Crawford County, Iowa, IAGenWeb


Deloit News from the Denison Review

July - December, 1898

Denison Review


*The celebration at Deloit proved to be a success. The day was fine and the people of the neighborhood began to gather at an early hour. The parade was led by a number of girls dressed in white and carrying the stars and stripes and all singing a Cuba freedom song; followed by a rag muffin party.

The program consisted of Music, Prayer by Rev. G. S. Clift, and a very interesting speech by Stanley Browne. On account of time, the reading of the Declaration of Independence was omitted. Dinner at 12, and in the afternoon at 1:30 the program consisted of Music, Speech by eve. G. S. Clift and J. Dobson, H. H. Brogden, chairman. Then came the sorts. Free for all foot race; Charles Cose, 1st, Bid Cose 2nd. Boys under 15 foot race; Dale Cose 1st, Guy Johnson, 2nd. Wheelbarrow race; Charles Campbell, 1st, Lit Dunbar, 2nd, Jesse Johnson, 3rd. Ring riding, Millard Turner, 1st, Mearl Myers 2nd, Dick Hattery, 3rd. Dancing in afternoon and evening. Everybody had a social, good time and wished for many returns of the day.

Denison Review


*Mr. and Mrs. Hopper went to Dow City Wednesday of last week.
*M. Childress and J. T. Turner drove to Carroll on Thursday of last week to consult a physician about an operation on Mr. Turner's face. He having been sorely afflicted for some time.
*Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Dobson and daughters, Mattie and Dollie, and Blair Dobson of St. Joseph, Missouri, visited at Mrs. A. H. Rudd's over Sunday at Dow City.
*Several of Mrs. M. Hunt's old time friends made her a pleasant surprise Wednesday of last week, when they gathered there with well filled lunch baskets and a hearty good dinner was indulged in as well as a good social visit.
*Mrs. W. Hunt of Omaha, arrived Sunday and spent the Fourth with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. Zea.
*Mrs. J. L. Miller lost on the 4th of July morning, a black cape, lined with gloria silk, between her place in Deloit and Wat Wilkinson's, as they were going to Denison. Anyone finding it will confer on her a favor by leaving it at the post office in Deloit.
*Mr. and Mrs. Scott McKim drove to Denison the evening of the Fourth..
*Alfred Dobson and wife called at Deloit on their way home from Denison the Fourth..
*Mr. and Mrs. J. D. Newcom and Mr. and Mrs. L. Riggleman came to Deloit the morning of the Fourth for a drive.
*J. L. Miller and wife, and David McKim took dinner with Mr. and Mrs. Esau McKim Sunday.
*Mr. and Mrs. W. Noakes of Wall Lake, spent the Fourth at Deloit.

Denison Review


*Clay Miller rode to Deloit on his bike Sunday.
*J. T. Newcom marketed two loads of hogs last Friday in Denison.
*N. H. Brogden and Walt Williams were in the county seat Friday.
*Superintendent and Mrs. A. G. Myers drove to Deloit Sunday evening.
*Mrs. A. G. Myers, Effie and Vernon visited at David Winey's part of last week.
*J. W. Wright and Fred Shumate, of Gallands Grove, spent Saturday in Deloit.
*Uncle Dave McKim expects to start for Pennsylvania Tuesday to visit the old home.
*Clara Richardson entertained two of her cousins, the Misses Chapman, living near Vail.
*Mrs. George Newcom and daughter, Margie, visited with her parents a few days the past week.
*Mr. and Mrs. Adams and C. Squibbs, of Charter Oak, were visiting with friends over Sunday.
*A. Richardson has been sick the past week at the home of his daughter, Mrs. Patchins.
*Grandma Zea and daughter, Mrs. Elmira Hunt, are visiting this week with Fred Landens near Vail.
*The ladies held their missionary meeting Wednesday of last week at the home of Mrs. J. B. Dawson.
*Mrs. Dottie Campbell entertained a number of her relatives last Wednesday in honor of Mrs. Hunt, of Omaha.
*The meetings at the Brick church was well attended Sunday morning. E. T. Dobson addressed the audience subject "Character Building ".
*Eli T. Dobson and son, Austin of St. Joseph, Mo. spent a few days at the old home in Deloit the past week. He and his two sons visited the exposition at Omaha Tuesday.
*Mrs. Sarah Dobson entertained those of her family who live here in family reunion at the home of her daughter, Mrs. S. Horr, Sunday in honor of her son, Eli.
*David and A. H. Rudd, of Dow City, came to Deloit Friday and stayed over Sunday and assisted in the services held at the Brick church Saturday and Sunday.
*Carl Hoppies team ran away with him last Saturday. He was thrown out and the wagon passed over his body. Four of his ribs were broken and scalp wounds were inflicted.
*Little Lilly Rounds met with a serious accident Wednesday of last week when she fell and dislocated her hip and broke her leg below the hip. She is getting along as well as could be expected.
*Messrs. Dal Allbright and Wineys are enjoying a visit from their relatives Mr. and Mrs. A. J. Allbright, of Charlotte, Iowa; Mrs. S. Allbright and son, of Goose Lake, Iowa; Mr. and Mrs. Frank Allbright of Lemars, Iowa and Mrs. Shall? of Nebraska.

Denison Review


*Mrs. Wm. McKim and two daughters, Bernice and Ava, have been spending the past week in Omaha visiting the fair.
*Mrs. C. J. Hunt and Baby Russell arrived home last Thursday after visiting a month with parents at Benan, Iowa.
*Frank McCormick and family passed through town Sunday on their way to the lake for an outing.
*N. L. Hunt and family went to the lake Monday on a vacation.
*Mrs. G. S. Clift came home last week after visiting in Nebraska.
*Mrs. B. F. Wick's nephew and family from Neposet, Illinois, visited for a few days last week on their way to the exposition.
*W. W. Whiting was in Deloit last week on his way to Antelope county, Nebraska.
*Mrs. S. Horr and Ella visited in Sac county last week.
*The Ladies Aid society met at the home of Mrs. M. Hunt Wednesday afternoon.
*Lilly Rounds had to have her limb reset last Friday and is not getting along very well.
*Mr. and Mrs. BlakesvisitedNewell, Iowa, visied at John Moor's part of the last week.
*J. D. Newcom went to Denison Tuesday.
*The Denison visitors this week were Messrs. and Mesdames Taylor Nixon, J. T. Newcom, N. H. Brogden and Alfred Brogden.
*Mr. and Mrs. Carl Winey was in Deloit Wednesday.
*Mrs. L. Riggleman was in town Wednesday doing some trading.
*Clay Miller came up from Denison Tuesday evening and stayed at home over night.
*Mr. Wicks was having some painting done Thursday.
*It is feared that the dry weather has injured the wheat and oat crop. Farmers are busy harvesting.
*Uncle Dave McKim writes from Lancaster, Penn., of his safe arrival and that he was enjoying his visit.
*Mr. Theim of Vail, took dinner with Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Miller Wednesday.
*Mrs. Elmira Hunt returned to Omaha Wednesday.
*Mrs. Sarah Dobson is visiting at the home of Mrs. L. Riggleman this week.
*W. B. Keith started for South Dakota Thursday morning on his bike where he has secured a job through harvesting and threshing.
*G. Brogden and Frank Landen started for South Dakota last Wednesday.

