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Creston News Advertiser
Creston, Union County, Iowa
Monday, August 18, 2008


By Valarie Allen, CNA staff reporter


MOUNT AYR — Take a step back in time. Walk into the Princess Theater. Beginning A generous donation by Paul RAMSEY on behalf of RAMSEY Farm Foundation has made it all possible.

"In 2004, Paul purchased the Princess Theater property and donated it to the Princess Theater Troupe, a group of local volunteers, for the purpose of reopening the theater as a movie and live-stage theater," said Michell RICKER, member of the board of directors of the Princess Theater Troupe. "It was through generous donations from former and current residents of Ringgold County that we were able to get matching grants from Vision Iowa and the Dekko Foundation."

Out of the past

The tin ceiling and light fixtures are replicas of a time gone by.

"Paul’s son, M. Paul RAMSEY, a prominent Los Angeles, architect, designed the plans for the exterior restoration," said RICKER. The restoration began under the direction of Mount Ayr resident and contractor Larry LAMB. He was responsible for making the building structurally sound again. Once that work was completed, the rest of the renovation has been completed under the direction of Mount Ayr resident Ron LANDPHAIR as project manager, said RICKER.

"We’ve tried to be cost effective," said LANDPHAIR. "The projection equipment is all used. It has been reconditioned. We are working through a company in Des Moines, called Midwest Cinema." Additions to the original structure have added a lighting room, where a computerized system will allow for professional lighting affects, said LANDPHAIR. Included is a sound system.

"It’s not all hooked up yet," said LANDPHAIR. "But, we are opening with a live show."

There has been a lot of sweat equity involved in the renovation, but LANDPHAIR said it will be worth it. Since the theater is equipped for cinema and live performances, a cinema screen was designed by LANDPHAIR and fabricated by Gary SOBOTKA, a Ringgold County native, to be movable.

"This is of our own design," said LANDPHAIR about the cinema screen. "It's on casters and swings out and can be expanded to fit the stage."


The Princess Theater building was constructed in 1887 by William TIMBY for the W. A. SIMPSON Department Store. As far as any records indicate, the building was converted into the Princess Theater in 1914.

"The silent movies were accompanied by live musicians," said LANDPHAIR.

For 56 years, the Princess continued to operate as a motion picture theater. J. H. EDDY purchased and operated the theater from 1937 to 1977.

"In 1937, at a cost of over $10,000, which was a lot of money back then, the EDDY family completed major renovations, including a new stucco and brick front with a modern marquee," said RICKER. "There was seating for 400 in leather upholstered opera chairs. A new cooling system was installed. It was fans blowing over ice."

The theater was purchased in 1980 by Thomas and Charlene GREEN and operated as a movie theater until its closing in June 1985, said RICKER.


"We started fundraising," said RICKER. "We got a $75,000 Iowa Department of Economic Development Cultural and Arts grant. It was part of a larger grant that Mount Ayr got. The we got a $250,000 DEKKO match grant. So we raised $125,000 and they matched it." RICKER said that means about everyone in Ringgold County and about everyone that ever lived there, made a donation.

"We've spent all that, to get it looking like it does," said RICKER. "It's a community owned corporation, with a nine-member volunteer board."

Sidewalk bricks and seating were just two of the fundraising projects held to raise money for the theater renovation. Local roots The Moonlighter Theater Group will be cast in characters for the first live production, "Farmer Song - The Musical," with Joe HYNEK, who wrote the play and the music, is playing the male lead. Callie POORE, a 2004 graduate of Mount Ayr High School and graduate of Northwest Missouri State University and now attending graduate school there in theater will portray the female lead.

"She's done Moonlighter performances from the time she was a child," said Pam POORE, Callie’s mother, who is also a member of Moonlighters, and on the theater board of directors. "She has done a traveling show while attending Northwest."

There is a lot of local flavor said Mary Ellen DEVEREUX TAYLOR, who is also on the board of directors for the theater.

"Something that was important to people that we talked to was that the seats have cup holders," said DEVEREUX TAYLOR. "So that's what we got."

POORE said her heart is with the Moonlighters. "We've never had a theater to perform in," said POORE. "We've always performed in the assembly room at the courthouse. Now, the Moonlighters and Ringgold Singers, a countywide chorus, will have a home said RICKER.

The Moonlighters Theatre Group and Ringgold Singers are active in the community said DEVEREUX TAYLOR.

First show The grand opening will have a special twist. During intermission, the audience will be invited to the wedding reception for the wedding performed during the performance. It is also a special engagement anniversary for a Ringgold County resident who became engaged 75 years ago, said DEVERUX TAYLOR.

"She said she didn’t see much of the movie," said DEVERUX TAYLOR. "She was looking at her ring."

Economic benefit

"The theater is such an economic boast to the square," said RICKER. "We didn't really have a place for cultural events. We want to increase the fine arts and cultural events in the county. We want youth to have good substance-free recreation. It hits so many positives."

The renovation of the theater has sparked renovation of other aspects of the square said DEVEREUX TAYLOR. "Eventually, the sidewalk that goes in front of the theater, will go all the way around the square," said DEVEREUX TAYLOR. "We have street lights purchased for around the square. Those have also been donated."

A contractor will begin installing the streetlights on the north side of the square this month, said POORE, who is also city clerk for the city of Mount Ayr.

"This is just one project in an effort to revitalize Mount Ayr and make it a cultural center," said RICKER. "We want to retain our youth in Ringgold County. Why can't we have all the things offered in the urban centers. We were actually able to come up with seven good reasons to do this project."

One fundraising effort has been bricks for the sidewalk. "There are blocks to go in the sidewalk marking the pioneer and current towns in the county," said DEVEREUX TAYLOR. "There are about 32 of those. Some, we have never heard of."

"The bricks will be placed directionally to the location of where the town was or is located on the square," said RICKER. "It's part of the Streetscape Project," said RICKER.

Community involvement and pride is displayed throughout the town square by all the volunteers. "Sometimes it's hard to remember which committee we're on," said DEVEREUX TAYLOR.

Princess Theatre ad courtesy of Mount Ayr Depot Museuem

  • 1956 Princess Playbill

  • Renovation of Princess Theater

  • Renovation Progress on Princess

  • Princess Theater Opens, 2008

  • Princess 2011 Gala

    Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, June of 2010


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