Deloit News from the Denison Review
- 1873-1893
- 1895
- 1896
- 1897, Jan - June
- 1897, Jul - Dec
- 1898, Jan - June
- 1898, Jul - Dec
- 1916
- 1917, Jan - Mar
- 1917, Apr - Jul
- 1917, Aug - Dec
1873 - 1893
Denison Review
At Deloit work on the church building for the Latter Day
Saints is progressing and the walls are being carried up
as rapidly as possible; weather permitting the brick work
will be finished this week.
Denison Review
The Deloit Leap Year Hop
One of the most pleasant occasions ever witnessed by our Deloit young people was the leap year hop given at William Johnson's hall on Saturday evening December 20th. On entering the hall it was found to be well lighted and heated. The ladies were prompt and all were there in good season. Exactly at eight o'clock the merry company began the pleasures of the evening, with Mrs. Kate McKim as floor manager. The music stopped at half past eleven, when refreshments of candy apples, nuts and popcorn balls, were served. The gentlemen all seemed well pleased and hope the ladies enjoyed the treat as well.
Among those present were as follows: Rose Goff, Josie Johnson,
Lida Huntington, Lou Johnson, Maud Winey, Della Ainsworth, and
Lucy Flint, Mrs. Kate McKim, Ruth Anderson, Hattie Shirtcliff,
Emma Hunt, Eva Hall and Betta Johnson. Gentlemen: Messrs.
L. L. Lowery, William Whipkee, Junian Dobson, C. McMinnamee,
J. Goff, Wm. Goff, Ed Fishel, Chas. Hunt, David Galland,
J. Miller, Oston Whipkee, Robt. McKim, Johnie Anderson,
Fred Shirtcliff, N. Hunt, Capt. Bates Hall, Wm. Johnson.
At twelve the gentlemen were seen home and the hop pronounced
a grand success.
The Fox
Denison Review
G. W. H. Tucker,
Auctioneer and Salesman,
Deloit, Iowa
Will attend to sales in this and adjoining counties at
reasonable prices. Leave orders at Review Office.
Denison Review
Dealers in
Hats, Caps, Boots and Shoes,
Queensware and Glassware,
In fact every article usually needed in the family. New goods
constantly arriving from the east. Prices low and quality of
the best. Highest price paid for country product; Give us a
call, we can certainly please you.
Denison Review
Deloit Booming
Deloit is looking up. It now has a new skating rink and
a new drug store. The rink is 20 by 60 feet and in charge of
W. R. Johnson. It is all the rage, and the roar will make
the people think that the long looked for train of cars is
certainly coming. The drug store is being built by Dr. J. A. Lung
of Battle Creek, and will soon be ready for occupancy. Both of
the new buildings are immediately north of Hunt Bros. Store, the
drug store being on an adjoining lot.
Denison Review
Report of Deloit Schools
Report of attendance of the school taught in room No. 2, Deloit, Iowa for the month commencing Dec. 8th, 1884 and ending Jan. 2nd, 1885:
Number of pupils enrolled ........ 38
Average daily attendance ..........27
Per cent of attendance ............74
Number of pupils not tardy ........ 9
Number of pupils not absent ....... 7
Names of pupils neither absent nor tardy:
Maggie Westcott, James Westcott, Anna Darling, Fred Dawson,
Grace Dawson, Ira Goff and Ada Goff.
L. M. Huntington - Teacher
Report of school taught in room No. 1, Deloit, Iowa
for the month ending Jan. 2nd, 1885:
Number enrolled ..................25
Number belonging .................21
Number not absent ................ 9
Number not tardy .................12
Number neither absent nor tardy .. 7
Average Daily attendance .........18
Per cent of attendance ...........85%
Ranking Scholars: A. Grade, Lucy Flint, Cora Dobson,
Charley Flint, Thomas Maxwell, Eugene McKim. Andrew McMinemy,
B. Grade, Nellie Patchin, May Goff, Nellie Morris, Alma Dobson
and Roy McKim.
Delia Hall, Teacher
Denison Review
Last Saturday was a big day for the sportsmen of Deloit, it being the occasion of the second grand "shoot" which has taken place in this vicinity. The losing side was to furnish oysters, and each side was determined that the oposition should foot the bill. All day long the boys labored and in the evening came in laden with the fruits of the expedition.
Several good scores were made, the highest count being 754, made by W. I. Goff. Lowery made a good score, and made it honestly too. When the count was completed it was found that the side with W. I. Goff as captain had beaten the opposition, J. C. Phillips' team by a light majority, which turned the tables and made things even so to speak.
The day's sport made the boys tired, but hungry and the supper which was served in the best style by the ladies of our town, was enjoyed by all present.
Several by way of experiment seasoned their soup with sugar
and afterwards claimed it was all a mistake. Well, as sugar
and salt are both white no one can be blamed and thus ended
the hunt.
Denison Review
There was a spirited debate in school house No. 1 at Deloit
on Friday evening January 16. The question for discussion:
Resolved, "That the fashions of women are more ridiculous
than those of men," was warmly debated and decided in favor
of the affirmative.
Denison Review
Our little town is still alive and prospering.
J. S. McMinemee has erected a comfortable dwelling on the
north side of town.
J. F. Goff is making quite extensive improvements on his
house on Vine street.
Our schools open today, with Miss D. S. Hall in room No. 1
and Miss E. E. Bunbury in room No. 2. They have taught the
same schools with good satisfaction.
A.A. Lambert will teach in sub-district No. 4, and Stella
Marshall in sub-district No. 10, Milford. Miss Jennis Morris,
Geo. Myers, and R. R. Montgomery will teach in Stockholm township.
Mrs. Emma Cathan and Miss Ada Milliman of Logan were visiting
Mrs. M. Hunt and family last week.
Hunt Bros. Are kept busy counting eggs and tying up goods.
L. L. Lowry one of Crawford's best teachers is engaged as
book keeper in the Kaw Life Association at Marshall town.
Over thirty persons have united with the Latter Day Saints
Church this winter. We believe there is more religion to
the square foot in Deloit than any town in the west.
April 6, 1885
Denison Review
- Local Matters
The church of Latter Day Saints at Deloit has a fine new organ,
which was used for the first time last Sabbath.
We regret to learn that Mrs. Joseph McKim of Milford township,
is very sick with dropsy and consumption.
A little three year old son of Cyrus Dobson, of Deloit, has
been quite sick this week with a species of typhoid fever.
Mr. James Turner of Milford township, was in town Wednesday.
He has our thanks for numerous items in relation to his vicinity.
Denison Review
The M. E. church at Deloit will be dedicated on Sunday,
June 7. The services will be of great interest. They have
been arranged as follows: At 10:30 A.M. preaching by
Rev. J. W. Walker; P.E. at 3:30 pm preaching by Rev. J. W. Gardner
and at 8 pm by Rev. Henry Brown of Odebolt. The public are
cordially invited to be in attendance.
Dension Review
The Calamity at Deloit
We gather the following facts in relation to the drowning of Miss Sarah Crane.
Mr. Isaac Bronson accompanied by Miss Georgie Springer and
Miss Sarah Crane, a sister to his brother's wife, started
from his farm for Denison, but as he intended to leave some
grist at the mill, he drove towards the McKim's mill. The
water run over the road and he was carried over the dam, below
the road, and all were struggling in the water. Mr. Bronson
tried to save both ladies but Miss Crane drifted away when
her clothes caught in a wire fence, and the pressure of the
water kept her under. Mr. Bronson caught on a tree and caught
Miss Springer as she floated by. Mr. Cary Phillips procured
help at Deloit, while Cyrus Dobson was the first to swim out.
He tied Miss Springer to the tree until a raft could be made.
Had the whereabouts of Miss Crane been known at once she would
undoubtedly have been saved.
Denison Review
The Deloit Calamity
Last Saturday our usually quiet village was thrown into a state of intense excitement by the report that there was three people drowning in Otter Creek. Hurrying to the scenes of the awful calamity, the sight that me the gaze of those gathering on the banks of the swoolen waters made the stoutest heart quail. For far out in the center of the turbid waters, clinging to a slender willow, were two beings calling loudly for help.
The call for a rope was responded to by C. J. Hunt (with a coil of rope hastily seized at the first call for help). Who threw the end to A. A. Lambert, who started for the tree to which the parties were clinging, closely followed by J. C. Phillips, Cyrus Dobson and W. Whipkey. Upon arriving at the place they found the parties to be Miss Georgia Springer and Ike Bronson. They quickly made the lady fast to the tree and rendered Bronson such aid as was possible. In the meantime those on the shore were constructing a raft with boards torn from the bridge, which was placed in charge of Myron Myers, who gallantly started to the assistance of those in the water.
He succeeded in rescuing Miss Springer first, whom he landed safely, then he returned and brought out Bronson. Miss Springer was taken to Mrs. M. Hunt's where she received the best of care and attention. She was nearly exhausted, having been in the water about 30 minutes. Upon inquiry it was learned that Miss Sibbie Crane was still in the water. A search was immediately made for her and her body was found lodged against a wire fence.
The supposition is that she fainted, and her hair becoming entangled in the wire held her until she was drowned. Had it been known that she was in the water, the probabilities are that she could have been saved. Every effort was put forth to restore life but to no avail. Her body was placed in the hands of sympathizing friends, who showed the respect to the departed that only christians can show.
The awful calamity casts a gloom over the entire community which will remain a long time.
Funeral services were held at the Methodist church by Rev. Mr. Young, assisted by Rev. E. Fegtley, at Deloit, Tuesday, June 9 at 10 o'clock. We feel that there cannot be too much praise bestowed on our citizens for their bravery and coolness, especially Cyrus Dobson, Myron Myers, A. A. Lambert and W. Whipkey, who displayed much courage and nerve and great presence of mind.
Everyone regrets the death
of Miss Crane. All was done for her that could be possible for
humans to do. We must commend the ladies of Deloit for their
efforts to alleviate the sufferings of those that were rescued
and for their sympathy and care of the dead.
Denison Review
Mr. C. F. Myer, the Deloit miller has made the provisional
purchase of a mill site near the fair ground and if sufficient
encouragement is given by our German farmers, will put up a mill.
He is an industrious man and should the mill be put up, will
do his best.
Denison Review
The Deloit post office store has passed into the hands of
E. T. Fegtley & Co. Mr. Fegtley is an industrious young man,
thoroughly acquainted with the business and will undoubtedly
Denison Review
Quite a number of our citizens attended the L. D. S. Conference at Galland's Grove last week.
Mr. and Mrs. Robt. McKim are down from Winnebago county on a visit to friends and relatives. Mr. McKim says he is well pleased with that country. They will return shortly.
There is some talk of organizing a singing school in this city. Start the ball and keep it rolling.
A. A. Lambert arrived in due time and commenced his labors as teacher in our public school Enrollment in higher department - 9. In the primary department the enrollment reached 20. Both teachers seem to be wide awake and good work is expected.
