Obituaries for Muscatine County, Iowa


Submitted by Sharon R. Becker (of no relation)
Date Submitted: June 13, 2009
Source of Obituary: "Notable Deaths" Annals of Iowa. Vol. XI, No. 4. Pp. 235-36. Historical Society of Iowa. Des Moines. January, 1914."
BENJAMIN BEACH was born in Hamilton, Butler county, Ohio, January 20, 1827; he died at Muscatine, Iowa, May 16, 1913. When thirteen years of age he was apprenticed to a tinsmith in Richmond, Indiana, and after learning that trade followed it for many years. At the outbreak of the Mexican War he enlisted in the First Ohio. Volunteers and remained in the service about sixteen months, participating in the most of the marches and campaigns, and received honorable discharge at the close of the war. In 1850 he removed to Muscatine, Iowa, and opened a store which he conducted until the beginning of the Civil War. On April 17, 1861, he enlisted in Company A, First Iowa Volunteers, was elected First Lieutenant and served through three months' campaign, participating in the battle of Wilson's Creek. He then organized a company for the Eleventh Iowa Regiment and re-enlisted as Captain of Company H for a service of three years. He participated in the battles of Shiloh, Corinth, Vicksburg, the campaign against Atlanta, and was present at the grand review In Washington in May, 1865. During this time he was promoted rapidly until he reached the rank of Colonel. He had the unusual record of never being off duty by illness, never wounded'or captured and but once absent on leave. He was mustered out of the service at Louisville, Kentucky, July 19, 1865. He returned to Muscatine and engaged successfully in the hardware, grocery and tile manufacturing business, and for eight years acted as postmaster of Muscatine.

Submitted by Mary E Boyer (of no relation).
Date submitted: December 13, 2007
Source of Obituary: Muscatine, Iowa, (written in pencil; _ _ _ 22, 1955)
Rites will be conducted Tuesday at the Geo. M. Wittich Funeral home for CHARLES ROBERT BEACH, 72, who died Saturday at his home, 305 Pearl street. The Rev. Everett I. Hageman, pastor of Zion Lutheran church, will have charge. Burial will be at Greenwood cemetery.--- Mr. BEACH was born March 25, 1883, at Kirksville, Ia., the son of Henry and Anna QUICK-POND-BEACH. He had been a resident of Muscatine the past 47 years, coming here from Madden, Ia. He was married to Natalie BRENDEL on Feb. 4, 1909, at Muscatine. His occupation was that of button cutter.--- Survivors include his wife, three sons, William BEACH, Muscatine, and Alfred and Alvin BEACH, Rock Island; four daughters, Mrs. Donald WHITLOW, Richland, Ia., Mrs. James W. STROPES, Moline, Mrs. Florence WAKELAND, East Moline, and Mrs. Edward SCHAAPVELD, Muscatine; one brother, John BEACH, Muscatine; 18 grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. His parents, five brothers and three sisters preceded him in death.

Submitted by Mary E Boyer (of no relation).
Date submitted: December 13, 2007
Source of Obituary: Muscatine, Iowa, (written in pencil; Dec 26, 1950)
FRED BEACH, 82, of 800 West Third street, who had been identified prominently with Muscatine business circles for more than 60 years, died Sunday at Bellevue hospital. Mr. BEACH was born at Muscatine Aug 2, 1868, being a son of Benjamin A. and Mary MEASON-BEACH. He married Emma RANKIN Oct. 11 1893. Mrs.. BEACH died March 30, 1946.---Mr. BEACH entered the lumber business Oct. 6 1888, with the Hershey Lumber co. as a bookkeeper, after prior service as a mailing clerk at the Muscatine post office. He later became office manager for the Hershey Lumber co., remaining with the firm until the mill closed in 1901. In 1902 he became one of the owners of the Mira Hershey Lumber co., Inc., which later was reorganized as the Beach and Stortz Lumber co.------ In 1928 he became sole owner and the firm became known as the Beach Lumber and Supply co., with Mr. BEACH as president. He remained active in business until 1946.--- He had also served as president of the Central State bank. Mr. BEACH became a member of the Presbyterian church April 7, 1892. He was elected an elder in 1908 and had continued to serve in that capacity since. . Mr. BEACH was an honorary member of the Muscatine Rotary club, of which he was also a past president. He had also served on the Muscatine board of Education and had been a member of the Chamber of Commerce.-------- He is survived by one daughter, Miss Glyde BEACH of Muscatine. In addition to his wife he was preceded in death by his parents and one son. Funeral services were conducted by Dr. Joseph Kennedy of the First Presbyterian church at the Fairbanks Chapel today. Pallbearers included L. B. Hoopes, B. L. Gallaher, George Webster, Albert Evans, Kenneth Schreurs and Gus Ohlsen. Burial was in Greenwood cemetery.

Submitted by Mary E Boyer (of no relation).
Date submitted: December 13, 2007
Source of Obituary: Muscatine, Iowa, (written in ink; 16 July 1952)
Mrs. Lydia B. BEAMAN, 47, of 316 Jackson street, died today at Hershey hospital. The daughter of Oscar and Ollie BAER-SIMMONS, she was born Sept. 10, 1904 at Muscatine. She was married Aug. 10, 1945 to Lewis W. BEAMAN at Muscatine. Survivors include one son, Robert NICOLAY of Muscatine, and one sister, Mrs. Helen HILDEBRANDT of Muscatine. Among those who preceded her in death were her parents and one son, Clifford. Funeral services will be Friday at the chapel of the Fairbanks Home for Funerals. ------------(written in pencil; 7-21-52)-------Last rites were held Friday afternoon from the chapel of the Fairbanks Home for Funerals for Mrs. Lydia B. BEAMAN. The Rev. Hartwig Harms, pastor of Zion Lutheran church, was in charge. Flower attendants included Mrs. Arlet Stender, Mrs. Carla Burke and Mrs. Gertrude Murdock. Pallbearers were Carl Robertson, Clarence Hartman, George Figgins, Wilbur Murdock, Ernest Stender and Carl Busch. Burial was in Greenwood cemetery.

Submitted by Bev Gerdts (of no relation)
Date submitted: January 28, 2008
Source of Obituary: “MUSCATINE JOURNAL”, Muscatine, Iowa, June 15, 1995
Columbus Junction –Jeffrey Lynn BEAN, 18, died Thursday July 13, 1995, at Muscatine General Hospital of an apparent drowning. Services will be Monday at the Stacy- Lewis Funeral Home. Burial will be at the Columbus City Cemetery in Columbus City. Jeff was born Oct. 20, 1976 in Washington. He was a 1995 graduate of Columbus Community School. He was employed as a shag driver for TCCS.--- Survivors include his parents Jim and Jeanette Graves of Columbus Junction; a sister, Joanne Bean of Columbus Junction; his maternal grandparents, Stanley and Mildred Bean of Columbus Junction, his paternal grandparents, Lucy Porter of Gasonia N.C. and Larry Graves of Milan Ill., his paternal great grandparents Jim and Dorothy Graves of Muscatine, and Neva Emrick of Ainsworth; his girlfriend Monica Brister of Temple Okla.; seven uncles and two aunts, and numerous cousins. --- He was preceded in death by an uncle, Ronald Bean and great grandparents, Norman and Frances Bean and Fred and Esther Gerling and Orville Emrick.

Submitted by: Webmaster
Date Submitted: February 28, 2004
Source of Obituary: "THE MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, Tuesday, October 20, 1964, page 14
Richard D. Bean----Richard D. Bean, infant son of Bernard and Peggy Law Bean, was stillborn Monday at Muscatine General hospital. Graveside services at the Grandview cemetery were held at 10 a.m., today, with Rev. T. Ray Crews officiating. The Ralph J. Wittich funeral home was in charge of arrangements. Surviving are the parents; two brothers, Harry L. Bean and Bradley W. Bean, both at home; and the grandparents, Mr. and Mrs. Elwood Law of Muscatine and Mr. and Mrs. Norman Bean of Ainsworth.

Name: MRS. A. F. BEARD
Submitted by a Volunteer
Date Submitted: July 18, 2007
Source of Obituary: "MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, Thursday, June 1, 1933, front page.
Beard Funeral Held at Wilton---Services for Well Known Woman at Methodist Church Wednesday Afternoon.---Wilton---Final rites for Mrs. A. F. Beard, a pioneer Wilton woman whose death occurred last Saturday afternoon, were held at the Methodist church Wednesday afternoon. The Rev. J. M. Newgard of the Grace Reformed church conducted the services assisted by the Rev. C. D. Loose, of Mt. Pleasant, former local pastor. A mixed quartet composed of Will Lang, David Smith and the Misses Grace and Elnora Hahn, accompanied by Miss Helen Shuger at the piano, sang "No Disappointment in Heaven," and "O Think of the Home Over There" and the Misses Hahn sang as a duet number, "Looking This Way." Burial was made in Oakdale cemetery. The pallbearers were Curtis Frymoyer, Dan Davis, Howard and Harry Carl, H. W. Kretschmar and Walter Lenker.

Submitted by: June Welsch
Date Submitted: Wednesday, September 22, 2004 7:44 AM
Source of Obituary:"MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, December 2, 1912
MRS. SARAH BEARD DIES EARLY THIS MORNING ----------------- RESIDENT OF THIS CITY FOR 17 YEARS. ----------------- Born in New Jersey and Died at the Age of 85 Years After Long Illness. -------------- Mrs. Sarah Beard, an old resident of this city, passed away this morning at her home 515 Maple avenue, following an illness from pneumonia lasting for a number of weeks. Although her demise was expected. It comes as a shock to her large circle of friends and relatives. Mrs. Beard, formerly Miss Sarah Cole was born near Belvidere, N. J., February 24, 1827. She spent twenty-eight years of her life in her home town and following the death of her parents, came to Muscatine county to make her future home. She lived in Seventy-six township until seventeen years ago when she moved to her home on Maple avenue where she died. Mrs. Beard was united in marriage to William Beard shortly after her arrival in this county. He preceded her in death by about twenty years and it was following his demise that she moved to this city. To their union were born nine children, four of whom died in infancy. William died at the age of twenty-seven and Benjamin at the age of thirty-five years. Three children survive, these being Mrs. Elizabeth Carlisle, Miss Angie Beard and Miss Katherine Beard, all of this city. One sister also lives to mourn her demise, Mrs. John Weaver, who is now living in Chicago. During her entire life, Mrs. Beard was a member of the United Brethren Church.-----Additional Info: 1900 Muscatine, Muscatine County, IA; Sarah Beard born Feb. 1827 in NJ, 75 widow had 5 children and 4 living; Angeline Beard 32 daughter born Oct. 1867 in IA; Catherine Beard daughter 30 born Sept. 1869 in IA; Elizabeth Crook daughter 39, born July 1860 in IA, married 2 years; Freddie Crook son-in-law 39 born May 1861 in Sweden.

Submitted by: June Welsch
Date Submitted: Monday, June 2, 2003 1:15 PM
Source of Obituary:"MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, Thursday, January 15, 1885, page 2
Word was brought to the city this afternoon, of the death at his home in Seventy Six township, last night, of William Beard, one of the oldest pioneer settlers in the county. Mr. Beard Came to the county in 1836, and had lived on his place in Seventy Six some forty Years. He would have reached his 88th birthday anniversary next summer. Father Beard was highly respected and trusted by his fellow citizens, and at one served the public as County Commissioner with marked ability. He leaves a wife and five children. The funeral will take place to-morrow from the residence at 11 a.m.----- Note from June Welsch I'm no relation to him.

Submitted by: June Welsch
Date Submitted: Monday, September 8, 2003 1:37 PM
Source of Obituary:"MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, Monday, January 29, 1894, page 4
William Beard was born March 30, 1866 and died January 23 1894, aged 27 years, 9 months and 23 days. The disease causing his death was pneumonia, which proved fatal after a ten days illness. He was the son of William and Sarah Beard, who were among the early settlers of Seventy-Six township. His father died about nine years ago., and the son had since been a great comfort to his aged mother, who is now bereft by death of the staff and support for her declining years. There are three sisters and a brother who survive to mourn his untimely death. William was converted about four years ago and joined the U. B. church in whose communion he lived till death. The funeral was held in the Brick U. B. church in Seventy-Six township, and the remains were interred in the Jeans cemetery. The bereaved family have the sympathy of the community in their affliction----Note: I'm not relation to him but I had alot of extra obits.

Submitted by: Norma for webpage
Dated Submitted: January 25, 2006
Source of Obituary: "THE MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, Wednesday, May 27, 1914, page 4
MRS. JOHN H. BEARE SUCCUMBS THIS A.M. -------Well Known Resident Dies After Long Illness-----Funeral Services to be Held Friday Afternoon From The Home on Eleventh Street.-------After an illness of more than a year, Mrs. John H. Beare passed away shortly after 6 o'clock this morning at Bellevue hospital. Mrs. Beare had been ill for some time, but it was only about a week ago that her condition became serious. She was taken to Bellevue hospital, where she underwent an operation for appendicitis. Her demise came as a great shock to her many friends. Catherine G. Fuller was born November 2, 1850 at Bellevue, Ia. She was united in marriage with John H. Beare in 1879, and came to this city about 1890. She had made this city her home continuously for the past 24 years. She was a member of the Eastern Star lodge in this city. Besides her husband she is survived by one sister, Mrs. E. L. Murphy, of Stillwater, Minn. Funeral services will be held at 2 o'clock Friday afternoon at the home, 610 East Eleventh street. The Rev. E. R. McCorkle will officiate. The Eastern Star Lodge will have charge of the services at the grave. Interment will be made in Greenwood cemetery.

