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Obituary Board Index

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Results for Names Matching "MCGINNIS"

Click on Deceased Name to View Obituary. Highlighted Rows Match the Decedent.
Surname Type Deceased Posted By Posted On Reference
MCGINNIS Decedent Benalda (McGinnis) Sharkey (1861-1931) Dorian Myhre 2021-10-05 817013
MCGINNIS Decedent Jewel M. McGinnis (1903-2005) Ames Tribune 2005-09-20 86546
MCGINNIS Decedent Jewel Myrl McGinnis (1903-2005) Nevada Journal 2005-09-22 86625
MCGINNIS Decedent Jewel Myrl McGinnis (1903-2005) Tri-County Times 2005-09-22 86621
MCGINNIS Decedent Kathleen Peery McGinnis (1911-2006) Ames Tribune 2006-11-29 136024
MCGINNIS Decedent Kathleen Peery McGinnis (1911-2006) Nevada Journal 2006-12-01 136196
MCGINNIS Decedent Robert Samuel McGinnis (1878-1944) Dorian Myhre 2020-08-04 773165
MCGINNIS Mentioned Alice May (Cole) Longnecker (1871-1958) Dorian Myhre 2018-12-17 699385
MCGINNIS Mentioned Danny Lester Christie (1961-2011) Mark Christian 2012-08-11 401339
MCGINNIS Mentioned Donald "Don" Toms (1942-2013) Mark Christian 2013-03-09 433779
MCGINNIS Mentioned Edmund Sharkey (1867-1937) Dorian Myhre 2022-05-17 838661
MCGINNIS Mentioned Fannie Louise Carter (1857-1924) Dorian Myhre 2022-07-05 843215
MCGINNIS Mentioned Frank W. Kimberley (1918-1993) Dorian Myhre 2020-12-27 787746
MCGINNIS Mentioned Harry B. Kimberley (1928-2010) Tri-County Times 2010-10-23 304294
MCGINNIS Mentioned Jacob Olson (ca. 1844-1912) Mark Christian 2020-06-11 767755
MCGINNIS Mentioned Jean Elaine (Shapland) Ellenberger (1934-2013) Mark Christian 2013-09-22 466028
MCGINNIS Mentioned Lila (Foster) Hughes (1929-2012) Mark Christian 2012-08-08 400712
MCGINNIS Mentioned Margaret Toms (1917-2009) Ames Tribune 2009-07-12 241268
MCGINNIS Mentioned Melvin Isaiah Kimberly (-1997) Gail and Dennis Bell 2005-06-11 78267
MCGINNIS Mentioned Mrs. Anna Olson (1845-1908) Alan Nicholson 2010-04-22 275928
MCGINNIS Mentioned Mrs. Mary Wright (-1936) Mark Christian 2009-06-13 237709
MCGINNIS Mentioned Windsor (Carter) Hunt (1869-1949) Dorian Myhre 2018-10-27 694031

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