Nomination papers for G.B. Richter and Dr. R.R. Jeffries
For reelection to the board of education for the Waukon
Independent School district as directors have been filed.
Nomination papers for C.H. Megorden for reelection as treasurer
also have been filed. The school election is to he held Mar. 10.
The last day for filing nomination papers is Saturday, Mar. 1.
Two directors are to be elected. Unless further nomination papers
are filed by Saturday, Mr. Richter and Dr. Jeffries will be
unopposed on the ballot. Dr. Jeffries has served nine years on
the board first being appointed Dec. 12, 1930, to fill a vacancy.
He was first elected to membership on the board Mar. 16, 1931.
G.B. Richter was appointed to serve the unexpired term of John
Dotseth, present mayor of Waukon, who resigned from school hoard
membership. Mr. Richter has been prominent in community affairs
and last year was delegate to the Republican national convention
last July from this district. Dr. Jeffries is a co-partner with
Dr. C.W. Rominger in the Waukon hospital.
Directors on the school board of the Waukon Independent school
district serve terms of three years. Other members of the board
are Dr. E.W. Hastings, Gilman Hanson and F.M. Intlekofer. Dr.
Hastings is serving his fifth term. Mr. Intlekofer has served 10
years and has two more years to serve on his current term.
Up to the present there have been no indications that other
prospective candidates will file for election this year to the
directorate of the independent school district board.
A record attendance is anticipated for the annual
meetings of members of the Allamakee county and Waukon National
Farm Loan associations to be held in Waukon next Wednesday and
Thursday, Mar. 5 and 6, at the court house, according to C.J.
Hinrichs and Benjamin Hartley, respective presidents of the
Final arrangements are being made for these meetings. An
interesting program has been planned, featuring an entertaining
and instructive illustrated talk by Don Sheets of the soil
conservation service.
A hot dinner will be served at noon by the ladies of the
Methodist Episcopal church. A report on the past year’s
activities of the associations will be presented by H.G. Ludeman,
secretary-treasurer of the farm loan co-operatives. The loan
associations serve farmers in Allamakee county with long-term
Federal Land bank and commissioner loans. Members of each
association will elect two directors to serve on the boards the
next three years.
The executive committee of the Allamakee County Safety
council met last week with Glenn Cowan, field representative of
the Iowa State Safety council and completed the naming of
officers to serve the council for the ensuing year. The complete
list of officers follows:
Rev. M.J. Brogan, Leonard Beardmore, Dorchester; J.C. Mendenhall,
Edward Collins, New Albin; Thom as Kerndt, L.O. Terry, Lansing;
Edward Valley, "Bud" Rethwisch, Harpers Ferry; Boyd W.
Graeber, W.C. Klingbeil, Postville; John Fellows, C.V. Nelson,
Waterville; W.R. Ryan, G.B. Richter, Waukon.
A.P. Ankerstar of Waukon, president of the council stated that he
intended calling a meeting of the directors in the near future
and relate plans of the organization for the coming year as
outlined by Mr. Cowan at the meeting last week. To date the
county council has approximately 400 members. Anyone desiring to
join may secure membership through any of the directors or
Lack of sewing machines for use in making mattress
covers is delaying the Allamakee county mattress project. The
preliminary instructions on mattress making were to be given in
this county in the girls' NYA sewing room, where the mattress
covers were to be made, according to Miss Minnie Opfer director
of the girls’ NYA project here. Miss Opfer said she has
hopes that sewing machines will be provided and believes they
will be forthcoming eventually, as has all other equipment with
which the girls work has ultimately been provided
The county board of supervisors, co-sponsors of the project, are
aware of the shortage of sewing machines according to Miss Opfer.
Meanwhile the yards and yards of mattress ticking and the huge
bales of cotton received for the rural mattress making project
remain untouched in storage here. Some of the mattress cover
material is in the girls’ work room in the old county
building formerly used as the sheriff’s residence and jail.
The cotton bales are stored in Leschensky hall. Meanwhile the
some 40 girls engaged in NYA work are busy with rag rug making.
The city of Waukon is paying the rent, $15 per month for three
months, for the hall where the bales of cotton are now stored.
Six birthdays are added to the list this week making the
total of birthdays in February, 49 birthdays. Last week we
extended a birthday greeting to Mrs. Etta Klees, who, when she
sees her name in the column this week will think the years are
flying by too fast. However, her birthday is today, instead of
last week. Chances are she may get a few extra gifts this way.
Happy birthday to the following born of Feb. 26th:
Mrs. Harriet Kaeser
Emmet Leiran
P.J. Houlihan
Mrs. Neal Manning
Mrs. Etta Klees
Mrs. Frances Sullivan
Five more men have been called from Allamakee county for
military training service. They will leave here Wednesday, Mar.
5, over the Milwaukee railroad for Fort Des Moines, from which
place they will be sent to Fort Snelling. Three of the five to
fill this seventh quota call will be volunteers. They are William
T. Lee, Dorchester; Charles Baker Bachtell, Postville and Herbert
Henry Schlitter, Monona.
To fill the quota, the first call has had to be made on the
conscription list for two men. The first two men to be drafted
for military training service from Allamakee county will be
Alfred H. Uglum of Waterville and John Patrick Blake of
Dorchester. Edward J. Super (Soper), a volunteer of Harpers
Ferry, has been rejected for training service on account of
defective vision.
