News Items from the
Allamakee Journal
Lansing & Waukon, Allamakee County, Iowa
Wednesday, February 26, 1941
Anderson's D-X Service Station - Kehr Bros. Skelgas - Spinner
Bros. Grocery
- John Decker, admin. of the estate of Andrew Hirth, 135 acres in Lansing twp. to John B. Munz and Theodore W. Munz for $5,000.
- The John O. Elllefson farm in Paint Creek twp. to his son Eilert B. Ellefson; consideration, $6,000.
- William Steiber, 160 acres in Lafayette twp. to Ralph Jenkins, consideration, $7,000.
- Fred Benning to Geo. Kinley, 140 acres in Fairview twp. for $3,500.
- New Albin Savings Bank to Gertrude A. Meyer, 260 acres in Iowa twp. $5,000.
- Mrs. Maria Ellefson to Carl J. Hal‘vorson, 78.82 acres in Center twp., $2,400.
- Federal Land Bank of Omaha, 160 acres in Makee twp to Paul E. Larson, $6,000.
- Federal Land Bank of Omaha to Wm. Buresh, 120 acres in Post twp. for $5,000.
- Herman H. Meyer and Wife to H.W. Gade, 120 acres in Iowa twp. for $2,000.
- Thos. Fitzgerald, exe. of estate of Thos. Fitzgerald, 100 acres in Union Prairie twp. to Gus Gruber, consideration, $4,000.
- John Palank and Hannah Palank to Anna Meyer and Lucy Miebke, 240 acres in Waterloo twp. and Houston county, Minn., $9,000.
W.T. Piers Insurance
Livestock Auction Sale
Bray Brothers, Lansing
G. Kerndt & Bros.
Hale & Sons
Aschom Brothers
Sno-White Grocery
Phillips 66
Tom's Garage, Lansing
White's Service, Waukon
Harry Metcalf, Dorchester
- New style glasses at Gilchrist’s.
- P.G. Olson returned home Friday from Chicago where he had spent about 10 days on business.
- Dr. and Mrs. R.H. Wheat spent several days in Chicago last week where he attended a dental convention.
- Miss Stacia Bakewell of New Albin is the new waitress in the Model cafe, taking the place of Miss Celia Schwartzhoff.
- Mr. and Mrs. Carlye McMillen of Paint Creek township are the parents of their third child, a baby daughter born to them Wednesday at home.
- Mrs. H. Orr entertained the members of her bridge club last night at a 6:30 dinner served in a local cafe after which the ladies went to the home of the hostess for an evening of contract.
- Mrs. Frank Teeling and little son Edward returned Wednesday from Phoenix, Arizona, where they had spent the previous 10 days with her mother, Mrs. Tovey, who was in very ill health.
- Miss Marie Hausman was hostess to the Searchlight club in her home Monday evening and the lesson, "English Art and Science," was presented by Miss Alice McCullough and Mrs. David Flage.
- Miss Lydia. Schukei was hostess yesterday evening to the ladies of her bridge club. A dinner was served at 6:30 in the home of Mrs. Walter Hausman after which the group retired to Miss Schukei’s home for an evening of contract.
- John Haehlen, son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Haehlen, observed his eleventh birthday Thursday and entertained a number of his boy friends at a supper that evening. The party then attended the movie "Arizona" at the Town Theatre.
- Mr. and Mrs. Ray Dresselhaus are moving this week from an apartment in the John Flage house in the south part of town to the lower part of Frank Graham's duplex on Allamakee street, vacated some time ago by Mr. and Mrs. Leo Olson and family.
- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Vetter entertained two lovely parties last week of their gentlemen and lady friends. On Tuesday and Friday evenings 6:30 dinners were served at the Walter Hausman home, and the evenings spent at the Vetter home playing bridge.
- Mrs. M.C. Stoneberg entertained a number of ladies Thursday afternoon in honor of her sister-in-law, Mrs. William Fortier of Minneapolis who visited here last week. The afternoon was spent playing contract bridge and the hostess served a lunch to her guests. Mrs. Fortier returned to her home Friday, accompanied by Mrs. Stoneberg who will vsit there several days, and by Mrs. Ella Heiser who visited her son Ray and wife.
- Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Snitker of Ludlow were feted Friday evening in the opera house at a wedding shower and dance, and the popular couple received a number of beautiful gifts for their new home, the Clara Kugel farm which they have rented. The newlyweds were married Wednesday afternoon in the Zalmona church in Ludlow with the Rev. Bushman officiating. The bride was formerly Geneva Flage, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. John Flage, and the groom is a son of Mr. and Mrs. Herman Snitker.
- The Waukon rural fire department was called to the Carl Gilbertson farm seven miles east of town on the morning of Tuesday last to extinguish a chimney fire which for a time appeared to be threatening the home. While they were in that vicinity, they were called again to the Mandis Laufer place a mile south of Elon where a chimney fire had ignited the roof. The firemen were able to bring the blaze under control but an area about 15 feet square was burned out of the roof. T.E. Kerndt, Calvin Kiesau and Len O'Brien were the men who responded to the calls.
- Watch repairing a specialty at Kelly’s Watch Shop Spring avenue.
- Mr. and Mrs. Miles Connor and Mr. and Mrs. James Drew were La Crosse visitors Sunday evening.
- Mr. and Mrs. Harry Giles and family of Albert Lea, Minn., spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Oliver Feuerhelm.
- Keith Bigelow, who is employed in the vicinity of Stoughton, Wis., spent the week-end with his grandmother, Mrs. Estelle Bigelow and family.
- Food Sale Saturday, March 1st, at the Sno-White Grocery store sponsored by the ladies of the M.E. Church. Hot dishes early; phone orders to 236M.
- Miss Sylvia Monserud and Milton Lemme motored Friday to Bear Creek, Wis., where they spent the week-end visiting their friends, Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Helms, nee Ruth Webster.
- Edward Peck and F.D. Cooper, both of whom are employed in Chicago, came Friday evening for a week-end visit with the former’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Peck and family.
- John Rominger and friend, Chas. Keiderling, both of whom are employed in the Rath Packing company at Waterloo, spent the week-end with the former’s parents, Dr. and Mrs. C.W. Rominger.
- Albert Klein of Ludlow sustained a fracture of his left leg Thursday when he slipped and fell while operating a corn sheller in a building on his farm. He was taken to the Waukon hospital and remains as a patient there.
- Mr. and Mrs. Charles Feuerhelm and baby daughter Lorraine of Prairie du Chien, Wis., spent the week-end in Waukon visiting her parents, Sheriff and Mrs. Len Bulman and family, and with his, Mr. and Mrs. Art Feuerhelm.
