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Mount Ayr Record-News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
Thursday, May 17, 2007

Named as winner of the Fine Arts Achievement award for students involved in drama and other fine arts was senior Lucas SMITH. SMITH has been active in band, speech and drama activities all during his high school career. The award was presented by Shaun KNEIP.

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Brian INLOES of Kellerton (right) was recognized by Governor Chet CULVER for outstanding academic achievement at the fifth annual Covernor's Scholar Recognition Ceremony in Des Moines recently. The statewide program honored more than 450 high school seniors from throughout Iowa. Each high school was invited to select the senior student or students possessing the high academic ranking based on grade point average for their first seven semesters. Students selected for the award also recognized their favorite teacher and received a photo plaque of their meeting with the governor. The program is sponsored by the Iowa Governor's Office, Iowa High School Athletic Association and the Iowa Farm Bureau Federation.

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Mount Ayr Community High School Graduation

Graduation ceremonies for the Mount Ayr Community high school is planned for this week.

Baccalaureate set

Wednesday, May 16, will be the Mount Ayr Community high school baccalaureate program. The service will be held at 6:45 p.m. at the Mount Ayr United Baptist-Presbyterian Church. The Sundogs will be providing music for the service and high school principal Matt PATTON will give the baccalaureat address.

A number of high school seniors have worked with Rick HAWKINS, Mike MADDY and Ed SHIELDS to develop the program this year.

Refreshments will be served following the program.

The Mount Ayr Community high school senior breakfast and commencement practice will be held Friday, May 18. Breakfast is at 8:30 a.m. followed by commencement practice at 9:30 a.m.

Mount Ayr Community graduation

Graduation for the Mount Ayr Community high school will be held at 2 p.m. Sunday, May 20, at the Mount Ayr Community high school gymnasium.

The class valedictorian Brian INLOES and salutatorian Wendy DOOLITTLE, upon introduction by Superintendent Russ RIETER will give speeches and diplomas will be handed out by school board president Craig ELLIOTT.

Class mottos is "We met as strangers, grew as classmates and leave as friends."

Class colors are black, white and red and class flower is red rose tipped in silver.

The high school choir and high school band will participate in the program.

The Class of 2007 included:

Tyan Michelle ABARR, Alden Robert ADAMS, Shelley A. ADAMS, Chad Michael BAILEY, Caitlyln Adriana BAINUM, Tara Sue BAKER, Lance Eric BROWN, Joseph Andrew CATANZARETI, Danielle Lyn CHAPMAN, Nevan Dean COLLIER, Brian R. COMER, Jordan Francis CRAWFORD, Wendy Leian DOOLITTLE, Derrick Joseph DREDGE, Cher Loverly Yoko Mutuc FERNANDEZ, Austin Tyler FRENCH, Donald Gene GORMAN III, Benjamin Taylor GRAHAM, Scott I. GREENE, Chansellor Tyler HALL, Nicholas Kane HUNTER, Tara Lee HURST, Brian Andrew INLOES, Alexis Kerrill JOHNSON, Christine Lee JOHNSON, Stephan Michael JOHNSTON, Katrina Elisabeth KEMERY, Christopher Edwin KING, Chad L. KINGERY, Logan Russel LARSEN, Grant Merle LARSEN, Patricia Kathryn LARSEN, Brandyn Kenneth LILIENTHAL, Zachary Wade LYNCH, James Curtis MACKEY, John Michael MARSHALL, Stephanie Lynn McDONNELL, Kayla Kathleen McVEY, Kelsey Marie MEESTER, Kayli Len MEYER, Caden MONIER, Emi Lu O'NEALL, Amanda Rae PENNINGTON, Cain Allen PETTIT, Megan Bridget REED, Amanda Rae ROTERT, Joshua Allen SCHUSTER, Brennon Levi SHIELDS, Lyndsey Marie SICKELS, Jessi Eldon SMITH, Lucas John SMITH, Bobbi Jo STARK, Caleb Andrew STEEN, Monica Roseanne TAYLOR, Jeremy Richard TIPTON, Emily Anne UHLENKAMP, Benjamin Thomas WALTERS, Hillary Nancy WARD, Colton Wiley WEEHLER, Matthew John WIMER and Katherine Ann ZOLLMAN.

Special recognition will be given to Jessica PIERSCHBACHER, a member of the class who died after a battle with cancer in 2005.

The list of 2008 Mount Ayr High School graduates compiled and submitted by Marilyn Bishop and Ed Bryan included the following students:


Transcriptions by Sharon R. Becker, August of 2012

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