Mrs. J. S. McMinomee died at her home in this place on last Sunday afternoon. She leaves a husband and family to mourn her loss, to whom the sympathies of the community are extended. She was buried on Monday. The funeral sermon will be preached at the L. D. S. Chapel next Sunday at 1 o'clock. Elder John Rounds will officiate.
J. C. Phillips has recovered from his recent illness, a fact which we are glad to chronicle.
It is expected that a meeting will soon be held relative to the organization of a band in this place. A good band is an ornament to any town and as we have good "material" here, we do not see why such a move would not be heartily seconded by our citizens.
Several of our school ma'ams visited the school in District 1 (Goodrich) on Friday last. The teacher stood his round and now extends an invitation to them to call again. To our school patrons, we would say; drop in occasionally and see what we are doing. If you show that you are interested in the welfare of your children we shall be thankful for the favor.
Can't we have a literary society during these long winter evenings? It seems that much valuable time is going to waste, which might be saved. Call a meeting and organize. Lets have something going on.
Mr. and Mrs. McKim are thinking of taking a trip to California, in the near future. May they have a pleasant trip and a good time.
'Rah for the republican county ticket, J. L. Miller, a prominent
democrat, is in doubt as to whether it will be elected or not.
Probably he is a Dr. Ferron man. However, he says he will vote
for D. O. Johnson and on this score his head is level. 'Rah for him.
October 14th, 1885 -
Denison Review
- next Sunday morning. We wish them success in their new home.
C. Smith the blacksmith, has sold his residence in this city to
W. R. Johnson who will occupy it presently.
- Mr. Patchin who formerly lived in Elgin, Ills., but now of Deloit,
has erected a new residence and will remove shortly. Thus Deloit
loses a prominent citizen.
- Born to Mr. and Mrs. Fred Schuler, of Otter Creek township, a girl.
Standard weight. We congratulate.
- Rev. Dudley has arrived and taken his abode in this city.
- Mrs. Abram Galland was baptized on Sunday, Elder Goff officiating.
- Farmers hereabouts will soon begin husking corn. Pleasant weather
this fall will be appreciated, and the time improved.
- C. P. Harvey, democratic candidate for sheriff was in town recently.
- Also E. O Theim of Vail was looking after his farm interests in
this section. Call again gents.
- The enrollment in the higher department of our schools has reached
19 and the good work is progressing.
- The hum of the thresher has about ceased, but will be followed
shortly by the familiar click of the husking peg.
- A ball will be given at the "Deloit Hall" on this Friday evening
to which all are invited. Good music etc. will be in attendance
and a grand time is expected.
- With a 'rah for the republican county ticket. I am
October 21, 1885 - A Dude
Denison Review
- Owen Williams the painter has been slinging the brush for
Mr. Geo. Smith which improves the appearance of the residence
now occupied by Mr. S.
- Mrs. Wm. McKim of Ida Grove, has been visiting friends and
relatives the past few days in this place.
- At the L. D. S. Sabbath school on Sunday last the following
officers were elected for the ensuing quarter:
A. A. Lambert:
assistant superintendent, Wm. McKim:
O. Williams:
treasurer, C. J. Hunt,
librarian, N. S. Hunt.
The school under the able supervision of superintendent Lambert is in a flourishing condition, the attendance being very large, a fact we are glad to chronicle.
Elder Etzenhauser has been holding a series of meetings at the brick church the past week, which have been well attended. He is a good speaker retaining the closest attention of his audience. His talk on the theme, "The world owes me a living" was exceptionally good.
- "Uncle Jesse" Mason, one of the pioneers of Crawford county,
but now a resident of Lamoni, is visiting here.
- I. A. Goff has plenty of good brick on hand, having opened up
another kiln recently.
- The dance was quite a success about thirty couples participating.
W. R. Johnson deserves great credit for the able manner in which
he conducts these "pleasurable" entertainments, though we must
say that good dancing does not wholly consist of noise.
- C. J. Hunt, the worthy candidate for mayor is closely canvassing
the city. "Who would be 'professor' now."
- Charles Smith now occupies a residence on Broadway.
- R. McKim and wife have departed for this home in Winnebago county.
Success attend them.
- Mr. Rudd, of Dow City, was visible on our streets recently.
Come again.
- Really we cannot see what a man can accomplish by bolting a part
of the republican ticket, because that party failed to nominate
a man for auditor. We think that as long as R. R. Montgomery
was a candidate for that office he should have been nominated,
inasmuch as the call said, "one candidate for Auditor" but to
bold Johnson or any other man because Mr. M. was not nominated
- we cannot see how that will right matters. We hope "bolter"
will rise and say something in defense of his action before
initiated in the lodge of Mugwumpism.
October 27, 1885
Denison Review
- Good weather prevails and the farmers are busy picking corn.
- If J. L Miller could get the boys up to breakfast he could husk
not farm from 100 bushels per day. (Joke)
- Mr. M. C. Dobson has taken unto himself a wife. We wish the young
couple joy beyond measure.
- The male trio in this place is in a flourishing condition.
- The dance at the hall on Friday eve last, was a little slim.
Music was furnished by Wood & Enright. There is to be another
ball at the same place on Thanksgiving eve we think.
- Mr. Hatfield has built an addition to his residence which makes
the structure somewhat more commodious.
- A choir organization should be effected as soon as possible in
this place. This will lead to better singing at our churches.
- Mrs. H. S. Winans, of Vail, visited in our burg last week.
- Miss Lulu Wood visited friends in Deloit Sunday.
- J. W. Wilkinson, of the firm of Wilkinson & Peters, took a trip
north the first of the week.
- Those who almost froze at the McAhren school house on last
Friday evening wonder why they should be compelled to freeze
in order to enjoy themselves - well, Dude was not present, and
perhaps should remain silent, but if there is no way to ventilate
the school house but by opening the door, we are glad we stayed
away. Deloit has been represented there by different ones at
times, but we will now attend to our affairs "which we now give
notice we kin do."
Denison Review
- Mayor Hunt is as smiling about something as any man ever was.
Catch on Charley?
- The blacksmith shop where C. Smith works has been fixed up in
front and presents a better appearance.
- J. C. Phillips, J. L. Miller and Prof. Lambert sport diamond
willow canes which are curiously beautiful.
- Born Nov. 19, 1885, to Mr. and Mrs. Samuel Lentz, a bouncing
baby boy, standard weight, we congratulate and Sam is the happiest
man in the state. May the little one get along first rate.
- The singing school is attended by quite an audience each
Saturday evening. We believe that better work and more of it
would be done if those who are disinterested would not persist
in filling the pews. Understand, please, that we are not trying
to boss the thing, and we say this because we think it should be
- Last week we forgot to mention that on Monday, 16th inst.,
Miss Jennis Morris commenced the winter school term at Kiron.
Denison Review
- Deloit is full of insurance agents at present, who will
"write you up" in short notice if you'll only say the word.
- Mr. Rudd has been visiting friends and relatives in
this section.
- We are sorry to learn that Mrs. Wm. Jordan is very sick.
- The Deloit schools are flourishing and vacant seats are
becoming "scarcer than hen's teeth."
- Frank Myers has moved into the business part of our city,
and White & Co. now occupy the building vacated by Mr. M.
- Mr. Henry Shirtcliff, of Vail, was in town Tuesday.
"Excuse us if we think it rude,
Because you failed to call on Dude
So come again some other day
And hunt us up without delay."
Hunt Bros. Are buying poultry, paying good prices therefore.
They are enterprising young men, and have built up a good trade,
which they merit by honest dealing. Success boys.
- Elder John Rounds preached at the L. D. S. Chapel last
Sunday eve. He talks without MS.
- Thos. Maxwell leaves for New York city in a few days. His
friends join us in the wish that he may land safely at the gate of
the Empire city.
- L. F. Morris finished his corn husking Tuesday. 'Rah for him.
There is some talk of organizing a literary club. "Why not?"
There are enough young people in our neighborhood to make a literary
club successful if they try.
- Mr. and Mrs. G. E. Ainsworth spent Thanksgiving at the
residence of Mr. Pearson.
- The party at Mr. Gillett's Thursday evening was a decided
success. If you want to enjoy yourselves, go to Mr. Gillett's.
- The choir met to practice at T. E. Pearson's Friday evening
we believe.
- Mr. J. M. Potter returned from Nebraska last week.
- Miss Ida Johnson has been visiting with her sister, Mrs.
Schrader the past week.
- We hear there is to be a "Christmas Cantata" played in
the M.E church in Deloit Christmas eve. Let's go.
- Rev. Dudley preached a very interesting sermons last Sunday
from the text, "Remember now, thy creator in the days of thy youth."
- The "Kaw" Life Insurance men are doing good work in this
- E. McKim was present at devotional services Sunday.
- Dr Wright was seen on our streets Monday.
Dec. 1,1885 Belva
Denison Review
- Seeing no correspondence from Deloit and thinking it
might interest some of your readers, I send a few happenings.
- Our little burg is quite deserted this week, caused by
the attendance of a goodly part of our citizens at the Latter
Day Saints' reunion which is now being held in Harlan.
- Messrs. Whiting and Goff returned yesterday from the
northern part of the state, where they were buying cattle.
- John Goff came up from Omaha Monday where he has been
for some time working in a brick yard. He reports all the boys
from this place doing well.
- Mrs. Scott McKim was called to Vail Monday by the illness
of her aunt, Ms. J. B. King.
- The late rains washed a hole in the dam of Whiting's mill.
They will soon have it repaired ready for work again.
- N. L. Hunt is building a residence, and when completed will
be the finest in town. Sewell & Clough, of Denison, are doing
the work which insures a good job. And by the way everybody up
this way is for N. L. for auditor, which speaks volumes for him
as he was raised right up with them. Candidates seem to be
plenty by the way hand shaking goes on.
- E. S. Plimpton, of Denison, was seen on our streets Monday
- Some of the Deloiter took in Col. Sanford's lecture at
Vail Monday evening.
Deloiter Sept. 28, 1887
Denison Review
- J. T. Turner walks with a crutch now, caused by his
ankle coming in contact with sharp edge of an ax.
- Bill McKim is the happiest man about town. It's a girl
and came to live with him Sunday.
- Burt McAndrews came all the way from West Side to tell us
about the boy that came to his home last week, and he has concluded
to keep him and care for him until he is twenty-one. Burt come
to the mill whenever you want to. We want to say right here that
Deloit has one of the best mills in the county, which is shown by
the fact that trade is drawn from a large area of territory,
tributary to other mills. It is White and not Whiting as we
stated last week.
- Everyone from this part of the country seems to be well
pleased with the work of the convention Saturday; but would have
been better satisfied if Johnson could have been nominated for
supervisor. However we can not always have our way.
- John Goff returned to Omaha this week to resume work for
the same firm he was working for before. John is a good steady
boy and we wish him success.
- Our citizens have about all returned home from the Harlan
reunion, and things have resumed their wonted appearance. All
report a pleasant and profitable time.
