![]() | Muscatine County, Iowa | ![]() |
This cemetery database was compiled and submitted in November 2002 by Eleanor B. McCleary who walked thru and recorded all information from the gravestones. Dave Dunston converted this database over to html so it could be put online. Many thanks go out to Eleanor B. McCleary for taking many hours of her time to accomplish this very important project, making our genealogy research efforts a little easier. In her attempt to confirm the dates of death that were converted from the Hebrew calendar, she looked up some obituaries. She submitted seventeen obits to this web site. Those surnames who are linked to an obituary are high-lighted in blue. After clicking the link and viewing the obituary just hit your back button to come back to this page. Thanks Eleanor!! First is an introduction about the cemetery and path that Eleanor took to record this cemetery, next is the burial list. Good luck in finding your ancestors!
MUSCATINE COUNTY, IOWANamed by the Muscatine County Auditor’s Office as the “Jewish Cemetery”, it is referenced as being located in West half of the South East quarter of the South West quarter of Section Nineteen, Township Seventy Seven, North Range One West. Most death records and newspaper obituaries referred to it as the “B’Nai Moses Cemetery”.
In 1987, Herman Cohn established a Trust Fund to provide the perpetual care of the cemetery grounds which is managed by Central State Bank in Muscatine. In 2002, it was our observation that the grounds were well maintained and there has been a recent effort to repair some storm-damaged stones. This private cemetery is still accepting burials today.
Muscatine County Record of Land Book 37, pg. 700; a Deed of Bargain and Sale was executed on 12 April 1895 between Jane (Gilbert) Stiles to Hevery Kadeese, (a Jewish Society) in consideration of the sum of $65, a tract of land for use as a cemetery. “On the 9th of October 1920, in consideration of the sum of $50, land was purchased from Soltwedel Julius, et ux by the Havery Kadeese, A Jewish Society, to be used as an addition to the Cemetery.” This transaction may be found in Muscatine County Record of Lands Book 64, pg. 447.
From 1890 to the 1970’s, Muscatine had a strong, vibrant, Jewish community. Then the times changed. The elders died, families moved away, and the congregation dwindled to the point that the B’Nai Moses Synagogue had to be closed. Somewhere along the way, burial records of the Jewish Cemetery were lost.
In the fall of 2002, Eleanor McCleary started to recreate the records. She writes: “Every cemetery has a different personality.” For the B'Nai Moses Cemetery the challenge was in the Hebrew writing on the gravemarkers. No one in Muscatine could read it. The Tri-City Jewish Center, located in Rock Island, Illinios referred her to Jeff Portman, Rabbi of the Agudas Achim Congregation, 602 E.Washington St., Iowa City, Iowa.
After he spent a couple of hours going over some rubbings, the Rabbi said that he had not had that much fun in ages and agreed to come to Muscatine to interpret all the stones!
On a Thursday in November, when it was a balmy 32 degrees, Eleanor and Rabbi Portman were out there all day. It was so interesting. Not only did they find names spelled in Hebrew and Yiddish, but dates of death according to the Hebrew calendar. The warm part of this project was converting the dates, as close as possible, to the Gregorian (Roman) calendar and then typing up all the notes. For some, the Hebrew dates do not match the Roman dates that were carved into the markers. Only differences can be noted.
There is little written information on the history of the Jewish community in Muscatine at Musser Public Library. However, in the Oral History Tapes Collection, we found two listings in the card file. These tapes may be checked out just like books.
OHT 167 titled Jewish Families in Muscatine and Their Synagogue
by Frank & Rose DruckerOHT 64 titled History of Jewish families in Muscatine
narrated by Mrs. Pearlman June 7, 1971.
This was sponsored by the Muscatine County Area Heritage
Association. Twenty-nine families were interviewed.Copies of the history and burial register of the B’Nai Moses Jewish Cemetery are now on file with the Sweetland Township Trustees, Central State Bank of Muscatine and area libraries.
Hebrew Calendar conversion to Roman Calendar is indicated by [ ]
b. = date of birth d. = date of death
dau = daughter of na = none
obit = Obituary from newspaper
Court House = Muscatine County Court House Records
WPA = Gravestones copied by W.P.A. Graves Registration Project.
May 20, 2014 Eleanor McCleary photograhed all the stones at the B'Nai Moses Cemetery.
To view them see Iowa Gravestone Photo Project.View Cemetery Map
Row Lot Last Name First Name Birth Date Death Date Notes 8 2 Bateman Pearl Skolnik 24 Aug 1898 30 Nov 1946 Hebrew translation: Here lies buried my dear daughter Faisel dau of Menachen Mendd Skolnik Bateman died 8 Kislev 5707. May her soul be bound up in everlasting life. Court House buried 1 Dec 1946 - wife of Clyde Bateman - f. Max Skolnik m. Celia Glatstein. Obit Muscatine Journal 2 Dec 1946. 11 3 Becker Abraham 1855 1940 Shares gravemarker with Freida Mairam Becker - Father written in English on top of marker on left side. Hebrew translation: Here lies an honest man Reb Abraham Abba the son of Rev Jacob died 7th of Chesvan 5601. May his soul be bound up in everlasting life. [d. 8 Nov 1940] Obit in Muscatine Journal & News Tribune Monday 11 Nov 1940. 