Submitted by: Elizabeth Harper Casillas
Date Submitted: Saturday, February 17, 2007
Source of Obituary: "MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, Friday, January 20, 1956, pg 11
FUNERAL RITES ARE PLANNED--- Funeral services will be held Monday at the Spangler Chapel Methodist church for MRS. ADDIE BEATTY, 74, life resident of Muscatine county, who died Thursday at her home on rural route 4, following a two week illness. The Rev. Lester Moore, pastor of the church, will officiate. Burial will be at Greenwood cemetery. The body is at the Ralph J. Wittich Funeral Home, where friends may call after noon Saturday. Mrs. Beatty was born Sept. 2, 1881, in Muscatine county, the daughter of John and Johanna Rouvierdink Schoemaker. She was married to Thomas Beatty on Dec. 27, 1919, in Muscatine. Mrs. Beatty was a member of the Spangler church and of the WSCS of that church. Survivors include two sons, Ernest Beatty, rural route 4, and Carl Beatty, Conesville, one daughter, Mrs. John Hoag, Austin, Minn., and 12 grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, six brothers and four sisters.

Submitted by: Lynn McCleary (of no relation)
Date Submitted: June 30, 2011
Source of Obituary: "Muscatine Journal ”, Muscatine, IA, Wednesday, August 16, 1922
Mrs. Beatty Died of Long Illness. Prominent Resident of Muscatine Island Died. Was Active in Church Work and Took Aggressive Part in Building of Government Levee. An illness protracted over a period of a year terminated in the death of Mrs. Alice Walton Beatty, wife of James Q. Beatty, at her home on Muscatine Island shortly after 9 o’clock Tuesday evening. She was 64 years old. --- The death of Mrs. Beatty removed one of the best known figures in Muscatine county, regardless of sex. She played a prominent role in all community projects affecting the island and always evinced a keen interest in the affairs of the city. Through her newspaper articles and magazine contributions she gained more than a local reputation. --- During the past year Mrs. Beatty’s health began to fail. At one period during the winter she was not expected to survive but rallied and gradually grew stronger until a few weeks ago when it became apparent that there was little hope of her recovery. Her last visit to Muscatine was last month. For about two weeks last fall she underwent treatment in a Moline sanitarium. --- Helped Build Levee --- Probably no woman in Muscatine county played a more prominent part in the ultimate construction of the government levee here than Mrs. Beatty. She was a zealous advocate of protection against floods. Influence wielded by her was a potent factor in securing the levee along the island. A number of years ago when the U. S. levee commission met in St. Louis to consider the local project, she was an official representative of Muscatine. --- As one of the founders of the Muscatine Island Community club she was among its most active workers. The Methodist Episcopal church on the island had no more enthusiastic worker that Mrs. Beatty. --- Native of Muscatine --- Mrs. Beatty was a native of Muscatine having been born here May 24, 1858. She was a daughter of Mr. And Mrs. J.P. Walton, pioneer settlers of this community. Her early education was received in the public schools of this city, she having been graduated as valedictorian of the class of 1875. Afterwards she attended a summer course at the Iowa State College at Ames. For eight years she was a public school instructor, beginning her teaching activities on the Island Hopewell school house, which since had witnessed many of her philanthropic enterprises. For a period of several years she also taught in the primary department at the Franklin school and the fourth grade I the Washington school, from which she resigned to be married Dec. 20, 1883. --- Funeral to be Friday --- Mr. and Mrs. Beatty went to housekeeping on their farm immediately after their marriage, residing their continuously. Mrs. Beatty had no children of her own but was passionately fond of them, exerting herself to making children of other families happy. When a young girl she united with Trinity Episcopal church but after her marriage became affiliated with the Island Methodist Episcopal church. --- To survive her she leaves her husband and a sister, Mrs. J.E. Hoopes. A number of nephews and nieces also mourn her demise. The funeral will be held at 2 o’clock Friday afternoon at the Island church. Burial will be made in Greenwood cemetery. The Rev. P.S. Apfel, pastor of the Musserville church, will officiate.

Submitted by: Elizabeth Harper Casillas
Date Submitted: February 17, 2007
Source of Obituary: "MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, Friday, July 5, 2001
CARL E. BEATTY,86, of Muscatine died Thursday, of respiratory failure at the Simpson Memorial Home in West Liberty. Services are Monday at Spangler Chapel. Burial will be at Memorial Park Cemetery. Visitation is Sunday at the Bentley Funeral Home in Wilton. Mr. Beatty was born May 9, 1915, in Lake Township in Muscatine County, the son of Thomas and Theresa King Beatty. He married Lucille Schuessler April 3, 1938. He attended Muscatine High School and was active in FFA. He farmed his entire life. He was a member of the Spangler Chapel Church and Bloomington Grange. Survivors include his wife, Lucille Beatty of West Liberty, formerly of Muscatine; four daughters, Carol Lane and her husband, Royce, of Laramie, Wyo., Janet Wilson and her husband, Jack, of Muscatine, Lois Ochiltree and her husband, Leo, of Wilton and Edie Burnett and her husband, Steve of Atalissa; three sons, Marvin Beatty and his wife, Karol, Robert Beatty and his wife, Deb, and Paul Beatty and his wife, Karen, all of Muscatine; a sister, Esther Hoag and her husband, John, of Lyle, Minn.; a sister-in-law, LaVerne Beatty of Muscatine; 20 grandchildren; and eight great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents; his stepmother, Addie Shoemaker Beatty; and a brother, Ernest Beatty.

Submitted by: Elizabeth Harper Casillas
Date Submitted: Saturday, February 17, 2007
Source of Obituary: "MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, Monday, April 4, 1994 pg 5a
DONALD BEATTY, 75, of Las Vegas, Nev., died Saturday, April 2, 1994. Graveside services will be in Salt Lake City later this week. Survivors include a daughter, Norma J. (Mrs. Danny) Titus, of Muscatine.

Submitted by: Elizabeth Harper Casillas
Date Submitted: Saturday, February 17, 2007
Source of Obituary: "MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, May 16, 1994
ERNEST T. BEATTY, 73, died early Sunday, May 15, 1994, at his home. Services will be Wednesday at the Geo. M. Wittich-Lewis funeral Home. The Rev. Robyn Plocher of the Spangler Chapel United Methodist Church will officiate. Burial will be at a later date. Visitation is Tuesday at the funeral home. Mr. Beatty was born May 23, 1920 in Bloomington Township, Muscatine County, Iowa, a son of Thomas and Addie Schoemaker Beatty. He was a life resident of the area. On Jan. 27, 1957, he married Vera LaVerne Montgomery Whitacre. Ernest was a member of the Spangler Chapel United Methodist Church, the Muscatine Art Center and the Herbert Hoover Presidential Library. He had a 43-year career in education teaching in Iowa, Tennessee and Arizona. He served as presidernt of the Muscatine County Teachers, Muscatine City Teachers and the Muscatine Area Retired Teachers associations. He was the only teacher honored to head all three of these educational units. He also served in the U.S. Army from 1942 to 1946 where he earned the rank of first lieutenant. Survivors include his wife, Vera; four sons, Terry Beatty of Muscatine; Jan Whitacre of San Diego, Calif., Lynn Whitacre of Miani, Fla., and Gary Whitacre of Muscatine; seven grandsons, two great-grandsons, one great-great-granddaughter; one brother, Carl Beatty of Muscatine; one sister, Esther Beatty Hoag of Lyle, Minn.; and an aunt, Helen Beatty Mohr of Gering, Neb. He was preceded in death by his parents.

Submitted by: Elizabeth Harper Casillas
Date Submitted: February 17, 2007
Source of Obituary: "MUSCATINE JOURNAL & NEWS TRIBUNE", Muscatine, Iowa, June 30, 1915
MRS. THERESA BEATTY CLAIMED BY DEATH---WELL KNOWN LAKE TOWNSHIP WOMAN IS DEAD ---FUNERAL WILL BE HELD TOMORROW MORNING AT ST. MARY'S CATHOLIC CHURCH.--- After an illness of seven weeks, Mrs. Theresa Beatty, a well known Lake township resident, passed away at 11:45 o'clock last night. Heart trouble, influenced by other ailments caused her death. Theresa King, daughter of Mr. and Mrs. Leonard C. King, was born in Illinois, December 27, 1878. When only a year old she moved to Lake township with her parents and has resided there ever since. She was united in marriage with Thomas Beatty, August 25, 1910, and to this union was born one child, an infant about seven weeks old. She was a member of St. Mary's Catholic church. She is survived by her parents, her husband and one infant child, and five brothers. The brothers are Joseph King, of Sweetland township; Charles King, of Lake township; Walter J. King, of Bonners Ferry, Idaho; William and Laurence King, of Lake township. One sister, Mrs. Leo Adams of Goshen township also mourns her demise. The funeral will be held at 9 o'clock tomorrow morning at St. Mary's church. The Rev. J. I. Grieser will officiate.

Submitted by: Elizabeth Harper Casillas
Date Submitted: February 17, 2007
Source of Obituary: "MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, Monday, August 10, 1953
THOMAS BEATTY SERVICES TO BE HELD TUESDAY--- Funeral services for THOMAS BEATTY, 71, whose death occurred Saturday morning at his home on rural route No. 4, will be held Tuesday at the Spangler Chapel Methodist church. The Rev. Lester W. Moore, pastor, will be in charge and burial will be in Greenwood cemetery. Mr. Beatty, who had been in failing health for several months, died suddenly at his farm home Saturday morning. The son of George and Lou Adams Beatty, he was born in Muscatine county on Jan. 30, 1882, spending his entire life here. He married Theresa King in Muscatine in 1910 and her death occurred in June 1915. On Dec. 27, 1915, he married Addie Schoemaker in Muscatine. Mr. Beatty was a member of the Spangler Chapel Methodist church and of Iowa lodge No. 2, AF and AM. He was a farmer by vocation. Surviving are his wife, Mrs. Addie Beatty, at home; two sons: Carl E. Beatty of Conesville, Ia., and Ernest T. Beatty of Phoenix, Ariz., a daughter, Mrs. John Hoag of Austin, Minn.; a brother, Curtis Beatty, three half-brothers, Glen Beatty of Cromwell, Ia., and Gerald and Ray Beatty of Prescot, Ia.; two half-sisters, Mrs. Helen Mohr and Mrs. George Tallmon of Mitchell, Neb.; and 10 grandchildren, Carol, Janet, Marvin, Lois Ann and Edith Jean Beatty, and Ronald John, Ernest, Robert, Margaret Ann and Ruth Hoag. His parents, two sisters and his first wife preceded him in death.
Source of Obituary: "Muscatine Journal", Muscatine, Iowa Wed. August 12, 1953
Funeral services for THOMAS BEATTYwere held at 2 p.m. Tuesday at the Spangler Methodist church. The Rev. Lester W. Moore, assisted by the Rev. Mr. Kruse, were in charge. Flower attendants were Mrs. Clarence McConnaha, Mrs. Lauren Goddard, Mrs. Charles TeStrake, Mrs. Reinhart Paetz, Charles TeStrake, John McConnaha and Fred Satterthwaite. W. C. McConnaha and Lester Windman were ushers and Glenn Shield and Irvin Krueger were car attendants. Arrangements were in charge of the Ralph J. Wittich Funeral home.

Submitted by: Elizabeth Harper Casillas
Date Submitted: Saturday, February 17, 2007
Source of Obituary: "MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, Monday, April 10, 1972
WILLIAM J. "BILL" BEATTY, 76, formerly of 223 1/2 E. Second St., Muscatine, died Sunday at Muscatine General Hospital after an extended illness. Funeral services will be held Wednesday at the Geo. M. Wittich Funeral Home. Burial will be in Greenwood cemetery. Born Oct. 26, 1895 in Lone Tree, he was a son of Thomas and Sadie Dowling Beatty. He had resided here 20 years, having formerly lived in Colorado. William Beatty first married Melvina Van Zandt. She preceded him in death. He later married Emily Smith. Mr. Beatty was of the Methodist faith. He had been a farmer. Survivors include a son, Donald William Beatty of Salt Lake City, Utah; two daughters, Mrs. Charles (Vivian) McDaniel of Muscatine and Mrs. Lester (Julia) Aldrich, Davenport; a brother, Earl Beatty of Yarmouth, Iowa; four sisters, Mrs. Mae Carr, West Liberty, Mrs. Alice Ford and Mrs. Inez Hacker both of Iowa City; and Mrs. Robert (Gertrude) Seiler, Muscatine; 16 grandchildren and several great-grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents, both wives and one sister.
Source of Obituary: "MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, Thursday, April 13, 1972
Funeral services for William (Bill) Beatty, 76, were held Wednesday at the Geo. M. Wittich Funeral Home. Rev. Cyril Reynolds officiated. Pallbearers were John Ford, Reid Ford, Bob Carr, Marin Windus, Jim Hacker, and Robert Ford. Burial was in Greenwood cemetery.