Denison Review


*N. H. Brogden and wife visited at R. Childress last Sunday.
*Mr. and Mrs. Eddie Brogden were guests of Mr. and Mrs. Alfred Brogden last Sunday.
*Cash Newcom sold his old home farm to Mr. Jack Allbright of Charlotte, Iowa, recently we understand his brother Dal expects to farm it.
*Mrs. W. B. Keith and sister Jennie, went up to Kiron Wednesday afternoon.
*Mr. William McKim, of Serio, La. is visiting relatives and friends of this place.
*Mr. and Mrs. Frank McKim of Ida Grove, visited relatives here this week.
*Two lady friends of Sac county visited Grandma McMillan part of the week.
*Burglars seem to be making a raid on the people on the east side of town.
*Walter Williams moved out of Deloit last Wednesday.
*Mrs. Elijah Worley and Mrs. Stickley who have been visiting at Jacob Worley's have returned home.
*Mrs. A. G. Myers drove up to Deloit Tuesday evening.
*Mr. and Mrs. J. B. Dawson and daughter Benjie went to Omaha Tuesday to attend the Exposition.
*We are glad to state that Lilly Rounds is fast recovering and in a few days will be up again.
*As Gene Brogden was returning home from work Tuesday evening the buggy tongue came down going down hill and caused a runaway, Gene getting some severe bruises thereby.
*We were sorry to learn that Alex Black of Galland's Grove lost their fine new house by fire caused by a gasoline stove exploding; we understand there was no insurance on the house. The family have our sympathy.
*Mr. and Mrs. Clarence Cose and daughter Myrtle were in Denison Sunday to consult a physician in regard to the affliction of Myrtle's ear.
*Miss Lilly Case was the guest of Mrs. Katie Halberg last Sunday.
*A fine rain last Tuesday night made vegetation laugh.
*A. C. Dobson visited in Deloit and Denison Saturday and Sunday.
*Several loads of hogs passed through town Thursday morning to market.

Denison Review


*Bert Darling spent a few days in Deloit the past week.
*William Johnson and Elmer Laughery went up to Lake View on their bikes Saturday afternoon of last week.
*Mrs. G. S. Clift was on the sick list last week, but we are glad to state is recovering.
*Ben Beaman returned home to his family last week very much improved in health.
*Gene Brogden moved Wednesday in the Jake Worley house.
*Bert Taylor moved into the Wedlock house last Wednesday.
*Ed Turner is moving to Peabody, Kansas.
*Mrs. Platt Moore and Mrs. C. Wiley were guests of Mrs. S. Horr, Thursday.
*The Ladies' Aid Society met at the home of Mrs. Rogers last Wednesday.
*Mr. Stanley Browne's niece is visiting them and attending the institute.
*Several are attending the normal this week from this place.
*The wet weather has hindered farmers from stacking the past week.

Denison Review


*Quarterly meeting services will be held in the M. E. church next Sabbath evening. Preaching by Rev. J. W. Lothian after which the sacrament of the Lord's supper will be administered.
*C. Wiley and the Cose boys started up their threshing machines this week.
*Several Deloit people went to Denison show day.
*Mrs. Laura Welsh is visiting her sister, Mrs. Ida Turner, this week.
*Charley Franks, who lived here in his boyhood days, visited at S. Horr's last Monday.
*Mrs. Roark, of Odebolt, daughter of Mrs. McMillan, was called to Deloit the first of the week on account of the serious illness of her mother, who at present is much better, and we hope to see her around again soon.
*Sam Justice and family visited at Deloit last Sunday.
*Fred Landen and family visited at his mothers, Mrs. Jane Landens last Sunday.
*Mrs. S. Brogden, Mrs. Jane Landen and Mrs. John Taylor were guests of Mrs. Marge Brogden Wednesday.
*Mrs. J. S. Myers had a carpet rag sewing last Wednesday. Several of the friends were present.
*Miss Bernice McKim spent Monday and Tuesday in Denison.
*Mrs. W. B. Keith is staying with Mrs. A. J. Mason while her husband is gone from home with the threshing machine.
*Mr. Wm. McKim ended his visit at Deloit and went to Ida Grove.
*Mrs. C. J. Newcom received the sad news of the death of her mother in South Dakota last week.
*Lilly Rounds is again up and around. Lilly is a good girl and her many friends are glad of her recovery.
*B. F. Wicks residence looks very neat and clean in its new coat of paint.
*Mrs. M. Hunt went to Denison Thursday of last week to visit her son, Mr. N. L. Hunt and family. On Sunday she went to Arion to visit with her daughter Mrs. John Goff and family.

Denison Review


*J. L. Miller was on the sick list last week.
*Mr. Sibbert was in Deloit on business Saturday.
*George Jordan was a Denison visitor Saturday.
*Mrs. Enos Lentz was on the sick list last week.
*Mrs. C. H. Galland visited in Deloit last week.
*Mr. David Winey went to Denison last Friday.
*Noah Johnson was a Deloit caller Saturday afternoon.
*Clement Dobson rode over to Deloit Saturday afternoon.
*J. D. Newcom went to Denison last Friday with grain.
*Mrs. Stevenson of Bell, visited in Deloit Saturday and Sunday.
*Mr. and Mrs. Hopper were among the Denison visitors Friday.
*Grandma Zea visited at Mrs. Hess Wednesday of last week.
*Dick Brogden and family went to the lake for an outing last week.
*Mr. and Mrs. L. Riggleman went to the county capital last Friday.
*Miss Maud Montgomery was the guest of Mrs. C. J. Hunt last Sunday.
*Mr. and Mrs. Taylor Nixon were Denison visitors Thursday of last week.
*Mrs. Flint and son Charles of Denison drove to Deloit Saturday morning.
*C. Wiley and Bud Cose threshed timothy for S. Horr Friday afternoon
*Mr. and Mrs. Stanley Browne gave a party Thursday eve in honor of his niece.
*Uncle Esau McKim is again able to be about town and attend to his business affairs.
*Mrs. Olive Lentz and two youngest children visited with Mrs. J. S. Myers last Friday.
*Miss Lucy Dillivan and Mrs. R. Richmond drove in town for their mail Friday evening.
*Anna and Mary Lewis went to Greene county last week for a visit with relatives.
*Parley Spence was a Deloit caller Friday, getting some work done in the blacksmith line.
*Clay Miller came up Saturday evening on his bike and remained over Sunday at home.
*Mrs. Scott McKim and Clare visited her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Jordan, Friday afternoon.
*Mr. and Mrs. Jennie Turner and her sister Laura went to Denison, the latter returning to her home.
*Lawrence Winans threshed his wheat Monday. Cose boys and John Taylors machine did the threshing.
*Mr. and Mrs. Wash Myers attended church in Deloit Sunday and took dinner at his mothers Mrs. Melissa Jordan.
*Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Brogden drove through town Sunday
*Mr. and Mrs. H. B. Ellis went to Cherokee Friday to visit a couple of weeks. Mr. and Mrs. Bert Taylor will keep house for them.
*Carl Winey bought a crib of corn of Esau McKim and had it shelled out Saturday afternoon, C. Wiley and Bid Cose doing the shelling.
*Mrs. N. Hunt, Mrs. N. L. Hunt and Miss Blanche Mason and Ninus and Edith Montgomery were guests of Mrs. Noah Johnson on Sunday.
*Mrs. George Newcom and daughter Margie drove down to Deloit Saturday to visit a few days with her parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. McKim.
*Mike Myers, our energetic barber is always one hand wet o day to wait on his customers on regular business days, Saturday afternoons and Sundays.
*Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Newcom and family, Mrs. J. T. Newcom and daughter Jennie started for Clear Lake, Ia., on a pleasure and health trip Monday.
*Chauncy Prentice invented a one man hand power stump puller which beats anything on record, one only needs to watch it work a few minutes to be convinced of the fact.
*N. B. Keith arrived home Sunday from his long expected trip in South Dakota after an absence of about three weeks, wife and baby being left home was quite a natural cause for return.
*Miss Cassie and May Newcom and Ernie Allbright went Friday to take their usual music lesson in the Swede settlement of Mr. Otto Larson, the blind man who is a first-class music teacher.
*Miss Jennie Morris returned home Friday of last week having spent her vacation in Omaha since her school closed, the last week of her stay she attended the Institute in Denison. We learn she will again teach the primary department of our school in Deloit.

