New! P. Bernhard entry and updated Adams, Chase & Peavey
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I get a lot of queries about Clayton co. photographers and have been compiling this list of photographers who worked in the county. I thought it might be useful to add it to the website for researchers who are trying to date photographs or who want to know more about the photographer. It most certainly is not a complete list. If you can add to it, please send the information to the Clayton county coordinator for inclusion on this page. Include as much info. as you know about the photographer...... Sharyl Ferrall |
Accola, Jake
Took over the Strawberry Point photography business of J.B. Hughes in 1909 and was still there in 1916. Accola immigrated to America from Switzerland when he was five years of age.
~ source: information obtained at the Strawberry Point library and from the 1915 Iowa State census
~ contributed by Paula Whitlock O'Donnell
Jake Accola and Marie Hoyer, were married in 1915. In 1917 the couple removed to Rock Island, IL and then to Davenport, IA. "The rooms above the Lyric Theatre which Jake Accola, before moving away occupied for his photographer gallery, are being repaired and put into shape for occupancy." ~source: Elkader Register, May 13, 1920 (Strawberry Point column). The couple visited their families in Clayton co. and Dubuque frequently, as reported in the society columns of local newspapers. Jake died in 1973 and is buried in Davenport. Obituary.
~added by S. Ferrall (1/8/18)
Adams, Asa W. (1842–1915)
Adams had a studio in Decorah, Winneshiek County. A prominent series was “Snow Views.” The backlist on this series shows seventeen views “on the Iowa & Dacotah Division of the M. and St. P. R. R. between Calmar and Charles City, Iowa, taken on Mar. 3d, 4th & 5th, 1873.” He further advertised on the back of the card that “copies can be had for twenty–five cents each”. At one time, he had a partnership called Adams & Shear in Decorah in the 1860s, but there are no known stereographs from this partnership. According to the Decorah Republican, November 18, 1915: “Mr. Adams was born February 26, 1842, at Sheffield, Ohio, and came to Iowa when quite young. He learned the photographer’s business at McGregor when he was twenty-one years of age and then came to Decorah and established a business that he carried on here for twenty-one years, when he moved with his family to Waterloo and opened a studio which he operated until his health failed some fifteen years ago. For several years after he disposed of his business he continued to do special photographic work which did not tax his strength. On November 28, 1866, he married Emma J. Fuller who survives him. To this union four children were born.” He is listed in the 1881 Gazetteer. His Decorah business was purchased by O. E. Borlaug. He was buried back in Decorah on November 11, 1915. (See also History of Winneshiek and Allamakee Counties, Iowa, 1882, p. 548.) There are eleven examples of this photographer's work in the SHSI collection, all of local Decorah views of which five are of the “Snow Views” series.
~source: Stereo Photographers, A-Z, State Historical Society of Iowa special collection
Obituary (added by S.Ferrall 1/3/2024)
Bentz, Frederick Leonard (05/22/1885 - ?)
Photographer, Strawberry Point, son of Cyrus & Hattie (Goodrich) Bentz. He came to Strawberry Point from Fayette, Fayette co. IA ca1926 and operated a photography studio from that time until at least 1942, perhaps later. On the 1930 & 1940 U.S. census, Strawberry Point, Cass twp., Clayton co., his occupation is Photographer. His WWII draft registration, dated 4/27/1942: Fred Leonard Bentz, born 5/22/1885 in Fayette county, IA. Occupation: photographer.
~sources: census & draft registration records
Fred Bentz, Strawberry Point photographer, has been confined in the county jail for about two weeks now bound over to the grand jury under bail of $1,000 charged with stealing electric current from the electric lines of that town. Authorities had been called to the Bentz place because it was believed he was operating a still. When the authorities arrived they found no still but they did find traces of where a still had been located. During that search they found that he had made connections through which he was illegally taking current and that charge was placed against him.
