IAGenWeb Project - Allamakee co. Li'l Bits

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News Items from the Allamakee Journal and Lansing Mirror, February 19, 1941

Asks for Sunday Bowling

Hoot Ellingson, proprietor of the Waukon bowling alleys, appeared at the regular meeting of the city council Monday evening to make a request for a special permit for bowling on Sunday. Such a permit, it was pointed out at the meeting, would not be possible unless an existing ordinance forbidding pool, etc., on Sundays was amended in a manner making a distinction between pool and bowling.

Falls on Ice Recently Cause Many Injuries
A number of persons in Waukon and vicinity have been injured recently in falls on the ice, made more treacherous by a concealing layer of snow. Miss Lydia Carter, instructor of the 8th grade of the public school, fell Sundy morjing on West Main street while walking to church, and sustained a fracture of a bone in her ankle. She was taken to the Waukon hospital but is expected to be returned to a private home this week. Her arm was severely sprained in the same fall which will make it more difficult for her to move about on crutches. A year ago, Miss Carter fell on the ice and received a fractured arm. Mrs. David Flage, nee Gladys Hagen, is substituting as 8th grade teacher during Miss Carter’s absence. William Hancock received a fracture of a bone in his ankle Friday evening when he slipped and fell on the ice while attending a social event at Lycurgus. He was taken to the Waukon hospital for attention and was able to return home soon afterwards. Mrs. Peter Sweeny of Waukon fell Sunday morning in the vicinity of her home resulting in a fractured wrist. Inspite of the injury, she went to Iowa City Monday, accompanied by her daughter Mrs. Dan McCauley, to fulfill a previously made appointment in the University Hospital. Mrs. William Magner of Waukon also fell Sunday morning while returning home from church and received several cuts about the face when her glasses were broken. Mrs. Albert Gundacker of Waukon suffered a painful injury to the back of her head when she slipped and fell Sunday.

Two Waukon Fires Saturday
The awning over the east display window of the Equity Store at Waukon burned completely Saturday morning inspite of the prompt response of the fire department. The exact origin of the fire remains unknown but it was considered probable to have been started by a carelessly discarded cigarette stub.

A chimney fire at the home of Vic Zoll near the public school buildings called the firemen to action again that evening but it was soon extinguished before any part of the home was endangered.

On March 1st, 1941, I will take over the active management of the Waukon Investment and Trust Corporation, and will be pleased to renew my acquaintance with all my friends whom I met while County Recorder.

Our loan department handles automobile loans of all kinds, at lowest rates available in Allamakee County, and we represent the following insurance companies:
Life Insurance -- Northwestern Mutual of Milwaukee.
Automobile Insurance -- Policyholders Mutual Casualty of Des Moines.
Fire, Health & Accident -- Aetna Insurance Company of Hartford.

Your patronage will be appreciated.
Emmett C. Sullivan
Manager of the Waukon Investment and Trust Corporation
Office over Schultz Bros. Variety Store, Waukon, Iowa

Band Benefit Nets $80
The Winter Varsity Ball, sponsored by the Band Booster club of Waukon, in the school auditorium, Friday evening, brought $80 into the organization’s treasury after all expenses were paid. The money will be used for band benefit including the purchase of citation cords for the uniforms, judges’ fees for local contests, transportation to out-of-town contests and for uniforms. The dance was preceded by a basketball game between Waukon and West Union with the home team winning 30 to 28. Handy Intlekofer and his Swing Master provided music for the ball, and special entertainment between dances were solo tap dances by Jane Hale and Ann Link, and a marimba quartet comprised of Mary Jean Olson, Ann Link, Mary Lou Haehlen and Jeanette Kosbau.

