Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, November 12, 2015, Pages 1 & 12
School play performances set this weekend
This weekend Mount Ayr Community High School students will present their fall play, "The Somewhat True Tale of Robin Hood," by Mary Lynn Dobson. Performances are set for Saturday, November 14 at 7 p.m. and Sunday, November 15 at 2 p.m. in the high school auditorium. (The Friday performance was moved to Sunday to accommodate the Raider football team's appearance in the state semi-final game.) The play, which is being produced by special arrangement with the Dramatic Publishing Company of Woodstock, IL, is a combination of Mel Brooks-style and Monty Python-style comedy. The cast includes:
Robin Hood | - | Wyatt Jackson | | Lady Marion | - | Ica Hauge |
Prince John | - | Rhett Murphy | | Sheriff of Nottingham | - | Lincoln Lutrick |
Town's Guy 1 | - | Will Young | | Town's Guy 2 | - | John Young |
Lady in Waiting 1 | - | Macy Lilienthal | | Lady in Waiting 2 | - | Kirsten Dolecheck |
Friar Tuck | - | Lew Knapp | | Will Scarlet | - | Mitchell Jennett |
Little John | - | Kyle Dolecheck | | Allan Adale | - | Cauy Bickel |
Fawning Ladies: |
| 1. Laura Campbell 2. Cassie Brand 3. Megan Reasoner 4. Breanne Haley
5. Tessa Shields 6. Ashton Sheil | Guards: | |
1. Logan Stark 2. Trevor Gooding 3. Caleb Schnoor 4. Trevor Anderson 5. Nick Wurster |
Rich Man | - | Nathan Hauge | | Poor Lady with baby | - | Brylea Stark |
Poor Woman | - | Shaley Miller | | Poor Woman | - | Taylor Wilson |
Merry Men and Women: | | | | | | |
Beulah | - | Trina Restauro | | Lady Laughalot | - | Abbey Schafer |
Mary | - | Mercadez Birkenholz | | Lionel | - | Will Hunt |
Donald | - | Bradley Wurster | | Debbie | - | Bailey Anderson |
Not Dead Fred | - | Chase Henry | | Betty | - | Katie Sickels |
Patsy | - | Addy Flammang | | Zoot | - | Kenisha Ross |
Humperdink | - | Tristan Holmes | | Vizzini | - | Zane Powell |
Yellin | - | Brad Phelps | | Miracle Maxine | - | Maddy Henson |
Valerie | - | Hallie Still | | Minstrel | - | Elsie Schafer |
Technical Director | - | Trenton Stull | | Galahad | - | Myles Greene |
Peasants: | | | | | | |
1. Drew Willis | | 2. Josh Cox | | 3. Samantha Schaefer | | 4. Lanie Shiel |
Witch | - | Hannah Jackson | | | | |
The crew for the production includes:
Assistants to Mrs. Kneip: Blair Glendenning Maddie Mobley Alyssa Johnson | |
Prompter: Sara Winemiller Paint Crew: Ashton Smith Jasmin Hyde DaniKrauth |
Prop room crew: Ryann Martin MacKenzie Shields Abbi Haley Jentri Ruby MaiLynn Taylor Sammy McGill Kristen Young | |
Make Up: Cheyenne Cillespie Haylea England Ashton Quick Cheyenne Haveman Sound: Logan Eaton Chania Vos |
Lights: Laura Davison Dylan McAlexander Lucas Wurster Amber Davison | |
Curtains: Caroline McAlexander Emma Mobley General Manager backstage: Jed McCreary |
Costumes: Molly Anderson Kylee Smith Paige Lynch Brianna Dory | |
Set/Backstage crew: Justin Wehling Craven Martin Brayden Swank Jacob McCreary Andrew Belzer Zach Murphy Eian Adams |
Glendenning Motors and the Chrysler Corporatin are sponsoring a Chrysler "Drive for the Kids" test drive event at the Mount Ayr Community High School prior to the play performance on Saturday, November 14. From 4-6:30 p.m. Chrysler will donate $10 to the Mount Ayr School for everyone who takes a test drive and fills out a survey card. Since 2013, Chrysler has donated $12,000 toward student activities at Mount Ayr Community Schools. Funds from this year's test drive event will benefit the drama department.