Denison Review


*Miss Nellie Patchin was a Deloit visitor Tuesday.
*Mr. and Mrs. Milt Childress were in Deloit Thursday.
*Al Schuler was in Deloit on business Wednesday evening.
*R. Childress went to Denison with a load of hogs Tuesday.
*Noah Johnson went to Denison with a load of hogs Tuesday.
*Mr. Fred Schuler was hauling grain to town the first of the week. Mr. and Mrs. John Mason were in Deloit Monday doing some trading.
*Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Winans went to Denison Wednesday afternoon.
*Elder C. J. Hunt arrived home Tuesday from his ministerial tour in Minnesota.
*Mrs. Rogers and aunt Melissa Jordan, visited at Myron Myers last Tuesday.
*Monday and Tuesday were very warm, the thermometer standing about 95 degrees.
*Mrs. Louisa Lewis and Leialah attended the Ladies Aid Society meeting Wednesday.
*Mrs. Cash Newcom and Mrs. C. J. Hunt were guests of Mrs. Noah Johnson Tuesday.
*John Lentz spent a couple of days in Denison this week doing some work for Supt. A. G. Myers.
*Mr. Harper of Dunlap, stopped in town for dinner Tuesday, on his way to Wall Lake for an outing.
*Fred Dawson went to Omaha Monday to visit the exposition. From there he expects to go to Oklahoma.
*Among those who attended services at the parsonage Monday forenoon were Mr. and Mrs. Ella Cruzan.
*Mr. and Mrs. Shaw and family of Gallands Grove, passed through town Wednesday on their way to the lake.
*Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Miller went up to Lake City Tuesday to visit at her brothers, Mr. R. McKim's a few days.
*E. A. McKim has begun work on the Darling property and expects to make a good deal of improvement on it this fall.
*A temperance service will be held in the M. E. church by the Epworth League next Sabbath evening to which all are invited.
*Nellie Hopper began her school in Center where she taught so long last Monday. She is an energetic teacher and never fails to find employment.
*Mr. and Mrs. George Thompson formerly of this county, but now living near Missouri Valley, visited at B. Gallands and Mrs. Melissa Jordan's Monday.
*There were several letters in last Deloit letter misprinted, think the letter N was probably the handiest to pick up from the over-supply of them contributed in it.
*Bev and Mrs. G. S. Clift and daughter Winnefred attended their regular Tuesday evening prayer service at McAhren school house and stopped overnight with friends, returning Wednesday morning.
*The Ladies Aid Society met at the home of Mrs. S. Horr's Wednesday; the society have three quilts on hand to sell any one wishing to buy will do well to call on the President Mrs. Rogers and look at them and get prices.

Denison Review


*Mrs. M. Hunt is very poorly again.
*Mrs. Landen was a Denison visitor Wednesday.
*John Lewis and S. Horr are visiting the Alta fair this week.
*Busy housewives find employment nowadays canning fruit.
*Turner & Hallberg were at Denison on business Wednesday.
*Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Dobson, of Sac county, were down Tuesday.
*Mr. J. B. Dawson, wife and daughter Benjie went to Denison Thursday.
*Mort McKim and wife were in Deloit Wednesday morning doing some trading.
*Roy McKim arrived home Wednesday after spending a few days at Omaha.
*Mr. and Mrs. E. A. McKim are enjoying a visit from their son, Eugene, of St. Joseph, at present.
*Miss Maggie McIntosh, the primary teacher, has secured board during the term of school, with Mrs. Rogers.
*Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Winans and Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Winans started for an outing at the Lakes Thursday.
*Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Hunt were Denison visitors Wednesday and had some photographs taken of their little boy.
*Mrs. Anna Winans, drove to Deloit Thursday morning startee her children stat on their pleasure and health trip.
*Elders Wm. McKim and C. J. Hunt drove to Odebolt Thursday from there Elder Hunt expects to go to Lake City and assist in ministerial work.
*Mrs. James McKim gave her Sunday school class and one other class a picnic on Wednesday last. The afternoon was pleasant and an enjoyable time was had.

Denison Review

*George Zea and family were Deloit visitors Saturday.
*Mrs. J. L. Miller has been on the sick list the past week.
*Edna Huckstep was the guest Bernice McKim recently.
*John Moor and family are at Storm Lake. They expect to attend the Fonda fair this week.
*The M. E. pastor and U. S. Dunbar are attending the district conference at ?udstein the fore part of the week.
*Mr. and Mrs. Ellis returned home from their visit at Cherokee Wednesday. Their niece accompanied them home.
*A surprise party was held at the home of Rev. G. S. Clift Thursday evening. An enjoyable evening was spent.
*James Newcom and wife and his brother Eugene went to Omaha Monday to attend the fair after which the latter will return to his home in St. Joseph.
*Mr. and Mrs. E. A. McKim and son Eugene visited their daughter, Mrs. Newcom, at Odebolt Friday and Saturday last.
*Wm. Johnson and W. B. Keith went to Arthur last Friday. Mr. Johnson purchased a small engine to run his emery wheel.
*We are glad to note that Grandma McMillan has so far recovered from her recent illness as to be able to attend church Sunday.
*There was nominated at the democratic caucus Saturday night, James McMillan, constable; Stanley Brown, justice of peace; James Petty, assessor.
*N. L. Hunt and wife and Blanch Mason stopped overnight with his mother, Mrs. M. Hunt Saturday night and spent the next day with Dick Brogden.
*Elder Baker of Dow City, visited the L. D. S. Sunday school and preached from Gal. ??? to an attentive audience and held a continuance of the subject in the evening at the same place.
*Jennie Newcom arrived home from Clear Lake Friday. She reports all enjoying themselves and those of poor health much improved. The rest will stay some time. Jennie commenced teaching at the Nixon school house Monday.
*Mary Allbright is placed as a candidate for the prize contest. Miss Allbright is a worthy young lady having been a graduate from our school this summer shows her appreciation of an education and we ask her friends to assist her with their votes to gain the prize.
*A very pleasant surprise was given the M. E. pastor Thursday evening. A large number of the members and friends of the society gathered in the parsonage after the prayer meeting, bringing with them words of cheer. The time passed pleasantly enlivened with song, refreshments were served by the ladies and prayer was offered in which all were commended to God after which the guests took their departure leaving the pastor and family glad because of the visit.

Denison Review


*Taylor Nixon was in Deloit Tuesday.
*Dr. Darling of Vail visited Deloit Tuesday.
*Cose and Taylor threshed for H. H. Ellis Thursday.
*George Jordan visited the county seat Wednesday.
*Mrs. Bowen was in Deloit Wednesday doing some trading.
*Mr. Halberg was in Denison on business Wednesday forenoon.
*Petty boys were threshing for C. Laughery Wednesday afternoon.
*Mr. and Mrs. Winans returned from their pleasure trip Wednesday.
*Wiley & Cose's machine threshed for Jay Myers the fore part of the week.
*Postmaster McKim drove to Denison and back by 9 a.m. Tuesday morning.
*Turner's sorghum mill is in running order and sugar cane is being hauled to the mill.
*The first of the week was very warm and Tuesday the thermometer registered above 100.
*Morris Johnson returned home from Omaha Thursday, where he has been going to school.
*Mr. David McKim arrived home from his visit at his old home in Penn. Thursday and attended the old settlers' picnic.
*Mr. and Mrs. George Newcom and daughter, Margie, of Odebolt, came down Wednesday to attend the Old Settler's picnic Thursday.
*Johnson and Keith have their steam engine in running order and have purchased a feed mill which they will soon have in working order.
*Everyone enjoyed a social time at the picnic, the old settlers especially renewing acquaintance when people all over the county were neighbors.
*Mr. and Mrs. John Worley and his mother, Mrs. Jacob Worley and daughter, Daisy, stated Thursday for a pleasure trip in the northern part of the state.
*Among the old settlers who attended the picnic in Denison were Mrs. Sarah Dobson and son, T. C. Dobson and wife, John Dobson, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. McKim, Mr. and Mrs. B. F. Wicks and B. Galland.