Submitted by Mary E Boyer (of no relation).
Date submitted: December 13, 2007
Source of Obituary: Muscatine, Iowa, Newspaper Date Unknown
Christel Louise RUECKERT-BECK, of Muscatine, died Monday, June 7, 1999. Services will be Friday at the Zion Lutheran Church in Muscatine. Visitation will be Thursday at the Geo. M. Wittich-Lewis Funeral Home. Mrs. Beck was born Oct. 12, 1950, the daughter of Karl and Gladys SISSEL-RUECKERT. She married Glenn E. BECK on May 20, 1983, in Muscatine. Survivors include her husband Glenn BECK of Muscatine; two step daughters, Alicia BECK of Muscatine and Brianna BECK of Des Moines; a bother, Bill RUECKERT of Mediapolis; two sisters, Suzanne HEDGES and her husband, Bill, of Eldridge and Karolyn SUBBERT and her husband, Ron, of Muscatine. She was preceded in death by her parents, a daughter, Tessa; and a sister in infancy.

Submitted by: Elizabeth Wrocklage
Date submitted: June 24, 2007
Source of Obituary: “MUSCATINE JOURNAL & NEWS TRIBUNE”, Muscatine, Iowa, Friday, May 22, 1936
Mrs. Bertha Becke , 71, a resident of Muscatine for the past 24 years, died at her home, 108 Sherman street, Thursday after a brief illness. The daughter of Milo and Elizabeth Fassett, Mrs. Becke was born in 1865 in Chicago. She was married to George Becke in Chicago in 1892. The family moved to Muscatine about 24 years ago and have resided here since. Her husband and two children, George Becke, Jr., and Mrs. Grace Ostrander, all of Muscatine, and five grandchildren survive. Funeral services will be conducted Sunday in the George Wittich Funeral home with the Rev. Stanley P. Jones, pastor of the Trinity Episcopal church officiating. Burial will be in Greenwood cemetery.

Submitted by: Elizabeth Wrocklage
Date submitted: June 24, 2007
Source of Obituary: “MUSCATINE JOURNAL”, Muscatine, Iowa, Friday December 04, 1959
George Becke , 96, a life resident of Muscatine, died at 8 p.m. Thursday at Bellevue Hospital after a short illness. Mr. Becke had lived at 183 Sherman St. Mr. Becke was born Nov. 9, 1863, at Muscatine, the son of Henry and Anne Becke. He was married to Bertha Fasset. A carpenter, Mr. Becke was a member of St. Mary's Catholic church. Mr. Becke is survived by one son, George Becke, Jr., of Muscatine; one daughter, Mrs. Grace Ostrander of Muscatine; and one brother, Henry Becke of Davenport; five grandchildren and five great grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his wife, one son, one daughter, one brother and five sisters. Funeral services will be held Saturday at St. Mary's Catholic church. The body is at the George M. Wittich funeral home. Burial will be at Greenwood cemetery.

Submitted by: Elizabeth Wrocklage
Date submitted: June 24, 2007
Source of Obituary: “MUSCATINE JOURNAL”, Muscatine, Iowa, Monday, January 3, 1966
George M. Becke , 72, died Saturday, Jan. 1 at 3:00 p.m. at Muscatine General hospital. His home was at 183 Sherman Street. He was born August 15, 1893, in Chicago, the son of George and Bertha Fasset Becke. He had resided here 55 years. He was a member of the V.F.W. and had served in World War I. He is survived by one niece, four nephews; and a sister, Mrs. Grace Ostrander, Muscatine. His parents, one brother, and one sister preceded him in death. Funeral services will be Tuesday at the George M. Wittich Funeral Home. Rev. Carl Clems will officiate. Burial will be at Greenwood cemetery.

Submitted by: Norma Rogers for the Webmaster
Date Submitted: September 24, 2004
Source of Obituary: "THE MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, Monday, February 27, 1911, page 2
MATTHIAS BECKE-------- MATTHIAS BECKE DIED SATURDAY ------------ DRUMMER BOY IN CIVIL WAR PASSES FROM THIS LIFE ------------ Was the Drum Major of the Thirty-Fifth Regiment---Also Well Known Resident ------------ Matthias Becke, the drummer boy of the Thirty-Fifth Iowa Infantry passed away at his home on East Seventh street on Saturday evening shortly before 10 o'clock. His demise marks the departure of one of the most prominent men of the local surviving veterans of the great war of the rebellion. His death which was peaceful, was attributed to asthma and the ills attending old age. Mr. Becke was well known in this city and was a conspicuous figure in the reunions and encampment held in Muscatine during the past decade. Martial music in the Pearl City was associated with his name, and when the sound of fife and drum was heard on the streets of the city the residents knew that Mr. Becke was a part of the little band. Mr. Becke was a heroic soldier and served in two armies. He first served in the fatherland, and when after he came to America, President Lincoln called for volunteers, he enlisted in the cause of his adopted country, and in many battles, displayed his heroism by marching with the drum corps in the lead of his regiment. Matthias Becke was born in Germischhelm, Bavaria, November 27, 1827. He came to America in 18--, and came direct to Muscatine. He worked here until the war as a stone mason. When the war broke out he enlisted as a musician in the 7th Iowa Infantry and served until regimental bands were abolished by the war department. He then enlisted as a drummer in Company D, 35th Iowa Volunteers, and was, later made drum major by Col. S. G. Hill. He served in this capacity until the close of the war and then took up civil life. He is survived by his wife and three children, George, of Moline; Martha at home; and Andrew, of Rock Island. Fraternally he was a member of the German Mechanics Aid Society. He was also a member of St. Mary's Catholic church and belonged to Shelby Norman Post, G. A. R. The funeral will be held on Tuesday morning at 9 o'clock at St. Mary's Catholic church and will be attended by the members of Shelby Norman Post.

Submitted by: Denise Darting and Norma Rogers
Date Submitted: August 2, 2004
Source of Obituary: "MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, Monday, August 6, 1894
MRS. THEODORE BECKE----- Another Old Settler Called Home---- The death of Mrs. Theodore Becke, on last Saturday evening, called another old settler of Muscatine to her eternal reward. The suddenness of her demise is peculiarly saddening to her family and friends, as she had just recovered from a siege of sickness and was fast regaining her wanted health and strength when the grim monster stepped in and called her for his own. The deceased was born in Newenkirchen, Prussia, May 30, 1818, and was consequently 76 years, 2 months and 5 days old at the time of her death. She was married to Theodore Becke, September 24, 1841, and came to America the following year, 1842, coming almost directly to Muscatine. She was one of the seven Catholics who organized the first Catholic church in Muscatine and has always lived as a consistant member of that church. She is survived by one sister, Mrs. George Rutherford, six children, nine grandchildren, and one great-grandchild. The children are : Mrs. Joseph Fessler, Mrs. W. C. Richards, Mrs. George Koehler, Mrs. Charles Balluff, Miss Elizabeth and Mr. Theodore Beck, Jr., all of this city. The funeral will be held Wednesday morning at 9 o'clock from St. Mathias church. The lateness of the date of the funeral is caused by the absence of one of the grandchildren of the deceased, Miss Minnie Richards, who was visiting in Michigan at the time of the death of Mrs. Becke. She is en route home and will arrive this evening.

Submitted by: Eleanor B. McCleary, for B'Nai Moses Jewish Cemetery
Date Submitted: Thursday, December 26, 2002
Source of Obituary: "THE MUSCATINE JOURNAL and NEWS-TRIBUNE", Muscatine, Iowa, Monday, Nov. 11, 1940
Funeral Rites are Noted for A. Becker, 86---- Final services for A. Becker, 86, of 713 East Fifth street, a resident of Muscatine for 40 years, wee conducted Sunday in the home of his son, J.B. Becker, 1365 Smalley avenue, with burial in the Jewish cemetery here. Mr. Becker died Friday afternoon in Bellevue hospital, following a lingering illness. He was born in Russia in 1854, and came to America in 1900. His wife, whom he married in Russia about 63 years ago, preceded him in death. Survivors include five children, J.B. Becker of Muscatine, Mrs. J. Bleadon and Mrs. Julia Shames of Chicago, Mrs. Harry Strohm of Detroit, Mich., and O.L. Becker of Cedar Rapids, Ia., besides a number of grandchildren.

Submitted by Mary E Boyer (of no relation).
Date submitted: December 13, 2007
Source of Obituary: Muscatine, Iowa, (written in pencil; Feb 29, 1952)
Charles F. BECKER, 73, died today at his home, 304 East Third street, following an extended illness. The son of William and Amelia KRUEGER-BECKER, he was born Feb. 14, 1879 in Mercer county, Ill. He had been a resident of Muscatine the past eight years, formerly living in Drury township. He married Alvena SEIDLER Dec. 9, 1908 in Buffalo township. A farmer by occupation, he was a member of the Hazel Dell Methodist church of Drury township.--- Survivors include his wife; two daughters, Mrs. Everett HOLMES and Hazel BECKER, both of Muscatine; one brother, Edward BECKER of Muscatine; and two grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents, one son, three brothers and three sisters. Funeral services, under the arrangements of at the Geo M. Wittich Funeral home will on Wednesday at the Illinois City Methodist church. Burial will be at the Drury-Reynolds cemetery.

Submitted by: Phyllis Hazen (of no relation)
Date submitted: October 6, 2008
Source: “Muscatine Journal”, Muscatine, Iowa, Monday, September 25, 1961 pg 14
Edward F. Becker, 73, 410 Adams street, died Saturday at Muscatine General hospital. The son of William and Amelia Krueger Becker, he was born March 23, 1888, in Rock Island County, Ill. A farmer, Mr. Becker had been a resident of Muscatine for 28 years. --- Mr. Becker was married June 20, 1917, at Muscatine to Daisy E. Snow. He was of the Methodist faith. --- Survivors include three sons, Louis E. Becker of Yarmouth, Edward M. Becker of Weatherby, Mo., and Clifford L. Becker of Muscatine; four daughters, Mrs. Leroy R. Atkins of Muscatine, Mrs. Wesley Wheeler of Wapello, Miss Marian Becker and Mrs. Cecil Housemann of Muscatine; fifteen grandchildren and three great-grandchildren. --- Funeral services will be held Tuesday at the George M. Wittich funeral home.. -------------------“Muscatine Journal” September 27, 1961 pg 3 ----------------Funeral rites for Edward F. Becker were conducted at Tuesday at the George M. Wittich Funeral Home by the Rev. Caleb Larson. Pallbearers were Walter Ranch, Howard Carl, Donald Weggen, Laverne Weggen, Elmer Weggen and Everett Tomfeld. Interment was made at the High Prairie cemetery.

Submitted by: Webmaster for Dale Lutz
Date Submitted: Sunday, May 20, 2001
Source of Obituary: "THE MUSCATINE JOURNAL AND NEWS-TRIBUNE", Muscatine, Iowa, Friday, Nov. 25, 1938, front page
MRS. BECKER, 86, GOES IN DEATH; RITES SATURDAY---- Mrs. Ernestine Becker, 86, died at 2:45 p.m. Thursday at her home, 401 West Fulliam avenue, of complications, following an illness of nine weeks. Mrs. Becker was born Oct. 24, 1852 in Fahrenholz in the province of Brandenburg, Germany, and had made her home here since 1881. She was married to Carl Becker, July 25, 1875, in Jagow, Germany and ten children were born to them, six of whom preceded her in death. Among the six children preceding her in death were a son, Henry Becker, who died in 1937, and a daughter, Mrs. Pauline Freeman, who succumbed in 1921. Mrs. Becker was a member of the Zion Lutheran church in Muscatine and was a charter member of the Ladies' Aid Society of that church. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Mary Coon and Mrs. Frieda Roth; two sons, Herman Becker and William Becker, all of Muscatine; three brothers, August Lange of Los Angeles, Calif., William Lange and Herman Lange, both of Muscatine; one sister, Mrs. Wilhelmina Zeug of Muscatine, 13 grandchildren and five great grandchildren. Her husband died Feb. 21, 1921, and a sister and two brothers also preceded her in death. The body is at the home, 401 West Fulliam avenue, and private funeral services will be held Saturday at the home and public rites at the Zion Lutheran church with the Rev. John Haefner, pastor, officiating. Burial will be in Greenwood cemetery.

Submitted by: Phyllis Hazen (of no relation)
Date submitted: October 18, 2008
Source: “Muscatine Journal and News – Tribune”, Muscatine, Iowa, Tuesday, May 2, 1939 pg 1
Evelyn Ruth Becker, 10 years old, 1023 Lucas street, died Monday at Hershey hospital after an illness of one day of blood poisoning. She was born Dec. 8, 1928, in Muscatine. She was a pupil at McKinley school and attended the First Baptist church. --- Surviving are the parents, Edward and Daisy Snow Becker, and the following brothers and sisters: Louis Becker, route. 5, Muscatine; Edward Becker, Oakville, Ia.; and Dorothy, Velma, Clifford, Marion and Darlene Becker, all of Muscatine. --- Funeral services will be held Wednesday at the George M. Wittich Funeral home with the Rev. Vance H. Webster, pastor of the First Baptist church, officiating. Burial will be in the High Prairie cemetery.