- Mr. and Mrs. Len Bulman entertained the members of the Friendship Sunday School class of the Presbyterian church in their apartment last Thursday evening where moving pictures pertaining to Chinese missionary work were shown. Elmer Johnson also showed moving pictures taken on a trip to the Black Hills and Bad Lands of South Dakota.
- Mrs. T.E. Ryan’s birthday was Monday but the members of the Euchre Club on learning this surprised her on Saturday evening by gathering at her home shortly after supper. Cards furnished the entertainment and lunch provided by the guests was served. They presented Mrs. Ryan with a gift as a reminder of the happy day and gathering.
- Mr. Frank Venter, Mgr. of the Waukon Lumber Co., is taking a month’s vacation and accompanied by his wife and two children, Peggy and David, left in their new car Sunday afternoon for Moravia, Calif., where Mrs. Vetter’s parents are spending the winter with her married sister and family. Enroute they will spend Sunday night with his parents at Grant, Iowa.
- Mrs. Edward Quillin was hostess Sunday evening to at a benefit card party for her Unit at St. Patrick's church. Six tables played euchre with high score going to Mrs. P.J. Laffan and her husband won the gent’s high, Mrs. Champion low for the ladies and Fred lntlekofer low for the men; Gus O’Neill the door prize. The hostess served a delicious lunch.
- Dr. and Mrs. E.W. Hastings and Mrs. Emma Peterson motored to La Crosse last Thursday and spent a few hours.
- Mrs. Florence Deeny will be hostess to her kensington club at a one o’clock luncheon in her home Thursday afternoon.
- Rev. H.C. Culver goes to Arlington tomorrow to attend a Missionary Institute of the Dubuque District of the M.E. church.
- Mr.and Mrs. Paul Dravis motored to La Crosse Sunday and were guests of their daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Roy Hefte.
- Miss Esther Meierkord was a bus passenger Wednesday of last week for Cedar Rapids where she will visit her brother Leonard and family.
- Mrs. John Eckert entertained the Merry Makers 500 Club in her home Monday evening and served lunch to her guests after the card games.
- Mrs Gus O‘Neill is hostess this (Wednesday) afternoon to the Joan of Arc Study Club. Mrs. Thos. Lee and Mrs. Len O’Brien have the lesson.
- James E. Baxter will buy calves every Friday. Highest market price paid.
- Dr. and Mrs. R.H. Wheat, who spent last week in Chicago, returned home Thursday. They visited friends and he attended a dental convention.
- Miss Ruth Bigelow was absent several days last week from the millinery department in Hale & Sons store, suffering with the prevailing epidemic of "flu."
- The annual election of officers of the W.C.O.F. will be held at their regular meeting Thursday, March 6, at 7:30 p. m. Catherine C. Ryan, Recording Secretary.
- Mr. and Mrs. Len O’Brien and children, Rosemary and James, the Misses Kate Grady and,Ella Waters motored to Dubuque Saturday and spent an enjoyable day there.
- Miss Marion Davis, R.N., who is employed in the Presbyterian hospital at Chicago, arrived Saturday and remained until Tuesday visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Ben Davis.
- Mrs. Harold Herman was honored Tuesday afternoon at a 1 o'clock luncheon and pre-natal shower in the home of Mrs. J.S. Cameron sponsored by the ladies of the Baptist church.
- Mr. and Mrs. Olaf Jacobson who reside in the former Alice Daulton home, move this week to the apartment over the Thies Clothing Store vacated by the Peter Pratt family.
- Mrs. I.E. Woodmansee, who has been at Decorah with her son Boyd and family since before the holidays, is enjoying a visit this week at the home of her sister, Mrs. Harry Heiser.
- Mrs. Alex Drogset was hostess on Monday to the Normandia club and the lesson was in charge of Mrs. Alfred Bakkum and Mrs. Andrew Olson. Mrs. Conrad Grangaard served as song leader.
- Messrs. Theo. and Emmett Henry of Lycurgus, who accompanied Mrs. Chas. Henry to Bancroft, Iowa, last Thursday, arrived home Sunday. The latter remained at the home of her sister for an extended visit.
- The Peter Pratt family, who have resided in an apartment over the H. Thies Clothing Store, move this week to the house owned by Bert Hendrick on Marcy street south of the Standard Oil filling station on E. Main street.
- Mrs. Claire Duggan entertained the members of her contract bridge club Monday night at a 6:30 dinner served in the Model cafe, after which ,the group went to the home of the hostess for a pleasant evening of cards.
- Mr. and Mrs. L.S. Meier who have occupied an apartment in the second story of Mrs. Catherine Hall's home on East Main street, move this week to an apartment in the Miss Anna Stilwell's home east of the Waukon Lumber Yard.
- Little Herbert, son of Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bigelow, had the nicest birthday gift Saturday that any one could receive, a seven pound baby sister who was born at the Sherman hospital, which is a welcome playmate for the two little brothers.
- Sunday evening, Feb. 16th, relatives and friends gathered at the Leo Henry home at Lycurgus to help Mrs. Chas. Henry help celebrate her 75th birthday. Sixty were present and the hostess served a fine lunch at the close of an enjoyable evening.
- Mr. and Mrs. A.E. Pratt enjoyed a visit Sunday with their children, Harold and wife and Miss Bernice, all of Cedar Rapids, who came for the day. Their mother, who has been seriously ill, is slowly improving and is now able to sit up part of the time.
- Mrs. Cora Kopke was hostess on Monday evening to the P.E.O. Chapter with Mrs. F.E. Stueki as assistant. Each contributed a part to the lesson which made an interesting and varied program. A social hour was spent while the members enjoyed the delicious home made candy served.
- Messrs. Earl Stock, Kenneth Bartes of Waukon and B. Casey of Dorchester, bulk salesman for the Standard Oil Co., attended a meeting at West Union, Wednesday evening. On Thursday, Ralph Sweeney, Harold Roth, Jas. Kibby and Clem Monan attended a meeting of the Standard Oil employees at Lansing.
- Mrs. E.W. Hastings was hostess Friday to the V.O.V. Circle. Mrs. Martha Stilwell was guest speaker with her topic "Library as Reference." The following officers were elected for the coming year: President, Mrs. G.E. Stratman; Vice Pres., Mrs. F.S. Parks; Sec’y, Mrs. Chas. Palmer; Treasurer, Mrs. J.K. Grielbel.
- About 630 relatives and friends from far and near, gathered at the Waukon opera house, Thursday evening to enjoy the wedding reception in honor of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bechtel. They were the recipients of cash and many beautiful presents, as well as the congratulations and best wishes of all present.
