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Mount Ayr Record-News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
Thursday, November 08, 2008

Four local FFA members join American FFA degree tradition

Four Mount Ayr Community high school FFA members received the highest recognition available through the National FFA Organization at the national convention of the group in Indianapolis, IN, last week.

Named to the American FFA degree were Jennifer HOSFIELD, Adam JACKSON, Cody SOBOTKA and Amy WEEDA. SOBOTKA was the only one of the group who was able to attend the national convention to accept their award in person.

A dozen other Mount Ayr Community FFA chapter members took part in the national convention as well.

Jennifer HOSFIELD is the daughter of Gary and Linda HOSFIELD of Redding. Her supervised ag experience project has been in a cow-calf beef operation. She has been active in quiz teams, attended the Washingon, D.C. leadership conference; a chairman of the Senion Citizen Prom; and active in many chapter activities.

Adam JACKSON is the son of Kurt and Teresa JACKSON of Redding. He has a lawn care business for his supervised ag experience project, mowing several cemeteries and parks. He has served as chapter sentinel and been on conduct of meetings, parliamentary procedure and crop judging teams among others. He has also been very active in the chapter.

Cody SOBOTKA is the son of Gary and Darla SOBOTKA of Mount Ayr. His supervised ag experience project has included crops, with hay an oats focused on, and employment at Excell Engineering in Diagonal. He has been treasurer and assistant treasurer of the chapter and been on the conduct of meetings, parlimentary procedure, crops judging, ag sales, soil judging and farm management teams. He has also been very active in local chapter activities.

Amy WEEDA is the daughter of Danny and Carol Ann WEEDA of Mount Ayr. Her supervised ag experience program has included employment at Substation and Southwest Builder Supply. She has been chapter president and taken part in the conduct of meetings and parlimentary procedure teams and has attended state and national conventions and the Washington D.C. leadership conference. She has been very active in local chapter activities as well.

With the latest awardees, all 2006 graduates, the total number of American degree winners for the MAC FFA chapter is 57.

While at the convention, the chapter also received the three star national chapter award, ranking it in the top 100 chapters in the nation. This is the fifth time in six years that the chapter has achieved this honor.

Members Allison FOOKEN, Jen ANGUS and Breanne ARENDS attended a reunion luncheon for students from across the country who took part in the FFA leadership conference in Washington, D.C. this past summer.

On the way to the convention, the students visited the Huber Nursey and Winery, an agribusiness operation that sells vegetables, apples, pumpkins, bakery goods and wine. It also has a petting zoo and has banquet facilities that were fedding a meeting with 500 people when the students were visiting.

At the convention, they heard speakers such as Rick RIGSBY, football chaplain for Texas A&M University; Chad HYMAS, a quaroplegic who talked about overcoming his handicap; Henry WINKLER, who talked about dealing with dyslexia, and Mark SANBORN, a past president of the FFA who teaches leadership classes for business and industry.

The students also saw a student from Eagleville, MO, be named president of the national FFA.

They also visited a landfill and nursery where methane gas from the landfill is used to power the 6 1/2 acre nursery operation and a Mercedes Benz facility nearby.

Current students who attended the national convention were James WALKUP, Colton QUICK, Alden ADAMS, Cass HOSFIELD, Ryan STILL, Weston PIERSCHBACHER, Allison FOOKEN, Jen ANGUS, Breanne ARENDS, Tara ADAMS, Amelia BECKER and Holly ENGLAND.

Jack COOK is chapter president.

Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, July of 2012

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