The men in this seventh quota call will leave Waukon at 11:55
a.m. at the Waukon railroad station for Fort Des Moines,
traveling by way of Madrid, Iowa. They will arrive at Fort Des
Moines the following morning at 5:20 o’clock. On arrival the
boys will be given another thorough physical examination. If they
pass, they will be sent to another military base, probably Fort
Snelling, where all the other men from this county have been
sent. With the entraining of Wednesday’s quota, the total
number of men called from this county since military training
orders went into effect is 20, exclusive of those who have been
called and later rejected.
No nomination papers have been filed by prospective
candidates for election to city offices, according to Iver
Thorsen, city clerk. A mayor and five members of the city council
are to be named at an election to be held Monday, Mar. 31. Filing
of nomination papers must be made by Mar. 15.
Incumbents are John Dotseth, mayor; councilman at large: P.J.
Mahoney and F.M. Intlekofer; first ward, John Colsch; second
ward, Earl Thomas, and third ward, Frank Vetter.
Frank Vetter has stated his intention not to seek election. He
was appointed to fill the unexpired term of Alfred Smedsrud, who
resigned to serve as a newly elected member of the Allamakee
county board of supervisors.
One member of the park board is to be elected to fill the expired
term of C.A. Palmer, The city attorney and city clerk positions
are filled by appointment. A city assessor and a city treasurer
also are to be elected in the city election. The present assessor
is Tollef Johnson and the city treasurer is C.H. Megorden. The
city attorney is Sherman Hart.
A chimney fire Saturday afternoon at 3 o'clock brought
the fire department to the Albert Long residence in the southwest
part of the city. There was much smoke damage throughout the
home, as the chimney vent became blocked and accumulating smoke
and gases blew out stovepipe hole stops letting smoke through the
A double funeral was held this morning at eleven o'clock from the
Old West Paint Creek Church for Helmer Bakke and Norval Roe with
the Rev. A.P. Lea officiating at the last rites.
Helmer was born in Makee township, June 26, 1922, the son of Mr.
and Mrs. Julius Bakke. He was educated in the rural schools and
had been assisting his father on the farm east of Waukon. Helmer
is survived by his parents and two brothers, Joseph and Lester.
Pallbearers were Earl Moe, Gilman Fossum, Jr. Leo Brink, Melvin
Smedsrud, Hilford Hanson and Tilman Ellingson. Burial was made in
the adjoining cemetery.
Norval Roe was born in Center township Mar. 25, 1920, the son of
Mr. and Mrs. Albert Roe. He attended rural school in that
vicinity and later was a student at the Waukon High School. He
was a member of the church choir of the Old West Paint Creek
Church and was active in the Luther League. Besides his parents,
Norval is survived by one sister, Marion at home. Pallbearers
were Orrin Roe, Melvin Roe, Thomas Roe, Leland Hagen, Donald Roe
and Charles Bakke. Interment was made in the adjoining cemetery
of the Old West Paint Creek Church.
Out-of-town relatives who attended the funeral were Mr. and Mrs.
Carl Roe and Mr. and Mrs. Donald Roe of Garner, Mrs. Hans Johnson
and Elsie Johnson of Chicago, Doris Roe of Rochester, Minn., Mr.
and Mrs. Joe Haug and Mr. and Mrs. Albert Trondson of Byron,
Funeral services were held Tuesday afternoon at two-thirty
o'clock from the Old East Paint Creek Church for Vernon Swenson
with the Rev. A.P. Lea officiating. Vernon was born Mar. 6, 1921,
in Center township, the son of Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Swenson. He
attended the Elon school and graduated in 1938 from the Waukon
Public High School. Mrs. Swenson preceded her son in death
several years ago. Besides his father, Vernon is survived by two
sisters, Mrs. Rueben Erickson of Village Creek and Clarice Mae at
home, and one brother, Arlyn, at home. He is also survived by his
grandmother, Mrs. L.C. Megorden at home. Pallbearers were James
Jeglum, Lester Thomas, Melvin Smedsrud, Lloyd Leikvold, James
Anderson and Leland Hagen. Interment was in the adjoining
cemetery. Out-of-town relatives who attended the funeral were Mr.
and Mrs. Kenneth Swenson, and Hans Swenson, grandfather of
Vernon, living in Albert Lea, Minn., and Mr. and Mrs. Arthur
Swenson of Minneapolis.
LaVerne Bakkum was born in Center township, Sept. 11, 1921, the
son of Mr. and Mrs. E.H. Bakkum. He attended rural school and
later was a student at the Waukon Public High school from which
he graduated in 1938. Since that time he has been assisting his
father on the home farm. LaVerne was at member of the Old West
Paint Creek church. He sang in the choir and was president of the
Luther League. Besides his parents, he is survived by one brother
Barthel, married and farming east of town, a sister, Marjorie,
student at the Waukon Junior College, and another sister,
LaGertha, who attends the Waukon High School. Services were held
this afternoon at 2:30 o'clock from the Old West Paint Creek
Church with the Rev. A.P. Lea in charge of the services.
Pallbearers were Charles Bulman, Charles Bakke, Orville Bakkum,
Earl Moe, Andrew Sorum, Rudolph Anderson, Melvin Roe, and Richard
Mohn. Out of town relatives were Mrs. Charles Feuerhelm of
Prairie du Chien, Wis.