- T. J. Fitzgerald and daughter, Katherine, were honored Sunday evening at a farewell party at the home of Joe Dixon in Hanover township. The evening was spent playing euchre and a late lunch was served from baskets brought by those in attendance. The Fitzgeralds have sold the chattel property on their farm in Hanover and are moving to Waukon, but have not as yet found suitable living quarters here.
- Mr. and Mrs. Leo Samek were over night visitors in Postville Saturday with his relatives.
- Dudley C. Hale, who spent the week-end with home folks, returned to Oelwein Tuesday accompanied by his wife, who will spend part of the week with him.
- George Phillips, employee of the Interstate Power company office at Oelwein, came Friday and spent the remainder of the week with his Waukon friends.
- Harry Nesheim's mother at Decorah, who has been in ill health during recent months, became more seriously sick Monday after another stroke and the family here has spent the past few days assisting with her care.
- The Waukon firemen fought an exceptionally bad chimney fire at the Albert Long home in the northwest part of town for over two hours Saturday afternoon. At one place, the chimney was blown out, but the firemen prevented any part of the house from becoming ignited.
- Mr. and Mrs. Leo Samek spent the week-end at Postville visiting her sister, Mrs. Eaton Waters and husband. Mr. and Mrs. Waters are returning to their farm this week four miles northwest of Postville after disposing of his implement shop and sales pavilion in town, where they resided the past two years.
- Charles Barthell returned Saturday from Burbank, Calif., where he had visited several weeks with his daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Lester Ellingson, former proprietors of the Elon store, who are remaining at Burbank where he has secured employment with a contracting construction company.
- Mrs. Otto Gleisner went to Chicago last week for a visit with a sister-in-law and then plans to continue on to Evansville, Ind., for a visit with her brother, Fred Clark and family. She is expected home after about two weeks.
- Miss Amazette Henderson of Clermont came Saturday and will remain about a month assisiting in the abstract office of her uncle, Charles Palmer. She is also making her home with the Palmers while employed there.
A patriotic program in observance of Lincoln's and Washington's birthdays and sponsored by the Waukon Legion Auxiliary was held Friday afternoon in the auditorium at St. Patrick's school. Attorney Sherman Hart delivered a very inspiring address in which he pointed out the responsibilities that his youthful audience must assume in later years in regard to their choice of governmental leaders. During the troubles periods when Washington and Lincoln were presidents, they as national executives has as much constitutional power as the dictators of modern Europe have, but as leaders, they did not use this power for the realization of any selfish end, but rather administered it for greatest happiness and benefit of the nation, the speaker said. Mrs. C.L. Gruver, member of the Auxiliary, gave a character portrait of George Washington in the form of a reading, and the St. Patrick's Glee Club sang "God Bless America." Earl Quillin served as master of ceremonies during the program.LANSING LOCALS
- Mrs. Edith Rait came home recently from Minneapolis where she spent the past couple of months.
- Mesdames Roy Roeder and Otto Koch were La Crosse visitors Wednesday of alst week, driving up in the former's car.
- The Matt J. Freilinger family, long time residents of the Sand Cove vicinity, Move today to their new home near Monona.
- Miss Gertrude McGeough of Waterville was a visitor several days last week with her sister, Mrs. John Burke and family.
- Mrs. H.H. Migge of Des Moines came up week before last for an extended visit with her daughter, Mrs. Albert Kehr and family.
- The George MacLachlan family of La Crosse visited over the Saturday holiday with her home folks, the Henry Hefte family.
- Mr. and Mrs. Tom Mullaney and daughter Sharon of St. Paul have been guests the past several days of the lay's home folks, the F.J. Hilkin family.
- Mrs. Raymond Gantenbein was a La Crosse visitor last week-end, going up on the train Friday morning and returning with her husband the next evening.
- The Mark Strub family, Mr. and Mrs. Ray Strub and their sister, Mrs. William McLaughlin, of Dubuque, were Sunday visitors with home folks, the Frank Strub family.
- Norbert Spinner, John Horne and Wilson Cooper, state fish hatchery employees stationed this winter at Sabula, visited with home folks and families here over the week-end.
- Mr. and Mrs. August Bloom of Osceola, Wis., visited relatives, the Mrs. Mary Severson family, a couple of days last week. They motored here Thursday and left again for home Saturday.
- Miss Katherine Burke, R.N. from the Veterans Hospital at Wood, Wis., came Monday evening for a few days visit with home folks, the Henry Burke family and her sister, Mrs. Carl Wagner and family.
- The Richard Cassidy family of La Crosse, motored down last week-end visiting Saturday and Sunday with home folks, the Richard Cassidy family in Lafayette, and the Fred Spinner family in this city.
- James Powers, employed by the Milwaukee Railway in Southwestern Iowa with a bridge construction crew, was an over Sunday visitor with his family here. He arrived home Saturday afternoon and had to leave again on Sunday.
- Conservation Commissioner E.B. Gaunitz, W.E. Albert, game warden George Kaufman and Hjalmer Carlson motored to Ames Friday where they attended the funeral of the late M.L. Hutton, state conservation director for the past twelve years.
- Ed Julson, Jr., and friend, Jerry Flynn, returned to Chicago Monday after a week's visit with relatives and friends. They were accompanied to the city by Mrs. Annie Gamme who will visit her daughters, Miss Agnes and Mrs. A.T. McCleary and husband and assist in the care of the latter, who is in very poor health.
- Students John Thornton, Billy Albert, and the latter's room mate, John Simones of La Crosse, all of Loras College, Dubuque, were visitors last week-end of the Dr. J.W. Thornton and W.E. Albert families. Mr. Simones went up to La Crosse on the morning train Saturday. it is the boys last week-end off until Easter vacation.
- Mrs. P.E. Rethwisch went to Boscobel, Wis., early this week after receiving the sad news of the death of her sister, Mrs. Susan Nauert. The Journal joins her many friend in expressing sympathy to the bereaved relatives and family.
- Nathan Kumpf of Dorchester visited a few days last week with his aunt, Miss Dorothy Kumpf, of Lansing.
- The ladies of the Guild enjoyed a good patronage at their food sale Saturday afternoon and will clear about $40 for their treasury.
- Mr. and Mrs. Matt Olson went to Rock Island, Ill., Monday evening for a visit with their daughter, Mrs. Myrtle Gonyier and family and other relatives.
- Rural mail carrier Robert Guider took advantage of the Washington Birthday holiday Saturday and drove to Rochester, Minn., for a week-end visit with friends.