10 12 Becker Dora 1887 14 Dec 1942 Court House: b. 25 Oct 1887 buried 15 Dec 1942 - wife of Jacob B. Becker - f. Joseph Siegal m. Bessie Mark 11 3 Becker Freida Miram 1858 1927 Mother written in English on top of marker on right side. Hebrew translation: Here lies the esteemed wife, Frieda Miram dau Reb Aaron Leib died 26 Tishrei 5688. May her soul be bound up in everlasting life. [22 Oct 1927] - WPA named Freida Backer - age 69 yrs. 10 15 Becker Harold Harvey 6 Mar 1920 15 Sep 1961 Iowa CPL COA 501 MIL Police BN World War II 11 6 Bleeden Joseph 15 Mar 1857 11 Apr 1916 Father - Shares gravemarker Sarah Bleeden - WPA named Jacob Bleedon - age 58 yrs. Hebrew translation: Here lies buried the beloved and sweet. They were in their life and in their death they will not be separated, a man from Zion with great qualities, dear father, faithful husband, Prayer Leader, ritual slaughterer Reb Joseph son of Reb Eliezer died 8 Nisan 5676. May his soul be bound up in everlasting life. - OHT 11 6 Bleeden Sarah 21 May 1860 27 Apr 1923 Mother - age 63 yrs. Hebrew translation: Here lies buried an excellent woman, wonderful qualities, upright among women, wonderful heart, compassionate mother Chayah Sarah dau of Reb Dov Bear died 11 Iyar 5683. May her soul be bound up in everlasting life. 6 4 Braude Gleka 1843 1916 Hebrew tanslation: Here lies buried the modest & esteemed woman Mrs. Gleka daughter of Levi died at an old age the 28th day of the month of Chesvan 5677. May her soul be bound up in everlasting life. [24 Nov 1916] WPA spelled Brande - age 73 5 5 Braude Gedelie 15 Apr 1904 Our beloved Father. Hebrew transation: Here lies buried Reb Gedelie son of Reb Kidduh Braund died 29 Nisan 5664. May his soul be bound up in everlasting life. WPA spelled Gidelie Brande d. 15 Apr 1904 10 1 Broud Joe C. 1892 1952 Shares gravemarker with wife, Kate S. Broud - Court House: named Joseph C. b. 15 Jul 1892 d. 29 Jun 1952 buried 31 Jan 1952 - f. Joshua Broud m. Rebecca Bretton 10 1 Broud Kate S. 1896 1981 9 4 Brower Jacob M. 1884 1928 Shares gravemarker with Libbe R. Brower. Hebrew translation: Here lies buried Jacob Moses son of Reb Pitel Isaac died in the year of 5685. May his soul be bound up in everlasting life. 9 4 Brower Libbe R. 1886 1940 Hebrew translation: Here lies buried Racha Liba dau of Reb Dov Baer died 3rd Tishrei 5701. May her soul be bound up in everlasting life. [5 Oct 1940] 13 12 Cohn Donald L. 19 Jan 1906 20 Feb 1977 Hebrew translation: Here lies buried my husband, our beloved father Gedaliah son of Reb Isaac Izak Hacohen died 3 Adar 5737. May his soul be bound up in everlasting life. Court House: named Donald Lester - f. Isaac Cohn m. Lena Branud 5 3 Cohn Ezarel M. 1866 1901 Hebrew translation: Here lies buried Israel Cohn 4th day of Tishrei 5661. May his soul be bound up in everlasting life. [27 Sep 1900] 13 13 Cohn Herman 4 Jan 1910 5 Nov 1987 Hebrew translation: Here lies buried my husband and beloved father Nemiah son of Isaac Izak Hacohen died 14 Chesvan 5748. May his soul be bound up in everlasting life. Court House: buried 6 Nov 1987 - f. Isaac Cohn m. Lena Braude 10 2 Cohn Isaac 1868 1943 Hebrew translation: Here lies buried Isaac Izak son of Reb David Cohen died 29 Chesvan 5704. May his soul be bound up in everlasting life. Court House: Husband to Lena Braude - b. 2 Dec 1871 d. 27 Nov 1943 buried 28 Nov 1943 - f. David Cohn 10 2 Cohn Lena 1871 1944 Shares gravemarker with husband, Isaac Cohn - Hebrew translation: Here lies buried Leah dau of Reb Gedalyah died 13 Tevet 5705. May her soul be bound up in everlasting life. Court House: b. County Kovno, Lithuania d. 28 Dec 1944 at age 71 yrs., buried 29 Dec 1944 - f. Louis Brande 10 3 Cohn Louis R. 22 Dec 1898 31 Aug 1958 Hebrew translation: Here lies buried our dear beloved brother Reb Levi son of Reb Jacob Isaac Hacohen died 15 Elul 5718. May his soul be bound up in everlasting life. 13 14 Cohn Rose 25 Dec 1908 8 Dec 1998 Hebrew translation: Here lies buried my wife and our beloved mother, grandmother Rachael dau of Moses Hacohen died 19 Kislev 5759. May her soul be bound up in everlasting life. 5 4 Cooler Eliezer na na In English on top of marker: Father. Hebrew translation: Here lies buried a honored man, my teacher & father Eliezer son of Reb Nememiah Cooler died on the 15th day of Adar 5657. May his soul be bound up in everlasting life. [1 Mar 1907] 8 4 Davis Jennie 1871 1909 Our Darling Mother - age 38 yrs. Hebrew translation: Here lies buried an esteemed woman, crown of her children Shema dau of Reb Dov Davis, 38 yrs. old, died 3rd day of Sivan 5690. May her soul be bound up in everlasting life. [30 May 1930 - this date is is way off] 5 6 Davis B. 24 Feb 1903 Hebrew translation: Here lies buried Reb Dov son of Reb David Zl. Died 10th day of the month of Adar in the year 5653. [9 Mar 1903] No obit found for either date. 11 11 Drucker Fannie 1883 1965 Court House: b. 15 May 1883 in Poland d. 31 Dec 1965 - f. Mandel Green m. Sima Puder 11 12 Drucker Frank 1916 1992 Shares gravemarker with wife, Rose Drucker - parents of Nathan, grandparents of Kevin & Tracy - Court House: b. 27 Oct 1916 d. 7 Oct 1992 - f. Nathan Drucker m. Fannie Green - OHT na Drucker Infant 29 Sep 1913 Court House: age 2 dys. - f. Nathan Drucker m. __Green. Buried in Jewish Cemetery. No obit was found. No gravemarker found, place of burial unknown. 11 11 Drucker Nathan 1884 1947 Hebrew translation: Here lies buried a person who busied himself with the needs of the community in faithfulness, the honorable Nisan son of Reb Efraim Ducker died 27 Adar I (no year listed). May his soul be bound up in everlasting life. Shares gravemarker with wife, Fannie Drucker - Court House: b. 20 Nov 1884 in Vitkow Nowy, Austria d. 19 Mar 1947 buried 19 Mar 1947 - f. Frank Drucker 11 12 Drucker Rose 4 Jan 1924 27 Oct 2011 Wife of Frank, married 24 Jun 1945 12 6 Finkle Ben 1892 1967 Hebrew calendar death date: 18 Tammuz. Court House: b. 24 Dec 1892 in Chicago, IL d. 28 Jul 1967 buried 30 Jul 1967 - f. Issac Finkle m. Ida __ 12 1 Finkle Ida 1873 1948 Hebrew translation: Here lies buried the woman Chayah dau of Reb Isaac Finkle died 10 Tammuz 5708. May her soul be bound up in everlasting life. Court House: Named Ida Bierman Finkle b. 15 Oct 1871 d. 17 Jul 1948 at age 76 yrs. 9 mos. 2 dys., buried 28 Jul 1948 - wife of Ike Finkle 12 5 Finkle Rose E. 1895 1947 Hebrew