Muscatine County Iowa

Muscatine County Queries

Archived Queries Jan 2001--Jun 2001


Subject: 1836 Territorial Census
Dated: Saturday, June 30, 2001 8:07 AM
From: James Pederson
Sir, I have a few questions concerning your 1836 Territorial Census on It lists a Samuel Brown in Demoine County, Page 87. My GGGG-Grandfather, Samuel Moses Brown, is reported to have come from VA but moved to Muscatine Co., IA where he married Ruth McPherson on 6 Oct 1842. My first question, why are only two counties (Demoine & Dubuque) listed? Were there only two counties in the territory at that time or were these two counties the parent counties of Muscatine? Second, do you or anyone you know have the complete listing? I would like to know the numbers of "others" in the household. Lastly, there is a John Brown listed on page 90, a Bryant Brown on page 92, and a William E. Brown on page 88. I would like more information on these three as well. Can you recommend any other sources besides what's on your page for Browns in Muscatine County? Any help you can give would be much appreciated. Regards and God Bless, James Pederson

Subject: Oscar James Long
Dated: Friday, June 29, 2001 5:42 PM
From: Barbara
My Great grandfather Was Oscar James Long And his wife was Susan Jane Miller Long from Muscatine. I saw the names listed there do you have anymore information on these two people such as birth dates,birth places.or children. thank You, Barbara

Subject: Christian Hall of Nichols 1867-1883
Dated: Friday, June 29, 2001 1:07 PM
Christian and Carolyn (Lulow) Hall farmed at Nichols from 1867-1883. Carolyn's mother came with them. She died and several of their children died at Nichols. 1870 census shows Christian age 36, Carolyn 32, Matilda 11, John 10 and the mother, "Latta Loulle" age 76. She is not found on any 1880 census. Is there a church there that might have records? (prob. Lutheran). 7 sons were said to have died. I checked online cem. records for your county without success. Any ideas?

Subject: 1836 and 1840 census look-up
Dated: Wednesday, June 27, 2001 1:42 PM
From: Mary Long
Dave--Thank you so very much for doing look-ups. We appreciate it so very much. I am looking for my Richardson Ancestors in eastern Iowa. I have found some very promising prospects in the following: Iowa Territorial Census 1836 Richardson Aaron Demoine 53 Richardson John Dubuque 28 Richardson John " 33 Richardson Joseph " 34 Richardson Silas Demoine 89 Muscatine Census 1840 Fifreld Richardson 460 Silas Richardson 456 Could you please look these up for me Thank you very much Mary Long

Subject: Looking for a relative in Oakdale Cemetery
Dated: Wednesday, June 27, 2001 12:22 AM
From: Dwight DuBois
Dave, You are to be commended for posting some incredible information on the web! Unfortunately, the information I'm seeking seems lost. I'm wondering if you can help me. I'm looking for the gravesite of a relative, DARWIN DELAVAN DUBOIS. My current info says he was born Dec 15, 1839 in Kane County, IL, but he lived with the rest of his family in Rochester,IA before he enlisted for service in the Civil War on August 12, 1862 at Wilton, IA (along with his brothers Walter and Jacob). He was a Private in COC 35th Regiment, Iowa Infantry. He was killed in action in Arkansas on June 6, 1864. My information says he was buried at Oakdale Cemetery, Wilton, Muscatine County, IA. I cannot find Darwin's name on the Oakdale database. You say on the Oakdale web page, "There may be more information in the plot records that I did not include in this cemetery database." I'm wondering if this burial is one of those omissions? I'd appreciate any help you could give me in locating this relative's grave. Dwight DuBois

Subject: geneology search for my grandfather Charles Adelbert Robinson
Dated: Tuesday, June 26, 2001 3:19 PM
From: Clyde Robinson
Dear Dave: I'm not sure how to go about this but I am trying to find out about the parents of my Grandfather Charles Adelbert Robinson. My information shows my Grandfather as being born in Muscatine on April 9, 1861. I do not know his parent's names but I need them in order to continue my geneology project. I found your name on the internet while looking up Iowa, Muscatine and it sounded like you may be able to help me. If it is possible to get a copy of his birth certificate with his parents listed it would be a great help. Please contact me if you can help. I know there is a charge for a copy of a birth certificate so let me know what it is and where to send it. I was born in Kansas but moved to Iowa when I was in grade school in the Davenport area. I lived there until after I was out of high school and went to work with the Telephone company. My whole career was in Iowa at several locations. I hope to be in Davenport in latter part of July or August to visit relatives there. Sorry this is so long. Clyde Robinson

Dated: Monday, June 25, 2001 11:54 PM
From: Helen
Hello. my name is Helen Sims, the Teichmillers are my ancestors. I have some info on dates of death for the following. ELIZABETH TEICHMILLER d.Aug,5 1920 CLARA TEICHMILLER d.July 24 1915 (She was 18 yrs old not 22) MATTIE TEICHMILLER d 1918 HENRY TEICHMILLER D1895 I have death cert. and/or obits for these. I would really apprecciate it if you up dated your GREENWOOD Cemetery Records. Thank You! If you need some verification please let me know and I will be happy to send it to you. Helen CA

Subject: McBride surname
Dated: Monday, June 25, 2001 12:08 PM
From: Sherry Murphy
Hi Dave - I was raised on a farm in Muscatine Co. owned by my grandparents, Job Stewart & Mary Gertrude McBride. The first settler of the farm was John A. McBride. Don't have a date, but his son Benjamin Franklin "Frank" McBride was born there in 1859. When I lived there it was in Lake Township. And thats where my confusion sets in. I've made the trip to the Muscatine Library a couple of times, and I also have some access to the census record thru a membership in John A. is listed in 1860 in Lake township, but later on I found them in Bloomington township & 76 township. Did they change the townships around from time to time? This same farm stayed in the family from John A. McBride until the early 60's when my dad, Eugene "Jim" McBride farmed it. It was sold to the Tony Tometich (sp?) family. Any info you can give me would be greatly appreciated. Regards, Sherry Murphy

Subject: cemeteries
Dated: Sunday, June 24, 2001 10:11 PM
From: Mary Ann
Looking for info on the buried folks at Fairport, IA., specifically, Ricketts, Rachel Ann "Annie" Sedam and Anthony. I connected with a Muscatine funeral home that placed their son, Gordon, in the cemetery. When we were there, we found very long grass, a few head stones and spaces. A and R A were both deceased by 1920 and may have not had stones. They were farmers with nine children. Any help is appreciated. R A was my great, great aunt. Mary Ann

Subject: SCHEETZ
Dated: Saturday, June 23, 2001 8:58 PM
From: Susie Gust
I found them on the 1900 census for city of Muscatine. I believe Catherine Scheet died after 1901 and before 1903 in Muscatine. John went to California abt 1905 with Walter age 7 and Ellie age 5. Ellie was not on the 1900 census. I do not know where either John Scheetz Jr or Catherine are buried. Is there any record for her death or Ellie's birth in Muscatine? I believe John may have died in California. John Sheetz Sr is listed on this census as married to Catherine . Notice the different spelling of the last name. Could the census record be wrong Catherine's obit in the Muscatine Journal listed the spelling as Scheetz. I think John Sr was the father of John Jr. but Catherine was not his mother. Is there anyway to find out if John Sr was married before he married Catherine in 1875? John Jr was born in March of 1858 and John Sr came from Germany in 1855. Thanks Susie Gust

Subject: Look up on the 1836 Iowa Terr. Census, please?
Dated: Saturday, June 23, 2001 1:26 PM
From: Rita Wood
HI! Would you be available to look up G. W. and D. Ames on the Dubuque Iowa Territorial Census? GW is on page 36, and D. (David, I suspect) on page 43. Thank you! Rita Wood

Subject: Muscatine Co. Biographies
Dated: Saturday, June 23, 2001 9:28 AM
From: Sue Johnson
I am interested in finding the bio on George W. Swope who is listed on your index for Muscatine Co. Biographies Index 1889. Thank you for your kind assistance. SueJohnson

Subject: Charlie Clark
Dated: Friday, June 22, 2001 1:22 AM
From: L. J. Clark
Hello , I was wondering if there is a death index for Muscatine County . Charlie (Charles) Clark died 1907 as a small child . His parents were Frank M. & Myrtle (Babbitts) Clark . Any help would be greatly apperciated . Thank you in advance . L .J. Clark

Subject: Census record
Dated: Thursday, June 21, 2001 10:57 PM
From: Becky Hinton
I believe that number 454 (Dusenbery, H.) is my great grandfather. Could you obtain a copy of the record for me? Becky Hinton

Subject: Wapsinonoc cemetery question
Dated: Wednesday, June 20, 2001 9:38 PM
From: Fran Eichler
I am trying to find an ancestor for my relative who lives in Holland. This individual we are trying to find is listed in the 1885 Wapsinonoc Twp census. Her name was Hazen, Kate (wife of Albert). They both came to Iowa on 4/18/1873 with 7 of their 8 children. My relative is the descendent of the child who stayed in Holland and I, of course, am a descendent of one of the children who came over with their parents. Albert Hazen (spelled Hezen on headstone) and most of the descendents (spelled Hazen) are buried in the St. Mary's Catholic Cemetery west of Nichols, but Catharina (Kate) Schaapveld Hazen (Heesen in Holland) is not buried there. We have no clue when she died and where she is buried. Where are the Oak Ridge and North Prairie Cemeteries located? I would be willing to drive down and walk the cemeteries myself if I had a clue where they are located. For your information, Albert was born 1/15/1819 and died 4/15/1892. Kate was born 1/10/1816. I checked out the other cemeteries around West Liberty on the web page but didn't see her listed. Unfortunately, I didn't check Schaapveld, but I wouldn't think that if she died before him that she would be buried under her maiden name. Thanks in advance for any information you might be able to provide. Fran Eichler

Subject: 1844 Cyclone/Randall
Dated: Wednesday, June 20, 2001 7:15 PM
The following is text from an 1879 History of Clinton County: " Richard H. RANDALL was born June 30, 1807, in York Co., Me.; in 1822 moved with parents, John and Sarah Randall, to Penobscot Co.; while there followed farming and lumbering; in the fall of 1838 emigrated to Iowa, locating in Montpelier Township, Muscatine Co. An incident here in his life, never to be forgotten, occurred on the 5th of June, 1844; while he was absent from home his vicinity was visited by a terrible cyclone which destroyed his residence with all its contents, killing his mother and severely injuring his wife, children and brother." I would like to know if an account of this cyclone appeared in any local newspaper of this time. Also I would appreciate it if the card index for marriages, births, obituaries and deaths taken from Muscatine papers from 1840-1900 could be searched for the death of Sarah. Thank you for any help you can give me.

Subject: Marriage of Milton J. Adams/ Laura E. Dewitt
Dated: Wednesday, June 20, 2001 9:09 AM
From: June Huggins
I have just found that my great great grandparents Milton J. Adams and Laura E. Dewitt were married in Muscatine Co. in August of 1886. Is it possible to verify this or to find who their parents were? J Huggins

Subject: 1840 Musc. Census
Dated: Tuesday, June 19, 2001 11:49 PM
From: Vickie
You have a ? Franklin listed on page 454. My maternal grandparents were Franklins. Please tell me how I can get a copy of that page. Thank you!