Photograph courtesy of Mount Ayr Record-News
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, November of 2015
Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, November 26, 2015, Page 12
MACHS "Robin Hood' a big hit
Despite having to work around a state semi-final football game, the Mount Ayr Community High School's drama department production of "The Somewhat True Tale of Robin Hood" played to appreciative audiences over its two-day run. The performances were originally scheduled for Friday, November 13 and Saturday, November 14. However, the Raider football team qualified for the state semi-finals on Friday, and because so many in the cast were members of the team, the Friday performance was postponed to Sunday afternoon. The performances were a big fund raiser for the drama department. Prior to the Saturday performnce, Glendenning Motor Co. Inc. helped the drama department raise $3,050 at a "Drive for the Kids" fundraising event. Drama director Shaun Kniep has said the funds will be devoted to help with the auditorium renovation project. In addition, a pie auction accompanying both performances brought in over $2,700. A total of 26 pies were auctioned Saturday and 12 more were auctioned Sunday. This money pays for costumes, scripts and other costs associated with producing a quality play.
The guards (Trevor Anderson, Caleb Schnoor and Logan Stark) hold Robin Hood (Wyatt Jackson) captive in front of Lady Marian (Ica Hauge).
Robin Hood (Wyatt Jackson) and the Sheriff of Nottingham (Lincoln Lutrick) hold a bowling tournament to win the hand of Lady Marian.
Robin Hood (Wyatt Jackson) and Lady Marian (Ica Hauge) are united at last while the Merry Men (Bradley Wurster, Cauy Bickel and Kyle Dolecheck) and the Lady in Waiting (Kirsten Dolecheck) look on.
Photographs by Shaun Kneip & courtesy of Mount Ayr Record-News
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, December of 2015
Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, January 28, 2016, Pages 1 & 11
Nine events advance to state speech contestMount Ayr Community advanced nine events to state competition following competition
as the district large group speech contest Saturday, January 23. State competition will be held February 6 at. Waukee. The freshman squad took four events: radio news broadcast MKIA of Elsie
Schafer, Myles Greene, Nathan Hauge, Samantha Schaefer and Lanie Sheil, receiving a I rating; group improvisation team of Chase Henry, Gabrielle Hunke, Sammy McGill and Caroline
McAlexander performing "someone's claustrophic", receiving a I rating; the group improvisation team of Elsie Schafer, Hannah Jackson, Myles Greene and Nathan Hauge performing "watching a
scary movie", receiving a I rating; and the short film entitled "Eleanor" by Chase Henry, Caroline McAlexander, Gabby Hunke, Hannah Jackson, Lanie Sheil, Sammy McGill and Samantha Schaefer,
receiving a II rating. The short film will not be advancing to state but have learned what to fix for next year. The varsity team (sophomores through seniors) took two group improvisations, two
short films, a television broadcast, a reader's theatre and a radio broadcast to district. All their events with the exception of one short film revieved a I rating advancing them to state. They were
group improvisation team of Lincoln Lutrick, Mitchell Jennett and Brad Phelps performing "being pulled over by an officer"; the group improvisatin team of Lew Knapp, Abby Schaefer, Hallie Still, Will
Young and Will Hunt performing "first day of cheerleading practice"; the short film "Easy Clean" by Lew Knapp, Wyatt Jackson and Macy Lilienthal; the television broadcast KSBO performed by
Blair Glendenning, Ashton Sheil, Hallie Still, Kenisha Ross, Mitchell Jennett, Lincoln Lutrick and Wyatt Jackson; the reader's theatre team of Abby Schafer, Logan Eaton, Maddie Mobley, Mercadez Birkenholz,
Will Young and Will Hunt performing "how NOT to act old"; the radio broadcast MKIS team of Ashton Sheil, Blair Glendenning, Mady Henson, Maddie Mobley, Ica Hauge and Megan Reasoner. The short
film "War of Witches" by Kody Weeda and Alex Young received a II rating and will not be advancing to state competition. The judges felt the story line needed to be developed further.