- One of H. C. Morris' children has been quite sick with
scarlet fever but is better now.
Denison Review
- Potato digging seems to be the order of the day. They
are not turning out quite as well as was expected. Lyman Morris
is the boss potato raiser of this section - he has dug over
200 bushels.
- The schools of Milford are almost all in running order:
- Miss Quigly in No. 2, Miss Hall in No. 3, Miss Any King in
No. 4. The Center has not been able to secure a teacher yet.
Why is it that we see so many children k kept out of school.
They seem to do nothing at home but play about the street;
however, suppose their parents know best.
- Sam Lentz has bought the house and lot owned by Cooper
- The bridge gang were repairing the bridge across Otter
Creek at the McKim mill. Would it not be a wise thing to put in
a new one.
- Every teacher should make it a point to be out to the school
convention which convenes here Saturday. The last one was somewhat
of a failure. Let all turn out and make this one worth remembering.
Get up some of the old time enthusiasm and bring Deloit to the
front once more as an educational center.
- Carl Schurke came over from Charter Oak Saturday, to see to
his farm. He reports everything booming in that part of the county
and says his business is exceeding his most sanguine expectations,
all of which his friends in the part of God's footstool are glad
to hear, for if anyone deserves success it is Carl.
- There is going to be opened up soon, a dressmaking shop in
town, run by Mrs. William Johnson. Rumor has it, also, that there
is to be a drug store and butcher shop opened up soon. 'Rah for
- Uncle Wm. Laughery is on the sick list. Hope it is nothing
- Auntie McKim started for Quincy, Illinois, on a visit of
some three or four weeks' duration.
- Ira Goff has moved to town to live during the winter.
- John Gould is up from Denison to do the painting on Hunt's
new house. Ainsworth and Lowery are doing the painting.
Denison Review
- Most of the farmers are busy gathering corn, saying they
are not going to be caught in the snow this year.
- There are being quite a number of cattle fed in this
vicinity. Messrs. Whiting, Goff, Winey and Larson are all
- Cary Philips and Mort McKim took in the Mikado at Denison,
and report it immense.
- Levi Meyers came up from River Sioux and was interviewing
Deloit friends this week.
- Dave Worly, of Nebraska, is visiting relatives and friends
near Deloit.
- There is some sickness reported in the neighborhood.
Edson Darling was taken very sick but is better now.
One of Mr. Whiting's children was sick for a few days but
is around again.
Cash Newcomb has one child quite sick with the diphtheria.
- Mr. Quigley has moved into the Wm. McKim house on Main Street.
- Mr. Lentz has moved into Mrs. Ernst's house.
- Mrs. Ernst has gone to Magnolia to live.
- We hear of two weddings talked of in the near future, more anon.
- The face of the average Deloit democrat was so long after the caucus,
- Thursday evening, that the barber raked in several extra ducats by
charging extra for shaves. Up and at 'em again boys, it's a long
lane that has no turn-er.
- Mr. Dawson has the lumber on the ground for building an addition to
his house.
- Mort McKim commenced a five months term of school in Otter Creek
on last Monday.
- cott McKim's little boy was very sick one day this week, but is
in a fair way to recover now.
- Grandpa Wedlock, of Cherokee, is visiting with Silas.
- Everybody should come out to hear Mains Saturday evening,
and give him a rousing reception at the Center.
- We want to say for the benefit of Gould that he did do the
painting. Ainsworth & Lowry did the plastering on Hunt's house,
not as was stated in last week's Review, A. & L. did the painting.
- Mr. Wilkinson is moving on to his farm, one half mile from town.
Denison Review
Messrs. Hunt Bros. And Fegtley are filling up their stores chuck
full of goods and preparing for a big trade from now on.
- Mr. Whiting has moved upon his farm.
- The beautiful snow Sunday morning made some of the farmers
begin to feel blue, but they found that is was only a gentle
reminder of what was to come, if they leave their corn out too
- Hurrah for the railroad! Our city is beginning to put on
metropolitan airs in anticipation of the coming event. Every
man in town has a job on hand and Deloiter is putting all his
spare nickels into town lots, to forestall the boom. We will
stop short of nothing less than Chicago, boodle alderman and all.
- Dr. Darling of Vail was seen on our streets Monday evening.
- One of Crawford county's fair schoolma'ams has concluded to
take a longer term with less scholars, and has embarked upon the
sea of matrimony. We wish you success, Carey and may your journey
through life be one long pleasant voyage without any squalls or
storms to mar its blissfulness. No, thanks, we do not smoke.
- Candidates are getting to be numerous on our streets lately.
Can hardly turn a corner without bumping against one of them.
- The democratic meeting appointed for Tuesday evening was
not much of a success. The speaker failed to materialize for some
reason, and none of the local lights cared to tackle the subject.
Therefore the meeting went by default, hope they will have better
success next time.
Denison Review
- The schools have commenced for the winter term. The enrollment
is quite large. Some of the schools north-west from here have been closed
on account of sickness. We hear of none hereabout and hope it will
continue so.
- George Myers is off for a vacation this week.
- Fred Schirtcliff returned from his Nebraska trip Saturday.
- Edson Darling is on the sick list.
- Miss Annie Quigley commenced her school in No. 2, Monday.
- Jennis Morris commences in No. 4, Stockholm next Monday.
- Jack Goff met with quite a serious accident Monday evening
in coming home from Denison. He fell from his wagon and had one
of his arms broken and otherwise injured.
- Carey Phillips moved this week. As soon as you get things
to rights, we are going to call Carey.
- J. R. McKim returned to Nebraska, after enjoying a short
visit with his parents and friends.
- N. L. Hunt took supper in his new house for the first time
Monday eve.
- James Turner has gone to Missouri to see his mother whom he
has not seen for fifteen years or more.
Dec. 1, 1887 RANGER
Denison Review
- Hunt Bros. have been trying to depopulate the country of
turkeys and chickens. I hope they will leave one or two for
Christmas, but then the boys are not built that way.
- The Deloit literary society has been revived, and held
its first discussion Friday evening over the subject of "Art
and Nature," of which Art came off victorious, before a crowded
house. Nature said there was no use to say anything, when art
could prove that the making of the world was one grand piece of art.
- The M. E. church gave an oyster supper at the Wm. Johnson
hall, on Friday night. Some of the boys thinking to "show off"
a bit, caused a disturbance, whereby they were arrested and taken
before Esq. Woolenscroft, fined five dollars cost, which they
thought they could pay easier in Denison, whither they went.
- Carey Phillips is working for E. T. Fegtley; so, also, is
Joe Edling.
- C. J. Hunt made a flying visit to Omaha, and brought Santa
Claus back with him.
- Scott McKim looks oh! So lonely - caused by Mrs. Scott
having gone to Vail for a few days' visit.
- Miss Ward, sister of Mrs. Cyrus Dobson, is visiting with her.
Denison Review
- James Turner returned from his trip to Missouri this week.
Says old Crawford is the best place yet.
- Irving Keith, of Nebraska, was visiting in Deloit this week.
- David Galland was up from Dow City, and Sundayed in Deloit.
- The quarterly conference of the M. E. church, was held last
Sunday. The meeting commenced then will continue two weeks or
more. - The L. D. S. church also commenced a series of meetings
on Sunday last, which will continue for some time.
- Rev. Fegtley was canvassing this community the past week,
in the interest of Johnson's Cyclopedia. It is an excellent work
and should be in the hands of every student. He is stopping with
his son, E. T., and will assist in the services at the church for
a while.
- Oscar Goodrich has moved to Deloit.
- Cassie Johnson gave a birthday party to her numerous
school girl friends, which was highly enjoyed by them.
- Scyp Newcom and John Newcom started for Chicago with
stock last Saturday.
- The Deloit Literary is growing in enthusiasm and favor.
The house was crowded last Friday evening to hear the great
Anarchist trial. Some good speaking was done, both pro and con,
but it was finally decided that it was right and just to hang them.
The paper read was excellent and excited lots of mirth from the
audience. Subject for next Friday evening is, "That man is
intellectually superior to woman." Everybody invited.
Denison Review
- The blizzard which struck us Monday night has about frozen
up all the news. The gossips have not been able to get out,
consequently items are scarce. Nevertheless Christmas came,
also Santa Claus with his usual amount of presents for the
little folks.
- Jim and Scott McKim started for Beatrice, Neb., Monday
morning on a visit to John R's.
- Wat Wilkinson and George Myers are enjoying vacations
from their schools this week.
- Pat Keeny spent Christmas in Vail.
J. L. Miller and wife spent Christmas in Denison.
- Everybody seems to be wrestling with a bad cold.
- The L. D. S. and M. E. churches are still continuing their
meetings with good attendance at each.
- Aribert Goff came in Friday evening from Nebraska to spend
Christmas with his parents. He and Will are in business in
Plainview, Pierce county.
- Mrs. Phillips has been on the sick list. Mrs. Prentis is
also very sick.
- The dance at John Cose's Friday night, was well attended.
The boys report a big time.
Denison Review
- date missed - between 12-30-1887 and 1-20-1888
- Mrs. N. L. Hunt returned from her visit to friends at
Dunlap and Logan on Monday last.
- There was a dance at Charley Wiley's Thursday night. Ranger
did not go so consequently can not say from personal observation
how they enjoyed themselves, but the boys say immense.
- The M. E. church folks have closed their meetings, but
the L. D. S. have persuaded Rev. Peek to stay and continue services
one week longer.
- Joe Edling went home to see his parents Sunday, or nearly home
so he says, and Joe is a truthful boy.
- David Galland moved up from Dow City this week.
- George Winans had a sick child that was thought to have
diphtheria but proved to be only a bad cold. Is better now.
- Johnnie Anderson's pleasant countenance was seen behind
the counter in Fegtly's store this week while E. T. was visiting
in Denison.
- Wm. Laughery has moved his family up from Missouri. He
is stopping with Charles.
- Everybody or nearly everyone is tending court in Denison
this week. Some not very willingly though.
- Deloit is being all torn up with strife over the tariff
surplus and Cleveland's message. It seems we have been entertaining
an angel unawares, in the person of one of Mr. Cleveland's personal
advisers, who had his message sent to him for revision and touching
up generally before letting it go before the public, but the
protectionists say they don't care for that, they will bury his
scheme so deep he can never resurrect it more. So if any of your
readers want to see the funeral, let him come out to the lyccum
Friday night.
Denison Review
- The grand jury made a run on this vicinity the past week
and had almost the whole city corralled in Denison when the
blizzard struck us Thursday evening. By a coincidence worthy
of Sam. Weller some of our citizens were off on a visit at the
time the notice was to be served, another that the storm should
come on and keep them away from home so long.
- Del. Richardson and Joe Edling were the bravest men in
Deloit last Saturday. They were the only two who dared to
venture to town. Del. Is a regular Esquimaux and if the next
expedition that goes out to hunt for the north pole, will only
take him along they can get there all right.
