Crawford County, Iowa, IAGenWeb


Deloit News from the Denison Review


Denison Review

-Miss Mary Martindale returned to Vail, Thursday.
-Mrs. E. Theim spent the last day of the old year at Vail.
-J. B. Dunbar of Denison, was up on business Friday afternoon.
-Born to Mr. and Mrs. Thomas Hutchinson, Dec. 23rd, a daughter.
-Mr. Wm. McKim made a business trip to Carroll the first of the past week.
-Eld. W. W. Whiting transacted business in the city of Carroll, Monday and Tuesday last week.
-Jonathan Miller and daughter, Carrie of Milford center, transacted business in Deloit Wednesday.
-Recorder N. L. Hunt and family of Denison, spent New Years day with relatives and friends in Deloit.
-Mr. Richard McKim and family of Ida Grove visited their numerous relatives the latter part of last week.
-N. H. Brogden and sons, Alfred and Clarence, made a business trip to Omaha the last part of last week.
-Esau McKim started the first of the week for Lake City, Calhoun county, to look after his farm interests at that place.
-Elds. W. W. Whiting and Wm. McKim, left Monday, for Cherokee, Cherokee Co., to hold a series of meetings in the L. D. S. Church at that place.
-Tom Lewis drove up in Sac county on Friday to visit his sister who is teaching in that county. Tom had a cold ride against the cold piercing wind.
-Mr. John Rudd and wife of Dow City spent the latter part of last week with their Deloit friends. Their visits are always welcome here.
-Wm. McKim has retired as clerk in Hunt & Thiem's store and the peddling season being over, Ed. Clauson may again be found behind the counter where he will be pleased to meet customers and old friends.
-Preaching in the M. E. church Saturday night, Jan. 11 and on Sunday morning. Quarterly meeting services will be held by presiding elder J. W. Lothian. All invited.
-Friday afternoon as Ed. Clauson was going down into the cellar in Hunt & Thiem's store he met with a very serious accident, falling with his hand upon a lot of broken glass, cutting his hand badly. It will compel him to lay off a few days at least from active work.
-Deloit has a new blacksmith in the person of Mr. A. H. Nye, late of Vail. He is an experienced and efficient blacksmith, in all kinds of work in his line. Farmers bring your work to him and give him a trial. We extend a cordial welcome to him to our town, and wish him a large patronage.

Too late for last week.

-Hans Carson is digging a well.
-Ferman Newcom broke his arm Saturday.
-Albert Vernon of Stockholm twp., was a Deloit visitor Thursday.
-Mary Martindale of Vail is here visiting her friend, Winnifred Clift.
-Lottie Swan, of East Boyer, spent Christmas at the home of C. G. Brink.
-Mr. Kelly, of Vail, is at present helping Wm. Johnson in his blacksmith shop.
-Henry Stuck, of Denison, attended services at the M. E. church Sunday evening.
-E. D. Albright is at present in Missouri where he went with the intention of looking up a location.
-Mr. and Mrs. Byron Graham, of Willow twp. spent Christmas with Mrs. Graham's sister, Mrs. Wm. Bowen.
-Bert Huckstep and Chas. Cramer are back from their hunting trip. We did not hear how much game they caught.
-The Christmas programs at both churches were well rendered and the attendance was all that could be desired.
-M. G. Currier has been sick for the last two weeks with neuralgia in the back. At last reports he is a little better.
-Ed Clauson, the popular clerk employed by Hunt & Thiem, finished his delivery business through the settlements for the season a week ago Saturday. During the past week he has been taking a well deserved vacation. Ed is a hustler and no mistake.

Denison Review

-Arthur Whiting arrived Saturday from Clay county.
-Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Thiem visited at Denison Sunday.
-Miss Grace Cruzan has been on the sick list the past week.
-Chas. Hunt is expected home this week for a brief stay.
-Grandma Laughery is lying very sick at present writing.
-Revival meetings are being held at the M. E. church this week.
-Mr. and Mrs. Landon moved into Mrs. Dennett's house last week.
-Miss Delia Hall, of Denison, is visiting at the home of her sister, Mrs. T. Nixon.
-Taylor Nixon and Fred Schuler have lost fifty head of hogs, each during the past month.
-Amos Coleman of Willow township is here at present visiting his sister, Mrs. Wm. Bowen.
-Mr. Avery Shaw, one of Ida county's most efficient school teachers spent a few minutes with us Saturday.
-The law suit held at J. T. Turner's a week ago Monday, Johnson Vs. Weber, was decided in favor of the plaintiff.
-B. F. Snell was 82 years old last Thursday and several of his friends came in to help him celebrate his birthday.
-A. H. Nye is now located in the blacksmith shop on the wet side.

Denison Review

Mrs. Phoebe Thomas, of Junction City, Ill. was told by her doctors she had Consumption and that there was no hope for her, but two bottles of Dr. King's New Discovery completely cured her and she says it saved her life. Mr. Thos. Eggers, 139 Florida St., San Francisco, suffered from a dreadful cold, approaching Consumption, he tried very thing else, then bought one bottle of Dr. King's New Discovery and in two weeks are cured. He is naturally thankful. It is such results of which these are samples, that prove the wonder efficacy of this medicine in Coughs and Colds. Free trial bottle at J. F. Berk's drugstore.

Denison Review

-John Sentz of Vail, was a Deloit visitor Wednesday.
-Grandma Laughery is still very sick at the present writing.
-Rev. Martindale of Vail is assisting Rev. Clift in revival work.
-Albro. Darling and son, Bert, were in Deloit on business Wednesday.
- To J. L. Practice and wife on Monday, January 13, 1896 a son.
-The magic lantern lecture at the L.D.S. church every evening last week was well attended.
-Edward Schuler has been moving the past week onto the Bert Woodruff farm in Goodrich township.
-Emma Dielenberger of Vail, was a very pleasant visitor at the home of E. O. Thiem several days last week.
-Ed. Zea moved his household goods through here enroute from Denison to the Moore farm in Stockholm township.
-Walter Keith and Mr. Lewis assisted Mr. Meyers to move his family and worldly effects to Galland's grove last week.
-Quite a number of Milford Center people attended services at the M. E. church the past week; also some from Stockholm twp. The Deloit folks are glad to see them.
-Warren and Arthur Darling left Monday for Missouri. Their father, Deforest Darling, expects to follow them in a few days.
-Preaching every evening at the M. E. church this week by Revs. Clift and Martindale. We earnestly urge all to come out and hear the word of God as taught in the Bible.
-During the last six months the Latter Day Saints Sunday school at Deloit has held thirty sessions with total attendance of 1,500 average attendance of 53, number of classes 5, books in library 100, collections $20.99, hour of meeting 2:30 p.m. Their school is in a flourishing condition. Wm. McKim is president, Cora Brogden, secretary.

Denison Review

-Lucy Flint has been sick the past week.
-P. E. C. Lalley was a Deloit visitor Saturday.
-Meetings at the M. E. church are still going on, with increased interest.
-James McKim is engaged at present in buying up wheat and shipping to Pittsburgh, Kansas.
-Mr. and Mrs. Lewis Albright departed for their future home at Charlotte, Ia. Tuesday evening.
-Cypret Newcom and family visited relatives and friends in and near Odebolt several days last week.
-Mr. Charles Galland and family came up from Arion, Saturday, for an over Sunday visit with relatives.
-A large Vail delegation were over to attend services at the M.E. church Thursday evening. Come again.
-Sunday, Wm. Noakes was baptized in the water of the Boyer by immersion , Eld. J. T. Turner officiating.
-Mr. and Mrs. E. R. Snell visited relatives at Schaller, Sac Co. the past week, returning Saturday evening.
-Elbert Laughery of Northern, Mo. arrived Monday to be at the bedside of his sick mother, Grandma Laughery.
-Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Thiem visited at the home of their old friend, Jergen Hansen, in Morgan township last Sunday.
-Mr. John Carson and Carl Johnson, enterprising farmers in the Swedish settlement, transacted business in our city Tuesday.
-Mr. Charles Dempster of Dixon, Dixon county, S. Dakota, visited at the home of W. T. Huckstep and C. G. Brink last week.
-A fine magic lantern entertainment was held at Winans school house, Saturday evening, Conducted by D. Nicewaner of Vail. Quite a number of our town people were in attendance.
-Mr. Geo. Meyers, deputy county treasurer and his family spent part of the week visiting their many old neighbors and friends, returning to Denison Saturday. George returned feeling and looking more vigorous and the weeks rest proved beneficial to him.
-Last Friday, Uncle Ben Galland passed his 75th mile post, and if we may judge by his hearty appearance, he is good for 25 years more. A large number of the aged residents in the town repaired to his home bringing refreshments to spend the day with him. The occasion was enjoyed by all and will long be remembered by those present. "Hurrah for Uncle Ben."
-Some of Deloit's young men and boys have been disturbing the meetings in the M. E. church the past two weeks. "Boys, a word to the wise, ought to be sufficient." The penalty for disturbing religious meetings is a fine or imprisonment or both. The M. E. people do not wish to adopt sever measures unless other means fail, but we must have order. So boys take warning before it is to late.

