Death Records

Cass County 1917-1921

Rose Divider Bar

Indexed by the State Historical Society of Iowa.

The original index in PDF format may be viewed offsite at the State Historical Society of Iowa, Vital Records page. Scroll down near the bottom of the page.

NOTE: The SHSI has done an admirable job of indexing these old handwritten records, but please keep in mind that deciphering old handwriting is a challenging task, even more difficult for someone unfamiliar with Cass County surnames. Surname spelling variations were common during this time period, even within families. Also, just as census takers often made mistakes in the recording of names, the person(s) filling out the death record sometimes made errors in spelling. The data on the form is only as good as the knowledge of the surviving family member who provided it and the care taken in recording it.

If you identify what you believe to be an error in one of the entries below, please contact the Cass County Coordinator so a notation can be added documenting the discrepancy.

Earl, Mary27 Mar. 1829Pennsylvania18 Apr. 1921Fox15-02023D2071
Eden, Johanna Marie28 Mar. 1851Germany11 Aug. 1918Unknown15-01423D2071
Edwards, Addie Elizebeth22 June 1860Illinois21 July 1917Cox15-01249D2070
Edwards, Helen Glee04 Apr. 1917Iowa26 Dec. 1917Brown15-01305D2070
Edwards, Hiram Nicholas21 Apr. 1856Illinois19 Sept. 1919Bartles15-01677D2071
Edwards, James A.18 June 1833Illinois05 Feb. 1919Hudspeth15-01551D2071
Edwards, Mary07 July 1881Iowa10 Apr. 1919Boice15-01604D2071
Edwards, William B.05 Feb. 1842Illinois06 June 1917Hash15-01235D2070
Eilts, Anna Marie19 Oct. 1857Germany01 Apr. 1917Williams15-01191D2070
Eilts, Hannah29 July 1865Germany17 May 1917Unknown15-01219D2070
Eilts, Marie22 Sept. 1891Iowa27 Mar. 1919Ments15-01576D2071
Eller, Mary J.10 Sept. 1834North Carolina24 May 1917 15-01220D2070
Ellis, Martha E.03 Apr. 1852Iowa15 Feb. 1919Schkley15-01552D2071
Emmert, Joshua Victorc.1858Maryland21 Oct. 1919Funk15-01694D2071
Enfield, Theodore Wasten 01 Oct. 1892Iowa20 Feb. 1920Enfield15-01780D2071
Eppelsheimer, Fredricka01 Jan. 1866Germany27 Jan. 1917Glazer15-01124D2070
Eppelsheimer, Lucy03 Jan. 1857Illinois13 Mar. 1920Kerl15-01803D2071
Estle, Roy Reynolds17 Aug. 1880Iowa15 Sept. 1917Miller15-01269D2070
Evans, Ann Maris27 June 1837New York08 May 1918Ten Eyke15-01382D2071
Evans, Thomas Elwood17 Jan. 1833Pennsylvania01 Jan. 1921Shinkle15-01970 D2071
Faaborg, Otto Bernhardt05 Mar. 1908Iowa03 Jan. 1917Petersen15-01120D2070
Fahnon, Russell Edward28 Aug. 1918Iowa29 Mar. 1919Gulick15-01577D2071
Fair,James Pleasant11 Sept. 1838Illinois23 May 1920Cherry15-01845D2071
Faulkner, Daniel W.14 Oct. 1842Wisconsin28 May 1919Louden15-01632D2071
Felt, Charles Milton14 Sept. 1886Illinois04 Feb. 1920Helox15-01781D2071
Ferguson, Clarissa Witham23 Sept. 1830Maine24 Jan. 1918Rowe15-01315D2071
Fields, Stella B.02 June 1888Nebraska25 Jan. 1918Gibson15-01316 D2071
Finley, Odell26 June 1901Oklahoma19 Oct. 1919Nash15-01695D2071
Fisher, Samuel Emanuel30 Jan. 1870Illinois14 Apr. 1921Kiel15-02021D2071
Fleming, Cathren06 May 1834Indiana02 Aug. 1920 15-01886D2071
Fleming, O. Perry27 July 1878Iowa05 Mar. 1920Cook15-01804D2071
Fletcher, George W. B.20 Jan. 1846Pennsylvania27 Dec. 1918O'Neal15-01496 D2071
Flolo, Charles22 Apr. 1866Illinois19 Nov. 1918Lambke15-01474D2071
Fordyce, Julia A.17Jan. 1861Iowa10 May 1919Hayden15-01633D2071
Forsyth, John K.09 June 1851Iowa04 Aug. 1920Parry15-01887D2071