- Burt McKim, of Ida, is visiting friends and relatives in
town this week.
- Marion Woolsoncroft came home from Shenandoah, Saturday
where he had been at school for some time.
- N. L. Hunt came up Sunday to see how the town was being
run in his absence. Found everything satisfactory.
- Rev Peck started for home on Monday, was detained beyond
his time by the storm.
- Levi Meyers is visiting in Deloit. The boys are preparing
for a hunt to take place in the near future, the losers to pay
for an oyster super.
- Mrs. J. L. Miller is sick with a bad cold.
Denison Review
- This being leap year we will try to give a list of the old
bachelors of this burg. As the ladies only have one year in four
to try their luck, it is but fair they should have some help, one
year being too short, in which to make a selection of so much
importance. Charley Flint says he is too busy getting an education,
but if some one with lots of money would apply he might say "yes".
A school ma'am preferred, must have either black or red hair, as
Charley is a blondy blond and wears a very blond beard scalloped
round the edge.
- Jack Goff. Done gone. Leap year came in on Sunday night.
She proposed right then and there, and of course Jack said "yes."
In fact he is long on yes, but short on no. Jack is a mighty hunter
they will always have plenty of game for the table.
- Harry White. Is open to almost any kind of a proposition.
Is rather a floury young man, but I think he will bloom out into
a full fledged butterfly (dude) in the spring. He is in the
caterpillar stage now.
- Frank Jones is tall and fair, nose cut on the bias trimmed
with tips, can dance like a fairy and sing like a nightingale,
says he is willing to live on bread and water if need be. He
will try and skirmish round and get the water, if she will find
the bread.
- Jack Mason wonders if he will escape this time, came
near catching on last leap year, went so far as to build the hen
coop and buy an old hen and rooster. Is built of solid masonery,
brick foundation, warranted not to rip, ravel nor run down at the
- Joe Edling talks two languages, can weigh out as many
groceries and measure off as many dry goods in a day as anyone,
is not right certain, but what he is spoken for, but will listen
to any and all propositions, is dark complected and wears a bustle.
- Charley Hunt last but not least. Is rather indifferent, says
he has a housekeeper and if they are so, and so may be yes, and may
be no. He has a beautiful mustache of which he is very fond, is of
rather an aldermanic build. This about completes the list. And now
ladies, look this up soon, as it may be too late before long.
- The hunt talked of some time came off Thursday, and as usual
Deloit came out ahead scoring some six hundred to the other sides
five hundred points.
- The lyceum Friday night was a big affair and I am afraid
Cleveland will have to modify his views some to suit this community.
However it might have been different had his Lieutenant been so he
could talk, but a mysterious providence afflicted him with such a
bad cold he could not make his ideas very clear.
- The law suit Thursday went against the state, the accusing
party failing sustain the allegation.
- C. J. Hunt, Wm. McKim and Elder Whiting west to Logan Saturday
to the dedication of the new L. D. S. chapel that has just been
completed there.
- Abram Galland has sold his house and lot to Scyp Newcom.
- The law suit between Quigley and Fink came off Monday before
Esquire Woolsoncroft. Mr. Quigley, the plaintiff secured a judgment
of some nine dollars.
- Mr. and Mrs. Esau McKim were visiting in Ida this week.
- Tuesday morning out little burg was thrown into a state of
excitement over the cry of fire. It was soon discovered to be
E. T. Fegtly's store which was so nearly consumed when discovered
that it was found impossible to save anything. The building and
entire stock was burned, together with the warehouse. There was
some insurance on the stock which will go somewhat to help
Mr. Fegtly out, but his loss is a heavy one at best. The origin
of the fire is unknown.
Denison Review
- Cyrus Dobson went to Dow City visiting. Found rather more
mud than snow on coming home.
- There was a dance at Bob Childres Wednesday night, and as
usual, the boys enjoyed themselves.
- The school board met last Saturday to settle up some business
on hand. We understand there was some complaint brought before the
board against the teacher in No. 1, but as to the outcome of the
investigation we did not learn, but presume there was a great deal
of smoke and but very little fire.
- Abram Galland has bought the John DeWolf property in the
east end of town and has taken possession.
- Cary Phillips has
rented N. L. Hunt's house and will move about the first of March
when Mr. Hunt will move to Denison. The people will be sorry to
see Mr. Hunt leave us to reside in another town as his familiar
countenance has been seen among us from boyhood up. So also his
estimable wife, who was also raised close by but what is Deloit's
loss is Denison's gain.
- The Deloit Literary Society met Friday evening and effected
a new organization by electing James McKim President and selecting a
subject for next Friday evening, "Resolved that a well regulated
license law is preferable to the present prohibitory law."
All invited.
- The oyster supper at the Centre was a success in spite of
bad roads and weather, not so much in numbers, as in bill of fare.
- Mr. Fegtly talks of building soon and starting into business
again. He has the sympathy of the entire community and if he starts
again with his acquaintances and the business ability he can bring to
bear upon it, we predict for him nothing but success.
- The second hunt came off Tuesday according to program. Some
of the boys were not satisfied with the first one, so thought they
would try one more and get even, which they did by one hundred and
- The dance on Tuesday night was well attended. The whole
bachelor brigade was out with the best bib and tucker, but , well
we won't say anymore, it might not be healthy.
- Say it does not pay to advertise! Charley Hunt says he has
had a perfect deluge of propositions since last week. The rest
have not sent in their report.
- Joe Edling has been out for a few days collecting for
Mr. Fegtly.
- One of Mrs. Edson Darling's children was very sick the
other night.
Denison Review
- John Moor, of Stockholm, started for California last week,
with a view of selling out and moving there if he likes it.
- Wm. Leskey, of Milford, held a sale last Friday, having
sold his farm some time since. He talks of going to Nebraska.
By the way sales are getting to be very numerous in this part of
the country.
- Deloit is having a regular boom, anticipating the railroad.
- A store started the past week with Cyp Newcom at the helm.
- Mr. Fegtley has fitted up the front room of his house, and is
filling up with goods.
- Mr. Elizur is proprietor of the hotel,
having rented the Joe Winans' property opposite Hunt Bros. store.
- Now we are represented by three stores, two blacksmith shops,
barber shop, and last but not least, a hall for public occasions,
two churches, brick yard, and two of the best mills in the county
and half a dozen preachers and we don't know how many school
- We came near forgetting the legal fraternity Quigley
and Kenny, who are having a shingle prepared like the following,
Law, Land and Loan Office.
- School election occurs soon. There is a number of dark
horses but one is afraid and the other dasn't. J. L. Miller,
the present incumbent, declines to serve any longer.
- There is to be no lyccum next Friday evening because of
the entertainment given by the M. E. folks at the hall that night,
which consists of music and magic lantern performance together.
Everyone come out.
Denison Review
The New Deloit Grocery Store
My many friends of Deloit and vicinity are cordially invited
to help me get a start in my store business. I have a nice
stock of new goods, keep good cigars, and will do the square
thing all round. Come in and make yourself at home.
Scyp Newcomb
Denison Review
The McKim mill, one of the oldest landmarks in the county,
situated on Wolf creek near Deloit, was undermined by the late
high water and toppled over into the creek. The loss will be
several thousand dollars.
Denison Review
The many old friends of Mr. Elihu C. Dobson, will be pained to
learn of his death at Collins, Benton county Oregon, recently.
He was about 42 years old and leaves a wife and three children.
Mr. Dobson was the first settler in Deloit and among the first
in the county. He was a brother of Mrs. Margaret Hunt and uncle
to our auditor Hunt.
Denison Review
Chas. J. Hunt, Postmaster
This popular merchant has been made post master at Deloit, and
took possession of his office on Oct. lst. He will put in new
office fixtures. He was at one time Deputy P. M. and therefore
is fully qualified to handle mails. The firm of Hunt Bros. is
prospering. During the summer an addition of 32 feet has been
added to their store. We congratulate Mr. Hunt.
Denison Review
- The Milford center alliance proposes to have an oyster supper
Saturday evening January 5, 1889. Price 15 cents per dish.
All are invited.
- Mr. John Carey has been through this township soliciting
subscriptions for the Denison Review and Homestead, with good
success. He is the right man in the right place. The Homestead
has a large circulation in this township.
- L. A. Goff is feeding two car loads of cattle.
- The Deloit alliance is flourishing, from one to six new
members every meeting. Let the good work go on.
- There is talk of putting in a union store at Deloit.
Some of the best farmers are behind the movement.
- Miss Carey is teaching school in the Woolsoncroft school
with good success. Miss Colcord teaches in district No. 2,
P. J. Kinney in district No. 5, Miss Flint in Deloit, Byron
Gable in district No. 6.
- Rev. Maynard, of Vail, preached an excellent sermon at
the M. E. church in Deloit Sunday.
- Frank Jones has recovered from a several attach of lung
Denison Review
The Deloit School Exhibition
- The school exhibition which was held in Wm. Johnson's
hall at Deloit, on Friday evening of last week, was one of the
best the city ever produced. The hall was completed filled.
All those who could not get in stood on the outside, until the
crowd on the outside almost numbered that inside.
- Promptly at 7 o'clock the curtain raised, and a "Welcome"
song was sung by the school. After this came declamations by
the younger ones, and all were good. A song, "Stay not out
tonight," sung by the B class with Miss Alta Goff as organist,
was fine.
- Following this came dialogues, one especially worthy
of notice was the "matrimonial Yoke" by Dottie Dunbar and
Celement Dobson. Leon Mead spoke "Der Drummer" splendidly.
As a declaimist he cannot be beaten.
- Two songs sung by the
school, "Why don't parents visit the school?" and ? The
school-room" were good.
- Mr. Ainsworth, whose reputation as a
good declaimist is world-wide gave us two selections which were
good, and "brought down the house."
- The duet, "Hans and Hilda,"
sung by Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Phillips, was heartily cheered as was
also the song, "Oh, Billy Bite Bigger" by the little ones.
The dialogues, "The Changed Home" and "Brigsby Dog," were well
acted. In the first we consider Mrs. John Goff the star, and
in the second the dog, as he played his part perfectly.
- The paper
read by Miss Nellie Morris, was good.
- The final "wind up" was a
song, "The old man ain't what he used to be, " by Carey Philllips.
It was well sung, and the jig well danced (?) The curtain fell
amid great aplause.
- Great credit is due Mr. A. D. Ainsworth for the manner in
which his pupils recited and also for the good order which
prevailed during the entire evening.
- If we are not misinformed there will be an entertainment
given in his honor at the close of his school on Friday, the
fifteenth of March. The entertainment will be given by
"Ye old folks," in the hall in the evening. Everybody invited.
Denison Review
Fifteen Barrels of Flour per Day
The Heffelfinger & McKim roller mills are turning out
fifteen-barrels of flour per day, which we are glad to note
find a home market. Thus far all the output has been sold to
the citizens of the vicinity, so that freight bills cut no
figure. Our family has tried a bag of this excellent flour
and is satisfied that it is equal to the best. We congradulate
our citizens on the success of the mills.