Denison Review

-Mr. Scott McKim, the popular postmaster of Deloit, was married last Thursday. The account appears in the Deloit correspondence.
-Mr. McKim, proprietor of the Pittsburg mills in Kansas has purchased several car loads of wheat to send to Pittsburgh. He pays 50 cents for No. 2 wheat. It appears that the Kansas wheat crop was ruined by floods of rain during harvest time. Mr. McKim is a successful business man.

-Scott McKim has purchased the Silver Zea house and lots.
-E. R. Laughery departed Thursday for his home at Brookings, S. D.
-John McKim of Pittsburg, Kansas visited his parents here last week.
-Mrs. Fannie Beardsley, of Denison, visited E. O. Thiem last week.
-Mr. Jas. Newcom and wife attended the Bergess Simmons wedding Sunday.
-Nellie Morris closed a successful term of school in Jackson township last Friday.
-Mr. Thiem and wife attended the funeral of N. Richards at Denison Sunday.
-A. C. Arnold of Minneapolis, made relatives north of town a brief visit the first of last week.
-Geo. W. Simmon departed Wednesday evening for Milan, Ill. to visit his parents and other relatives.
-Edwin Shives of Stockholm township, was the guest of Wm. Cruzan and family Saturday and Sunday.
-A. J. Mason sold his farm east of town last week to N. L. Hunt. Jack has not as yet decided but talks of moving to Nebraska.
-Married at the residence of the bride's mother at Bell Sunday, at 12 o'clock, Mr. Edward Burgess of Charter Oak and Miss Tella Simmons of Bell, Elder J. T. Turner officiating.
-R. White, general superintendent of the Galland Grove district Sunday school association was here over Sunday preaching and lecturing in the L. D.S. church.
-Several friends and neighbors gathered at the home of Mr. and Mrs. L. Patchin Saturday as a surprise in honor of Mrs. Patchin's sixty-fifth birthday anniversary. The company had a delightful time, as is always the case when the people of this neighborhood get together.
-Married at the residence of Geo. S. Jordan Thursday evening, Feb. 6, Mr. Scott McKim and Miss Ether Jordan. Elder J. T. Turner, officiating. Miss Jordan is the oldest daughter of Geo. S. Jordan and Scott, well everybody knows Scott, our popular and accommodating postmaster. May happiness be theirs.

Denison Review

-Constable Fitzgibbons of Vail, attended to business matters here Wednesday.
-Mr. David Blanshaw of Grand Junction, Ia. was a business visitor Wednesday of last week.
-The Deloit schools will give an entertainment Friday evening, commencing promptly at 7 o'clock, at the L. D. S. church. All are cordially invited.
-Supt. Wright of Denison, visited the school at Deloit, Thursday. This is as it should be. We believe that teachers and pupils both appreciate the visits of our county superintendent.
-Rev. Wm. C. Lee, of Minn., has been the guest of L. F. Morris, and family during the past week, and has assisted Rev. Clift in the revival works. Rev. Lee was a former pastor on the Deloit Charge and his presence with us was greatly appreciated. He left Tuesday on his way to Vermillion, South Dakota to attend a banquet at that place.

Milford and Goodrich
-C. G. Brink has about completed his new residence near Denison.
-Hans Peterson, of East Boyer, was seen in our midst last week.
-Miss Leiaiah Lewis came down from Odebolt for a visit with her parents the week before last.
-Miss Mary Biggs is canvassing for a religious book, edited by Rev. Venting.
-Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Shrader, of Sac county, were the guests of Mrs. Shrader's parents not long since.
-Miss Frances Ainsworth, of Denison, visited friends and relatives in our neighborhood Saturday and Sunday.
-Mr. John Carlson has been erecting a new barn for Wm. Shives of Stockholm.
-Misses Ida Biggs, Clara Johnson and Bertha Snell have been granted certificates to teach. Miss Biggs has engaged a term of school at Buck Grove, while Miss Snell has engaged the Goodrich center school. May success be theirs.

Denison Review

-Mrs. E. A. McKim has been on the sick list.
-N. L. Hunt made a business trip to Deloit Wednesday.
-E. E. Clauson was up in Morgan township Sunday.
-Meetings at the M. E. church closed Wednesday evening.
-Frank Brown and Sears McHenry, of Denison, visited our burg last week.
-Wm. McKim and wife returned the first of the week from a trip to Auburn, Iowa. Mr. and Mrs. H. Beardsley of Denison were the guests of E. O. Thiem and wife Sunday.
-Elder Whiting and Wm. McKim attended the L. D. S. conference in Dow City over Sunday.
-John Goff, of Arion and C. F. Keppler from Defiance, Iowa were in Deloit on business Monday.
-Mesdames F. A. Smith of Stockholm twp., and W. T. Huckstep, visited at the parsonage Thursday.
-George Ainsworth of Elmwood, Ill., who is on a business trip to these parts visited E. O. Thiem yesterday.
-Dell Keith started for St. Joe, Missouri, Monday morning, where he has secured a position in a wholesale house.
-S. Zea and family moved into Mrs. Dobson's house Thursday and Scott McKim Moved into the house vacated by Mr. Zea.
-Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bagg, of Denison, will move to Deloit the first of next week and Albert will take his place as clerk in N. L. Hunt's store.
-A number of friends gathered at the home of S. Horr Saturday evening to spend a few hours with Mrs. A. J. Mason who leaves soon for Dakota.
-Mr. S. W. Slater and wife, pioneer settlers of East Boyer twp., were visitors the latter part of last week with their many Deloit friends.
-A. J. Mason started on his overland trip Saturday for his new home in Dakota. Mrs. Mason will remain a few days visiting friends. May they have success in their new home is the wish of their many friends.
-The Deloit schools closed for the winter term Friday. In the evening an entertainment was given to the public in the L. D. S. church. The exercises were good as is always the case with the Deloit schools and were delivered to a crowded house.
-E. E. Clauson went to Denison Friday and returned to Deloit with a load of new furniture. Now when a young unmarried man goes to investing in furniture, it naturally follows that he must be going to take unto himself a better half. Now Ed, we know why you go to Kiron so often. Pass the treats around this way please.
-February 21st about 50 of the friends of Mrs. Julia Wiley assembled at the house of John Dobson and gave her a surprise, (it being her birthday). Mrs. Wiley was the recipient of many useful presents and the table being loaded with eatables of the season. A good time feasting and visiting was indulged in. May she have many such happy birthdays is the wish of all.


All Troubles Cured by Taking Hood's Sarsaparilla.
I feel it a duty as well as a pleasure to state what Hood's Sarsaparilla has done for me. It has saved my life, I could hardly get around the house. I was troubled with dizzy spells, sickness at the stomach, and Pains in Both My Sides. Sometimes I could not raise my head from the pillow for a week. If I did I would commence to vomit. The doctors said it was caused by the bad condition of my liver and kidneys.

Soon after I commenced to take Hood's Sarsaparilla I began to feel better, an appetite came to me, and HOOD'S Sarsaparilla CURES SHORTLY I WAS ABLE TO EAT WITHOUT FEELING ANY DISTRESS AFTERWARDS. I CONTINUED UNTIL I HAD TAKEN OVER FOUR BOTTLES AND I NOW CONSIDER MYSELF A WELL WOMAN. I KEEP Hood's Sarsaparilla on hand and do not want to be without it.
Mrs. Pauline Ruby, Buffalo, Iowa
Hood's Pills - the after-dinner pill and family catharsis. 25c

**comment from submitter - sounds more like she had an inner-ear infection to me. Just a thought****

Denison Review

Milford and Goodrich
-Will Petty is visiting relatives at Benan this week.
-Clara Shives of Stockholm, visited friends and relatives at the Center last week.
-The revival meetings that are in progress at Milford center are quite largely attended and considerable interest is being manifested.
-Myrtle Snell has closed her winter school at the Boyer Valley school house. Miss Snell expects to start for New York this week where she expects to visit for some time.
-C. G. Brink and family have moved into their new residence near Denison. We are sorry to lose so worthy a family from our midst but join their many friends in wishing them happiness in their new home.

