FRED FORD, will all underclassmen the ability to sleep in class and get away with it.
I, FRED FORD, will everybody better luck with cars than I had.
I, DAVID GROSE, will Jenny the ability to get away with the things I tried. Believe me,
Jenny, it's impossible.
I, DAVID GROSE, will Shannon B., Kyle H., Justin A., and Ryan M. the ability to stick
with Iowa state when Iowa beats them next year.
I, TAMI LARSON, will Ethan Sickels another friend as sweet and tolerant as I.
I, TAMI LARSON, will Mrs. Akers a truly great future and happiness in all things! You
will need it!
I, BLAINE SCOTT, will my brother Richard the ability to finish high school and not quit.
I, BLAINE SCOTT, will all underclassmen good luck in their new schools.
I, GALEN ST. JOHN, will Shawn enough tire to keep the streets of Kellerton blacktopped.
I, HEATH STRAIGHT, will P.J.M. all the pens, gum, and paper that I have acquired from her locker.
I, HEATH STRAIGHT, will Ryan M. another person's house to stay in on Friday and Saturday nights.