Denison Review
5-15-1889 - Pg. 8
Pleasant Gathering Near Deloit
Once again we met at Uncle Lyman Morris' on the even of April 30th. This time to celebrate his wife's 48th birthday and a surprise it was indeed. Aunt Ann became a little frustrated when team after team kept driving up to the door, all of them with baskets loaded with good things. She began to think something was up.
Uncle Lyman and Aunt Ann never do things by halves, so we were made to feel at home. After enjoying ourselves chatting awhile, Uncle Lyman proposed music and Miss Nellis, his daughter, being called upon gave us some very fine instrumental music. They there was singing by some of the company which was enjoyed by all.
About midnight, on peeping into the kitchen to see what Auntie Callum was doing, we found her carving chickens, cakes and oh, lots of good things too numerous to mention, and to which we did justice later on.
After supper we had some more instrumental music by Miss Cassie Morris of Rocky Run. Mrs. Lewis Nixon presented a very nice lounge in behalf of the assembled friends, to which Mrs. Morris responded in a few well chosen words.
Mr. Morris presented her
with some nice window shades, a mirror, a wine colored velvet
pincushion trimmed with watered ribbon and a ruche were prepared
by her children and presented by her eldest daughter,
Mrs. S. D. Newton. After this we began to get ready for home.
Denison Review
- As Deloit does not seem to be represented in any of the
Denison papers, we shall write a letter for the Review each
week hereafter.
- Mr. H. C. Laub is making extensive improvements in his
mill property here under the direction of a competent mill wright.
Mr. Laub has been very fortunate in securing the service of
Mr. Frank Myers as miller. Frank is the most popular miller
Deloit has ever had and we predict a successful remmunerative
career for our mill when it is all ready to start up which will
be in about two weeks.
- Our farmers are almost all busily engaged husking corn.
They report a lighter yield than expected.
- Mr. Fred Schuler is giving the finishing touches to a
very ..... dwelling. Long may Mr. S. and family enjoy it.
- Easu McKim has finished a large double cornercrib
preparatory to the gathering in of his large harvest of golden
- Mrs. Hildreth Tucker of Pickerel, Neb. Is visiting her
parents Mr. and Mrs. Ethan McKim and other relatives hereabout.
- Mr. I. A. Goff brought the brief season on his yard to a
close last week, and is now ready to furnish cheap as good a
quality of brick as can be found in the country.
- James Newton has purchased of Mrs. Cady the 32 acre farm
south of Deloit known as the "Tea farm."
- Mr. Keeney, our next superintendent of public schools spent
two days in Deloit last week. "Old" Milford will roll up a majority
of 160 on the 5th day of November for Mr. Keeney. Milford can
discern the best man.
- John Goff and E. Darling are off up north on the annual hunt.
- James Newcom has lost a fine full blood norman mare.
- Hog cholera is very prevalent around Deloit at present,
many farmers having lost from 50 to 100 hogs each.
- The Boyer at this place was never known to be so low in
the memory of the oldest inhabitants.
- Messrs. Fred Schuler, Wm. McKim and Silas Wedlock have
each lost a horse with some disease resembling diphtheria.
Denison Review
I.A. Goff returned from Plain View, Neb., where he was visiting
his two sons who are in business in that thriving village.
- Kate Winey was removed to her home from Deloit last Sunday.
Miss W. is slowly recovering.
- W. Keith of Clear Water, Neb. Is here visiting his friends
and numerous relatives.
- School closed last Friday after a successful term.
- Frank Myers, our popular miller, received a telegram last
Thursday announcing the dangerous illness of his aged mother.
- Our farmers are indulging their fancy in the direction of
purchasing some very fine road carts.
- James Byrnes, of Milford, and J. C. Phillips, of Goodrich,
have brought the season's road work in their respective townships
to a successful close. These gentlemen have given the very best
of satisfaction, and there will be an ernest effort put forth to
secure their services for another year.
- William Myers on last Thursday was called by telegram to the
bedside of his mother who is dangerously ill at Findlay, Ohio.
- Myron Myers lost a valuable grade Norman colt by horse
- Several farmers would have finished gathering corn last week,
but for the storm Friday.
- Mrs. Joe Jordan has moved from Deloit to Mason's Grove.
- James McKim is preparing to move to Pickerel, Neb., to
engage in the hardware business in partnership with his brother
J. R. McKim. Deloit regrets to loose Jim.
- Washington Myers has purchased a 111 acre farm adjoining
James Newcom on the north from Mr. Wedlock, of Holstein.
- Invitations are out for a grand ball at the rink in Deloit
this Friday night under the management of our fun provoking
J. L. Ainsworth, which insures its success.
Denison Review
11-13-1889 Pg. 8
A good many farmers through husking corn and report a
much lighter crop than expected.
- There were a great many strangers in Deloit last Saturday
and Sunday attending quarterly meeting of the L. D. S. church.
- Miss Jennie Morris went last Saturday to Woodbine to attend
Normal school there for the next two terms.
- Miss Jennie Hodgson, of Clinton, a very bright and
intelligent teacher, arrived in Deloit last Thursday and for
the present is stopping with her friends, Annie and Sadie Quigley.
Miss H. will teach in Stockholm township the coming winter.
- Frank Myers reports all the machinery on the ground to
complete the mill repairs and that the same will be in place in a
few days. The owners of this mill have shipped in some No. 1
wheat from Minnesota and are prepared to offer to the public as
good a grade of flour as can be obtained in this market.
- Cigars were very plentiful in Deloit last Monday; cause - a
feminine wonder of the usual weight at W. R. Johnson's. Mother
and child doing well and W. R. still smiling.
- J. L. Ainsworth's combination at the rink last Friday night,
was a complete success as was expected. Come again, John, a little
fun is a good thing sometimes.
- Mr. Enoch Lentz has finished quite extensive repairs on his
home in Deloit. Mr. L. and family now enjoy a very comfortable
- There is some talk of starting another store in this town
in the near future.
- Mr. Chas. Roberts, Esau McKim's foreman, is preparing to
move to Nebraska. In Mr. R. Deloit loses an intelligent and
moral citizen.
- Since election we hardly know whether we are in Iowa or
Denison Review
John Goff is getting his feed mill preparatory to the
winter season's grinding.
- Mrs. Cornelius Jordan has been on the sick list for the
last week but is at present writing very much better.
- Jennis Hodgson opened the winter term of school in the
Henkel distr'ct Stockholm township last Monday. Prof. Chas.
Flint of Deloit will commence the winter term of school in Kiron
next Monday. Deloit is justly proud of her excel'ent corps of
teachers of whom she has a goodly number.
- Our cattle feeders report their stock doing remarkably well
this fall, but say that half the number are not being fed that
were in the yards hereabout last winter.
- Hog cholera, we hope has about spent itself in this
neighborhood for the present, as no new cases are reported.
- The raise in prices last week has caused a better feeling among
its farmers and sent out stockmen rushing over the country anxious
to make contracts on corn at present prices for future delivery,
but farmers would not consent to be bound except at an advanced
- There was a dance at Mr. Fred Schuler's new house last
Friday night and a very enjoyable time was had.
- Mrs. Jas. Newton bought of Jas. Newcom last week a pair
of very fine grade norman colts at a fair price.
- This splendid weather enables our farmers to round up the
fall work and prepare for winter to better advantage than for many
previous years.
- Ethan McKim has secured the services of Mr. Dunbar to
superintend his farming operations for the ensuing year. This
is the right man in the right place.
- It is said by competent judges that on last Saturday night
at the alliance meeting, Mr. Woolsoncroft delivered the most
forcible discourse ever pronounced in Deloit.
Denison Review
Richard Hall and family have removed from the farm to town
into a house owned by W. R. Johnson. Mr. H. and family are quite
an acquisition to Deloit society.
- J. S. McMinnimee, an old time Deloit miller, is here on a
visit to his children and other friends for a short time when he
will again return to the scene of his future usefulness at Oto,
Woodbury County.
- James McKim is home again from his tour in Nebaska, Kansas
and Arkansas. Mr. McKim gives a glowing account of Pittsburgh,
Crawford county, Ark., and with his brother J. R., has concluded
to make that thriving village his future home. Goodrich looses
another good democrat.
- C. A. Roberts and family departed last Tuesday for Nebaska,
their future home.
- Samuel Lentz has a little boy dangerously ill with diphtheria.
- Mrs. Minerva Rounds, of Moville, arrived her last week for
an extended visit with her mother, Mrs. Jordan, and other relatives.
- There was a select party at Charles Myers' last Saturday
evening and a splendid time is reported.
- Two or three of our most worthy young men are about to soon
call on Clerk Wheeler on important business.
- Last week in digging a well Lyman Morris, at the depth of
60 feet, failed to reach water and gave up the job until some
future time.
- Mrs. Ina Trusdell of Colorado is here visiting her aunt,
Mrs. C. A. Roberts, for some time.
- At the M. E. church last Friday evening there was organized
a Sunday school lyccum to meet every Friday evening during the
winter. It is confidently expected that great benefit will be
derived from these meetings. Speed the good work.
- At the Alliance meeting in Deloit Saturday evening,
Nov. 30 there will be a joint debate on the question, "Resolved,
that the alliance deserves more credit than the anti-prohibitions
for the defeat of Hutchison for Governor." There will be six good
speakers on each side and a good time is expected. Ladies invited
to attend.
Denison Review
A Surprise at Deloit
To the great surprise of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Miller, about forty of their friends, accompanied with delicious viands of all descriptions, met at their pleasant home on Saturday evening last, to help them celebrate their twentieth wedding anniversary. It was a first-class surprise to be sure. J. L. was "up town" talking politics, but he was sent for. Although the surprise had been talked about for over a week they did not get to hear of it. Who says Deloit folks cannot keep a secret?
The company was entertained with instrumental music by Mrs. J. C. Phillips, after which there was singing. Will McKim sung as he had never sung before; in fact all present seemed to sing as if they meant it. At about 10 o'clock supper was served. It consisted of cakes of all kinds, chicken, pies, biscuit, in fact everything that was. John Goff intended eating a piece of mince pie, but "got left." Nevertheless supper passed off pleasantly.
After a cross-examination by A. G. Myers, Mr. and Mrs. Miller
were conducted to the kitchen, where they were presented with an
elegant set of dishes. Geo. Myers making the presentation speech.
Mrs. M. was almost too much overcome to thank them, and Mr. M. was
"too full for utterance." At a late hour all departed for their
homes with the wish that Mr. and Mrs. Miller might live to see many
more anniversaries.
Denison Review
- Annie Quigley commenced school in Center school house in
Stockholm on last Monday. Minnie Quigley at No. 10, Milford.
