Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, May 21, 2015, Page 1
Commencement ceremonies this weekend

Commencement ceremonies at Mount Ayr will be held Sunday, May 17 in the high school gymnasium beginning at 3 p.m. A total of 38 seniors are set to
receive their diplomas during the ceremony. Valedictorian of the Class of 2015 is Shelbie Greene, daughter of David and Jodi Greene. Salutatorian is
Laneesa Brand, daughter of Ron and Rhonda Brand. Both will deliver commencement addresses at the ceremony. The senior class has chosen the following
as their motto: "It is in dreaming the greatest dreams and seeking the highest goals that that we build the brightest moments." The class colors are
black, white and red, and the class flower is a red carnation. Processional and recessional music will be provided by the high school band. In
addition, the women's choir will perform "Dream a Dream," and Christiana Overholtzer will perform "Let It Be."
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Shelbie Greene honored for volunteerism By Lynne Wallace
[Page 16] Shelbie Greene has been honored for her exemplary volunteer service with a Certificate of Excellence from the Prudential Spirit of
Community Awards, and with a President's Volunteer Service Award granted by the program on behalf of President Barack Obama. Presented annually by
Prudential Financial in partnership with the National Association of Secondary School Principals, the Prudential Spirit of Community Awards honors young
people across America for outstanding volunteer service. Certificates of Excellence are granted to the top 10 percent of all Prudential Spirit of Community
Award applicants. Mount Ary CSD nominated Shelbie for national honors this fall in recognition of her volunteer service with Help Pod and her outstanding
leadership in planning for the Community Service Day for the past two years. This project required countless hours of preparation and planning between
community members, staff and students. This excellent project allows our students to give back to the community as a token of appreciation
for the support that is given to our school district in so many ways.
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Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, May 21, 2015, Pages 1 & 14
Mount Ayr graduates 38 students