-Chas. Cruzan has bought another horse.
-Dr. Darling of Vail was in Deloit on business Friday.
-Cash Newcom has rented his farm for $400 to Frank Birchwald.
-Fred Hitchings and son are at Hattie Creek at present engaged in building a barn.
-Edwin Lumblad of Odebolt, spent the latter part of the week east of town.
-John Worely has rented the A. J. Mason farm of N. L. Hunt and moved thereon.
-The sad news just arrived of the death of Thomas Hutchinson's four months old baby.
-John Anderson departed Wednesday for Omaha and Corning, Adams county. He expects to be gone two weeks.
-A number of our people attended the District conference held at Dow City last week by the L. D. S. church.
-John Mason and family of Lamoni, Iowa are spending a few weeks visiting relatives and friends at Deloit.
-The revival meetings at Milford Center, are drawing crowded houses. Quite a number from Deloit have been over.
-The board of trustees of Goodrich township, met Saturday and elected Henry Lambaugh road supervisor for the year '96.
-Porter Bowen has been around the past week delivering books that he had sold. He started Friday for Willow township where he intends canvassing.
-There will be Missionary services morning and evening in the M. e. church, Easter Sabbath, by the Sunday school and Epworth League respectively.
-Jennie Morris closed a successful term of school in Stockholm township Friday. In the afternoon, a very interesting program was rendered to an appreciative audience there being twenty eight visitors in attendance.
-Ettie Duckett intends visiting Denison, Dow City and at her home near Glidden. As she has been secured to teach the same school again she will be in our midst again before long. Miss Duckett is a number one teacher and has given most excellent satisfaction.
-On Monday, Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Thiem bade our city farewell and moved back to their old home near Vail. By this move Deloit will lose a most estimable couple, honored and respected by all. We are sorry to lose them from our midst and our best wishes go with them.

Denison Review

Milford and Goodrich
-Grace Cruzan has been on the sick list for the past week.
-Charley Cruzan was the guest of Miss ..... of Denison Sunday.
-Wm. Shives of Stockholm transacted business in our vicinity last week.
-Frances Ainsworth was up from Denison last week visiting relatives.
-O. E. Shives visited the home of T. Hutchinson Saturday and Sunday.
-Ed Brogan and family have moved down from Stockholm and now reside on the farm owned by Mr. Pearson.

-Grandma McMillan has been very sick the past week.
-Geo. W. Simmon returned from his Illinois visit Wednesday.
-John Mason has concluded to remain permanently in this vicinity.
-Sam Laughery will engage in the blacksmith business in Deloit.
-John W. Nessie of West Side is moving on to the O. Gardner farm east of town.
-A. Nye has gone to Cherokee to engage in the blacksmith business at that place.
-John Dobson and son, Cleo took an overland trip to Cherokee last week on business.
-E. O. Theim helped invoice the stock of goods in the Deloit store Thursday and Friday.
-Several new school director were elected in this vicinity last Monday. Clause Grill was elected in District No. 1, Goodrich township; Charles Schurke in District No. 9 Stockholm township; and Peter Larson in District No. 6, Otter Creek township.
-Mr. and Mrs. Albert Bagg are now comfortably settled in their new homes in Deloit. We cordially welcome them to our midst and hope that their residence with us may prove pleasant and profitable. We extend to them he right hand of fellowship and welcome them to their new home.
-The following relating to a young lady who is well and favorably known in the vicinity is clipped from the Odebolt Chronicle. Mr. Lemmuel Nelson and Miss Pearl Dobson, both of this township were married last Thursday at the M. E. parsonage by Rev. A. Brown and went to Ames the next day to spend a few days with relatives before moving to a farm which Mr. Nelson has rented near Alta. Mr. Nelson and his bride are well and favorably known in this vicinity and take to their new home the best wishes of many friends.

Denison Review

-E. R. Snell is losing his hogs with the cholera.
-Grandma Laughery at present writing is very sick.
-Mr. and Mrs. Bagg visited at Denison Sunday afternoon.
-Mrs. A. Baggs visited the home of her son Albert last week.
-William Coleman of Vail is visiting friends in this vicinity at present.
-Winfred Clift visited at the home of Rev. Martindale in Vail last week.
-Miss Mary Brink closed a successful term of school in district No. 7, Otter Creek Twshp.. Friday. She will teach the Milford Center school this spring.
-Charles Flint finished his school term in district No. 1 Goodrich twp., and Stanley Brown at the center in Morgan Twp.
-AH Hamilton and wife of Sac City, A. R. Roarke and wife of Lake View, and James McMillan of Peabody, Kansas were called to the beside of Grand McMillan, the pat week. We are glad to state that at the present writing she is somewhat better.
-Elmer Laughery closed a successful term of school Friday at Milford Center and Saturday evening the school gave an exhibition and spelling contest which were good in every respect. Mr. Laughery has taught this school seven terms and from the report of the patrons of the district, his success as a teacher is assured.
-E. E. Clausen received word from the Governor that he had been appointed Notary public.
-The Teachers Meeting was well attended at Deloit Saturday about thirty being present in the morning but few teachers being present. Pof. Spencer, Supt. Wright and Prof. Masters of Denison were in attendance and every point in the subjects under consideration were forcibly brought out. Every teaching in this vicinity should make it their business to attend and show by their presence that they appreciate the efforts of Supt. Wright to advance the educational interests of the county. There will be another meeting in four weeks.
-Saturday morning about 10 o'clock the house of Hans Carson, one of Goodrich's prosperous farmers, took fire and burned to the ground. Mr. Carson was away at Deloit at the time and did not know of the fire until it had reduced his home to a heap of smoking ashes. Neighbors living nearby saw the smoke and flames and gathered thereto the number of twenty six and succeeded in saving almost all the furniture. Mr. Carsons seed corn and some farm implements that were stored upstairs were consumed in the flames. He had $300 insurance in the German Farmers Mutual. We hear that Mr. Carson's intends to rebuild as soon as he can make arrangements to do so.

Denison Review

-John Bagge of Sac City visited at the home of his brother A. G. Bagge over Thursday. He came across the country on his wheel going on to Denison to visit a few days before returning to Sac. City.
-N. L. hunt and wife of Denison spent Friday at Deloit.
-Deloit schools are now open with Etta Duckett and Roy McKim as teachers.
-G. W. Tracy, representing the M.E. Smith Dry goods firm at Omaha spent Friday in town.
-Wm. Riggleman's wife and two children arrived from Virginia Thursday. Mr. Riggleman will farm the old Newcom farm the coming season.
-Messrs. Frank Mill and Harsfield and the Misses Harsefield and Mill of Schaller, Iowa, visited at the home of E. R. Snell over Sunday.
-John Taylor moved to Denison, Wednesday.
-Rev. Clift is at home again from his revival work at the Weed school house in Sac County.
-Mrs. Wm. Cruzan has been very sick the past two weeks.
-Jennie Morris returned from Denison Saturday where she has been taking a short course at the college in short hand.
-Maude Carlson of Denison, is here visiting with her friend Nellie Morris.
-Edna Bagge and Myrtle Smith of Denison are visiting at the home of Albert Bagge.
-Chas. Shives was elected president of the Milford board of school directors at the annual meeting.
-Thos. Hutchinson, father of George and Thos. Hutchison, of Milford, arrived Friday from Rock Island, Illinois, on a brief visit with his sons.

Denison Review

Mr. N. L. Hunt is building a telephone line between his Deloit store and his office in the court house. This will be a great convenience for Mr. Hunt as well as Denison people. The line will be connected with the central office here and this will furnish Deloit people with a connection to the telephone system of the country. Mr. Hunt is a successful business man and is always on the lookout for new enterprises that help him out and develop the county.

-Mrs. Joseph Langley and children are visiting in Missouri at present.
-Miss Bertha Snell will commence the spring term of school at Goodrich C after next Monday.
-Miss Vida Albright will teach the McAhren school.
-Mr. and Mrs. Jackson of Dunlap were visiting at E. R. Snell's last week.
-John Taylor and wife of Denison spent Sunday with relatives.
-Grandma Laughery is very sick at present writing.
-Mrs. J. G. Vasser of Denison is here visiting friends.
-Mrs. Taylor of California is visiting at the home of J. L. Miller.
-Wm. McKim went to Dow City Wednesday and had an operation performed on the tumor on his neck by Drs. Beaty and Carr.
-Porter Brown went to Charter Oak Thursday and returned Monday.
-Frank-Burchwald went to Cedar Rapids last week. Reports say for a better half.
-The Easter services at the M. E. church were good.
-S. W. Streeter and George Sez of Denison were up last Thursday.

Denison Review

Marriage Wednesday evening April 15th at the residence of J. L. Miller, Mr. Easu McKim and Mrs. Hester Taylor. Rev. Geo. S. Clift officiating. While uncle Esau's marriage was a surprise to his many friends, The Review wishes he and his bride many years of happiness.