Students competing at districts include (front row, L-R) Hallie Still, Samantha Schaefer, Sammy McGill, Maddie Mobley, Lanie Sheil and Mercadez Birkenholtz;
(second row) Mitchell Jennett, Brad Phelps, Ica Hauge, Ashton Sheil, Gabrielle Hunke, Macy Lilenthal and Logan Eaton;
(third row) Nathan Hauge, Will Young, Megan Reasoner, Blair Glendenning and Madyson Henson;
(back row) Lincoln Lutrick, Myles Green, Lew Knapp, Chase Henry, Elsie Schafer, Wyatt Jackson, Hannah Jackson, Will Hunt and Abbey Schafer.
Not pictured: Caroline McAlexander and Kenisha Ross.
Photograph courtesy of Mount Ayr Record-News
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, May of 2016
Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, February 11, 2016, Pages 1 & 4
Speech team brings home high ratings
The Mount Ayr Community High School speech team brought home three I ratings from the state speech contest. Over 600 entries from the Southwest District competed in Waukee Saturday,
February 6. The short film, "Easy Clean" by Lew Knapp Wyatt Jackson and Macy Lilienthal received straight I ratings from the judges. The inprov group of Lew Knapp, Hallie Still, Abbey Schafer, Will Young
and Will Hurst drew the situation "Everyone has a better idea." They received two I ratings and a II rating from the judges for an overall I rating. The Radio Broadcast, MKIS, of Ashton Sheil, Blair Glendenning, Mady Henson,
Maddie Mobley, Ica Hauge and Megan Reasoner received two I ratings and a II rating from the judges for an overall I rating. Other Mount Ayr entries received II ratings. The freshman inprov team of Chase
Henry, Samantha McGill, Caroline McAlexander and Gabrielle Hunke drew the situation, "Forgetting your line as the curtain goes up." They received two II ratings and a I rating from the three judges for an overall II rating.
The TV broadcast, KSBO, of Wyatt Jackson, Kenisha Ross, Blair Glendenning, Ashton Sheil, Hallie Still, Mitchell Jennett and Lincoln Lutrick received a I rating from one judge and two 11 ratings from the other judges for
an overall II rating. The freshman radio broadcast MKIA of Samantha Schaefer, Lanie Sheil, Elsie Schafer, Nathan Hauge and Myles Greene received two II ratings and a I rating for an overall II rating. The group
improv team of Lincoln Lutrick, Mitchell Jennett and Bradly Phelps drew the situation "Auditioning for a rock bank." They received two II ratings and a I rating for an overall II rating. The Reader's Theatre team of Maddie
Mobley, Abbey Schafer, Logan Eaton, Mercadez Birkenholz, Will Hunt and Will Young performed the piece "How NOT to Act Old" from the book of the same title by Pamela Satran. They received II ratings from all three
judges for an overall II rating. [Page 4] The freshman improv team of Hannah Jackson, Elsie Schafer, Nathan Hauge and Myles Greene drew the situation "Trying to explain the difference between a baseball cap and a
gas cap." The judges gave them a rating of I, II, and III for an overall II rating. "The students did a great job and represented our school very well," said speech coach Shaun Kniep. "Althought we would have liked to come
home with more I ratings, the competition was very stiff this year and I really fell we performed well. I was very proud of the kids. Next up for us is individual speech. Conference individual speech will be held in Fontanelle
on February 18 and then district competition is February 27 in Bedford."
LARGE GROUP SPEECH CONTEST - Front Row, L-R: Mitchell Jennett, Will Young, Nathan Hauge, Macy Lilienthal, Alex Young, Lanie Sheil, Caroline McAlexander, Hannah Jackson and Mercadez Birkenholz.
Second Row, L-R: Blair Glendenning, Abbey Schafer, Kenisha Ross, Gabby Hunke, Elsie Schafer, Ashton Sheil, Hallie Still and Samantha Schafer. Third Row, L-R: Myles Greene, Wyatt Jackson, Chase Henry, Lincoln
Lutrick, Will Hunt, Ica Hauge, Mady Henson, Kody Weeda, Brad Phelps and Logan Eaton. Not pictured, Lew Knapp.