- The local post office, band and liquor store were the only ones to observe the legal holiday of Washington's Birthday Saturday, there being no rural delivery or star route service that day.
- Mr. and Mrs. Jim Royer of Massillon, Ohio, came Thursday last week for a visit with relatives, Miss Kate McGuire and Albert and Miss Margaret McGovern, of Lafayette township.
- Wm. H. Guider, city weighmaster, is about fully recovered from a fall received a week ago Sunday on the icy Diagonal street. He broke a couple of ribs, but had to miss but little work.
- Messrs. H.W. Gaunitz, George Aschom and Wm. E. Albert motored to Des Moines Sunday where they attended a two-day meeting of commanders and adjutants of the Iowa American Legion.
- Over Sunday visitors at the Roy Loomis home in South Lansing were Mr. and Mrs. John Loomis and children of Brownsville, Minn.; the Arden Ross family and the Walter Mosher family of La Crosse.
- The Interstate Power Co. office in the Ruprecht building is being redecorated by the Ralph Thorsten and his assistants, Theo. Scholtes and Lloyd Love, and when completed will make a fine improvement to the commodious office.
- Mrs. Paul Dunn of Clayton, Ia., was a Lansing visitor last Wednesday, completing details connected with the insurance carried by her late husband in one of Agent John Powers' companies. Mrs. Dunn will break up her home and spend a year in travel and visiting relatives.
- Other victims of injuries the past week are Wesley Russell, a fractured arm while cranking a machine out at the tie sawing mill; he is a resident of nearby Minnesota; George Redhorn, the Indian, who broke both bones in his left arm when a log rolled on it one day last week-end.
- Mrs. Helga Leach is visiting her daughter, Mrs. Bernard Howard and family at Auburn, since last week-end. She rode over with attorney Miss Doris Mann, who had business in southwestern Iowa. The latter's mother accompanied her on the trip and they returned home Monday evening.
- Mrs. Lawrence G. Kelly of Washington, D.C., was an arrival in Lansing on Thursday evening's train, called by the illness of her mother-in-law, Mrs. Matt Kelly of Dorchester, who passed away that morning. The lady took the star route bus to Waukon, and then motored to Dorchester.
- Another big farm auction sale is scheduled for Monday, March 3rd, on the Dennis Mack farm 5 miles west of New Albin on the Iowa river road. Gregor Thimmesch has a full line of machinery, fine stock and grain which must be sold because he is unable to find a suitable farm to continue farming operations.
- The many friends of James McKee of Lansing township will be surprised to learn that he has been a patient at the Lutheran hospital, La Crosse, the past couple of weeks; Sunday his wife, son Cletus and other members of the family autoed up to see him. He is expected to be able to return home this week.
- Passengers for Dubuque Saturday evening were Misses Doris Burger and Alice Clancy and Mrs. John P. Ferring of this township. The first two names went on to Worthington, Iowa to visit Doris' parents, Mr. and Mrs. peter Burger; and Mrs. Ferring spent until Tuesday with her daughter Zita, who with several other Lansing girls, is employed in that city.
- I.C. basketball teams played a double header with Ossian Sunday on the new city hall gym. The local girls won by a score of 33 to 30 and the I.C. boys were defeated 28 to 8.
- Master Billy Knittle, 7-year old son of Mr. and Mrs. John Knittle, was taken to St. Francis hospital, La Crosse, last Thursday and operated for appendicitis. He is reported to be getting along nicely early this week.
- A meeting of the Legion Auxiliary was held Tuesday evening at the home of Mrs. Harold Gaunitz. Mrs. Edw. Julson read a paper on "National Defense" which was both interesting as well as educational. At the conclusion of the session, the hostess served the ladies a nice lunch.
- The Misses Mary Thornton and Rosemary Peterson and their friend, Miss Mary Brown of Portsmouth, O., students at St. Theresa's College, Winona, Minn., came down Friday evening for a week-end visit with home folks, the C.M. Kerndt and the Dr. J.W. Thornton families. The young students returned to classes Monday morning, Theo. A. Kerndt driving them back.
- The following Kiwanis members and their wives attended the Inter-Club meeting Monday night at the Allamakee Hotel at Waukon: Mr. and Mrs. L.T. Hufschmidt, Mr. and Mrs. Morris Kerndt, Mr. and Mrs. Kermit Fitschen, Mr. and Mrs. Harold Englehorn, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Aschom, Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Peters, Rev. H.C. Marks, P.E. Rethwisch and Tom Kerndt.
- George Anderson, the D-X filling station operator, returned Saturday from Chicago where he had taken his father-in-law, Mr. John T. Fitzgerald, about ten days before. Mr. F. submitted to medical attention and is now recovering in the Presbyterian hospital. His wife went to Chicago Saturday morning on the train and will remain with him awhile as well as visit her three daughters located in the Windy City.
- Mrs. Frank De Wulf and her brother Cletus Hammell, of New Liberty, Iowa, motored up Saturday evening for a few days visit with home folks, the Fred Hammell family of Lansing township. They especially wanted to see their brother Clemence, the infantile paralysis victim, who is reported getting along nicely now. They returned yesterday, taking their cousin, Donal Hammell, a son of Mr. and Mrs. Joe Hammell, back to New Liberty where he has secured employment.
- La Crosse visitors this past week included Miss Emma Urmersbach, who is having dental work done; C.M. Kerndt and Moritz Kerndt family, who attended the wedding of Dr. Eagan's daughter; Mrs. John Fritz, Lycurgus, who went up to visit with Mrs. John Dougherty in St. Francis hospital; Knute Helle, who returned to Lutheran hospital, where he recently underwent an appendectomy, for an operation on his nose; Eleanor Murphy, R.N., who returned to duty at St. Francis hospital Monday after spending the week-end with home folks, the Gus Murphy family.
- Mrs. M. Ehrlich and nurse, Miss Margaret Hull, returned home Friday from the Wisconsin General Hospital at Madison, where the former had been receiving medical treatment the past two weeks.
- Herman Spissman returned yesterday to Plankington, S.D., where he is employed on a farm, after a month's visit with the Philip Biebeer, Erickson, Aldrich ad Johnson families hereabouts. He formerly worked for Mr. Bieber a couple years and greatly enjoyed his vacation.
- Mr. and Mrs. Joe Lucy of Rossville motored to this city Tuesday evening, bringing home the lady's mother, Mrs. George Horne, who had been visiting with them the past three weeks. Mrs. Horne will stay for a couple weeks with another daughter, Mrs. O.J. Koch, before occupying her own home for the summer.