-Who says it can't rain?
-Lincoln Dunbar is lying sick at the home of Chas. Campbell.
-Easu McKim is talking of starting a brick kiln this spring.
-Rev. Geo. S. Clift, made a business trip to Story county last week.
-Miss Cora Snell commenced school in the Hofeldt district Monday.
-J. L. Prentice has about completed the new dwelling house for Hans Carson.
-Miss Vida Albright commenced school in the McAhren district Monday.
-N. L. Hunt's grocery wagon is now going the rounds of the grocery settlement.
-Gertie Tucker of Denison, visited at the home of Barlow Dawson several days last week.
-Elder J. A. McIntosh of Denison age 90 years, preached a very interesting sermon at the Latter Day Saints church, Sunday evening.
-Miss Lizzie Temple visited a number of friends here this latter part of the week. We just wonder if she did not get "stuck" in the mud going to Denison Sunday evening.
-The 3d quarterly conference, also services of the M. E. church, will be held at the M.E. church, Deloit, Saturday evening at 7 pm. Quarterly meetings Sunday morning at 10 a.m. Quarterly meeting at the Wulf appointment at 3 p.m. Sunday.
-On Thursday Wm. Marr departed with his family and worldly possessions for Nebraska. Mr. Marr had been in Deloit only a short time.
-Miss Nettie Morris has been having quite a serious time with tooth ache the past week.
-Mr. Hall of Denison, visited at Taylor Nixon's Sunday.
-Deputy Treasurer Meyers and family were visiting relatives in Deloit Sunday.
-John Goft and family of Arion were up the last of the week.
-Miss Cora Hedger and Miss Tucker of Jackson township, attended services at the M. E. church Sunday morning.
-Election of Epworth League officers occurred Thursday evening, April 22nd at the M. E. church.
-Thursday evening the boys serenaded Easu McKim and wife.
-The Epworth League of the M. E. church will give a temperance program Sunday evening, May 17th.
-Rev. John T. Lee of Sioux City is expected here about May 1st to deliver a lecture on the life and mission of Rev. Geo. Haddock.
-Elder C. J. Hunt came home Thursday and preached in the L. D. S. church Sunday evening.
-Abram Galland of Arion has moved to Deloit and will open a brick kiln.
-Bascom Nicewanter of Vail, moved to Deloit a week ago Monday.

Denison Review

-Chas. Flint has bought a new buggy and may now be seen on our streets daily with his new rig.
-Miss Martindale of Vail, came over with her father and attended Quarterly meting services at Deloit.
-Chas. J. Hunt and Miss Ettie Duckett made a pleasant trip to Vail and spent a few hours with friends Wednesday evening.
-The Quarterly conference and meeting was conducted by Rev. J. Martindale of Vail, Presiding Elder Lothran being unable to be present.
-A couple of bloods from the grove drove through town Sunday evening at a rapid rate shooting off their revolvers and yelling at the top of their voices. This miserable action of theirs should be brought before the law.
-Messrs. Roy McKim and E. E. Clauson spent Sunday at the pleasant and sociable home of Mr. and Mrs. E. O. Thiem in Vail. They report a most enjoyable time with this estimable couple.
-The following officers were elected Thursday evening by the Epworth League for the term of one year; President, Elmer Laugher; 1st vice-president, U. S. Dunbar; 2nd Vice president Lille Newcom, 3rd vice president H. P. Simmon; 4th vice president Lille Zea; secretary, J. E. Cruzan; treasurer, S. D. Newton; organist Mae Schuler.

Denison Review
May 6, 1896

The Deloit mill burned to the ground Saturday evening incurring heavy loss to its owners who had but little insurance. A full account of the fire will be found among the Deloit items.

The Deloit Mill Burned
The cry of fire rang out Saturday night after 9 o'clock giving notice that a conflagration was in progress. The scene of disaster was the roller mills of Hallberg Bros. A number of citizens responded and succeeded in saving several sacks of flour and wheat, but owing to the intense heat and rapid rate in which the flames surrounded the building, nothing further could be saved. For a while it seemed that hay barns near by would follow to go up in flames, but by hard work with pails and water it was saved.

The fire started up stairs in the mill and its origin is not know. Half and hour from the time the flames were first noticed bulging out through the roof only a mass of burning timbers and grain remained to mark the place where the mill had stood. John Hallburg was away at the time and Alfred Hallberg had retired for the night and was not aware of the fire when he was called.

This is very hard luck indeed for these hard working brothers as the past two years they have been unable to work the mill for lack of water. For the past month they have been favored with plenty of water and had a good run.

We understand that they carried a small insurance on the mill. The writer has not learned as to whether they will rebuild The fire could be plainly seen for many miles around. Quite a large number of people visited the burnt mass on Sunday.

-Thursday April 30th was the 46th wedding anniversary of Mr. and Mrs. E. A. McKim and they were the recipients of a fine sofa chair in remembrance of the occasion, presented to them by their son, James R. McKim. The chair was made by him and is ever particular as good as can be bought in Denison. In fact, it is a beauty and will be treasured by E. A. and wife as long as they live. May they have many happy anniversaries is the wish of all.
-N. L. Hunt and Jesse McAhren of Denison, were up in Deloit Thursday on business.
-Rev. Geo. Clift, wife and daughter visited at E. R. Snell's Wednesday of last week.
-Geo. A. Smith and wife of Denison were the guests of Albert Bagge and wife Sunday.
-News is scarce with us this week and we will close in the hopes of sending you a longer letter next week.
-Rev. J. F. Lee of Sioux City and W. C. Lee of Minnesota, arrived Monday morning. Rev. J. F. Lee lectures tonight on the life of Geo. Haddock.

Denison Review

Lee-Morris - On Tuesday, May 5th, 1896, at 6 p.m. at the residence of the bride's parents, Rev. Wm. C. Lee of Edgerton, Minn. And Miss Helen L. Moris of Deloit, Rev. J. F. Lee of Sioux City officiating.

Rev. Lee was pastor of the Deloit charge for a short time four years ago and is now pastor of the M. E. church at Edgerton, Minn. The bride has grown up in our midst and is one of Deloit's most accomplished ladies and an earnest worker in the cause of Christ. The M. E. church people lose one of their best workers. There was about 30 present to witness the marriage ceremony. The bride was dressed in white cashmere trimmed with white satin ribbon and wore a white bridal veil of silk illusion, while the groom was dressed in the conventional black. Misses Sadie Newton and Myrtle Case acted as maids of honor. The bridal pair were the recipients of numerous handsome and costly presents.

After the ceremony the company sat down to an elegant wedding repast. After supper the time was spent in social conversation until the guests departed to their respective homes. The bridal couple took their departure Thursday afternoon on the 2:352 p.m. train for their future home in Edgerton, Minn.,intending to stop several places on the route. May they have happiness and prosperity and may God bless them in their work in his cause. The Review extends congratulations.

Denison Review

-Born to Mr. and Mrs. W. Meyers a son.
-The Epworth league will give a Temperance program Sunday evening May 17.
-Grandma Laughery is improving and we hope she will soon be able to be around again.
-Miss Ella Cruzan was the guest of W. Shives family of Stockholm township the past week.
-Mr. and Mrs. James McKim spent Saturday and Sunday of last week at George Newcombs near Odebolt.
-N. L. Hunt's new telephone line is up and now Deloit can be in constant communication with the rest of the world.
-Fred Gronau drove a5 carloads of cattle through our streets Sunday morning on their way to Denison for shipment.
-Rev. Jno. J. Lee of Sioux City, lectured to a small but appreciative audience Monday evening on the life of Rev. George Hadock.

Denison Review

-Miss Grace Cruzan was the guest of C. G. Brink's family last week.
-Alfred Schuler attended the oratorical contest at Sac City.
-Wm. Cruzan has been on the sick list the past week.
-Lincoln Dunbar is still very sick without any improvement.
-The temperance program given by the Epworth League Sunday evening was excellent. ,,,, and we hope that some good seed was sown that shall bear fruit in the near future.
-Carl Winey hauled off his hogs Monday.
-The Epworth League elected the following delegates to the district convention at Odebolt; Rev. Geo. Clift, Mrs. Clift, Elmer Laughery, Alfred Schuler and Grace Dawson.

Denison Review

-Lincoln Dunbar is still very sick and gradually growing weaker.
-Old people's meeting at the M. E. church next Sunday morning at 11 a.m.
-Mr. and Mrs. Temple of Denison, attended services at the M. E. church Sunday evening.
-Miss Mabel Pollock is the guest of E. R. Snell's family this week.
-For sweet potato plants call on Bascom Nicewaner who can supply you with everything in the garden line.
-Abram Galland now has a brick kiln ready to burn and will soon be able to supply those who wish them with a good quality of brick.
-Elder Hunt is home for a week. His many friends are glad to see him.
-Miss Bertha Snell closes a successful term of school at Goodrich center next Friday.
-A special service arranged for the elderly people by the Epworth league will be held at the M. E. church next Sabbath morning, June 7th.

Denison Review

-Mrs. W. C. Clauson spent Friday and Saturday with friends at Denison, returning to her home near Kiron Sunday morning.
-E. E. Clauson went to Omaha Monday morning to buy goods for N. L. Hunt's store returning in the evening.
-Geo. Meyers deputy treasurer spent a few day looking after his interests at Deloit this week and shaking hands with former pupils and old friends.

Denison Review

-Misses Hope and Iva Smith of Denison are visiting at the home of their sister, Mrs. Albert Ragge at present.
-Miss Cornelia Leavenworth of Newark, W. Virginia, arrived Friday morning to make a visit with her aunt, Mrs. Katie Clift.
-The Kenwood boys came over Saturday and played ball with the Deloit club. We hear Deloit came out of the game victorious.
-Thursday morning one of Deloit's youths was arrested, charged with stealing $20.00 from his guardian Esau McKim. During the day the lad, after thinking the matter over, concluded to give back the money and was released from custody. We hope it will teach him a lesson, as the next time he may not fare so well.
-Dr. Nichols departed Tuesday afternoon for Watertown, South Dakota. He expects to be gone three weeks.
-Ward Cramer and sons, Charles and Willie and Roy McKim and Solomon Laughery went on a fishing excursion to the Little Sioux river, Wednesday evening returning Sunday morning. They reported the river too high and so came back without any fish.
-Lincoln Dunbar is still very sick and growing weaker each day.