Miss Helen O’Brien was laid to rest Tuesday morning at the
St. Pius cemetery at Cherry Mound. Services were held from the
St. Pius church with the Rev. A.H. Nees singing the requiem high
mass. Miss O’Brien was born in Paint Creek township, June
12, 1924, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Frank O'Brien. She was
educated in the Waterville schools. Her father preceded her in
death several years ago. Besides her mother, she is survived by a
brother, Cyril and a sister, Mary. Pallbearers were Ray Huffman,
Francis Lucey, Wendell Peterson, Armand Klees, Emmett McCormick
and Edward Mettille. Those who served as altar boys were Roy
McGeough, Eugene McCormick and Curtis Huffman. Out-of-town
relatives were Mr. and Mrs. A.H. Gast, and Mr. and Mrs. Earl
Mosier of Nora Springs.
Miss Marguerite McMillan, bosom friend of Miss Canoe, was buried
this morning at the Rossville cemetery. Services were held from
the Rossville Presbyterian Church this morning at 10 o'clock with
the Rev. S. Sinning officiating. Miss McMillan was born Nov.
231924, the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William McMillan of Paint
Creek township. She received her early education in the rural
school near her home and later attended the Waterville High
School. Besides her parents, she is survived by a brother,
Donald, at home and a married brother, Carlyle, living in Paint
Creek township also. Out-of-town relatives at the funeral were
Mr. and Mrs. Vern Dundee of Cedar Rapids, Mrs. Frances Brandon of
Cedar Rapids, Mr. and Mrs. Ed Raab of Maquoketa and Mr. and Mrs.
Otto Duball of Dubuque. Pallbearers were those who served at the
funeral of Miss Canoe that same afternoon.
Funeral services for Valeria Canoe were held this afternoon at
two o’clock from the Rossville Presbyterian church with the
Rev. L. Farnham of Monona officiating. Miss Canoe, daughter of
Mr. and Mrs. Ross Canoe, was born May 21, 1924, in the Red School
vicinity. She attended rural school and later attended the Waukon
Public High School, graduating in May, 1940. Miss Canoe is
survived by her parents and sister, Regina. Pallbearers were
Cletus and Ray Huffman, Armand Klees, Reed Snitker, Wendell
Peterson and Francis Lucy. Burial was mode in the Monona
cemetery. Out-of-town relatives who attended the funeral were
Mrs. Robert Nettleson, Pauline and Patty, Mrs. Richard Dally and
Mrs. Morris Gayther of Charles City, Mrs. Carl Peterson and
daughter, Doris of Wyandotta, Mich., Mrs. John Larson of
Frederick, S.D., the Ray Canoe family of Arlington and Mr. and
Mrs. Walter Harrop of Mason City.
Clarence Sanderson, only son of Mr. and Mrs. Carl Sanderson,
Paint Creek township farmers, was born Aug. 24, 1916 at the home
farm in Paint Creek township. He attended rural schools and has
since been a partner with his father on the farm. A member of the
church choir and the Luther League, Clarence was an active member
of the Old West Paint Creek Church. The Sandersons have three
daughters, Mrs. Morris Larson, Mrs. Rudolph Larson and Mrs.
Marcus Gilbertson, all living east of Waukon.
- Mr. and Mrs. Joe Bulman returned to Marion last Friday, after
having been in Waukon the past week on business.
- Mrs. Hulda Johnson and son, William, visited at the
Elmer Johnson home in Marquette Wednesday afternoon.
- Mrs. Tilfred Peterson, Mrs. Albert Franz and Mrs. Olive Eggen
called Friday afternoon at the Theodore Youngberg home.
- A number of friends called on Mr. and Mrs. Emil Carlson at
their home Wednesday evening to help them celebrate their fourth
wedding anniversary.
- Mr. and Mrs. Peter Ellenbolt, Mrs. Naomi Whalen and daughter
Anna Mae, called on Milbert Haugen at their home Saturday
- Tilfred Peterson called on Embert Johnson Friday afternoon.
- Mrs. Naomi Whalen visited with Mrs. Tilfred Peterson one day of
last week.
- Mr. and Mrs. Owen Wright and son, Dale, of National, were
Sunday callers at the Carl Miller home.
- J.R. Downing was a Saturday supper guest at the Harold Downing
- Mrs. Albert Franz and Mrs. Ernest Eggen visited Mrs. Donald
Blake one day last week.
- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Stolzback and family, Everett Gunether, and
Mrs. Oline Eggen were Sunday callers at the Ernest Eggen home.
- Mr. and Mrs. Tilfred Peterson were Friday dinner guests with
Mrs. Oline Eggen.
- Mrs. Arthur Hultgren spent Wednesday with Mrs. Charles Peck and
Mrs. Caroline Hultgren of Marquette.
- Mr. and Mrs. Creighton Palmer and family spent Saturday with
Mr. Walter Gast. Phyllis Gast returned home with them to spend
the week-end.
- Dolores and Clifford Wold were Sunday callers at the home of
Arthur Hultgren.
- Ronald and Billy Peterson spent Saturday afternoon at the
Schweitert home.
- Mr. and Mrs. Emil Carlson, Alvin Franz and Embert Johnson were
Sunday callers at the Albert Franz home.
- Mandus Laufer of Waterville spent the week-end with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. August Laufer.
- Mr. and Mrs. Arthur Hultgren and Delores spent Friday evening
at the Creighton Palmer home.