Waukon Briefs -- Branch Office, Spring Avenue
~Will Peterson spent several days in Des Moines last week attending a convention and demonstration for hardware dealers.
~Mr. and Mrs. Forest Ryan of Waterloo township are the parents of their second son who arrived Wednesday in the Hall maternity hospital.
~Mrs. Ralph Ludeking was hostess to the ladies of the Mother’s club of the Methodist church Thursday evening and the topic of study for the meeting was “Habit Training.”
~Dorothy Sheridan was hostess to eight of her girl friends at a Valentine party in her home Thursday evening. After a 6:30 dinner, the girls enjoyed the exchange of Valentines and played games.
~The Women’s Federation of the Presbyterian church, met yesterday afternoon in the church parlors, and after the regular business session a program was presented. The Rebecca Guild served the lunch.
~Joyce Larson, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ludvig Larson, entertained the members of the Robin Patrol of Girl Scout troop No. 1 in her home on Friday evening. Refreshments were served and the evening spent playing games.
~Mrs. Clarence Flage will be hostess to the Twelve Stitches Kensington club in her home Thursday afternoon.
~Mrs. Roy Hefte of La Crosse, nee Gertrude Dravis, spent a week-end visit with her parents here, Mr. and Mrs. P. F. Dravis.
~The ladies of St. Paul’s M. E. church of Dorchester, who had a bake sale Saturday at Martin Bros. furniture store, realized over $36.
~Mayhew Slitor, who is employed in the social welfare office at Osage, spent the week-end with his mother, Mrs. Nellie Slitor and family.
~Miss Anna Clarke returned Saturday from a two weeks vacation visit spent with relatives in La Crosse, Wis., and St. Paul, Minn.
~Mrs. Roland Hangartner entertained seven couples in her home Sunday evening at a 6:30 dinner, after which the group enjoyed themselves at cards.
~Ted Robbins enjoyed a visit Sunday with his former friends, Archie Wood and Wesley Welch of Fayette, who came over and spent the afternoon with him.
~Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hegeman of West Union enjoyed a week-end visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. W. H. Hegeman and family, and with her’s, Mr. and Mrs. Bert Stafford.
~Mrs. Lucille Kepler of Caledonia, Minn., spent Friday with Waukon relatives and attended the funeral services of her friend, the late Miss Jessie May.
~Mrs. J. J. Whalen has returned to her home at Charleston, Ill., after spending about a month with her brother, Ed. McDonald and family.
~Mrs. Nora Beall entertained the Merrymakers 500 Club in her home Monday evening and served a lunch to her guests after the card games.
~James P. Baxter will buy calves every Friday. Highest market price paid.
~The Afternoon Bridge Club was entertained Friday at the home of Mrs. Al Beede. At the close of the card games a dessert lunch was served.
~Eugene Brown observed his 18th birthday Tuesday last and entertained three couples at 6:30 dinner served in his home. The evening was spent socially.
~Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bulman of Marion, Iowa, came Thursday and remained until yesterday visiting her sister, Mrs. Mark Donahue, and negotiating business.
~Mmes. N. E, Roggensack and T. E. Kerndt entertained the Mothers and daughters Club at the former’s home Monday evening. They enjoyed an excellent dinner at 6:30 followed by cards.
~Miss Nellie Duggan entertained the ladies of her bridge club at a 6:30 dinner served Monday evening in the Model Café, after which the group went to the home of the hostess for contract.
~Mr. and Mrs. Harry Urell of Union Prairie township departed on Friday last for Emery, S. D., upon receiving word that her mother, Mrs. James Curtin, was seriously ill there with pneumonia.
~Mrs. Pat Gallagher, who has been confined to her bed the past three weeks suffering with a severe case of erysipelas, is now able to be up part of the time, which is pleasing news to this good lady’s many friends.
~John Meier, who clerked the sale at the farm home of Mrs. Angeline Mahoney in Union Prairie last Thursday, reports the top price for horses was $73, cows,$70, brood sows, $28.50, hay $8 per ton, oats 38 cents and corn 35c. The sale totaled $3700.
~The Volunteer Fire Dept. answered a call, Thursday noon, to extinguish a fire in Elmer Johnson’s automobile repair shop. The fire was started on a work bench, and altho a great amount of smoke was produced from burning rags, little damage was done.
~Mrs. P. H. Klingle is hostess this Wednesday afternoon to the members of her card club who meet at her home at 2 p.m. and will spend a couple of hours playing contract. A dessert luncheon will be served and the ladies no doubt will enjoy a most sociable time.
~The James Baxter family enjoyed a few days’ visit last week with her sister, Mrs. Margaret Berrick and son Maurice of Winifred, S. D., and daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Thos. Shoeberl of Salem, S. D. The two latter are newlyweds and they came Wednesday last and remained until Monday.
~The ladies of the Monday Afternoon Card club treated themselves that evening to a belated Valentine party at the home of Mrs. H. E. Thompson, where a delicious chicken dinner was served at 6:30. The decorations in the home and on the table were in keeping with the day. The evening was enjoyed playing contract.
~Mrs. Margaret Quillin was hostess Wednesday afternoon of last week to a benefit card party for her unit No. 2. Six tables of euchre were played. Mars. Jake Zadrazil won high score, Mrs. Chas. Regan Jr. low, and Miss Anna Connor received the door prize. The gifts were pretty and useful. The hostess served a delicious lunch and it was a most enjoyable affair.
~Mrs. Lura Hanson, son Howard and daughter Lois, her mother Mrs. A.P. Bock, and Mrs. Alma Stone motored to New Albin Saturday and attended the funeral services of the late Frank Robinson.
~Miss Ruth Bigelow was hostess Monday evening to the members of the Pioneer Bridge Club. An appetizing dinner was served at the Coffee Den at 6:30 and the evening spent at her home playing contract.
~C. E. Wilkie, the new assistant manager of the Schultz Bros. variety store, his wife and her grandmother, are making their home in an apartment in the Marshall Tobey residence in the northwest part of town.
~Dorothy Ann and Mary Eleanor Sheridan entertained the members of the Junior 19th Century club in their home Saturday afternoon and the lesson, a review of a currently popular book was presented by Mary Frances Hegeman.
~Miss Joyce, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Ludvig Larson, entertained her teachers and a few friends at a Valentine part at her home last Thursday evening. Dinner was enjoyed at 6:30 and the evening pleasantly spent with games.
~The Neighborhood Club and their families celebrated their 20th Anniversary Friday evening at the Allamakee Hotel dining room where they enjoyed a basket supper and a pleasant evening spent with cards.
~Members of the local Junior Chamber of Commerce will meet on Thursday evening in the K. C. hall for a stag party instead of their regular business session. Refreshments will be served and the evening spent at cards.
~Miss Marie Burke was absent the past ten days from dudties in the telephone office, due to an injured knee as a result from a fall on the ice, which necessitated her staying in bed at the home of Mrs. Margaret Ryan where she boards.
~Dr. and Mrs. J. S. Cameron spent last Wednesday in Dubuque where he visited his father, David S. Cameron, who is recovering from injuries received when he was struck by a motor cycle in November. The Camerons were accompanied by Earl Jones and Mrs. John Schon.
~The Misses Catherine Pleumer and Mary McCullough, students at St. Theresa’s College, Winona, Minn., spent the week-end with home folks. Mr. Pleumer motored there after them on Friday, accompanied by the Misses Esther Hanson and Althea Link, who spent the week-end with the latter’s sister Mary Lou, also a student at the college, the young ladies returning home Saturday.
~Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Steele of Prairie du Chien, former residents of Waukon and Rossville, are the parents of their first child, a baby boy born last week by means of a Caesarian operation. Both mother and child are reported to be getting along very well.
~Mrs. J. E. McGeough of Dubuque has been at the Thomas McGeough home the past several weeks assisting in the care of her sister-in-law, Mrs. Ed. Ryan, who has been ill for several months following an operation at St. Francis hospital La Crosse.
~This (Wednesday) afternoon the members of the New Century Club are having a belated Valentine party with 1 o’clock luncheon served at the home of Mrs. Walter Hausman. From there they go to the home of Mrs. W. C. Decker where a social time will be enjoyed. Mmes. Wm. Kaveny, Arthur Jacobson and L. A. Probert will assist the hostess.
~Captain and Mrs. Gordon O’Brien and daughter Susan of Ft. Snelling, near Minneapolis, spent the weekend with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. John O’Brien and Waukon friends. They were accompanied by Mrs. William Fortier who visited with her brother, M. C. Stoneberg and wife.
~Mrs. Walter Hall, whose birthday is this week, was surprised at her home Sunday evening by the members of the Eucher Club. The evening was enjoyed with cards and a late lunch provided by the guests was served. They left her a gift as a remembrance of the happy occasion.
~County Sheriff and Mrs. Len Bulman entertained the members of the board of supervisors, the court house custodians and their wives at a 6:30 dinner Thursday evening. Elmer Johnson was present to show his moving pictures made during his western and southern trips and the remainder of the evening was spent playing 500.
~Miss Pattie, little daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Patschke, was 7 years old Monday and 16 little classmates were invited to her home to help her celebrate. Her mother served a fine chicken supper including a birthday cake, games were played and last but not least were the lovely gifts left by the little guests, who declared it a most enjoyable gathering.
~Mrs. C. F. Thompson of Freeport, Ill., spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. F. E. Garrow and family at the Allamakee hotel. She was accompanied by Robert Nelson, employed in a laboratory of the Burgess battery manufacturing plant, who visited his mother, Mrs. Stella Nelson. He was accompanied by a gentleman friend, William Hunt.
~Harold Gruber of Makee township, was a La Crosse caller Monday, where he is receiving medical treatment. He drove up and was accompanied by Mr. and Mrs. John Dougherty, the latter to enter St. Francis hospital and may undergo surgery. Mrs. Earl Sunderman also accompanied them on the trip, the latter three remaining in the Gateway City.
~Jack Martindale, who had been serving with the U. S. Marines at a base at San Diego, California, has received a medical discharge because of a slight weakness of his knee joint and arrived in this city Thursday. He and his wife, who had been visiting her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dasher, departed Sunday for Burlington where he plans to be employed as a guard on the shell loading plant project.
~Miss Catherine C. Ryan, whose birthday was Saturday was happily surprised that evening at her apartment in the Johnson sisters home north of the post office when eleven lady friends came with baskets from which a delicious dinner was served. Contract furnished the evening’s entertainment with Miss Agnes Moroney winning high score, Mrs. John Ryan low and Mrs. T. E. Ryan received the traveling prize. Miss Ryan was presented with a gift and at a late hour the guests departed, all wishing her many more happy birthdays.
~Lyle Jones, former 4-H club director of this country, who is now emplyed in a similar capacity at Elkader, spent the week-end with his Waukon friends.
~Henry Meiners, who had been receiving treatment in the Colonial hospital at Rochester, Minn., for a fractured hip received when he fell on the ice here about 12 weeks ago, was transferred Sunday to the Bakkum hospital where he will continue his convalescence.
~Messrs. Emmett Sullivan, Jess Toney, Mike Connor, Cletus Daman and Lyle Simon motored this (Wednesday) afternoon to Cedar Rapids where they will witness the finals this evening of the Golden Gloves Tournament held in that city.
~Mr. and Mrs. Ben Antonoff returned Tuesday morning from their two weeks vacation trip which took them to Florida, Havana, Cuba, and other parts of the South. A change from sunny Florida, where they enjoyed swimming and golf, to Waukon where temperatures stood at 15 and 20 below was hard to take, the couple admitted.
~Mrs. Estelle Bigelow received word this week from her grandson, Ensign Kenneth Bigelow who is an instructor at the air port at Pensacola, Florida, that he had been transferred to the port at Jacksonville, Fla. He had a 5-day furlough and went to Mount Dora, Fla., and had and enjoyable visit with Mrs. Jessie and Miss Bertha Eddy.