- Fin-Fur-Feathers Inc., held a special meeting Friday evening at the Roeder Cafe. Officers elected for this coming year were: president, Ben Sweeney; vice pres., Charles Hartman; sec'y-treas., Carl Slindee; who is serving his second successive term. Two new directors, Conservation Commissioner E.B. Gaunitz and Walter Bailey, were elected at this meeting. A social hour closed the gathering.
- Mr. and Mrs. Peter Zabolitzky were surprised Monday evening on their 41st wedding anniversary. Euchre was played at three tables with head prize going to Mrs. Susan Verdon, low to Herman Troendle and the traveling prize to Miss Rose Wagner. A delicious lunch was served by the guests with a beautiful wedding cake, baked by Mrs. George Scholtes, adorning the table. Mrs. Z. was presented with a beautiful pin and her husband a tie clasp. On departing the guests all wished them many more happy years of wedded life.
- A bad chimney fire at the A.A. Cavers home in South Lansing called out the department during the supper hour yesterday, but no damage resulted.
- John Dougherty of Lycurgus returned Monday from La Crosse, where he had been with his wife, who is a patient in one of the hospitals in that city.
A record attendance an A No. 1 program presented at the regular meeting of the Lansing Farm Bureau Community Club held Friday evening last at the New City Hall. The evening's program was sponsored by the town of Lansing and Mr. Geo. Aschom, chm., announced the following numbers:
- Selections by Lansing Pep Band.
- Boy Scout demonstration by Troop No. 20 under leadership of Thomas Kerndt and Bill Munchoff.
- Numbers by Lansing High School Glee Club under the direction of Miss Langguth.
- Trio by Jean Kehr, Nina Helle and Irene Knudson.
- Solo by Norma Kehr.
- Novelty tap dance by Earl Love.
- Tumbling act by Phyllis Gibbs, mary Ellen Severson, Charlotte Protsman, Giavano Fanello, Norma Kehr and Marcella Rush, under supervision of Miss Brunswick.
At the conclusion of the program, Wm. Curran, president, announced that the next meeting of the organization will be held Friday evening, March 21st, with Lansing township providing the entertainment with the following committee in charge: Mr. and Mrs. J.P. Ferring, chm.; Urban Hess, Mr. and Mrs. F.W. Bauman, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Gander, Mr. and Mrs. Alvin Aldrich, Mr. and Mrs. A.T. Wendel, Chruchtown school and Four-Mile school. The remainder of the evening was spent dancing to the music of Manning's orchestra. It was a very enjoyable affair and much credit is due to the committee in charge of the evening's entertainment.
The regular monthly meeting of the Music Club was held Saturday afternoon at the home of Mrs. C.V. Schofield. The members responded to roll call with something about Stephen Foster or William Wagner. the following program was given:
- Reville, J. Thompson, played by Tommy Aschom.
- An Evening Hymn and The Big Clock, M. Adair, played by Richard Bechtel.
- The Street Bank, Albert, played by Ruth Aschom.
- Biography of Stephen Foster, given by Tommy Aschom.
- Birds in the Woods, B. Anthony, played by Arlene Dee.
- The Quilting Party and Georgia Lullaby (accordion solos), played by Betty Gramlich.
- Valsette, G.D. Martin, played by Elinore Englehorn.
- The Gallant Bankanite (barcarolle) by C.W. Kern, played by Carolyn Aschom.
- Carnival of Venice (accordion solo) played by Betty Gramlich.
- Review of the grand opera "Lohengrin" by Wagner given by Donald Aschom.
- The Robin's Return, (piano duet), L. Fisher, played by Elinore Gramlich and Mrs. Schofield.
- Story of Wagner's life given by Ruth Aschom.
The club spent a few minutes on ear training and harmony before adjournment. Twelve members answered roll call.
We desire to express our heartfelt thanks for the sympathy and kindness shown us during our recent bereavement, the death of our beloved husband and father.
Mrs. R.W. Carroll and Family.
The Lansing Legion and Auxiliary observed Washington's Birthday by enjoying a pot luck supper and social time on Sunday evening, Feb. 23rd, in the basement of the New City Hall. An interesting program was given by the Junior Auxiliary Girls which included the following numbers:
Pageant—"Young America", Jean, Dorothy and Norma Kehr, Mildred and Mary Jane Bailey, Dorothy Barthell, Mary Jo Anderson and Mary Albert.
Songs—"To The Legion" and "To The Auxiliary" by the same group.
Recitation—"The Auxiliary Pin", Mary Jo Bailey.
Solo—"By Buddie", Norma Kehr.
The vocal selections were accompanied by Mary Jo Anderson on the violin. Later, a one-act comedy was presented by the following Auxiliary members: Mesdames Marjorie Terry, Mabel Kehr, Alma Fredrickson, Frances Richie, Katharyne Feuerhelm, Martha Rickansrud and Martha Barthell, assisted by Miss Elsie Hefty and Mrs. Rose Severson. The remainder of the evening was spent in social converse and cards. About 60 people participated in this enjoyable affair.
Members of the Lansing Lassies 4-H Club met at the home of Lucille Moore, Feb. 9th; all members were present. We had a lesson on "How to care for Synthetics." Alice Moore read an interesting item on "The History of Synthetics." We then had a business meeting, after which we played 4-H music records. Mrs. John Moore was our guest. After adjournment a delicious lunch was served by our hostess assisted by Alice Moore.
Another meeting was held by the Lansing Lassies on the order of an annual valentine party at which time the club members entertained their mothers and families. This meeting was held in the home of Donna and Jean Maust Feb. 14th. The home was beautifully decorated in keeping with the day. progressive euchre was played with the high score being won by John Moore and low by Robert Maust. Delicious refreshments were served by the club girls.
Ruth Alice Gruber, Pub. Chm.
Rescue Fire Co. No. 1 of Lansing were the sponsors of a most successful card party and bingo game at the New City Hall basement Tuesday evening. A large crowd was in attendance and a nice lunch served. At euchre, Edw. Gruber won head prize for the gentlemen and Leonard Mulholland the low; for ladies Miss Lenore Spinner made high score, and Mrs. Henry Rettinger the low. The affair was a decided success, both socially and financially.
Allamakee County
Henry Quanrude, Chairman
M.C. Deering
A.G. Smedsrud
Regular February Session - February 4, 1941
Board of Supervisors of Allamakee County met in regular session on the above date. All members present.
Moved by M.C Deering and seconded by A.G. Smedsrud that orders to depart be served on the following: Eldo Schultz, Albert Schultz, Fred A. Schultz, Mrs. Maud Gass, Ernest Gulswig, Ray Lantz, Robert Reinhart, Walter Radloff, Ben Withorne, James Wood and family, Wayne Reid and family. Motion carried.