Subject: cemetery records/ Wilton, Ia.
Dated: Monday, June 18, 2001 2:25 PM
From: Ann Christiansen Smith My father was J.E. Christiansen of Durant, Iowa. I was looking for genealogical information about him and got to the site about cemeteries in Wilton which is just one town east of Durant where he was a doctor for over 45 years. Do you have any notes on him? Thanks for your reply. Ann Christiansen Smith

Subject: Christopher Burns
Dated: Saturday, June 16, 2001 5:25 PM
From: Pierce Burns
I am looking for information on Christopher Burns, Page 470 of the 1840 Muscatine County Census. I was wondering if you could help me. I am his great great grandson. Pierce Burns

Subject: Copies of Biographies
Dated: Wednesday, June 13, 2001 11:08 AM
From: Sheila Charlton Spencer
I would appreciate copies ot the biographies of: Charles M. Robertson, page 320 Dr. William S. Robertson, page 332 Thank you for your help with this. Sheila Charlton Spencer

Subject: st.mary's
Dated: Sunday, June 10, 2001 7:03 AM
From: Joe Scannell
When will you have St.Mary's completed ? It's been well over a year in process ???Do you have any Scannell listed...Mark E. and Catherine P. Scannell...Thank you Joe Scannell , lived in Muscatine until in Georgia

Subject: Re: Bernets in Oakdale Cemetery
Dated: Saturday, June 09, 2001 11:58 PM
From: Pamela Munro
Dear Dave, "Anna E." went by the name Elisabeth (or Elizabeth), except in immigration records. Her maiden name was Beyreuther (many different spellings). All my records re her dates are very confused, so 1904 is a possible death date. I do have 23 Jan 1872 as Henry's date of death. Both Henry and Elisabeth were born in Issigau, Bavaria, and emigrated to Muscatine Co. through the port of Baltimore in 1848. Well, the Bernet group you've been corresponding with got an obit for John Bernet (Jr., the Civil War veteran). I would be interested in any information about his father John Bernet (born Switzerland, died between 1854 and the 1860 census) and his mother Margaret Bernet (born Switzerland about 1822; I don't have a death date, and no information about her after the 1880 census). I'm also interested in his brothers Rudolph (born about 1848?) and Jacob (born about 1852), who I also have no documentation of after 1880. I also am interested in obituaries for Henry and Elisabeth Lang's children: Eva (born about 1830; married name Fish), Nicolaus (b. 22 July 1836, d. 10 Jan. 1923), Johannes (b. about 1838, probably died before 1850), Henry (b. 12 May 1840, d. 26 Jan. 1922), Anna Catherine (b. about 1843; married name Brenner), Christiana (b. about 1847; married name Dimmett), John (b. about 1850), and George (b. 11 Jan 1853, d. 24 Jan 1918). All those born before 1848 were born in Bavaria. Thank you so much for this help. Pam

Subject: garrison
Dated: Friday, June 08, 2001 1:02 PM
Frank Garrison b. abt 1890 his son Floyd Cliffard Garrison b. 1909 in Muscatine, Iowa his wife Leona McKillip , Thier son Donald E. Garrison b. 1933 in Muscatine, Iowa and married Joyce Marie Miller b. 1932 in Texas.

Subject: Hyink genealogy
Dated: Friday, June 08, 2001 1:22 AM
From: Lawrence Hyink
I have recently published a documentary and pictorial genealogy of the Hyink family. Many of those included are descendents of Jan Albert Hijink who settled with his family in Muscatine around 1863. Of course, I always worry about those descendents of Jan Albert whom I might have missed and would, therefore, like to inquire whether I could solicit help from your organization to fill in my blanks. While my e mail address is printed on this sheet, I will also include my regular mailing address: Lawrence Hyink, Jr. 344 Barneson Avenue San Mateo, CA 94402-3444 Any aid that you might render will be appreciated. I am willing to be of whatever aid I can in supplying information on Hyinks and Hyink relatives that I might possess that may not be in your files. Thank you, Lawrence Hyink.

Dated: Wednesday, June 06, 2001 11:19 AM
From: Tom Howard
I am looking for information on the families of F. Henry Wintermeyer (1860-1936) and Bernhardt H. Eversmeyer (abt.1825-1891). Both men were born in Germany. Wintermeyer died in Pittsburgh, CA, and Eversmeyer in Muscatine, Iowa. Eversmeyer immigrated to the United States sometime before 1853, and Wintermeyer in 1881. Eversmeyer was Wintermeyer's sponser when the latter became a naturalized citizen of this country. And Eversmeyer's son, John H., was a witness at Henry Wintermeyer's marriage to Katherine Schmelzer (1857-1935) in 1883. Given that Wintermeyer's mother was an Eversmeyer, it is probable that Henry and Bernhardt were related. An obit from this site mentions all three men in the connection in the death of a fourth man. My primary goal is to find out exactly where these people were born in Germany. I know Wintermeyer was born in Westphalia ( a part of Prussia when he immigrated), and Schmelzer was born in Hessen (I don't know which one). Eversmeyer's wife, Magdalena Kuchman (1833-1908), was born in Hessen-Kassel. Thanks.

Subject: SCHEETZ
Dated: Tuesday, June 05, 2001 9:02 PM
From: Susie
I have a copy from a newspaper for Catherine Scheetz died 5-26-1925, It list the German Evangelical church as the place of service Rev R C Lucke in charge. Can you tell me what the name of this church is today? Would they have records for this family? Is the newspaper the Musctine Journal? Thanks Susie

Subject: jacob baker
Dated: Thursday, May 31, 2001 10:43 PM
From: Jennifer Baker
Jacob Baker was listed on the 1840 census. Could you please send me detail information on the family. Thank you Jennifer Baker

Subject: Oak Ridge Cemetery
Dated: Thursday, May 31, 2001 10:09 PM
From: Mason
Oakridge Cemetery/West Liberty/ Wapunononis Twp/Iowa Whisler John 1818-1891 Whisler Maria Jane 1822-1885 Hello: I would so appreciate a confirmation of the dates and names above . By chance does this cemetery have an Ann Eliza Whisler? Much Thanks, Mason

Subject: Muscatine County, Iowa QUERY
Dated: Thursday, May 31, 2001 7:03 PM
From: Len Gilbert
I'm looking for connections to Mary Keziah McELROY (27 April 1870-30 March 1940), daughter of unknown EMBREE (mother) and unknown McELROY (father). Location: Wilton, Muscatine County, Iowa, about 1860-90. Mary married Samuel Joseph GILBERT in Weiser, Idaho in 1909 and died in California. Len Gilbert

Subject: Bernets in Oakdale Cemetery
Dated: Thursday, May 31, 2001 7:30 AM
From: Paul H. Sharar
Hi Dave, I am a descendant of John Bernet, Civil War veteran, buried at Oakdale. Several of us are trying to find the burial place of John's father, Johann Bernet. who came from Grindelwald Switzerland and arrived in Muscatine County, we believe in the spring of 1853, and then died about 1855. Could you tell us when Oakdale opened? Do you have any suggestions as to where we might look? One grandson of John Bernet in Oakdale, was my dad, Paul B. Sharar, who founded Clinton Community College and served as its first dean. Thank you for any assistance. Paul H. Sharar

Subject: marriage prior to 1850
Dated: Wednesday, May 30, 2001 8:45 AM
From: Pam Dunnington
I would like to investigate the information below to see if there is any more information available. I have an Ancestry membership. I know John Wiblishauser married a woman named Mariana Braun. Veplehauser has to be another mis-spelling. Would marriages up to 1850 be at the courthouse. Thank you. Pam Dunnington Iowa Muscatine County Braun, Mariana married Vepleshouser, John on 10 Sep 1848 in Muscatine County, Iowa Iowa

Subject: Muscatine Lookup
Dated: Tuesday, May 29, 2001 3:03 PM
From: Charlotte Heesen
Hello, There is a John Harmsen buried at St. Mary's Cemetery in Nichols. Lot 28. As his parents the Pike Twp cemetery book (new) lists Garret Harmsen and Wilemina Hazen as his parents. Both, Garret and Wilemina are buried in lot 67. Is their any way, by their deaths, 1919 and 1895, or marriage record, to figure out who Wilemina's parents were? Thanks for your time and help. Charlotte Heesen, the Netherlands.

Subject: Muscatine information needed Dated: Monday, May 28, 2001 10:20 PM
From: Tammy Jackson
A few months ago I requested some information on George Chase of Muscatine. I did receive it ( thank you), now I am in need of more info. I am looking for information on my great grandparents, George Chase & Alice Collins Chase. I do not know who the parents are of either one. After talking to their granddaughter, I have gotten a little more information from her. They were probably born in Muscatine, since they lived there all their lives,and they had a house near the downtown area. Possibly at 122 4th St. As late as 1985 or 86, there was a church directly across the street from this house. George & Alice's other granddaughter is a violinist, and played at that church at that time, so she got to see the house where her father grew up. George and Alice were both music teachers, Alice - piano and George mainly guitar. George died around 1957 or 58 of a massive heart attack. Alice died on Jan 5 1974, in Cape Coral Florida, at the age of 96. Both were cremated, but have places in a local cemetary. Grandma, Norma Chase Watson( born Feb,1909) took Ami's( Alice's) ashes back to Muscatine in the middle 70's. There is one other child, Robert Bruce Chase, born March 22, 1912. Alice had a sister named Jessie Collins, she married Ed Alsthalter. They had 3 children, Bob( who became a doctor), Margaret and Mildred. Mildred was still alive as of 1985. I'm not sure abou the other 2. I realize this is a very strange request, but can you or someone help me get more information on these families? Anything would be appreciated. ( Of course the whole family history would be even better, but that's asking too much. Ha Ha.) Unfortunetly, the information I requested on George Chase, that is listed in the biographies, I can't figure out yet if he is related to my family. Thank you for your time Tammy Jackson

Subject: 1840 Census Index
Dated: Monday, May 28, 2001 7:38 PM
From: Kay
I noticed a John Hocker/Stocker #474 in the 1840 census index. Do you charge for looking up further information? Stocker is my family but wasn't aware that they may have been in IA in 1840. Kay P Wisconsin

Subject: research
Dated: Sunday, May 27, 2001 11:06 PM
From: Deb Warner
Hi Dave, My mother-in-law ask me to do some research today. She believes her mother-in-law is buried at Muscatine Memorial Park and would like to know where the cemetary actually is and where she is buried in the cemetary. If you could help her find Louella Maith Tonne Meyer-date of death 5/3/58, we would appreciate it. My work e-mail is Thanks Deb Warner

Subject: Muscatine County 1840 Census
Dated: Sunday, May 27, 2001 10:34 AM
From: Tracy Gooding
Dear David , I found one of my ancesters in the 1840 census for Muscatine County, Iowa. Elias Graham on page 456. Do you have any further information on him or his family at this time? Does the cencus include names of family members or just the name of the head of the household with others listed as "spouse" or "children"? Thanks in advance, Tracy Gooding

Subject: Muscatine County Look Up
Dated: Wednesday, May 23, 2001 3:45 PM
Death Records Would like to know when Homer Brownlee died. I think it was in 1963 in Muscatine.