Around the County All the News -as Told by Our Efficient Corps of Correspondents

Harpers Ferry
~Elmer L. Schellsmidt and sons Dayton and Creighton were down from Wexford Saturday afternoon and called on home folks.
~Leroy Jones of Ion visited relatives here Saturday.
~Mrs. Carl Heim was hostess to the Little Flower Study Club recently. Mrs. Richard Meehan read a paper on “The Mass.” Stories from the Bible are being reviewed and several chapters were read by Bernadette Livingston. Lunch was served by the hostess at the close of the meeting.
~W. L. Larson was a Lansing business caller Tuesday morning. He will have an auction sale on the old home place near Nick Brazell’s Tuesday, February 25th, commencing at 10:30 a. m. See adv. elsewhere in this issue.
~Ray and Rita O’Brien were with home folks, the W. L. O’Brien family, over the week-end.
~Mr. and Mrs. Milo Jones of Ion visited with the John Luster and G. A. Schellsmidt folks, Sunday.
~John Luster and Harlan and Leon Kelly were at Waukon last Wednesday, Harlan having dental work done.
~Mr. and Mrs. E. A. Guthneck and family motored to Dubuque Sunday for a visit with their daughter, Mrs. Edward Hass and family.
~D. G. Boardman, accompanied by his sons Harry and Jess, and Mrs. Phil Gavin and Mrs. Joe Hawes, motored to Mishawaka, Indiana, Tuesday there they attended the funeral of the late Carl Boardman.
~Mrs. C. F. Laarvald and Miss Mary Krefel of Clayton visited Tuesday of last week at the R. F. Meehan home.
~Miss Kathryne Quillin, employed in Dubuque, spent several days the past week visiting at the parental home here.
~Miss Mary Brannan of Anamosa, Iowa, arrived Friday for a visit at the John Brannan home.
~St. Patrick’s Study Club met recently at the home of Mrs. A. J. Mathis at Thompson’s Corner. “The Life of St. Blaze” and “The Purification” were given by Mrs. Lucille Brazell. Several chapters of the Bible were read by Mrs. Emil Krapfl.
~Because of the death of Thomas Callahan, a highly respected member of St. Joseph’s parish, Sunday morning, the card party scheduled for that evening was postponed.
~Miss Rita Lager visited over Sunday in New Albin with home folks, the William Lager family.
~Carl Melkerson of Waterloo was a visitor here Sunday.
~W. F. O’Brien and John were Waukon business callers Saturday.
~Miss Priscilla Frank was with homefolks, the William Frank family over the week-end.
~At a recent meeting of the St. Patrick Study Club at the home of Mrs. Gregg Livingston the “Ceremonies of the Mass” was given by Mrs. Bernard Houlihan. The Life of St. Patrick and several chapters of the Bible were read by Mrs. Emil Krapfl.

~John Fellows and family, accompanied by Miss Marjorie Dolan of the high school faculty, spent Sunday with friends at Cedar Falls.
~Mrs. Joe Tysland was taken suddenly ill during the night Monday and the next morning taken to a La Crosse hospital for treatment, her husband and daughter and husband, Mr. and Mrs. Earl Thomas, accompanying her to the Gateway City
~Mrs. Bertha Ellerson fell on the ice on her way to church Sunday and fractured her hip and is now in a serious condition. She makes her home with her son Roy and family and this is a most deplorable accident to befall a woman of her age.
~Bernhart Johson and Bernard Swebakken, accompanied by Len Hansmeier of Waukon, were Minneapolis visitors last Wednesday and the former enjoyed a visit with his brother, Melvin Johnson, who is a patient at the Veterans Hospital there.
~Friends gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Larry Slattery Tuesday evening, Feb. 11th, in honor of Miss Hazel Asleson, the occasion being her birthday anniversary. The evening was spent in a social way and a delicious lunch served. The guest of honor was presented with many lovely gifts.
~Gerald Richards, 7th and 8th grade teacher, spent the week-end with relatives at Alpha, Iowa. Miss Constance Brown of the high school faculty accompanied him as far as Waterloo and spent the week-end with home folks.
~Miss Charlotte Glemstad, 5th and 6th grade instructor, spent the week-end with home folks in Waukon.
~Mr. and Mrs. James Williams of Harpers Ferry and Mr. and Mrs. Joe Wachter were guests Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Gregg Livingston at Decorah.
~Miss Bernadette Livingston of Paint Rock was a week-end guest of her sister, Mrs. Joe Wachter.
~Charles Webster and wife drove to La Crosse Sunday morning and visited at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Henry Zimmerman. Mr. And Mrs. George Colsch of Waukon were also guests at the Zimmerman home that day.
~Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Vorseth and son Billy were Sunday evening guests at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Edwin C. Christianson.
~It was 50 years ago Friday, Feb. 14, 1891, that the Farmers Co-operative Creamery Co. was organized by a group of Paint Creek twp. Residents with a capital of $10,000. The creamery has since been in a flourishing condition with an increase in business each year. The first officers were John A. Drogset, president; Holver Larson, vice pres.; J. F. Tracy, sec’y, and A. T. Anderson (Gronna) treasurer.
~The Cletus Boland family motored to Waucoma Sunday and spent the day with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Joe Deeny and family. Merlin Boland remained for a longer visit and on their return they enjoyed a visit with Mr. Boland’s parents at Decorah.
~Mrs. Alex Grangaard had the misfortune to fall and injure her knee when coming out of the store last Wednesday evening as she was preparing to go to the basketball tournament. She has since been confined to her bed, but we are glad to report she is now improving.
~The Waterville high school girls basketball team is now preparing for the District Tournament, which will be held at Lamont on Feb. 26, 27, 28 and 29, and will clash with Stanley in the first game. The boys’ team will play Elgin Wednesday evening at the place.