-Mrs. S. L. Gable visited relatives in our vicinity Sunday.
-Elmer Winans has been engaged in working for Mr. Sievers of Denison
-Grandma Ainsworth enjoyed a pleasant visit with relatives from Denison on Wednesday.
-Miss Edith Ainsworth of Denison, has been up the past week visiting friends and relatives.
-J. C. Hitching and family visited with relatives in Ida county last week, returning home on Thursday.
-Miss Mary Brink closed a successful term of school at Milford Center on Tuesday, while Miss Vida Albright closed her school at the Boyer Valley school house on Friday.
-While hitching his team on Friday last, Mr. Walter Gable met with quite a serious accident, the horse knocking him down then jumping upon him. It is said that he received very severe injuries.
-One of our "Milford toughs" betook upon himself the liberty to take $20 cash and go on an excursion last Thursday, but lo and behold, his excursion extended only to Denison, for when he reached that place he was kindly marched into the cooler. Served him just right and instead of releasing him in the evening, he ought to serve not less than a six month's term.

Denison Review

-After a lingering illness and much suffering, Mr. L. T. Dunbar passed away about midnight on the 24th of June. The deceased was born in Crawford county, Iowa, April 25th, 1865 and was 31 years and two months old. He had resided the greater part of the time in this county and was well known to the people of Deloit, where his many relatives reside. He united wit the M.E. church in 1889. Several day's previous to his death he seemed to be conscious of the approaching end, and nearly his last words were to friends and relatives, "Be true to God.". The funeral services were conducted by Rev. Geo. S. Clift from the M. E. church and the remains interred in the Deloit burying ground.

Grand Fourth at Deloit
A large Program has been Prepared
Prof. Ross Masters of Denison, Speaker of the Day


Fine parade at 9:30 a.m. Will start from South street.
Arrangement of parade:
Band Officers of day in carriages of State, Uncle Sam and the eagle in triumph, Goddess of Liberty and original states represented by 14 girls.

Trades display, Horseback riders, Ragamuffins, etc. A prize to each of the two best equipped horseback riders, 1st, 2nd and ad prize for 3 best ragamuffin display.

Exercises at Grand Stand
Music by band,
Prayer, Rev. G. W. Clift;
Address of welcome,
Reading Declaration of Independence,
National Hymn by all,
Oration by Prof. Masters,
Music by band,
Basket dinner.

Afternoon program called at 1:30
Chorus Toasts by citizens,
Field sports begin at 2:50 sharp.
Biscuit eating, 2 prizes,
Wheelbarrow race, 2 prizes,
Ring riding 2 prizes,
Boys' foot race 2 prizes,
Fat Man's race 2 prizes,
Greased pig, prize, the pig.

A game of baseball is talked of as a great feature of the day.
Bowery dance, afternoon and evening.
Fire Works.

-Abram Galland now has a good quality of brick for sale.
-Cora Snell is intending to start out for New York.
-Jennis Morris departed last week for the Sioux City Commercial college where she intends to take a complete course in short hand. Miss Morris is one of Crawford county's successful teachers and we wish her success.
-Deloit will celebrate the 4th this year on the same grounds used the past years. A good program is being prepared. Everyone is invited to come and help us celebrate.
-quarterly meeting services at the M.E. Church Sunday evening, July 5th at 8 p.m. Rev. Lothian Presiding Elder will preach. We hope many will come out to hear him.
-Rev. Geo. S. Clift, Elmer Laughery, Mrs. Sarah McKim and Lucy Flint attended the district League convention at Odebolt Wednesday, but were called home Thursday morning on account of the death of Mr. Dunbar.
-Died Wednesday evening, June 24th, at 11:45 pm Lincoln Dunbar, aged 31 years and 2 months. Mr. Dunbar has been sick for some time with that dread disease consumption and the news of his death was expected. He was born in Crawford county and with the exception of a short time has always lived here. He was married in 1889 to Mrs. Olive Zimmerman, who died October 16that 1890. Funeral services were held Thursday afternoon at 3 p.m. at the M. E. church, Rev. Clift officiating. Interment took place in the Deloit cemetery. The sympathy of the entire community goes out to the sorrowing relatives.

Denison Review

At Deloit
At 9:30 a.m. several hundred people had gathered in this quiet little village bent on having a good time. The parade started about 10 o'clock from the south end of Main street headed by Marshal and music, then came the small girls appropriately dressed to represent the thirteen original states, followed by a large number of young men and women on horseback, ragmuffins carriages, etc. making a large and imposing procession. After the parade people gathered under the large bowery which had been erected adjoining the public part. Mr. A. G. Myers, deputy county treasurer was president of the day and constable J. L. Miller, officer of the day.

The exercises were opened by prayer offered by John Dobson, who participated in the first celebration ever held in Crawford county within a few rods of this place. Address of welcome by Mr. Stanley Browne, the declaration was read by Elmer Laughery. Then came the oration of the day by Prof. Masters of the Denison Normal and Business College. This was a masterly address admired and listened to with greater attention than is often done on occasions of this kind. All spoke in the highest terms of the manner of delivery and expressions of patriotism throughout. Mr. Masters will always be kindly remembered by the people in this vicinity. The exercises were interspersed throughout by patriotic songs. Adjournment was not announced until 1:30.

The afternoon occupied by toasts, games, races of different kinds and all other sorts usually indulged in on the 4th of July. After the exercises the young people took charge of the platform and danced until midnight. A very nice display of fireworks was witnessed by a large crowd in the evening. One noticeable feature on this occasion was that there was not an intoxicated person on the ground and all enjoyed each others company. Deloit always has a nice time on the 4th day of July.

-Born to Mr. and Mrs. J. C. Phillips Wednesday, July 1st, a girl.
-Mr. and Mrs. Sylvester Zea are enjoying a visit from their sister, Mrs. Camek(??)
-Some of our teachers are going to attend the summer term of the Denison Normal College which commences July 7.
-Watt Wilkinson has built an addition to his house and otherwise improved it and now has a very comfortable house to live in.
-Mr. Wm. Shives and daughters and Mr. Bert Darling of Stockholm township attended quarterly meeting services at Deloit Sunday evening.
-Among those who attended the celebration from Denison, we notice N. L. Hunt and family, Geo. Meyers and family, E. Kruger and wife and Eugene Gulick and family.
-Mr. and Mrs. H. N. Snell and daughter Cora, departed on the Sunday evening train for New York on a visit to Mr. and Mrs. Snell's daughter, Mrs. Myrtie Daken. They intend staying for some time.
-The celebration of the Fourth at Deloit passed off very successfully. Prof. Masters of Denison delivered a very good oration. The various prizes were contested for with spirit. The exercises of the day ending with the fire works at night, shows that the Deloit people are as patriotic as any community in the glorious land of freedom.

Denison Review

-E. F. Fink arrived home from Nebraska Friday.
-Dr. Nichols returned home from Watertown, S. D. Saturday.
-Grandpa Nobles went to Arion Friday for a week's visit with relatives.
-Misses Mary Brink and Isabel Cruzan made a business trip through Otter Creek, Stockholm and Goodrich townships Tuesday and Wednesday of last week.
-Esther Conquist is visiting her sister Mrs. Harry Fink.
-S. D. Newton is suffering with a very sore foot caused by getting it caught in a hayrake.
-J. E. Cruzan and Mary Brink attended quarterly meeting services at the Methodist church at Vail Sunday.
-The Republican caucus Friday afternoon selected H. P. Simmon, E. M. Nobles, M. Haskins, J. C. Phillips and E. R. Snell as delegates to the county convention. The Republicans of Goodrich are for McKinley, Hobart, Doliver and Victory.

Denison Review

-S.D. Newton lost a horse Friday.
-Walter Keith returned from Nebraska Thursday.
-Edith Ainsworth of Denison visited at the home of her grandparents last week.
-Missionary exercises at the M. E. church Sunday evening, July 26th. A good program is being prepared.
-Fink Bros and Parley Spence have bought new grinders this season.
-Mr. and Mrs. Chas. Shives of Milford Center attended services at the M. E. church Sunday morning.