Moved by A.G. Smedsrud and seconded by M.C. Deering that the consent petition of Emil Zeitler and Mrs. Emma Zeitler Simonson for reestablishing a road in the West one-half of the NE¼ and East one-half of the NW¼ of Section 20, Township 99 North Range 4 West, be approved. Motion carried.
Moved by M.C. Deering and seconded by A.G. Smedsrud that the chairman of the board be authorized to assign tax sale certificate No. 1998 to P.E. Shortt. Motion carried.
Moved by M.C. Deering and seconded by A.G. Smedsrud that lease No. 313 with Joseph Sullivan on the John Carlson farm be approved. One-half of rent to be paid to county and one-half to Mayme Carlson. Motion carried.
Board adjourned to meet Feb. 5 at 8:00 a.m.
HENRY QUANRUDE, Chairman, Board of Supervisors
February 5, 1941
Board met as per adjournment. All members present.
Moved by M.C. Deering and seconded by A.G. Smedsrud that Joseph B. Steele be appointed justice of the peace of Post township. Motion carried.
Moved by A.G. Smedsrud and seconded by M.C. Deering that the official report of Harry Orr, county engineer, be approved. Motion carried.
Board adjourned at noon to meet on Feb. 6 at 8:00 a.m.
HENRY QUANRUDE, Chairman, Board of Supervisors
February 6, 1941
Board met as per adjournment. Members all present.
Moved by M.C. Deering and seconded by A.G. Smedsrud that Guy Ahlstrom be appointed janitor of the court house a salary of $130 per moth commencing March 1st, 1941. He is to hire and pay for extra help needed. Motion carried.
Moved by A.G. Smedsrud and seconded by M.C. Deering that the bonds of Paul G. Rood, assessor in Paint Creek township, Donald Lamborn, assessor in Franklin township, Genevieve Collins, justice of the peace in Iowa township, John C. Murphy, clerk in French Creek township, Albert Klein, clerk in Ludlow township, G.H. Gunderson, clerk in Paint Creek township, Cory Stillwell, member of the soldiers relief commission, be approved. Motion carried.
Moved by A.G. Smedsrud and seconded by M.C. Deering that the yearly reports of E.C. Sullivan, county recorder, John H. Palmer, county auditor, O.H. Fossum, clerk of court, John King, sheriff, and Lois Grimm, county superintendant be approved. Motion carried.
Moved by M.C. Deering and seconded by A.G. Smedsrud that the bond of Owen Pigott, Farm Bureau treasurer, be approved. Motion carried.
Moved by M.C. Deering and seconded by A.G. Smedsrud that consent for highway petition of Alfred Krueger for establishing a new road in sections 2 and 1, Township 100, Range 5 West, be approved. Motion carried.
Moved by M.C. Deering and seconded by A.G. Smedsrud that orders to depart be served on Ed Haggensack and Amanda Shaw. Motion carried. On motion the board adjourned to meet March 4th at 8:00 a.m.
HENRY QUANRUDE, Chairman, Board of Supervisors
Ashby, Carl B., court reporter ... $31.20
Arneson, Peter, local registrar ... 1.25
Anderson, Milton, labor ... 1.35
Adams, J.D. Company, repairs ... 48.65
Anderson L.A., labor ... 36.25
Anderson Service Station, fuel ... .43
A&P Food Store, provisions ... 201.34
Allamakee County Oil Co., motor fuel ... 243.02
Aschom Bros., provisions ... 150.31
Anderson Rudolph E., road meeting ... 4.00
Barthell, C.H., bailiff fees ... 30.00
Beucher, Leo, local registrar ... 1.25
Brown, R.L., road meeting ... 4.00
Bakkum Clinic, hospital care ... 105.00
Bakkum Grocery, provisions for county home ... 28.96
Bergland, A.M., fuel ... 12.00
Bresnahan, Clem, labor ... 185.00
Brennan, John, rent ... 1.00
Brazell, D.P., labor ... 4.00
Bungee Store, wire ... 3.65
Berg, C.T., labor ... 3.00
Brink, May, care and keep ... 3.50
Becker Hazelton Co., supplies ... 11.11
Berg, Fritz, fuel ... 6.00
Bakkum, Dr. R.C., medical aid ... 5.00
Burke, T.J., trustee meeting ...4.00
Brown, R.S., trustee meeting ... 4.00
Braun, Joseph J., provisions ... 8.67
Bakkum Hospital, hospitalization ... 54.00
Bente, M.H., sheep ... 13.50
Bente, John J., sheep ... 7.00
County Coroner C. Boyden, coroner's fees ... 15.70
Cody, C.F. Co., supplies ... 36.05
Clerk of Court O.H. Fossum, postage ... 48.84
Churchhill Mfg. Company, supplies ... 22.10
Clark, W.J., social welfare ... 9.80
Coppersmith Cash Store, provisions ... 33.72
Connor Auto Sales, repairs ... 2.68
Clayton County Treasurer, corrugated pipe ... 27.23
Camplin, John E., supplies ... 13.62
Callaghan & Co., Iowa Digest ... 10.00
Co. Supt. L. Grimm, mileage ... 20.85
Co. Recorder L. Mieerkord, postage ... 16.00
Colsch, George, labor ... 68.80
Colsch, Lawrence, labor ... 2.50
Cooney, R.J., supplies ... 28.85
Collins, Martin, labor ... 19.25
Christiansen, Cooney, labor ... 2.50
Co. Treasurer W.C. Grangaar, postage and bounties ... 64.13
Carter & Herman, supplies ... 8.98
Co. Attorney A. Jacobson, mileage and expense ... 38.09
Co. Sheriff L.J. Bulman, board and care of prisoners ... 95.40
Co. Auditor A.L. Hansmeier, postage, freight and express ... 37.57
Clark, John, rent ... 8.00
Collins, J.B., labor county home ... 25.00
Cassidy, Dr. J.E., dental aid ... 29.00
Cowell, Joe, sheep ... 9.00
Dougherty, Mrs. Alice, local registrar ... .75
Dempsey, Virginia, local registrar ... .25