~Clayton County Register, Wed., July 15, 1936
Bernhard, Parma L.
married name: Parma (Bernhard) Tyson
Parma Photographs - Miss Parma Bernhard, a Monona woman, who has had considerable experience in photography, will operate a studio in portrait and commercial photography. An open house will be held from 5 to 8 o'clock May 22. Miss Bernhard has had more than seven years of photography experience. She was picture editor for the Western Machinery and Steel World and Pacific Marine Review, trade publications. She served in the Woman's Marine corps during the war, being trained in military photography. She served as aerial photographic officer for 2 1/2 years. After leaving the service Miss Bernhard took private instruction in portraiture and retouching under the direction of J. Ghislain Lootens in New York City. Previous to entering the service she was employed by an advertising agency in New York. She is a graduate of Cornell college at Mt. Vernon, where she majored in art. ~Monona Leader, 5/16/1946
Parma With A Camera
... She says "It's my favorite photo of me."~~
Additional information, link to her obit & another photo (scroll to her entry on the WWII Honor Roll)
~~~~~ The daughter and oldest child of Mr. and Mrs. W.L. Bernhard of Monona, Parma finished high school there; went on to Cornell college at Mt. Vernon from which she was graduated in 1936 with a bachelor's degree in art.
A week out of college she went to New York, landed her first job with Benton & Bowles Advertising agency. About that time somebody gave Parma a vestpocket-sized Zeiss and Parma and photography soon became fast friends.
... 'sunk' an overtime check into enlarging equipment and turned her kitchenette into a darkroom .... then she took Fundamentals and Advanced courses in photography taught by the late J. Ghislain Lootens
(1943) ... enlisted in the Marines, 2 months officer candidate school, then sent to Cherry Point, N.C. where she was named serial photographic officer ... where she did a little of everything in photography from flying for aerial pictures, motion picture training films, publicity shots, aerial mapping & crash photos ... released from Marines in Nov. 1945 & went home to Monona.(1946) .... her setup [in Monona] includes a reception room, portrait studio and darkroom. Her mother's sister Miss Helen Bernhard, joined Parma as a partner when business got better and better ...
~transcribed by S. Ferrall ,the above selected paragraphs from a lengthy article titled "Foto Facts" by John Reynolds; published in the Cedar Rapids Gazette, February 7, 1947, pg 17. The photo accompanied the article
Burhan, A.H. (surname may be Bushen)
Photographer, McGregor
~source: 1862 & 1864 tax assessment
Chase, Edwin W. (1853-1923)
Chase was a photographer in Guttenberg from approx. 1893 until his death in 1923. According to the 1915 Iowa State census he had lived in Iowa for 22 years, so he likely set up his photography business in Guttenberg about 1893. He appears on the 1895 Iowa State census in Guttenberg, occupation photographer. On the 1920 US census, Guttenberg, he continued to give his occupation as photographer, and that he owned his own shop. Mr. Chase is buried in the Guttenberg cemetery.
~sources: 1895 & 1915 Iowa State census and 1920 US census; Guttenberg cemetery records
Obituary (added by S.Ferrall 1/3/2024)
Dahms / Dams, Walter E.
Mr. Dahms purchased the photography studio "formerly operated by the late E.W. Chase" in December 1923. He continued to operate the photography studio in Guttenberg for 48 years. He died in 1970.~sources: Elkader Register, December 13, 1923; (STUDIO NOW OPEN advertisement pg 2); 1930 & 1940 U.S. census and his obituary in the Guttenberg Press, February 12, 1970.
~Note: Surname in records is spelled both DAHMS and DAMS
Dary & Tucker
Photographers, Hardin
~source: 1864 tax assessment
Dempsie, George M.
Dempsie had a studio in Elkader, Clayton County, in the 1870s and 1880s. He also worked in Clayton 1880 and produced stereographs there and Strawberry Point in 1899. He also made views in Garnavillo but not sure if he had a studio there. He had several prominent series: Views of Elkader and Vicinity, Beauties of Clayton County, and Views of Devil's Hollow. While in Strawberry Point had partnership as Dempsie & Niles in 1899.~source: Stereo Photographers, A-Z, State Historical Society of Iowa special collection
~note: There are 2 stero views of Elkport on this website in the Clayton co. Photo album, that were taken by "DEMPSIE's Photograph Rooms, Clayton Center, Iowa" and "DEMPSIE's Photograph Rooms, Clayton Center, Iowa; BEAUTIES OF CLAYTON CO. IOWA; series 7 - a visit to Elkport"
Donner, William A.
Garnavillo and Strawberry Point. In 1900, he is age 27, living with his wife Lena in Strawberry Point, occupation photographer.~souce: 1900 Federal census
~note: Donner took the photo in the Schafer photo album on this website.