Lucy Flint at No. 1, Goodrich, and Sadie Quigley at Center in
Levey township, Sac county. This latter school is one of the
leading schools in Sac county, and Miss Q. has secured an advance
which she is richly entitled to. Center school and No. 3, both of
Milford, have not as yet, secured a teacher.
- Being out of town on Saturday and Sunday we are unable to
report further than that the debate at the alliance was decided
in favor of the affirmative. How judges at a country debate will
decide is past finding out until after the debate.
- At Taylor Nixon's on Friday night a select party of our best
young folks had a box supper, and with games, music and other
past-times, spent a most enjoyable time.
- There was a pow wow and dance in Deloit on Thanksgiving night
to the utter disgust of peacefully disposed citizens who were kept
awake all night by the howls of "bedlam let loose."
- Quite a party invaded the domicile of J. L. Miller on Saturday
night, it being the twentieth anniversary of his marriage.
- A most deplorable accident befell Ben Worley on Saturday.
While engaged in shelling corn he got his hand caught in he gearing
of the sheller which resulted in a most horribly mangled hand.
Dr. Moore, of Vail, says that perhaps part of the member may be
saved, while Dr. Darling, of the same place, says that the hand will
have to be amputated at the wrist. Ben was one of our most
industrious young men, and has the sympathy of the whole community.
- At Enos Lentz's on Thursday night a party of some 30 friends
and relatives of the family gathered. The occasion was a birthday
party. After the presentation of numerous presents, both useful
and valuable, the company proceeded to enjoy themselves in true
western style, and a glorious time was had.
- This fine weather is the delight of our farmers, who in the
meantime, are improving each moment in making needed repairs for
the winter.
- Trade was never so dull before in Deloit as it is this fall.
Denison Review
- Ben Worley, the young man who had his right hand crushed in
the gearing of a corn sheller two weeks ago, had three fingers and
part of the hand amputated last week, and there is danger that
another finger will be lost.
- Emory Robbins of near Danbury is attending school at Deloit.
Emory is a grandchild of Mrs. Hunt.
- There has been a petition very numerously signed in this part
of the country the last week praying out senators and representatives
in Congress for a law to prohibit gambling on "Change in Chicago."
- Hog cholera has again attached the porker in this vicinity
with more violence than usual and farmers are rushing off their
stock at a very rapid rate, some of which is not half fat, which
must certainly have a depressing tendency on the market.
- Uncle Sam makes his tri-weekly visit at present to Deloit in
grand style riding majestically behind a spanking pair of iron gray
mules with Wm. Whipkey at the helm. Mail always on time.
- Frank Meyers received a letter from his brother William in
Ohio, stating that their aged mother is slowly but surely recovering
from her recent illness which has been noted in my correspondence
some time ago, and that he, Wm. Myers., one day last week shot and
killed two deer within three miles of his home. This was in
Hancock Co., Ohio, a densely wooded country and the home of much
game. This was welcome news to Wm's very many friends in Deloit.
- Mrs. Stephen Goff of Cherokee, is spending a few weeks in
Deloit visiting her sister, Mrs. Silas Wedlock and other friends.
- A syndicate of gentlemen have rented the rink of W. R.
Johnson. The purpose is not made known. May we not be allowed to
hope that Deloit is on the eve of a tremendous boom and, Mr. Editor,
we can stand a great deal of booming, that's a fact. Our capacity
is unlimited for that kind of diet.
- Carl Winey's face was luminous with smiles last Thursday
morning, caused by the advent of an azure eyed little baby girl
who called on him for board and protection, all of which was most
tenderly accorded. Mother doing well.
- At the pleasant home of N. H. Brogden on Friday evening,
it being the eleventh birthday of Miss Cora, quite a number of
her playmates enjoyed a very pleasant time in commemorating the
event. Miss Cora received many very nice presents.
- Mrs. Newton on Friday evening received an elegant rocking
chair, a gift from her many friends, the occasion being the
anniversary of her birthday.
- Mr. Mel. Poore of Neb., is stopping with his friend,
Fred Schuler, in Deloit at present.
- There will be another of those interesting debates on
Saturday night at the school house in Deloit, under the auspices
of the alliance, and an agitation begun that will terminate but
with the reduction of salaries of county officials.
- Mr. C. J. Newcom and family have returned from Omaha to
Denison Review
- On last Friday evening quite a number of your folks enjoyed
a very pleasant dance at the hospitable home of N. V. Jordan.
- Mrs. Wm. Jordan of Deloit, is visiting her son, Hart Jordan,
in Missouri.
We are glad to be able to report that several of our farmers have been able to stay the ravages of the swine plague most effectually. The remedy or preventive consists in the following formula: Take good green hard wood ashes, put into a water tight vessel, cover the ashes with boilin water, stir thoroughly, let settle, feed from one quart to two quarts of this lye to each hog according to size in the slop. The result has been in every case where it has been tried that those hogs well enough to partake of the slop thus prepared have, in every instance, got well. This remedy is to be continued every day until every trace of the disease has disappeared from the herd. Skeptics may inquire of Messrs. Myron Myers, I. A. Goff, Fred Schuler and Dale Albright who have each saved their hogs by this treatment.
James McKim left last Monday for his future home in Pittsburg, Ark., Mrs. McK. Remaining with her mother in Deloit until spring when she will join her husband. Deloit looses a good citizen in the person of Mr. McK.
At the debate in the school house on Saturday night the question was "Resolved. That the absorption of all the industrial classes into one society will be detrimental to the alliance." Wm. Quigley and John Woolsoncroft have been secured on the affirmative and negative respectively, which ensures an exhaustive statement on either side, as both of these gentlemen are forcible speakers.
Our schools in Milford, after a great deal of trouble, are all running smoothly under a competent cops of teachers, and the young idea is fast learning how to shoot.
What has Deloit been doing to the genial J. T. Ainsworth of
late? Why we have not seen you since election. Come again my
friend or else we shall have to invest in crape for the loss of
our best debater. Come John don't play coy at the expense of your
best friends.
Denison Review
Mr. Laub tells us that the Deloit mill is again running. The
building has been moved back from the river bank, and the power
is conveyed from the water wheel to the mill by a process which
is said to work well. The mill has new machinery and is in shape
to do good work.
Denison Review
Henry Daniels little boy, whose illness was noticed in
this correspondence last week, died on the 25th ult. and was
buried from the L. D. S. church on the 26th. As this was the
only child, the parents had the sympathy of the community.
- E. Lentz's little eleven years old girl is seriously ill,
yet our board of health goes right on quite oblivious of its
duty and responsibility, thereby, subjecting the whole community
to the infection of contagious disease.
- Messrs. John and James Newcom, N H. Brogden, F. L. Johnson
and John Anderson shipped stock to Chicago last week.
- Sadie Quigley is home from Sac county for the holidays.
- Jennis Morris is home for a two weeks' vacation from
Woodbine where she is attending normal this winter.
- Scott McKim, whose place in the store at Deloit will be
occupied by N. L. Hunt after the 10th of January is going to
Arkansas to look up a business site.
Denison Review
Scott McKim, whose name we mentioned last week, will go to Arkansas to look up a business site when he proposes to enter on a venture of his own. Mr. McKim is well qualified for mercantile activity as he has had give years experience in the business and possesses every qualification to please those with whom he may come into business contact.
We have frequently heard it remarked of late that diphtheria in children and cholera in hogs always make their appearance in the same locality about the same time. If this be true, will not some of the medical fraternity rise and explain.
Mrs. Bennett, mother of Lyman and Henry Morris and Mrs. Flint, has returned in good health from a six month's visit to her old home in New York state. Mrs. B. says there is no place like Iowa.
We understand that there is to be 80,000 brick manufactured in Deloit next summer for the purpose of building a business house in this town.
The mill is running very satisfactorily to the owner and is turning out the finest grade of flour in the county with a far larger yield of flour per bushel of wheat than any of its competitors. Frank Myers says that farmers patronizing him can be sure of not only their sacks but every pound of flour that is in their wheat.
- Mr. Dunbar moved last week into the house in Goodrich made vacant
by the removal of Jas. McKim to Arkansas.
- Mr. D. will superintend
farming operations for Ethan McKim for the ensuing year.
- Elders Derry and Clothier, of Kansas, respectively have been
preaching the gospel at the brick church in Deloit the last week.
- Lacey Rowley has moved his house onto the land owned b Clark
Winans where he will farm some of Clark's fine farm this next year.
- Mrs. Geo. Newcom and two children of Nebraska, are visiting
with her father and mother, Ethan McKim and wife, and other
relatives hereabouts. Mrs. N. has a host of friends around Deloit
who are always glad to extend a hearty welcome when it is convenient
for her to visit her old home.
- Scott McKim moved into his own house last week and out of
N. L. Hunt's fine residence.
- A few friends enjoyed a pleasant evening last Thursday at
the hospitable home of Posy Day.
- Fred Schuler is somewhat under the weather for the last
few days, but we hope that it is nothing serious.
Enoch Lentz lost a fine bright boy of eight years of age. He died last Saturday with scarlet fever and three more of his children are down with the same disease. Our public schools have been closed for a week and a rigid quarantine maintained and every precaution is being taken to confine the disease within its present limits. Mr. and Mrs. Lentz and family have the sympathy of the whole community in this their sad affliction.
Our stockmen returned last week from Chicago and report that they "struck a bad market" and are correspondingly depressed.
- Hogs are still dying at a fearful rate up in Stockholm
- Mr. Patchin, one of our oldest inhabitants, says he
experienced just such a winter as this fifty years ago when he
was living in Elgin.
- Maud Leslie of Clinton was visiting relatives and friends
hereabouts. Miss L. is a prime favorite with every one who is
lucky enough to possess her acquaintance.
- There are several items on the boards that we will be
glad to write when the time comes to give them a proper airing.
Wm. Huckstep lost a tow months old baby last Friday.
Before going to Mr. H's father's on New Years day, Mrs. Huckstep
gave to the little one a dose of soothing syrup. When they
arrived at their destination the babe was in a lethargy from
which it "never revived". The funeral took place in Vail,
Saturday last.
Denison Review
Henry Morris of Milford, sold his fine farm to W. A. McHenry of
Denison last week. It would seems as if nature exerted her
every effort to make this an ideal stock farm. We hope Mr. M.
may conclude to remain with us, for Milford can but ill spare such
men as Mr. Morris.
- Wash Meyers has rented the 120 acre farm in Goodrich belonging
to Ethan McKim, and will move onto it the first of March. We are
glad that Wash has given up going to Nebraska.
- William Whiting, son of W. W. Whiting, is very sick with
lung fever.
- Two of Jerome Laughery's children are seriously ill with
diphtheria. They are in care of Dr. Darling, of Vail, which
ensures them scientific treatment.
- Enos Lentz's four children, who are suffering with scarlet
fever, are on the mend, and it is hoped that the crisis in their
case is past.
- Dal Albright and wife were on last Thursday surprised by a
goodly number of friends, it being the fifteenth anniversary of
their wedding.