Drake, John L., trustee meeting ... 8.00
Douglass, Ruth, rent ... 8.00
Dept. of Social Welfare, salaries and aid to blind ... 286.12
Donahue, Mark, labor ... 77.70
Darling, Clarence, labor ... 18.00
Drew, James, labor ... 47.75
Deviney, Martin, janitor work ... 99.05
Dougherty, J.M., weigh bill, county home ... 2.00
Duggan, Mrs. Emma, care and keep ... 12.00
Decker, John, labor ... 4.00
De Valaar, J., provisions ... 33.75
Dravis, P.F., provisions ... 83.31
Dillon, Dr. B.J., medical aid ... 77.01
Deering M.C., supervisor ... 166.50
Ebner, Harvey, labor ... 1.80
Evans, Joe, labor ... 43.60
Eide, Arthur, labor ... 36.40
Engrav, Henry, labor ... 104.00
Evanson, Oscar, labor ... 1.00
Evans, Albert, labor ... 29.75
Eaton & Jones Successors Co., fuel ... 260.53
Eclipse Lumber Co., fuel ... 22.20
Ernst, Dr. F.W., medical aid ... 22.00
Enyart, James N., trustee meeting ... 4.00
Frye Mfg. Company, supplies ... 7.65
Feuerhelm, Herb, labor ... 15.75
Feuerhelm Estate, land ... 50.00
Fullerton, Albert, labor ... 9.60
Ferring, Leo, labor and meeting ... 8.80
Mrs. William, nursing care ... 8.00
Fink, John, labor ... 28.00
Farmers Waukon Creamery, supplies county home ... 27.90
Fitschen, K.C., burial ... 21.13
Frederickson, Dr. A.R., medical aid ... 25.54
Ferguson, Mobt. A., trustee meeting ... 4.00
Fetketter Bros., sheep ... 9.00
Fox, Stanley, sheep ... 3.50
Gibbs Cook Tractor & Equipment Co., repairs ... 46.68
Gaunitz, A.C., provisions ... 13.87
Goodrich & Stahl, provisions ... 12.24
Gallagher, Maurice, labor ... 100.00
Goepel, Marlin, labor ... 55.60
Grimsgaard, O.M., lumber ... .85
Gavin, Philip, labor ... 31.75
Goepel, Marguerite, work in treasurers office ... 60.00
Goepel, Frank, labor ... 4.00
Gaunitz A.C., provisions ... 27.19
Goodno, Walter, parts ... 8.06
Gramlich, Elsie, labor county home ... 8.00
Gilchrist, Dr. T.W., medical aid ... 12.00
Goodno, Martin, trustee meeting ... 4.00
Grady, John F., trustee meeting ... 4.00
Goepel, Frank, sheep ... 4.50
Gaunitz, Chas., sheep ... 7.00
Hosely, Searl, court reporter ... 10.50
Hale & Sons, supplies ... 17.88
Hammell, Leonard, fuel ... 7.14
Herbert H. Hupfer, road meeting ... 4.00
Haehlen, Ed, labor and meeting ... 6.50
lrlaeens Grocery. provisions ....
Harold’s Cash Grocery, provisions ... 8.68
House of Good Shepherd, care and keep ... 20.00
Herman, Lawrence, labor ... 7.00
Hanke, Paul, labor ... 34.25
Howard, Frank, labor ... 317.70
Hartley, Thos., supplies ... .98
Hexom, C.D.. labor ... 4.00
Herman, Elmer, labor ... 4.00
Herman, Roland, labor ... 4.00
Hastings, Mrs. Harvey Ed., care of poor ... 17.70
H&H Shoe Co., supplies ... 17.80
Hayes, Dr. Warren, dental aid ... 19.00
Hintz, Dr. Robert H., dental aid ... 19.00
Huecker, Dr. John, medical aid ... 3.00
Hupfer, Herbert, trustee meeting ... 4.00
Hospital for Epileptics, care of patients ... 104.74
Hansmeier, Ben, sheep ... 2.50
Hawkins, Jerry, sheep ... 4.50
Hirth, Mrs. Frank, sheep ... 2.50
Ivens, Dr. M.H., medical aid ... 72.47
Jones, Dale, fuel ... 5.00
Jones, Louis, transportation ... 3.80
Johnson, Myron, labor ... 98.40
Johnson, Harlin, trucking and crushing ... 573.49
Johnson, C.E., labor ... 28.80
Johnson, Earl, labor ... 106.35
Kinley, George, trustee meetings ... 8.00
Kroner, Fred Tdw. Co., repairs and supplies ... 41.27
Kiesau, Mrs. Luella., examination help ... 11.25
Klein, Ben, labor ... 16.50
Kiesau, Eddie, labor ... 16.50
Kellison, Donald, labor ... 5.60
Kilpatrick, Stanley, labor ... 39.50
Kolsrud, Stanley, labor ... 19.00
Kolsrud, Harty, labor ... 102.80
Kibby, R.J., gas ... 5.41
Kerndt, G. Bros., clothing ... 3.48
Kinzie, Ray, testing ... 10.00
Kilpatrick, Mrs. Will, care and keep ... 10.00
Kiesau, Dr. M.F., medical aid ... 77.10
Kockendorfer, Frank C., inspection ... 2.10
Kelly, J.L., sheep ... 4.50Lewis Motor Supply, repairs ... 47.41
Leas, H. Leslie Co., storage ... 10.00
Lee, George, labor ... 9.60
Larson, Earl, labor ... 17.00
Lennon, James, rent ... 5.00
Lutheran Orphans Home, care and keep ... 20.00
Lawson, Howard, labor ... 14.70
Lawson, Ellwood, labor ... 100.00
Leas, Vinton, labor ... 82.00
Liddiard, Edward, labor ... 64.20
Larkin, William, labor ... 4.00
Lee, Thos., rent ... 10.00
Leppert, Ralph, trustee meeting ... 4.00
Lamborn, Don E., trustee meeting ... 4.00
Luhmanl & Sanders, provisions ... 13.26
Lammert, Edwin J., indemnity ... 8.00
Larson, Norton H., inspection ... 13.10
Mulvenna, William, labor ... 150.00
Melcher, Joe, trustee meeting ... 4.00
Melaven, T.W., provisions ... 29.78
Model Cllothing Store, clothing ... 9.90
Minegar Variety Store, supplies ... 4.75
Martin Bros., burial and supplies ... 72.57
Meyers, Earl, labor ... 75.00
Martinson, Martin, labor ... 87.85
Mauss, Ray, labor ... 94.00
Malek, Walton, labor ... 3.00
Martinsen Motor Co., repairs ... 4.14
Marsden, Art, labor ... 4.00
Meier, Geo. J., provisions ... 20.40
Melaven, T.W., provisions ... 22.65
Meyers Dairy Farm, provisions ... 6.32
Morstad, Harold R., mileage ... 23.10
Martelle, Otto, labor ... 1.50
Martinson, N.C., labor ... 4.00
Munz, Evelpn, labor county home ... 35.00
Millar, E.B., supplies ... 7.80
Moe, O.J., repairs ... 64.65.