Eisfelder, Frederick
Photographer, Guttenberg
~source: 1862 & 1863 Tax lists
Farrington, Theodore (1844–?)
Farrington had a studio in McGregor, Clayton County, from the 1860s through the 1890s. Prominent series was “Views of McGregor and Vicinity.” He was born in Maine, wife was Elizabeth. Children: Ray & L.C. Another photographer, Louis Peavy, wife & child were living with the Farrington's in 1880.~sources: Stereo Photographers, A-Z, State Historical Society of Iowa special collectionl; 1870 & 1880 federal census
~see also: biography
Fritz, John S. (1821?–1891?)
Fritz had a studio in Waverly, Bremer County, in the early 1880s. May have died on March 16, 1891 of Bright's Disease, age 70 years old. Was also in Guttenberg, Iowa. He was a traveling photographer.
~source: Stereo Photographers, A-Z, State Historical Society of Iowa special collection
Goergen, Margery nee Claudy (01/01/1900 - 05/24/1970)
Photographer and owner of the Margery Goergen Photographic Studio in McGregor from the late 1920's until her death in 1970. Margery first worked in Oscar Fryklund's photography studio as a young woman. Her first studio, located in one of the oldest downtown buildings in McGregor was destroyed by a fire in 1943. The building had been formerly owned & occupied by Thomas Updegraff. She re-opened a year later in a different location. Many of her photographs of the Mississippi River, the wooded bluffs and scenes in and around McGregor were printed on photo-postcards. Her photos of local events and resident portraits frequently appeared in the local newspapers as well as larger newspapers in Iowa & Wisconsin. Margery was the wife of William W. Goergen (1901-1955) and the daughter of Daniel & Melinda Jane (Davis) Caudy. Many of her photographs can be viewed on this website by searching for Goergen in the main search box.
Gosting, Alfred G. 'Fred' (1839-1886)
Fred Gosting may have been Strawberry Point's earliest photographer. He had a studio there from the early 1870's until his death in 1886.
Fred GostingPhoto on the left is annotated 'Fred Gosting' on the back. Above image shows the ink photographer's stamp on the back of the photo:
A.G. Gosting, Photograph Gallery, upstairs in Scofield's Block. Old pictures enlarged in any size in India Ink. All pictures made by dry process. Strawberry Point, IowaA.G. Gosting was born April 9, 1839 in Lincolnshire, England. He served during the Civil War in Co. H 12th Iowa. He gave his occupation as photographer on the 1870 US census, Clayton co. Iowa, Cass twp. Strawberry Point. He died February 13, 1886 in Strawberry Point & is buried in the Strawberry Point cemetery. His brother, G.G. Gosting was a photographer in Plymouth county, Iowa for many years.
Dubuque Herald, Strawberry Point column, April 30, 1879:
A.G. Gosting, our popular artist, recently sold the lot on which his gallery was situated, and has fitted up a fine suite of rooms in the second story of the old store owned by Scofield and son, where he will continue the business of taking life-like pictures. F.W. Moirre & Bro. occupy as a tin shop the building vacated by Gosting.~ photos (from the Strawberry Point library) were contributed by Paula Whitlock O'Donnell
~ see also 1882 biography (note: his name is erroneously given as A.J. Gusting in this bio.) and his obituary.
Griffith, William C.
Photographer, Colesburg
~source: 1865 Iowa State Gazetteer; Hair
Hale, David
Photographer, Elkader. On the 1885 census, he was age 28, b. Ohio.