- Creighton Palmer motored to Dubuque Sunday afternoon to meet
the Des Moines Register and Tribune plane which came from Des
Moines to meet Mr. Palmer and obtain the news and pictures from
him of the tragedy which befell seven youths from near Waukon at
Prairie du Chien Sunday morning.
- Mrs. Albert Franz and Mrs. Ernest Eggen visited the Oakland
school Tuesday afternoon.
- Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Peterson and family and Warren Hartin
spent Sunday afternoon in Spring Grove, Minn.
- Mrs. Naomi Whalen and daughter Anna Mae and Embert Johnson
called at the Albert Franz home Friday evening.
- Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Siegels and Judy called at the Carl Carlson
home Friday.
- Mildred and Edith Peterson spent Sunday afternoon in McGregor
with Pauline Horton, while the rest of the family went to Spring
Grove, Minn.
- Mr. and Mrs. Louis Larson spent Thursday afternoon at the Irvin
Walters home in McGregor.
- Mr. and Mrs. Gilbert Peterson were Sunday dinner guests at the
Paul Pagle home in McGregor.
- Jane Ann and Sandra May Palmer spent Thursday evening and
Friday at the home of their grandfather, Walter Gast.
- Mrs. Emil Carlson is spending a few days with Mrs. Robert
- Robert Eggen was a Sunday dinner guest at the Louis Larson
- Mr. and Mrs. Otto Hallberg, August Hallburg and Alvin Johnson
helped Julius Johnson celebrate his birthday Friday.
- Gertrude Eggen spent Thursday at the Carl Miller home.
- Mrs. Harold Downing attended the Luther League banquet at
Garnavillo Wednesday evening.
- Frank Hohman of Montana and Charles Bayless of Chippewa Falls
called at the Arthur Bovee and Mrs. Albert Schultz home Monday
- Mrs. Carl Carlson visited Mrs. Emil Carlson Tuesday.
-James Sires of New Albin papered several rooms at the
Ben and Allen Hartley home the past week.
- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Bulmam, also ,Mr. and Mrs. L.J. Bulman of
Waukon called on Mrs. J.T. Bulman one day the past week. Mrs.
Bulman has been confined to her bed resulting from at siege of
flu and a fall on the ice. She is able to be up some at this
- Mrs. Dan Sires fell on the ice dislocating her wrist, which is
causing her considerable pain.
- Many from the Bench attended the funeral of Mrs. Matt Keeley at
Dorchester Saturday morning.
- L. Dresselhaus was a Friday caller at the Fred Kumpf home.
- Mr. and Mrs. M. Goepel of Waukon were callers at John
Beardmore’s one evening this week. Mr. and Mrs. Goepel will
move into the downstairs rooms at Will Spiegler’s.
- Mr. and Mrs. Ben Hartley, Mr. and Mrs. Alton Bulman, Mr. and
Mrs. Frank Bulman and Rev. and Mrs. C.M. Haas were Sunday
visitors at the Fred Bulman home.
- Mr. and Mrs. James Rosendahl spent most of this week with Mrs.
Clara Rosendahl.
- Jean Anne Gleisner spent the week-end with Shirley Beardmore.
- Mr. and Mrs. George Shefelbine and Doris Ann were Sunday
callers at Earl Beardmore's.
- Mr. and Mrs. Alton Bulman and family were Sunday dinner guests
of Mrs. E.J. Sadler.
- The Allen Hartey family spent Sunday at the Charles Beardmore
- Mr. and Mrs. Alton Bulman, Will Sadler, H.M. Isham, Mr. and
Mrs. .George Shefelbine and Doris Ann, were Sunday callers at the
Fred Schultz home.
- Cal Sires will be employed by Ben Hartley this spring.
- The Mt. Hope Ladies Aid will meet this Thursday afternoon at
the Ben and Allen Hartley home. They extend a cordial invitation
to all.
- Mr. and Mrs. Theodore Hansmeier and children were
visitors at the Arthur Prestemon home Saturday.
- Mr. and Mrs. C.L. Gruver entertained Mr. and Mrs. Leroy Schorg,
Mrs. Helena Daugs, Palmer Daugs and Miss Helena Daugs at a
birthday supper in honor of Mrs. Schorg on Sunday evening.
- John Cupps of Castalia visited the C.L. Gruver home on Monday.
- Miss Stella Snitker spent Tuesday afternoon of last week at the
Martin Nolting home in Waukon.
- Mr. and Mrs. Everett Leas called at the Theodore Hansmeier home
Sunday afternoon.
- The fire department was called Thursday morning to the
Francis McKee residence. It was a chimney fire and not much
damage was done.
- The New Albin Day Business Men’s committee held their
monthly meeting at Jordan Hall Monday evening. Plans are going
for another big homecoming and New Albin day celebration Aug. 21.
After the business meeting the boys enjoyed a sauerkraut and
wiener feed.
- Miss Martha Fruechte returned to her college duties at W.B.U.
at La Crosse Monday after spending the week-end with her parents,
Mr. and Mrs. August Fruechte of Eitzen, Minn.
- Mrs. Harry Lenz and son, John of Church and the former’s
mother, Mrs. Minnie Pohlman, who has been spending the winter at
their home were New Albin callers on Tuesday.
- Mrs. Ledford lrons was hostess to the sewing circle which was
held at her home Tuesday afternoon.
- Mrs. Albert Meyer entertained a group of ladies to a quilting
bee Saturday afternoon. At a late hour lunch was served.
- A group of the M.E. ladies helped to clean the parsonage and
also held a "pound" shower on their new minister
Thursday. They received many things and had a large attendance.