~Mr. and Mrs. Grant Hartley were Sunday dinner guests at the Milton Ashbacher home near Eitzen.
~Mr. and Mrs. Walter Krueger and daughter Evelyn of near New Albin, were Thursday visitors at the Fettketter Bros. home.
~Mrs. Richard Sucko fell on the ice Sunday on returning home from the church, striking the back of her head which caused her much pain and suffering. She is confined to her bed and under a doctor’s care at the present time.
~Mr. and Mrs. R. J. Wenig of Charles City, visited at the Harold Ashbacher home Sunday.
~Mr. and Mrs. Harold Ashbacher, Arlene, John and Dorothy, attended the 30th wedding anniversary of Mrs. A.’s cousins, Mr. and Mrs. Fred Wenig of Dorchester, Saturday. They report that fifty-six relatives were present at the potluck dinner at the Wenig home and a very good get-to-gether time was enjoyed.
~Floyd Wild motored to La Crosse on Sunday where he met Walter Foreman, who came from his home in Chicago for a visit at the Mrs. Ida Wild and Robert Hartley home, Sunday evening. A 6:00 o’clock dinner was served in his honor at the Wild home. Others who attended were Mr. and Mrs. Robert Hartley and the latter’s mother, Mrs. G. P. Hartley.
~Little Sandra Lee Bulman of Waukon, is spending this week at the home of her grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Wild.
~Mrs. Mary Huffman of Lansing, is spending a few weeks at the hoe of her grandson, Joe Mauss and family.
~Virginia Ashbacher spent the weekend with her cousin, Geraldine Verthein.
~Mr. and Mrs. U. J. Ashbacher and son Sylvan spent Thursday evening in Waukon visiting the Arthur Krueger family while their daughter Lorrayne attended a party at the high school.
~Miss Johanna Ebner was the guest of her friend, Miss Lois Krumme, in Ludlow , Friday evening.

English Bench
~A. J. Bulman and Wm. Sadler were callers at the Clarence Leppert home Sunday afternoon.
~Mrs. Dan Sires fell on the ice Sunday and dislocated her left wrist and was taken to Waukon for medical attention.
~Gene Bulman moved last week to their new farm west of Decorah.
~Mrs. Their, son Elmer and daughter Ruby of Eitzen spent Sunday at the Allan Hartley home.
~Mrs. Alton Bulman and sons spent Sunday afternoon with her mother, Mrs. E. J. Sadler.
~Wayne Basquan and sisters Dorothy and Alta Mae visited at the Bench store Sunday afternoon.
~The Frank Beardmore family, Miss Daisy Beardmore, Mrs. H. Halvorson, daughter Gladys and son Donnie, the Len J. Bulman family, Mrs. Emmert Kelly and two sons, the last named from Dorchester, all were Sunday dinner guests at the Charley Beardmore home.
~Joe Mahr of Dorchester is employed on the Bench.
~Frank Beardmore is having a flowing well drilled on what was once known as the J. C. Coleman farm.
~Burl Curtis and mother have closed up their home on the Bench until spring and have gone to the home of her brother in Minnesota.
~The Beardmore lumber mill is now running and will be for some time. Albert Britt is with the outfit.
~Mr. and Mrs. Mike Donovan attended the funeral of his brother, John Donovan, at Dubuque.
~The large 60x32 ft. barn that stood near the Coppersmith store at Dorchester for 40 years with an 8 ½ ft. rock basement has been sold to Henry T. Schulte and will be moved to his home by carpenter Eb Beardmore and crew, a distance of about 2 miles. It was an old landmark and will be moved in the spring when the roads get good.
~Word came Friday morning that Arvid Sadler and wife of Caledonia met with a car accident while on their way to Eitzen. The machine left the icy road and went over a nine foot embankment. The occupants received minor injuries but the car was badly damaged.
~Fred Bulman is having a 12x14 feed house built in his lower yard with Eb Beardmore doing the work.
~The home of Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Helgeson, a two story log building 1 mile west of Dorchester, burned to the ground last Tuesday morning with all its contents. Mr. Helgeson had just gone to work, leaving his wife and two small children alone in the house, and hearing something fall she opened the stair door she found the place in flames. Mrs. H. picked up the children who were but partially dressed and ran to the nearby home of H. W. Teff where they were cared for until help came.
~Mr. and Mrs. Del Mohwinkle and son Loyal, accompanied by our teacher, Miss Lois Krumme, spent an evening last week with the Frank Beardmore family.
~Francis Rooney of Hanover, was in this vicinity last week posting bills for the auction sale of Mrs. Katherine Fitzgeralds.
~Forest Ryan bought several head of milch cows in these parts last week.
~Mr. ad Mrs. John Fink of New Albin, spent Sunday at Dorchester at the home of their son Freeman and wife.
~Glenn Beardmore drove up from Ames on Saturday and spent the week-end with home folks, the Earl Beardmore family.
~Fred Schultz, who has been feeling poorly for some time, is somewhat improved at this writing.
~Ervin and Milton Bochaus were at New Albin on Saturday.
~Irving Bellows is nursing a very sore arm caused by blood poison.
~Mrs. Herman Halverson returned home last week from a ten-day stay at the home of her daughter, Mrs. Carl Engelhardt at Lanesboro, Minn.
~Vincent waters was a business caller at New Albin, Saturday.
~Connie Mauss and lady friend called on the writer on Sunday afternoon. They informed us that Tuesday of this week would be their wedding day. Both are fine young people.