~source: 1885 Iowa State census
Hale, Dewitt C. (ca1858-1934)
De Witt Clinton Hale had a studio in Elkader, Clayton County, in the 1870s, 1880s, and later. An article on his life and work by Bill Witt in The Iowan, March 1978, pp. 36–43, states: “Although his stock in trade was portrait photography, he found time to take his camera out of doors and, for more than 50 years beginning in about 1875, photographed a wide variety of scenes in Elkader and the surrounding area. When nine-year-old DeWitt Hale and his widowed mother arrived in Elkader in 1866, it was already a prospering town. Hale grew up on the nearby farm of his maternal grandparents and in 1875 graduated in the first senior class of the local high school. While still in school, he began working for a Dubuque photographer named Nichols. A few years after graduation he became the manager of his employer's Elkader studio. The evidence suggests that Hale had at least a two fold purpose in photographing Elkader. For one, he hoped to sell stereopticon views of local sights and landmarks to the townspeople. Unfortunately for him, the venture never took hold - he once remarked to his daughter that his total earnings from his finely detailed stereo and 6 by 8 inch prints probably amounted to less than one hundred dollars. A second motivation was the desire to compile a photographic record of the community. Despite the lack of success with the stereo slides, he continued his documentation, apparently convinced that his out of studio camera work, for whatever it lacked in immediate appeal, possessed a potential historical significance. As if anticipation some future interest, Hale signed and dated many of his negatives, here and there attaching notes to them as well.”~sources: 1885 Iowa State census, 1900-1930 US census & Stereo Photographers, A-Z, State Historical Society of Iowa special collection
Hale, Grace E. (06/06/1895 - 01/18/1979)
Daughter of DeWitt C. & Eliza (Fobes) Hale, she took over her father's photography business.
~source: Obituary of DeWitt C. Hale
Horning, A.A.
Alamando Ambrose Horning opened a commericial photography business in South Dakota in the 1880's. He and his wife removed to McGregor in 1894 where he purchased C.T. Peick's studio. He followed the photography and dry goods businesses until his death in 1937. ~source: obituary & C.T. Peick's entry this page.McGregor News, Nov. 1894
"Remember, my gallery will be open all day Thanksgiving". A. Horning
"I have determined that no poor picture shall go out of my gallery". A. Horning
A. Horning
McGregor IowaAn example of A.A. Horning's photography is a photo of the Schelhamer Cut near Beulah. Scroll down to "Schelhamer Cut" in the Shedlock Postcard Collection. Horning is buried in Pleasant Grove cemetery with members of his family. Gravestone
Hover, A.L.
Elkader area, ca1915. "A.L. Hoover, Elkader, Iowa has sold his studio to R.C. Ottstadt, of Wykoff, Minn."
~source: Bulletin of Photography, Vol XXII, Jan 2, 1918, pg 41
Hughes, J.B.
Followed George Roe as a Strawberry Point photographer after the turn of the century until 1909.
~contributed by Paula Whitlock O'Donnell, from information obtained at the Strawberry Point library
Hunt & Baker
Early Strawberry Point photographers, dates unknown.
~contributed by Paula Whitlock O'Donnell, from information obtained at the Strawberry Point library
Hunter, Z.
Photographer, Strawberry Point
~source: 1865 tax assessment
Kenyen, B.A.
Photographer, McGregor
~source: 1864 tax assessment
Keys, William M. (alternate surname spellings found are Keyes and Keess)
Photographer, Elkader. Keys moved to Nebraska in 1867.
~sources: 1864 & 1865 tax assessments & 1865 Iowa State Gazetteer; Hair; and "Pioneer Photographers from the Mississippi to the Continental Divide" by P.E. Palmquist, 2005
Knight, ?,
Photographer, Yankee Settlement
~source: 1865 Iowa State Gazetteer, Hair
Kriebs, Nicholas
Photographer, McGregor. Was in the county as early as 1852, when he lived in Jefferson twp. By 1862 he'd removed to McGregor where he was one of the first members of the McGregor German Presbyterian church. He removed to Council Bluffs, IA then to Omaha, Nebraska between 1865 & 1869, and is found in Omaha, NE on the 1870 U.S. census. His occupation as a photographer was short-lived, and after removing from McGregor, he worked as a Tinner for the remainder of his life
~sources: Hair's 1865 Iowa State Gazetteer, 1852 Iowa State Census, German Presby church records, 1870 & 1880 U.S. census
Weekly North Iowa Times, August 16, 1865L. Peavy has bought N. Kriebs' Photograph Establishment and Art Gallery. Ed Reid will probably assist Lou. in running it. Peavy is some on trades. ~Weekly North Iowa Times, November 8, 1865
Lyons, J.A.
Photographer, Hardin
~source: 1864 tax assessment
Mallory, Dean S. (1891-1977)
Not a professional photographer, but he took many photos in and around Garber.~examples of his photography on this website
~more of his photos in the Mallory Family Album
McKay, Arthur L.