We miss thee from our home brother,
We miss thee from thy place.
A shadow o'er our life is cast.
We miss the sunshine of thy face.
We miss thy kind and wining hand,
Thy fond and earnest care.
Our home is dark without thee,
We miss thee everywhere.
One by one earth's ties are broken,
As we see our love decay.
And the hopes so fondly cherished,
Brighten but to pass away.
One by one our hopes grow brighter,
As we near the shining shore.
For we know across the river,
Waits our brother gone before.
Mrs. C. C. Campbell

Denison Review

-Lucy Dewolf, of Denison, was the guest of E. R. Snell's family the last of the week.
-Edwin and Grace Clark from Neligh, Nebraska, a nephew and niece of Mrs. Clift, arrived at the parsonage Friday for a visit.
-G. E. Shives of Stockholm township is a frequent visitor in this vicinity. Must be some attraction, Ed.
-Farmers in this vicinity are about through cutting grain and many will begin to stack this week.
-The Missionary service by the Epworth League which was to be held last Sunday night in the M.E. Church was postponed until August 2nd.

Denison Review

-Mrs. George Newcom and daughter of Odebolt, spent Sunday and Monday with her parents at the McKim household.
-Alfred and Eugene Shuler have purchased a new threshing outfit and are prepared to accommodate all who patronize them with first class work.
-The Missionary meeting held at the M. E. church Sunday evening was a success. May the work prosper.
-A great many of the republicans in this vicinity were disappointed in not getting to hear J. P. Dolliver on account of the muddy roads and unfavorable appearance of the evening. We hope Mr. Dolliver will speak again in Denison before the campaign closes.
-Farmers are busy stacking grain - between showers.
-Miss Frances Ainsworth is staying with her grandparents, Michael Ainsworth and wife.

Denison Review

Milford and Goodrich
-Mrs. Miller is visiting at Denison at the present writing.
-Mr. and Mrs. Wm. Sives of Stockholm was the guest of Chas. Shives and family Sunday.
-Mr. and Mrs. John Myers of Galland's Grove were the guests of J. W. Lewis the latter part of this week.
-The Milford Center Sabbath school are arranging for a picnic on Friday next. We sincerely hope it will not rain.
-Quite a number of our Milford Center people attended the funeral services of Grandma Laughery Sunday morning.

-J. E. Cruzan has been appointed class leader of the M. E. church at Deloit.
-Edwin Clark and Winnifred Clift departed Tuesday morning for Story county, Iowa, where they will visit for a couple of weeks.
-The storm Sunday afternoon did considerable damage in this vicinity, blowing hay stacks and grain stacks over generally.
-Dr. Folsom and wife of Denison were in Deloit Sunday.
-Died Saturday morning, Aug. 8, at 4 o'clock, Mrs. Esther Laughery, aged 79 years 10 months and 8 days. Mrs. Laughery was born Sep. 30, 1816 in Morgan county, Ohio and came to Crawford county, Iowa about 23 years ago, having resided in this vicinity most of the time. She was the mother of eleven children, ten of whom survive her, one dying at the age of thirteen. Her husband died several years ago. She has been a sufferer for the past two years from a cancerous tumor, which finally caused her death. She was a kind and loving mother and her children will sadly miss her. She died with the blessed assurance that she was accepted of Christ and had a mansion prepared for her "in the home over there" Funeral services were held at the M. E. church, Sunday morning at 11 o'clock , Rev. Geo. S. Clift officiating. The remains were laid to rest in the Deloit cemetery. The sympathy of entire community goes out to the bereaved ones. May they realize that though they have lost mother here below, she has gone to an eternal home above, and may they so live that when death comes they can clasp the hands of the mother gone before to the heavenly home.

Denison Review

-The Deloit Sunday school will hold a picnic Saturday, September 5th.
-Miss Villa Wedlock of Cherokee is visiting with her sister, Mrs. Ellis.
-Rev. G. S. Clift left Monday for Galva to attend the District Conference of the M. E. church at that place.
-Miss Mae Schuler returned from her visit to Randolph, Nebraska, Thursday. She reports having a pleasant time.
-E. E. Find departed Saturday for Charlotte, Iowa, where he will visit with his daughter for a month or so.
-Elmer Thomas and family of Clinton were here last week visiting his sister, Mrs. Johnathan Miller and family of Milford Center. Many friends here were glad to see him.
-The meeting called Saturday night at the McAhren school house was very enthusiastic. A.McKinley and Hobart club of Good rich township was organized with the following officers: President, E. M. Snell; Secretary, Harry Fink; Treasurer, E. M. Nobles.
-Friday the Milford Center Sunday school held a picnic in Wm. Huckstep's grove. An appropriate program prepared for the occasion was rendered and everyone seemed to enjoy themselves until the appearance of the storm about 4 o'clock which had the effect of breaking up the picnic, as the people were anxious to get to their respective homes before the storm came upon them.
-The Milford republican caucus was quite well attended Saturday evening at the Center school house. The following township officers were nominated; Clerk: J. G. Smith, Assessor, Elmer Johnson; Trustee, Clarence Cose; Justices of the peace, Wm. Bennett and N. H. Brogden; Constable, Wm. Huckstep; A. McKinley and Hobart club of Milford township was also organized with a good membership.

Denison Review

Real Estate Transfers

August 18
A. Huff and wife to Barney Roibbennult, lots 8,9,10,11,12,13,14,blk 125 Denison con. $125 C.E. Price and wife to Annie Fale, sw se West Side con $1200

August 22
E.M. Johnes to Charles Wickwire, lots 7 and 8. Jones add. Charter Oak con $200
E.M.Jones to Charles Wickwire , lot 1, sub-divse se 22, lot 2 sub-div se se 22, Charter Oak con $638.

Denison Review

Old Settler's Reunion

The Day was Pleasant and a Large Crowd Attended the Exercises

---Officers Elected for the Coming Year.

The Fifth Annual picnic of the Old Settlers' Association of Crawford County was held in Washington Park, Denison, Iowa, September 4, 1896. About 10 o'clock the old settlers with their families and friends began to gather with their baskets well filled with good things prepared for the occasion. The time was spent in hand shaking and visiting until dinner time. Free coffee, sugar and cream was furnished by the people of Denison under the supervision of Mr. E. Gulick who deserves a great deal of credit for the active part he took in making that part of the picnic a success.

On account of the bad condition of the roads, people were late getting together and the program did not begin until afternoon.

At one o'clock the Denison Cornet Band marched down to the park and rendered a few choice pieces of music, after which the large crowd was called to order by the president, Mr. J. B. Huckstep. Prayer was then offered by Rev. Brown of Charter Oak.

Mr. Thomas Rae was then introduced and delivered the annual address which was listened to with special interest.

After listening to another piece of band music, Uncle Morris McHenry, one of the jolliest of the old settlers, was called for and told the people how he found the corners and followed the lines to the best place to get a meal.

Among those who were called on to volunteer speeches the following responded:

First, was John Dobson, who gave a short sketch of the settlement in the early fifties when they had to go to Des Moines or Council Bluffs (then Kanesville) to do their trading. B. F. Gallan was then called on and related some of his experience in the first settlement of Iowa. He came to this state in 1831 with his parents and settled in Lee county near where Keokuk now stands. His playmates were young Indians and he learned to speak the language of the red skins. "Uncle Ben " as he is usually called, was probably the oldest settler on the Missouri slope.

The next to respond was "Uncle" John McIntosh who is in his ninety=first year but spoke for ten minutes in a loud and clear tone of voice.

Dr. T. S. Bailey of Cedar Rapids was escorted to the platform and spoke of the early settlement of the state, he being a resident of Iowa for forty-one years.

After listening to another piece of music by the band, the following officers and Township directors were elected for the ensuing year:

President John B. Huckstep;
First Vice President, S. E. Dow;
Second Vice President C. F. Buss,
Third Vice President , O. M. Criswell;
Fourth Vice President, S. L. Gable;
Recording Secretary and Historian, E.S. Plimpton;
Secretary, N. L. Hunt;
Treasurer, Sears McHenry
Iowa Township, Mr. Hilsabeck;
Nishnabotany, Robert Theobold;
Washington, S. D. Thew,
Union, George Rae;
Boyer, William A. Davis,
Hays, W. W. Rodenbaugh;
East Boyer S. W. Slater;
Denison, N. J. Wheeler;
Paradise, Geo. V. Jordan;
Willow, Chas. Roberson;
West Side, Jas. McAndrews;
Milford, J.C. Robertson;
Goodrich, D. F. Woodruff;
Hanover T. J. Shopshire;
Charter Oak, Abe Hart;
Jackson, Jas. Maynard;
Stockholm, J. D. Newcom;
Morgan, J. C. Jensen;
Soldier, Martin Neal.

It is the duty of the director to make a written historical report of his township and report at the next annual picnic.

N. L. Hunt Secretary

Denison Review

-Farmers are busy threshing and haying.
-H. N. Snell and family are expected home today (Monday).
-Mr. Robanz has moved the house in which he used to live to the place where he now resides.
-Miss Bertha Snell will commence the fall term of school at Goodrich Center next Monday.
-The McKinley club meeting at the McAhren school house Friday evening was very enthusiastic. The next meeting will be held at the same place Friday evening, September 11.
-R. Shaw Van of Denison, spoke Saturday night to a fair sized audience but we failed to see where he finds any points in favor of the free silver side of the question, While R. E. Grason, who followed Shaw Van devoted a good part of his time to telling his audience that a certain speaker who did not agree with him ought to be "rotten egged."
-The M. E. Sunday school picnic at Deloit was a success in every way. The day was clear and beautiful and the grove where the picnic was held was as good as can be found in this locality. When all had satisfied their appetite from the bounteous repast spread before them upon the tables, an appropriate program was carried out. Then everyone was free to enjoy themselves to the utmost. When the time came to depart, all went home well satisfied with their day's outing.