Submitted by: Denise and Norma for the webmaster
Date Submitted: Tuesday, July 11, 2006
Source of Obituary:"THE MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, Wednesday, April 7, 1920, page 7
Frederick William Becker, a lifelong resident of this city passed away following a weeks illness of pneumonia at his home, 1317 East Front Street, at 8 o'clock this morning. He was 62 years old. Mr. Becker was born in Muscatine, November 15, 1857. On December 25, 1882, he was united in marriage with Miss Clara Kile. For the past eleven months he has been employed at the Rock Island Arsenal. He was a kind and loving husband and father. He is survived by his wife and two children, Edwin Becker, Mrs. Helen Dale, all of Muscatine. Two sisters, Mrs. William Huttig and Miss Henrietta Becker of this city and one brother, Henry Becker of Iola, Kansas, also survive. Private funeral services will be conducted from Greenwood chapel.

Submitted by: Webmaster for Dale Lutz
Date Submitted: January 30, 2001
Source of Obituary: "MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, Saturday, September 19, 1970, page 10
Obituaries and funerals---- Herman G. Becker----- Herman G. Becker, 86, died suddenly Friday at his home at 410 Van Horn. Death was attributed to a heart attack. Mr. Becker was a life resident of Muscatine, born here Nov. 8, 1884, the son of Carl and Ernestine Lange Becker. He was married Sept. 12, 1912, at Muscatine, to Margaret Schurk. He was a member of Zion Lutheran church. Mr. Becker is survived by one son, Arley Becker, Fruitland; four daughters, Mrs. Leroy Carstens, Davenport, Mrs. Robert DeRiemeceker, Nichols, Mrs. George Lindle, Muscatine, Mrs. Lloyd Painter, Muscatine; and one brother, William Becker, Muscatine. Also surviving are 14 grandchildren and 10 great grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his wife, one brother, and three sisters. The body is at the Ralph J. Wittich funeral home. Rev. H. C. Hafermann will conduct services Monday at the funeral home. Interment will be at Greenwood cemetery.

Submitted by: Denise and Norma for the webmaster
Date Submitted: Thursday, March 9, 2006
Source of Obituary:"THE MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, November 4, 1902
MRS. SALOMA BECKER------who died yesterday afternoon at the home of her son, Theodore Becker, 607 West Sixth street, was born in Kufel, Germany, June 15, 1815, and at the time of her death had reached the age of 87 years. She was well known here and had many friends. Her health had been considerably impaired for some time past, owing to her extreme age, but fatal illness, acute bronchitis, which was the cause of her death, was of short duration. She came to this country in 1837 and in 1840 she was united in matrimony with Michael Becker, who passed away a few years ago. Seven children survive, they being Mrs. Wm, Huttig, Miss Henrietta, Theodore, August, Henry, Albert and William Becker, all residents of this city. Throughout her life she was a Christian woman, being a consistent member of the Congregational church. Her Christian traits of character won for her the high esteem of all with whom she came in contact. The funeral will be held at the German Evangelical church at the corner of Fourth and Sycamore streets, at 10 o'clock, Thursday morning. Rev. Hans, pastor of the church, will conduct the funeral service.

Submitted by a Volunteer
Date Submitted: July 18, 2007
Source of Obituary: "MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, Monday, August 27, 1956, page 2
Minnie Beckett, Former Resident, Called in Death----Mrs. Minnie E. Beckett, 80, Rock Island, a former resident of Muscatine, died Sunday evening at the home of her son-in-law and daughter, Mr. and Mrs. Donald Hoke, at Rock Island. Mrs. Beckett was born at Maquon, Ill., March 28, 1976, the daughter of the late Mr. and Mrs. Joe Cozad. She was married to Charles Mills Dec. 17, 1896, in Muscatine county and was married to John R. Beckett, Jan. 16, 1927, at Boulder, Colo. She spent most of her life in Muscatine, later moving to Davenport and then to Rock Island. She formerly was a member of the Musserville Methodist church. Surviving are two daughters, Mrs. Donald Hoke, Rock Island, and Mrs. Frank Stalkfleet, Muscatine; two sisters, Mrs. Sarah Brown, and Mrs. Lilly Coulter, both of Muscatine, 19 grandchildren and 39 great grandchildren. She was preceded in death by Mr. Beckett and by two daughters. Funeral services are planned tentatively for Wednesday afternoon at the Wheelan funeral home in Rock Island.

Submitted by: Mary Beckey Kelly
Date Submitted:Thursday, July 17, 2003 10:52 PM
Source of Obituary: "MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, December 27, 1901
OBITUARY.-- Beckey---- Early this morning occurred the death of Alfred Beckey the youngest child of Mr. and Mrs. John A. Beckey, of 1009 Nebraska Street, in South Muscatine. The little fellow was only sick a little over a day. On Christmas he was bright and happy as usual and appeared to be well but that night was taken with a violent convulsion. His lungs were affected and in spite of all that human skill could do the little fellow breathed his last this morning about 3 o'clock. Alfred Beckey was the son of Mr. and Mrs. John Beckey and was born a year ago last March in Tipton, Missouri. The family came to Muscatine last March, and have resided here since that time. There are left to mourn the loss of the boy his parent and two sisters, Margaret and Helen and one brother, Joseph. This makes the second death in the family inside of five months, they losing their little girl nine years of age last August. Mr. and Mrs. Beckey and family have the sympathy of all at this time. The funeral will be held Saturday morning at 9 o'clock from St. Mary's Church.

Submitted by Mary E Boyer (of no relation).
Date submitted: January 10, 2008
Source of Obituary: Muscatine, Iowa, (written in pencil; September 22,1962)
Two Muscatine youths died today when an automobile rolled over several times on highway 61, 12 miles east of Muscatine. Donald E. JENS, 19, 918 East 10th street, and Michael Allen BECKEY, 17, 1104 Isett avenue, were pronounced dead at Muscatine General hospital. Sheriff Dick Oppelt, notified of the accident at 4:20 a.m., said the youths apparently were killed at the scene. The deaths brought the 1962 traffic toll in Muscatine county to nine, according to sheriff’s department records. --- JENS is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Loren Edward JENS. BECKEY is the son of Mr. and Mrs. Vincent BECKEY. --- The 1955 model car, registered to Vincent BECKEY, was totally … (the article ends here)..

Submitted by Mary E Boyer (of no relation).
Date submitted: December 13, 2007
Source of Obituary: Muscatine, Iowa, (written in ink; 4-16-65)
Mrs. Bertha BEHRENS, 71, 517 Kindler Ave., died today at Muscatine General hospital. Mrs. BEHRENS was a life resident of Muscatine, born here June 2, 1896, the daughter of John and Margarita WIEGAND-LANGE. The former Bertha LANGE was married June 4, 1922, in Muscatine, to John J. BEHRENS. She was a member of Zion Lutheran church.--- She is survived by one son, Robert BEHRENS of Bettendorf; one daughter, Mrs. Harry STARKWEATHER; one brother, Fred LANGE; and one sister, Mrs. Anna HEUSSNER, all of Muscatine. Also surviving are four grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, two sisters and three brothers. The body is at the Ralph J. Wittich funeral home, where friends may call on Wednesday. The Rev. Fred Boyce will conduct services Thursday at the funeral home. Interment will be at Greenwood cemetery.------------- (written in ink; 4-18-1968; please note the year difference from the previous article)---------Funeral services for Mrs. Bertha BEHRENS, 71, were held today at the Ralph J. Wittich Funeral home. Pallbearers were Richard LANGE, Everett LANGE, Edward LANGE, Donald LANGE, Ray Korschot, and Roy Kindler. Burial was at Greenwood cemetery.

Submitted by: June Welsch
Date Submitted: Thursday, June 20, 2002 4:29 PM
Source of Obituary:"MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, October, 1997
David Behrens----- MUSCATINE -- David Francis Behrens, 58, of Muscatine, died Thursday, Oct. 23, 1997, at University of Iowa Hospitals and Clinics in Iowa City. Graveside services will be Monday, at the Muscatine Memorial Park Cemetery, directed by the Jeffrey S. Nichols-Chapel Hill Funeral Home. There is no visitation. In lieu of flowers, memorials may be made to the David Behrens Memorial Fund. Mr. Behrens was born May 1, 1939, in Muscatine, a son of Henry and Helen Wickey Behrens. He was a heavy equipment operator for Brauns Construction. Survivors include two daughters, Barbara Smith of Muscatine, and Balinda McMullin of Tennessee; four grandchildren, one great-grandchild; three sisters Henrietta Costas, Kathy Brown and Judy Gillespie, all of Muscatine; and a special friend, Sandy Brace, of Muscatine. He was preceded in death by his parents, one brother, and one son, David J. Behrens in 1979.

Submitted by Mary E Boyer (of no relation).
Date submitted: December 13, 2007
Source of Obituary: Muscatine, Iowa, (written in pencil; Dec 12, 1950)
Mrs. Annie BEITZ, 82, died Monday at Bellevue hospital. Her home address was 319 West Sixth street. The daughter of Adolph and Sophia ALTEKRUSE-GEERTZ, she was born Aug. 28, 1868, in Muscatine. Her marriage to William BEITZ took place here April 3, 1889. ------Surviving are one son, Elmer W. BEITZ of Muscatine; a daughter, Mrs. Mabel GEERTZ of Tacoma, Wash.; one brother, John GEERTZ of Muscatine; and six grandchildren whom she reared. Mrs. Florence JAMISON of Wilton, Mrs. Joyce SWAIDS of Evanston, Ill., and Mrs. Mabel ARP, Mrs. Juanita NORDEEN, Gregory and Ronald BEITZ, all of Muscatine. Nine great grandchildren also survive. She was preceded in death by her parents, husband, one brother, two sisters and one daughter, Emma.----The body has been taken to the Fairbanks Home for Funerals and services will be conducted at the Fairbanks Chapel Friday by the Rev. R. R. Shirk, pastor of the First Baptist church. Burial will be in Greenwood cemetery.

Submitted by: Al Harker
Date Submitted: Saturday, March 11, 2006
Source of Obituary: "Quad-City Times", Davenport, Iowa, Tuesday, March 7, 2006
Marie C. Bekker, 85, of Muscatine, Iowa, died Sunday, March 5, 2006, at Lutheran Homes. Funeral Services will be 11 a.m. Wednesday, March 8, at the Ralph J. Wittich-Riley-Freers Funeral Home, Muscatine. Chaplain Vicki Pedersen of Lutheran Homes will officiate. Casket Bearers will be Lynn Kokemuller, Jeffrey Kokemuller, Doug Rogers, and David Kokemuller. Burial will be in Memorial Park Cemetery. Marie was born on April 6, 1920, in Muscatine, the daughter of Art and Tryntje (VanDerVos) Van Bochove. Her first marriage was to Vernon Longstreth on October 16, 1946. He preceded her in death in 1959. She later married Edward J. Bekker on December 30, 1961, in Muscatine. He preceded her in death in 1995. She retired from Northwestern Bell Telephone Company. She was of the Methodist faith. Survivors include one daughter, Sharon Kokemuller and husband, Lynn, of Muscatine; two grandchildren, Jennifer Rogers and husband, Doug, of Bloomington, Ill., and Jeff Kokemuller and wife, Darcie, of Muscatine; and three great-grandchildren, Kaylynn Rogers, Rebecca Rogers and Madison Kokemuller. She was preceded in death by her parents, both husbands, one sister, and one grandson in infancy.

Submitted by: Norma Rogers for the Webmaster
Date Submitted: September 24, 2004
Source of Obituary: "THE MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, February 15, 1911, page 7
ALLIE BELL---- MISS ALLIE BELL DIES AT HOSPITAL ------------ YOUNG WOMAN SUCCUMBS AFTER A BRIEF ILLNESS ------------ Sister Is Quarantined With Scarlet Fever And Mother Is Prostrate With Grief ------------ Miss Allie Bell, of 315 Cedar street, passed away at the Bellvue hospital at an early hour this morning, her death following an operation for appendicitis, which was performed last week. The death is one of unusual sadness, in that her only sister, Miss Della Bell, is quarantined at the family residence with scarlet fever and will not be allowed to even view the remains of her departed sister. The mother, Mrs. Anna Bell, is prostrate with grief over the death of one daughter and the illness of the other. The death of Miss Bell was not unexpected, for since Sunday her condition has been precarious. Miss Bell was born in Canton, Mo., on February 18, 1888, and came to Muscatine with her mother about ten years ago. She is survived by her sister and mother. The many friends of the family extend their sincerest sympathy to the afflicted mother and sister. The remains were removed from the hospital today to the home of G. B. Samuels, at 316 Cedar street. Brief services will be held at that home and later the funeral will be held at the First Baptist church. Although definite arrangments for the funeral have not been made, it is expected the services will be held on Friday afternoon.