- Fred Schuler delivered in Vail last Thursday, a choice bunch
of steers of his own raising and feeding. Mr. S. says he got an
outside figure for them.
- John Wollsoncroft was called to Des Moines by telegram last
Friday. Mr. W. has received a commission from the state secretary
as alliance organizer for Crawford county.
- A strong effort will be made at Des Moines this week to
secure to a Crawford county man some appointment by the House.
Hope they may succeed as both aspirants democrat as well as
republican are deserving men.
- Esau McKim is in a precarious state of health and fears
are expressed for his ability to resist disease this winter.
We sincerely hope, however, that these fears may prove groundless.
Denison Review
Frozen to Death
On Monday night Mrs. Frank Myers, wife of the Deloit miller, while laboring under temporary insanity, arose from her bed and without dressing, started southward through the snow. She was found frozen to death two and a half miles south of Deloit. Her husband heard her get up about 3 o'clock in the morning and called. She answered near the bridge. He then got up, dressed and lit a lantern to hunt for her. Finding her gone he went for help in his search. Many Deloit people responded.
A party consisting of
N. L. Hunt, N. Jordan, Wm. Quigley, J. B. Dawson and E. Daugherty
found her frozen dead in the vicinity of O. Ainsworth's at eight
in the morning, Tuesday, Jan. 21. She had been in ill health for
some time but it was not thought necessary to keep a close watch
on her movements. Mrs. Myers was one of the Bunberry sisters
with whom many are acquainted and a lady highly esteemed.
Denison Review
We are requested by John Woolsoncroft, county organizer, to announce through this correspondence that an alliance meeting, for members in good standing only, will be held at the schoolhouse in Deloit on next Saturday evening at which the most important business that has as yet come before the body will be considered. A full attendance of members is expected to be present...
- Thaddeus Whiting is dangerously ill with pleurisy at the home
of his uncle, Joseph Laughery.
- Maud Turner is seriously ill with erysipelas, but Dr. Homes
is confident he can bring her out all right.
- Mrs. F. Schuler is very sick with lung fever, and in the
care of Dr. Wilkinson, who has been very successful in his practice
around Deloit.
- W. R. Johnson is suffering seriously with some kind of
lung trouble, and very many are in the "grippe" of influenza.
- John Wollsoncroft came home lat Thursday from Des Moines.
- William Goodrich and surveyor Fink paid Deloit a visit
Saturday evening.
- Amos Weaver is in a struggle with rheumatism of a very
severe type.
Denison Review
Our town is one vast hospital, as every body is more or less sick. It becomes our sad duty to notice the death of Thaddeus Whiting, a young man of about 21 years of age, and son of W. W. Whiting, of Goodrich township, who died on Friday morning at two o'clock of pneumonia, superinduced by an attach of "grippe".
Miss Maud Turner, daughter of James Turner of Milford township, departed this life on Saturday night of erysipelas in the head. Miss Turner was a bright young lade and one of Deloit's successful teachers. Both of these young people will be sadly missed from their large circle of friends, as they were both general favorites. These deaths following so close on the melancholy demise of Mrs. C. F. Myers, who was one of the brightest ladies in Deloit, cast a gloom over this whole community which will not soon pass away.
James Jordan has been engaged to superintend farming operations for Easu McKim for the ensuing year on Mr. McK's upper farm. Mr. McKim is to be congratulated upon securing the services of such an intelligent farmer as Mr. Jordan.
Henry Munson is preparing to move to Nebraska as soon as the
weather will permit.
- Scott McKim continues to be delayed from starting on his trip
to Arkansas on account of the precarious condition of health of his
brother-in-law, Joseph Winans.
- Lincoln Dunbar will occupy this summer the pleasant home made
vacant by his father. We are glad to retain the ever jovial "Link"
in our midst.
- A good teacher can secure a three months term at No. 7.
Otter Creek township. Carl Winey direct. Apply at once.
Denison Review
William McKim has rented for cash in advance, his fine farm just north of town to a Mr. Myler, of Illinois. Mr. McKim starts Monday in company with his brother Scott, for an extended trip through Arkansas with a view of embarking in some business enterprise.
Death has again visited our already grief stricken community the victim this time being the son of Mr. Dillivan just east of town. This young man was on a visit to his parents and left Pittsburg, the city of his residence about two weeks ago. He was a very intelligent and bright young fellow who, had he lived, would have made his mark high on the roll of fame. The funeral services were held at the brick church. Elder Turner officiating, on last Thursday at 2 o'clock p.m., the remains being followed to the grave by quite a number of relatives and neighbors. The last sacred rites of the Catholic religion were performed in the Catholic church in Barneveld, Wisconsin, on Sunday, Jan. 26th, for the repose of the soul of the late Mrs. C. F. Myers, of Deloit, at 10 o'clock a.m. A vast procession formed in which 135 vehicles beside a great many people on foot and horseback took part and followed the remains to the grave.
Last Saturday and Sunday there was quarterly meeting at the
M. E. church. The attendance was small owing partly to the very
bad condition of the roads.
- Mrs. N. L. Hunt is very sick at this writing, but the doctor
says there is at present no danger.
- A "scrap" took place on our main street last Friday afternoon
when a great many blows were struck and some kicks delivered in the
air with such force that had anything been in the way there must
have been a collision, but no-one was hurt. Come boys if you don't
behave better we will give names in the future.
- W. R. Johnson, one of our blacksmiths, is preparing to go west
on account of lung trouble. We are sorry to lose the genial Will.,
but hope he shall find the health he seeks in the west.
- Silas Wedlock is here and is preparing to move his estimable
family to Sioux City. Mr. W. having secured a permanent situation
in a moulding and planning factory there at a good salary. We are
very sorry to loose this family from amongst us.
Denison Review
- Since our last, many changes have taken place in Deloit.
Our long time friend Henry Munson and his pleasant wife have gone
to Nebraska and Esau McKim has lost one of the most faithful helps
in this vicinity.
- Fred Schuler and estimable family have moved back on the farm.
In the removal of this family Deloit loses one of its social
- James Jordan and Belle Dunbar wee married Feb. 4th and have
gone to housekeeping in one of Esau McKim's houses attended by the
best wishes of this community.
- W. R. Johnson has gone to Sioux City to work, the confinement
in his blacksmith shop not agreeing with his health. Mr. J. expects
to send soon for his family.
- John Goff has sold his house and lots and is going to move to
Sioux City. We are ill prepared to lose the genial John and his
respected family, but it seems Deloit is bound to suffer the loss
of its best citizens.
- Geo. Enright and family will move to Vail next week to secure
better school facilities.
- J. B. Dawson, we understand, will work William Goodrich's farm
the ensuing year.
- James Newcom has given up his purpose of going to Nebraska
this spring. This is one thing to be thankful for.
- Elvertte Laughery, wife and family moved last week to
- John Woolsoncroft is just rushing the alliance business since
he was appointed county organizer.
- We are called upon to deplore the loss of another of our best
and influential neighbors, whose hospitable roof and hearty welcome
well illustrates the leading characteristic of the Celtic race.
Fred Shirtcliff moved last week to Paradise township to superintend
a farm for his father.
- There are a few gentlemen negotiating for the store at Kiron,
who intend to run it on a cash basis and in the interests of the
- There is quite an interest manifested in the coming election
of school directors, as an effort shall be made to have the
treasurership in Deloit.
- There was quite a ripple of excitement caused in Deloit by
the publication in the Vail Observer of the now famous Rudd letter
to Mr. Ryan. Good-bye Mr. Rudd, goodbye.
Denison Review
Deloit News
The funeral services of Miss Maude Turner will take place at
the Saint's chapel, Deloit, on Sunday, May 1, beginning at
11 o'clock A.M. The services will be conducted by Elder Charles
Derry of Magnolia.
Denison Review
U. S. Dunbar and family moved from our thriving city Saturday
onto the Esau McKim farm north of town.
- Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Hunt and son Blaine spent Saturday at the
county capital.
- Peter E. Nordell of the firm of Norelius & Nordell, of Kiron
made our office a brief call one day last week.
- Elder C. J. Hunt arrived recently from Lamoni, Ia. having
attended the L. D. S. conference, which took place. He reports a
harmonious and successful session.
- Elder Jno.Rounds drove across the country in the rain and
mud from the northern part of the state, where he has spent several
weeks holding meetings. He informs the writer that he will remain
in Deloit until after the conference which is to be held here in June.
- Uncle Esau McKim is visiting old acquaintances this week in
Quincy, Ill. And enjoying the sights which that city possesses.
We hope he will have a royal time and return to his home safe.
- Chas. Flint, contemplates starting for Osceola county, Ia.
next week where he intends to engage for the summer breaking
prairie land.
- E. K. Patchin, one of our sturdy and energetic young men,
leaves this week for Arion, where he has secured a situation in
the brick yard. Many of our fair damsels heave a sigh to learn
that he leaves their midst.
- Mr. Henry Snell of Goodrich township, was transacting
business with our merchants last week. Also John Winquist and
Alfred Olson of Kiron, transacted business with Deloit merchants.
By the way, our merchants have their goods marked away down, and
Deloit is rapidly coming to the front as being the cheapest place
to buy goods in the county.
- Elder H. O. Smith and family, of Woodbine, came up last
Saturday, returning on Monday, Mr. S. filled the L. D. S. pulpit
Saturday evening; also Sabbath morning and evening. He has been
assigned the Rocky mountain mission, and will start for his field
of labor about May 12th.
- John Dobson, one of our respected and pioneer settlers, is
at present writing very sick with measles, having a severe attack
of measles. Several cases have been reported during the past week.
- Will Rounds have moved into the Wedlock residence on Smokey
street, and F. M. Clark has moved his family into the mansion
vacated by Mr. Rounds.
- We regret to state that Mrs. Robert Richmond has been quite
sick for a number of days past.
- William Johnson has arrived back to Deloit, and will make his
future home here. Mr. Johnson used to be the city blacksmith during
the last years he resided here, and will probably re-open his
shop again.
- Alfred Hallberg, our popular miller, made our office a pleasant
call on Thursday. His account of life in the far West, where he has
been the past year, are interesting to a "tenderfoot." Alfred owns a
half interest in the Deloit mill, which has a complete roller system.
Denison Review
Deloit sends New Years greeting to the people of Denison and of Crawford county in the person of N. L. Hunt, who by the grace of God and the voters of Crawford county, will be our auditor for the next two years, hoping that he may always be as faithful to his duties and trusts as he has been found to be in his dealings with his fellow men in and about Deloit, so that at the end of two years it can be said, "Well done thou good and faithful servant.
- J. L. Ainsworth was visiting his sister Mrs. Cary Phillips the
past week.
- James and Scott McKim came home from their Nebraska trip Friday
evening. They stopped in Omaha and took in the sights. Scott has
accepted a position as salesman in Hunt Bros. store.