Denison Review

-Grace Clark of Neligh, Nebraska, who has been visiting her aunt, Mrs. Clift, departed for her home Tuesday noon. Miss Leavenworth accompanied her to her home, intending to visit with her some time before returning home in Vert, Va.
-Sunday evening Elmer Winans was taken very sick and a doctor was called. He has been affected all summer with heart trouble and has not been able to work much. At last reports he was very sick. We hope he may soon recover.
-Mrs. Mary Brink visited at the parsonage Saturday.
-Peter Larson and Fred Gronau shipped 3 car loads of hogs Monday and Tuesday.
-Vida Albright commenced the fall term of school at McAhren school house last Monday.
-Taylor Nixon is building an addition to his house and when completed he will have a very substantial residence.
-Wm. Cruzan sold 11 head of coming two-year old steers for $230. Who says there isn't any money in raising cattle?
-J. J. Prentice is back from Cherokee where he has been working on the insane asylum. He expects to return on Wednesday or Thursday.
-The fourth quarterly conference of the M. E. church will be held Thursday evening at 7:30. Rev. J. W. Lothian presiding elder, will preside and will preach directly after the conference.

Denison Review

-Mrs. Katie Clift has been afflicted with sore eyes the past two weeks, and at present writing she is having a very serious time with them.
-Mr. and Mrs. F. A. Smith and Mr. and Mrs. Wm.Shives of Stockholm township and Chas. Shives of Milford Center attended quarterly conference at Deloit Thursday evening.
-Edwin Clark returned from his visit to Story county Wednesday and will visit at the parsonage for some time.
-Mrs. Albert Bagge of Deloit and Mrs. M. N. Smith of Denison, visited at Wm. Cruzan's Thursday.
-H. P. Simmon made a business trip to Oto, Woodbury county, this week.
-Miss Grace Cruzan was on the sick list the past week.
-At the M. E. Conference held Thursday evening the following persons were appointed to the various church offices for the ensuing year.
-Trustees - E. R. Snell, J. E. Cruzan, Geo. W. Simmons, S. D. Newton and Wm. T. Huckstep.
-Stewards - H. P. Simmon, J. E. Cruzan, Geo. W. Simmon, Lillie Newton and Sarah McKim.
-Recording Steward - Mrs. Lillie Newton.
-Dist. Steward - H. P Simmon
-Jas. Turner is now busily engaged in making sorghum molasses. He has a large patronage. Farmers for many miles around bring their cane to his mill in preference to going elsewhere. Mr. Turner has a reputation for making good sorghum molasses, which is excelled by none.
-Mrs. Franklin Prentice has been quite sick the past week and at last reports was not any better.
-Saturday evening Grandma McMillian was taken quite sick.

Denison Review

-Rev. Geo. S. Clift left Monday to attend the Northwestern Iowa Conference.
-The joint debate at the Deloit school house Saturday evening was fairly well attended.
-Scott McKim, Deloit's popular postmaster made a trip to Charter Oak on business Friday.
-Edwin Clark was obliged to return to Marshalltown again to receive medical attention up in his eyes.
-Politics are all the go at present and from all appearances McKinley is gaining converts every day.
-E. E. Fink is home again from Charlotte, Iowa where he has been visiting his daughter, Mrs. Eliza Albright.
-Messers. Williams and Harold and their wives, of Mentorville, Neb. Were the guests of the parsonage people on Monday and Tuesday of last week.

Denison Review

-Mrs.Clift is still suffering severely from her sore eyes.
-County Treasurer Lorentzen, of Denison, visited at Peter Christensen's Sunday.
-Quite an interest was manifested in the Woodruff-Schofield debate at Deloit Saturday night.
-E. A. McKim and wife are talking of going down to St. Joseph to visit their son, Eugene, this week.
-Judge Connor of Denison will speak at Deloit on the Gold and Silver Question, Saturday evening, Oct. 10th.
-We learn that Mrs. John Miller, of Milford Center was taken very sick at the Pleasant Hill picnic Saturday.
-Wednesday Mrs. E. R. Snell received a telegram informing her of the death of her brother, Peter Mill of Schaller, Sac County. Mr. and Mrs. Snell left the same day for Schaller, returning home Saturday.

Denison Review

-Mrs. A. G. Bagge and Mrs. M. Hunt visited friends near Vail Wednesday.
-Mr. C. Hunt and Miss Ettie Duckett spent a couple of days the past week with friends at Benan.
-Miss Edna Bagge of Denison spent a few days at the home of her brother, A. G. Bagge, last week.
-The Deloit Schools are progressing nicely under the able management of Prof. Schooly and Miss Duckett.
-Elder W. W. Whiting has been assisting in a tabernacle meeting near Glidden the past two weeks. Mr. W. is an untiring worker in behalf of the Latter Day Saint church.
-Mr. E. O. Thiem was shaking hands with the boys here on Thursday. He reports everything fair in his neighborhood. His visits to our midst are always enjoyed. Come again E. O.
-Elder C. J. Hunt is home from northern Iowa, where he has been engaged in missionary work for the pat four months. He will conduct a short series of meetings here and then go to Harlan.
-Sylvester Zea and family have moved into the McKim house.
-Jas. McKim and S. D. Newton are losing their hogs with the cholera.
-Mrs. J. T. Turner, who has been sick all summer is still slowly failing.
-Elder C. J. Hunt of Galland's Grove is a present in Deloit visiting relatives.
-Rev. Geo. S. Clift has been returned to the Deloit M. E. church for another year.
-A temperance program will be given at the M. E. Church next Sunday evening.
-E. A. McKim and wife left Wednesday for St. Joseph, Mo. to visit their son, Eugene.
-Judge Conner spoke to a small but appreciative audience Friday evening, the rain stopping many that were intending to go.
-Frank Hess had the misfortune to run the blade of a cornstalk into his eye abut two weeks ago. And has had a serious time with it since.
-Four of Deloit's young men got into a little trouble Monday. A trip to Denison, a fine imposed, and subsequent release was the result.
-Married, Sunday, Oct. 11, 1896 at the M. E. parsonage Denison, Iowa, Rev. Ilgenfritz officiating, Mr. Alfred Halberg and Miss Katie Turner. Both of these young people are widely known and we extend congratulations and wish them a happy voyage through life.
-Hon. J. P. Conner was greeted with a good hearing Friday evening although the weather was unpromising. Mr. Conner made an excellent speech in behalf of republicanism and good government. The free silver craze is fast giving way in all this country. Hon. J. P. Dolliver will receive a rousing vote in this locality.
-Politics seems to be the order of the day, and as there are but three weeks before election, we wish to say that the voters of Deloit and vicinity should regardless of party vote for their representative at the county seat, Mr. N. L. Hunt, county Recorder. Mr. Hunt has made a good recorder, is willing at all times to accommodate those who have business at the recorder's office to the best of his ability, has had but one term and deserves a second. We believe the voters of Deloit will make no mistake if they case their ballots for N. L. Hunt for the office of county recorder.

Denison Review

-Vote for N. L. Hunt for county recorder.
-Just one week in ... of politics and then we expect to have quiet again.
-Miss Francis Ainsworth closed a successful term of school in Otter Creek township last Friday.
-E. A. McKim and wife arrived home Thursday from their visit to St. Joseph, Mo. They report having a very pleasant time while there.
-Jas. Hitchings was thrown out of a wagon one day last week and the wagon wheel passed over his body, but without seriously injuring him.
-Dr.Nichols had quite a runaway Thursday afternoon. The horses he was driving became scared at some horses in a field close by the road and make a quick turn, throwing the doctor out over the wire fence into the corn field. The horses then ran until completely exhausted, being caught at Carl Wing's. The doctor was considerably hurt and has to use crutches to get around at all. We hope he may soon entirely recover from his accident.

Denison Review

-Miss Bernice McKim has been dangerously ill the past week, but her many friends are glad to see her better at this writing.
-Elder C. J. Hunt has been holding a series of meetings at the L. D. S. church the past week to a good attendance. He leaves this week for Quinby, Iowa. We are always glad to see Charlie come home, but sorry to see him leave. Our good wishes go with him to his field of labor.
-Mrs. J. L. Miller, a leader in the L. D. S. Sabbath school, had a party for her class on election day, which was enjoyed by the little folks. They report a good time and wanted to know when she would have another.
-Jams McMillen and wife of Peabody, Kansas, have arrived home, Mrs. McMillen coming to take care of her mother, Mrs. Turner, who is very low at this writing.
-Myrtle and Burr Goff, of Arion, are visiting with their grandmother, Mrs. M. Hunt this week.
-Mr. Saul Gable, of Milford, attended services at the Brick church Sabbath eve.
-Mrs. James North spent Sunday in Deloit.
-Frank Barton and wife of Vail, were visiting at David McKim's last week.
-Mrs. Joe Wiggins and little Josie spent the day with Mr. and Mrs. Topper.
-I wonder what Roy McKim goes to Dow City so much for. Will someone please say? Perhaps that new buggy could tell.
-Mr. and Mrs. James McMillan have returned to our community from Peabody, Kansas. Glad to see them.
-Rev. Clift is delivering a series of lectures in the M. E. church on Sabbath evenings, on the "Ten Plagues" and their counterparts in our land. Everybody invited.

