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Mount Ayr Record-News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
Thursday, August 26, 2004

Three new faculty join the Mount Ayr Community schools this year. New staff members, from left, are Josh Vanderflught, high school special education and coach; John Thorpe, high school mathematics; and Carol Cason, junior high and high school vocal music.

Three new faculty faces for MAC district sturdents

Three new faculty and a new elementary principal greeted students when classes begin Wednesday in the Mount Ayr Community school district.

Joining the new elementary principal Scott FROHLICK will be new faculty including Carol CASON, junior high and high school vocal music; John THORPE, high school mathematics; and Josh VANDERFLUGHT, high school special education and coach.

FROHLICK is a graduate of Northwest Missouri State University and received his master's degree and administrative certificate from Doane College. He was elementary principal at Adair-Casey before coming to Mount Ayr.

CASON has taught music for a number of years. She is currently teaching half-time in the Clearfield district and has taught in Diagonal in the past as well.

THORPE is a gradute of Syracuse University and the University of New Mexico. He has taught in schools in California, Colorado and New Mexico and is returning to teaching after several years out of the classroom.

VANDERFLUGHT is a 2004 graduate of Graceland University in Lamoni. He is signed up for a special education program through Morningside College.

Other new staff include elementary office assistant Suzie WINEMILLER, and elementary aides Elain WILLIS, Courtney CANNON and Amanda JACKSON.

New assignments

There will be some new assignments at the schools as well.

Doug McKERN is moving to a new post as dean o students at the junior high and high school. Eric EHLEN will be picking up McKERN'S elementary physical education responsibilities.

Grade assignment changes at the elementary see Kris QUICK and Jill WHEEHLER moving to the junior kindergarten program. Stacia NICKLE moving from first grade to kindergarten and Brett RIGGLES moving from fifth grade to sixth grade.

New staff assignments include Deb YODER'S transfer from the elementary to high school office.


Administrators include superintendent William DECKER, high school principal Darrel BARTLING and elementary principal Scott FROHLICH.

Elementary faculty

Elementary faculty includes:

Junior kindergarten -- Kris QUICK and Jill WEEHLER.

Kindergarten -- Stacia NICKLE and Mark WAUGH.

First Grade -- Cindy ALLEN and Cheryl TAYLOR.

Second Grade -- Tracy GILES and Karen TAYLOR.

Third Grade -- Angi DODGE and Darla SOBOTKA.

Fourth Grade -- Deb LYNCH and Kathy McFARLAND.

Fifth Grade -- Betsy BUDACH and Donna KEMERY.

Sixth Grade -- Jody BOORD, Gail TRULLINGER and Brett RUGGLES.

Sepcial Education teachers, Kathy RINEHART, Julie STEWART, Amy WHITTINGTON and Beth BJUSTROM.

Title I teachers -- Marilyn HAWKINS, Pam HUDSON, Martha LANDPHAIR, Valle SMITH and Jane UHLENKAMP.

Activity teachers -- art, Jane UHLENKAMP; library, Nancy ROE; instrumental music, Aaron COMER; vocal music, Martha LANDPHARI; physical education, Deb LARSEN and Eric EHLEN; guidance counselor, Brenda WOOD; talented and gifted, Marilyn HAWKINS; nusre, Marcia SHOWALTER.

Jodi GREEN is Sites For Learning site coordinator.

Support staff at the elementary includes:

Cindy STEPENS, principal;'s secretary; Suzie WINEMILLER, office assistant; Marilyn SCHAFER, clerical aide; Clint POORE, head custodian; Lyle MAIN and Betty DAVENPORT, custodians; and Donna YOUNG, Betty NEwTON, Joyce WEEHLER, Julie ENGLAND, Amy NOVAK, Wanda PENNINGTON, Jan FORD, Bonnie STILL, Norma SHIELDS, Elaine WILLIS, Courtney CANNON and Amanda JACKSON, aides.

Junior-senior high faculty

Faculty at the junior-senior high and South Central Academy and those with extra-curricular assignements include:

Suzi ANGUS, special education at the South Central Academy; Beth BJUSTROM, co-drill team sponsor; Jody BOOARD, head girls softball, assistant high school boys track, co-assistant athletic director; Joen BROWN, family and consumer science, prom coordinator, co-cheeleading sponsor, FCCLA advisor; Sue BUCK, junior high science, junior high language arts, junior high talented and gifted; Mark BUDACH, business education, Life to Work, BUsiness Professionals of America, junior high football, junior high boys track; Terri CAMPBELL, Spanish, International Club; Carol CASON, junior high and high school vocal music.