Submitted by: Ed Hintermeister
Date Submitted: Tuesday, January 23, 2007
Source of Obituary: "Muscatine Journal", Muscatine, Iowa, Friday, February, 27, 1976, page 3
MRS. BERNIECE BELL-- Services were held Thursday at the Geo. M. Wittich Funeral Home for Mrs. Berniece Bell, 50. Officiating was Fred Boyce. Mrs. Richard Dilts was organist. Pallbearers were Doug Reist, Bob James, Herman Reist, Dale Jones, Joe Frisco and Jeff James. Burial was in Greenwood Cemetery. Mrs. Bell died Monday following a two-car accident on Highway 22 east.----Submitters' Note: 28 October 1925 - 23 February 1976

Submitted by: Elaine Rathmann
Date Submitted: Tuesday, April 03, 2001 4:57 PM
Source of Obituary: "Davenport Democrat", Davenport, Iowa, ca. January 2, 1946
Cornelius M. Bell, who was formerly connected with the Hildebrand Vault Do., died at 3:15 p.m. Tuesday at his home, 2313 ˝ Eastern avenue, following a short illness. Mr. Bell was born March 23, 1863 in Shelby county, Mo., and received his education in the schools there. His first wife, Tennie Phillips, to whom he was married in 1884, died in 1890. There were five children by his first marriage. He was married in July 1919, to Edith Raff in Muscatine, and to this marriage one daughter was born. He had resided in Muscatine for some time before coming to Davenport 12 years ago. He was a member of Calvary Baptist church. Surviving are his widow; two daughters, Mrs. William Peterson of Muscatine and Mrs. James Hanson of Davenport; three sons, Elmer Bell of Rock Island, Earl Bell of Long Beach, Calif.; four sisters, four brothers and six grandchildren. The body was removed to Hill & Fredericks mortuary and services will be held in the chapel Friday. Burial will be in Oakdale Cemetery.------ Funeral Notice----"Davenport Democrat", Davenport, Iowa, ca. January 4, 1946------ The funeral of Cornelius M. Bell was held at 1:30 p.m. today in Hill 7 Fredericks chapel, with Rev. F. G. Codd officiating. Kenneth Peterson sang two hymns. Pallbearers were E. W. Bell, Gilbert Rothweiler, William Petersen, A. N. Westlund, Charles Washburn and Ernest Bell. Burial was in Oakdale.

Submitted by Mary E Boyer (of no relation).
Date submitted: December 13, 2007
Source of Obituary: Unknown, (written in ink; 8 Jan 1990)
ROCKFORD, Ill. - William Earle BELL, 78, 2512 Devonshire Drive, Rockford, died Thursday, Jan. 4 at Edwards Hospital in Naperville. Services were at today at the Fred C. Olson Mortuary in Rockford. The Rev. Ray Artrip officiated. Burial was at Greenwood Cemetery in Rockford.--- Mr. BELL was born Feb. 27, 1911 at Austin, Ill., a son of William Charles and Olive EARLE-BELL. On June 25, 1958 in Miami, he was married to Betty A. HAMPTON, formerly of Muscatine.--- He had served Winnebago County as a deputy sheriff and plant guard for several years, worked at Woodward Governor in Rockford, and retired from Cotta Transmissions in 1969.--- Survivors include his wife, Betty; one son, Robert BELL, of Rockford; one daughter, Sue Ann RIDOUT, of Des Moines; two stepsons, Gary HAMPTON of Boulder,---(the article seems to have been cut off here)--

Submitted by: Bev Gerdts
Date Submitted: November 28, 2011
Source of Obituary: "MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, IA., Tuesday August 23, 1994
Ross W. Bellinger, 78, died Monday August 22, 1994, at his home, 308 W. Eighth Street. Services will be held at 1:30 p.m. Thursday at Kilpeck Community Friends church. Burial will be in the Bloomington Muscatine Friends cemetery. Mr. Bellinger was born August 23, 1915 at La Porte City, a son of Ralph and Eva Axel Bellinger. He married Adalene E. Schlotfelt on February 24, 1941, in Fort Scott, Kan. Survivors include his wife, Adalene, four sons, Herbert R. Bellinger, Harry D. Bellinger, Dennis R. Bellinger and Duane C. Bellinger all of Muscatine; a daughter Janemarie Idle of Indianola, IA; 21 grandchildren; two step grandchildren; six great grandchildren and a sister, Ruth Cates, of La Porte City. He was preceded in death by his parents, one sister, Diane Robins and one son, Harlan Bellinger.

Submitted by Mary E Boyer (of no relation).
Date submitted: December 13, 2007
Source of Obituary: Muscatine, Iowa, (written in ink; 27 Aug 1953)
Mrs. Emma BENDER, 58, 707 East Seventh street, died today at her home. Born in Warsaw, Poland, on Jan. 26, 1895, Mrs. BENDER was the daughter of Mrs. and Mrs. Ludwig SCHROEDER of Germany. She came to Muscatine in 1913. She was married in 1915 to Henry SCHMIDT. He died in July of 1927. She was married in June of 1934 to John BENDER, who survives. Also surviving are a son, Edward SCHMIDT, Cleveland, Ohio; two daughters, Mrs. Anita GILINGHAM and Mrs. Alfreda BOWDEN, both of Los Angeles; and five brothers, Chris and Gus SCHROEDER, both of Muscatine, Carl and Samuel SCHROEDER, both of Cleveland, Ohio, and Edward SCHROEDER, Mount Clemens, Mich. She was preceded in death by two brothers and a sister. The body is at the Ralph J. Wittich Funeral home where friends may call after 6 p.m. Thursday. Services are pending.---------------- Funeral services for Mrs. Emma BENDER will be held Saturday in the Zion Lutheran church with the Rev. Hartwig Harms officiating. Burial will be in Greenwood cemetery.--- Included among her survivors are a stepson, Alex BENDER of Muscatine; a stepdaughter, Mrs. Ernest WIESENTHAL of Muscatine and three grandchildren----------------(written in pencil; Aug. 29 - 1953)--- Funeral services for Mrs. Emma BENDER, wereheld Saturday at in the Zion Lutheran church. Flower attendants were Mrs. Leonard Weber, Mrs. George Silberhorn and Mrs. Wilbert Fuller. Pallbearers were Daniel Hase, Ernest Neuman, Harold Lane, Jacob Rutz, Gus Noerenberg and Roger Sagdanske. Burial was in Greenwood cemetery.

Submitted by: June Welsch
Date Submitted: Thursday, December 30, 2004
Source of Obituary:"THE MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, Tuesday, November 30, 2004, page 5A
MUSCATINE, Iowa - Irma M. Bender, 91, Muscatine, died Sunday, Nov. 28, 2004, at Unity Hospital. The Rev. Paul Ostrem will officiate the services. Casket bearers are Robert Wendlandt, Thomas Bender, Ty Bender, John Alex Bender, Jason Wagner and Chad Minch. Burial will be at Greenwood Cemetery. Mrs. Bender was born July 21, 1913, in Muscatine, the daughter of Frank and Pauline Friedrich Wendlandt. She married Alex Bender Sept. 30, 1934, in Muscatine. He preceded her in death in 1977. She worked as the assistant clerk in the Muscatine City Clerk's Office. She was a life member of Zion Lutheran Church and was an outstanding quilter. Survivors include a son, John R. Bender and wife Christy of Sherrard, Ill.; a daughter, Kathy M. Wagner of Muscatine; five grandchildren; nine great-grandchildren; a nephew, Robert F. Wendlandt of Muscatine; and a niece, Marie Amos of Garland, Texas. She was preceded in death by her parents; her husband; and two brothers, William and Robert Wendlandt. -----Submitters' Note: I'm not relation.

Submitted by Mary E Boyer (of no relation).
Date submitted: December 13, 2007
Source of Obituary: Muscatine, Iowa, (written in pencil; Nov 4, 1958)
Rites were conducted Monday at the Ralph J. Wittich Funeral Home for John BENDER, 78, whose death occurred Friday at the Hershey Convalescent Home. The Rev. Everett I. Hageman, pastor of Zion Lutheran church, officiated. Mrs. Art Hill and Mrs. Henry Rutz served as flower attendants. Casket bearers included Fred chuster, Gustav Noerenberg, Gustav Schroeder, Jacob Rutz, Art Hill and Fred Facks. Interment was at Greenwood cemetery.

Submitted by: June Welsch (of no relation)
Date Submitted: August 31, 2009
Source of Obituary: "MUSCATINE JOURNAL”, Muscatine, Iowa, May 25, 1915
Death Occurs at Old Peoples’ Home - Mrs. Margaret Bender Died Yesterday Morning – Funeral Will be Held at 11 O’clock Tomorrow Afternoon at Home Chapel. – Mrs. Margaret Bender, residing at the German Lutheran Old Peoples home on Muscatine Island, passed away about four o’clock yesterday morning following an illness of more than a year’s duration. For more than a year Mrs. Bender was an invalid, suffering with a cancer and shortly before her death she suffered a stroke of paralysis. --- Mrs. Bender was 28 years old at the time of her death and was born in southern Russia. She had resided in this country about 35 years. She lived at the German Lutheran home less than a year, having come there last June from Mayden, IA --- The funeral is announced to be held at 2 o’clock tomorrow afternoon at the home chapel. The Rev. Mr. Reinemund will officiate and interment will be made in the home cemetery.

Submitted by Mary E Boyer (of no relation).
Date submitted: December 13, 2007
Source of Obituary: Muscatine, Iowa, (written in pencil; Aug 7, 1952)
Funeral services for Herbert H. BENDLE, whose death occurred Monday, were held today at the chapel of the Fairbanks Home for Funerals. Dr. Claude w. Cooper, pastor of the first Methodist church, was in charge. Honorary pallbearers were Glenn Richardson, Harold Gerndt, Richard Parrish, Alvie McIntyre, Ed R. Maher and E. S. Burns. Active pallbearers were Howard McKinley, J. D. Mc Kinney, Fred Tyler, Paul Schweitzer, Lysle Hocke and Ray Othmer. Flower attendants were Lola Higgerson, Betty Hoffman, Etta Lord and Dorothy Hetzler. Burial was at Greenwood cemetery.

Submitted by: Norma Rogers for the Webmaster
Date Submitted: September 18, 2004
Source of Obituary: "THE MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, Friday, August 4, 1911, page 2
LEONARD BENDLE----- VETERAN SUCCUMBS WITH CLOTHING ON ------------ LEONARD BENDLE DIES SUDDENLY AT HOME ------------ Neighbors Called Early Last Evening By Him To His Assistance--- Eighty-one Years Old ------------ Leonard Bendle a veteran of the Civil war, died at his home at 704 Sampson street last evening, death coming suddenly after having been employed the greater part of the day in doing light work in the garden of his home. He was 81 years old. Death came within a short time after he complained of sickness. Ten children survive him, none however, residing in Muscatine. One son, a physician, is a resident of Illinois City.

Submitted by: Phyllis Hazen (of no relation)
Date submitted: October 18, 2008
Source: “Muscatine Journal and News – Tribune”, Muscatine, Iowa, Thursday, December 15, 1938 pg 1
Joseph Benedict, 88, of 422 East Fourth street, died Wednesday at Hershey hospital. --- Born Aug. 20, 1850, in Harrisburg Pa., he had spent most of his life in Muscatine. The son of Andrew and Sarah Gehr Benedict, he was the last of a family of 12. A daughter survives in California. ----------------- “Muscatine Journal and News – Tribune”, Friday, 16 December 1938, pg 2 ------------ Last rites for Joseph Benedict, were held today at the George M. Wittich Funeral home with the Kev. Vance Webster, pastor of the First Baptist church, officiating. Pallbearers were Edward Oberhaus, Julius Oberhaus, Jess Benedict. William C. Kirk, Fred Reinsager, and Arthur Huges. Interment was in the High Prairie cemetery.

Submitted by: June Welsch
Date Submitted: Sunday, February 10, 2002 9:43 PM
Source of Obituary:"MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, October 23, 1950
Services to be Held Tuesday For Mrs. Bennert---- Funeral services will be held Tuesday at the Ralph J. Wittich Funeral Home for Mrs. Mary Bennert, 84, a resident of Muscatine county, who died at 10:40 p. m. Saturday at Hershey hospital after an extended illness. She had resided on Route 3. The Rev. James Sloan pastor of the North Methodist circuit, will officiate at the services and burial will be in the Parr cemetery. Mrs. Bennert was born Aug. 1, 1866, in Ohio, the daughter of Nicholas and Catherine Welsch Eis. Her marriage to Robert Bennert took place in Muscatine April 1, 1895. Survivors include two daughters. Mrs. Sadie Wunder, rural route 3, and Mrs. Hazel Wulf, Muscatine; two grandchildren. Preceding her in death were her husband, two brothers and five sisters.

