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Mount Ayr Record-News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
Thursday, October 25, 2012, Pages 1 & 7

The Raider marching band takes the field at a recent home football game.

Raider marching band earns "I" rating

The Mount Ayr Raider marching band earned a "I" rating at the Iowa High School Music Association State Marching Band Festival at Waukee Saturday, October 13.

Because the football team played in Ogden Friday night and the band performance was scheduled at 8:15 a.m. Saturday, all the band members and several band-parent chaperons stayed overnightin Urbandale. On Saturday morning the weather conditions were less than favorable. Depite rain, lightning and thunder at 6 a.m., the officials in Waukee decided to go ahead and run the festival. After driving in rain all the way to Waukee, the Mount Ayr entourage still had their performance delayed for half an hour.

A slight drizzle continued as the band took the artificial-turf field at 8:45 a.m., but that wasn't enough to detour the Raider marching band.

Under drum major Madi HOSFIELD and directors Greg and Crystal STORHOFF and Tiffany WIMER, the show included selections from the Lion King including "The Lion Sleeps Tonight," "Circle of Life" and "Hakuna Matata."

The two music judges scored the musical factions at a high I Rating.

The percussion section consisting of Cameron YOUNG, Lew KNAPP, Trevor ANDERSON, and Jed McCREARY, was given several compliments on their performance.

The color guard also earned I ratings from all four judges.

The two marching judges scored the Raider band at a very high II ratings.

The final score was exactly one-tenth of a point away from a I rating.

"Scoring that high in a pressure-cooker contest in Waukee is incredible," said Greg STORHOFF. "The Des Moines area bands are considered some of the best in the state, and the judging at state is extremely tough. The students really pulled through in weather that was not very conducive to an outdoor performance. The progress these students made in the last two weeks was remarkable, and I am [Page 7] extremely proud of this group."

Prior to the state contest, the Raider marching band recently placed third in the Clarinda Band Festival.

The outstanding Raider marching band member was Jasper ABARR.

"Jasper has been the anchor for the whole group this year," said STORHOFF. "He has done outstanding work, and earning this honor is a fantastic way to begin his senior career."

Band members include Jasper ABARR, Trevor ANDERSON, Keigan ARMSTRONG, Jennifer BLAIR, Laneesa BRAND, Samantha CRAWFORD, Erin DOLECHECK, Emily FOX, Caitlin GILES, Madison HOSFIELD, Wyatt JACKSON, Maggie JENNETT, Holly KARR, Lew KNAPP, Jed McCREARY, MaKayla O'MAILIA, Braydee POORE, Matthew POORE, Blake ROBERTS, April SHIELDS, Grant STAATS, Quency VOS, Allison WALLACE, Bailey WEBB, Alexandra YOUNG and Cameron YOUNG.

Photograph courtesy of Mount Ayr Record-News

Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, October of 2012

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