Denison Review


*Mr. Fink drove up to Deloit Friday.
*N. V. Johnson was a Denison visitor Saturday.
*Ike Newton went to Denison with a load of grain Saturday.
*Lyman Morris and daughter, Jennie were Denison visitors Saturday.
*Mr. Hopper and wife and daughter, Nellie went to Denison Saturday.
*Milt Childress and daughter, Mattie, went to the county seat Saturday.
*The Schuler machine threshed for Mr. Lewis and Jim Newton Saturday.
*Fred Landen and family drove over to Deloit Saturday for a visit with parents.
*Several loads of hogs passed through Deloit early Saturday morning for Denison.
*Mr. and Mrs. Steve Newton and daughter, Ethel, was down to his mother's Saturday.
*Hugh Menagh from Denison was in Deloit Friday taking orders for different kinds of extracts.
*A splendid rain fell Sunday afternoon which was very refreshing after the excessive heat and dry weather.
*The M. E. Sabbath school will hold a picnic in Esau McKim's grove on Saturday, Sept. 10th. All are invited.
*John McIntosh and his sisters, Jennie and Maggie, attended service at the Brick church Sunday morning.
*Mr. and Mrs. C. Wiley and daughter, Florence, were guests of Mrs. Wiley's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. Dobson, Sunday.
*Willis Lentz drove over to Charter Oak Saturday, taking Elmer Laughery with him who begins his fall term of school Monday.
*The regular monthly meeting of the W. F. M. S. will be held in the home of Mrs. Sarah McKim on Wednesday afternoon at 2:30 o'clock.
*Deloit is still improving. You may now hear the sound of a steam engine whistle awakening people to the energetic interests of our little burg.
*Clay Miller returned home Saturday after a two weeks' absence visiting his sister, Mrs. Kennedy at Whiting and attending the Exposition at Omaha.
*Mrs. Butler, of Arion, and her sister, Mrs. Johnson, of Missouri, visited at Noah Johnson's Thursday night and took dinner with Mrs. M. Hunt Friday.
*Mrs. McMillan's grandchildren, Bruce and Burdette Roark and Loyal Hamilton came down to visit her Saturday. The latter intends to stay awhile with her and the others will return Sunday.
*A missionary mite box opening service will be held in the M. E. church next Sabbath morning and in the evening the Woman's Foreign Missionary Society will render a program. All are welcome to these meetings.
*Among those who attended the democratic convention were: E. A. McKim, James McKim, George Jordan, Stanley Brown, John Newcome, N. H. Brogden, S. Dunbar, L. Riggleman, Mr. Dillivan and son, Clark, Mr. Wescott, A. J. Mason, Bert and John Taylor, David Winey, Scott McKim and Mr. Landen.

Denison Review


*Mr. and Mrs. L. Riggleman were in Deloit Wednesday.
*Mrs. John Taylor was very sick the past week but is getting better.
*Ed Nobles and family are preparing to move to Dakota this week.
*Mr. and Mrs. N. H. Brogden drove down to the city of Denison Thursday.
*Misses Edna and Ethel Huckstep and Benjie Dawson were in Deloit Wednesday.
*Fred Baber and Pete Coyle of Dow City visited at Deloit a few days this week.
*Mrs. Sarah Dobson and daughter, Mrs. S. Horr, visited at L. Rigglemans Thursday.
*Don't forget to save your coupons and vote for Mary Allbright in the coming contest.
*Geo. Winans has had the misfortune to lose about 70 head of hogs with the cholera this fall.
*Bessie Winans, youngest daughter of George and Bina Winans was very sick the past week.
*Mrs. Louisa Bantock of Colorado, came Saturday to visit her parents and other relatives and friends.
*Mr. and Mrs. Hunter, who have been working for Esau McKim is moving back to his old house this week.
*Lacy Rowley and family and Miss Lilly Lentz are visiting under the parental roof of Mr. and Mrs. Lentz this week.
*Mrs. Boils and two little girls of Bell, visited this week with her daughters, Mesdames Stella Burgess and Ida Turner.
*Elder R. Wight of Gallands Grove preached at the L. D. S. church last Thursday evening. From here he went to Lake City to assist Elder C. J. Hunt in tabernacle services.
*Monie Wilkinson met with what might have been a very serious accident last Saturday when he was thrown from a horse lighting on his head and shoulders. His was taken up unconscious but was able to be around on Sunday.
*O. Jones and family drove in Deloit Wednesday with their emigrant wagon. We understand they will locate in Deloit this winter living in the Wedlock house. He will occupy J. Dobson's dwelling this month.

Denison Review


*Harry Childress supports a brand new buggy.
*Carl Winey was a Deloit visitor Thursday.
*Mr. Taylers of Denison visited his son, John, Sunday.
*Taylor and Cose were threshing for Mr. Hopper Saturday.
*Mr. E. A. McKim is moving and repairing the Darling houses.
*Alfred Dobson and Mr. Hemer of Arthur, were in Deloit Sunday.
*Mr. John Lewis, father of Benan, Iowa is visiting him for a few days.
*Mrs. T. C. Dobson and daughter, Dollie, were Deloit callers Sunday.
*The many friends of Bessie Winans will be glad to learn that she is improving.
*The M. E. pastor is attending the annual conference at Emmetsburg this week.
*Miss Mae Lundgren of Denison, is visiting with Miss Maggie McIntosh this week.
*Mr. and Mrs. Jacob Worley were in Deloit Thursday doing some trading with Halberg & Turner.
*Mrs. James Newcom arrived home from Mason City Tuesday after a month's absence.
*Mr. Allen of South Dakota, came Wednesday to visit with Mr. J. T. Newcome a few days.
*Mesdames Rogers and Richardson went down to Woodbine Friday to attend the L. D. s. reunion.
*N. H. Brogden and son, Clarence, and Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Miller expect to go to Omaha, Tuesday to attend the exposition.
*Mrs. John Lewis, Leilah, Annas and Mary went tattendine Sunday to att4end the general reunion of the L. D. S. held at that place.
*Mr. and Mrs. C. A. Newcom came home from Mason City Wednesday. Mrs. Newcom is much improved in health. They report a good time.
*J. T. Newcom, Jennie and Firman, and Mattie Dobson started to Woodbine Sunday to attend the reunion. Some of them will also attend the Omaha reunion during the week.
*The following named were placed in nomination. For clerk, W. Gable, trustee, J. Ingram; assessor, E. Johnson; Justice of the peace, N. H. Brogden and John Gould; constable, W. T. Huckstep and Arthur King.
*Elder C. J. Hunt and Mr. and Mrs. John Gott were called home Friday on account of the serious illness of their mother. We are glad to state she is much better now. Elder Hunt returned to his field of labor Sunday.
*There was a large attendance at the Republican caucus Thursday night, .... 41 votes being cast. Among these from Deloit present were Alfred Brogden, Elmer Johnson, Landen, N. H. Brogden, Eugene Brogden, S. Horr, John Moor, John Worley, Jay Myers and Milo Patchin and his father.