translation: Here lies buried Tsipah Rizkah dau of Reb Moses Chitsi Finkle died 29 Kislev 5708. May her soul be bound up in everlasting life. Court House: b. 16 May 1895 d. 12 Dec 1947 buried 14 Dec 1947. Wife of Ben Finkle - f. Harry Glatstein 14 Freireich Sandra F. 17 Feb 1927 25 May 2016 Daughter of Abraham & Tillie Glass, died in Palos Heights, IL, buried 28 May 2016 4 3 Fryer Mary 1851 1912 Hebrew translation: Here lies buried wife, Mrs. Malkah Feyer died on the third day, the eve of the new month of Nisan 5672. May her soul be bound up in everlasting life. Court House: b. Russia d. 25 Mar 1912 at the age 62 yrs., buried 26 Mar 1912 - f. Myer Wintrob m. Rebecca Reib - Obit Muscatine Jouranl Thursday 28 Mar 1912 4 5 Garfield Pauline 1892 1975 Hebrew translation: Here lies buried Ariel Hadassah dau of Zusman died 17th of Tevet 5736. May her soul be bound up in everlasting life. [21 Dec 1975] Court House: Probate record d. 21 Dec 1975 4 5 Garfield William J. 1893 1958 Shares gravemarker with wife, Pauline Garfield. Hebrew translation: Here lies buried Elijah Isaac died 20th Tevet 5718. May their souls be bound up in everlasting life. Court House: b. St. Louis, MO d. 12 Jan 1958 at age 65 yrs., buried 13 Jan 1958 2 5 Gerlinsky Eva 24 Dec 1885 7 Feb 1966 Court House: b. England - buried 8 Feb 1966 - f. Solomonbosewitz m. Ida 14 5 Glass Abraham 17 Jul 1889 5 Aug 1971 Court House: b. New York buried 6 Aug 1971 - f. Sissman Glass m. Minnie Wolfson 13 5 Glass Gertrude 1894 1987 Hebrew translation: Here lies buried Gitel dau of Zusman died 16 Ellel (Elul) 5747. May her soul be bound up in everlasting life. Court House: b. 10 Apr 1894 in New York d. 10 Sep 1987 buried 13 Sep 1987 - f. Sissman m. Minnie Wolfson 9 10 Glass Minnie A. 1863 1951 Lists date of death as 14 Kisleiv 5712. Court House: b. 15 Nov 1863 d. 13 Dec 1951 at age of 88 yrs., buried 14 Dec 1951 - nee Wolfson 13 5 Glass Roy 1899 1973 Shares gravemarker with Gertrude Glass. Hebrew translation: Here lies buried Samuel son of Reb Zusman died 19 Tishrei 5734. May his soul be bound up in everlasting life. Court House: named Roy S. Glass - b. 19 Oct 1899 in New York d. 15 Oct 1973 buried 17 Oct 1973 - f. Sissman m. Minnie Wolfson 10 9 Glass Samuel 15 Jun 1873 8 Jun 1956 Court House: b. Latvia - divorced - buried 10 Jun 1956 9 10 Glass Sussman 1858 1925 Shares gravemarker with wife, Minnie A. Glass - States date of death as 2 Tishri 5686. Probate record spelled name as Sissman, d. 20 Sep 1925 - WPA spelled as Sissman 14 4 Glass Tille E. 27 Mar 1900 11 Mar 1975 Court House: amended record, correcting date of birth to 17 Mar 1901 8 3 Glatstein Abe 28 Apr 1941 Age 50 yrs. Hebrew translation: Here lies buried the dear brother-in-law Abraham Tzvi son of Reb Jacob Glatstein died 1 Iyar 5701. May his soul be bound up in everlasting life. 9 9 Glatstein Eli 11 Dec 1936 Age 38 yrs. - Hebrew translation: Here lies buried the young man Hillel Jacob son of Reb Moses Yechezkail Glatstein died 27 Kislev 5697. May his soul be bound up in everlasting life. 10 6 Glatstein Eva 1 Oct 1882 12 Jan 1943 Hebrew translation: Here lies buried dear woman crown of her husband Miss Chava dau of Reb Isaiah Halevi died 7th day of Shevat 5703. May her soul be bound up in everlasting life. Court House: b. 1 Oct 1883 in Russia buried 13 Jan 1943 - wife of William Glaststein - f. Simon Lieflander m. Freda Becker - obit Muscatine Journal 12 Jan 1943 3 9 Glatstein Harry M. 23 Sep 1922 20 May 1924 Our darling. Hebrew translation: Here lies buried Yechezkail Moses son of Reb Aaron. May his soul be bound up in everlasting life. 9 8 Glatstein Harry M. 2 Dec 1916 Hebrew translation: Here lies a man young in years and his deeds were pure and his name was Moses Yehezkel son of Reb Jacob Glatstein. When the remembrance of him comes up to our thought a groan spreads out from the depths of our hearts and the tears open up from the depths of our eyes. Life goes away from all who lived. May his candle be bright. He died 25 of Kislev 5676. May his soul be bound up in everlasting life. [This Hebrew date translates as 2 Dec 1915. Searched obits from Nov. 30 to Dec. 6, 1915, none found.] Court House: b. Russia d. 2 Dec 1916 at age 50 yrs., buried 3 Dec 1916. Obit Muscatine Journal Monday, Dec. 4, 1916 - WPA: spells Gladstein - husband of Pauline Glaststein - father of Ollie, Harry, Jr., Eli, Anna, Lotta, Esther, Mollie, and Mrs. Rose Finkel. 13 11 Glatstein Harry R. 1897 1973 Court House: named Harry Robert b. 12 Feb 12 Feb 1897 d. 2 Feb 1973 buried 4 Feb 1973 - f. Harry Glatstein m. Pauline Glass 9 7 Glatstein Pauline 4 Dec 1932 Age 69 yrs. - Hebrew translation: Here lies buried the esteemed and dear woman Mrs. Aida Pasha dau of Reb Isaac died 5th day in Kislev 5693. May her soul be bound up in everlasting life. Obit Muscatine Journal 4 Dec 1932 10 5 Glatstein William E. 1883 1951 Beloved Husband - Hebrew translation: Here lies buried Reb Hellel son of Reb Jacob Glatstein died 18 Kislev 5712. May his soul be bound up in everlasting life. Court House: b. 5 Oct 1885 d. 17 Dec 1951 buried 18 Dec 1951 - f. Jacob Glatstein 12 10 Glick Mary Siegal 1891 1950 Hebrew translation: Here lies buried a woman of valor and discipline of righteousness Mrs Miriam dau of Reb Jospeh Isaac Halevi Glick died 27 Shevet 5710. May her soul be bound up in everlasting life. [14 Feb 1950] 13 6 Golder Caessler 1901 1967 Shares gravemarker with wife, Ruth Golder. Hebrew translation: Here lies Ezekiel son of Reb Jacob Pertz died 13 Sivan 5727. May his soul be bound up in everlasting life. Court House b. 13 Oct 1901 in Sioux City, IA d. 21 Jun 1967 buried 23 Jun 1967 13 6 Golder Ruth 1906 1994 Hebrew translation: Here lies buried Ruth dau of Zusman died 4th day of AV 5754. May her soul be bound up in everlasting life. [12 Jul 1994] 8 7 Goldman Mollie 1890 1935 Hebrew Translation: Here lies buried Malkah dau of Jacob Dov died 7th day Adar II 5692. May her soul be bound up in everlasting