New Albin News -Marcia Baechler, Local Representavie
~Francis Collins of Marquette was a Thursday visitor with his parents, Mayor and Mrs. Ed Collins.
~Miss Margaret Hogan spent the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Frank Hogan, at Harpers Ferry.
~Mrs. C. D. Hartley entertained the W. C. O. F. at her home Thursday evening. After the business session the remainder of the evening was spent playing 500 with Mrs. James Spinner winning head prize, Mrs. J. J. Higgins second, and Miss Margaret Hurley the consolation. In conclusion a most delicious luncheon was served by the hostess.
~Mrs. Phoebe Sandry and grandson Bob Sandry spent the week-end with the former’s daughter, Mrs. Leslie Steiber and family near Lansing.
~Mr. and Mrs. Bernet Richard of La Crosse spent the week-end at the home of the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Walter Middendorf.
~Mr. and Mrs. Karl Korn and family and Mrs. Donald Harris of Caledonia were Sunday guests at the home of the latter’s parents, Mr. and Mrs. Urban Sadler.
~Mrs. Otto Kubitz was a Friday over night guest at the home of Miss Dorothy Kumpf in Lansing.
~Mrs. Leo Colsch entertained eleven members of St. Teresa’s study club at her home on Thursday afternoon. “The Catholic Predss” --N. C. W. C. study outline for February , and “Central Poland Under Nazi Rule,” by Dr. Junosza, were topics discussed. Mrs. J. J. Rellihan extended an invitation to meet with her Feb. 27th.
~Mrs. Carver Gantenbein went to La Crosse Friday for a couple of days’ visit with her daughter, Mrs. Roy Rogstad, and with her granddaughter, Miss Virginia Weymiller, a patient at St. Francis hospital, returning home Saturday evening.
~Mrs. Henry Kloety came last Wednesday, being called here due to the death of her cousin’s husband Frank H. Robinson, returning to her home at Whitehall, Wis. On Saturday she and her husband motored to Arcadia to attend the funeral of Mr. Robinson.
~Chairman Mrs. Ervin Meyer of the Bingo party given in St. Joseph’s parlors Sunday evening, reports an exceptionally large attendance. The affair netted the ladies a nice little sum.
~Mr. and Mrs. M. E. Donovan and Mr. and Mrs. Ervin Meyer visited Mrs. Matt Kelly at Dorchester, Monday.
~Mrs. J. J. Rellihan went to Milwaukee, Wis., Monday, for a several days’ visit with her son, Walter and family.
~Miss Joyce Root spent the week-end with relatives at Bagley, Wis.
~Miss Rita Lager of Harpers Ferry visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Lager, Saturday.
~Mrs. R. B. Geer departed Monday for her home in Chicago, after attending the funeral of her brother, Frank H. Robinson.
~Miss Cleta Scholtes was an over Sunday visitor at the home of her parents, Mr. and Mrs. William Scholtes near Lansing.
~Miss Martha Fruechte returned to her college duties at WBU, La Crosse, Monday, after spending the week-end with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Aug. Fruechte near Eitzen.
~A group of friends surprised Miss Helen Jordan at her home last Wednesday afternoon. The occasion was her birthday. Five hundred was played with Mrs. Earl Houlihan winning head prize, and Mrs. Alvin Sires, guest prize. A potluck lunch was served. Miss Jordan was presented with a nice gift in remembrance of the happy affair.
~Julius Hurley, who had been staying at the home of his brother Ben near Lansing, came up last Wednesday morning and is visiting at the home of his sister, Mrs. Allan Crowley.
~Mrs. Harry Lenz, son John, of Church, and the former’s mother, Mrs. Minnie Pohlman, who has been spending the winter at their home were New Albin callers last Tuesday afternoon.

Postville News
~For sale, rent or trade for Waukon house, my modern place at edge of Postville. Modern home, bath, furnace, electricity, cistern, well, garage, chicken house, about 2 acres of land. Write Hattie Weihe, Postville, Iowa.
~Miss Hattie Weihe was a bus passenger to Waukon, Friday, spending the day at the H. J. Meyer. The Meyers brought her home in the evening.
~Mrs. Louise Wegner was hostess to her card club Saturday evening. A delicious luncheon followed. Honors went to Mrs. L. W. Thoma, Mrs. J. L. Gregg and Mrs. M. Poesch.
~Mrs. W. A. Kneeland entertained the lady teachers of the Postville public schools. A five o’clock luncheon was served.

Lansing Locals -- Main office – Bluff Block
~17 below zero Tuesday morning.
~Mrs Leo Verdon was a New Albin business visitor between trains Thursday of last week.
~See “South of the Border” with Gene Autry at the Blackhawk Theatre Thursday night of this week.
~Will be delivering DaKalb seed corn at the D. A. Holmes shop next Saturday, Feb. 22nd. Delbert Mathis.
~Mrs. Herman Magnusson returned home Friday evening from a few days visit with home folks, the H. C. Carlyle family, of Brownsville, Minn.
~W. D. Hurm, the Dubuque traveling salesman, was greeting relatives and friends here last Wednesday last on one of his trips through Lansing.
~Mr. George Hartman returned to his home at Keithsburg, Ill., Friday evening after a couple of months sojourn with relatives here, his brother Zeblum and the Mrs. Hiram Gibbs family.
~James L. Price of New Albin was a Lansing visitor a short time last Thursday evening and a pleasant Journal office caller. He was enroute to Calmar to watch the New Albin girls basketball game.
~Mrs. Frank Ryan was a passenger on the star route Friday evening to Lycurgus where she visited her sister, Mrs. George Metille and family a short while and enjoyed the program at the hall that evening.
~Mrs. Bessie Slaymaker and her uncle, George Stanton, returned home last Wednesday from a few days sojourn with relatives at Marengo. They made the trip via bus from Waukon and had gone down to attend the funeral of a relative.
~Private first class Dick Terry, who is in the U. S. Army Aeronautics Division, stationed at Chanute Field, Rantoul, Ill., was a week-end visitor with home folks, the Lawrence Terry family. He came up on the morning train Friday and
returned Sunday.
~Mr. and Mrs. Joe Troendle are receiving congratulations over the birth of a second son at their home in Lansing Thursday morning. This puts Mr. and Mrs. Herman Troendle of Lansing and Mr. and Mrs. George Hammell of New Albin in the grandparent class again.
~Mrs. Theo. A. Kerndt was hostess to the members of her card club Thursday evening last at her home near the park. Following six o’clock dinner, contract was played with Mrs. J. W. Dempsey making high score; Mrs. A. R. Fredrickson the low, and Mrs. F. J. Hilkin received guest prize.
~One of the big items at the stock sale held by Bray Brothers at their Lansing Sales Pavilion last Thursday was 24 head of choice cattle sold by Edward Gruber and son Clifford. The lot contained 14 steers that brought $9.25 per cwt. And 10 heifers the round price of $9. Hormel packers of Austin, Minn., were the buyers and they were trucked out there the
same evening.
~From Tuesday’s Dubuque Telegraph-Herald we clip the following of local interest: ”Mrs. Frank Henry was honored by a group of friends at a surprise birthday party Saturday evening in her home, 2416 Windsor Avenue. Supper was served at six o’clock and the celebrant was presented with a gift. The evening was spent playing games and dancing, and prizes were won by Mrs. Will Beddow, Mr. and Mrs. Herb Butters, Mr. and Mrs. Will Henschel, Mr. Frand Widman, and Mrs. George Gray. At midnight a chicken lunch was served.”