- George Dare of Ida county, was visiting over Sunday with
J. L. Miller's.
- Scyp Newcom and wife returned from their visit to Dunlap
- The dance advertised to come off at the hall Saturday night,
failed to materialize on account of the bad weather. The boys hope
to try it again when the weather is more favorable.
- Rev. Peck of Harlan is holding a serious of meetings at the
L. D. S. church. He is a fine talker and an able and logical reasoner.
Much interest is manifested.
- A large number of friends and neighbors collected at the
house of Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Johnson to celebrate their wooden wedding
Saturday evening. They received quite a number of presents.
- Oscar Ainsworth gave a talk to his old soldier friends
Thursday night at the M. E. church, which was quite interesting.
- The lyccum still booms. Last Friday evening the house was
crowded to hear the discussion of Clevelands veto of the dependent
pension bill. It was decided that it was not just for him to veto
it. Subject next Friday "Resolved that the salaries of the county
officers should be reduced." The programme will be well carried
out and interspersed with music and recitations.
Denison Review
- Geo. Enright arrived back Saturday from his trip to Nebraska.
- Elders Jas. Turner and Jno. Rounds went to Auburn, Ia. the
last of the week to hold a series of meetings.
- Messrs. Bert Stone, Geo. Monagh, J. Bond and H. A. Norman,
of Denison, were to be seen in our midst the last of the week.
- Mrs. John Goff and son Burr of Arion, returned to their
home in the city after a week's stay with relatives here.
- John Lentz and family are again residents of our town
having moved into the Esau McKim house recently vacated by
F. M. Clark.
- Rev. Ed Fegtley of Charter Oak, a former postmaster and
merchant of Deloit, was here Wednesday calling on his old friends.
While here he disposed of his lots and house to Dal Albright.
- The old school house in district no. 10 has been condemned
by the Milford school board as being unsafe. The balance of the
term will be taught in the Jake Worley house.
Denison Review
N. L. Hunt received a carload of salt last week.
- A. Norelius of Kiron, visited Deloit on Wednesday.
- Deloit is full of conference visitors from far and near.
- Bullock & Dunbar, of Denison, were transacting business her on
- Mrs. John Hall returned to her home in Woodbine, Monday, after a
brief visit with relatives here.
A few of our young people attended the graduating exercises at
Denison and report a good time.
Lou Fox and wife, of Lake City, Iowa, were the guests of
Rev. E. S. Fox and wife the fist of the week.
Miss Altha Goff, of Arion, came in on Saturday to attend conference
over Sunday and visit with her old schoolmates.
W. T. Huckstep had the bad luck last Saturday while cutting down
trees, to have his ankle broken by a falling tree.
Mrs. Mary Hunt, of Woodbine, is spending several weeks at the
home of Aunt Margaret Hunt, who still continues to be on the
sick list.
Rev. E. Olson of Kiron, passed through our midst Monday on his
way to Burlington, Ia., to attend the annual conference of the
Swedish Baptist which convenes this week in this city.
At the Fourth of July meeting held last Wednesday was attended
by a very small number. It was decided to meet on Saturday
evening of this week at the Deloit school house for the purpose
of deciding whether Deloit will celebrate.
A.C. Rudd and wife, of Bell, C. T. Dobson and wife, of Odebolt,
Jno. Goff and family, of Arion, were among the large throng who
attended the conference, and visited relatives over Sunday in
Mrs. N. J. Smith of Ford City, Kansas, arrived Saturday to spend
some time visiting relatives and old acquaintances. Mrs. Smith
is a cousin of Mrs. N. L. Hunt and Jack Mason.
At the township meeting held last Saturday at the Milford Center
school house, a tax was voted for the purpose of building a school
house in district No. 10 which was recently condemned by the board.
Denison Review
Mr. Enos Lentz and son, Wilbur visited in Sac county, Sunday.
Chas. Schurke of Charter Oak was here last Tuesday.
Elder Chas. J. Hunt left last Friday evening for Asher, Iowa to
hold meetings.
Mrs. Ben F. Galland arrived home on Friday after a several days
visit with relatives at Arion.
Alfred Brodgen and wife, of Odebolt, visited relatives in Deloit
the latter part of the week.
John McKim and family, of Pittsburg, Kansas, are enjoying a visit
with relatives in Deloit this week.
Mr. and Mrs. L. J. Miller and Mr. and Mrs. Alma Jordan visited
over Sunday with friends and relatives on the Cook & Sons ranch
in Sac county.
Mr. N. S. Sanstrom and family of Kiron, passed through Deloit on
Friday on their way to Omaha where they will spend a few days.
B.L. Richardson, Elmer Johnson and C. A. Galland started Monday
for northwestern Iowa to spend a week or more gathering ginseng.
Rev. E. S. Fox and wife spent several days this week visiting
relatives at Lake City, Iowa, and taking in the sights of that
Sylvester Horr has opened an ice cream and lemonade parlor in the
Wm. Johnson rink and every Saturday afternoon will be the time when
refreshments in this line can be had.
Mrs. F. Smith ended her stay here Friday and left for Manning, Iowa,
where she will spend a couple of days with relatives, and then goes
to visit friends at Marshalltown before returning to her home in
Deloit will celebrate and efforts are being made to have a good one.
A grand display of fireworks will be had in the evening. Come one,
come all, and enjoy yourself.
The committee to arrange for the Old Settlers' annual picnic met at
the residence of N. L. Hunt and fixed August 8th as the date for
their next annual celebration to be held here.
We are very glad to be able to report Aunt Margaret Hunt as
much better. Her complete recovery is anticipated during the
next few weeks. She has had a very severe illness and it looked
for awhile as though the reaper would come out best, but thanks to
a kind Providence and more than kind nursing she is getting well
Denison Review
Come to Deloit on the Fourth.
Eugene McKim returned from Ames college last Thursday.
- On Friday last James T. Newcom had a heifer killed by lightning.
- Mrs. Sarah Dobson is visiting relatives in Sac county for
several weeks.
- J. D. Seagraves of Denison visited the first of the week at
the home of Franklin Prentice.
- A large number of our young folks drove out to the Baptist
church near Kiron Sunday evening.
- Ira Goff, of Arion, spent several days of last week in Deloit
and vicinity. Mr. Goff was a former resident here.
- Miss Altha Goff, of Arion, is spending a short vacation with
relatives and schoolmates in Deloit for several weeks.
- Mrs. John L. Ainsworth is spending a week or more visiting
relatives in Paradise township and J. L. Looks very lonesome.
Wonder if he has been trying the culinary art?
- The bridge near the McKim old mill site has been repaired and
travel resumed. The bridge spanning Boyer near Hallberg mill is
reported as being in a dangerous condition.
- The Old Settler's annual picnic will be held September 5th
instead of Aug. 8th as we stated last week. The committee will
meet August 8th at Deloit to arrange for the picnic and request all
interested to meet with them.
- Owing to the fact that the bridge near Hallberg Bros. mill
is in an unsafe condition it has been thought best to hold the
Fourth of July celebration in town. Artificial shade will be
provided and the celebration will no doubt be as grand as if held
in the grove. Good band music will be in attendance.
Denison Review
Corn is being laid by.
- J. M. Coulter of West Side, made a recent visit to our burg.
- Miss Beatrice Newcom is home from her visit and stay in Nebraska.
- Mrs. Nellie Leachey and her aunt, Mrs. Williams, were the uests
of Miss Jennie Morris last Friday.
- Rev. E. S. Fox and wife are in Ida Grove this week attending a
Methodist camp meeting which is held there.
- Jas. McMillen and wife, of Sac City, spent several days,
including the Fourth, visiting with their parents at Deloit.
- Scott McKim arrived from Amber the Fourth to enjoy a week or
more with his children and many friends. He reports business good
in Amber.
- Many of our people went to Denison on Sunday to attend the
Holiness Camp meeting, many not returning until the wee small hours
of the morning after.
- Mr. Wm. McKim and family are entertaining Mr. S. Hagan, of
Sioux City, who is spending some time here. He seems to enjoy the
scenes and resources of our beautiful city.
- Among the large throng that came to Deloit the Fourth were
the following people from Arion: Mr. John Goff and family,
Mr. A. N. Galland and the jolly Samuel Laughery: also a large
number of young folks from Kiron.
- Mr. L. S. Miller and wife, Mr. James Newcom and wife and
Miss Jennie Newcom: also James Turner are attending a camp meeting
of the Latter Day Saints near Glidden, Iowa.
- Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Hunt had the pleasure of entertaining as
their guest for several days last week. Rev. McDowell of
Magnolia, Ia. He had been secured to deliver the oration on the
- A party of our young folks composed of Messrs. Alfred
Shuler, Eugene McKim and Bert Huckstep and the Misses Shuter,
Dawson and Snell drove to Dow City the Fourth returning in the
evening. They report an excellent time.
- If the your men who gather here on the Sabbath and run
horses in the public highway do not stop they will be arrested
and fined to the full extent of the law, so say the officers and
we are heartily glad that they have so decided.
Denison Review
A number of our young folks visited Vail Sunday evening.
- E. Gulick was transacting business in our city last week.
- Dr. Darling of Vail will visit at Deloit on Tuesday of next
- Mrs. John R. McKim returned to her home at Pittsburg,
Kansas on Wednesday.
- Mr. N. H. Brodgen and family enjoyed a visit from relatives
of Boone county.
- We acknowledge a pleasant call from J. H. Mitchell of
Carter's ... , Ark. Last Monday.
- Rev. E. S. Fox and wife are at Ida Grove attending a camp
meeting held by the Methodists.
- Elder J. Pett from near Dow City, occupied the pulpit here
Sunday at the L. D. S. church in the morning and evening.
- A party of Council Bluffs folks passed through Deloit,
Saturday, for Wall Lake. They had light rigs with every thing on
- rd necessary to have a good time such as fishing tackles and etc.
Mr. U. S. Dunbar and family are again residents of our town.
They moved her the first of the week. We hope their future may be
bright and prosperous.
- Aunt Sarah Dobson arrived home on Monday from an extended
visit with the family of her son, Mr. Cyrus Dobson at Sac county
and with her daughter at Carroll, Ia.
- We suggest that some one write a book on church etiquette
and furnish a copy to each one of the bright youths who are
continually laughing and whispering during services.
- Scott McKim has severed his ... with the firm he has been
working for at Amber, Iowa. He will go to Clinton, Iowa next Monday
should he not be successful in securing a situation closed to home.
Denison Review
The Deloit Store
Read the advertisement appearing elsewhere of Mr. N. L. Hunt,
of the Deloit store. He sets the example to Denison merchants
of giving a cordial invitation to customers. It has been our
experience for forty years that you can always trade to better
advantage where you are invited to call than where the public
is expected to regard it a privilege to be permitted to trade,
Mr. Hunt is an honorable and capable merchant - a credit to the
town and county.
Deloit news articles from 1873 to 1898, 1916, 1917 including articles for Milford and Goodrich Townships submitted by Melba (Winans) McDowell