IAGenWeb Logo

Contribute to the IAGenWeb Project


IAGenWeb invites YOU to


Join Our Winning Team...

Adopt an Iowa County website!

...and experience the satisfaction of bringing IAGenWeb to appreciative genealogists everywhere. New coordinators are needed for LYON, MITCHELL, MONTGOMERY, POTTAWATTAMIE, POWESHIEK, BUENA VISTA, WINNEBAGO, HOWARD, HAMILTON, CERRO GORDO, WRIGHT, DUBUQUE, HARDIN, CHICKASAW, JACKSON, WINNESHIEK, & DELAWARE counties. For more information contact the Welcome Hosts .

Read more about becoming a county coordinator.

Join Our Winning Team...

Adopt an Iowa Special Project!

New coordinators are needed for IOWA IN THE GREAT WAR, & IOWA HISTORY PROJECT special projects. For more information contact the Welcome Hosts .

Join Our Winning Team...

Contribute by transcribing records!

If you are interested in volunteering your time to transcribe records or indexes for an Iowa county, please fill out the form below.

Read more about becoming a contributor by visiting the Volunteer Primer.


Volunteer to transcribe records:

  1. Choose the county for which you have records to transcribe
    NOTE: Occasionally the county coordinator will have records to send you for typing, but as a general rule you will need to have access to the records you want to transcribe. If you don't have access to any records, please type that into the 'comments' box.
  2. Add any additional comments, questions or concerns you might have.
  3. Fill in your name and e-mail address.
  4. Check to make sure you have entered your information correctly.
  5. Click the Submit Button!
  6. If you have a general question concerning our project, please contact the Welcome Hosts directly rather than using the form.

I Wish to Contribute to The IAGenWeb Project!

I am interested in indexing or transcribing records

Add any details of the records you have to transcribe, suggestions, comments, or concerns in the area below. (This form is not for queries)

Your Name (required)


Your E-Mail (required)


Type 'iagenweb' (helps stop spam):


When you click the submit button the information you have provided will be emailed to us. Use your browser's "back" button to return to this page.