Joe CATANZARETI, high school language arts, junior high baseball coach; Courtney CANNON, co-drill team sponsor; Aaron COMER, junior high instrumental music, flags director; Jack COOK, agricultural science, FFA sponsor; Pam CROSS, junior high social studies, junior high student council, junior high cheerleading sponsor; Eric EHLEN, at risk coordinator, head wrestling, assistant high school golf; John FORD, assistant high school wrestling; Marian JENNINGS, junior high special education, TAP coordinator, junior high volleyball; Scott GILES, industrical technology, co-TSA sponsor, head boys and girls golf; Val HINES, guidance counselor at South Central Academy.

Fay HOWIE, high school science, SADD club co-sponsor; Shaun KNIEP, high school speech and language arts, publications, drama, drama club sponsor; Derek LAMBERT, physical education, co-head high school football, assistant high school boys basketball; Ron LANDPHAIR, industrial technology, boys and girls cross country, co-TSA sponsor, head high school boys track; Deb LARSEN, business education, junior high physical education, head high school girls track coach, junior high cross country.

Drew LARSEN, special education, TAP instructor, head high school girls basketball, junior high football, co-assistant athletic directors; John LARSEN, 7-12 guidance counselor, high school student council, assistant high school girls track coach, SADD co-sponsor, National Honor Society co-sponsor; Sue LARSEN, district special education coordinator, district curriculum coordinator; Tori LARSEN, high school special education; Doug McKERN, dean of students, driver's education, junior high boys track, junior high football, junior high boys basketball; Lori MERCER, concessions; Frank MUELLER, special education; John NEWTON, junior high and high school art, art club sponsor; Nathan NICKLE, junior high wrestling, assistant high school wrestling; Mary K. OVERHOLTZER, junior high science, junior high volleyball;

Linda PICKERING, library, Library club sponsor; Brandie RUGGLES, junior high special education, junior high and assistant high school softball, assistant high school volleyball, junior high girls basketball; Brett RUGGLES, junior high boys basketball; James SAVILLE, high school social studies, National Honor Society co-sponsor; Amy SHIELDS, head high school volleyball, head junior high girls track, head junior high girls basketball; Delwyn SHOWALTER, high school social studies, co-head high school football, head high school boys basketball; Marcia SHOWALTER, nurse, health careers; James SMITH, junior high and senior high mathematics, athletic director, assistant high school football, assistant high school and junior high baseball; Mike STILL, instructor at South Central Academy, assistant high school football; Greg STORHOFF, high school instrumental music; Thad STREIT, high school science, health, assistant high school girls basketball, head high school baseball; Faye STULL, concessions; Karen TAYLOR, co-cheerleading sponsor, high school wrestling cheerleading sponsor; Vern THOMPSON, vocational automative, Life To Work; John THORPE, high school matehmatics; Josh VANDERFLUGHT, high school special education, junior high boys basketball, junior high volleyball; Sally YOUNG, junior high math, ninth grade math, junior high social studies, junior high yearbook, junior high girls track.

Paul BOYSEN is grant writer and Donna WARIN is court liaison and family service counselor.

Other high school staff include:

Janett CAMPBELL, school board secretary-treasurer; Donna SHIELDS, superintendent's secretary; Nancy DAUGHTON, lunch and transportation secretary; Janice MOBLEY, principal's secretary; Betty Lou GroVES, high school guidance secretary; Kathy TRIGGS, special education secretary; Deb YODEr, office secretarial assistant, and Aleaha WHITTINGON, clerical aide.

Aides at the junior-senior high include Barbie BELZER, Diana DREDGE, Lori MERCER, Phyllis SHEPHERD, Amy SICKELS, and Donna SICKELS. Mary DAVENPORT is an aide at the South Central Academy.,P>Transportation staff included transportation supervisor Dick STILL and bus drivers Brenda ADAMS, Tom GILES, Lyle MAIN, Ron SICKELS, Ed STILL, Faye STULL and Kenny WEEDA.

Meal staff includes head cooks Marilyn WEEDA and Roberta CAMPBELL, Keleta DUNKESON, Pat KEMERY, Jackie McVEY, Pat MEESTER, Debbie SHIELDS and Cathy SWANK.

Custodial staff included Mike GILLILAND, head custodian; Dean BLADES, custonian, Charlie CASE, custodian and Eugene DILLENBURG, custodian.

Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, August of 2012

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