Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, July 06, 2005
Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, July 28, 2005
Class of 1975

The Class of 1975 held their 30th class reunion on Saturday, July 16, 2005. Mike AVITT and Michell and Bruce RICKER
presided over a short business meeting to elect committee members for the next reunion. It was decided the class would
purchase a seat for the Princess Theatre. Bruce RICKER led the group in prayer. Special mention was the memory of Wendy
Su SOLLIDAY. Following a delicious meal catered by Kevin AUSTIN of Grant City, MO, 70s music was provided by Roger
BURGHER of Corning. The evning was spent visiting and viewing family photos and memorabilia. Alumni attending from out of
state: Mark and Laura RINEHART of Amarillo, TX; Charles KNAPP of Chandler, AZ; Jan (TOWNSEND) and L.D. BEASON of Borger, TX;
Mike and Mary ROBERTSON of Omaha, NE and Connie (HUNT) and Greg LEECH of Beatrice, NE; Iowa guests: Kristi (MATHANY)
HIEMSTRA of Des Moines; Kim (BASTOW) CUTLER of Des Moines; Lavina (BURTON) MULDER of Des Moines; Jeanie (BURGHER) and
Frank HOLLANDER of Winterset; Nancy (HYMBAUGH) FOX of Cedar Rapids; Jeff and Cindy MONAGHAN of Mason City; Randy and Julie
PLOEGER of Clarinda; Dave and Nancy ROED of Burlington; Terry and Vicki STILL of Bedford; Steve SMITH and Deb HOSELTON
of Creston; Cindy (FRENCH) MATTHEWS of Wapello; Brenda (REYNOLDS) SHARPE of Albia; Sharon (CREVELING) and Marvin KESSLER
of Thayer and Kenny and Donna NEWBY of Stuart. Area alumni attending: Ron SICKELS; Bruce and Michell RICKER, Kurt and
Wendy SHAHA; Deb (BOYER) and Gary SAVILLE; Sherry (SHELDEN) and Larry ADAMS; Warren ANGUS; Rich JOHNSON; Barbara (MARTIN)
and Steve CLARK; Crae and Jodie GEIST; Mary (PAYNE) LAHIFT and Mark McDANIEL; Eric FELL and Judy KIBURZ; Alan and Lois
Karen (WEEDA) PETTINGER and Karen (CALDWELL) and Randy TAYLOR. Other events shared during the day were golf, brunch at
Peggy Sue's, a visit with Dave CHARTRAND and a tour of the Mount Ayr Depot led by Mike AVITT.
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, October of 2012
Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, July 15, 2010
Class of 1975 Reunion

The 35th class reunion of the Mount Ayr Community class of 1975 was held on Saturday, June 19, at the Ramsey Farm
Pavilion. Following social hour and a delicious Italian dinner, guests played a game, "That's Me," and then a short
business meeting was held. Plans were made to have a "Staying Alive at 55" class birthday celebration reunion in two
years followed by the regular class reunion in five years. Guests spent the evening listing to 70s music, visiting,
viewing a video and picture taking. Deceased classmates Wendy SOLLIDAY, David CHARTRAND and Roger TIPTON were remembered
with their pictures, roses and candles on a memory table. Those present were Nancy (HYMBAUGH) FOX, Brad HOLDEN, Brenda
Ron SICKELS, Kurt and Wendy SHAHA, Allen and Kristi SCHAFER, Greg and Connie (HUNT) LEECH, Ross and Gerri (SICKELS) KING,
Doug and Sherri (CUNNING) HYMBAUGH, Dwight and Debbie JENNINGS, Gary and Robin (SHREVE) WURSTER, Kent and Donna (JONES) BLUNCK,
Randy and Julie POLEGER, Monte and Cheryl (DILLENBURG) OLLIN, Larry and Sherry (SHELDEN) ADAMS, Alan and Lois IBBOTSON,
Kenny and Donna NEWBY, Tom and Tonya MAHAN, Mike GILLILAND, Kristi (MATHANY) HIEMSTRA, Kim (BASTOW) CULTER, Mary (PAYNE)
LAHIFF, Crae and Jodie GEIST, David and Nancy ROED, Frank and Jeannie (BURGHER) HOLLANDER, Jeff and Carolyn WARREN,
Warren ANGUS, Barbara (MARTIN) CLARK, Rod and Vicki ZOLLMAN, Terry and Vicki STILL, Stevie JOHNSON, Cindy (FRENCH)
MATTHEWS, Eric FELL, Judy KIBURZ, Bruce and Michell (HOLMES) RICKER and Randy and Karen (CALDWELL) TAYLOR. Former
teachers and guests also attending were Bart and Pat FRENCH, Lynn and Pam ARGOTSINGER, James and Marilyn SAVILLE and
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, September of 2012
Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, September 22, 2011
Class of 1975 ~ 35-year reunion

The Mount Ayr Community school class of 1976 held their 35-year reunion September 3, 2011 at the Ramsey Farms pavilion.
Thirty class members and their spouses attended the event. Pam and Clint POORE did a tour of the new school building at
5 p.m. followed by social hour at 6 p.m. at the Ramsey Farm. A down-home barbecue meal was served at 7 p.m. complete with
homemade ice cream and apple pie. A short meeting was held by the class following the meal and door prizes were awarded.
Volunteering to co-chair the 40-year class reunion were Pam (FOLTZ) POORE and Tami (SOLLIDAY) YOUNG. Those attending the
reunion were: Brian WHITSON of Beaconsfield; Paul and Marchell HOHLFELD of Des Moines; Rick and Barb (KENNEDY) SUPINGER
of Redding; Steve and Sharla (ANDERSON) NORRIS of Kellerton; Chuck and Sandy LONG of Beaver Bay, MN; David and Diana
(DAVISON) PEDERSEN of Maryville, MO; Roger and Joni (BROWN) ROBISON of Bedford; Tami (SOLLIDAY) YOUNG of Killeen, TX;
Scott and Trudy (SMITH) TAYLOR of Ames; Mark AVITT of Lewisville, TX; Scott RUSK of Manhattan, KS; Steve and Teresa
(DAVIS) SMALL of Urbandale; Lonnie and Sandy HORNE of Chicago, IL; Dave ALLEN of Colorado Springs, CO; LaDonna (DUFFIELD)
PRIME of Kellerton; Bob and Jenifer (PARKER) JOHNSON of Tingley; Randy and Becky ANDREWS of Benton; David PERRY of
Springfield, MO; Jeff ENGLAND of Ellston; Dale and Marlene TULL of Diagonal; Mike AVITT of Carroll, and Clint and Pam
(FOLTZ) POORE, Danny GREGG, Steve and Cyndi (BENNETT) SOBOTKA and Greg and Diane (WILSON) DRAKE of Mount Ayr.
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, September of 2011

Class of 1975 Reunion, 2015