life. [15 Mar 1932] 6 2 Goldstein Abe 1897 9 May 1919 Hebrew translation: Here lies buried a young man Moses Leib son of Reb Benjamin Jacob died 9th of the month of Iyar 5679. May his soul be bound up in everlasting life. Court House: d. 9 May 1919 at age 21 yrs. 7 mos. 6 dys., buried 10 May 1919 - f. Ben Goldstein m. Rose Davis 5 8 Goldstein Ben J. 1858 1934 Hebrew translation: Here lies buried Reb Benjamin Jacob Meir died 24 th day in Kislev 5695. May his soul be bound up in everlasting life. Probate record: d. 30 Nov 1934 5 7 Goldstein Rosa 1857 1933 Hebrew translation: Here lies buried a mother, Mrs. Rosa dau of Reb Dov died 5th day of Nislev 5694. May her soul be bound up in everlasting life. Obit Muscatine Journal, Thursday 23 Nov 1933 named Mrs. B. Goldstein age 74 yrs. 11 10 Goodman Dora 1866 1939 Shares gravemarker with Jacob Goodman. Hebrew translation: Here lies buried Deva dau of Reb Solomon died 22 Sivan 5699. May her soul be bound up in everlasting life. [9 Jun 1939] 11 10 Goodman Jacob 1865 1944 Hebrew translation: Here lies buried Isaac Michael son of Reb Asher died 29 Kislev 5705. May his soul be bound be in everlasting life. Court House: b. 21 Oct 1865 in Gordz, Latvia - d. 15 Dec 1944 at age 79 yrs., buried 17 Dec 1944 - husband to Dora Falk 10 11 Goodman Oscar 23 Mar 1893 20 Oct 1962 Hebrew translation: Here lies buried Reb Asher Goodman son of Reb Isaac Michael died Shimini Atzeret (holiday) 5723. May his soul be bound up in everlasting life. 3 5 Grant Joseph 1883 1954 Shares gravemarker with Lena Grant. Hebrew translation: Here lies buried my beloved husband and our father Reb Joel son of Reb Solomon died in the year of 5715 Tishrei 18. May his soul be bound up in everlasting life. Court House: b. 24 Dec 1884 d. 15 Oct 1954 buried 17 Oct 1954 - f. Soloman Grant 3 5 Grant Lena Klietz 1892 1972 Hebrew translation: Here lies buried my wife and mother died the 4th day of the 2nd Tammuz 5732. May her soul be bound up in everlasting life. Court House: b. 21 Apr 1892 in Russia d. 14 Jun 1972 buried 16 Jun 1972 - f. Joseph Klietz 3 8 Grant Sol 27 Sep 1961 Beloved Husband. Hebrew translation: Here lies buried Solomon son of Joel Halevi. May his soul be bound up in everlasting life. na Greenbalt Unknown 17 Jan 1908 Court House: age 1 dy old - no first name or parents name listed - buried in Jewish cemetery 25 Jan 1908. No gravemaker found, place of burial unknown. 13 1 Greenberg Minnie 1882 1973 Hebrew translation: Here lies buried Min dau of Reb Isaac died 3 Tammuz 5733. May her soul be bound up in everlasting life. [3 Jul 1973] 13 7 Greenblatt Charles J. 22 Jun 1900 21 May 1962 Hebrew translation: Here lies buried Mar Betzdlal son of Reb Judah died 17 Iyar 5722. May his soul be bound up in everlasting life. Court House: named Charles Jerome buried 23 May 1962 at age 61 yrs. - f. Jacob Greenblatt m. Minnie Smith 13 4 Greenblatt Ethel 1896 1968 Court House: b. 16 Apr 1896 d. 30 Mar 1968 buried 31 Mar 1968 - f. Jacob Greenblatt m. Minnie Smith 10 10 Greenblatt Jacob Julius 1871 1943 Court House: b. 15 Jul 1872 in Kovno, Russia d. 6 Nov 1943 buried 7 Nov 1943 - f. Jacob Greenbalt m. Ethel Schiller 5 14 Greenblatt M. (Mrs.) na Mother written in English on top of the gravemarker. Hebrew translation: Here lies buried dear Mother, honest woman. A crown to her husband and her childred are humble and esteemed. Frumah Rievkah wife of Reb Isaac Greenblat died 2nd day of Sukkot (holiday) in the year 1526. May her soul be bound up in bonds of everlasting light. [15 Oct 1905] Obit in Muscatine Journal 16 Oct 1905. 10 10 Greenblatt Minnie 1867 1945 Shares gravemarker with husband Jacob Greenblatt - Court House: b. 15 Sep 1867 in Latzkava, Russia d. 31 Dec 1945, buried 31 Dec 1945 - f. Meyer Smith m. Hannah Lumpe 14 3 Greenblatt Sam 1898 1973 4 8 Hartzen Sam 21 Apr 1896 5 Jul 1956 Hebrew translation: Here lies buried Samuel. May his soul be bound up in everlasting life. Court House: named Samuel b. Russia d. Louisa County, 3 miles east of Letts - married - buried 8 Jul 1956 10 8 Helman Isaac Jacob 1856 1939 Father. Hebrew translation: Here lies buried Reb Isaac Jacob son of Reb Judah. The dead one died on the 2nd day of Chesvan in the year 5600. May his soul be bound up in everlasting life. [15 Oct 1939] Obit in Muscatine Journal & News Tribune Tuesday, 17 Oct. 1939. - OHT 11 7 Hurewitz Dora 15 Aug 1899 14 Feb 1981 Court House: b. Russia - d. 14 Feb 1981, buried 18 Feb 1981 - never married - f. Zalman Hurevitz m. Ida __ 12 7 Hurewitz Ida 1871 1952 Mother - Shares gravemarker with Zalman Hurewitz. Hebrew translation: Here lies buried our mother the woman Etta Hurewitz died 2nd day of Iyar 5712. May her soul be bound up in everlasting life. [27 Apr 1952] 12 7 Hurewitz Zalman 1872 1947 Father. Hebrew translation: Here lies buried our father Reb Zalman son of Reb Hayim Moses died the evening of Rosh Hashanah 5708. May his soul be bound up in everlasting life. [15 Sep 1947] - Court House Probate record d. 14 Sep 1947 - OHT 9 15 Katz Leona 21 Oct 1891 9 Jun 1919 Beloved wife of Jacob E. Katz - Hebrew translation: Here lies buried the woman Rachael Leah wife of R. Jacob a righteous Cohen (priest) died 2nd day in the first week of Sivan 5679. May her soul be bound up in everlasting life. 2 3 Kolpack Benjamin 4 Jul 1896 12 Dec 1981 Big Papa - Court House: b. Russia - died 12 Dec 1981, buried 15 Dec 1981 - f. Sam Kolpak m. Rebecca Rivka - OHT 2 4 Kolpack David Eugene 14 Dec 1954 20 Aug 1978 Court House: buried 22 Aug 1978 - never married - f. Leo Kolpak m. Lois Gerlisky - OHT 2 2 Kolpack Leo 8 Jan 1916 14 Jan 1982 Court House: buried 20 Jan 1982 - f. Benjamin Kolpack m. Dora Robinson - OHT 5 1 Kristberg Rachel 18 Nov 1912 Hebrew translation: Here lies my wife Rachael dau of Reb Abraham Jonah. Kristberg died Kislev 5673. May her soul be bound up in everlasting life. Court House: b. Russia - buried 19 Nov 1912, at the age 19 yrs. 4 mos. - nee Zahlberg - obit