Denison Review


*E. A. McKim was a Denison visitor Monday.
*Ben Beaman marketed a load of hogs Monday.
*Al Schuler visited Saturday and Sunday at Deloit.
*Mr. Posey Day's visited at Alfred Brogdens Sunday.
*Mrs. Sarah Dobson took dinner with Mrs. Francis Lunley Sunday.
*Mr. and Mrs. R. Childress were the guests of N. H. Brogden Sunday.
*Mr. and Mrs. Ben Beaman attended the exposition at Omaha last week.
*Mrs. C. Wiley and daughter, Florence, were Deloit visitors last Thursday.
*Mr. and Mrs. Anderson of Dunlap, visited their daughter, Mrs. Wright last week.
*Mrs. Fred Schuler and Mrs. D. Allbright visited in Webster county the past week.
*Mr. and Mrs. Enos Lentz and daughter Elva, attended the County Fair last week.
*William Johnson and W. B. Keith went to Woodbine on their bikes Friday.
*Deloit and vicinity were well represented at the Fair at Denison last week.
*Mr. and Mrs. Elmer Winans attended the Woodbine Reunion a part of last week.
*Miss Jennis Morris and pupils attended the Crawford County Fair Friday.
*C. Wiley and Bud Cose did threshing for M. Childress, Wm. McKim, S. Horr and Clarence Cose last week.
*Mrs. Rebecca McKim of Lamoni, was the guest of Mrs. M. Hunt and Mrs. S. Horr and family Monday.
*Mr. and Mrs. George Winans and family and Mrs. Ann Winans and the youngest children were Denison Fair visitors Friday.
*Mrs. J. T. Newcom, Mrs. C. J. Newcom and their youngest boys went down to Woodbine Friday to attend the reunion a few days.
*Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Hunt, B. F. Wicks and David McKim went down to Woodbine Friday to attend the L. D. S. Reunion.
*Mrs. Rebecca McKim, of Lamoni, Iowa, who was a resident of this place several years ago, is visiting relatives and friends at this place.
*Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Miller returned from Omaha Friday, they report the Fair too great to be described and people must see for themselves to realize its beauty and grandeur.
*Mr. and Mrs. James McKim attended the Omaha Fair last week and Miss Leathy Tucker, of Nebraska, a granddaughter of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. McKim returned with them for a visit with relatives.
*Johnson and Keith made an addition on the east end of the blacksmith shop last week and placed the engine and the mill in it.
*Mr. Turner was on the sick list a few days the past week, having taken a heavy cold and suffering more intensely with the affliction of his face.
*Frank McCormick and Mr. Goodrich and Johnnie, went through town Saturday delivering some young cattle sold to parties living north of here.
*Mr. H. H. Westcott got tired of bachelors life and returned Saturday from Near Sac City with a new wife and now enjoys matrimonial life again.
*Mr. H. B. Ellis' niece, of Cherokee, who has been visiting them had the misfortune to lose her infant child Saturday night; we understand they took the remains to Cherokee for interment.
*The contest Thursday was very interesting and the number of votes were surprising. Although Miss Albright did not gain the prize, we are thankful to her many friends for their support. There were several votes that were to be hers that we did not get on account of lack of time to gather them up.

Denison Review

*Rev. Geo. S. Clift, of Deloit, spent Wednesday in Denison. By the action of the recent conference he has been transferred to Smithland and he will remove to his new charge in the course of a week. Rev. Clift has been in Deloit for the past four years and his earnest and conscientious work has made him many friends who regret his departure. The church at Smithland offers a larger field of labor to Rev. Clift and we trust that he will enjoy his pastorate there. He will still keep posted on Crawford county affairs through the medium of the Review.

Denison Review


*A very heavy wind on Thursday made it very disagreeable.
*Miss Maggie McIntosh is having a vacation in the primary department of the school this week.
*A brick mason from Denison began laying a foundation under E. A. McKim's house Thursday afternoon.
*Mrs. Enrotta Brand, nee Johnson, of Oklahoma, came Monday to visit her children, relatives and friends a short time.
*Preaching services were held at the L. D. S. church, commencing Thursday night and will continue over Sunday in charge of Elder C. J. Hunt and Henry Daniels.
*Rev. Geo. S. Clift will hold services in the M. E. church as usual next Sabbath before going to his new charge at Smithland, Iowa. In the evening a farewell service will be held. All are invited.
*Program The following is the program for the teachers meeting to be held at Deloit, Oct. 22, 1898.

1. Opening exercises
2. How to teach spelling - Jennie Jordan. Discussed by Florence Nixon.
3. History; best method of teaching dates and current events. - Chas. Flint. Discussed by Grace Dawson and Maggie McIntosh.
4. Arithmetic; how to present fractions to beginners - Charles Childress. Discussed by Maggie Purcell and George Shooley.
5. Mathematical geography - A. G. Meyers. Discussed by Jennie Newcom and Mattie Childress.
6. Grammar; how to teach competition and letter writing - Louise Hannah. Discussed by Nellie Hopper.
7. Civics and Economics - Stanley Browne
8. Physic and electricity - Prof. Van Ness
G. M. Shooley, President

Denison Review


*George Zea was a Deloitite Sunday.
*Clay Miller visited in Deloit Sunday.
*N. L. Hunt and wife spent Sunday at Deloit.
*C. Cose threshed for Mort McKim Monday.
*C. Wiley and Cose did threshing for John Newcom last week.
*Clement Dobson went over in Nebraska last week looking up a farm location.
*John Dobson and wife attended services in Deloit Sunday and took dinner with Mrs. S. Horr.
*The Deloit ladies received a fine lot of millinery goods last week, ordered by Halberg & Turner.
*Eugene Schuler and wife, and W. Campbell and wife were visiting under the parental roof Sunday.
*Leon Mead starts for Rockwell City where his father resides. He expects to make his future home there.
*Mrs. J. McKim and daughter Enretha started home Sunday afternoon after a short visit with relatives and friends.
*James Turner finished making sorghum last week and is again seen behind the counter of Halberg & Turner's store.
*Deloit was all business Saturday the new feed mill being at work and several were in from the country doing business.
*Mrs. J. L. Miller, Mrs. Ann Winans, Mrs. J. McKim and Mr. and Mrs. Geo. Winans called on John Dobson's Thursday afternoon.
*G. S. Clift and family expect to take their departure for his new field of labor this week. Their many friends regret to see them go away.
*It was reported Monday of last week that a railroad was again being surveyed down the Boyer Valley, the surveyors being then camped on Porter Creek and on Friday they had gone as far as Sam Newcom's place.
*Marion Lewis and wife, and Ida Greene and Tommie Lewis, of Greene county, visited at the home of John Lewis a few days the past week. His daughter Leilah, of Dow City, came up Saturday to visit them, returning Sunday.
*Last Thursday the home of Taylor Nixon, two miles north of here, was the scene of a very pleasant gathering, the occasion being the twenty-fifth wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. Nixon. If all the relatives and friends of this worthy couple had assembled to extend congratulations at that time, space would have been at a premium, as it was however, forty-five persons participated in pleasant social enjoyments and at the appointed time surrounded tables spread with bounties that delighted the eye and greatly refreshed the inner man. Many handsome and very useful presents of silver and glassware accompanied with kind words were tendered the host and hostess. Among those present, besides the relatives and immediate friends in the county were noticed: Mrs. B. F. Hall of Delmar Junction, Iowa, Mrs. Woolsencroft of Lamar, Mo., Mrs. Morgan, Armour, S. D., and Mrs. Preffer, Mr. and Mrs. Klitzke, of Wall Lake, Iowa. Late in the afternoon the friends took their departure hoping Mr. and Mrs. Nixon might be spared to celebrate their golden wedding anniversary.

