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Results for Names Matching "FLORA"

Click on Deceased Name to View Obituary. Highlighted Rows Match the Decedent.
Surname Type Deceased Posted By Posted On Reference
FLORA Decedent Child of Mr. & Mrs. Joseph Flora (-1893) Dorian Myhre 2011-04-14 334833
FLORA Decedent children of Daniel Flora ( - 1887) Dennis and Gail Bell 2005-09-26 86781
FLORA Decedent Elizabeth "Lizzie" (Flora) Myers (ca. 1852-1879) Dorian Myhre 2012-03-07 381475
FLORA Decedent Jacob Flora (ca,1859-1883) Dorian Myhre 2015-11-08 575607
FLORA Decedent Jacob Flora (ca. 1859-1883) Dorian Myhre 2010-12-27 315190
FLORA Decedent Jacob Henry Flora (1882-1947) Dorian Myhre 2020-06-04 767063
FLORA Decedent Mrs. Sarah Flora 1821-1884 dennis and gail bell 2006-08-05 123339
FLORA Decedent Naomi Brubaker Flora (1846-1919) Gail and Dennis Bell 2005-05-30 77185
FLORA Decedent Sarah (Brubaker) Flora (1822-1884) Dorian Myhre 2015-11-11 576075
FLORA Decedent Sarah Flora (-1925) Gail and Dennis Bell 2005-06-28 80093
FLORA Mentioned Doris J. Damman (-1995) Gail and Dennis Bell 2005-05-29 77031
FLORA Mentioned Dorothy (Longcor) Coughenour (1926-2016) Mark Christian 2016-08-07 606983
FLORA Mentioned Faidley,Nora 1877-1950 Sherry Healy 2007-07-12 164341
FLORA Mentioned Ira Faidley (1876-1940) Gail and Dennis Bell 2005-05-30 77173
FLORA Mentioned Jacob L. Tillotson (1875-1950) Dorian Myhre 2014-06-22 506998
FLORA Mentioned Mary Alice Carr Salmon (1853-1942) Gail and Dennis Bell 2005-06-19 78981
FLORA Mentioned Mary Alwilda "Wilda" (Fry) Brown (1867-1944) Dorian Myhre 2019-11-19 740237
FLORA Mentioned Minerva Mae (Tillotson) Mishler (1876-1930) Dorian Myhre 2018-08-14 686120
FLORA Mentioned Nellie Salmon (-1934) Gail and Dennis Bell 2005-06-19 78982
FLORA Mentioned Ray H. Tillotson (1874-1950) Dorian Myhre 2014-06-21 506819
FLORA Mentioned Roger E. Thomas (1946-2007) Ames Tribune 2007-10-09 171882

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