INDIVIDUAL SPEECH - Front Row, L-R: Mitchell Jennett, Will Young, Adelyda Ebersole, Alex Young, Lanie Sheil, Caroline McAlexander, Hannah Jackson. Second Row, L-R:
Haylea England, Blair Glendenning, Abbey Schafer, Kenisha Ross, Elsie Schafer, Ashton Sheil and Samantha Schaefer. Third Row, L-R: Chase Henry, Will Hunt, Ica Hauge, Brianna Dory, Zane Powell,
Brad Phelps and Hallie Still. Not pictured, Lew Knapp.
Photographs courtesy of Mount Ayr Record-News
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, May of 2016; updated August of 2016
Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, March 03, 2016, Page 1
Spring play postponed
Due to the Raiderettes qualifying for the state basketball tournament, the Mount Ayr Community High School spring play, "Headin' for the Hills," has been postponed to Friday, March 10 and Saturday, March 11.
~ ~ ~ ~
Ten students qualify for state speech contest
Students who made it to state individual speech contest - Front Row (L-R): Halea England, Adelyda Ebersole, Caroline McAlexander and Hannah Jackson. Second Row (L-R):
Chase Henry, Abbey Schafer, Elsie Schafer, Brad Phelps and Hallie Still. Not pictured: Lew Knapp.
The Mount Ayr Speech Team brought home 10 I (excellent) ratings from the district speech contest Saturday, February 27 at Bedford. Students receiving I ratings automatically qualify for the state speech contest March 12 in
Des Moines. They include Adelyda Ebersole in expository address, Caroline McAlexander in storytelling, Lew Knapp in acting, Chase Henry in improvisation, Elsie Schafer in prose (short story), Haylea England in Literary
Program, Hannah Jackson in improvisation, Abbey Schafer in acting, Brad Phelps in improvisation and Hallie Still in radio broadcasting. Those receiving II ratings include Kenisha Ross, Blair Glendenning, Alex Young, Brianna
Dory, Will Young, Ica Hauge, Will Hunt, Samantha McGill, Samantha Schaefer, Mitchell Jennett, Ashton Sheil and Lanie Sheil.
Photograph courtesy of Mount Ayr Record-News Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, August of 2016
Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, March 10, 2016, Pages 1 & 12
Large cast for school play Performances Friday and Saturday
The Mount Ayr Community spring play, "Headin' for the Hills" by Tim Kelly, will be performed in the elementary gym on March 11 and 12. The comedy is performed with permission from Pioneer Drama Service. The spring
production is being moved to the elementry building due to construction for the high school auditorium renovation project. The cast includes the following:
Laurette Greenacre | - runs general store | - Abbey Schafer |
Edna Tubbs | - runs boarding house | - Megan Reasoner |
Rose Marie Murdock | - New York writer | - Tessa Shields |
Dagmar | - Edna's teenaged daughter | - Mercadez Birkenholz |
Obie | - Lurette's teenaged son | - Mitchell Jennett |
Lee Roy Calhoun | - in love with Emmy Lou | - Trevor Anderson |
Emmy Lou Tolliver | - in love with Roy Lee | - Hallie Still |
Paw Calhoun | - hates the Tollivers | - Lincoln Lutrick |
Bubba | - Lee Roy's older brother | - Rhett Murphy |
Goober | - Lee Roy's older brother | - Kyle Dolecheck |
Cletus | - Lee Roy's older brother | - Jeb McCreary |
Delmont | - Lee Roy's older brother | - Logan Stark |
Elrod | - Lee Roy's older brother | - Nick Wurster |
Floyd | - Lee Roy's older brother | - Trevor Gooding |
Roscoe | - Lee Roy's older brother | - Cauy Bickel |