Foster, Gilbert Leroy14 Aug. 1916Iowa28 Feb. 1918Peterson15-01331D2071
Foy, Jamesc.1841Ireland03 Feb. 1921McCorney15-01985D2071
Frank, Emma19 Apr. 1878Iowa14 Oct. 1918Epplunnar15-01447D2071
Frank, Grace Elenore23 Mar. 1915Iowa14 Dec. 1918Tanner15-01497D2071
Franklin, Jacob W.06 Jan. 1838Ohio16 Jan. 1918 Funk15-01317D2071
Franklin, Mary M.09 Apr. 1871Illinois24 Apr. 1921Swingl15-02022D2071
Fremmel, Wilhelmena Ernesetina12 Dec. 1850Germany14 Sept. 1920Siedleman15-01911D2071
Frink, David B.01 Nov. 1843Pennsylvania04 Dec. 1919Crandal15-01738D2071
Frisbie, Harry Wilson28 Sept. 1918Iowa16 Jan. 1919Brown15-01525D2071
Fudge, William Thompson08 July 1850Illinois24 Sept. 1920Thompson15-01903D2071
Funk, Robert J.01 Oct. 1848Pennsylvania06 Feb. 1919 15-01554D2071
Gaffey, Bridget10 May 1846Ireland22 Jan. 1919 15-01526D2071
Gaffney, Thomasc.1838Ireland28 May 1920Long15-01846D2071
Gaines, Floyd Martin21 Sept. 1897Iowa22 Jan. 1919Hoops15-01527D2071
Garey, Fred W.29 Mar. 1882Iowa31 Mar. 1918Welshuns15-01347D2071
Garmong, E.J. (Mrs.)22 Aug. 1837Indiana04 Dec. 1918Hallowell15-01498D2071
Gaulke, William11 July 1844Germany01 Nov. 1919Mugenbury15-01717D2071
Gearhart, Srah Elizabeth08 June 1866Iowa06 Feb. 1917Kenton15-01147D2070
Gentle, John14 Sept. 1846Ohio30 Sept. 1919Cotton15-01678D2071
Gentry, H. A.09 Aug. 1847 16 May 1919 15-01634D2071
Getz, John D.11 July 1846Pennsylvania10 Sept. 1920Patterson15-01904D2071
Gibson, John H.07 June 1840Pennsylvania12 Oct. 1919Todd15-01696D2071
Giffen, James A.09 Jan. 1857Illinois31 Dec. 1917Harvey15-01304D2070
Gifford, Henrietta Cornelia03 Mar. 1841Connecticut06 Oct. 1918 Roberts15-01448D2071
Gillett, John13 Feb. 1918Iowa12 Apr. 1918Davis 15-01367D2071
Gittins, William26 Aug. 1844England02 Aug. 1917 15-01258D2070
Gochanour, Eva Independence04 July 1857Missouri28 Mar. 1919Garver15-01578D2071
Goettsch, Theodore Henry28 May 1905Iowa01 Aug. 1919Kurig15-01668D2071
Goodpasture, Abraham18 Aug. 1844Illinois30 mar. 1917Ellison15-01175D2070
Goodrich, Hannah Van Slyke30 July 1834New York25 Apr. 1920Unknown15-01827D2071
Goodspeed, Bert Alvin11 Oct. 1870Illinois26 Feb. 1919Heath15-01555D2071
Goodwin, Arthur L.30 Sept. 1883Iowa24 Jan. 1917Foster15-01122D2070
Goodwin, Nettie14 Aug. 1895Iowa14 Nov. 191915-01718D2071
Grau, Mary15 Nov. 1860Denmark15 Oct. 1920Petersen15-01922D2071
Gray, Alfred B.12 Apr. 1843Iowa02 May 1917 15-01218D2070
Grazur (Baby Boy)15 May 1919Iowa30 May 1919Atta15-01635D2071
Green, Lonica16 Feb. 1840Ohio07 Mar. 1920 15-01805D2071
Gregg, Draved N.05 Dec. 1832Indiana31 Jan. 1917Unknown15-01123D2070
Griffin, Julia R.15 July 1892Iowa12 Apr. 1917White15-01190D2070
Groff, Alma Pearl25 July 1881Iowa15 Feb. 1919McCue15-01556D2071
Gronn, Adolph16 Oct. 1872Germany07 June 1920Tiederman15-01862D2071
Groshong, Susan10 June 1835Maryland15 Mar. 1919Penington15-01579D2071
Guelk, Augustac.1857Germany06 Aug. 1920 15-01888D2071
Gustason, Blanch Ireane Rowe07 July 1894Iowa23 July 1919Woodson15-01656D2071
Gustason, Gus06 June 1870Sweden06 Mar. 1921 15-02003D2071
Gustason, May13 Oct. 1870Iowa27 July 1917Coon15-01248D2070
Gustin, William A.01 May 1846Ohio08 July 1919Eyndon15-01658D2071
Gutierrez, Felix14 Nov. 1920Iowa21 Nov. 1920Ortega15-01936D2071
Gutierrez, Isabel14 Nov. 1920Iowa23 Nov. 1920 Ortega15-01937D2071
Guttenfelder, Adam30 Apr. 1837Germany28 May 1921Unknown15-02038D2071

Downloaded from SHSI March, 2012 and re-formatted for Cass IAGenweb.

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