The minister arrived Friday.
- Mr. and Mrs. Robert Withee and son, Donald accompanied by Arvid
Sadler were Sunday afternoon callers at the Urban Sadler home.
They went to Caledonia to get acquainted with their new niece and
Donald is going to spend the week with his grandmother, who is in
Caledonia and is assisting in the care of the Little miss who is
ill at this writing.
- Father L. Hayes went to La Crosse between trains Wednesday.
- James Price was a La Crosse caller Thursday.
- Ginger Weymiller came from La Crosse Friday evening to visit
with friends.
- Mr. and Mrs. L. Schuster came from Gary, Ind., and visited at
the home of Mrs. Reburn and Warren. Mrs. Reburn and Warren
returned with them Sunday for a week's visit.
- Miss Mona May of Minneapolis came Wednesday to visit at the May
- Julius Boeckh of Lansing was a business caller in town Monday.
- Mr. and Mrs. Karl Korn and sons, Clarence, Elmer and Ronald of
Caledonia, Minn., spent Sunday at the Otto H. Meyer home.
- William Heller spent the week-end with relatives in Dubuque.
- Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Bulman and children spent Sunday at the
Albert Meyer home.
- A son was born to Mr. and Mrs. Louis Carmin Wednesday, Feb. 19.
- Mrs. Otto Meyer entertained a group of ladies at a quilting
party Friday afternoon. Those present were Mrs. Otto Hurley, Mrs.
Otto Pottratz, Mrs. Albert Meyer, Mrs. Gust Welper, Mrs. Herman
Dierkson, Mrs. Edwin Meyer, Mrs. William Heuer and Mrs. Frank
Weymiller. A five o'clock supper was served.
- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Sweinfurth of Lansing and Mrs. William Heuer
motored to La Crosse on Wednesday.
- Mrs. John Kroack, Sr., met with a painful accident at her home
last Sunday, when she slipped on the ice near her home. She
received several bruises and her hip is badly injured although it
isn't broken.
- Miss Belva Burroughs celebrated her fifth birthday Friday at
her home. Those present were Audry Erickson, Darlene Pohlman,
Jean and John Linzenmeyer, Belva Meyer, Donna Hurley, and Rita
and Mary Jo Kelly. They played games and a nice supper was served
by her mother, Mrs. Lawrence Burroughs. She received many nice
gifts to remember the occasion.
- The lucky 12 remembered Mrs. Gust Welper on her birthday
Thursday night. The evening was spent playing 500 and later on a
lunch was served from well filled baskets brought by the ladies.
- Henry Thimmesch and family were La Crosse callers Saturday.
- Mr. and Mrs. Louis Welsandt and daughter, Marie, spent Sunday
at the Paul Meyer home.
Ervin Florin, Pastor
Sunday, Mar. 2—
10:00 a.m. Sunday School
10:45 a.m. English Service
8 p.m. Young People's meeting at the home of Walter Middendorf.
Wednesday, Mar. 5 Mid-week Lenten at the Methodist church.
Thursday, Mar. 6 Ladies Aid at Mrs. Will Hewer. Mrs. W. Meyer,
Friday, Feb. 28, 7:30 p.m. Choir Practice
Saturday 9 a.m. Catechism.
New Albin—
Church School 10:00 a.m.—John Mendenhall, Supt.
Worship Service 9:30 a.m.
French Creek—
Church School 8:45 a.m.—Oscar Buntrock, Supt.
- Mrs. Ida Wild, Walter Foreman of Chicago and Floyd
Wild were dinner guests Wednesday at the home of Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Hartley. Walter Foreman left Friday for his home in
Chicago after a week’s visit here at the home of Mrs. Ida
- Mrs. Frank Zezulka called on and assisted Mrs. Walter Fetketter
Friday while the wood sawers were there.
- Mr. and Mrs. C.J. Hinrichs and son, Robert, spent Sunday at the
Frank Weymiller, Sr. home in New Albin.
- Mr. and Mrs. Vernon Kruger attended the Lundlow church Sunday
and after church spent the rest of the day with Mr. and Mrs.
Robert Kugel and family
- Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Mohs and Mr. and Mrs. William Mohs of
Allendale. Minn., Mrs. Henry Mohs and son, Harold, and Mr. and
Mrs. Lawrence Mohs and family of Postville were dinner guests
Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Richard Suckow.
- Mr. and Mrs. Walter Fetketter, son Charles, and Louis Fetketter
were dinner and supper guests Sunday at the H.O. Buntrock home.
- The pupils of French Creek School No. 1 enjoyed a hot pot luck
dinner Friday; the last teaching day for Mrs. Donald Hager, their
teach, who was recently married and who resigned. Miss Marie
Lawson of Postville will finish out the term at this school.
- Mrs. Aaron Dawson was surprised when the following relatives
came with well filled baskets Sunday to help Mrs. Dawson
celebrate her 73rd birthday: Mr. and Mrs. Frank Zezulka and son,
Earl, Mr. and Mrs. Raymond Zezulka and son, Roger, Mr. and Mrs.
Martin Schuttemeier and mother, Mrs. Otto Schuttemeier and Mr.
and Mrs. U.J. Ashbacher and family.