ADVERTISEMENT - Wedding dance at Dreamland Ballroom, New Albin, Iowa, Monday, Feb. 24th –Clara Aschom and Carl Fitzgerald,
public most cordially invited!

~Roy Bedessem and Raymond Gantenbein of La Crosse, were down visiting over Sunday with their families in Lansing.
~The American Legion Auxiliary ladies will meet next Thursday evening with Mrs. Harold W. Gaunitz, hostess, at her home.
~Miss Edna Wuennecke of New Albin was an over night guest of her friend, Miss Dorothy Kumpf, Friday and returned home next morning.
~Knute Helle returned home Saturday evening from the Lutheran hospital, La Crosse, where he had gone a week ago Friday and underwent an appendicitis operation.
~Messrs. Ed. Julson and Jerry Flynn of Chicago, came out Sunday evening for a week’s vacation with home folks, the Ed. Julson Sr. family and other relatives and friends.
~Hon. H. E. Taylor of Waukon, judge of the district court, was transacting business down Lansing way, Saturday afternoon, stopping here in town long enough to renew acquaintance with his old time friends.
~Frank Strong returned home on Saturday morning from a few days visit with relatives in Dubuque. He was a guest at the home of his brother George, and also visited with Howard, a student at Dubuque University.
~Mrs. Dora Van Slyke returned to her home in La Crosse Friday morning after looking after her mother, Mrs. Bert Christianson, a couple days. The latter’s health has been none too good of late, we are sorry to report.
~Mrs. Will Schafer went to Winona, Minn., Saturday morning for an over Sunday visit at the home of her son, Ray Rice and family. Professor Herbert Rice of Milwaukee was to join them there for a week-end family reunion.
~The many friends of Mrs. Geo. White will be sorry to learn that her health is not so good of late. She has been suffering with gall bladder trouble the past couple of months. Our out of town readers will remember her as formerly Mrs. Mae Blanchard Dolphin.
~Lansing Sales Com. Crew were hired Saturday for a horse sale at Decorah; selling 37 head for the McCormick-Deering Harvester Co. dealers of this locality. The crew consists of Auctioneer Hexom and his assistants, Everett Bray, Mark “Heavy” Croyle and Adolph “Dutch” Rudnick.
~Julius W. Boeckh drove out from Chicago, Friday, for an over Sunday visit with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Julius Boeckh and daughter, Mrs. Len Barthell and family. Miss Agnes Gamme accompanied him and spent the week-end with her mother, Mrs. Annie Gamme, and her brother, Raymond Wirth.
~A large crowd attended the free picture show put on by district manager Ray Steele of Winona, at the new city hall basement, Friday evening. Conservation pictures sponsored by the Fin, Fur and Feathers club was the main attraction, and a social hour closed the club’s activities for the evening.
~Mrs. Katherine Asay went Friday to her new home at Boscobel, Wis., where she assists in the care of Mrs. P. E. Rethwisch’s sister, Mrs. Susan Nauert. Mrs. Rethwisch and son motored her over via the Blackhawk bridge and returned home late the same evening. Mrs. Asay is a fine woman and her many Lansing friends wish for her much happiness in her new location and former old home town.
~Nate Ehrlich of Spencer drove over Sunday for a few hours visit with home folks, returning late the same evening to Spencer.
~The Wayne Bieber family of Webster City motored here Saturday afternoon and spent the week-end with relatives and friends.
~Clem Peters, an employee at the Lansing Garage, motored to Waterloo Sunday where he will attend a John Deere tractor school and be away a few days.
~Frank Middendorf returned to his work in the R. M. S. after having visited his family here in South Lansing. He was home longer than usual this trip due to sickness.
~Mrs. James Auger, nee Lillian Moellerman, returned to her home in St. Paul, Monday, after a couple months visit with her sister, Mrs. Leo Krieger, and other relatives.
~The Lansing public schools basketball teams autoed to New Albin Friday evening and won two games. The high school first team won 43 to 24 and the junior high school 23 to 15.
~Father Ray S. Bohrer and his mother, Mrs. Mary Ann Bohrer, of Bluffton, Winneshiek county, were visitors yesterday awhile with her daughter, Mrs. Frankie Spinner and family.
~William Lenz was a passenger to Dubuque Friday evening, going down to get a new International truck which he drove back next day to this city. It was purchased by Donald Steiber of Lafayette.
~Mr. and Mrs. Harry Dee and Mrs. Harold Dee were pleasantly surprised at their home on Mays Prairie last Tuesday evening. The affair was in the order of a farewell party as they leave March 1st to live near Waukon.
~Jack Ehrlich returned home Sunday from Rochester, Minn., where he had spent the past few days at the Mayo clinic. He has been laid up a long time but now appears recovering. Palmer Severson drove up after him.
~Mr. and Mrs. W. D. Hurm and Mrs. Frank McCabe and the latter’s daughter, Mrs. Joe Hixon, all of Dubuque, autoed up Sunday. They came to pay their last respects to the late R. W. Carroll and returned home the same evening.
~Mr. and Mrs. Bernard Byrne and family and his sister, Miss Martha Byrne, of La Crosse were down Sunday for a few hours visit with home folks, Mrs. Frances Byrne and daughter Miss Margaret, as well as other relatives.
~Attorney Doris Mann will be absent this week-end as she plans to drive Friday with her other, Mrs. Nina L. Mann, to Lake View and Sac City. After looking after some business matters she expects to be back in her law office Tuesday of next week.
~Among other victims of injurious falls recently was Rev. DeWitt Stauffer who was about town Monday on crutches, pastor having taken a fall on the old Beck’s hill street. Some x-rays were made but it is thought no bones were broken and he will be allright in a few days.
~Mrs. J. J. Stauffer and her son Harvey and wife of Marshalltown autoed up Saturday for a visit with their son and brother, Rev. Dewitt Stauffer at his home here. His mother remained a few days visit while his brother and wife returned home the same evening.
~Mr. and Mrs. Victor Bulthuis and Miss Lillian Marks of Dike, Iowa, were visitors from Friday until Monday with Rev. H. C. Marks and daughter Ruth. Mrs. B. is a sister and Miss Lillian a niece of the minister and while here the company enjoyed a sight seeing and pleasure trip to La Crosse.
~Carl N. Wagner and his brother Gus motored to Milwaukee last week Thursday, where the latter entered the U. S. Veterans hospital at Wood, Wis., for treatment for a chronic nervous ailment from which he has suffered for a long time. Their sister Malinda, Mrs. James O’Malley of French Creek, accompanied the boys on the rip, which was made via Prairie du Chien on highway 18.