Submitted by: June Welsch
Date Submitted: Sunday, February 10, 2002 9:43 PM
Source of Obituary:"MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, October 28, 1941
R. Bennert, 74, Pleasant Prairie Resident, Dies --------------- Robert Bennert, 74, Muscatine county resident for the past 60 years, died at his home in Pleasant Prairie at 5 p. m. Monday after a several months illness. Mr. Bennert was born in Germany Jan. 3, 1867, coming to this country and settling at Pleasant Prairie at the age of 14 years. He married Mary Eis in Muscatine on April 1, 1896. Mr. Bennert was a member of The Lutheran faith and had served as trustee in Fulton Township. He engaged in farming for many years, retiring in 1918, and had recently operated a filling station at Pleasant Prairie. Surviving are his wife, two daughters, Mrs. Sadie B. Wonder and Mrs. Hazel Wulf, both of Pleasant Prairie; a step brother, Jacob Flocke of Hebron Neb. a step sister, Mrs. Selma Busch of Davenport, Neb. two granddaughters, Mrs. Marjorie Wells and Dorothy Wulf and a great grandson Harold Wells Jr. all of Pleasant Prairie. His parents a half brother and a half sister preceded him in death. The body is at the Hoffman Funeral Home and will remain there for rites at the Hoffman church Thursday. The Rev. B. F. Pickering of the Blue Grass church will be in charge. Burial will be in the Parr cemetery at Pleasant Prairie.

Submitted by: Elizabeth Harper Casillas
Date Submitted: February 17, 2007
Source of Obituary: "MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, Wednesday, January 25, 1989, front page
FORMER POLICE CHIEF DIES--- CLIFFORD BENNETT, 911 Leroy, 64, a former Muscatine Police Chief, died Tuesday evening at Muscatine General Hospital. Mr. Bennett, a life resident of Muscatine, served more than 34 years in the Muscatine Police Department. He was the police chief for five years, 1961-66, and held the rank of Captain of Detectives when he retired in September 1979. Mr. Bennett joined the police department on May 1, 1945, shortly before he turned 21. When he retired he had been a Muscatine policeman longer than anyone else in the history of the department. Funeral services will be held Friday at the Geo. M. Wittich-Lewis Funeral Home.
Source of Obituary: "MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, Wednesday, January 25, 1989, page 5a
CLIFFORD BENNETT, 64, died Tuesday evening at Muscatine General Hospital. Services are Friday at the Geo. M. Wittich-Lewis Funeral Home with the Rev. Leif Pohl of Grace Lutheran church officiating. Pallbearers will be Glen Axel, Jack Roelle, "Scotter" Dorres, Gerald Barkley, Harold Lane, Bill Brendel, Forrest Brady and Orren Lee. Burial will be at Greenwood Cemetery. Mr. Bennett was born July 24, 1924 in Muscatine, a son of Henry and Maude Wright Bennett. He was a life resident here. His marriage to Phyllis King took place May 8, 1943 in Muscatine. He was a member of Iowa Lodge No. 2 AF & AM, the Iowa State Policeman Association since 1958, and the Iowa Chief of Police Association. He was Captain of Detectives of the Muscatine Police Department, held the position of chief from April 1, 1961 to 1966 and retired as captain after 34 1/2 years of service. He was a World War II veteran. Survivors include his wife, Phyllis; two daughters, Marsha Bennett and Mrs. Jerry (Diana) Doering, both of Muscatine; two grandchildren; one brother, Edward and one sister, Mrs. Robert (Glenna) Schltz, both of Muscatine. His parents preceded him in death.

Submitted by: the Webmaster
Date Submitted: June 22, 2006
Source of Obituary: "MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, Saturday, December 26, 1981, page 2
EMMA BENNETT----Emma Bennett, 97, 401 Bartlett St., died Friday afternoon at the Muscatine Care Center. Services will be held at 3 p.m. Monday at the Ralph J. Wittich Funeral Home. Burial will be in Greenwood Cemetery. A life resident of Muscatine, she was born May 9, 1884, to Fritz and Tena Boeham Dickman in Davenport. On May 27, 1901, she married James Gordon Bennett in Davenport. She was a member of the Otterbein United Methodist Church. Surviving are one son, Roy, St. Paul, Minn.; two daughters, Mrs. Ward (Stella) Chapman, Tacoma, Wash., and Vivian Chapman, Letts; 12 grandchildren; 27 great-grandchildren; and nine great-great-grandchildren. Preceding her in death were her husband, three sons, one daughter, six brothers and sisters, two grandchildren and one great-grandchild.-----"THE MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, Tuesday, December 29, 1981, page 11-----Services for Emma Bennett, 97, were held Monday at the Ralph J. Wittich Funeral Home. Rev. Tony Nester officiated. Herbert Grebing was the organist. Burial was in the Grandview Cemetery. Emma Bennett died Dec. 25 at the Muscatine Care Center.

Submitted by: Denise Darting and Norma Rogers; related to Dale E. Miller, Jr.
Date Submitted: August 1, 2004
Source of Obituary: "MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, Monday, March 22, 1976
OTHO E. BENNETT----- Otho E. " Shorty " Bennett, 65, died Sunday night at Veterans Hospital, Iowa City, following a short illness. He had resided at Ripley Trailer Court. Services will be held Wednesday at the Geo. M. Wittich Funeral Home. Interment will be at Memorial Park Cemetery with military rites conducted by the American Legion, V. F. W. and members of World War I Barracks. Mr. Bennett was born Oct. 26, 1910, at Fruitland, the son of William and Lieuzetta Crone Bennett. He married Lucille Martin on March 1, 1975, at Rock Island, Illinois. He was a truck driver, a member of the V. F. W. and Moose Lodge and an Army veteran of World War II. Survivors include his wife; a step-son, Jack Boyd, Muscatine; two step-daughters, Mrs. Robert ( Roxie ) Nichols, and Mrs. Clayton ( Michelle ) Reed, both of Muscatine; nine grandchildren; and one great grandchild. He was preceded in death by his parents and one brother.

Submitted by: Elizabeth Harper Casillas
Date Submitted: February 17, 2007
Source of Obituary: "QUAD-CITY TIMES", Davenport, Iowa, January 11, 1998
MUSCATINE, Iowa - PHYLLIS EILEEN BENNETT, 73, of Muscatine, died Friday, Jan. 9, 1998, at University Hospitals, Iowa City. Services will be Tuesday at George M. Wittich-Lewis Funeral Home, Muscatine. Burial will be in Greenwood Cemetery, Muscatine. Phyllis King was born March 28, 1924, in Muscatine. She married Clifford Bennett in 1943 in Muscatine. He died in 1989. Survivors include daughters, Marsha Bennett and Diana Doering, both of Muscatine; two grandchildren; one great-grandson; a sister, Madolyn Williams, Jacksonville, Fla.; and a brother, Robert, Muscatine.

Submitted by: the Webmaster
Date Submitted: July 30, 2006
Source of Obituary:"THE MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, Monday, February 4, 1985, page 2A
George Benninger----George J. Benninger, 91, 306 Liberty St., died Saturday morning at the Muscatine Care Center. Services will be held Tuesday at the Ralph J. Wittich Funeral Home. The Rev. James R. Leonard will officiate. Burial will be in Greenwood Cemetery. Mr. Benninger was born Jan. 1, 1894, at Muscatine, a son of William and Katherine Maurer Benninger. A life resident of the area, he was a retired mason contractor. His marriage to Erna Maeglin took place June 2, 1926, at Muscatine. He was a member of the Mulford Evangelical Free Church. Survivors include his wife, three sons, Marvin Benninger, Oklahoma City, Okla., Bernard Benninger, Santa Maria, Calif., Gene Benninger, Muscatine; one brother, Albert Benninger, Chicago; two sisters, Mrs. Warren (Esther) Martin and Mrs. Joe (Mildred) Ziegenhorn, both of Muscatine; and nine grandchildren. He was preceded in death by two brothers, one sister and one grandchild.

Submitted by: Norma Rogers for the Webmaster
Date Submitted: October 7, 2004
Source of Obituary: "THE MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, Friday, April 28, 1911, page 4
LOUIS BENNINGER----- LOUIS BENNINGER DIES AT HOME ------------ DEATH WAS DUE TO SEVERE THROAT AILMENT ------------ Well Known Muscatine Business Man Passed Away--Had Been Cigar Manufacturer ------------ Louis Benninger, a well known Muscatine Business man, died at his home, 1015 Cedar street, early this morning. Mr. Benninger was one of Muscatine's well-known business men, being in the cigar manufacturing business here for several years, and was very popular among a large number of the citizens. Mr. Benninger belonged to the Champion Hose company for a good many years and at one time served as president of that organization. He also was very prominent in various social organizations, being a member of the Elks, Eagles, Woodmen, and was affiliated with the local Cigarmaker's Union, in all of which he took a prominent as well as active part and will be greatly missed in these various organizations. Although his death was expected by the immediate family, it was a shock to his wide host of friends, as he had been in bed but a short period of two weeks. The cause of his death was the result of throat trouble, followed by other complications. Mr. Benninger was born in Muscatine, December 29, 1875, and besides his wife and one eight year old son, Glen, he is survived by his father, Jacob Benninger, of this city, and two brothers and two sisters. They are : Mrs. Charles Hoefflin, of this city, Mrs. C. Millar, of Eau Claire, Wis.; John Benninger, of Davenport, and William, of Muscatine. The funeral arrangements will be announced later.

Submitted by Mary E Boyer (of no relation).
Date submitted: December 13, 2007
Source of Obituary: Muscatine, Iowa, (written in ink; Sat. March 11, 1961)
Robert O. BERG, 1154 New Hampshire, died today following a sudden heart attack at his home. The son of Adolph and Bertha BERG, he was born April 25, 1912, at Muscatine. He operated a printing establishment here.-- He was married Feb. 14, 1942, at Canton, Mo., to Mary BEAL. -- Survivors include his wife; a step-son, John STEELE in the U. S. Air Force; one daughter, Mrs. William HOPP of Muscatine; a brother, Edward BERG of St. Louis; and his mother, Mrs. C. H. HARVEY of Washington. He was preceded in death by his father. Funeral arrangements are pending at the Fairbanks home for funerals.------ (written in in; March 14, 1961)------ Funeral services for Robert O. BERG will be conducted Tuesday at the Fairbanks Home for Funerals by the Rev. Albert E. Line, assisted by the Rev. Lowell Rasmussen. Burial will be at Greenwood cemetery.

Submitted by Mary E Boyer (of no relation).
Date submitted: December 5, 2007
Source of Obituary: Muscatine, Iowa Monday, March 10, 1958
Miss BERGENSKE Taken By Death; Rites Wednesday--- Miss Elisie BERGENSKE, 68, who was a member of the staff of the Lutheran Homes here for the past 48 years, today at Bellevue hospital, following a brief illness. Funeral services will be conducted at the Lutheran Homes chapel Wednesday. Burial will be at Greenwood cemetery.--- Miss BERGENSKE was born Sept. 8, 1889, at Verona, Wis., the daughter of Michael and Pauline BERGENSKE. At the age of five years, she came to live at the Lutheran Homes, upon the death of her mother. She spent her childhood at the Homes. She then became assistant to Miss Louise Wittig, housemother. Later she took training at the Milwaukee Deaconess school. She returned to serve as housemother in the Girls’ Home. During her 48 years as a member of the staff she had given of herself and played the part of mother to hundreds of boys and girls.--- Preceding her in death were her parents and three brothers. Survivors include two brothers, Paul BERGENSKE, Verona, Wis., and Gustav BERGENSKE, Sioux City, Ia., and a sister, Mrs. Martha GENTZ, Madison, Wis.
Source of Obituary: Muscatine, Iowa (written in ink; 13 Mar 1958)
Services were held today at the Lutheran Homes chapel for Miss Elsie BERGENSKE, 68, housemother at the Homes who died Monday at Bellevue hospital. The Rev. L. A. Stumme, superintendent of the Homes, officiated. Flower attendants were Mary Boese, Shirley Smith, Ann Amendt and Susan Stender. Casket bearers included Hugo Paetz, Ray Stange, R. Mattheis, Heman Springer, Fred Philippi and Otto Brady. Burial was at the Greenwood cemetery, under the direction of the Geo. M. Wittich Funeral Home.

Submitted by Mary E. Boyer (of no relation).
Date submitted: December 5, 2007
Source of Obituary: Muscatine, Iowa (written in pencil; Mar 10, 1950)
William BERGENSKE, 58, a resident of Muscatine for 28 years, died Friday at his home, 970 Lucas street. The son of Michael and Pauline GUST-BERGENSKE, he was born Nov. 21, 1892, in Verona, Wis. He married Matilda WOLF on July 23, 1921, in San Diego, Calif.--- Mr. BERGENSKE served with the Army during World War I and with the Navy following the first World War. Survivors include his wife; one daughter, Mrs. Harold M. BAUMGARDNER, Muscatine; three brothers, Paul BERGENSKE of Verona, Wis., Gus BERGENSKE of Madison, N.Dak., and Otto BERGENSKE of Madison, Wis.; two sisters, Mrs. Martha GENTZ of Madison, Wis., and Miss Elsie BERGENSKE of Muscatine; and one grandson, Michael W. BERGENSKE of Muscatine. He was preceded in death by his parents, one son and one brother.--- Services will be at the Geo. M. Wittick Funeral home Monday by the Rev. M. D. Kilver, pastor of the Grace Lutheran church. Burial will be in Greenwood cemetery.