- Mrs. Allan Buntrock, R.N., arrived home Saturday night after
being at the Louis O'Toole residence in Waukon for the past three
weeks. Mr. O’Toole is gradually improving, we are glad to
- Mr. and Mrs. Allan Buntrock and mother Mrs. Mathilda Buntrock
spent Sunday afternoon at the Adolph Siekemeier home, south of
- Mr. and Mrs. Richard Suckow drove to Postville Monday morning
to have dinner at the home of the latter‘s mother, Mrs.
Henry Mohs, where a family reunion was being held.
- Mrs. William Bublitz and son, Floyd, were callers at the
Richard Suckow home Friday afternoon.
- Rev. Ralph Parks Anderson and wife arrived Friday at the New
Albin parsonage to become the resident pastor for the New Albin
and French Creek Methodist churches. He held services at both
churches Sunday.
- On Friday. Feb. 28 at 7 p.m. there will be a potluck and social
evening arranged for a welcome party for Rev. and Mrs. R.P.
Anderson. Everybody is welcome to this first social function
under the new leader, so let's come out, give he and his wife a
rousing welcome and help make this evening the success he'd like
it to be. Bring your baskets, a broad smile and be prepared for
an evening of fun. You'll not be sorry you came.
- The next meeting of the W.S.C.S. will be held next Wednesday,
mar. 5 at the home of Mrs. Harold Ashbacher. A cordial invitation
is extended to all.
- The Theodore Welper family spent Sunday evening at the Ebner
Bros. home.
- Mr. and Mrs. Harvey Ebner and family attended a birthday party
at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Frank Kelleher near Lansing Saturday
- Mr. and Mrs. A.L. Buntrock and daughter, Jean of Calmar, were
supper guests Sunday at the H.O. Buntrock home.
- Mr. and Milton Ashbacher and family, Mrs. Caroline Beneke and
son Henry and daughter, Dorothy of Wheatland, were dinner guests
Sunday at the home of Mr. and Mrs. Grant Hartley.
- Mr. and Mrs. Grant Hartley and son drove to Eitzen Sunday
evening to visit with the Franklin Fruechte family.
- M. Minegar and sons were Sunday afternoon callers at
the Herb and Arch Campbell home.
- Mr. and Mrs. Will Letterman were Waukon and Monona callers
- Fred Schlitter, who is employed at Rock Island, Ill., came home
over the week-end to visit with home folks.
- Charles Topel, Sr., and sons, Bert and George were Rossville
callers Saturday.
- Mr. and Mrs. Lloyd Miers and daughter visited with Mr. Miers'
parents at Postville Sunday evening.
- Walter McCormick is helping Dave Stafford with work.
- Mrs. O.A. Schlitter and Nick Cahoon drove to Waukon Junction
Saturday called there by the illness of her mother, Mrs. Margaret
Cahoon, who makes her home with her granddaughter, Mrs. Herb
- Mrs. Herb Campbell, Mrs. Laura Stafford and Walter McCormick
were Waukon shoppers Monday afternoon.
- Herb and Arch Campbell helped Gus Thias with wood sawing
- Mr. and Mrs. Wayne Wilkins and son and Kenneth Wilkins
visited Sunday at the Henry Adney home in Wisconsin.
- Mr. and Mrs. Milburn Moose and girls visited Sunday at the
Gerald Moose home.
- Mr. and Mrs. Mike Schofield were Waukon shoppers Wednesday.
- Mr. and Mrs. Ray Grady and Esther Ambrose attended a party
Sunday evening t the Havelick home in honor of Andy Ambrose.
- Neighbors and friends of Mr. and Mrs. John Walsh attended a
farewell party for them at the Elmer Wiethorn home Sunday
- Mr. and Mrs. August Lantzky and family will move to their home
near Waverly Thursday.
- Mr. and Mrs. Ed McAndrew were at Waukon Monday.
- Matt Olson went to Rock Island, Ill., on the evening
train Monday to get his butcher block, counter, and other things
that have been in use there. The Eugene Woods truck drove clown
early Tuesday morning to bring the fixtures back to Lansing. Ed
Cooper, Jr., rode down with Mr. Woods in the truck.
- Bill Albert, who attends Loras College in Dubuque, came Friday
to spend the week-end with his parents, Mr. and Mrs. Will Albert
and family.
- The members of the Americans Legion and American Legion
Auxiliary held a banquet in the basement of the City Hall Sunday
evening. This was in commemoration of Washington's birthday.
About 60 were present. A program was given. The members of the
Junior Auxiliary presented a play and sang several songs. The
members of the Lansing Eastern Star Presented a play which they
had given that week over at Postville.
- Tom Williams returned home last week from the University
Hospital in Iowa City where he had been taken several weeks ago.
While there he submitted to an operation. His wife returned home
with him.
- Miss Loretta Mullarkey of near Wexford, came Friday and spent
the week-end with her good friend, Mrs. Con Casey.
- Mr. and Mrs. Frank Spinner took the newlyweds, Mr. and Mrs.
Carl Fitzgerald, to Milwaukee Tuesday where they will visit
friends and relatives.
- Cy Ehrlich drove to Madison, Wis., Monday after his mother, who
has been a hospital patient in that city the past month.
- District Instructor of the Order of the Eastern Star, Mrs. John
Hale of Waukon, held a school of instruction at the Lansing
chapter last Friday afternoon. Fifty members and guests enjoyed a
6:30 dinner served at the chapter room before the evening
- At the regular meeting of the Royal Neighbors last Wednesday
evening held at the home of recorder Mrs. Mary Severson, Miss
Louisa Boeckh made high score at cards and Mrs. Peter Spinner,
low. Mrs. Walter Bailey was awarded traveling prize. A lunch was
served after the meeting.