ADVERTISEMENT - Women’s work and how to turn it into fun. Two New York advertising men let housewives in on the secret of having fun in their daily tasks, and show them how to be amused from morning to night and enjoy their job. Don’t miss this helpful illustrated feature in The American Weekly, the magazine distributed with next week’s Sunday Chicago Herald-American. For sale at Roeder’s Café, Lansing.

~Mrs. Peter Schnitzler and baby daughter Mary Carroll, and her brother, Clarence Carroll, of Gary, Ind., arrived home Thursday morning, coming on the Zephyr to Prairie du Chien, where Ben Sweeney met them. They were called here by the serious illness of their father, the late R. W. Carroll, who passed away next morning. Mrs. Bourke B. Kickenloover [sic], nee Verna Bensch, of Cedar Rapids, came up the same day but arrived too late to see her uncle alive.
~Mr. and Mrs. Walter Aschom autoed to La Crosse Friday for a couple hours business and pleasure outing.
~Mrs. Margaret Thornton returned this(Wednesday) morning from a couple days sojourn in Dubuque where she had been consulting an eye specialist.
~Cy Ehrlich drove to Madison, Wis., Sunday for a visit with his mother, Mrs. M. Ehrlich, who has been a hospital patient there for the past week.
~Clarence Carroll returned to Gary, Ind. yesterday, after having been called home last week. His sister, Mrs. Schnitzler, will remain her for a couple of months.
~Mrs. Joe Reed returned home on Monday morning from Guttenberg, where she had been visiting her daughter, Mrs. E. H. Walters and family. Mrs. Reed had been down to help celebrate one of the grandchildren’s birthdays.
~Mrs. S. D. Dawson of Washta, came yesterday via bus from Cedar Falls, where her son, Mr. Everett Dawson met her. She will visit her son-in-law, Rev. DeWitt Stauffer, while his mother returned to her home in Marshalltown the same day.
~The Misses Alice Lynum, Lucy Jensen and Julia Brunswick, city school teachers, were Wisconsin visitors over the week-end. With Miss Lynum as driver they motored to Milwaukee where she met her brother and sister and the two other ladies went on to Genoa City where Miss Brunswick’s home folks reside. They returned to Lansing Sunday.
~Mrs. Howard Zahina returned to her home in Dubuque, Monday evening after a few weeks visit with home folks, the Henry Logas family. The Journal was in error in stating a couple of weeks ago that they were entertaining a new baby at their home.

Surprise Birthday Party
Mrs. John Pettit was pleasantly surprised at her home Sunday, Feb. 16, by a crowd of old friends from the country, card playing being the afternoon entertainment. A nice supper was served from well filled baskets brought by the guests and Mrs. Pettit received many pretty gifts as a remembrance of the happy occasion. Those present were: Mrs. Mamie Moe and daughter Hilma, Mr. and Mrs. H. Hermanson and Patsy, Mrs. Geo. Willis and son Billy, Gertrude Doehler, Miss Anna Handley, Inga Tollefson, Jacobina Steger, Mrs. John Wendler and daughter Veronica.

Warning! Blackout Dance, New! — Last Dance before Lent — Novel!
Bomb Proof Shelter at New City Hall, Lansing, Iowa
Monday, February 24
Music by Leon Bechtel’s Orchestra
Luminous Buttons Furnished to Avoid Collision in the Dark During Air Raids PROTECTION — Adm. Before 9 o’clock, 25 cents person; After 9 o’clock 40 cents and 25 cents.

Proof of Will

To All Whom It May Concern: Notice is hereby given that an Instrument purporting to be the last Will and Testament of JOHN T. RYAN or J. T. RYAN, deceased, late of Allamakee County, Iowa, has been opened and read in the office of the Clerk of District Court of Iowa, in and for Allamakee County, and that March 17th, 1941, has been set for hearing the proof of said Will in said Court.
(SEAL) Witness my hand and the seal of said Court this 13th day of February, 1941.
O. H. Fossum, Clerk of District Court

To All Whom It May Concern: Notice is hereby given that an Instrument purporting to the last Will and Testament of W. J. GORDON, deceased, late of Allamakee County, Iowa, has been opened and read in the office of the Clerk of District Court of Iowa, in and for Allamakee County, and that March 3rd, 1941, has been set for hearing the proof of said Will in said Court.
(SEAL) Witness my hand and the seal of said Court this 4th day of February, 1941.
O. H. Fossum, Clerk of District Court. By: Sylvia Monserud, Deputy.

To All Whom It May Concern: Notice is hereby given that an Instrument purporting to be the last Will and Testament of MICHAEL CALLAHAN, Deceased, late of Allamakee County, Iowa, has been opened and read in the office of the Clerk of District Court of Iowa, in and for Allamakee County, and that March 3rd, 1941, has been set for hearing the proof of said Will in said Court.
(SEAL) Witness my hand and the seal of said Court this 30th day of January, 1941.
O. H. Fossum, Clerk of District Court. BY: Sylvia Monserud, Deputy.

You are hereby given notice that on the 3rd day of October, 1940, the said Albert Henning was duly adjudicated a bankrupt, and that the first meeting of creditors will be held at 619 Roshek Building, Dubuque, Iowa, February 24, 1941, at 10 a. m., at which time the creditors of said bankrupt may attend, prove their claims, appoint a trustee, examine the bankrupt, and transact any and all other business as may properly come before said meeting. Claims must be prepared in form required by the Bankruptcy Act, and sworn to.
Dated, Dubuque, Iowa, February 12, 1941 JOHN G. CHALLMERS, Referee in Bankruptcy.