Muscatine Journal 19 Nov 1912 3 7 Kurland Fannie 1902 1974 Shares gravemarker with husband, John Y. Kurland - Hebrew translation: Here lies buried Feiga dau of Reb Yochamam. May her soul be bound up in everlasting life. Court House: b. 9 Jul 1901 in Russia d. 3 Mar 1974 buried 4 Mar 1974 - f. Jacob Habedrick m. Rebecca Yagady 3 7 Kurland John Y. 1899 1987 Hebrew translation: Here lies buried Mani Jacob son of Yidyl. May his soul be bound up in everlasting life. 5 12 Levin Albert 1894 1944 Hebrew translation: Here lies buried Abraham son of Reb Dov Halevi died 13 Tevet 5704. May his soul be bound up in everlasting life. Probate record: d. 8 Jan 1944 5 13 Levin Benjamin 1861 1932 Hebrew translation: Here lies buried Reb Dov son of Reb Azriel Halevi died 21st day Menachem AV 5692. May his soul be bound up in everlasting life. Obit Muscatine Journal Thurdsay, 25 Aug 1932 listed death date as 24 Aug 1932. 5 11 Levin Pauline 1898 1967 Hebrew translation: Here lies buried Ferga dau of Reb Isaac died 4th day of Nisan 5727. May her soul be bound up in everlasting life. Court House: b. 3 Nov 1898 in Lithavnia d. 14 Apr 1967 buried 17 Apr 1967 - f. Isaac Steele m. Anna Hayden 6 1 Levin Sam 1890 1914 Hebrew translation: Here lies buried a young man Simcha son of Reb Dov died 4th day of Chesvan 5675. May his soul be bound up in everlasting life. Court House: Named Samuel LeVin b. Russia d. 24 Oct 1914 at age 24, buried 25 Oct 1914 - f. Benjamin LeVin 8 8 Levin Sarah 1867 1930 Hebrew translation: Here lies buried the esteemed woman Mrs. Sarah dau of Reb Simcha died 11th in the month of Nisan 5690. May her soul be bound up in everlasting life. [9 Apr 1930] 10 4 Lieflander Abe 1895 1973 Brother - Shares gravemarker with Anna Lieflander. Hebrew translation: Here lies buried our esteemed beloved brother Abraham son of Isiah Halevi Lieflander died 14 Iyar 5733. May his soul be bound up in everlasting life. Court House: named Abraham Lieflander b. 13 Apr 1895 d. 16 May 1973 buried 18 May 1973 - f. Simon Lieflander m. Frieda Becker - OHT 10 4 Lieflander Anna 1885 1958 Sister - Hebrew translation: Here lies buried my beloved esteemed sister Miss Hannah dau Reb Isiah Halevi died 23 Kislev 5719. May her soul be bound up in everlasting life. [5 Dec 1958] 10 7 Lieflander Frieda 1856 1927 Hebrew translation: Here lies buried the woman of valor Miss Freida dau Reb Mordachai died 5687 on the 3rd day of Chol Hamoed Passover. May her soul be bound up in everlasting life. [21 Apr 1927] WPA spelled Luflander 7 2 Lieflander Louie 19 Oct 1920 Hebrew translation: Here lies buried the young man Eliezer Isaac son of Reb Yesshi Halevi the 7th day of Chesvan 5681. May his soul be bound up in everlasting life. 2 6 Lieflander Manes 5 Aug 1879 21 Jun 1945 Hebrew translation: Here lies buried Mainh son Reb Isaiah Halevi, died 10th day of Tammuz 5705. May his soul be bound up in everlasting life. 6 3 Lieflander Max 28 Nov 1916 Hebrew tanslation: Here lies buried a young man Mordechia Solomon son of Reb Yeshi Halevi died the 13th of Kislev 5676. May his soul be bound up in everlasting life. Court House: Named Max. S.- b. 3 Dec 1892 d. 29 Nov 1916 - single 10 7 Lieflander Simon 1857 1929 Shares gravemarker with Frieda Lieflander - Hebrew translation: Here lies buried a pure man Reb Isaiah son of Reb Lapidot Halevi died 25th day of the month of Adar II 5689. May his soul be bound up in everlasting life. 6 Apr 1929] Court house: Probate record: d. 5 Apr 1929 12 13 Light Ethel 12 May 1910 4 Feb 1957 Beloved Wife & Mother. Hebrew calendar death date: 3 Adar. Court House: b. Burlington, IA buried 5 Feb 1957 at age 46 yrs. - married 12 12 Light Joe 3 Oct 1904 7 Aug 1972 Hebrew translation: Here lies buried my husband and beloved father Joseph son of Reb Zelig Meir Halevi Light died 27 AV 5733. May his soul be bound up in everlasting light. Court House: b. Russia - buried 8 Aug 1972 12 11 Light Sarah Cohn 20 Feb 1902 5 Feb 1978 Hebrew translation: Here lies buried Sarh dau of Reb Izik Hacohen died 28 Shevet 5738. May her soul be bound up in everlasting life. Court House: named her as Sarah Ruth buried 6 Feb 1978 - f. Isaac Cohn m. Lena Braude 12 14 Light Sharon Lee 1936 1948 Beloved Daughter. Hebrew translation: Here lies buried the unmarried Tsiril dau of Reb Joseph Halevi Light died 2nd Nissan 5705. May her soul be bound up in everlasting life. [11 Apr 1948] 9 14 Lutzke Ida 1847 1925 Hebrew translation: Here lies buried Chayah dau of Simcha died 17 Adar 5688. May her soul be bound up in everlasting life. [9 Mar 1928] 3 3 Lutzke Ida G. 1871 1917 Shares gravemarker with Max Lutzke. Hebrew translation: Here lies buried Chayu Gulda died 22nd of Kislev 5678. May her soul be bound up in everlasting life. [7 Dec 1917] 5 2 Lutzke Jacob 1848 1912 Hebrew translation: Here lies buried Jacob Dov son of Reb Chayim died 8th day of the month of Nisan 5672 May his soul be bound up in everlasting life. Court House: named Jacob Bear Lutsky - b. Russia d. 26 Mar 1912 at age 65 yrs., buried 27 Mar 1912 - f. Chaim Lutsky m. Sarah Zerel 3 3 Lutzke Max 1865 1937 Hebrew translation: Here lies buried Mordechai son of Reb____ died 12 Adar 5695. May his soul be bound up in everlasting life. [15 Feb 1935] Court House: Probate record d. 23 Mar 1938 - obit Muscatine Journal 23 Mar 1938 na Mark Celia 25 Apr 1892 4 Jan 1951 Court House: Buried in Jewish cemetery - b. 25 Apr 1892 d. 4 Jan 1951 at age 58 yrs. - f. Joseph Wolfson - obit Muscatine Journal Friday, 5 Jan 1951 buried in B'Nai Moses Cemetery. No gravemarker found, place of burial unknown. 