Denison Review


*The new railroad is the chief topic of the day.
*Mr. William McKim visited the exposition last week.
*The first snow of the season fell Monday and gave us a pretty rough introducer for winter.
*Mrs. Ethel McKim accompanied her husband, Postmaster McKim, to the exposition last week.
*Uncle Ethan is remodeling the Darling house and will soon have a fine dwelling erected in its stead.
*Mr. George Landen's sister, whom he has not seen for over thirty years, came last Wednesday to visit him.
*Elder C. J. Hunt is in the southern part of this county and Shelby county for two or three weeks on missionary work.
*John Taylor moved in a part of Easu McKim's house in Otter Creek township Saturday. He expects to build soon.
*Mr. and Mrs. George Winans and two children and Eugene Brogden were among the exposition visitors last week.
*John R. McKim and two boys of Pittsburg, Kansas were visiting his parents, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. McKim and relatives the past week. They went to Omaha Wednesday to visit the exposition. His mother accompanied them to Omaha.
*Mr. West, the new M. E. pastor, arrived in Deloit last week. His household goods arrived Monday. We understand his family is to be here this week.
*The railroad surveyors came to Deloit Tuesday of last week and camped at S. Horr's nine days and changed camp for Denison Wednesday evening. They are thorough, energetic workers and mean business.

Denison Review

*Mr. John R. McKim and two sons, who have been visiting friends and relatives in this locality the past week, returned Wednesday to Pittsburg, Kansas. He was accompanied by his mother, Mrs. Ethan McKim, who will visit some time at Pittsburg. Mr. McKim has many friends in the county who are always glad to see him. He is the owner of two large mills at Pittsburg and is prospering.

Denison Review


*Mr. and Mrs. B. G. Wicks were Denison visitors Wednesday.
*Mrs. Chauncey Prentice was the guest of Mrs. S. Horr Thursday.
*Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Dobson and Miss Dollie, visited the exposition this week.
*Mr. and Mrs. E. Hagar, Bernice and Burton McKim were exposition visitors this week.
*J. McAhren, Joseph Brogden and T. J. Garrison of Denison, took dinner at S. Horr's boarding house Tuesday.
*S. Horr is prepared to keep boarders and those wishing to stop at Deloit will get meals at any time and also feed for teams.
*Deloit is full of business this week; the railroad employers make things lively. Grading has begun on the Boyer valley and the whistle of the engine is expected to be heard on the line by Christmas.
*Married- At the home of the bride's parents, Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Prentice, on last Wednesday evening, Mr. Chas. Childress and Miss Lelia Prentice, Rev. West, the M. E. pastor, officiating. The wedding was a quiet one only the nearest relatives being invited. An elegant and delicious supper was served and the bride and groom were the recipients of many useful present. They have been residents of this place for many years and are well and favorably known, and their many friends join in wishing them a happy and prosperous journey through life. They are going to build on Mr. Childress' place near Elgin and as soon as their home is erected will be at home.

Denison Review


*Election next Tuesday.
*Everybody busy nowadays.
*Graders are throwing dirt lively along the line.
*Taylor and Cose did threshing for E. A. McKim Tuesday.
*Mrs. Flint visited at her daughters, Near Deloit this week.
*Mr. and Mrs. C. J. Hunt were Denison visitors Thursday.
*Bert Stevers and George Wright were in Deloit Wednesday.
*Mrs. Marie Galland has been on the sick list a couple of weeks.
*Mrs. Edna Hagan was the guest of Mrs. Lawrence Winans Thursday.
*Mr. and Mrs. Charles Franks moved in the John Dobson house last Monday.
*Bert Darling, John Lentz and James McKim are doing carpenter work for E A. McKim.
*Morris McHenry made Deloit a visit Tuesday. His old time friends are always glad to see him.
*Miss Jennis Morris closed her term of school Friday of last week. Miss McIntosh closed the primary department last Friday.
*Mr. A. G. Brown, of Missouri Valley, stopped a few days in Deloit this week. He expects to lecture next Monday evening her in the interests of the Modern Woodmen; he wants to organize a camp at this place.

Denison Review


*Mr. and Mrs. J. Dobson were Deloit visitors Sunday.
*Clay Miller came up from Denison and spent Monday at home.
*Elder C. J. Hunt went to Dow City and held services over Sunday.
*Elder C. E. Butterworth of Dow City held preaching services in Brick church from Thursday evening till over Sunday.
*Orkin Bro's of Denison and Mr. and Mrs. Cash Newcom and children were guests of Mrs. J. L. Miller and wife Sunday.
*Mr. John McIntosh and sister, Maggie and Supt. and Mrs. A. G. Myers attended services at Brick church Sunday morning.
*Charlie Walker, of Wisconsin, and Will Ackley, of Chicago, are boarding with J. L. Miller. Morrisey Bros. contractors of What Cheer, Iowa, are rooming at same place.
*Mrs. M. Hunt, who has been so closely confined to her home on account of poor health for some time, was able to walk to the home of Mrs. S. Horr's and spend a few hours last Sunday afternoon.
*Mr. A. G. Brown, of Missouri Valley, withheld his lecture on last Monday evening for the political speech previously announced and will give a lecture next Friday evening on Modern Woodmen of America. Ladies and gentlemen are invited to be present.
*Married - Mr. William Cose and Miss Mattie Childress, both living near Deloit, were united in matrimony by Elder William McKim on last Sunday evening at 6 p.m. at his home. This couple is well known and showers of good wishes were bestowed on them during the congratulations by their many friends.

Denison Review


*James McMillan is to be our next constable.
*Bowman of Odebolt, started a lumber yard at Deloit last week.
*Stanley Browne was elected Justice of the Peace at the recent election.
*Taylor Nixon marketed at Denison several loads of nice hogs Saturday.
*Mr. and Mrs. James McMillan moved in part of his mother's house last week.
*Miss Madge Talcott of Dow City visited at the home of Mrs. William McKim last week.
*The Illinois Central is still at work on their survey and it is hoped that the road will be completed.
*Mr. and Mrs. Rush, of Lake View, visited friends at Deloit over Sunday and attended L. D. S. services.
*Mr. Robinson came to Deloit Friday, he is working in the interest of the Modern Brotherhood of America.
*Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Dobson, of Sac county, visited at Deloit over Sunday and attended services at the Brick church.

Denison Review


*E. S. Plimpton was a Deloit caller on Wednesday.
*Nellie Hopper begins her winter term of school at Otter Creek Center next Monday.
*Illinois Central are running their permanent survey and the report is that the road is sure to go through.
*Mr. A. G. Brown, states that the Modern Woodmen Camp at Arion was in a flourishing condition, having organized June 28, 1909 with eleven charter members and now numbers thirty-seven. He expects to organize a camp at this place week from next Saturday night.
*Born - To Mr. and Mrs. Eugene Brogden, Wednesday, Nov. 16,1898 a pair of twin boys, each weighing eight pounds. The happy parents have the congratulations of their many friends who hope the youngsters may have many year to bless their home. The boys were named by their grand-mother, Mrs. Winey, for their great-grandfathers, Joseph Dewey and Sylvestor Hobson.

Denison Review


*Elbro Darling was in Deloit Thursday of last week.
*N. L. Hunt and wife spent Saturday night and Sunday in Deloit.
*Chas. Childress and wife were Denison visitors on Thursday.
*Geo. Winans and family visited with his sister Mrs. Slater last Sunday.
*Mrs. Alta ??? of Arion, granddaughter of Mrs. M. Hunt, visited her last week.
*Mr. Halberg, one of our enterprising merchants, was in Denison on Business Thursday.

Denison Review

Schuler - Dawson
Married Thursday evening, Nov. 24, 1898 at six o'clock, at the home of the bride's parents, Mr. A. D. Schuler and Miss Grace L. Dawson, both of Deloit. The sacred obligation was administered by the pastor of the M. E. church, Rev. Weston. The bride was dressed in cream henrietta and the groom in conventional black. The pair making a find appearance. After the ceremony a sumptuous supper was served. The bride is a lady of the highest esteem, a worker in church and Sabbath school and one of Crawford County's most successful teachers. The groom is an industrious and prosperous young man, a graduate of the Denison College and is at present teaching in the public school at this place. Miss Dawson is a very fine lady and Mr. Schuler is to be congratulated on securing such an excellent wife. He has prepared a cozy home in East Denison, where they will be at home to their many friends after December 15.