- Mr. and Mrs. August Bloom returned to their home at Osceola,
Wis., Saturday after spending a few days at the Mrs. Mary
Severson home.
- Mr. and Mrs. Peter Paulson and daughter Jean Ann, spent Sunday
visiting the former's mother, Mrs. Caroline Paulson and sister,
- The regular monthly community meeting and farm bureau held
their meeting Friday evening with George Aschom in charge. He
presented many good numbers during the entertainment hour. After
the program cards were played and music was furnished for
- Miss Eleanor Murphy, nurse in the St. Francis hospital in La
Crosse came Saturday evening to spend the week-end with her
parents, Mr. and Mrs. Gus Murphy. She found her mother much
improved since the last time she was home.
- Dave Solberg, salesman in the La Crosse community, came last
week to spend several days with his parents, the Mrs. M. Ehrlich
- The Immaculate Conception basketball teams drove to Waukon last
Friday evening where the girls played the McGregor High and beat
them by six points, the score being 18 to 12. The I.C. boys lost
to the Waukon St. Patrick School boys. Sunday afternoon they
played the De Sales school of Ossian in Lansing at the city hall,
where again the girls won by 36 to 22. The I.C. boys lost by a
score of 12 to 18.
- Miss Doris Mann and her mother, Mrs. Nina Mann, motored to
various cities in Central Iowa the past week. They were
accompanied by Mrs. Helga Leach as far as Auburn, where she will
visit her daughter.
- Frank Middendorf, railway mail clerk for the Chicago, Milwaukee
Railroad came home last week to spend his regular two weeks with
his wife and four children.
- John Thornton, who attends college in Dubuque, came Friday to
spend the week-end with his parents, Dr. and Mrs. J.W. Thornton
and family.
- Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Ollof and daughters, Vera, Luciuda, and Mrs.
Ellie Hanley Brooks of New Albin came Sunday to spend the day
with Mrs. Ellie Hanley and family.
- Billy Knittles, small son of Mr. and Mrs. John Knittle, was
taken to the St. Francis Hospital in La Crosse, Wednesday, where
he was operated on immediately for appendicitis.
- M.A. Miller of Preston came Saturday to spend the week-end with
the James Clancy, Sr., family, and his son, Gene.
- Miss Mildred Black of Chicago was a caller in Lansing Monday.
While here, she and Mildred Helle of Aschom's Department Store
visited the Lansing Public School and put on a garment
demonstration to the various homemaking classes.
- Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Ellefson moved to Lansing last week. The
former will be employed at the Tom Goodell garage. His trailer
house has been set up on the ArneHelle lot on John street. Archie
Uren, who formerly worked at the garage, is employed at the
Eckberg Machine Shop on Main Street.
- The Lansing High School basketball teams motored to Caledonia,
Minn., Friday evening where they were defeated by the score of 30
to 19. The second team won the preliminary game by a score of 21
to 13. The local boys were unable to handle the ball that
- Mr. and Mrs. Peter Zabolitsky were pleasantly surprised Monday
evening when members of their euchre club came to their home
commemorating their 41st wedding anniversary which is today. Mrs.
Suzan Verdon won high score at euchre, Miss Rose Wagner,
traveling prize and Hermna Troendle, the consolation. Three
tables played. Refreshments and a social hour was spent.
- Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Bigelow of Waukon are the parents of a baby
girl born Saturday. Their sons birthday happened to hall on this
certain day also. She was the former Marjorie Guider of Lansing.
- Will Albert, Harold Gaunitz, and George Aschom motored to Des
Moines Sunday where they attended an American Legion meeting held
the next evening.
- Mr. and Mrs. Francis Garrett and son, Francis, moved to the
country this week, where they will be engaged in farming. Miss
Irene Hirth, who stayed with them while attending high school,
will board at the Theodore Bechtel home.
- The ladies of the Federated Church held a food sale Saturday at
the Guild parlors. They netted a good sum of money for their
treasury. The total receipts were $40.00.
- Mrs. P.E. Rethwisch went to Boscobel, Wis., Monday, being
called there on the death of her half-sister.
- The Kiwanis members and their wives went to Waukon Monday
evening where they were entertained by the members of the Waukon
Kiwanis Club.
- Dr. and Mrs. R.H. Hintz and two children went to Fayette and
Oelwein Saturday to spend the week-end with their relatives. The
former returned home Sunday while the others stayed for a longer
Henry Marks, Pastor
Sunday School 10 a.m.
Divine Worship 11 a.m.
Henry Marks, Pastor
Morning Worship 9:30 a.m.
Sunday School 10:30 a.m.
Young People's Meeting 7 p.m.
Evening service at 7:30 uniting with Evangelical Church.
Mrs. Gerald Baker and daughter received a gift that was
"different" from Mrs. Bakers mother in California last
week. They are "mother and daughter" broomstick
dresses. The skirts of the dresses which are very full, are
gathered tightly around the broomsticks, and tied in several
places, giving the effect, when dry, of tiny accordion pleats.
This makes quite a saving in time and effort, as Mrs. Baker says
it would be almost impossible for the housewife to iron the
hundreds of tiny pleats.
- Armour & Co., eight double decks of hogs.
- Sander & Sander, two cars of hogs.