Subject: muscatine county lookups
Dated: Wednesday, May 23, 2001 2:25 PM
From: Kristi Miller
Muscatine county lookups.Obit for Elizabeth Geiger. Died at home of sister, Mrs August Fuller in 1894. Any info would be fantastic! Kristi Miller

Subject: George E. Smith
Dated: Sunday, May 20, 2001 4:31 PM
From: Julie
Looking for information on George W. Smith and family. He was born Dec 13, 1858 and died July 29, 1937 I did find the cemetery where is, but looking for his wife, dodn't know her name, and where she is buried. They had the folling children Homer married Seefeldt Edgar Joseph Thelma married Christiansen Georgia married Geiger Lyle L. Bruce I hope some one can help me. Julie

Subject: Muscatine County Lookup
Dated: Thursday, May 17, 2001 11:11 AM
From: Kathie Groll
Hi Dave You have helped me before with a lookup. Perhaps you can help again. I'm looking for obits for a husband and wife. George Hill Brogan, buried March 6, 1930 in Greenwood Cemetery. I assume death date is two to three days prior. Marguerite Winnemore Brogan, buried October 17, 1914 in Greenwood Cemetery, again assume death date is two to three days prior. I have access to Chicago Tribune obits and would be willing to do some lookups for you in return. Thanks Kathie Groll

Subject: Hesnan
Dated: Wednesday, May 16, 2001 9:05 AM
From: John Hesnan
Dave, amazed to find my Irish ancestors on your site - Thank You. There is a slight misspelling (Kildackey should read Kildalkey and Heath should read Meath) I am John Hesnan from Kildalkey,Co Meath, Ireland (now living in Galway ,Ireland). If you know of any Hesnan's now living in the IOWA area please give them my email address - I would love to get in touch Well Done Thank You John Hesnan Derryloughaun East Furbo Galway Ireland

Subject: Dolsen, Wm. W. Pg. 204
Dated: Wednesday, May 16, 2001 12:09 AM
From: M. Dolsen
Hi, Noticed this Dolsen listed on your web page for the MUSCATINE COUNTY HISTORY - 1889 I'd like to obtain a copy if I may. How do you provide this? If online attached to a Email, please send to Many thanks, M.Dolsen Anchorage, Alaska

Subject: Death Record Search-Muscatine Courthouse
Dated: Tuesday, May 15, 2001 2:35 AM
From: Kathryn
The name is Michael Bailey. The obit of his wife from Nov 28, 1890 refers to him as alive. I have a West Liberty newspaper clipping of his granddaughter, Phebe Watson, who was married in March 1897 where it says she and her husband are moving into the Michael Bailey farm, so I think he might have died by then, but am not sure. He was born in 1819, so by 1894 he would have been 75 yrs old. I wrote to the State for a Death Certif for his wife, Ann Pringey Bailey, who died Nov 28, 1890 (per her obit) and they sent a notice back that they had no death record for 1890 for her in Muscatine Co. Which is curious. She was buried in Oakridge, in West Liberty. There is an unmarked grave next to hers, and I suspect that is where Michael is buried.

Subject: Greenwood Cemetery
Dated: Monday, May 14, 2001 6:01 PM
From: Jackie Beard
Hi Dave, My Grandmother and I plan to visit Greenwood Cemetery on Thursday. We are looking for the graves of her ancestors, O.P. Connor d. 21, Jan. 1891 83 yrs, 3 mths, 5days. and Mary E. Connor d. 23 Mar 1869 51 yrs, 3 mths, 29 days. They are listed on your report, but I want to be able to locate them. Any help would be greatly appreciated. My grandmother is pretty spry for 86 but not up to looking at 2200 graves to finding her people. Jackie Beard

Subject: Demoine cO.
Dated: Saturday, May 12, 2001 4:24 PM
From: Gene K.
Where , I wonder, is Demoine County ??!!?? Gene K

Subject: Oak Ridge Cemetery Look-up
Dated: Saturday, May 12, 2001 1:31 PM
From: Jill
I have just learned that Andrew B. and Eliza Meek Phillips are buried in Oak Ridge. I am looking for their grand-daughter (daughter of William J. Phillips). I don't have her first name, only that she married William Henry Harrison WRIGHT. Thanks for anything you can find. I really appreicate your time. Jill

Subject: TATE, Marsha
Dated: Monday, May 07, 2001 4:18 PM
From: Iva Nelson
I would like to renew contact with Marsha TATE, who in June, 1981, joined the Musser Public Library as assistant director; her mail address was 605-1/2 Cedar Street in Muscatine, IA. She may have married during these years and moved away, but I feel certain she made many friends in the community who might assist in my renewing contact with her. Thanks.

Subject: Muscatine Cem. Look-up
Dated: Thursday, May 03, 2001 11:46 AM
From: Sue R.
Hello! I am looking for Oliver Roberts (b. Nov 1852) and wife Margaret Aldawilda Stout Roberts (Mar 1857-Jan 1935) buried somewhere in your county, prob. in Fruitland. They had children of Mary b. Aug 1889 and James b. Apr 1896. Could you check for them in the records you have? Would sincerely appreciate it. Sincerely, Sue R.

Subject: Visiting Muscatine for research (Wiblishouser/Wiblishauser)
Dated: Tuesday, May 01, 2001 9:06 AM
From: Pam Dunnington
Hello Dave, I hit dead ends with my genealogy search, so I took a break. I noticed the photo of Wildisin Cemetary a few weeks ago. I plan to make my way to Muscatine and Wilton around June 11. I plan to go to the courthouse and Musser Library. I also want to go to St. Marys in Muscatine, and the Catholic church in Wilton. Is it also St. Marys? Do you have any other suggestions? One time you had told me that you had record of a Mathias Wiblishauser/Wiblishouser in the 1879 directory of Wilton, and that he was listed as an owner and proprietor of a wine and beer saloon. Where can I get a copy of that directory? Is there an address of the establishment? It probably doesn't exist anymore, but I thought maybe I could photograph the location. Any help or suggestions are appreciated. I wouldn't have gotten as far without your site. It has been more helpful than all the others combined!! Pam Dunnington

Subject: Thomas H Brophy
Dated: Monday, April 30, 2001 7:30 AM
From: Eleanor L. Eastberg
Found Dubuque County, Iowa Territorial Census 1836, page 30. Do you provide the info by email? If so address is Thanks Eleanor L Eastberg

Dated: Sunday, April 29, 2001 5:38 PM
I am looking for relatives of Walter SHEETZ. He never talked about his family. I think a family fued because he or his father changed the spelling to SHEETZ from SCHEETZ. I found Greenwood Cemetry records for the following SCHEETZ EDWARD DIED 3-26-1960 AGE 79,HENRY AGE 79, JOHN AGE 61, JOHN AGE 82,KATHERINE AGE 86 , LYDIA AGE 92 DIED 2-12-1977 AND ROY E AGE 62. I need dates from cemetery records birth or death notices or marriage records. I believe Walter was raised by his Grandparent on a farm near Mulberry Ave. He talked about the circus coming to Muscatine when he was a little kid and the animals were stabled at this farm. I believe his father may have been named FRED. He had a sister named ELLIE BRIDGEFORD. Any help would be most welcome.

Subject: Ryan-Hamill
Dated: Friday, April 27, 2001 10:12 PM
From: Gayla Meade Templeton
My ggreat grandparents were Walter Scott Ryan and Caroline A Hamill. DOM is Sept 1, 1872. This took place in Muscatine, Co. I am trying to find out the DOB for Candace Ellen Ryan, their child and my great grandmother. I would also love to know if there is any information in the local papers after that time about the disappearance of Caroline. The family legand is that she disappeared w/o a trace. A traveling salesman had been in the area and it was suspected she either left her family and went away with him or was murdered by him. She had several other children, names I don't know yet and none of them ever heard from her again. Legend has it that the children were farmed out to others in the area and Candace Ellen married George Frank Steffee but I can't find that marraige in Iowa records. Supposedly she was much younger but old enough to marry instead of finding a home for her. They were married 60 years. If you come across any information about this family, I would be thrilled. I didn't even know Caroline's name until I found it on your marrage search. Your state is so great to find info. Thanks, Gayla Meade Templeton

Subject: Cemetery Plot Records
Dated: Thursday, April 26, 2001 5:44 PM
From: Helen Johnson
Dave, My great great grandfather and grandmother, William H. Shuey and Catherine Shuey, are listed by you in the Oakdale cemetery in Wilton. This was a surprise to us since the family bible has them buried at Western College in Western, Linn Country. Do your plot records indicate that their bodies are actually in Oakdale? Are there burial dates. Any information you can offer would be greatly appreciated. Thanks ..... Helen

Dated: Tuesday, April 24, 2001 9:22 PM
From: Dale R. Lutz
Source Requested: Muscatine Co. Newspaper obituaries. Dave, Ernestine (Lange) Becker died Nov. 24, 1938, according to the Muscatine Co., Probate Index on LDS Family History Center microfilm # 1863634. Could you or someone be able to check the local newspapers for an obituary on her, please? Is it correct that you have to write to some state office in Des Moines to get death certificates for this time period? Thanks in advance for your help, and for all your earlier help on the Lange family. Sincerely, Dale R. Lutz

Subject: maps
Dated: Tuesday, April 24, 2001 7:33 PM
From: Marge
Dear Dave - would really like to find a map that names the islands in the Mississippi by Muscatine. have looked here - but in Washington state there aren't many maps of Iowa particularly naming the islands. The time frame in 1848-1854 - my 3x great grandad bought Cutter's Island (and the Wyominge Ferry) This island was near Geneva Island where there were summer homes for the wealthy in this time frame. If you happen to run across one - could you make a copy and send it to me? If you need something looked up out here - Wenatchee, Wa (middle of the state) just let me know. Thanks Marge

Subject: Muscatine Lookup
Dated: Tuesday, April 24, 2001 9:38 AM
From: Cliff Thomas
Am looking for the marriage of Lorena Frances Turkle (b 1901) and Mr. Smith (first name unknown). Marriage thought to be in the period of 1920-1925. Any information you can furnish me will be of great help. Thank your for efforts. Cliff Thomas

Dated: Tuesday, April 24, 2001 12:18 AM
From: Leona
Does any know anything William Myers who was married to Margaret Ann Wilhelm on Nov. 4,1858 in Muscatine, Iowa. We believe this maybe a g-g-g uncle who served in the Civil War. Thanks, Leona

Subject: Muscatine Lookup
Dated: Monday, April 23, 2001 2:44 AM
From: Al Long
My ancestor Ware Long appears on page 470 of the 1870 census for Muscatine, Iowa. What more can you tell me about this entry? I can handle an image of this page if you will attach it to an E-mail. Thank you. Al Long.