13 2 Mark Celia 1897 9 Nov 1960 Shares gravemarker with David Mark. Hebrew translation: Here lies buried my partner and our beloved mother the woman Sima dau of Reb Moses Noah Mark died 19 Chesvan 5721. May her soul be bound up in everlasting life. Court House: b. Russia - f. Norman Sax buried 10 Nov 1960 3 2 Mark David 5 Jun 1901 9 Jun 1953 Hebrew translation: Here lies buried Reb David, son of Reb Zelig Mark died 26 Sivan 5713. May his soul be bound up in everlasting life. 13 2 Mark David 1885 1963 Hebrew translation: Here lies buried our beloved and dear father Reb Dabid the son of Reb Isaiah Mark died 28 Adar 5723. May his soul be bound up in everlasting life. Court House: b. 14 Mar 1885 in Latvia d.24 Mar 1963 in Davenport, IA buried 25 Mar 1963 8 9 Mark Etta 1847 1928 Hebrew translation: Here lies buried the woman Mrs. Ettel dau of Reb Zelig died 26th day of the month of Tevet 5688. May her soul be bound up in everlasting life. Court House: b. Russia d. 18 Jan 1928 - age 83 yrs. - Widow 12 3 Mark Harry 1887 1956 Hebrew translation: Here lies buried our beloved honored father Reb Tzvi Hirsh son of Reb Isarah Mark died 3rd day of Chol Hamoed Passover 5716. May his soul be bound up in everlasting life. Court House: b. Latvia d. 31 Mar 1956 at age 69 yrs., buried 1 Apr 1956 - Widower 9 16 Mark Joe 6 May 1916 25 Apr 1935 Hebrew translation: Here lies buried the youth Joseph Zeev son of Reb Tzvi Moses died 23rd day of Nisan 5695. May his soul be bound up in everlasting life. 13 3 Mark Lottie Klamen Zigman 2 Jul 1892 27 Jan 1967 Hebrew translation: Here lies buried our beloved mother Zalata dau of Reb Isaiah died 17 Shevat 5727. May her soul be bound up in everlasting life. 8 10 Mark Samuel 20 May 1917 Hebrew translation: Here lies buried Reb Isaiah Feivel son of Reb David died 1st day 28th of the month of Iyar 5677. May his soul be bound up in everlasting life. Court House: b. 18 Oct 1843 d. 20 May 1917 - Spanish Am. War veteran - f. Henry Mark m. Emma Betzold - father to Villa & May 8 11 Mark Sarah 5 Mar 1918 Hebrew translation: Here lies buried the wife Sarah Gittel dau of Reb Sabttai died 1st day 21st of month of Adar 5678. May her soul be bound up in everlasting life. 12 2 Mark Silie Woolson 1892 1951 Hebrew translation: Here lies buried the woman Tzirah dau of Reb Joseph Zaev died 27 Tevet 5711. May her soul be bound up in everlasting life. [5 Jan 1951] 4 7 Nabedrick Israel 4 Sep 1904 13 Dec 1957 Beloved Husband & Father. Hebrew translation: Here lies buried my husband, our father, dear beloved Reb Issur son of Reb Yochanan died 20 Kislev 5715 May his soul be bound up in everlasting life. Court House: b. Russia - age 53 yrs.- buried 15 Dec 1957 5 9 Nabedrick Jake 6 Sep 1883 19 Jun 1936 Father. Hebrew translation: Here lies buried Jonathan son of Reb Jacob died 30 Sivan 5696. May his soul be bound up in everlasting life. [19 Jun 1936] 4 6 Nabedrick Max 4 Sep 1910 9 Jan 1958 Hebrew translation: Here lies buried our dear and beloved brother, the scholar Meir Michael son of Reb Yochanan died 17 Tevet 5718. May his soul be bound up in everlasting life. Court House: named Max Meyer Nabedrick - b. Russia d. in Mt. Pleasant, IA buried 10 Jan 1958 5 10 Nabedrick Morris 3 Sep 1905 3 May 1941 Hebrew translation: Her lies buried Moses Aaron son of Reb Yochaman died young on the 6th day Iyar 5701. May his soul be bound up in everlasting life. 5 9 Nabedrick Rebecca 9 Oct 1882 24 Apr 1935 Mother - shares gravemarker with Jake Nabedrick. Hebrew translation: Here lies buried Rebecca dau of Reb aaron died 21 Nisan 5695. May her soul be bound up in everlasting life. 3 4 Nimtzowitz George 1868 1942 Hebrew translation: Here lies buried Josiah Zelig son of Reb Simcha died 5 Elul 5702. May his soul be bound up in everlasting life. Court House: b. 15 Jan 1868 Pinsk, Russia d. 19 Aug 1942 buried 21 Aug 1942 - husband of Belle Nimtzowitz - f. Simon Nimtzowitz m. Kate __ 7 1 Orwitz Jeannette 1914 1923 Hebrew translation: Here lies buried our dear daughter Zisel dau of Samual Orwitz died 1st day Sukoth (holiday) 5684. May her soul be bound up in everlasting life. [25 Sep 1923] na Pealman Anna 20 Jul 1911 Court House: d. 20 jul 1911 at age 8 yrs. - f. I. Pealman m. Mattie Isaacson. No place of burial noted. Not found in Greenwood Cemetery records. Believe child is buried in Jewish cemetery but unable to verify that assumption. No obit was found. 3 6 Pearlman Bessie Grant 11 Jun 1915 12 May 2008 Shares gravemarker with Jack L. Pearlman - dau of Joseph & Lena Bessie Grant. Hebrew translation: Here lies buried Petsa dau of Leah born 29 Sivan 5675 - no date of death na Pearlman Ervin 21 Jan 1913 Court House: named Ervin Pearlman - age 6 yrs. 4 mos. 17 dys. buried in Jewish cemetery 22 Jan 1913 - obit Muscatine Journal Wed. 22 Jan 1913, son of Mr. & Mrs. Israel Pearlman buried in Jewish cemetery. No gravemarker found, place of burial unknown. 12 4 Pearlman Israel 1871 1953 Hebrew translation: Here lies buried our father Reb Israel son of Reb Nathaniel Jacob died 10 Iyar 5713. May his soul be bound up in everlasting life. Court House: d. 25 Apr 1953 at age 82 yrs., buried 26 Apr 1953 - OHT 3 6 Pearlman Jack L. 18 Aug 1904 11 Dec 1997 Son of Israel & Marsha Pearlman. Hebrew translation: Here lies buried Jacob son of Israel born Elul 5654 died 12 Kislev 5788. May their souls be bound up in everlasting life. - OHT 12 4 Pearlman Masha 1880 1957 Hebrew translation: Here lies buried our dear mother Masha dau of Reb Chana died 12 Shevat 5717. May her soul be bound up in everlasting life. [14 Jan 1957] 2 7 Plane Harry 26 Dec 1914 Hebrew translation: Here lies buried Havrad Tzvi Jacob son of Reb Mordecha, died 10 days, 24th Shevet 5677. May his soul be bound up in everlasting life. Court House: named Harry Jacob, Married - b. Russia buried 27 Dec 1914 at age 27 yrs. 7 mos. - f. Max Plane m. __ Stein 7 3 Plane Orville 15 Sep 1919 Hebrew translation: Here lies buried the boy Tzvi Jacaob 50 days 1 ? 