Meeting opened with the pledge of allegiance and the
Girl Scout Promise. Games were played and several Scout songs
sang. We went into our patrols. Miss Henry continued her lesson
on art, and we did some painting. Meeting adjourned with taps. -
Lois Long, troop scribe
The tenderfeet of Troop 1 met with the seniors of the same troop
Monday evening, Feb. 17, 1941 in the new court house. Miss Donna
Quillin taught us a new song “Be a Good Scout." We then
went into our patrols. Miss Edith Henry came to our meeting and
started a series of lectures in arts and crafts. After our patrol
work we concluded with taps. - Lois Long, troop scribe
Our troop met in the assembly room of the court house Tuesday
afternoon. We sang songs and had an interesting talk about hair
and its care by Miss Evelyn Meskimen from a Waukon beauty shop.
At our next meeting we plan to have the county nurse come in. We
then adjourned. - Audrey Dierauer, troop scribe
Waukon will begin the world day of prayer Friday, Feb.
28 with the ringing of church bells at nine o’clock. The
program will be as follows:
9 a.m. cottage prayer meetings at the homes of Mrs. L.A. Jones,
Mrs. William Leschensky and Mrs. F.E. Stucki with Mrs. J.S.
Cameron, Mrs. Frank Klees and Mrs. W. Niehaus as leaders.
2 p.m. union prayer service with women from four churches
4 p.m. children's service with Mrs. C.W. Rominger, leader.
"The Kingdom Come On Earth" is the world-wide theme for
the day. Every Christian woman is urged to make an effort to
attend at least one of these meetings. Both afternoon services
will be held at Zion Reformed Church.
The regular meeting of the St. John‘s Lutheran
League will be held Sunday evening at 7:30, at which time the
following program will be given:
Baritone solo, Barbara, Quandahl.
Reading, Kermit Ellingson.
Clarinet solo, Phyllis Verthein
Talk, Mr. Merkle.
Topic, Thelma Norman.
Saxophone solo, James Kopke.
Light refreshments will be served and a social hour will be held
after the program.
OATS—A car of 38-lb. Northern feed oats. Ideal for
grinding. Eaton & Jones Successors Co.
FOR SALE—50 feeding pigs. Peter E. Welch, Lansing, Route 2.
FOR SALE—Iogold oats for seed. Threshed without any rain on
it. O.M. Thorsen, Waterville, Iowa.
WANTED—Married couple with no children, or single man,
dependable for farm work. Robert Mork, Monona, Iowa.
WANTED—Job on any farm by married man with family. For
information call Aschom Store, Lansing or Anton Nierling,
Lansing, Iowa.
FOR SALE—Good alfalfa hay. Inquire at Stock's Hardware.
FOR SALE—Two exceptionally good used wood ranges. Philgas
'41 models now available in choice of 3 combinations and 7 gas
ranges. Gas at $1.35 per package. Harold Herman Appliance Store.
WILL TAKE plain sewing at my apartment over Chevrolet garage.
Mrs. Mae Rudnick.
FOR RENT—Light housekeeping rooms on North Town Line road.
Inquire at this office.
LEAVE EVERY Sunday and Tuesday afternoon with livestock for
Chicago. Contact me if you have shipments to make. Dave
Feldstein, phone 254.
I MUST GET A MAN at once in this community to work with District
Manager. Must know farming and have car. Ages from 28 to 57.
Permanent work. Good pay. Prefer man who has lived on farm. Write
to Box A care of this paper.
FOR SALE—New Zephyr Corona $25.00. Used standard Remington
$22.50. Small safe $22.00. Julius Boeckh, Lansing, Iowa.
FOOT TROUBLE treated and relieved immediately without pain or
hindrance from work at Grand Hotel Saturday, Mar. 1. 9:30 a.m. to
4:30 p.m. Mrs. Dearie, foot specialist.
HIGH TEST KEROSENE—10c per gal. 9c per gal., 25 gals. or
more. Coryell -70- Station, Waukon, Iowa. Claude Lane, Mgr.
FOR SALE—About 450 bales of second crop alfafa hay. William
G. Ferguson, Monona, Route 2.
FOR SALE—200 acre farm for sale. 2 miles south of Dorchester
on gravel road. Floyd Kumpf, Dorchester.
SEE US FOR REPAIRS, tires, heaters, trailers, etc. '30 Chev.
truck, runs good, dual rear, licensed, tires good. Best price for
junk. Van Gorder north of cemetery on 51.
FARMERS ATTENTION! Bring in your old harness now for oiling and
repairing. We call your attention to our large assortment of new
harness at very low prices. T.F. O'Brien & Co.
WASHABLE WALLPAPER—We feature the widely known Imperial
paper. Many strikingly handsome patterns in our new spring line.
Come in, inspect. Carter & Herman, the Rexall Store.
HEATING ENGINEERS—As part of our Green Colonial service we
have constant cooperation of factory engineers in planning proper
installations. Fitzgerald Plumbing and Heating.
USED CARS—O.J. Moe Chevrolet Garage.
USED CARS—Connor Auto Sales, Waukon, Iowa.
~transcribed by Errin Wilker
~note: Obituaries in this issue of the paper have been posted to
the Allamakee Obit Board (Ellen McGeough Ryan, Leonard Woods,
& Aleda Applen Ryan) and Clayton Obit Board (Mary Faber).
Marriages have been added to the compiled marriage records
(Mauss-Blake, Kozelka-Gunderson, Dawson-Gruber &