 1947
-Jacqueline WHEAT and Daniel REGAN exchanged wedding vows.
~(*see note at bottom of page)
News Items from the Allamakee Journal, Lansing, May 7, 1947
- About 174 relatives and friends gathered at the Alton Bulman home Sunday afternoon and evening in honor of their silver wedding anniversary. A program was prepared for the evening's entertainment, including a mock wedding with Robert Bulman as the bride, and little Dean Bulman the groom, Richard Quandahl as bridesmaid, Lores Bulman best man and Neal Wiedeman the preacher. A late lunch was served and the honored couple was presented with a purse and numerous gifts. The guests departed at a late hour wishing them many happy returns of the day.
- A grass fire at the Village Creek Cemetery caused Mrs. Drake to turn in an alarm last Wednesday calling the Lansing men and truck out to have it quickly put under control.
- Leland Richie, Jr., of the F.B.I. and stationed at Louisville, Kentucky, arrived Sunday evening via plane to Chicago and the Zephyr to Prairie du Chien, Wisconsin, where he was met with a car. He will visit his parents, Mr. and Mrs. "Dutch" Richie until Saturday.
- Mr. and Mrs. George Strub and son Dick of the Waterville vicinity were over one day last week saying goodbye to relatives and friends before leaving for their new home in California where they started by car early this week. They will motor leisurely to the west and visit her mother at Vallejo, California, and may decide to locate there if suitable employment can be found. Their other son Vincent is stationed in the Navy on the island of Guam.
~Contributed by Errin Wilker
Looking Back items from the Lansing Journal May and June 1947
-The Weidner real estate agency reports the sale of the O’ROURKE estate farm of 360 acres to Donald BULMAN for $7,000.
-Rev. KROCHESKI has been assigned to Hanover (likely St. Mary’s).
-Miss Helen McCABE is home from Tokyo.
-Kenneth BRANDT has purchased the interest in the BRANDT and McCULLOCH DX.
-Monica HENRY and Lawrence SCHULTE were married at Lycurgus.
-Miss Helen McCABE returned to her government job in Tokyo after visiting home folks.
-Constance QUILLIN and Gordon DONLEA were married at St. Patrick’s.
~(*see note at bottom of page)
Looking Back items from the Lansing Journal July 1947
-Mayme DEENY, Waukon, died suddenly.
-D. F. DUGGAN disposed of his business to Bob McDONALD.
-The Phil McGRAWs of Hanover were honored on their golden wedding anniversary.
-R. J. COONEY Construction Company has been awarded a contract for shipping about 10,000 tons of processed iron ore piled at the iron mines north of Waukon.
-Rev. Cletus O’DONNELL, former Waukon youth, has been named second vice chancellor of the Archdiocese of Chicago.
-The Frank MELLICKs have a new son.
-The Harpers Ferry creamery churned butter by electricity for the fitst time. It had been done by steam engine.
-The William DREWS celebrated their 50th wedding anniversary.
~(*see note at bottom of page)
Looking Back items from the Lansing Journal August and September 1947
-Former Waukon resident Bill McANENY died in a fire at Hotel Langley in Spokane, Washington.
-Althea LINK earned silver wings of a United Air Lines stewardess.
-Mike MELLICK, 76, well-known farmer of West Ridge, died.
-Work is progressing on the new parsonage at St. Mary’s, Hanover.
-Ann KERNDT and Ramona BURKE went to Chicago to represent St. Pat’s School at a session of Catholic Action at the Morrison Hotel.
-Francis Gavin, farmer from Hanover, died from injuries suffered in a tractor accident.
-Married: Margaret REVOIR and Francis PLEIN.
-Eddie LECHTENBERG left for St. Louis to enter the seminary for four years of study.
-Anna Mae RINIKER of LaCrosse and Vincent RILEY were married in LaCrosse.
-Gus DEE sold his 102-acre farm on Highway 13 to Kenneth ROE for $12,500.
-The Joe BRESHNAHAMS are the parents of a girl.
-Barbara Joy became the bride of Ralph KEENAN at St. Patrick’s in Waukon.
~(*see note at bottom of page)
Looking Back items from the Lansing Journal October and November 1947
-Maurice O’REGAN, 71, was buried from St. Mary’s Hanover.