Commencement ceremonies at Mount Ayr were held Sunday, May 17 in the high school gymnasium. A total of 38 seniors received their diplomas during the
ceremony. Valedictorian of the Class of 2015 is Shelbie Greene, daughter of David and Jody Greene. Salutatorian is Lanceesa Brand, daughter o f
Ron and Rhonda Brand. Both delivered commencement address at the ceremony. Other members of the Mount Ayr Class of 2015 include:
Angel Adleman, Baylee Arends, Brittani Bogan, Shania Boswell, Quintin Chumbley, Melody Davis, Connor Giles, Hannah Glendenning, Shelbie Greene,
Katelyn Holmes, Hannah Huntsman, Leigh James Ashton Johnston, Lacey King, Lincoln Martin, Eric Miller, Cassandra Osborn, Christiana Overholtzer, Ashley
Paxson, Tyrell Pollock, Kevin Ralston II, Mariah Restauro, Adrian Richards, Jake Ricker, Joseph Ricker, Blake Roberts, Nathan Roberts, Jesse Ruby,
Benjamin Saville, Frankie Scarlett, Allie Shields, Grant Staats, Kaci Stackhouse, Alycia Thurman, Tyler Triggs, Riley Weehler and Tucker Winemiller.
Presidential Education Award - Laneesa Brand, Shelbie Greene, Katelyn Holmes, Ashton Johnson, Christiana Overholtzer, Mariah Restauro, Adrian Richards and
Allie Shields. Citizenship Award - Shelbie Greene and Riley Weehler. Eastern Star Award - Laneesa Brand. Southwest Iowa Rural Electric Cooperative
Scholarship - Shelbie Greene, Katelyn Homes, Tyler Triggs and Riley Weehler. Great Western Bank Scholarship - Baylee Arends and Katelyn Holmes. Mount
Ayr Chamber of Commerce Scholarship - Jesse Ruby and Grant Staats. Ringgold County Soil and Water Conservation Scholarship - Katelyn Holmes and Tyler
Triggs. Ringgold Singers Scholarship - Laneesa Brand and Christiana Overholtzer. Sheriff Bob Bennett Memorial Scholarship - Laneesa Brand.
Robert Bastow Agriculture Scholarship - Katelyn Holmes and Tyler Triggs. United Methodist Men Scholarship - Baylee Arends, Connor Giles, Hannah Glendenning,
Nathan Roberts and Riley Weehler. Robert Schafer Memorial Scholarship - Grant Staats. Fine Arts Achievement Award - Laneesa Brand and Christiana Overholtzer.
Brooke Barber Memorial Scholarship - Baylee Arends, Brittani Bogan, Laneesa Brand, Quintin Chumbly, Melody Davis, Connor Giles, Hannah Glendenning, Shelbie
Greene, Katelyn Holmes, Leigh James, Ashton Johnson, Lincoln Martin, Christiana Overholtzer, Ashley Paxson, Kevin Ralston, Mariah Restauro, Adrian Richards,
Jake Ricker, Nathan Roberts, Jesse Ruby, Allie Shields, Grant Staats, Tyler Triggs and Riley Weehler. MAC Athletic Boosters Scholarship - Connor Giles,
Ashton Johnson, Mariah Restauro and Riley Weehler. James E. Jobe Memorial Scholarship - Ashley Paxson. Elks Lodge Most Valuable Student Scholarship -
Tyler Triggs. American Legion Auxiliary Scholarship - Connor Giles, Shelbie Greene, Joe Ricker and Grant Staats. Cullen Geist Scholarship - Hannah
Glendenning. Judge Lewis Scholarship - Laneesa Brand, Connor Giles, Hannah Glendenning, Shelbie Greene, Katelyn Holmes, Ashton Johnson, Lincoln Martin,
Christiana Overholtzer, Mariah Restauro, Adrian Richards, Nathan Roberts, Jesse Ruby, Allie Shields, Grant Staats, Tyler Triggs and Riley Weehler.
MACHS Alumni Scholarship - Laneesa Brand, Connor Giles, Hannah Glendenning, Sarah Reasoner, Joe Ricker and Riley Weehler. Mount Ayr Lions Club Scholarship -
Laneesa Brand, Shelbie Greene and Mariah Restauro. American Legion Scholarship - Laneesa Brand. Zeline Geiger Scholarship - Laneesa Brand, Shelbie Greene,
Ashton Johnson, Christiana Overholtzer, Ashley Paxson, Adrian Richards, Allie Shields, Grant Staats and Allie Shields. Earl Schardein Memorial
Scholarship - Angel Adleman, Baylee Arends, Laneesa Brand, Connor Giles, Hannah Glendenning, Shelbie Greene, Katelyn Holmes, Leigh James, Ashton
Johnson, Elizabeth King, Lincoln Martin, Christiana Overholtzer, Ashley Paxson, Mariah Restauro, Adrian Richards, Joe Ricker, Blake Roberts, Nathan Roberts,
Jesse Ruby, Ben Saville, Allie Shields, Grant Staats, Tyler Triggs and Riley Weehler. Army Scholar/Athlete Award - Ashton Johnson and Riley
Weehler. Community Grocers, Inc. Scholarship - Connor Giles, Hannah Glendenning, Ben Saville and Riley Weehler. Jennifer Newton Valedictorian Scholarship (Class of 1997 and Newton
family) - Shelbie Greene. Iowa High School Rodeo Scholarship - Ashton Johnson and Riley Weehler. Bill and Rena Smith Memorial Scholarship - Connor
Giles and Ashton Johnson. FFA Alumni Scholarship - Katelyn Holmes, Ashton Johnson, Tyler Triggs and Riley Weehler. Mari Humbert Memorial Scholarship -
Baylee Ahrends. Ina Napier Trust Scholarship - Allie Shields and Grant Staats. Curtis E. Eason Scholarship - Ben Saville. Julie Yearous Schwalbe
Scholarship - Tyler Triggs. MFA Oil Company Scholarship - Christiana Overholtzer. Gail Trullinger Memorial Scholarship - Baylee Arends, Allie Shields
and Grant Staats. PEO Scholarship - Shelbie Greene and Christiana Overholtzer. Jack and Mildred Elliot Memorial Scholarship - Riley Weehler.
Mount Ayr Boys Track and Field Scholarship (Gene and Vicki Ricker) - Joe Ricker and Grant Staats. Angus Association - Katelyn Holmes. Konnor Evan
Klommhaus Memorial Scholarship - Connor Giles, Hannah Glendenning, Shelbie Greene, Leigh James, Ashton Johnson, Lincoln Martin, Jesse Ruby, Allie Shields,
Tyler Triggs and Riley Weehler. Mount Ayr Education Association Scholarship - Shelbie Greene and Ashton Johnson. Atlantic Coca-Cola Bottling Co.
Scholarship - Connor Giles. E. Wayne Cooley Award - Shelbie Greene. Bernie Saggau Award - Connor Giles. Marshall and Dorothy Matthews Memorial
Scholarship - Hannah Glendenning. Ringgold County Farm Bureau Scholarship - Katelyn Holmes and Ashton Johnson. Hy-Vee Scholarship - Shelbie Greene,
Christiana Overholtzer and Allie Shields. US Bank Scholarship - Shelbie Greene and Allie Shields. Eldon L. Main Masonic Lodge Scholarship - Leigh James
and Grant Staats. Faith Lodge #179 A.F. & A.M. Scholarship - Hannah Glendenning, Tyler Triggs and Riley Weehler. Elbert Strange Masonic Lodge
Scholarship - Elizabeth King. Moonlighter's/Princess Theater Scholarship - Laneesa Brand, Hannah Glendenning, Shelbie Greene, Christiana Overholtzer,
Mariah Restauro, Adrian Richards, Nathan Roberts, Grant Staats and Tyler Triggs.

[Page 14] The Mount Ayr High School Fine Arts Achievement Award this year went to Christiana Overholtzer (left) and Neesie Brand.
MAC speech and drama coach Shaun Kneip presented the award at Tuesday's senior awards day.
Greene receives governor's award
[Page 14] Shelbie Greene, a senior at Mount Ayr High School, was recognized by Gov. Terry Branstad for outstanding academic achievement at the
Thirteenth Annual Governor's Scholar Recognition Ceremony April 26 at Hy-Vee Mall in Des Moines. The statewide program, sponsored by the Iowa Governor's
Office, High School Athletic Association (IHSAA) and its title sponsor, the Iowa Farm Bureau Federation (IFBF), honored 436 high school seniors from across
Iowa. "Iowa Farm Bureau members believe that by investing in our youth and communities, we're investing in the future of Iowa," said IFBF President Craig
Hill. "We are so proud to honor such exceptional students and proud to be a leading contributor to educational programs and annual scholarships for our
youth." Each high school was invited to select their senior student or students with the highest academic ranking, based on grade point average for their
first seven semesters. Students selected for the award also had the opportunity to recognize their favorite/most influential teacher and will receive a
photo plaque of their meeting with Governor Branstad. "The principles learned through academic success, like those learned from participation in education-based
activities, help develop outstanding leaders and citizens," said IHSAA Executive Director Alan Beste. Ninety-eight percent of those recognized also participate
in extra-curricular school activities, with more than 80 percent participating in at least one interscholastic sport. Nearly 60 percent of the group
plan to continue their education in Iowa.
Photographs courtesy of Mount Ayr Record-News
Transcriptions by Sharon R. Becker, September of 2015