Submitted by: June Welsch
Date Submitted: Tuesday, August 30, 2005 2:17 PM
Source of Obituary:"THE MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, August 4, 2005
Jeannetta 'Jean' Berkley---- DES MOINES - Jeannetta "Jean" Westbrook Berkley, 91, Des Moines, died Saturday, July 30, 2005. Mrs. Berkley was born May 2, 1914, in Letts, the daughter of B.H. and Mabel Westbrook. She married Warren Berkley on March 10, 1942, in Muscatine. She attended Muscatine Junior College and Iowa State University and taught in Louisa and Muscatine counties country schools. She was devoted to her family in her activities as Brownie and Girl Scout leader, Cub Scout den mother and Sunday school teacher. Her additional community affiliations were Des Moines Women's Club, Daughters of the Nile and Grace Methodist Church. She was elaborately talented in the arts of crochet, quilting, knitting, sewing and won many awards in her preparation of many beautiful heirlooms. She was talented in music, enjoying the violin, viola and piano. Survivors include her husband; a daughter, Marcia Lozes of Pasadena, Calif.; sons, Edward of Winona, Minn. and Robert of Pensacola, Fla.; five grandchildren; three great-grandchildren; brothers, Robert Westbrook of Moline, Ill., Donald Westbrook of Westley, Calif. and Richard Westbrook of Letts; and a sister, Jessie Lee Butcher of Bettendorf. ------Submitters' Note: No relation

Submitted by: June Welsch
Date Submitted: Monday, November 22, 2004 5:12 PM
Source of Obituary:"MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, October 9, 1989
Clarence Bermel---- Services will be Thursday at St. Mary's Catholic Church for Clarence Edward Bermel, 84, Route 1, Box 259. He died this morning at Muscatine General Hospital. The Rev. Walter Helms of St. Mary's Catholic Church will conduct the service. Burial will be in Greenwood Cemetery. A memorial has been established at the funeral home. Serving as pallbearers for Mr. Bermel will be Robert Doran, John Conway, Emmet Byrne, John Hanft and John Bermel. Beverly Weber will serve as organist and Shirley Lindall, vocalist. He was born in Muscatine, Aug. 27, 1905, the son of Peter and Florence Bermel and lived his entire life here. His marriage to Isabelle McElroy took place Feb. 3, 1932 at Muscatine. He was a member of St. Mary's Catholic Church and the Moose Lodge. He had farmed all his life. Survivors include his wife, Isabelle; one son William, Muscatine; one daughter, Karen Bermel of Iowa City; and one brother, Ralph, Muscatine. There are five grandchildren and five great grandchildren. Mr. Bermel was preceded in death by his parents, two brothers, one sister and one daughter.

Submitted by: June Welsch
Date Submitted: Thursday, June 20, 2002 4:47 PM
Source of Obituary:"MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, October, 1996
Isabelle Bermel----- MUSCATINE -- Isabelle B. Bermel, 84, formerly of Route No. 1, Muscatine, died Wednesday morning, Oct. 9, 1996, at the Elkader Care Center, Elkader. Services will be Friday, at the St. Mary Catholic Church. The Rev. Walter Helms will officiate. Beverly Weber will be the organist. Vocalist will be Shirley Lindell. Pallbearers will be Steve Nussbaum, Robert Doran, Jack Hanft, Jim Bermel, John Bermel. Burial will be at Greenwood Cemetery. Following the committal service there will be food and fellowship at the community room at the Geo. M. Wittich-Lewis Funeral Home. As a memorial, the family requests flowers or Mass offerings. Mrs. Bermel was born Jan. 6, 1912, in Sweetland Township, Muscatine County, a daughter of William and Mabel Carter McElroy. Her marriage to Clarence Bermel took place Feb. 3, 1932, in Muscatine. She was a member of the church, and a former member of the Catholic Daughters. Survivors include a son, William Bermel of Wellman; one daughter, Karen Bermel of Elkport; five grandchildren, and seven great-grandchildren. She was preceded in death by her husband, her parents, and one daughter, Mary Ellen Chody.

Submitted by: June Welsch
Date Submitted: Wednesday, November 3, 2004 5:01 PM
Source of Obituary:"MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, Saturday, October 30, 2004, page 5A
Karen Bermel--- ELKPORT, Iowa -- Karen B. Bermel, 63, rural Elkport, died Thursday, Oct, 28, 2004, at Guttenberg Care Center, after a brief illness. The Rev. John Friederick will officiate the services. Leonard Funeral Home, Edgewood, is handling the arrangements. She was born Oct. 10, 1941, in Muscatine, the daughter of Clarence and Isabelle Bermel. Survivors include her life partner, Shirley Lindell of Elkport; a brother, Bill Bermel of Parnell; and nieces and nephews. She was preceded in death by her parents and a sister, Mary Ellen Chody.

Submitted by: Elizabeth Wrocklage
Date submitted: June 24, 2007
Source of Obituary: “MUSCATINE JOURNAL”, Muscatine, Iowa, Friday, October 15, 1999
MUSCATINE - Margaret Bermel , 91, of 113 E. Fourth St., died Thursday at her home. Services will be Monday at St. Mary Catholic Church, The Rev. John P. Gallagher will officiate. Pallbearers will be her grandsons, Rick, Tom, Steve, John Jr., Blaine and Kyle Bermel. Burial will be at St. Mary's Cemetery. Visitation will be Sunday at the Ralph J. Wittich-Riley-Freers Funeral Home. Mrs. Bermel was born on Aug. 29, 1908, in Muscatine, the daughter of John and Mary McEvoy Connell. She married Raymond Bermel on Feb. 8, 1933, at the St. Mathias Catholic Church in Muscatine. She was a member of the St. Mary Catholic Church, Catholic Daughters of the Americas Court Joan of Arc No. 524, and was a member of the Ladies of the Moose for many years. She was a graduate ot St. Mathias High School and of the Mercy School of Nursing. Survivors include two sons, John Bermel and his wife, Mary, and Pete Bermel and his wife, Bonnie, all of Muscatine; six grandsons; 13 great-grandchildren; one brother, Robert Connell of Muscatine, and a special friend, Dwight "Rusty" Reichstein of Muscatine. She was preceded in death by her parents, her husband in 1981, a daughter in infancy, two brothers and one sister.

Submitted by: Webmaster for Paul Sharar
Date Submitted: June 08, 2001
Source of Obituary: "THE MUSCATINE JOURNAL and NEWS-TRIBUNE", Muscatine, Iowa, Monday, July 11, 1932, front page
JOHN BERNET OF WILTON IS DEAD---AGED CIVIL WAR VETERAN DIES SUDDENLY AT HIS HOME----Wilton---John Bernet, 90, Civil war veteran and one of Wilton's oldest and best known residents, died at 11 a.m. today while sitting in a chair at his home. His death leaves the ranks of Civil war veterans here thinned to one, George McCartney. Mr. Bernet was born in Switzerland November 21?, 1841. He came to America with his parents when he was 11 years of age, settling here. He has made his home in Wilton continuously for 79 years. In his youth he learned the mason trade and had much to do with the early building in Wilton. At the outbreak of the Civil war, Mr. Bernet enlisted in Company G of the Thirty-fifth Iowa infantry, going to the front with the Muscatine county unit. He served throughout the war. On January 8, 1867, he married Miss Elizabeth Wickey. The couple noted their sixty-fifth anniversary last January. Surviving are his widow, three daughters, Miss Mary Bernet at home, Mrs. Lydia Phipps of Gary, Ind., and Mrs. Susie Sharrer of Estherville, Ia., and three sons, Albert of West Liberty, George of Atalissa and Harry of Wilton. Funeral services will be held at the Methodist Episcopal church of which he was an active member, but arrangements are indefinite.----"THE MUSCATINE JOURNAL and NEWS-TRIBUNE", Muscatine, Iowa, Wednesday, July 13, 1932, page 7-----Bernet Funeral Thursday.---- Funeral services for the late John Bernet will be held at the Methodist church at 3 o'clock Thursday afternoon, conducted by the Rev. W. S. Moore, with burial in Oakdale cemetery.

Submitted by: Webmaster for Paul Sharar
Date Submitted: June 08, 2001
Source of Obituary:"THE MUSCATINE JOURNAL and NEWS-TRIBUNE", Muscatine, Iowa, Tuesday, February 22, 1938, page 2
MRS. G. BERNET OF ATALISSA DIES AT IOWA HOSPITAL---Mrs. George Bernet, 59, who lives on a farm near Atalissa, died at 2 p.m. Monday in Mercy hospital, Iowa City, where she had been a patient since last Thursday. Her maiden name was Jessie Place. She was the daughter of Mr. and Mrs. William Place, former residents of this county, who preceded her in death. Surviving are her husband, two daughters, Mrs. Margaret Jennings, of Missouri, Mrs. Goldie Trueman, of Tipton; a son, Ernest, of Atalissa; and a brother, Robert Place, of Guyman, Okla.-----"THE MUSCATINE JOURNAL and NEWS-TRIBUNE", Muscatine, Iowa, February 23, 1938----MRS. GEORGE BERNET RITES TO BE HELD AT WILTON THURSDAY---Wilton--Funeral services for Mrs. George Bernet, who died Monday at Iowa City will be held Thursday from the First Methodist church here. The Rev. G. H. Smith, pastor, will be in charge and burial will be at Oakdale cemetery.

Submitted by a Volunteer
Date Submitted: July 18, 2007
Source of Obituary: "MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, Saturday, August 13, 1955, front page.
M. H. Bernick Death Follows Lengthy Illness---Moritz H. Bernick, 79, who made his home with a brother and sister at 512 Woodlawn avenue, died at 1:50 a.m. today at Bellevue hospital. Mr. Bernick had been in failing health for several months. The body is at the Riley Fuenral Home. Burial will be at St. Mary's cemetery. Mr. Bernick was born Dec. 6, 1875, in Fulton township, the son of Moritz and Ann Beh Bernick. He never married. His occupation was that of machinist and for a number of years worked in various communities at the machinist trade and moved back to Muscatine upon his retirement in 1933. He was a member of St. Mathias church. Surviving are one brother, Joseph A. Bernick, and two sisters, Mrs. Ed Lindle and Mrs. Elizabeth Baer, all of Muscatine, and several nieces and nephews. One sister and one brother preceded him in death.

Submitted by:Sharon Cole Tutt
Date Submitted: Saturday, August 2, 2003 10:29 AM
Source of Obituary: "EVENING JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, December 19, 1908
MRS. P. BERNIUS DIED AT HER HOME SATURDAY NIGHT FROM PNEUMONIA---- Tuesday morning at 8:30 from the family residence 513 East Front Street and at 9o’clock from St. Mary’s Catholic Church is the time set for the funeral of the late Mrs. P. Bernius, who passed away Saturday night after a short illness Bernius’ death was caused late Saturday night by pneumonia from which she had been suffering since last Tuesday. She was born in Germany on July 16, 1835, and when a young girl came to America, later to this city. She is survived by two sisters and two brothers: Mrs. William France and Mrs. John Stark, and Michael and Jacob Schwab. She was well known in Muscatine and has many friends with regret to learn of her demise.

Submitted by Mary E Boyer (of no relation).
Date submitted: December 13, 2007
Source of Obituary: Muscatine, Iowa, (written in pencil; Dec 31 - 1953)
MISS CELIA BERNTHEISEL, 412 West Second street, who noted her 100th birthday anniversary Aug. 30, died today at Bellevue hospital. Private funeral services are being held this afternoon at the Geo. M. Wittich Funeral Home, with Dr. Joseph M. Kennedy, pastor of the first Presbyterian church, in charge. The body then will be taken to Orwigsburg. Penna., for final rites and burial in the family plot on Saturday. ---Miss BERNTHEISEL was born Aug. 30, 1853, at Orwigsburg, the daughter of Josiah and Mary MOYER-BERNTHEISEL. She had been a resident of Muscatine for the past nine years, coming here from Auburn, Penna., where she had lived for many years. Prior to coming to Muscatine and with the exception of one year in Chicago, she had spent all of her life in and around Schuykill county, Penna.---Several cousins survive, among whom are Mrs. Ray REESINK, Mrs. Henry RAHLF and S. G. STEIN, all of Muscatine. Preceding her in death were her parents, a brother, Felix, and two sisters, Mary and Lillie.

Submitted by: Patricia Miller
Dated Submitted: April 24, 2012
Source of Obituary: "THE MUSCATINE JOURNAL & NEWS TRIBUNE", Muscatine, Iowa, March 29, 1922
John William Berry, civil war veteran and pioneer resident of Muscatine county, died at 5 o'clock this morning, following an extended illness at his home, 209 West Third street. He was 81 years old. --- He was the fourth son of Thomas Samuel and Serena Lakin Berry, and was born Nov. 18, 1840, on Montgomery county, Ohio. At the age of six years with his parents he came overland in a covered wagon to Iowa, locating in Muscatine county, This has been his residence continuously for seventy-four years except three years spent in the service of his country during the civil war. --- In 1871 he was united in marriage with Mary Frances Nisley, with whom he observed the fiftieth anniversary of their wedding May third of last year. --- Fraternally he was a member of the Masonic order for more than fifty years. He was also a member of the Shelby Post, G.A.R. --- He is survived by his widow and six children. The latter are the Misses May, Rita, Rena. and Hazel Berry, at home, J.N. Berry of Davenport, and Mrs. A.G. Nutting of Livingston, Montana. Three grandchildren, Myrel and Hazel Berry and Richard Nutting, also survive. Two sons, Thomas Scott and Francis William Berry, proceeded him in death. --- Definite funeral arrangements have not been made pending word from out-of-town relatives. The family requests that no flowers be sent.