Subject: The Montpelier township cemetery in Muscatine Co.
Dated: Saturday, April 21, 2001 11:23 PM
From: Randy Wall
David---My ancestor is buried here. I found his death record at the Muscatine Co Court House. Question---Is there a record book for who's buried where and when? Washington Judd-Born Sept 1st, 1828 and died Oct. 26th, 1888 in Montpelier Township, muscatine Co., Ia., and is buried there. He served in the Civil War so he should have a military gravestone. Right? Is there actual records somewhere? Can you help me? or tell me where to look? Randy Wall in Minnesota.

Subject: Muscatine Surnames
Dated: Friday, April 20, 2001 10:22 AM
From: Mary Jane Bloom
My great-grandmother, Cora L. Scull was born in Muscatine, Iowa on October 2, 1868. She married Joseph Webster, date and place unknown, but first child, Dora was born Aug 2, 1887. They later lived in Woodbine, Harrison County, Iowa. I'm looking for any information related to Cora or Joseph. Mary Jane Bloom

Dated: Thursday, April 19, 2001 3:03 PM
From: Mark/Kara
I'm searching for information on Henry Frederick Weiershauser's family. I have found Weiershauser spelled several different ways, I'm sure there is a connection with all the various spellings, especially in the Muscatine area. Henry Weiershauser married Martha Kleppe on 23 May 1878, they had the following children (found on a 1910 census report) Emily (age 29) Elmer (age 25) Ella (age 23) Hulda (age 20) Viola (age 18) and Paul (age 15). Any information that someone could give me would be greatly appreciated. Thanks.

Subject: Harger family
Dated: Thursday, April 19, 2001 12:47 PM
From: Suzanne
I am trying to find information about the family of Jarias and Elizabeth (WICKERSHAM) HARGER. They were living in Sweetland Twp. Muscatine co. on the 1850 census. Children Eunice b. 1845 and Matilda & Melinda b. 1842 Daniel b. 1847 were born in Muscatine co. Elizabeth died in that County prior to 1856, but have been unable to find any information or vital records on the family. These were my ggg grandparents and any help would be greatly appreciated. Suzanne

Subject: Healey and Moynahan Biographies
Dated: Tuesday, April 17, 2001 10:46 PM
From: Walter Pfeffer
Good Morning, Please let me now how I can obtain copies of the biographies of the two Healey gentleman and the one Moynahan gentleman in the 1889 History. Thanks you! Walter L. Pfeffer, II

Dated: Sunday, April 15, 2001 6:46 PM
From: Jim Pray
Served in the 35th Iowa during the Civil War. He was in Company D. Mustered out in Muscatine. Hope you can help Jim Pray

Dated: Sunday, April 15, 2001 6:32 PM
From: Jonathan Weichelt
The Volkmer WEICHELT family came to Muscatine, or Muscatine County from Germany between 1874 and 1883. They were sponsored by someone here. George Weichelt was born in Muscatine 4/14/1883 and his brother Hugo (my gg grandfather) was born in Germany prior to the family arriving in Iowa. Does anyone know of a family, organization or business that brought people to this area? I would like to know more about my family, maybe there were contracts regarding their passage to the US and payment in labor or money registered somewhere locally? While visiting friends in Nicholes last week, the idea came to me that the cabbage industry there may have imported workers from Germany. If this is familiar to you, please reply. Jonathan Weichelt

Subject: Biography
Dated: Saturday, April 14, 2001 3:47 PM
From: Ken & Joan Doyle
Do you have the biography of William Johnston, listed as page 481, Muscatine County, Iowa. I have some record of him farming Sec. 33 in Wilton twp, post office Wilton. Any info on this man, his wife, and family would be appreciated.

Subject: Muscatine County Queries
Dated: Thursday, April 12, 2001 5:00 PM
From: Jennipher
I would like to get information from the birth certificate of John THOMPSON. He was born February 20, 1849 in that county. I'm working on our family tree and it stops with him. Any help would be appreciated. I'm in California and am unable to travel that far. You can email me at Thanks..Jennipher

Subject: Muscatine County Look Up
Dated: Thursday, April 12, 2001 12:01 AM
From: Mary Supple
Cemeteries in Sweetland Township, Muscatine County, Iowa- I am trying to locate and determine a death date for James O'Brien. He was born about June 1, 1856 and died between 1860 and 1870 (according to census info). His parents were Owen O'Brien and Mary Jane Mulligan O'Brien. Since he died before 1880, I am unable to find a death record. A cemetery tombstone seems to be my only hope? Do you have him in your cemetery database anywhere? If not, any suggestions or ideas of how to find him? Thanks for your help. Mary supple Marion IA

Subject: mechanics aid society
Dated: Wednesday, April 11, 2001 2:24 PM
From: Rosalie
Can anyone give me any information about the Mechanics Aid Society of Muscatine? My husband's gggrandfather, JUSTIS KLEBE, was a member when he died in 1897, and his obituary says the Mechanics Aid Society took charge of the funeral. What is (was) this society? Are there any records of it anywhere? Thanks very much!

Subject: RE:Marriage
Dated: Tuesday, April 10, 2001 10:47 PM
From: Sandra Barton
Dear Dave, Would you possibly have a record of a marriage on William Jasper Carleton and Emily Elvira Fisher on Oct 13, 1857. We would appreciate any help you might give us on this. Thank You, Sandra Barton

Subject: 1840 Census Inquiry; Parrot
Dated: Tuesday, April 10, 2001 3:23 PM
From: Lucinda Houston
Hi Dave, I found a listing for a "Susan Parrot" in Muscatine County, Iowa, 1840 Census (page 466). I am trying to locate family of "Minnie Parrat" from Iowa. This is the first name I've encountered that even remotely resembled Minnie's maiden name. Please send me any information you can on Susan Parrot and family. (Copy/paste, etc). Thank-you! Sincerely, Lucinda

Subject: Death Record from the 1870's?
Dated: Saturday, April 07, 2001 10:35 PM
From: Teresa
Hi! I got your name & e-mail address from the IA Genweb page and was hoping that you may be able to help me or give me some advice. I was reviewing the vital stats under Muscatine County & noticed that death records were kept at the county starting 1880. By chance, do you know if they may have anything from the early 1870's? I am looking for my great, great grandmother, Catherine Halkyard who resided in Sweetland Township in the 1870 census for Muscatine County. In the summer of 1873, her husband, Uriah Halkyard remarried. So, I am concluding that she either died between those years or they separated and divorced. I look forward to hearing from you and your thoughts. Thanks in advance. Teresa

Subject: Harry Richard LORD
Dated: Thursday, April 05, 2001 6:31 PM
From: Kathy
I am looking for some kind of a birth record for Harry Richard LORD B: 7 July 1889 at Muscatine to parents Richard Ela Lord and Ida May Butler. Hoped to find this family on a census as well. Thanks, Kathy

Dated: Thursday, April 05, 2001 6:25 PM
I am looking for any info on HENRY C. RUSSELL who married HANNAH STEINER in Muscatine on Feb 4,1857. Henry is my grgrgrandfather. Thanks for any help.

Subject: St. Mary's listings
Dated: Thursday, April 05, 2001 12:14 PM
From: Tammy
Hi Dave, I'm sorry I was not very clear. I found that all of the Rodgers/Rogers in the St Mary's cemt. were mine. I have letters from generations of relatives that have always spelled the name with a "D", but the listings show it spelled both ways. How do I find out if the spellings are exactly the way I'm reading them on the web page or if a typo occurred? That "D" could be an important reason why I have been stuck for so long. Is there a way for you to double check your findings? Or should I write to the cemetery directly? Thank You For Your Time Tammy

Subject:Obituary Lookups
Dated: Thursday, April 05, 2001 12:55 AM
From: Jan Perez
Is it possible to obtain a copy of newspaper obituaries without actually coming to Iowa? I am interested in the obituaries of Thomas Cherry and Eliza Hall Cherry, his wife. Thomas was a partner with John C. Wilson, his son-in-law, in a shoestore. He retired in 1901. I don't have the death date for either of these people. They are my great-grandmother's aunt and uncle, but we don't know which one was the blood relative. I thought if I could find an obit, it might list any siblings which might give us a clue. Thanks for any assistance you can offer.

Subject:Jonathan Maxson
Dated: Wednesday, April 04, 2001 3:17 PM
From: Shirley Rescott
Would like a copy of page 522 from the Muscatine County History - 1889. How do I go about receiving this? Shirley Rescott

Dated: Tuesday, April 03, 2001 7:19 PM
From: Phyllis McReynolds
Does anyone have access to an 1870 and 1880 Muscatine County census and if so, would you be willing to do a lookup for me. I am looking for William Schwalm, whose wife was Alice. The couple had some children and possibly Alice's father and mother, who would have been Jonathan and Elizabeth Wallace. There is a possibility that a William C. or Caney Wallace could have been living with them at that time. I could sure use some help and would appreciate anything I can find out. Thanks! Phyllis McReynolds

Subject: Hannah Wales-Timberlake Cemetery
Dated: Monday, April 02, 2001 10:40 PM
From: Sally Flory-O'Neil
Hello, In regard to the headstone of Hannah Wales - Hannah was the wife of Harmon Timberlake. She died drowning the Cedar River during a thunderstorm on November 26, 1861. Hannah & Harmond married March 26, 1857 I believe they had a son, Arthur A. Timberlake, born June 30, 1860. Harmon remarried - Malinda T./Jenny Lyons. Harmon Timberlake was the brother of my great great grandmother Martha R. Timberlake who married John Heller. Sally Flory-O'Neil

Subject: Heaton/Alloway
Dated: Sunday, April 01, 2001 10:52 PM
From: May Ranck
Hello Dave, I found a marriage of Scott HEATON to Emma J. ALLOWAY 3l Oct. l880 in Muscatine, Iowa. By any chance do you have any other information on these individuals? For example the parents, or any children, did they stay or leave to another county? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Look forward hearing from you. May Ranck

Subject: John Fox
Dated: Sunday, April 01, 2001 1:12 AM
From: J.L.M.
looking for indian john fox whitch is my great great great grandfather that was married to orlinda sackett or great grandfather mangus. both where indians .can you help. thank you J.L.M.

Subject: Harritt PARR--HINZIE
Dated: Saturday, March 31, 2001 11:20 AM
From: Connie Root
I have a friend looking for information on HARRITT PARR that married J J HINZIE 5 OCT 1876. She is looking for their OBs maybe someone out there can help her. I know there are a lot of PARR relatives still in Muscatine.

