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Mt. Ayr High School Graduates - 2010 & 2011

CLASS of 2010
CLASS MOTTO: "Only as high as we reach can we grow. Only as far as we seek we can go. Only as deep as we look can we see. Only as much as we dream we can be."
CLASS COLORS: Black, Silver and Red
CLASS FLOWER: Red and White Roses

Amelia BECKER, Tingley, Erin BUDACH, Mount Ayr; Michael CAMACHO, Mount Ayr; Angela CLUTTER, Mount Ayr; Courtnie COX, Mount Ayr; Forest CROPPER, Redding; Alicia DANIELS, Mount Ayr; Tasha Renae DRAKE, Mount Ayr; Sara DREDGE, Mount Ayr; Holly ENGLAND, Mount Ayr; Mayumi FERNANDEZ, Tingley; Kelsey Rae GLENDENNING, Mount Ayr; Ty HAN, Mount Ayr; Tyler HINZ, Mount Ayr; Thomas HATFIELD, Redding; Ariel JOHNSON, Mount Ayr; Matthew JONES, Mount Ayr; Karissa KARR, Mount Ayr; Erica KEMERY, Clearfield; Karl KERNES, Clearfield; Dylan LAME, Kellerton; Katie McVEY, Mount Ayr; Malcom MERCER, Mount Ayr; Matt MERCER, Kellerton; Jami NOVAK, Tingley; Jeffrey Allen O'NEIL, Thayer; Jennifer OVERHOLSER, Benton; Samantha PAXSON, Mount Ayr; Weston PIERSCHBACHER, Kellerton; Russell REYNOLDS, Mout Ayr; Devin RICHARDS, Mount Ayr; Adam SICKELS, Mount Ayr; Marci Jo SICKELS, Mount Ayr; Maddilyn STARK, Mount Ayr; Brian STILL, Kellerton; Brandon THOMPSON, Kellerton; Alex WALLACE, Mount Ayr; Ashley WICKIZER, Lamoni; Tiffany Lynn WIMER, Mount Ayr; Devin WINEMILLER, Diagonal.

  CLASS of 2011
Mount Ayr Record-News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
Thursday, May 12, 2011

Mount Ayr Community high school seniors will finish up with graduation exercises Sunday, May 22, 2011. The graduates are:

Ian Hunter ABARR, Redding; Saundra Marie AYTES, Mount Ayr; Korey Nikolaus BEAMAN, Mount Ayr; Hannah Elizabeth BLANTON, Mount Ayr; Colton Douglas BOLLES, Mount Ayr; Jacynda Fern "Cyndi" BRAND, Mount Ayr; Stephani Dawn BROWN, Mount Ayr; Molly Elizabeth BUDACH, Mount Ayr; Katie Jane BYERS; Jordan Tyler CLYMER, Mount Ayr; Marqita Irene CORREA, Clearfield; Ariel Elizabeth DICKERSON, Ellston; Cody Joshua DOOLITTLE, Kellerton; Elisha Lynn DOUBLEDAY, Mount Ayr; Dillon Jason DRAKE, Mount Ayr; Ail Amro ELTOUKHY, Mount Ayr; Pamela "Grace" Mutuc FERNANDEZ, Tingley; Shannon Christine FOX, Mount Ayr; Andrew Michael FREIHAGE, Mount Ayr; Brittni Dawn GILLESPIE, Mount Ayr; Jacob Paul "Jake" GLENDENNING, Mount Ayr; Rebecca Ann "Becca" GREGG, Mount Ayr; Jordyn Rebecca GROSE, Mount Ayr; Melissa Jo HAVEMAN, Kellerton; Charmaine Roxanne JOHNSON, Mount Ayr; Valerie Patton JONES; Mount Ayr; Zackary Thomas "Zack" KELLER; Jordan Thomas KLEJCH, Mount Ayr; Alexandra Michele "Allie" KNAPP, Mount Ayr; Cade Michael LAMBSON, Blockton; Bradley Alan "Brad" LOVE, Redding; Katelyn Beth MICKAEL, Grand River; William "Jared" MUNYON, Kellerton; Bailey Frances MEYER, Ellston; Brandon Wayne O'NEIL, Mount Ayr; Robyn Elizabeth OSBORN, Tingley; Christian John OVERHOLZER, Tingley; Dustin James PALMER, Tingley; Brandon Wayne PEARCE, Mount Ayr; Jesse Lynn PENICK, Ellston; Rebecca Jo "Becca" PENNINGTON, Mount Ayr; Heather Ann PERCIFIELD, Redding; Ashley Michelle PHELPS, Kellerton; Trevor Graham RICHIE, Benton; Drake Robert SCHAFER, Mount Ayr; Charlli Dene SCHUSTER, Mount Ayr; Johanna Coca SCOTT, Mounty Ayr; David Phillip SHOWALTER, Mount Ayr; Liberty Ann SILLIMAN, Mount Ayr; Katelyn Nicole SOBOTKA, Clearfield; Matthew Taylor "Matt" SOBOTKA, Mount Ayr; Luria LaVaun STAATS, Ellston; Levi Reed STARK, Kellerton; Jensen Leigh STEWART, Maloy; Brett Alan TAYLOR, Redding: Shane Wesley TRIGGS; Mount Ayr; Sheldon Max TRIGGS, Mount Ayr; Anne Katherine UHLENKAMP, Mount Ayr; Johnnie RaeAnn VEATCH, Kellerton; Ashley Dawn WELTON; Cacey Dawn WILSON, Clearfield.

  • Mount Ayr Community School

    SOURCE: Mount Ayr Record-News

    Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, May of 2011


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