Submitted by: Patricia Miller
Dated Submitted: June 16, 2010
Source of Obituary: "THE MUSCATINE JOURNAL & NEWS TRIBUNE", Muscatine, Iowa, Thursday, April 19, 1923
Mrs. Mary Frances Berry, resident of Muscatine for practically her entire life, died at 2:20 o'clock this afternoon following an extended illness at her home, 209 West Third street. She was 71 years old. --- Mrs. Berry, formerly Miss Mary Frances Nisley was born in Muscatine June 29, 1851. When about two years old her mother died and she was sent to Wilton to make her home with the Rev. Mr. Miller until she reached nine years of age when she returned to this city. She was a member of the third class to be graduated from the Muscatine high school. Later she attended what was then know as Brown's academy. She was a lifelong member of the First Methodist Episcopal church.--- After teaching school for about a year she married John William Berry, a veteran of the civil war, June 3, 1872. Eight children were born to them, six of whom survive. Her husband and two children, Thomas Scott Berry and Francis William Berry, preceded her in death.--- She is survived by Misses May, Rita, Rena, and Hazel Berry at home, Mrs. A.G. Nutting of Livingston, Mont.; J. Nisley Berry of Davenport and three grandchildren. Funeral services will be held at 3 o'clock Saturday afternoon from the home. The Rev. George Blagg of the First Methodist Episcopal church will officiate. Burial wiil be made in Greenwood cemetery. The family requests flowers be omitted.

Submitted by: Elizabeth Wrocklage
Date submitted: June 24, 2007
Source of Obituary: “THE MUSCATINE JOURNAL”, Muscatine, Iowa, Thursday, June 15, 1939
Mrs. Sarah C. Reeves Berry , 77, died today at her home 915 East Fifth street, after an illness of six months. Born Sept. 12, 1861, in Pennsylvania, she had been a resident of Muscatine since she was 17 years old. She was married to Ira Reeves in October, 1880, and a second marriage, to William H. Berry, took place in Muscatine in February, 1930. She was a member of the First Methodist church. She was preceded in death by her first husband, her parents, one brother, four sisters, two sons, and two daughters. Surviving are the husband, William Berry; two daughters, Mrs. August Brossart, of Fairport, Ia.; and Mrs. William Froehner, of Muscatine; three sons, Roy Reeves, of Fairport; Thomas Reeves, of Stockton, Ia.; and Ernest Reeves, of Muscatine; one sister, Mrs. Charles Emmerson of Council Bluffs, Ia.; ten grandchildren and two great grandchildren. Funeral services will be held Saturday at the George M. Wittich Funeral home, with Dr. L. L. Weis, pastor of the First Methodist church, officiating. Burial will be at Fairport.

Submitted by: Patricia Miller
Dated Submitted: April 19, 2010
Source of Obituary: "THE MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, Thursday, December 1, 1910 Page 4
SCOTT BERRY DIES IN SOUTHERN CITY- He Was Popular Among Many Friends In Muscatine - After Leaving Here Few Years Ago He Rose to High Position With Standard Oil --- Thomas Scott Berry died at 1 o'clock this morning at Birmingham, Ala., a telegram announcing the sad news having been received by his father, John W. Berry, 209 West Third Street. Word of his death came as a shock to the relatives here, as the young man was believed to have been in good health. Death was caused by hemorrhages of the stomach, but at this time details are lacking. Further information is expected any time by the bereaved relatives. --- The many friends of the young man were likewise aggrieved upon learning of his death. In a wide circle of acquaintances here he was popular and held in high esteem. It is especially painful that his career should have ended at a time when he was in the prime of life, and rapidly climbing to the top rounds of the commercial ladder. --- Though only in his twenty-eighth year he managed the Standard Oil refining interests in Birmingham, and was in line for further advancement. He had been in the south about five years, four of which were spent in the oil business. He started in a humble position, but his tact and faithfulness were soon recognized and rewarded. Previous to his engagement with Standard Oil he was employed with lumber concerns in the south. --- Scott Berry was a former employee of the Journal, working in the circulation department and holding other positions about the time he was graduated from the Muscatine high school with the class of '02. Among his associates and his schoolmates he was well liked, being a young man of superior character and faithfulness. --- The body will be brought here for burial but arrangements cannot be made for the funeral until the relatives receive more definite information from the south. The father this morning hastened a telegram to Birmingham advising that the body be prepared for burial there and shipped immediately. The remains will be accompanied by a friend, but the time of arrival is not yet known.

Submitted by: Patricia Miller
Dated Submitted: April 19, 2010
Source of Obituary: "THE MUSCATINE EVENING JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, Tuesday, August 3, 1897
SUMMONED HENCE - A gloom has been cast over the happy household of Mr. and Mrs. John W. Berry, residing on the River road, about three miles above the city, by the death of their son, William Francis, which occurred last evening at 8:05 o'clock, from brain fever at the age of 9 years and 7 months. The little fellow was the pride of the home and his translation to the world beyond will leave an aching void in the hearts of those who had learned to love him beyond priceless treasures. The funeral is appointed to take place from the house to-morrow (Wednesday) afternoon at 3 o'clock.

Submitted by: June Welsch
Date Submitted: Tuesday, August 2, 2005 8:09 AM
Source of Obituary:"THE MUSCATINE JOURNAL", Muscatine, Iowa, July 6, 2005
Elmer Best----- WALCOTT, Iowa - Elmer J. Best, 86, Walcott, died Tuesday, July 5, 2005, at Genesis Medical Center - West Campus, Davenport. The Rev. Monsignor James Parizek will officiate the services. Casket bearers are his grandchildren, Justin Dahm, Matthew Dahm, Aaron Thomas, Bradley Thomas, Katrina Best and Brendan Best. Burial will be at Memorial Park Cemetery, Muscatine. Mr. Best was born Feb. 17, 1919, in Muscatine County, the son of Fred and Minnie Nielsen Best. He married Gertrude A. Stecher June 2, 1945, in Muscatine. He farmed his entire life in Muscatine County, retiring and moving to Walcott in 1986. He was a member of Our Lady of Victory Catholic Church, Davenport, the Muscatine County Farm Bureau, Walcott Senior Citizens and the Walcott Community Club. He was a former ASC officer. He loved nature, farming and dancing. He often shared his love of music by playing the accordion and keyboard for various community celebrations and senior citizen events. Above all, he loved his family and friends and was always happy to be with them. Survivors include his wife; two daughters, Patricia Dahm and husband Ralph of Wheaton, Ill. and Renae Thomas and husband David of Mexico, Mo.; a son, Daryl Best and wife C. Kay of Macomb, Ill.; three sisters, Elvera Mehrens of Walcott, Valeria Kraft of Blue Grass and Marlene Mullins and husband Dave of Baring, Mo.; a brother, Melvin Best and wife Delores of Stockton; and six grandchildren. He was preceded in death by his parents; an infant son, Denis Best; and a sister, Erma Wichelmann. ----Submitters' Note: No Relation.

Submitted by Mary E Boyer (of no relation).
Date submitted: December 13, 2007
Source of Obituary: Muscatine, Iowa, Newspaper Date Unknown
[Note surname spellings]
Clara BEVERIDGE Dies Following Extended Illness--- Mrs. Clara O. BEVERAGE, 83, of 2226 Mulberry avenue, died today at Muscatine General hospital, following an extended illness. The body was removed to the Geo. M. Wittich Funeral Home. Services are planned Sunday at the First Christian church with the Rev. Robert Goebel officiating. Burial will be at the Overman cemetery, located near Atalissa.--- The daughter of Cyrus and Elizabeth BARKALOW-OVERMAN, she was born May 17, 1874, at Atalissa, and had spent most of her life in Muscatine county. On May 13, 1896, at Atalissa, she was married to Dr. T. F. BEVERIDGE, who was a practicing physician and surgeon in Muscatine for 50 years prior to his death in 1947. An active member of the First Christian church since its organization in Muscatine, Mrs. BEVERIDGE served as deaconess and treasurer for many years, and at the time of her death was a trus- (The article was cut here)

Submitted by: June Welsch
Date submitted: Nov. 6, 2007
Source of Obituary: “THE MUSCATINE JOURNAL”, Muscatine, Iowa, November. 23, 2000
KEITHSBURG, Ill. Elbert W. “Bert” Beverly Jr., 65, of Keithsburg, died Wednesday, Nov. 22, 2000, at Grandview, Iowa. Services will be Sunday, at the Geo. M. Wittich-Lewis Funeral Home in Muscatine, with the Rev. Steve Wall of the Seventh Day Adventist Church officiating. Mr. Beverly was born Feb. 19, 1935, in Muscatine, the son of Elbert and Pearl White Beverly Sr. He was a lifelong resident of the Muscatine area. In 1956, he married Shirley Cummings, and then later married Edina Eaton. On Sept. 2, 1983, he married Phyllis Davidson Paul.--- He served his country in the Army in the 11th Airborne Division from 1954 to 1957. He was a member of the United States Parachute Association for 40 years, maintaining an Expert License D-288, and was a member of the Muscatine Chapter 111 and Davenport Chapter 75 of the Experimental Aircraft Association, the AOPA, the Iowa Aerial Applicators Association and the National Rifle Association. He had been an Ag pilot since 1979 and became self-employed in 1983 as Beverly’s Aerial Applications Inc.--- Survivors include his wife, Phyllis, at home; one daughter, Sally Arlene Beverly of Rock Island; two sons, Neal Craig Beverly and his wife, Chris, of Fort Bragg, N.C., and Danial Duane Beverly of Muscatine; one granddaughter, Ariel Ann Beverly; two stepsons, Shannon Paul and his wife, Joan, and Dwayne Paul and his wife, Tammy, both of Muscatine; one stepdaughter, Denise Steahr and her husband, Craig, of Muscatine; seven step-grandchildren, Isaac and Mindy Paul, David, Abby and Joshua Paul and Curtis and Cory Steahr; two sisters, Elsie Hall of Pocahontas, Ark., and Vera Carlisle and her husband, Oral, of Crescent City, Fla.; and one brother, Carl Theobald and his wife, Betty, of Muscatine.He was preceded in death by his parents and one grandson, Danial. ---------Submitters’ Note: I'm no relation he was married to a friend of mine.

Submitted by: Webmaster for Jim Rush
Date Submitted: Sunday, August 4, 2002 12:00 PM
Source of Obituary:"THE WILTON ADVOCATE AND REVIEW", Wilton Junction, Iowa, Thursday, February 12, 1920, front page, Vol. 25, No. 46
MRS. HUBERT BEYMER A PNEUMONIA VICTIM--- WAS BUT RECENTLY TAKEN ILL TWO SMALL CHILDREN SURVIVE---- Mrs. Hubert Beymer died at her home here yesterday morning of pneumonia following an attack of flue. Mrs. Beymer had only been ill about a week, and her death came as a shock to the many friends, many of whom were not even aware of her illness. Viola Rush was born December 18, 1888, in Cedar county. Coming to Wilton several years ago with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Rush, she was married in March, 1917, to Hubert Beymer who with two small children, Ellen, age 3 years, and Florence, aged four months, survive to mourn the loss of wife and mother. She is also survived by her parents, four sisters, Vesta Rush of Wilton, Mrs. Florence McQuillen of Bennett, Mrs. Ella Walters and Mrs. Bert Gill residing in Cedar county.----"THE WILTON ADVOCATE AND REVIEW", Wilton Junction, Iowa, Thursday, February 19, 1920, front page, Vol. 25, No. 47----OBITUARY---- Viola Florence Rush was born in Cedar county, Iowa, on December 14, 1888, and died at her home in Wilton, Iowa, February 11, 1920, aged 31 years, 1 month and 27 days. She resided in Cedar county until 1913, when she moved with her parents to Wilton, which has since been her home. On March 11, 19?5, she was united in marriage with Hubert M. Beymer, and to them were born three children, Emma who died in infancy, Edna aged three years, and Elizabeth, aged four months. In early childhood she was converted to Christ, and joined the South Bethel M. E. Church. Hers was a kind and loving disposition, always thinking first of others. In her home she was a kind and loving wife and mother, and made home all it could be. Her last illness was of short duration, she being ill only one week. The cause of her death was influenza followed by pneumonia. All was done for her that loving hearts and willing hands could do, but her physical condition was too weak to withstand the shock, and she passed peacefully away to her eternal home to be forever with the Lord. Besides the sorrowing husband and children, she is survived by her parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. F. Rush, and four sisters Mrs. Forrest McQuillen of Bennett, Mrs. Ernest Walther and Mrs. Bert Gill of Cedar county and Miss Vesta Rush at home, besides a host of other relatives and friends. The funeral services were held at the late home of the deceased Friday afternoon. The service was conducted by the Rev. A. Casselman, pastor of the Reformed church, and the body laid to rest in Oakdale cemetery.

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