Subject: marriage records
Dated: Thursday, March 29, 2001 4:56 PM
From: Ferne Kellow
To whom it may concern: I am seeking marriage records for Elizabeth (Also know as Eliza) Snapp Kellow to James Brockway. This would be a second marriage for both. Elizabeth's maiden name was Snapp and her first husband was Henry Kellow. James first wife was Lydia. This marriage would have taken place sometime after 1853, when Lydia died, but before 1874 when James died. Both Elizabeth Snapp Brockway and James Brockway are buried in the Brockway family cemetery near Conesville. Elizabeth, whom my family knows as Eliza, was my great great-grandmother. We would appreciate any help you can give in helping us locate this information. Sincerely, Ferne Kellow

Dated: Thursday, March 29, 2001 12:50 PM
From: The Clyne's

Subject: 1840 Muscatine Cty Census
Dated: Wednesday, March 28, 2001 10:42 PM
From: Juanita Thompson
Justin Wells Samuel Bratt Could you please copy and send be the actual census for both names My Great-Grandfather JUSTIN OR JUSTICE WELLS married CORDELIA BRATT. Thanks Juanita Thompson

Subject: Biographical Index
Dated: Tuesday, March 27, 2001 5:10 PM
From: Phillip Plush
My Name is phil Plush and I am interested in getting a copy of the following page from the Biographical index. Doran, John M. page 279 let me know if there is any cost thanks phil

Subject: Frank Leimkuehler
Dated: Tuesday, March 27, 2001 12:25 PM
From: Jill Leimkuehler
Looking for info on Frank Leimkuehler 566 on your Muscatine co. histories. Thanks Jill Leimkuehler

Subject: MEERDINK Family
Dated: Sunday, March 25, 2001 6:28 PM
From: Louise Yont
I have copies of correspondence from Bertha Mae MERDINK (nee DYKEMAN) to Ruth Evalyn COLE (nee CROSS) and some research information indicating that two brothers, Benjamin William MEERDINK and Garret J. (Gerrit Jan or Jacob Garritt) MEERDINK came west from Clymer, NY to Wisconsin in the early 1850's. Benjamin apparently stayed in Wisconsin (some descendents dropping one "e" from MEERDINK) and Garret went on to Muscatine, Iowa. IOWA MEERDINKS Garret J. MEERDINK, b.1819 in Winterswijk, Netherlands, d. 1887 in Muscatine, IA, m. Janna Gertruid BENNINK, b. 1814 in Winterswijk, NL, d. 1897 in Muscatine, IA i. Jan Hendrik (Henry), b. 1842, NL, m. Bertha HISLER ii. John C., b.1849, New York?, d. Des Moines, IA iii. Hanna, b. abt 1850 in Muscatine, IA, m. Herman HYINK iv. Benjamin, b. 1852 in Muscatine, IA, d. 1922 in Muscatine, m. 1) Susan SCHAFFLEUTZEL, b. 1845 in Nesslau Switzerland, d. 1894 in Muscatine. Nellie Jennie Louise Benjamin Harry Sarah Bessie Jacob William Archibald Susie, b. 1886, m. Harry CROSS Ruth Evalyn, m. 1) Nelvin STEIBER; 2) Valdon COLE ix. Lotta m. 2) Georgianna STILES, b. 1866 x. Edward Albert, b. 1898 xi. Paul Stiles, b. 1900 xii. Ruth Marie, b. 1908 v. William, b. 1858, m. Clara GERGEN vi. Albert, b. 1860, m. Mary E. HEERD WISCONSIN MEERDINKS (MERDINK) 2. Benjamin William, b. 1820, d. 1879, m. 1) Amelia or Alice d. 1863 Mary, b. 1849 d. 1863 John Henry MERDINK, b. 1850, m. Jane SANGSTER Mary Jane, b. 1886 George William, b. 1888 Henry John, b. 1891, m. Bertha Mae DYKEMAN, b. 1890 Hazel Amelia Garrett, b.1853 d. 1863 Jane MERDINK, b. 1855, m. 1) Charles LAMSON 2) Lewis DASSOW Hendrick, b. 1858 d. 1863 Mina, b. 1861 d. 1863 William MERDINK, b. 1863, m. Martha FERNSTROM Mother Amelia (Alice) and four children, Mary, Garrett, Hendrick, and Mina died in 1863 during the Diphtheria epidemic. Apparently William was sent back to New York when he was six months old to stay with relatives and returned to Wisconsin when he was 14 years old. 2nd wife of Benjamin William MEERDINK was ? BRILL George and Andro Hendrick, twins b. 1868 (Andro did not survive) I am trying to find some real connection between these Wisconsin and Iowa Meerdinks. My grandmother was Jennie Louise MEERDINK (1., iv., ii. above). I found the website of Robert S. Duggan Jr. ( and his database/register on the Meerdinks indicates that Garret J. Meerdink's father was Berend Jan MEERDINK, b. 1797 in Winterswijk, NL and his mother was Janna Willemina KEVESKAMP, b. 1793. There is no reference in this database to a Benjamin William MEERDINk born abt. 1820. According to another letter written in 1960 to Bertha MERDINK from a Vernon J. MEERDINK, Captn. USAF, all the Meerdinks are descended from the family that has owned the MEERDINK farm in Woold, NL since 1123 A.D. It was still owned by the MEERDINK family in the 1960's but the name of the family is ESSELINK as the farm was passed to a daughter in 1863 who married an ESSELINK and her great grandson owned and operated the farm in 1960. I would appreciate any information that might link these two families. Please reply to Louise Yont at

Subject: Carter Genealogy
Dated: Sunday, March 25, 2001 8:12 AM
From: Jerry Carter
I am searching for Carters buried in Oak Ridge Cemetery in West Liberty. Also orginal homes (farms) owned by Henry Carter (1856) and Charles Burdette Carter ( about 6 miles south of Nickols, IA. Can you direct me to any information?? You're help will greatly be appreciated. Thanks, Jerry Carter

Subject: BROWN
Dated: Thursday, March 22, 2001 12:12 PM
Samuel David Brown b November 24, 1845 died April 23, 1917, Dexter, Iowa married Irene Meander McElroy February 22, 1872. She died August 23, 1917 Dexter Iowa Rebecca Jane Brown b August 23, 1847 she died October 04, 1937 where?, married ? Allen Margaret Elizabeth Brown b February 20, 1850 she died June 09, 1929, where?, married Clinton O. Rider (Ridder) a farmer in Jasper County. Newton Perry Brown b September 29, 1853 died November 02, 1938, Carleton, Nebraska, married Antoinette Catalina Garlock b October 06, 1875 in Blue Grass or Center Grove, Iowa. She died February 09, 1922 Schell City, Missouri. Last 2 were born in Muscatine County Mary Lucinda Brown b June 05, 1859 died April 06, 1923, married ?, buried? Cynthia Ellen Brown b May 15, 1862 died March 17, 1954, where?, married Frank K. Witmer, January 15, 1880 , Muscatine, Iowa

Dated: Wednesday, March 21, 2001 9:47 AM
From: Gary Moore
Would like to hear from any BUSER in Muscatine,Iowa with knowledge of IVAN ERNEST BUSER and J.P. BUSER.

Subject: Marriage: Marcella Jean Fox to Kyle Fitzgerald
Dated: Tuesday, March 20, 2001 9:10 PM
From: Tina Carpenter
Not too sure how to go about this but, I am looking for a recent marriage or to verify that it actually took place. Not too sure of the date, either in December 2000 or January 2001. Marcella Jean Fox to Kyle Fitzgerald Can you please give me information as to how I can go about finding this out? Any help would be greatly appreciated. Thanks, sincerely, Tina Carpenter

Subject: 1836 Census
Dated: Tuesday, March 20, 2001 6:53 PM
From: Les Franklin
Hi Dave-I would like to have the information for my GG Grandfather on the 1836 census.Please email me on what I need to do.My GG Grandfather's name was John Franklin,Demoine county,Iowa,page 51.There is also A Franklin name in your 1840 census,Muscatine county Iowa,page 454.If you can I would like to have that info. also. Thanking you in advance I am Les Franklin.

Subject: White, Edward
Dated: Tuesday, March 20, 2001 1:53 AM
From: Janelle Fountain
Hello David, My name is Janelle Dunbar Fountain, You have a Edward White listed in the Timberlake Cemetery. You don't have anything in his birth or his age box. I have a photo of his stone and his age was 52 11m 22ds. He was my 5th g grandfather, his daughter was Lula. My question is that there is an empty space between Edward and Lula White. I have an obit of Edward White wife saying that she laid to rest by the side of her husband Edward White, her name was Mercy Lord Rainier. She died 17th of May 1881, being 71 years 6 mo and 10 days. Could that empty space be Mercy. Janelle fountain

Subject: Courthouse Muscatine
Dated: Monday, March 19, 2001 6:38 PM
From: Helen Johnson
When we visited there I found Deed: Sophia Miller-grantor Date of file: 2-19-81 Date Inst. 2-3-81 Bk 22 -420 Sophia & John Miller -Grantor Peter Jackson Grantee Aug 29, 1877 Aug 22, 1877 Bk 15 pg 520 Tax Deed. There were a # of Will's but will wait on that,if its to much trouble I certainly do understand. Be sure to let me know the cost and I'll remit immediately. Thanks Helen Johnson

Subject: Cutter's Island
Dated: Saturday, March 17, 2001 10:48 AM
From: Marge
Dear Dave - you have helped me before chasing down the Stull name. Supposedly Henry Stull purchased Cutter's Island and the Wyominge Ferry in 1844- an elderly gentlemen wrote me that the Ferry went from Muscatine county to Rock Island co IL and was located 8 miles east of Muscatine town. This island was located east of Geneva Island where there were larg summer homes. This island was destroyed when the River was dredged for better navigation. Is there an old man that shows this island?? I have been unable to find it on the net and our Library doesn't have any old mid western maps. Would appreciate your help in this matter. Marge at

Subject: Thomas Theodore Townsley
Dated: Friday, March 16, 2001 6:30 PM
From: Diana Townsley
I found a listing for T. T. Townsley, born May 17, 1848 and died April 29, 1931, buried in Oak Grove Cemetery, Cedar Twnship, Muscatine, Iowa. Diana

Subject: Ancestor George W. Young
Dated: Thursday, March 15, 2001 7:07 PM
From :Joy Little
LOOKING for information on George W. YOUNG, born in Iowa. Married a Mary E. or A. Deitrich, who was born in 1865, on 19 July 1881. Moved from Iowa to Nebraska where my grandmother Cora May Young was born 22 July 1882. The family later moved to Crawford Co., KS where she lived in 1902 when she married James Elmon Amos KIRK. To Cora May and James Elmon were born 9 children. Cora May was widowed in 1919 when James E.A. KIRK was blown up in powder factory. She later moved to Skiatook, Tulsa Co., Oklahoma to raise her children. Hitting the brick wall and any information on this family would be most appreciated. Joy Kirk Little

Subject: Thomas Townsley
Dated: Thursday, March 15, 2001 6:30 PM
From: Diana Townsley
Thnak you for the obit. the time frame is right, but it does not agree to the name. I have sent it on to someone who lives in Muscatine Co. to see if she can tell me who he is. Would you happen to have run across anything on Cyrus Townsley, b. Jan. 10, 1823 in Xenia, Ohio and died Aug. 11, 1905 in Cranston, Muscatine Co., Iowa. I have tried for a death certificate twice and came up empty handed. Any help would be appreciated. I may have given you the wrong date for Cyrus. Birthdate June 10, 1922 or 23. I get conflicting info on the year. Diana Townsley