19th Ellul. May his soul be bound up in everlasting life. 11 2 Powelankey Joseph 1852 1936 Hebrew translation: Here lies buried my husband, our father the crown of our head, the honored lover of Torah and fear of Heaven great and righteousness and good hearted Reb Joseph son of Reb David Halevi Powlankey died 25 Tevet 5696. May his soul be bound up in everlasting life. [20 Jan 1936] - OHT 11 1 Powelankey Sarah 1858 1948 Hebrew translation: Here lies buried the woman Sarah dau of Reb Abraham Powelankey died 13 Adar II 5708. May her soul be bound out in everlasting life. [24 Mar 1948] - OHT 14 2 Rosenberg Abe 1896 1968 Shares gravemarker with Mae Rosenberg. Hebrew translation: Here lies buried my husband and our dear beloved father Abraham Isaac son of Jacob Judah died 22 Ellul 5728. May his soul be bound up in everlasting life. Probate record: d. 19 Sep 1968 13 8 Rosenberg Eli 28 May 1960 Age 86 yrs. Hebrew translation: Here lies our father and my dear beloved husband Reb Isreal son Reb Simcha Rosenberg died on the holy Sabbath 2nd of Sivan 5704. May his soul be bound up in everlasting life. 8 5 Rosenberg Eva 1883 1937 Hebrew translation: Here lies buried Chayah Asmat dau of Reb Menachem Mendel died 2nd in the month of Tevet 5696. May her soul be bound up in everlasting life. [8 Dec 1935] 14 1 Rosenberg Harold 19 Nov 1925 27 Mar 2007 Hebrew translation: Here lies buried Hershet Tzvi son of Abraham Isaac... - OHT Obit Muscatine Journal Wed. 28 Mar 2007 12 9 Rosenberg Jacob 12 Jul 1955 Age 88 yrs. - Beloved Father. Hebrew translation: Here lies buried the dear righteous man, simple man, fear of God, benefactor of poor people Jacob Leib son Reb Simcha Rosenberg died 22 Tammuz 5715. May his soul be bound up in everlasting life. 12 8 Rosenberg Jennie 18 May 1948 Age 74 yrs. Hebrew translation: Here lies buried dear righteous woman, a woman of valor, fear of Heaven, benefactor of poor people Yenta Wikna dau of Reb Shammai Leib Rosenberg died 9 Iyar 5708. May her soul be bound up in everlasting life. Court House: b. 15 Sep 1876 in Rinsk, Russia, buried 19 May 1948 - wife of Jacob Rosenberg - f. Samuel Levitzky m. Sarah __ 14 2 Rosenberg Mae 1897 1979 Hebrew translation: Here lies buried my wife & our dear mother Mirka dau of Reb Moses Noah died 15 Shevat 5739. May her soul be bound up in everlasting life. Court House: b. 26 Nov 1897 in IA d. 12 Feb 1979 at age 81 yrs., buried 13 Feb 1979 - f. Nathan Sax m. Minnie__ 14 1 Rosenberg Mary Block 7 Aug 1915 27 Aug 1994 Hebrew translation: Here lies buried Mirka dau of Zalman Moses died 20 Elul 5754. May her soul be bound up in everlasting life. Court House: b. Des Moines, IA - f. Moses Block m. Belle Lekowsky 6 6 Rosenberg Sarah 1881 1915 Hebrew translation: Here lies buried Sarah Tsiral dau of Reb Jacob Dov died 6th day of AV 5675. May her soul be bound up in everlasting life. [17 Jul 1915] 14 6 Rosenberg Simon B. 27 Apr 1912 26 Feb 1998 Beloved Husband & Uncle. Hebrew translation: Here lies buried Simon son of Jacob Judah died 30 Shevat 5758. May his soul be bound up in everlasting life. Obit Muscatine Journal 28 Feb 1998 14 6 Rosenberg Violet 2 Feb 1912 30 Apr 2001 Shares gravemarker with Simon b. Rosenberg - Beloved Aunt & Wife. Hebrew translation: Here lies buried Snulah dau of Arych Leib died 6 Iyar 5761. May her soul be bound up in everlasting life. Obit Muscatine Journal 2 May 2001 8 6 Sax Minnie 1856 1929 Hebrew translation: Here lies buried the famous woman Munucha dau of Reb Chayim died 15th or 16th of Adar II 5689 [27 Mar 1929] 9 12 Sax Nathan 1852 1927 Hebrew translation: Here lies buried a pure & honest man Reb Moses Noah son of Reb Tzri died on the 5th day of the week on the sixth day of the month of Nisan 5687. May his soul be bound up in everlasting life. [8 Apr 1927] 11 9 Share B. 1872 1932 Shares gravemarker with Jennie Share. Hebrew translation: Here lies buried a good man Reb Dov son of Solomon died 8th day of Tishrei 5693. May his soul be bound up in everlasting life. Probate record named Benjamin d. 8 Oct 1932 na Share Dorothy 20 Feb 1916 Court House only: 8 yrs. 2 mos. 28 dys. No place of burial noted. Not found in Greenwood Cemetery records. No obit found. She could be in the B'Nai Moses Cemetery because that is where the rest of the family is. 11 8 Share H. 1854 1929 Shares gravemarker with Mary Share. Hebrew translation: Here lies buried a pure and upright man Hayim son of Reb Solomon died 24th day of the month of Nisan 5689. May his soul be bound up in everlasting life. Court house: Probate record d. 4 May 1929 11 9 Share Jennie 1874 1942 Hebrew translation: Here lies buried a modest woman Shena Brina the dau of Reb Baruh Bendert died 26 Shevat 5720. May her soul be bound up in everlasting life. [24 Feb 1960; stone carver probably mistakenly put the wrong letter, for '20' sometimes looks like the letter for '8' so had the other letter been put on there, it would have said 5708 which then would be 1948] 11 8 Share Mary 1856 1941 Hebrew translation: Here lies buried the woman Marsha Rivkah dau of Reuben Tzvi died 12 Shevat 5701. May her soul be bound up in everlasting life. [9 Feb 1941] 5 15 Siegel Bessie 5 Nov 1910 Hebrew translation: Here lies buried the woman Basyah dau of Reb David died 2nd dy of the month of Chesvan 5671. May her soul be bound up in everlasting life. Obit Muscatine Journal 5 Nov 1910 - wife of Joseph Siegel. 7 4 Siegel Ellabelle 1920 1932 Hebrew translation: Here lies buried my daughter the young woman Beilah dau of Reb Joseph Isaac Halevi died ? 