Denison Review


*Mr. A. Brown of Mo. Valley organized a camp of the Modern Woodmen of America last Saturday night at this place.
*Mr. and Mrs. Ellis and daughter, Winnie, were in Denison Wednesday.
*Mrs. A. J. Mason was the guest of Mrs. S. Horr Wednesday.
*Mr. Robert Goff returned to his home at Cherokee last Wednesday.
*Mrs. Elmer Johnson has been suffering the past week or two with a ?? on her finger.
*Mr. and Mrs. T. C. Dobson of Odebolt came down to Deloit last Saturday, returning Sunday.
*J. B. Dawson took two loads of poultry to Denison Wednesday.
*Mrs. Robert Richmond was very sick this week.
*Mrs. Evan McKim was in Denison on business last Wednesday.
*Mrs. Stanley Browne and Mrs. Mattie Cose began teaching in the German settlement this week.
*Deloit schools will begin next Monday under the management of Miss Jennis Morris and Mr. Thompson.
*Mr. Bert Taylor moved in Stanley Browne's house this week.
*Mr. C. E. Franks returned to Charter Oak last Wednesday to do carpenter work for M. Sewell.
*Mr. and Mrs. Jake Worley visited in Deloit Wednesday.
*Mr. Abram Galland of Mo. Valley, moved in a part of his father's house last week.
*Railroad grading near Deloit is suspended for the season on account of the cold weather.
*Mr. Morrisey found a new pocketbook containing two cents, on the streets of Deloit. The owner can have the same by calling for it at the home of Mrs. J. L. Miller.
*Miss Nora Jordan was the guest of her sister, Mrs. Scott McKim, last Saturday night and Sunday.
*Mrs. J. B. Dawson, daughters Benjie and Ruth and son Clifford, were Denison visitors Tuesday.
*Elder C. J. Hunt conducted services at the L. D. S. church on Thanksgiving and each evening the remainder of the week and over lastday; he went away lat Wednesday and will travel in the northern part of the district doing missionary work.
*Died - At his home near Deloit, Nov. 26th, 1898, Frances Andrew Malone. He was born at Spring Lake, Wis., June 11th, 1858 and at his death was 40 years 5 months and 1? days old. He was left an orphan at the age of 15 years he came to Iowa in 1882, was married to Miss Mary Mass, June 6th, 1883, of this union two children were born. He came to this place last March. A wife and two children are left to mourn the loss of husband and father; they have the sympathy of friends in this sad hour of bereavement. The funeral sermon was preached at the house last Monday at 2 p.m. by Elder C. J. Hunt and the remains taken to the Deloit cemetery for interment.

Denison Review


*Miss Jennie Newcom began teaching at the Nixon school house last Monday.
*Uncle David McKim is making his home with his daughter, Mrs. J. L. Miller.
*Mr. and Mrs. Lewis took dinner with Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Myers Sunday.
*Lyman Morris is making a large addition to his house, John Lentz doing the carpenter work.
*Elder William McKim occupied the L. D. S. pulpit Sunday evening from the text, " What must I do to be saved."
*Quarterly meeting was held at the M.E. church Sunday evening, Elder Lothian, the presiding elder, being present.
*The morning sun rose bright and clear and the school children eagerly gathered their books, anxious to be found among the first at the school house. We hope their interest will not grow less but increase as the term of school advances.

Denison Review


*Bertha Tucker Sundayed with John Newcom and wife.
*Ethel Huckstep spent Sunday with her friend Benjie Dawson.
*Revival meetings are not in progress at the M. E. church
*Blanche Childress was a visitor at the Halbergs the last week.
*Edna Huckstep attended the Adam-G??d wedding Wednesday.
*Sol Laughery was a welcome visitor at the pleasant home of W. T. Huckstep last week.
*Mrs. Bernice McKim entertained her friend, Mr. J. Keenan of Maryland last Sunday week.
*School commenced in Otter Creek District No. 7 Monday. Oh, there is nothing like having a school if one has to buy it.
*Elder Lothian preached to a large and attentive congregation Sunday evening. Mr. Lothian is an eloquent speaker and all delight to hear him.
*Arrangements are being made to have a Christmas tree at the L. D. S. church. That is right, let us all try and make Christmas a glorious holiday for the little ones.

Denison Review


*Ray Winans sports a fine new cutter.
*Revival services are still being held at the M.E. church.
*Mrs. Grace McMillan is spending the winter at her sister's in Kansas.
*Mr. and Mrs. James Hattery were Deloit callers last Sunday afternoon.
*Elder Wm. McKim spent Saturday and Sunday at Galland's Grove, Iowa.
*Mr. Price, agent for Baker's medicines has been at Deloit the past week.
*Miss Jennie Jordan began a four month's school at the Peter Larson school house.
*Mr. and Mrs. Sol Slater visited with George and Anna Winans a couple of days last week.
*Mrs. C. J. Hunt and son, Russell were guests of Mrs. C. E. Franks, Saturday afternoon.
*William McKim is adding to the appearance of his place by building a new porch on his residence.
*Several of the Deloit young people attended the Lyceum at McAhrens school house Saturday night.
*Mr. and Mrs. Scott McKim spent Sunday afternoon at her parents, Mr. and Mrs. George Jordan's.
*Mr. and Mrs. Sam Justice visited at the home of her mother, Mrs. Jordan Saturday night and Sunday.
*The attendance at the revival meetings was hindered a good deal the past week on account of bad weather.
*Tommy Lewis came over last week for a visit at his father's. We understand invitations are in order for a wedding in the near future.
*Mr. and Mrs. Wilbur Lentz, Lily Lentz and Mr. and Mrs. Rowley visited under the parental roof the last week; their mother, Mrs. Lentz, who has been seriously ill is some better.
*I would like to inquire in these items if any one has young hard-wood maple tress to sell, for the purpose of setting out in the spring for shade trees. S. Horr, Deloit, Iowa.
*The three engineers that have been boarding with J. L. Miller moved to Denison Saturday, having completed their work at this place. Mrs. Miller says she is going to take a rest now, no more boarders need apply.
*A good deal of excitement prevailed Friday morning at daylight, when it was found that the old blacksmiths shop was on fire on S. Horr's place, having caught from a steamer used the day before in dressing poultry. Luckily by the timely assistance of kind neighbors no serious damage was done.
*Teacher's meeting Saturday afternoon was attended by the following persons: Professor and Mrs. Van Ness of Denison, Jennie Morris, George Thompson, Miss Town, Jennie Newcom, Mary Albright, Benjie Dawson, Geo. Schooley, Florence Nixon, Ethel Newton, Vica Morris, Edna Huckstep, Ethel Huckstep, Millie Prentice, Morris Johnson and Olive Horr.

Denison Review


*The new seats for Dist. 6 arrived last week.
*Corn-shellers were at Mr. Cruzan's this week.
*E. K. Snell and wife are at present visiting in Michigan.
*H. Beardsley and wife visited at M. Ainsworth's last Tuesday.
*Thomas Lewis is home again from Greene county, where he has been the past year.
*Mr. and Mrs. Sell Montgomery took a trip to Charter Oak last week to visit the family of J. P. Thompson.
*Mrs. Sarah McKim visited in Denison a few days last week. James McKim attended Woodman Lodge on Thursday evening.
*Revival meetings are still in progress at the M. E. church at Deloit, Rev. Weston is thoroughly in earnest as his sermons go to show.
*The sleighing still continues and the way the bells ring and the cutters and bob sleds sail by, goes to prove that Deloit is a city of coming prominence.
*A literary was organized at the McAhren school house, to meet every Saturday evening. The following officers were elected: President, J. C. Phillips: Vice-Pres, I. Christianson: Sec'y and Treas. Will Cramer. E. M. Ainsworth and Geo. Thompson are leaders on the debate, which goes to prove that a good program is in store.