Subject: JOHN WESLEY BURR B. BTW 1845-1860
Dated: Wednesday, March 14, 2001 6:23 PM
From: Chery
John Wesley Burr B. BTW 1845-1860 IA. His siblings were Floyd Burr (he guarded Geronimo), Rufus Burr, Lester Burr, Eva Burr (Married 4 times), Goldie Burr, and Mary Mae Burr. John was mentioned on the 1860 and 1870 Muscatine Censuses. Any information about who his father is would be very helpful. My email addy is Thank you. : ) Chery

Subject: Major Sherfey
Dated: Monday, March 12, 20018:15 PM
From: Wade Sherfey
I would like to purchase a copy of his bio. Wade Sherfey

Subject: John Joseph Reynolds
Dated: Saturday, March 10, 2001 11:00 PM
From: Lanny Maupin
I am looking for any verifiable records of John Joseph Reynolds and or Elizabeth Margaret Morgan Reynolds parents of James John Reynolds born Muscatine 15 July 1881. Parents first and middle names may be reversed. I will pay reasonable research, copy and mail fees. Lanny Maupin

Subject: Death Certificate
Dated: Saturday, March 10, 2001 10:31 AM
From: Jill Newton
I would like a copy of the death certificate of Mary Reyburn (maiden name Callin, I think). She died in Muscatine Co. in August of 1882. Thank you, Jill Newton

Subject: Cemetery Information
Dated: Friday, March 09, 2001 6:28 AM
From: L. Johnson
Dear Sie I was reading your we site and found in the Greenwood Cemetery, My whole family buried in this cemetry, Is it possible to have photos taken of the headstone and what price would it coast. The family name is Greenway, Albert F, Alta, Julia (my gr gr grandmother) Kate my gr grandmother Lee E. Louis, Ottie, Roy Willam JR. Williams Sr. (gr gr grandfather). Please let me know how much are death certificates, at some time I would like to collect them all. Thank you in advance for you help Sincerly, L Johnson

Dated: Thursday, March 08, 2001 3:25 PM
From: Kris Townsend
I am researching the KINCAID family that was listed in the 1850 Muscatine Co. census. Robert KINCAID and wife Susanna HUFF, Joshua KINCAID and wife Jane BLACK, Jackson Kincaid and wife Sarah OGG, and Joseph Kincaid and wife Rose A. ALLEN. They were in PIKE Co. Ohio before moving to Iowa. I'm also interested in the EDGINGTON BURIAL PLOT in Cedar Township. Joseph EDGINGTON and wife Eunice REEVES are buried here along with Joseph KINCAID. If anyone has information about these families, please contact me. Thanks, Kris Townsend

Subject: Relatives
Dated: Thursday, March 08, 2001 12:44 PM
From: Willard Hershey
I am looking for the father of Carrie Binn Sutton whom I believe was born in Iowa. Her birth date was 9/27/1864. Carrie later moved to Kansas and married Jacob H. Hershey. Can you help me locate her ancestors?

Subject: Quaker Cemetery
Dated: Wednesday, March 07, 2001 8:04 AM
From: Helen Johnson
These are the known buried there and quite possibly others. Lewis M. Walker Feb 11, 1822 - Jan 16, 1896 & Elizabeth "Libby" (Oxley) Walker Apr 13, 1826 - Dec 24, 1909. Would like to know the whereabouts so that I might get back to Iowa and visit. I do appreciate your help. I don't know much about Quakers but on a visit to Iowa as a child we visited a Quaker Church somewhere in the area and I did not know until I found this information why we must have gone there. Thanks again Helen Johnson

Subject: Melson
Dated: Tuesday, March 06, 2001 7:52 PM
From: Jeff Melson
Looking for the Father of Weston F. Melson or Weston Melson b. 6/10/1917 himself. His address from sources was in Atalissa, Iowa. I believe the family was from Rochester area. His Mother was Clara Melson b. 11/10/1881 and died 6/30/1966. She is buried at the Masonic Cemetery just outside Tipton, Cedar County. Co-pilot Lt. Weston Melson and B-26 bomber crew was shot down over Germany 11/18/1944. From a recent conversation with the radio operator/gunner of that ship, and the only crewmember to get out of the plane while spinning down, he stated his mother corresponded with Clara a couple of times. There was a couple of letters from a Mary K. Melson. This was probably Weston's wife. One of the letters was from Mary K. Melson, in c/o Dr. Ricketts in Zearing, Iowa. This could have been Mary K's Father. Weston was buried in a local cemetery in Kempfeld, Germany and was moved to McPherson National Cemetery in Nebraska in the early 1950's.

Subject: Mrs. Sams
Dated: Sunday, March 04, 2001 7:04 PM
From: Cindy
Hi. I am looking for Sams from Muscatine Co, IA, Columbus Junction. You have one listed on page 470. Great site, thanks so much. Cindy

Dated: Sunday, March 04, 2001 1:39 PM
From: Danny York

Dated: Sunday, March 04, 2001 12:51 PM
From: Danny York

Dated: Sunday, March 04,2001 8:36 AM
From: Nancy Nelson
Looking for info on CHRISTOPHER FORDING. CHRISTOPHER age 47,was in the 1860 census of Wapsenonoe Twp; Muscatine Co; with his wife PARTHANIA , age 42, and their three sons, ALCINNUS, age 28, SYLVESTER, age 17, and DAVID age 14. This family was living with DANIEL MOORE, age 40, and DANIEL'S wife ELLEN MOORE, age 36.

Subject: Muscatine County querie
Dated: Thursday, March 01, 2001 9:30 AM
From: padilla family
HILL, Daniel obituary was submitted by Angela Hill Schulz. I also, am working on this family. Daniel had a daughter, Eliza Hill GRAVES. Would anyone know the first name of her husband? When she was married and children? a second question: Sarah Emeline Graves married BLAKE, John, April 10, 1865. I don't know when Sarah died or if they had any children. Sarah's father was my uncle, Sylvester Graves, mother: Hester Ann Griffin. Would appreciate any information on these familys, also, it is believed that Sylvester Graves was a physician in Muscatine county. Thank you!

Subject: Muscatine County Lookups
Dated: Wednesday, February 28, 2001 9:55 PM
From: Diana Townsley
Thomas Theodore Townsley, born May 17, 1848 Greene Co., Ohio, died April 4, 1931 in Cranston, Muscatine Co., Iowa. Would appreciate an obit if possible. Thankyou, Diana Townsley

Subject: Muscatine co. Lookup
Dated: Tuesday, February 27, 2001 6:26 PM
From: Steve Harrison
I am wondering if you could check a couple of things at the Musser Public Library. In "100 Years of History - West Liberty" look for a Will McCann and his wife, Ola (Hankins) McCann. They were living in West Liberty when her father, Richard W. Hankins died at Tipton about 1933. I do not have ANY other information about Will and Ola. In the event Ola Hankins was born in Muscatine (rather than Louisa) County, I would also like you to check the "Muscatine County Birth Records 1880-1910" that is in the list of references at the library. It is very possible that Ola was born before 1910. (Her parents married in 1881 and one brother was born in 1898.) Thank you very much for your assistance. Please let me know in advance if there will be any fee for these searches. Steve Harrison

Subject: Surname: Sager, Gottlieb
Dated: Monday, February 26, 2001 5:13 PM
From: Karen Sager Hull
I would like to post the name of my Great Uncle, Gottlieb Sager and his wife Elizabeth Schwalm-Sager, also their daughter Anna G. Sager. Gottlieb and Elizabeth were married in Muscatine County Sept. 04, 1862 and Anna was born in Wilton, Iowa on Aug. 13, 1865. Anyone with any information please contact me at Thankyou, Karen Sager-Hull

Subject: Birth record and marriage record
Dated: Monday, February 26, 2001 5:07 PM
From: Karen Sager Hull
I am looking for a copy of a marriage record for Gottlieb Sager and Elizabeth Schwalm , married in Muscatine County Sept. 04, 1862. Also a birth record for Anna Gertie Sager in Wilton, Iowa on Aug. 13, 1865 to the above parents. Could you tell me how to obtain these copies of records? Gottlieb was my Great Uncle. Thankyou, Karen Sager Hull

Subject: online cemeteries
Dated: Monday, February 26, 2001 11:58 AM
From: Darla Heritage
I was visiting your online database and wondered if you have any more information on my family. Edwin R. Wacker (vet) Isola H. Wacker Thanks, Darla Heritage (Wacker)

Subject: Re: Census Lookup
Dated: Sunday, February 25, 2001 7:04 PM
From: Lois Stegal
Is it possible to tell me what Allen's were there? Francis & Jane married in Fayette Co.Ohi in 1839, then moved west with some of her brothers. We thought they had split-up and her had remarried, but have found out that it wasn't so. Her name was Nancy Jane, and for some reason the 1840 Census had her as Jane, the 1850 and on had her as Nancy. For some reason, Lucetta was in Ceader Co.Ia. Census in 1850, instead of Ohio with the family. Sometime in the 70's the family seems to have moved back to Ia. Arvilla m. to James H. Mayberry, Lucetta m. to Matthew McDowell. McDowells 4 children were b. Ohio, so I think. Fourth one was, so think they moved after 1871. Name went to spellimg McDole. Found refences to Owana & Glenwood areas. Would greatly apprecate any more help you can give me. Thank you Lois Stegal

Subject: Muscatine Co. Lookup
Dated: Saturday, February 24, 2001 5:53 AM
From: Steve Harrison
I am writing to request an obituary which I hope would be available from a source like microfilm at the Musser Public Library. Hellen "Ella" (Harrison) Eade was buried in Muscatine (Greenwood Cemetery) on 23 July 1932. She had lived in Muscatine for many years and obvioulsy would have died a few days previously. She was the widow of John Eade. Hellen was born 28 Feb 1848 in North Carolina. Her obituary may give me some important information to get through a brick wall in my direct Harrison family line here in North Carolina. Please let me know in advance what your fee will be. Thank you for your assistance. Steve Harrison

Subject: Biographical Index
Dated: Thursday, February 22, 2001 4:37 PM
From: Sandra
Could you please send me the biographical index pages for Zachary Taylor page 62 and Enoch Taylor page 565 also a picture of Zachary Taylor page 63. Let me know if their is any charge. Sandra L Calandra

Subject: FRED MAUR
Dated: Wednesday, February 21, 2001 10:11 AM
From: Mike

Subject: Muscatine County lookup
Dated: Tuesday, February 20, 2001 4:50 PM
From: Joyce Wallace
Marriage record : Russell C. McCleary and Lillian E. Westphal. Does the marriage record Dec. 23, 1915 list the parent's names? I need the name of Lillian's parents. Thank you