McKay had a studio in Decorah, Winneshiek co. and iin Cresco, Howard co. Iowa (1887–1891). Prominent series was entitled “Snow Bound.” May also have been in Council Bluffs in 1889. A William McKay is listed in Garnavillo in 1865, according to the Directory of Civil War Photographers.
~source: Stereo Photographers, A-Z, State Historical Society of Iowa special collection
Merrill, C.C.
Photographer, Guttenberg
~source: 1864 tax assessment
Montgomery, John
Photographer, Colesburg
~source: 1865 Iowa State Gazetteer; Hair
Nichols, Frank A.
Photographer, Elkader, 1880's. He is also on the 1885 Iowa State census, Elkader - age 28, b. Conn.
~sources: 1880 U.S. census and 1885 Iowa State census
~also see 1882 biography
Norton, A. C.
Norton had a studio in Monona, Clayton County, in the late 1880s and 1890s. Started his photography business in Monona, 1872.
~sources: Stereo Photographers, A-Z, State Historical Society of Iowa special collection; 1882 biography and in the history of the Village of Monona, Chapter XXXVII, 1882 Clayton co. history
Papin, Adolph
Passin, Adolph
Photographer, Guttenberg.
~sources: 1865 Iowa State Gazetteer; Hair and and 1864 tax list
Peavey, Louis (12/31/1832 - 04/24/1902)
Peavey was in McGregor in the 1860s, and also in Ossian and Decorah during the 1860s. He had a studio in McGregor in the 1880s.
~sources: Stereo Photographers, A-Z, State Historical Society of Iowa special collection; 1864 tax assessments and 1865 Iowa State Gazetteer; Hair
He advertised his gallery frequently in the McGregor newspapers:
L. PEAVEY - Latest Styles of Pictures. Large sized 8X10, $2 for the first, $1 each succeeding one. Card photographs $0.25 each for 1 doz., small letter pictures 12 for $1. Old pictures of any kind enlarged. Residences photographed; also views of whole city and all the principal parts at $0.50 each.
~North Iowa Times, June 18, 1862 (advertisement, pg 1)
L. Peavy has bought N. Kriebs' Photograph Establishment and Art Gallery. Ed Reid will probably assist Lou. in running it. Peavy is some on trades. ~Weekly North Iowa Times, November 8, 1865
PEAVY'S PHOTOGRAPH GALLERY!! Over French's Jewelry Store, is re-opened with decidedly new improvements in the light and arrangements of rooms, and is once more at his old business with a thorough knowledge of all the latest styles of pictures. He will give Particular Attention to Porcelain Pictures and to coloring those copied from old ones. Work will not be intrusted to apprentices, but be done wholly by Mr. and Mrs. Peavy, whose years of experience enable them to excel in the Art.
~North Iowa Times, March 20, 1867 (advertisement, pg 2)
By the mid-1880's he'd removed to Faribault, Minnesota and died there in 1902. He & his wife, Mary E. (Farrington) Peavey, are buried in Maple Lawn cemetery, Faribault.
Peick, Christian T. (1862 -1912)
Photographer, Garnavillo until 1885, then removed to McGregor. His parents were Adolph & Amelia Peick; residence: McGregor; occupation: photographer. He died in 1912 and is buried in Pleasant Grove cemetery.
~sources:1900 & 1910 US census; and Pleasant Grove cemetery records
~see examples of his work: in the Oelke family album and the 1901 Garnavillo Cornet Band photo on this website
Elkader Register, Thursday, September 3, 1885; Garnavillo column:
Artist Peick will take a view of the Lutheran church and congregation on Sunday September 6th. All members of the congregation should be present.
Mr. C.T. Peick will leave Garnavillo in about three weeks. Those desiring pictures should call early.
McGregor News, October 3, 1894
We understand that A. Horning, of Melette, S.D. has bought C.T. Peick's Studion at McGregor.