Looking Backward (Interesting Bits of “Ancient History” Gleaned from the Files of the Allamakee Journal of 25 and 35 Years Ago)

February 18, 1906
~Regan Bros. of Lycurgus marketed 101 head of cattle at Waterloo on the 15th, M. J. Hart being the buyer.
~Miss Sophia Englehorn of Church has gone to Davenport to work in a factory.
~Mrs. Ben Decker of Church was operated on at La Crosse for appendicitis.
~New Albin visitors: Judge Fellows, Alice Hegg, M. J. Verdon and wife, Lansing; Mae Fitzgerald, Minneapolis: Norm Fish, Dubuque.
~New Albin Bachelor Girls basketball team lost to Waukon 17 to 11.
~People in Iowa were justly complaining of the frequent changing of text books in the schools: and it has continued ever since.
~Congressman G. N. Haugen has come out against the parcel post system.
~Many Wisconsin people are still crossing to Lansing on the ice.
~Born, Feb. 16, to Mr. and Mrs. Carl Roggensack, a daughter.
~M. Kerndt, Jr., has gone on a trip to Dubuque and Fort Dodge; Mrs. Robert Cavers is visiting home folks at Cassville; Mrs. H. J. Metcalf and two sons have gone to St. Paul where Bert is employed as printer on the Pioneer Press.
~Tom Bakewell shipped a couple cars of horses to North Dakota.
~Lansing visitors: James Bulman and wife, English Bench; Will and Theckla Nees, Lycurgus. Will Schultz the Great Western engineer; Will Wild, the butcher, Preston, Minn.; George Reinhold and daughter Cora, Dorchester; Mrs. A. Beck, back from Mason City; Mrs. Pauline Haas, Pete Bensch, Dubuque.
~Section foreman Mike Rellihan is enjoying a few days vacation in Minneapolis.
~The Chris Hunter family have moved back to Lansing.
~Frank Bakewell is home from North Dakota: Jim Withrow is up from Dubuque buying horses.
~Herman Helming will have a big sale near Waukon, March 6th. J. P. Becker, auctioneer.
~Mrs. Robert Hufschmidt entertained the “Friday Club” this week, the men coming to supper.
~Rural carriers were given a holiday Feb. 22 on account of Washington’s birthday.
~James Kenney, the brakeman, is home from Cedar Rapids.
~John Strub is at La Crosse doctoring.

February 23, 1916
~N. A. Nelson, secretary of Lansing school district, in his annual report, snows expense of the new high school to be about $23,000. The teachers were paid less than $5500 and other expenses were about $3200.
~Edith Robinson, Harpers, celebrated her 7th birthday; Phil Gavin won head prize and Kate Mack consolation at the last card party; Lester Oestern went to Akron, Ohio, for a course in vulcanizing.
~The Joe Kernan family of Wexford have a new daughter and Urban Healy’s a son; Katie Fitzgerld’s basket social at Sweet Ridge realized $45.00.
~Fred Martenson is running a picture show in Waterville; Jess Mohn and Dan Miller of Heytmans each trapped a red fox.
~Tom Mahoney and Celia Waters were married Feb. 15th by Father Sheey.
~Hanover will have a cheese factory.
~New Albin callers: Mrs. Walter Hartley and two children, Dubuque;Tom Danaher, H. Paulson, Dorchester; Rachael Higgins, La Crosse; Mary Oleson, Spring Grove; Mmes. Carl Schoh and Wm. Kohlmeyer, Caledonia; Mrs. J. J. Flynn, Minneapolis, Minn.
~Dan Goettle sold 40 acres at the Thompson Corner to Henry Callahan at $95 per acre; fire in Wolfe’s produce house was put out with little damage; the wedding banns of Leo Hurm and Eleanor Whalen were announced; Mrs. John Powers, Mabel and Margaret Guider saw “Birth of a Nation” in Dubuque; W. J. Aird lost part of his thumb in a sawing accident; prize winners at Court House mask ball were Mrs. Ben Sweeney, Rome Olloff, Mrs. Steve Guider, Lester Nelson; Jacob Schott sold a “peeler” pearl for $130; Charles Hayes, New Albin liveryman, lost a team through the ice; Clara Beck has a position as stenographer at Galena; B. A. Towle and wife welcome a new baby girl.
~Week’s Lansing visitors: Melitta Nees, Hazelton, Iowa; Carl Spinner, Waterville; Harry Bootsma, DeSota; Florence Faegre, Waukon; Desmond Piquet and wife, Manchester; Mr. Braedemeier and wife, Barnesville, at Aug. Breuchert’s; Ed. Boeckh, LaCrescent; R. Thompson, Churches Ferry; J. D. Jones, Stanley, N. D. at Mrs. Frank Bohrer’s; Robert Steger and wife, McGregor; Norman Gamme, Minot, N. D.; attorney . H. E. Taylor Waukon; Mrs. P. Schentgen, Dubuque; George Verdon, Poplar, Mont.; Esther Boettlel, Blue Earth, Minn.; Miss Addie Gruehling, Sioux City; Mrs. Georege Davis and twin sons, of Waukon; W. A. Sweeney, back from Brownsville; Nellie Johnston, Cherry Mound; Prof Theo. Saam, Lead, S. D.; Harriet Garner, Chicago, at Mrs. Ben Mullarkey’s.
~Willis Miner and M. J. Barthell are manufacturing cement fence posts in Waukon; the latter has also opened a picture show in his opera house; a housewarming was held at W. P. Cooley’s home; Alvira Kolsrud, Anna Cooley, Lola Land and Gerald Noll were H. S. declamatory contest winners; E. A. Howes bought Wm. Nagel’s house for $4000; Frank Gerkey bought out P. J. Mahoney’s soft drink parlor; Theo. Rumph is a republican candidate for sheriff and Theo. Thorson for treasurer; Waukon folks who saw “Birth of a Nation” in Dubuque included Mrs. I. E. Beeman, Alice Grim, Willis Miner, Mrs. Jas. Markley, Lida Hewitt, A. E. Pratt, wife and son Harold, James Thompson and wife, Bob Steele, Matt Heiser.
~County seat visitors: Mrs. Leland Higbee, Harmony; Mrs. A. C. Tenney Minneapolis; Mrs. O. Hanson, Lansing; R. C. Smith and wife, Florida; Theo. Mauch, Waterloo; also Mrs. S. C. Myers and Mrs. Ezra Stanley.
~Miss Mayme Duggan, the teacher, has bought an interest in the McDonnell Hat Shop, Waukon.


~transcribed by Ann Krumme
~note - obituaries from this issue of the paper have been posted to the Allamakee co. Obituary board, Marriages added to the compiled marriage records, and Anniversaries posted to the Anniversary page on this website.

1940-1944 News
Newspaper index