Denison Review


*Hurrah for the Xmas Review
*To all a merry Christmas and a happy New Year.
*Lawrence Winans was picking corn Saturday.
*William Johnson was breaking a colt to drive Saturday.
*C. Wiley and Wm. Cose were busy shelling corn last week.
*J. B. Dawson is gathering poultry for Mr. Nicholson of Denison.
*Mrs. Rogers and Jordan are getting better from their recent sickness.
*Mr. and Mrs. Dell Richardson went to Denison Wednesday to do trading.
*David McKim spent the evening at his brother Ethan's last Tuesday night.
*S. Horr and A. J. Mason have been dressing poultry at Deloit the past few weeks.
*Bert and Perry Huckstep visited the Woodman Lodge at Deloit last Saturday evening.
*Mrs. Sarah Dobson and Mrs. Marie Galland visited at the home of Mrs. M. Hunt last Friday.
*Mr. and Mrs. J. Dobson and daughter, Edith, and Lavina Wedlock spent Sunday in Deloit.
*Elder Henry Daniels visited in Deloit the past week and occupied the L. D. S. pulpit Sunday evening.
*Contractor Mr. Morrisey stopped at J. L. Millers the first of the week. He was setting up accounts.
*C. E. Franks returned home from Charter Oak last Saturday and went back to his work Monday.
*Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Miller, Mr. and Mrs. J. S. Meyers and Mrs. Franks were Denison callers Friday.
*Mrs. A. G. Myers and son, Vernon, came up from Denison Saturday morning to visit friends and relatives.
*Uncle Ethan McKim's carpenter, Mr. Bert Darling, resumed work on his building last Friday and Saturday.
*It looks like our sleighing would be improved for Christmas by the sleet that fell Sunday night and Monday.
*Roy McKim came up from Dow City last Tuesday, having finished husking corn for his prospective father-in-law.
*The District Sunday school Superintendent, Elder Wm. McKim, visited the Defiance Sunday school last Sunday.
*Miss Bernice McKim accidentally got badly burned last Monday evening which confined her to the house last week.
*Leilah Lewis came home Friday after a few months stay in Dow City; she expects to spend the holidays in Greene county.
*Clay Miller and Miss Bagge drove up from Denison Sunday afternoon and took supper at the home of Mr. and Mrs. J. L. Miller.
*Mrs. M. Hunt, who has been poorly for some time walked over to Halberg and Turners store Saturday and did some trading.
*Ninus and Edith Montgomery of Denison attended services at the L. D. S. church in Deloit last Sunday morning and evening.
*Next Sunday is Christmas, the gladsomest day of the year for the children, church topic is "I wonder what Santa Claus will bring."
*The weather was pleasant Friday and Saturday, which diminished the snow and those that had corn in the field improved the time by husking.
*A surprise birthday party by W. B. Keith Tuesday night and a dance at D. Winey's Thursday night, were among the pleasures for the young people last week.
*B. F. Wicks wielded the ax to the root of the big cotton wood tree, south of Halberg and Turner's store last Friday morning and Roy McKim and Sol Laughery thus found employment in sawing it up for firewood.
*Mrs. Jane Johnson and daughter, Celinda, visited at the home of her son, Elmer Johnson, one day last week. Mrs. Elmer Johnson, who has been nursing a very sore finger on account of a felon? is improving slowly.
*Eli T. Dobson, formerly of this place, but now of St. Joseph, Mo. started to Thomasville, Georgia, last Thursday evening accompanied by his wife and daughter. He has for a long time been confined to the house by sickness and he hopes the change in the country will prove beneficial to his health.
*Among those at the County capital last Saturday were N. H. Brogdon, W. B. Keith, Mr. Webb, Jennie Johnson, Mary Allbright, Mr. and Mrs. R. Childress, Mr. Patchin and James Hattery, L. Morris, Jennie Morris, Mr. and Mrs. E. A. McKim, Leatha Tucker, James McKim and David Winey.

Denison Review

Stanley Browne Protests Against a Correspondence Item
Editor Review - I saw in the Milford Jottings last week a serious reflection upon several parties of high standing among us and wish to enter a protest against such correspondence. I am certain that in the rush of business and preparation for your big Christmas edition the following item was overlooked or you would never have permitted its publication. It reads as follows: " School has begun in Otter Creek No. 7. Oh, there is nothing like having a school even if one has to buy it." Now I do not know who the writer is, I will not even try to guess who he or possibly she may be for fear I might be led to think envy had inspired it. I do know that it is an insult to N. P. Larson, who is the director, to accuse him of using his little office for illicit gain and when one knows who has been accused of selling a school the charge falls of its own weight, as we are all to well acquainted with "Peter " to countenance such stuff, but no more preposterous is the charge against Larson than when it is known that the same squib accuses George Jordan of buying a school for his daughter Jennie, who is the teacher. Such silly charge against such people as N. P. Larson and George Jordan and against a steady, competent and most estimable young lady and teacher as Miss Jordon, do not deserve notice, but I make this wholly disinterested protest in the name of right and common decency.
Stanley Browne
The Review greatly regrets that any gentleman took the item mentioned as personal to himself or others. Of course it is not the intention of the Review to publish anything discreditable to such well known and reputable people as Mr. Larson or Jordan and his daughter. We are not at present advised as to what our correspondent meant by this item and it is quite possible that no evil was meant by it. The Review never intentionally injures any man.

Denison Review


*A rather peculiar incident. About two moths ago Irwin Christianson was awakened early in the morning by a commotion among his chickens. His dog rushed out and immediately he heard a shot. The dog came back apparently in distress and upon examination it was found that the ball had gone clear through his body just back of the heart. The dog seemed to get all right however but last Sunday afternoon when playing about he suddenly fell down and died from what is supposed to be the effects of the wound. Pete is looking with blood in his eye for the man who fired the shot.

Denison Review


*Deloit and vicinity was well represented in Denison the past week.
*The surveyors were busy last week laying out town lots east of the old town.
*Firman and Raymond Newcom spent Xmas in Sac county at the home of T. C. Dobson.
*Christmas festivities were held at both churches Saturday evening in memory of the birth of our Savior.
*Tommy Hopper came home from Chicago Saturday evening to spend the holidays with friends and relatives.
*Dell Keith, salesman for Englehart & Co., St. Joe., Mo. made a brief visit to Deloit Sunday evening, returning Monday.
*Miss Lora Duckett of Benan, is spending the holidays with her sister Mrs. C. J. Hunt.
*Miss Madge Talcott, of Dow City, came up Saturday to spend the holidays with friends.
*The Bline Bros. from Blair, Neb. who have been here laying out the new town and boarding with J. L. Miller, left for the next town north Monday morning. J. L. Miller went with them to help lay out the town.
*On Christmas Day children and grandchildren of David McKim met at the home of his daughter, Mrs. J. L. Miller in family reunion and partook of a bounteous Christmas dinner with their aged father, Miss Madge Talcott of Dow City, was also present.
*Mrs. John Mason visited with her sister, Mrs. Johnson, Saturday night and Sunday.
*Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Hunt and sons, Blaine and Leslie, spent Christmas with his mother Mrs. M. Hunt.
*Revival meetings will continue at the M. E. church. Several converts are being made to the faith.
*Elder J. M. Baker of Dow City, preaches at the L. D. S. church each evening this week.
*A lyceum was organized at the Deloit school house last Friday evening and on next Friday evening will hold its first debate.
*E. E. Franks is spending the holidays at home with his family after which he returns to Charter Oak to do carpenter work.
*A splendid program was well rendered by the L. D. S. Sunday School on Christmas Eve to a crowded house.

Deloit news articles from 1873 to 1898 including articles for Milford and Goodrich Townships submitted by Melba (Winans) McDowell