Wilbur | - Lee Roy's older brother | - Bradley Phelps |
Maw Tolliver | - hates the Calhouns | - Ica Hauge |
Petunia | - Emmy Lou's sister | - Addy Flammang |
Duley | - Emmy Lou's sister | - Samantha Schaefer |
Annabelle | - Emmy Lou's sister | - Lanie Sheil |
Buffy | - Emmy Lou's sister | - Brylea Stark |
Leanne | - Emmy Lou's sister | - Shaley Miller |
Roxy | - Emmy Lou's sister | - Taylor Wilson |
Dwight Culver | - owns Panda Publishing | - Wyatt Jackson |
Miss Pickens | - his secretary | - Trina Restauro |
Miss Foran | - another employee | - Hannah Jackson |
Mr. Hastings | - another employee | - Chase Henry |
Joe Martin | - senor junior editor | - Lew Knapp |
Lucille Stevens | - owns Bandar Log Books | - Kirsten Dolecheck |
Sally Merriweather | - her top assistant | - Macy Lilienthal |
Miss Weehler | - secretary | - Macy Larsen |
Miss Lipcott | - another employee | - Laura Davison |
Mr. Meisner | - another employee | - Trenton Stull |
Train Conductor | - enjoys punching tickets | - Justin Wehling |
Bianca | - lonesome polecat teen | - Katie Sickels |
Esther | - lonesome polecat teen | - Maddy Henson |
Chloe | - lonesome polecat teen | - Bailey Anderson |
Grace | - lonesome polecat teen | - Kenisha Ross |
Ruby Perkins | - likes to tell jokes | - Breanne Haley |
Enos | - lonesome polecat teen | - Drew Willis |
Otis | - lonesome polecat teen | - Zane Powell |
Woody | - lonesome polecat teen | - Nathan Hauge |
Jefferson | - lonesome polecat teen | - Myles Greene |
Junior | - lonesome polecat teen | - Tycker Darrah |
Mr. Dogwezel | - mailman | - Bradley Wurster |
Sheriff Dickens | - on the job | - John Young |
Charlie Rhodes | - ready to settle down | - Will Young |
Sherri Gordon | - film executive | - Ashton Sheil |
Iris Hutton | - publicity is everything | - Elsie Schafer |
Antiquity Wormwood | - cures what ails you | - Will Hunt |
Citizens of
Lonesome Polecat | -
| Kirsten Young, Jacob McCreary, Lucas Wurster, Dylan McAlexander,
MaiLynn Taylor,Jasmon Hyde Ryann Martin, MacKenzie Shields
Jentri Ruby, Caroline McAlexander, Abbi Haley, Sammy McGill, Gabrielle Hunke, Jessica McCreary,
John Shields, and Josh Cox |
The production crew includes:
Mrs. Kneip's assistants | - | Blair Glendenning and Alyssa Johnson |
Stage Managers | - | Maddy Mobley and Sara Winemiller |
General Manager backstage | - | Jed McCreary |
Set crew | - | Brayden Swank, Zach Murphy, Alex Riddell-Hughes, Tristan Holmes
Jake Hoveland, Trevor Henry and Caleb Schnoor |
Makeup | - | Ashton Quick, Cheyenne Gillespie, Miranda Waugh and Cheyenne Haveman |
Costumes | - | Emma Mobley, Amber Davison, Paige Lynch and Dani Krauth |
Sound effects | - | Logan Eaton, Chania Vos and Mason Smith |
Photograph courtesy of Mount Ayr Record-News Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, August of 2016
Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, March 10, 2016, Page 10
Drama Club Members
Members of the Mount Ayr Community High School Drama Club include:
Seniors: Kirsten Dolecheck, Kyle Dolecheck, Ica Hauge, Wyatt Jackson, Lew Knapp, Lincoln Lutrick, Jed McCreary, Shaley Miller, Madison Mobley, Rhett Murphy, Miranda Waugh, Taylor Wilson, Macy Lilienthal,
Logan Stark, Caleb Schnoor, Trina Restauro, Trevor Gooding, Nick Wurster, Ashton Quick, Cheyenne Gillespie and Justin Wehling.
Juniors: Mitchell Jennett, Ashton Sheil, Tessa Shields, Blair Glendenning, Breanne Haley, Megan Reasoner, Cassie Brand, Cheyenne Haveman, Laura Campbell, Brylea Stark and Macy Larsen.