Subject: research
Dated: Tuesday, February 20, 2001 9:45 AM
I am trying to find information on my husband's grandfather Albert Schillig, I know he was married to Elizabeth Schillig who had three children Stephen, Phillip and Elizabeth. I know that his wife, died in May of 1976 but that is all. Please forward me any information my email address is

Subject: Reynolds-Morgan
Dated: Tuesday, February 20, 2001 2:36 AM
From: Lanny Maupin
Searching for information on James John Reynolds. Believe born Muscatine 15 July, 1881. Parents John Joseph Reynolds & Margaret Elisabeth Morgan Reynolds. First and middle names of parents may be reversed. Lanny Maupin

Subject: Muscatine County History
Dated: Monday, February 19, 2001 7:00 PM
From: Michael Fisher
Hello! I was reviewing some old bookmarks, one of which was your Muscatine County site (which I like very much, by the way)......I noticed a reference to a biography for Abraham Funk (page 322 of the Muscatine County History - 1889). Abraham Funk was my GGGGG grandfather! Can you tell me how to obtain a copy of this biography? I greatly appreciate your help. Thanks! Michael Fisher

Subject: YORK FAMILY 2
Dated: Monday, February 19, 2001 10:52 AM
From: Danny York
I am sorry, but I forgot to include another great-uncle; I only have the following on him; A.J. York, of Fruitland Iowa. From his fathers obit., I would guess his birth year as 1865-67. Again I thank-you; Danny R. York

Dated: Monday, February 19, 2001 10:32 AM
From: Danny York
I am interested in finding all the data on the Jesse J. York family that lived and died in Muscatine, Iowa. I have Jesse J. York as being born 1863 and died 1948; William N. York. Oct. 24, 1885 to July 1967. I would like to get copies of birth and death records if possible. Could you please sent me the necessary information to obtain these records? And, if possible, could you tell me if there are still Family members of William York still living in Muscatine? Thank-you very very much; Danny R. York

Subject: VERRY
Dated: Monday, February 18, 2001 11:12 PM
From: Jacqueline Sellers Curtis
My gg-grandparents were WILLIAM VERRY b. Aug. 1835 in England d. 1906 in West Liberty, Muscatine County, Iowa, and JANE WATKINS VERRY b. Oct. 1838 in England d. 1911 in West Liberty, Muscantine County Iowa. Would like to find any descendants. Also, parents of William Verry or Jane Watkins Verry, and any siblings. Jacqueline Sellers Curtis

Subject: Muscatine County History
Dated: Sunday, February 18, 2001 4:57 PM
From: Kris Townsend
How do I go about getting a copy of the information about Col. G.W. Kincaid, found on page 449 of the "Muscatine County History 1889". Thank you for your assistance. Kris Townsend

Subject: Jakob Braunwarth
Dated: Sunday, February 18, 2001 9:09 AM
From: Conrad Braunwarth
I am curious about the Jakob Braunwarth Mentioned on page 349. What info can I expect? Thanks CB

Subject: Muscatine Settler
Dated: Friday, February 16, 2001 10:02 PM
From: Vanessa Osborne
I am interested in obtaining any information from the Muscatine Old Settlers Association on Andrew McCurdy. He is listed as having settled in Muscatine in1838. As I understand it what is online is only an index, but more information on the individual may exist. I would sure appreciate any lookup you could do. Please e-mail me if you are able to do this. Thanks! Sincerely, Vanessa Osborne

Dated: Sunday, February 11, 2001 2:56 PM
From: Nancy Nelson
Looking for information on CHRISTOPHER FORDING. CHRISTOPHER was born in 1818 in Columbiana Co; Ohio. He is found in the 1860 Census of Muscatine Co; Iowa, age 47, with his wife, PARTHANIA, age 42, and 3 sons, ALCINUS, age 28, SYLVESTER, age 17, and DAVID, age 15. CHRISTOPHER and his family were living at that time with a DANIEL and ELLEN MOORE. Any info on the FORDING line is greartly appreciated.

Subject: Charles Chamberlain (1847-1921)
Dated: Sunday, February 11, 2001 1:21 PM
From: Keith Parke
I'm searching for any information about my gggrandfather Charles Chamberlain of Muscatine County, IA. He was born in Ohio and moved to Muscatine IA and married Elizabeth Burnside in 1879. He died in 1921 and is buried in the Greenwood Cemetery, in Muscatine County, IA. This is all the information that I have on him, some of which came from the Muscatine County GENWEB site. Any assistance in locating information on Charles would be greatly appreciate. My email address is : Thanks Keith W. Parke

Subject: birth records
Dated: Saturday, February 10, 2001 9:10 PM
I am looking for the birth record for my grandfather Jacob E. Whisler born Nov. 19 1900 in Muscatine. please advise me of payment amounts/procedures.

Subject: 1840 Muscatine Co. IA Census
Dated: Saturday, February 10, 2001 3:39 AM
From: Allen Boynton
Hi, While looking for a Michael Pace on the Family Search website, was given the link to you for Census lookup. If you have the time, I would appreciate any information on either Michael or Joseph Pace on pg 464 of 1840 Muscatine Co. census. Thannk you in advance for your time. Allen Boynton

Dated: Friday, February 09, 2001 3:00 PM
From: Marge
Searching for GG grandfather Henry Stull - purchased Cutter's Island and Wyoming ferry in Muscatine in 1844 - married Mary Susan nee Little Godec a widow in 1848 - had four children in Rock Island county IL - last one Hannah Matilda (Tillie) Stull my G grandma - unable to find Henry from 1854 --- found Mary under name Cliffer in 1856 Iowa census = Muscatine - Sweetland twp - no husband - 4 stull children and a new baby. Any info about the Cutter's Island or the Ferry or Henry would be greatly appreciated. Thanks Marge from Washington state -

Subject: History Muscatine River boats
Dated: Friday, February 09, 2001 2:43 PM
From: Marge
Family history states with some documentation that 2xGreat Grandfather - Henry Stull purchased from Muscatine county Cutter's Island and the ferry Wyoming in 1844. According to a gentlemen on the net - Cutter's Island was located 8 miles east of Muscatine City on the Mississippi - there is a hill called Wyoming Hill where thieves hung out - and the ferry went between Muscatine and Rock Island. Henry married in Muscatine July 1848 a Mary Susan Little Godec - she was 23 and evidently a widow and he was 28. They moved to Illinois City and had four children - Cyrus, Debbie, William, and Hannah Matilda (Tillie - my great grandma) in 1854 - then he vanishes - found Mary living back in Muscatine - Sweetland twp in 1856 with the four Stull children - she is using the name Cliffer and has a 5 week old baby but no husband in the census. Can keep track of Mary but cannot find anything else about Henry. Marge from lWashington state -

Subject: Minnie Franklin buried at Oakdale Cemetery
Dated: Friday, February 09, 2001 3:13 AM
My name is Mary and I would appreciate your kind help. Could you please check to see what info you might be able to find on Minnie Franklin,famliy names,address,and if she was related to the Sleater famliy?. Please E-mail me at THANK YOU VERY MUCH!

Subject: Records
Dated: Thursday, February 08, 2001 6:50 AM
From: Carol Willhite
Are you still digging up birth, death and mariage records? If you are I would like to get copies of some for my father, grandparents and g-grandparents. I have all of the dates I just have not been able to make it back to Muscatine to do it myself. It has been almost a year since I contacted you about Greenwood cemetary but I did find out that Arthur Wilhite should have been a Willhite. He died at 15 from an accidental gunshot wound. Unfortunately I still have not been able to discover anything about Hester, whether or not she was a single l or double. Please contact me at your earliest convenience. Thank You, Carol Willhite

Subject: BUTLER'S In West Liberty Cemetery's
Dated: Wednesday, February 07, 2001 3:24 AM
From: Larry Joe Butler
My Name is LARRY JOE BUTLER I have some pictures of some headstones given to me by my Father ( Donald R. Butler ). The names on the stones are of Great uncles and Aunts. The names are as follows along with the dates on the stones............ Could someone help me by telling me Which Cemetery they are in. Believed to be close to West Liberty. ALMA A. BUTLER b.Oct. 23, 1898 d. Aug.28,1934. ROY R. BUTLER b.Nov. 1, 1932 d.Oct 6, 1955. FAYE BUTLER b. 1905 can't make out the died year. I have a few more but I am unable to make out the names................. Any Help would be greatly appreciated......Thanks Larry Joe Butler b.4-29-53

Subject: Chase Family
Dated: Monday, February 05, 2001 11:10 PM
From: T. Jackson
I am searching for information on my great grandparents. Last name is CHASE. Children's names are Bruce & Norma, they were born in the early 1900's. The parents were music teachers. Sorry, but this is the only information I have on the family.

Subject: chase
Dated: Monday, February 05, 2001 10:59 PM
From: T. Jackson
i need to get some information on George or William chase. their biographies are on pages 421 & 436. How do I get access to this information ? Thank You, T. Jackson

Subject: Family Hunt
Dated: Monday, February 05, 2001 7:17 PM
From: David Florance
It appears from looking at census records that my gg-grandmother, Frances Wilhelm may be linked to the Frances Wilhelm married to Louis Wilhelm on the 1860 census for Muscatine Twp. I was trying to figure out if she died in Muscatine btwn. 1861-1870. Can you help me? Best Regards, David Florance

Subject: Muscatine County Lookup
Dated: Sunday, February 04, 2001 3:16 PM
From: Gary
Public Library I would very much like to see an obit on James Edgar Honts Died August 6,1927 in Muscatine, Iowa. He is buried in Greenwood cemetery, and a Cival War vet. 72nd Ill. Co. I Thank so much in advance, Gary Honts

Subject: Stevenson
Dated: Wednesday, January 31, 2001 11:05 AM
From: Candy
Curious the early settler George D. Stevenson where was he you happen to know. Candy

Subject: James and Sarah Rosborough of Muscatine, Iowa
Dated: Wednesday, January 31, 2001 10:55 AM
From: Candy
A query of James and Sarah Rosborough who were of Muscatine, Iowa. They had children: Maria Rosborough married David Stevenson and Elizabeth J. Rosborough known as Eliza who married Elisha Beatty (their children John, James and Joseph) and Charles Rosborough and James Rosborough married on March 3, 1852 by Minister of the Presbyterian Church to Ann Wallace. James and Anna lived in Muscatine, Iowa the late 1800's. They had children: Charles A. Rosborough - b about 1853, Frank Rosborough, James W. Rosborough, Annie A. Rosborough - md June 2, 1899 to Lincoln Davis and Simon Rosborough and Sherman Grant Rosborough. Does anyone have any knowledge of this family now. Candy

Subject: 1836 Territorial Census
Dated: Tuesday, January 30, 2001 10:02 AM
From: Clara Belle Adkins Jenson
I just found your name in the heading for the Muscatine County Iowa 1840 Census. I have a ggfather Samuel Brown who lived in Iowa. I see a Samuel Brown in the 1836 Territorial Census from Demoine County page 87 and I would like more info on this name if you could please help me. Thank you, Clara Belle Adkins Jenson