5693. May her soul be bound up in everlasting life. Obit Muscatine Journal 14 Oct 1932 10 13 Siegel Joseph 1863 1932 Hebrew translation: Here lies buried Reb Joseph Isaac son of Reb Judah Halevi died 19th day of the month of Kislev 5693. May his soul be bound up in everlasting life. Obit Muscatine Journal 18 Dec 1932 10 14 Siegel Louis na Top of gravemarker states: Siegel. Hebrew translation: Here lies buried Reb Judah Lieb the son of Reb Jacob Seigal died on the eve of the month of Iyar 5656. May his soul be bound up in everlasting life. Court House: named Louis Siegal d. 23 Apr 1906 at age 70 yrs. buried 24 Apr 1906 - f. Louis Siegel m. Gelda __ . Obit Muscatine Journal 24 Apr 1906 - OHT 4 2 Simpson David 1899 1917 Hebrew translation: Here lies buried the young man David son of Reb Joseph died 15th of Ada 5686. May his soul be bound up in everlasting life. [1 Mar 1926] 4 1 Skolnick Sarah 1890 1978 Hebrew translation: Here lies buried Sarah dau of Reb Lipa died 8th day of Tishrei 5739. May her soul be bound up in everlasting life. Court House: b. 10 Mar 1890 in Russia d. 9 Oct 1977 in Des Moines, IA buried 9 Oct 1977 - f. Leo Kruger m. Cheryl __ 4 1 Skolnick William 1887 1958 Shares gravemarker with Sarah Skolnick. Hebrew translation: Here lies buried Dov Berel son of Reb Isaac died 21 Tishrei 5719. May his soul be bound up in everlasting life. Court House: name spelled Skolnik b. 3 Mar 1878 in Litvia, Russia d. 5 Oct 1958 buried 8 Oct 1958 - f. Edward Skolnik 8 1 Skolnik Anna 25 Dec 1897 21 Apr 1968 Shares gravemarker with her sister, Rose Skolnik. Hebrew translation: Here lies buried Chanah dau Reb Mordechai died 23 Nisan 5728. May her soul be bound up in everlasting life. Court House: buried 23 Apr 1968 - never married - f. Max Skolnik m. Celia 9 6 Skolnik Celia G. 20 Mar 1869 18 Feb 1921 Hebrew translation: Here lies buried Tsipa Ganasa dau of Reb Jacob died 11 of the first Adar 5681. May her soul be bound up in everlasting life. 3 1 Skolnik Edith E. 1907 1968 Hebrew translation: Here lies Alkah dau of Reb Eliezer Menachem Madli died 4th day of Tevet 5728. May her soul be bound up in everlasting life. Court House: b.10 Jan 1907 in Iowa d. 6 Jan 1968 at age 60 yrs. - never married - f. Samuel Skolnik m. Celia Glatstein 11 4 Skolnik Fannie M. 1835 1924 Hebrew translation: Here lies buried the esteemed woman Mrs. Reiga dau of Reb Elijah died 2nd day of the month of Tammuz 5684 according to our recogning. May her soul be bound up in everlasting life. [4 Jul 1924] 9 11 Skolnik I. 1835 1921 Hebrew translation: Here lies buried Reb Isaac the son of Reb Israel. He left us unwillingly but he is now at rest on the 29th of Adar I year 5681. May his soul be bound up in everlasting life. [8 Mar 1921] 6 5 Skolnik Louis 1907 1917 Hebrew translation: Here lies buried a young man Judah Lieb son of Reb Moses. May his soul be bound up in everlasting life. Court House: b. 8 Aug 1906 - d. 11 Nov 1916 at age 10 yrs. 3 mos., buried 11 Nov 1916 - obit Muscatine Journal Monday Nov. 13, 1916 9 6 Skolnik Max M. 6 Apr 1869 4 Feb 1958 Shares gravemarker with Celia G. Skolnik. Hebrew translation: Here lies buried Moses Mendel son of Rev Meir Simon died 14 Shevat 5718. May his soul be bound up in everlasting life. Court House: b. Kiekol, Russia, buried 5 Feb 1958 at the age 88 yrs. 8 1 Skolnik Rose 12 Dec 1900 19 Jul 1957 Hebrew translation: Here lies buried Reizel dau of Reb Moses Mendel 2nd of Tammuz 5717. May her soul be bound up in everlasting life. Court House: b. Iowa buried 19 Jul 1957 - never married - age at death 56 yrs. Obit Muscatine Journal July 19, 1957. 9 5 Skolnik Sam M. 14 Nov 1905 14 Jan 1977 Hebrew translation: Here lies buried Samuel son of Reb Moses Mendel died 25 Tevet 5737. May his soul be bound up in everlasting life. 11 5 Smith Hannah 1840 1924 Hebrew translation: Here lies buried the woman Hannah dau of Betsalel died 27 Nisan 5684. May her soul be bound up in everlasting life. [1 May 1924] 11 5 Smith Meyer 1840 1933 Shares gravemarker with Hannah Smith. Hebrew translation: Here lies buried Reb Meyer son of Reb Abraham died 9 Tammuz 5693. May his soul be bound up in everlasting life. [3 Jul 1933] - OHT 13 10 Stark Philip W. 8 Oct 1910 9 Dec 1977 Hebrew translation: Here lies buried Philip W. Stark. May his soul be bound up in everlasting life. 13 9 Stark Sara G. 6 Aug 1909 2 Apr 1964 Wife of Philip Stark - nee Rosenberg. Hebrew translation: Here lies buried Sara Gta dau of Reb Jacob Judah died 20 Nisan 5724. May her soul be bound up in everlasting life. 1 1 Unknown Pile of eight gravemarkers located by northwest corner, leaning against the fence. Some have tin numbers nailed into the marker. 1 2 Unknown Tin numbers 26 nailed into marker. No other visible markings found. 1 3 Unknown Tin numbers 42 nailed into marker. No other visible markings found. 1 4 Unknown Tin number 8 nailed into marker. No other visible markings found. 1 5 Unknown Partially sunken gravemarker located by the southwest corner by fence. No visible markings found 1 6 Unknown Partially sunken gravemarker located by the southwest corner by fence. No visible markings found 2 1 Unknown Tin numbers 44 nailed into marker. No other visible markings found. 4 4 Unknown Gravemarker is broken into several pieces - no visable markings found 4 9 Unknown Tin numbers 34 nailed into marker. No other visable markings found. 4 10 Unknown No visable markings found 4 11 Unknown Tin numbers 29 nailed into marker. No other visable markings found. 3 10 Unknown Tin numbers 40 nailed into marker. No other visable markings found. 5 16 Unknown Number 3 carved into gravemarker. No other visable markings found. 5 17 Unknown Tin numbers 35 nailed into marker. No other visable markings found. 9 2 Unknown Tin numbers 46 nailed into marker. No other visable markings. Emily McGlothlin's list noted that it might be an Urdangen Infant. Unable to verify. 12 15 Unknown Two square-shaped posts believe to be marking a lot area. No visable markings found 9 3 Urdangen Barney 1864 1934 9 1 Urdangen Earl David 1886 1944 Hebrew translation: Here lies buried our father and my dear husband Reb Aaron David son of Reb Izewk Leib Urdangen died Hoshanah Rabah 5708. May his soul be bound up in everlasting life. [Hoshanah Rabah in 5708 equals 5 Oct 1947; Hoshanah Rabah in 5707 equals 5 Oct 1947; Hoshanah Rabah in 5707 equals 16 Oct 1946] 9 3 Urdangen Molly 1863 1952 Shares gravemarker with Barney Urdangen - OHT 9 13 Urdangen Sarah 1838 1922 Hebrew translation: Here lies buried the woman Sarah Leah dau of Rev Dov died 24 Shevat 5600. [29 Jan 1840 - this date is way off, we believe the stone carver left off two letters on the Hebrew date] May her soul be bound up in everlasting life. Obit Muscatine Journal Feb. 23, 1922