Sophomores: Alyssa Johnson, John Young, William Young, Mercadez Birkenholz, Abbey Schafer, Bailey Anderson, Hallie Still and Chania Vos, Mady Henson, MaiLynn Taylor, Katie Sickels, Kirsten Young, Bradley
Wurster, Craven Martin, Kenisha Ross, Will Hunt, Logan Eaton, Cauy Bickel, Eian Adams, Dylan McAlexander, Lucas Wurster, Tristan Holmes, Brayden Swank, Zach Murphy, Jacob McCreary, Sara Winemiller, Brad Phelps and
Dani Krauth.
Freshmen: Nathan Hauge, Chase Henry, Zane Powell, Elsie Schafer, Trenton Stull, Myles Greene, Drew Willis, Josh Cox, Samantha Schaefer, Lanie Sheil, Hannah Jackson, Tucker Darrah, Jentri Ruby, Abbi Haley,
MaKenzie Shields, Ryann Martin, Ashton Smith, Jasmin Hyde, Caroline McAlexander, Emma Mobley, Amber Davison, Kylee Smith, Paige Lynch and Andrew Belzer.
Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, March 17, 2016, Page 8
Mount Ayr students fare well at state speech
The Mount Ayr Speech team traveled early to Des Moines North High School Saturday, March 12 for the state contest. Mount Ayr took two teams - one a freshman team and one a varisty team.
Adelyda Ebersole performed her expository address about the benefits of extracurricular activities. It was a speech that Ebersole wrote herself. While performing the speech Ebersole wears her FFA jacket. She
inadvertenly did not take it off upon her exit from the room and the judges saw that it said Mount Ayr on it. They had no choice but to disquality her because a student's school is to remain anonymous that way
the judges can stay impartial. Brad Phelps received a II rating from all three judges in his improvisation. Phelps drew the two characters, a tramp and a golfer with the situation [that] someone is having a bad day.
This was Phelps' first year participating in speech contest. Haylea England also had received II ratings from all three judges for her Literary Program entitled "Not Just Another Suicide Tragedy." The piece combines
poetry and short story to convey a central theme. Hallie Still performed her radio broadcast piece and also received a disqualification score. This was due to a mistake on the part of the coad Shawn Kniep and that of the
district judge when reading the rules. The rules state that a student may only use and accent during the commercial, but not during reading the news. Still read the radio broadcast in an accent and did not use one for the
commercial. The judge at districts did not catch it and sent Still on to state, where the state judges did know the rules. Kniep said she takes the blame for this because she did not catch it earlier. Lew Knapp performed his
acting pieces and received a I from one judge and two II ratings from the other judges for an overall II rating. This was Lew's final speech contest. He has performed in large group and individual speech all four years and has
made it to state each year. Abbey Schafer performed her acting piece entitled, "The Text on the Drive Home" and received at II rating from one judge and I ratings from the other two judges for an overall I rating.
The freshman team had four qualify for state. Chase Henry performed an improvisation piece. He drew two characters, a business executive and a hog farmer with the situation telling a sad story.. Henry received a I from one
judge and II ratings from the other two judges for an overall II rating. Caroline McAlexander performed her storytelling piece, Little Red Riding Hood as Told by the Wolf. McAlexander received a I from one judge, and II ratings from the
other two judges for an overall II rating. Elsie Schafer performed her prose (short story) selection entitled, "The Year Kenny Loggins Ruined Christmas" by Allie Brosh. Schafer received a II rating from one judge and a I rating from
two judges for an overall II rating. And last to perform for the day was Hannah Jackson. Jackson performed in improvisation. She drew the characters an upset husband and a camper, with the situation going to a rock concert
when it's actually a polka music concert. Jackson received a II rating from one judge and a I rating from two judges for an overall I rating. Kniep said overall it was a very good day for the speech team and each handled
the day well and represented the school well. "Each year is a learning experience and this year was definitely one," said Kniep.
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, August of 2016
Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, March 10, 2016, Page 10
All-State Speech Students
Front Row, L-R: Hallie Still and Abbey Schafer.
Second Row, L-R: Will Young, Will Hunt and Lew Knapp.
Photograph courtesy of Mount Ayr Record-News Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, August of 2016