Subject: Raymond McCreary and Leone McCreary Birth Certificates/Collis IA
Dated: Monday, January 29, 2001 4:01 PM
I believe my aunt and uncle were born in Iowa. I am interested in the Birthplace and year of birth for my grandparents: Edward L. McCreary and Mary Ann (Boyle) McCreary I believe Raymond McCreary was born 6/15/1898 and Leone MCreary 7/08/1902

Subject: Lange family
Dated: Sunday, January 28, 2001 10:23 AM
From: Dale R. Lutz
Searching for obituary or church/county death records of the following Lange siblings: Fredrick Henry (1854-1921), Henry (1855-1927), William (1862-1943), Herman, August F. (1867 - ?), Mrs. Chris Zeug, Mrs. Carl Baker/Becker, all born in Brandenberg(?), Germany, moved to Muscatine Co. about 1880. Frederick Henry died first, in November 1921. Hoping to find the town in Germany that they came from. All probably died in/near Muscatine Co., except Henry (Wisconsin) and August (Colorado). Dale R. Lutz

Subject: Zeug family
Dated: Sunday, January 28, 2001 10:08 AM
From: Dale R. Lutz
Searching for Mrs. Chris Zeug (maiden name Lange), born in Brandenberg(?), Germany around 1860's, moved to Muscatine Co. about 1880, died after November 1921. Looking for obituary or church/county death records, hoping to find the town in Germany that she, her sister (Mrs. Carl Baker/Becker) and 5 brothers came from. Dale R. Lutz

Dated: Friday, January 26, 2001 12:44 PM
From: Mary Jane Bloom
Looking for information on Joseph, Cora Webster and family believe to have lived in Muscatine around 1900. They had five children: Dora, Mary, Josephine, Robert (thought to have died in early twenties) and Arthur (died in childhood). Mary Jane Bloom

Subject: Muscatine County, IA query
Dated: Wednesday, January 24, 2001 12:36 PM
From: Ruby Coleman
I am seeking information on a Jennie MAHAFFEY who married Clayton DOWNER on 24 August 1882 in Muscatine, Iowa. Was she the daughter of a Mahaffey family of Rock Island Co., Illinois? She may be the daughter of Jerusha Eberhart Eckerson MAHAFFEY. I would like more information on Jennie and Clayton's descendants. Ruby Coleman

Dated: Sunday, January 21, 2001 4:52 PM
From: Maryann Stanek
Looking for information on George W. MARTIN and a Mary A. MAY. The were married in Muscatine Co. 17 Sept. 1842. Who are the parents of each? Is the May family from Indiana and Tenn.? Is the Martin family from PA and Germany? Maryann

Dated: Sunday, January 21, 2001 4:18 PM
From: Maryann Stanek
Want of find parents of Joseph N. GREEN, B. c1805 in VA married 11 June 1840 in Muscatine Co. to Kasiah STARK daughter of Wm Stark. Joseph Green had a sister Agnes Green b 1802 in VA. An I Mc CULLOUGH is listed in the 1836 Territorial Census. Want to find children. Looking for MARTIN family born in Germany, daughter born in PA on 19 Mar 1852. Sarah married C.P. Stark in Clarke Co., Iowa Feb 1872. A MARTIN family was in Muscatine in 1845. Are they my family or related? Maryann

Subject: Muscatine Co. 1836-1840 Census
Dated: Friday, January 19, 2001 3:49 PM
From: Maryann Stanek
I would like to have a copy of the 1836 Census for: Thomas Starks, Wm Starks, p. 89 Demoine Co.; James R. May, p. 36 Dubuque Co.; Henry Green p. 71 Demoine Co.; John Green p. 12 Demoine Co. I would also like a copy of the 1840 Census-Muscatine Co. for: Thomas Stark, Wm Stark Jr., Wm Stark Sr., p. 456; Nathan Greer/Green p. 456; Samuel Shortridge & Gabriel J. Green p. 476 ; Michael Green p.458, Michael Green p. 460. Thank you very much. Maryann Stanek

Subject: Henry HOOVER
Dated: Thursday, January 18, 2001 2:44 PM
From: Tom Jones
I am researching Civil War soldier Henry Hoover who was an officer in Company "D", 35th Iowa Infantry. He enlisted in 1862 at Muscatine and died February 27, 1882 in Muscatine. I am interested in any local information including burial and family. I am also very interested in finding images of Henry which I might be able to acquire copies of. I am happy to pay a reasonable fee for time and all expenses associated with this assistance. My other email is Thank you for your interest. Tom Jones

Subject: Henry Lang---John Wiblishauser connection
Dated: Monday, January 15, 2001 11:20 AM
From: Pamela Dunnington
I ahve corresponded to you a few times in the last year. I have been researching my ancestor John Wiblishauser. He is burried in Wildisin Cemetary under the name Wippelshausen. John and his wife died having minor children, they went to live with their god-parents. Mathias Wiblishauser went to live with his god-paernts son Henry Lang (jr..) I have reached a road block finding out where in Bavaria my ancestor was from, but I think the Langs may have been from the same area. Henry Lang (Sr.) and many family members are buried in Wildisin also. I also noticed my gggrandparents named their oldest child after Henry Lang (Jr.)'s oldest son, Charles P. The older Langs and my ancestors John and Mary lived close to one another. They are on the same page in 1850 census in Moscow Township.. I noticed on your web site that there is a biography on Henry Lang Sr. Can I obtain a copy of it? I am mostly curious as to where he was from and if there is any information about why he came here. I am wondering if my ancestor's immigration had anything to do with the 1848 revolts in the Germanic "provinces." Thank You for your time. Sincerely, Pamela Dunnington

Subject: Fountain MATTHEWS
Dated: Sunday, January 14, 2001 8:34 PM
From: Solveig Berry
There is a Fountain Matthews who married Catherine Davis in Muscatine Co, IA 16 Nov 1850. Fountain is an unusual first name. I have a Fountain Matthews born 1811 Barren Co KY. !850 he is in Crittenden Co, KY. This Fountain's father was James Matthews born 1776/1780 Amherst Co VA. James father was named John. There is also "a" Fountain Matthews who served in the Black Hawk War 1842 from IL Just wondering if anyone knows where the Fountain in Muscatine Co IA came from? Solveig Berry

Subject: Springfield, Muscatine County, IA
Dated: Sunday, January 14, 2001 7:57 PM
From: Kaye
I am looking for any information on Laura Snook born July 2, 1863 in Springfield, IA. There are five counties listed with this town/city but they are all defunct. She is my great grandmother, and this is the only information that I have been able to obtain in over a year. She married George Washington Meadows, if any one has any info on this family I would greatly appreciate it. Thank you Kaye

Subject: Lookup
Dated: Sunday, January 14, 2001 2:22 PM
From: Gary James
I'm hoping either you or someone of your knowledge can help me locate a newspaper account of the death of my wife's grandfather - Urban Barnhart. Urban, it is recalled by family, either worked for a utility or the City of Wilton. An accident occurred involving a utility pole that caused his death. Urban died March 21, 1927, but it is not known if this was the date of the accident. Just identifying the paper that such an event would have been recorded and the date it was published would be a big help. Anything else would be great. Any copying and mailing expenses will be cheerfully reimbursed. Thanks in advance for any assist. Gary James - Oklahoma

Subject: Cemeteries
Dated: Friday, January 12, 2001 11:16 AM
From: Sandra Barton
I am looking for a Luther Clark Carleton and his wife Polly Ann, who lived in Muscatine County in the mid 1800's. I have heard that they were buried in Nichols Cemetery. Would you possibly have any records of them being buried in that cemetery and if so what dates does it show for their births and deaths? Any help for these relatives would be greatly appreciated. Thank You, Sandra Barton

Subject: Mary R. Fovishec
Dated: Wednesday, January 10, 2001 2:20 AM
From:Mike Kincheloe
I would like all the information you have on Mary, I am her greatgranddaughter and have just found out not long ago who my relatives are. It looks like she may have died while having my grandma. Please help me if you can. In the register the page is 295 row 4 plot 8. Thank you Joan A. Church Thanks Mike Kincheloe

Subject: Margaret Hill
Dated: Monday, January 08, 2001 8:39 PM
From: Chester Emlet
HILL, Margaret Maggie (wife of Delmar Bud), b. 19 Sep 1927 d. 17 Mar 1968. My half brother Delmar Hill was buried 6 January 2001. Can you give me the phyical address of the Oakdale Cemetery in Wilton? I have used the search engines and can't find it listed. Thank You Chester Emlet

Subject: Greenwood Cemetery, Muscatine Co.
Dated: Sunday, January 07, 2001 9:36 PM
From: Mary Graff
Hello, I'm searching for verification of burial in Greenwood Cemetery for: Joseph Franklin McBride b. 31 Mar 1973 d. 23 May 1923 His son has told me he is buried here, but I can't locate him....... He could be on the same lot as his parents: James and Lucinda McBride Any ideas? Thank you so much, Mary Graff in Yokohama, Japan

Dated: Friday, January 05, 2001 10:11 PM
From: Cindi Ellen O'Connor
Information on: Sarah VANDOLAH Blanchard James b 4 Sep 1855 Sweetland, Muscatine, IA Parents: Benjamin Henry VANDOLAH b 1812 ,Greene, OH Mary Ann FAUSHMAN / FAUSTINE b abt 1816 ,,OH married 3 July 1842 ,Allen, IN -- Cindi Ellen O'Connor

Subject: 1840 Muscatine Co. Iowa Census
Dated: Friday, January 05, 2001 12:07 AM
From: Maryann Stanek
Hi! I am researching a Thomas, Wm.Jr,.& Wm. Sr. Stark found on page 456 of this census. Also a Samuel Shortridge p. 476. Could you also look up a Gabriel J. Green p. 476 and a Nathan Greer/ Green p. 456? Wm. Stark Sr. is my GGGGrandfather. Thank you very much for any information that you can get me. Maryann Stanek

Subject: Spencer
Dated: Wednesday, January 03, 2001 10:47 AM
searching for info on the Spencer brothers of the 2nd Iowa Cavalry. August 1861 to 1864.

Subject: looking for info
Dated: Tuesday, January 02, 2001 5:55 PM
From: Kitty Weise Steele
I am trying to locate who is buried in the Weiss cemetary. I am searcing for my Dad's relatives. He was Joseph Weise and his grandparents were George and Barbara Weiss. Thank you Kitty Weise Steele

Subject: 1870 CENSUS
Dated: Monday, January 01, 2001 10:43 AM
From: Sharon
I'm not sure you can look this up for me, but I thought I'd at least ask. I need the information on the following. Census Index: U.S. Selected States/Counties, 1870 Kermmer, Fred State : IA County : Muscatine Co. Location : 1 W. Muscatine Year : 1870 Page # : 264 I'm trying to find out if he had a daughter who might be my grgrgrandmother. The Muscatine Co site is EXCELLENT!!!!!!!!!!! Thank you and Happy New Year. Sharon

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Last updated February 13, 2005