-Fred WENIG purchased the Henry WENIG estate 280-acre farm for $36 per acre.
-Yvonne McMORROW and Francis SEXTON were married at St. John’s, West Ridge.
-Military funeral services were held for Ensign ANDERSON, Allamakee County’s first World War II fatality. He was serving aboard the USS Arizona at Pearl Harbor December 1941.
~(*see note at bottom of page)
Looking Back items from the Lansing Journal November and December 1947
-The Ph. H. KLINGLES retired from active business after 50 years of service in Waukon.
-John O’BRIEN, 95, who recently recovered from a major surgery, was guest of honor at a birthday dinner at the Art O’BRIENs.
-Hazel CAMPBELL and Michael BURKE were married at St. Patrick’s.
-Funeral services were held at St. Pat’s for Louis O’TOOLE.
-Rita LYONS became the bride of John SMERUD.
-Rites were held in Waukon for William H. DREW, 84.
-John WALDRON has enrolled at bakers school in Minneapolis.
-Mass of Angels was offered by Fr. BOHRER at Hanover for Mary Catherine McCARTY, who was killed while sledding.
-Lila LANE became the bride of Ray MAHR at St. Mary’s, Dorchester.
-Funeral services were held at St. Patrick’s Waukon for Mrs. John DELANEY.
-Pete DEVINEY’s funeral was held at Lycurgus.
-Donna INGLES and Ted RUMPH were married in Waukon. Bob and Reg O’MALLEY arrived from Alaska, where they were employed the past year.
~(*see note at bottom of page)
Looking Back items from the Lansing Journal January and February 1948
-Mr. and Mrs. Larry Byrnes, Hanover, were honored at a surprise party on their 45th wedding anniversary.
-Fr. Edward SULLIVAN, pastor at St. Mary’s Dorchester, has been assigned to Loras College as a professor.
-Stanley WALDRON, Waukon, purchased the Morning Glory Bakery at Anamosa.
-Rev. Edward SULLIVAN was given a farewell party at St. Mary’s Hanover.
-Rites were held for John O’BRIEN, 94, Waukon’s oldest resident.
-Eddie SMERUD left New Albin for Casper, Wyoming, where he will homestead.
-Lorraine MOOS and Donald SWEENEY were married at St. Bridget’s in Decorah.
-Chief Boatswain Mate James O’MEARA is now stationed at Pearl Harbor, having been transferred from Vallejo, Calif.
-Rites were held for John McLAUGHLIN, 73, at St. Mary’s Hanover.
-Floyd WATERS of Hanover purchased the Joe AHEARN homestead near the Hanover store.
~(*see note at bottom of page)
Looking Back items from the Lansing Journal March and April 1948
-Mr. and Mrs. Charles BAXTER left Waukon for Webster City to take over the former Hub Clothing Store.
-Wedding plans were announced at Immaculate Conception Lansing for Helen EGLSEDER and Joe DOUBEK.
-Thomas WELCH of Lycurgus bought the 160-acre Ray HOWES farm.
-Due to the coal shortage, the passenger train serving Lansing will run only three days a week.
-The Fred HANCOCKS of Waukon were honored at a surprise party on their 35th anniversary.
-Mrs. John NOLLE’s home was sold to Pat DEVITT.
-Mary LUTHER became the bride of Harold BRANDT at St. Patrick’s rectory.
~(*see note at bottom of page)
Looking Back items from the Lansing Journal May and June 1948
-Mrs. C. J. Hutchinson attended the reception of her niece, Helen CASSISY (Cassidy?), into the Presentation Order at Dubuque.
-Waukon has been assured of a hospital, having donation and pledges in the amount of $150,779.
-A former resident of Silver Creek, William DONOVAN, 65, was buried at St. Paul.
-Dorothy GAVIN of Hanover and Thomas COLLINS of Dysart were married at St. Mary’s Hanover.
-Funeral services were held for Mrs. John HOWES, 26, (Mary LYONS) at St. Patrick’s.
-Harry URELL’s rites were held at West Ridge.
-Hazel HANCOCK became the bride of Donald STIRNN at Immaculate Conception.
-In Hanover, a girl was born to the Emmet WARDs.
-Mary Lou WELSH and Robert COTA were married at Lycurgus.
