This cemetery is located just north of the southeast corner of section 18 in Pleasant Valley township.
Pleasant Valley #4 School also called the Drieyer School sat on the southeast corner of this section. In 1869 members of the previous Baileyville, Illinois, Baptist Church began to organize and have services at this school. By 1874 the members had organized and called their church the Baptized Christians of Pleasant Valley, Iowa. They were to be led by the Rev. Peter deNeui. Rev. deNeui was a Baptist missionary minister who came to the Silver Creek, Illinois church in 1871. He was born in the Province of Friesland, Netherlands. His church in Ostfriesland was in the village of Ditzumerverlatt. He came to Iowa to lead this church in 1875. This is the cemetery of that church. The church members split in about 1880. Part of the members built a new church in Aplington, the Aplington Baptist Church, in 1883. This is still a functioning membership today. The other members remained meeting here until a new church was built in 1891 in Buck Grove just two miles to the east and started a new cemetery. They were under the leadership of Pastor deNeui.