Denison Review

Miss Vida Albright closed a successful term of school at Dist. No. 6, Goodrich township, last Friday.

Denison Review

-Threshing will be finished in this vicinity this week, which seems pretty late in the season.
-Quarterly meeting services at the M. E. church Monday evening, Nov. 23. First quarterly conference, Monday at 2 p.m.
-The election of Sunday school officers occurs Thursday evening, Nov. 19. All of the Sunday School Board are requested to be present.
-Mrs. Clift's eyes are getting better.
-Miss Vida Albright closed a successful term of school at Dist. No. 6 Goodrich township, last Friday.
-Rev. Clift is delivering a series of sermons on the "Ten Plagues" Sunday evenings. All should come out and hear him, as they are very interesting.

Denison Review

-Married at the house of Mr. David Winey, in Otter Creek township, Mr. Frank Storm of Sioux Rapids, Iowa to Miss Katie Winey of Crawford county, Rev. Geo. S. Clift, M. E. pastor, officiating the ceremony being performed on Thursday, Nov. 26.
-The postponed Thanksgiving program will be rendered in the M. E. church this week, Dec. 3, instead of the usual weekly prayer meeting. All invited.

Denison Review

-We had quite "bumpy" roads last week.
-Mr. W. W. Whiting attended to business matters in Carroll county last week.
-Mr. Henry Simmons is attending to business in Woodbury county, connected with his landed interests there.
-Our poultry dealers are doing a rushing business. These prices are the very highest so bring in your chickens and everything with feathers on.
-Mr. A. Norelius, of Kiron, spent a short while in our town Wednesday on business. He reports that the Kiron people are lining up also to McKinley's election, via: living on confidence and water. How about the populist who mix it with wild fire?
-Mr. John Lentz has opened a tin shop in a part of the Horr building occupied by Blacksmith Laughery. Mr. Lentz is a good workman in this line and he guarantees satisfaction in his work.
-Messrs. Momme Jeason and Claus Grill, two worthy farmers of Otter Creek township, transacted business in our midst last week.
-Walter Keith arrived last week and will remain probably until spring. He has spent a portion of the past summer in O'Brien county. His many friends are most pleased to greet him and the girls are - oh, most tickled to death to see him.
-Mr. Nick Boyson started for Germany on Saturday to visit his aged mother and friends of his childhood. We wish our valued friend a safe and pleasant trip and a happy time in his home, reviewing the scenes of his early days.

Denison Review

-Mr. W. R. Temple of Denison and J. B. Dunbar were Deloit visitors during last week.
-Mr. F. H. Brodgen made a trip up to Sac county a couple of days last week on business bent.
-Mrs. P. Moore arrived from Omaha last week to spend a few weeks visiting Deloit relatives and friends.
-Miss Lucy Dillivan started for Carroll county last Wednesday to enjoy a visit with her numerous friends.
-Dad Seymour passed through our town Saturday eve. We have not yet learned whether there is anyone missing from our midst.
-The Deloit college opened it's winter term of school last Monday, Prof. G. M. Schooley and Miss Etta Duchett are the instructors.
-The cash system will be adopted at Hunt's store to take effect on Jan. 1. This method, which is being adopted in all lines of business, has come to stay, and is the proper way.
-Mr. and Mrs. N. L. Hunt spent Friday in Deloit. We are sorry to learn that they will not remove to Deloit as they have decided to make Denison their permanent home.
-William Johnson disposed of his blacksmith shop and house last week to Mr. John Moor, late of Newell, Ia., consideration $500. We wish Mr. Moor success in his new business venture and welcome him and his family to our midst.

Milford and Goodrich
-J. E. Cruzan made a trip to Vail Thursday.
-Grandpa Ainsworth is able to be about again.
-P. J. Christiansen is doing mason work for Chas. Cruzan.
-Wm. And J. E. Cruzan marketed four loads of hogs last week.
-Ed Ainsworth came over from Vail last week for a visit under the parental roof.
-Mrs. Ella Christiansen went to Omaha Wednesday for a visit with her parents returning home on Friday.

Denison Review

There were married in Denison, Iowa, Tuesday, Dec. 22, 1896, Mr. Lawrence Winans and Miss Maggie Hopper. These young people are both of Deloit where they have many friends who wish them much happiness.

Denison Review

-Harry Lentz is among us again.
-Andrew Mason is engaged in buying poultry for the Deloit Poultry Co.
-Mike McVey, of Odebolt, was a business caller in town on Tuesday.
-Elder W. W. Whiting started Tuesday morning for Auburn and other points in Iowa on a preaching tour.
-Kiron was represented at the school meeting here on Saturday by the Misses Effie Erickson and Maud Michaelson, two very efficient teachers.
-Mr. and Mrs. Levi Meyers, of West Side, spent a few days visiting former neighbors and friends here this week. They expect to locate in Wall Lake soon.
-The teachers' meeting held here on Saturday was quite well attended, and from what we can learn a good session was had.
-Mr. Will Smith of Denison, is a guest at the home of Cypert Newcome this week.
-Elder Butterworth of Dow City, commence a series of meetings at the Latter Day Saint church Saturday evening to continue for several weeks.
-Mr. Dal Albright arrived home on Saturday from Missouri where he has been for the past year. He returns as hale and hearty as ever.

Denison Review

Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Winans will soon be at home to friends in the residence opposite Hunt's store, moving in this week.

Denison Review

-A happy New Year!
-J. B. Dunbar of Denison, was a business visitor in Deloit on Wednesday.
-Messrs. Cheeney and Magnus, of Newall, spent a short time in town on Tuesday.
-A number of our young people attended the dance at Hohenzollern on Xmas night.
-Cyrus Dobson and family of Sac county, were guests of Mr. S. Horr and wife Xmas day.
-Recorder Hunt and family spent Christmas at Deloit.
-Tell Dobson and family, of Dunlap, Ed. Coleman of Dow City and Mrs. Hattery, of Vail, were among those who spent Xmas in Deloit.
-Elmer Laughery, who is teaching school near Charter Oak, is home spending the holidays. He reports a fine school and is getting along nicely.
-Mrs. A. Bagge, of Denison, and John Bagge of Des Moines, Were the guests of A. G. Bagge and wife on Thursday.
-Mr. and Mrs. Lawrence Winans will soon be at home to friends in the residence opposite Hunt's store, moving in this week.
-What is the matter with the Methodists at Deloit? Xmas day passed for the first time in many years that not an entertainment was held for the Sunday school.
-John Adams and family, of Newall, Iowa, have moved into our lively midst and are occupying the Sarah Dobson property. We welcome them to our town and wish them success in this their new home.
-A series of meetings will be held at the Latter Day Saints church every evening this week and next, conducted by Elder Butterworth and John Pett, of Gallands Grove. A cordial request to all to come out and hear these two able speakers.
-Another year has rolled around bringing with it Christmas-tide with its happiness and good cheer. The birth of Him to whom we look for alienation of our sorrows and sufferings here and who will bye and bye usher in a reign of universal peace and happiness has been celebrated all over the land. The Latter Day Saints Sunday School gave an entertainment on Christmas eve which was both interesting and instructive. The general Sunday School organization has issued a program to be used in the celebration of the birthday of our Savior; and this program was used. It was divided into three parts, portraying the birth, death and resurrection of Christ. The Misses Jennie Johnson, Ida and Laura Simmons, Ernie Albright, Vivian Jordon and many of the little folks who took part pleased those present by their earnestness in recitation while the song service was equally as well rendered. A duet by Cassie and May Newcom was one of the pleasing features of the evening. The entertainment was elevating and instructive throughout and both in song and recitation sent forth praises of Him who died for All. At the close of the program the presents were handed down from a double cross which was nicely arranged and presented a beautiful appearance to the eyes of the eager children.
-Sunday School as a medium by and through which the little children are brought to a knowledge and an acceptance of the truth is a grand work and the Latter Day Saints at this place have reasons for rejoicing over the progress of the work during the past year. Several from the Sunday school ranks have been added to the church. Occasionally the missionaries who are out in the field telling the glad story and sowing the seed, return home bringing new of the progress of the church in other places, which brings gladness to all who are interested in the spread of the truth. We are always interested in any undertaking for the uplifting of mankind and for the elevation of the human family. May the good work of the L. D. S. continue to prosper.

Deloit news articles from 1873 to 1897 including articles for Milford and Goodrich Townships submitted by Melba (Winans) McDowell