~(*see note at bottom of page)
Looking Back items from the Lansing Journal July and August 1948
-Funeral rites were held for Ed HOWE at St. Pat’s.
-Laverne O’DONNELL and James PLEIN exchanged vows at Lycurgus.
-In the last session of the legislature, a bill was passed authorizing the purchase of the Black Hawk Bridge and it’s repair, so it can be opened for traffic.
-Esther AHEARN (A’HEARN), 83, was buried at Hanover.
-Ruth BECKER became the bride of Marcellus QUANDAHL at the Salem Reformed Church.
-Married at St. Patrick’s, Maxine BRSHNAHAM and Jack BAXTER.
~(*see note at bottom of page)
Looking Back items from the Lansing Journal September and October 1948
-A girl was born to the Howard HANSONs.
-Phyllis BYRNES became the bride of George HALER at Hanover.
-A girl was born to the Frank MURPHYs of Chicago.
-A farewell party was held for the Frank MELLICK family.
-Lois LONG and Raymond REA exchanged vows at St. Patrick’s.
-Jeanne FERRING and Jack BRESHNAHAN exchanged vows at St. Patrick’s.
-Mrs. Dave DEENY returned to Los Angeles, having visited her mother Mrs. Agnes A’HEARN.
-Daniel RYAN is a patient at Lutheran Hospital.
-Jeanne Dougherty became the bride of Bob McDONALD at St. Pat’s.
~(*see note at bottom of page)
Looking Back items from the Lansing Journal November and December 1948
-John WALDRON sold his bakery in Ossian.
-Two young men, Clem and Charles STEINER, drowned while duck hunting.
~(*see note at bottom of page)
Looking Back items from the Lansing Journal January and February 1949
-Jeanne McMORROW and Cletus ROONEY exchanged vows at Lycurgus. Betty LYONS is now a secretary at St. Teresa’s Winona.
-A boy was born to Mr. and Mrs. Dan WILLIAMS of Louisville.
-Joe FAHEY purchased a farm from Dr. C. W. ROMINGER.
-Dr. DILLON braved zero-degree weather and blocked roads to deliver a boy at the Lawrence WARD farm.
~(*see note at bottom of page)
Looking Back items from the Lansing Journal April 1949
-John J. MURPHY’s funeral was held at Immaculate Conception in Lansing.
-Geraldine HOWE and William WATERS exchanged vows at Hanover.
~(*see note at bottom of page)
Looking Back items from the Lansing Journal May and June 1949
-The Mike and Leo DEVITT families attended the wedding of Agnes DEVITT and John FINNEGAN in Chicago.
-Anna Mae Ward became the bride of Lawrence LAMBERTY in Chicago.
-Rites were held at St. Patrick’s for Patrick DEVITT, 74, who died after a long illness. Burial was at Lycurgus.
-Althea LINK and J. Paul LIMONT exchanged vows at Notre Dame Chapel.
-Mary MARTIN became the bride of Dale MOHWINKLE at St. Patrick’s.
-Rites were held at Hanover for Phil McGRAW, 87.
~(*see note at bottom of page)
Looking Back items from the Lansing Journal October and November 1949
-Marcella KUBITZ and Ben QUILLIN were married at Lanesboro, Minnesota.
-Osmund QUANDAHL purchased the Alfred BAKKUM store.
-Kathleen SPINNER became the bride of Dennis O’MALLEY at St. Patrick’s.
-Rita McCORMICK became the bride of Frank SCHULTE at Hanover.
-Rites were held for Mrs. Henry HAAS, 70, at St. Patrick’s with burial at Lycurgus.
-Margaret DEVITT of Chicago is enjoying a visit with home folks.
~(*see note at bottom of page)

*This clipping is from the Lansing papers "Looking Back" collection of the late Harold Devitt. The contributor wrote: "These were given to me, so I don't know when they ran as "Looking Back" items. I still am not certain who typed these pages, but I think it should be noted that many of the entries are just little snippets that somebody chose to type up. I’m sure the original paper has more information on some of these entries." Any names in [brackets] are alternate spellings added by the contributor. Also note that some of the news may not 'fit' the date of the clipping - researchers should verify these dates with their own research.

Newspaper index