Model Clothing Store, clothing ... 11.99
Mt. Pleasant State Hospital, care and keep ... 115.90
Morgan, C.M., inspection ... 12.50
Minor, Dr. Raymond, inspection ... 27.70
Murray, Mrs. Chas., care and keep ... 9.50
McGeough, Irvin, labor ... 33.50
McDonell, Helen, work in auditor's office ... 60.00
Nagel, F.H., supplies ... 1.40
Niclai Hardware Co., repairs ... 4.14
New Albin Co-Operative Co., provisions ... 85.08
New Albin Cemetery Association, care of graves ... 10.00
Onsager, Olaf, labor ... .75
Oster, Leonard, labor and meeting ... 7.00
Opfer, J.C., supplies ... 17.96
Opfer, Paul, labor ... 58.75
O'Brien, Kenneth, labor ... 9.25
Ovtrhaug, Olaf I., labor and meeting ... 5.75
Opfer, Fred, labor ... 47.50
Orr, Harry, transportation ... 4.75
Oste, Leonard, road meeting ... 4.00
Palmer, Cora V., social welfare ... 9.30
Pratt, Royal, labor ... 1.50
Postville Farmers Co-Op. Co., provisions ... 8.98
Pratt, Anton, labor ... 307.09
Parrot, Matt & Sons, supplies ... 71.16
Peterson, Adolph, labor ... 29.65
Palmer, J.H., labor ... 85.00
Peterson, Lewis, labor and supplies ... 105.25
Pahle, Dr. E.J., rent ... 8.00
Postville Farmers Co-Op. Society, provisions ... 24.79
Peterson, Carl, fuel ... 5.75
Quanrude, Henry, supervisor ... 159.70
Regan, Jerry, sheep ... 4.50
Reiser, Earl H., indemnity ... 133.68
Roberts, Hall & Son, fuel ... 34.68
Ryan, W.R., transportation ... 13.50
Roggensack, N.E., labor ... 77.80
Revoir, James, labor ... 267.88
Riley, John, labor county home ... 65.00
Rominger and Jeffries, medical aid ... 177.38
Smedsrud & Hanson, provisions ... 56.25
Schafer, Wm. F., local registrar ... 20.25
Stehr, Will, labor ... 9.62
Schlitter, A.A., trustee meeting ... 4.00
Sher, Mike, repairs ... 12.24
Spiegler Florence, labor engineer’s office ... 24.00
Schafer Bros., provisions ... 4.34
Schroeder’s Grocery, provisions ... 5.61
St. Francis Hospital, hospital care ... 24.00
St. Marys Home, care and keep ... 30.00
St. Patriok’s Cemetery Association, care of grave ... 2.00
Schultz, Larry, labor ... 59.50
Sunderman, Kermit, labor ... 317.28
Sadler, Joseph, labor ... 4.00
Sunderman, Dorthea, labor ... 1.75
Smith, Ernie, labor ... 46.40
Schwartzhoff, Harold, labor ... 98.40
Sawvell, Ed, labor ... 90.00
Sacquitine, Gus, gas ... 15.01
Spiegler, Marvin, labor ... 96.80
Spiegler Will, labor ... 35.00
Schultz, Alvin, labor ... 164.63
Sunderman, Kermit, fuel ... 6.00
Sno White Grocery, provisions ... 37.31
Saak, Otto, gas ... 52.63
Simmons, K.B., labor ... 4.00
Sullivan, E.C., labor ... 85.00
Shefelbine, John, labor ... 6.50
Schwartzhoff, Francis, labor ... 6.90
Snitker, Irma, work in treasurer's office ... 60.00
Sander, R.A., livestock county home ... 162.40
Sawvell, John, fuel ... 7.13
Schafer Bros., provisions ... 4.34
Schulte, John C., rent ... 13.00
Sivesind, Harold, provisions ... 4.43
Smith, Mrs. Leta, care of poor ... 15.50
Sno White Grocery, provisions ... 63.19
Stahl, Owna, mileage ... 54.20
Smedsrud, A.G., supervisor ... 150.65
Sweat, Mrs. Elmer, care and keep ... 10.00
Simons, Dr. John, medical aid ... 16.40
Shurtleff, Dr. L., dental aid ... 11.50
Troendle, Harold, sheep ... 4.50
Topel, Chas Sr., trustee meeting ... 4.00
Theis, Harry Clothing Co., clothing ... 18.66
Teslow, Ben O., labor ... 5.00
Thorstein, Jas., labor ... 4.00
Trausch, Bakerp, supplies ... 3.28
Thoma Bros., provisions ... 24.58
Thornton, Dr. John, medical aid ... 45.45
Thorson, Dr. J.A., medical aid ... 3.00
Thompson, Alfred, trustee meeting ... 4.00
Van Gorder, L.D., repairs ... 2.35
Verthein, Jack, labor ... 92.00
Vallep, E.J., provisions ... 11.22
Weipert, Joe, social welfare ... 13.80
Wurtzel, Bernard, meeting and labor ... 10.00
Wild, Keith, labor ... 11.00
West Side Garage, labor and repairs ... 45.84
Waukon Lumber Co., fuel ... 215.08
Wurtzel, Herman, provisions ... 4.34
Widman, J.F. & Sons, supplies ... 2.19
Waterville Lumber Co., supplies ... 10.87
White's Service Station, supplies ... 52.22
Webster, Chas, labor ... 88.90
Weigel, Bernice, county nurse, mileage and expense ... 23.64
Weymiller's Service Station, fuel ... 3.71
Weipert, Jas. F., labor ... 4.00
Waukon Auto Parts, parts ... 20.41
Waukon equity, provisions ... 5.61
Wiemerslage, Mrs. Wm., care of poor ... 12.00
Waukon Food Shop, provisions ... 41.20
Wilson, Dr. Frank S., dental aid ... 9.50
Yeoman, Mitch, labor ... 2.50
Zimmerman, Herbert, labor ... 30.00
Zarwell, Floyd, labor ... 17.50
To All Whom It May Concern:
Notice is hereby given that an Instrument purporting to be the Last Will and Testament of JOHN T. RYAN or J.T. RYAN, Deceased, late of Allamakee County, Iowa, has been opened and read in the office of the Clerk of District Court of Iowa, in and for Allamakee County, and that March 17th, 1941, has been set for hearing the proof of said Will in said court.
Witness my hand and the seat of said Court this 13th day of February, 1941.
Clerk of District Court
~transcribed by Errin Wilker