Reed, Edward
Born in Iowa, Photograph Artist, Strawberry Point
~source: 1870 US Census
Reid, Edward L., McGregor & Guttenberg, 1860's
Ed. Reid is the owner, by purchase, of the patent to take little photographs. We were in his sanctum a day or two since, and in a few minutes he gave us the nicest lot of petite faces, and cards to match, that we ever met. Ed. is complete in his business. ~Weekly North Iowa Times, Oct. 24, 1866L. Peavy has bought N. Kriebs' Photograph Establishment and Art Gallery. Ed Reid will probably assist Lou. in running it. ~Weekly North Iowa Times, November 8, 1865
Ed. Reid's photograph gallery goes into the hands of T. Farrington; the latter gentleman having purchased the entire stock of Mr. Reid. Ed. goes to Guttenberg to give our German neighbors some of the best photographs of persons or scenery they ever saw. Mr. F. will keep the late Reid place in good trim. ~North Iowa Times, Sept. 9, 1868
Edward Reid eventually removed to Texas, where he and his wife Julia are enumerated on the 1900 and 1910 U.S. census living in San Patricio. His occupation is shown to be Artist, Photograph Gallery.
Roe, George W. (1862- ?)
Roe, Ruby nee Hoag
Roe was born in Cass twp., Clayton co. Iowa, G.W. Roe became associated with A.G. Gosting in the photograph business at Strawberry Point in 1882. He removed to Minnesota, but returned to Strawberry Point in 1889 resuming his photography work.
His wife, Ruby Hoag, was the daughter of Marion A. Hoag, a photographer from Oelwein, Fayette co. George and Ruby worked together in their studio. The photo on the right is of Ruby, and shows the photographer stamp of Geo. W. Roe. Photo caption:
Ruby Hoag Roe 1893
Assisted Geo. Roe, Photographer
Mother of Florence Roe Wiggins
Built home where museum is now located.
George and Ruby removed to Oelwein, Iowa in 1908, where they continued in the photography business. They retired to California where G.W. Roe died December 22, 1928.
~Roe biography and obituary
~Photograph of Ruby Roe from the Wilder Museum in Strawberry Point, was contributed by Paula Whitlock O'Donnell
~examples of his work are photographs of the Tracy homestead in Cass co. and of Louis and Britta Madison
Roth, E. H.
Roth had a studio in Strawberry Point, Clayton County, in the early 1900s. Made curved mount stereographs.
~source: Stereo Photographers, A-Z, State Historical Society of Iowa special collection
Smythe & Smythe
James A.G. Smythe was proprietor of the Guttenberg Art Gallery from the early 1880's until he left the area in 1886. He died in Grant co., Wisconsin 04/10/1898 (Wisconsin Death Index -ancestry database)
Elkader Register, December 16, 1881Elkader Register, January 20, 1882; Elkport Locals column
Smythe, the photographer, is doing a "land office" business these days. He will remain here over Sunday.
Elkader Weekly Register, August 12, 1886; Guttenberg column
Smythe, our photographer, announces that he will leave August 25th, and now sells photographs at reduced prices. Mr. Graybill will fit up his gallery for a barber shop and bath room1885 Iowa State Census, Guttenberg, Jefferson twp., Clayton co., IA; Front street
Smythe, James A.G., age 33, married, Photographer, born Wisconsin
Smythe, Martha C., age 31, born Allamakee co. IA
Smythe, Charles J.F., age 8
The family is also found in the 1880 U.S. census, but living in Elk twp. - James is working in a flour mill. Next door, boarding with the Isaac Otis family are Thomas Smythe (26) & Marion Smythe (24); he a Flour Miller, she a Music Teacher; both single; born WI - most likely siblings of James.
View a Smythe & Smythe photograph, see photo #4 in the Daniel Nehls Photo Album
Thompson, Francis
Born in Ohio, Photograph Artist, Strawberry Point
~source: 1870 US Census
Webb, Julius Frank
Webb opened a photograph studio in Strawberry Point in 1883. He was later was in Coon Rapids (1889–1895) and Shell Rock (1896–1897).
~sources: photographer signature on a 1886 photograph of Samuel T. Shroff on this website; Stereo Photographers, A-Z, State Historical Society of Iowa special collection; obituary of Mr. Webb.
Elkader Register, Thursday, September 3, 1885:
J.F. Webb, photograph artist of Strawberry Point, has erected a gallery on the corner of Washington and White streets, opposite the postoffice, and will be ready this week for business. All who want good, first-class work done will do well to give him a call, and have your picture taken.
Elkader Register & Argus, Thursday, September 1, 1910; Elgin column:
J.F. Webb and wife, of Shellrock, were here from Friday to Monday, guests of his brother, M.G. Webb and family.
to Clayton co. Directory & Gazetteer index
co. Photo Album index