Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa date clipped off, probably May of 1911
CLASS OF '11 IS GRADUATED _____________
Commencement Exercises of
Mount Ayr High School Held Last Evening

In a program that was a departure from the usual custom of attempting to cover the whole range of human thought, delve into
the past, and push aside the curtains that all may have a glimpse of the mysteries of the future, the eleven graduates of the
Mount Ayr high school acquitted themselves creditably in the commencement exercises held in the opera house last evening.
No attempt had been made at elaborate display in decorating. The drop curtain was covered with the class colors, old gold and
blue, the wings being covered with material of the same colors, and across the rear of the stage, done in the class colors, was the
class motto, "With the Ropes of the Past We Ring the Bells of the Future." The members of the class occupied seats
arranged in a semi-circle across the stage and behind them sat the faculty and members of the board of education. Prof.
J. W. WILKERSON, who for many years was superintendent of the Mount Ayr schools, also occupied a position of honor on the
stage. The exercises were opened with prayer by Rev. J. W. BIRNLEY of the United Presbyterian church. Then came a piano
solo by Miss Lena OGDEN, "Grande Valse Caprice," and the salutatory by Miss Elsie HOLLOWAY. Following this Lester WRIGHT
gave his oration, "The Comus of Today." Miss Edna LAIRD sang a solo, "The Shoogy Shoo." Carroll SPURRIER delivered his
oration on "Athletes," followed by Burrus BEARD'S oration on "The Crusades." Next came the instrumental baritone solo,
"Jeruselam," by Frank WILSON. Rex LAWHEAD gave a reading, "Claudius and Cynthia." Clifford HANKS gave his oration on
"Agriculture," and this was followed by a piano solo, "Two Angels," by Miss Lova THOMPSON. Miss Edna LAIRD then read
"How the LaRue Stakes Were Lost," four boys of the class sang, the class poem was given by Miss Zoe SPURRIER and Frank
WILSON delivered the valedictory. Hon. George S. ALLYN, who has been president of the school board for about one-third
of a century, then presented the diplomas. He congratulated the class, the faculty and the parents and his presentation
speech was in harmony with the spirit of the occasion and in brevity and simplicity was in conformity with the other
numbers of the program. Possibly no commencement program ever given by the Mount Ayr high school was so well received.
It was a fitting close of a successful school year. While the purpose of commencement is to do honor to the young women
and young men who successfully complete the course of study in our schools, the exercises last evening marked the close of
a year's work in which wonderful progress has been made. Superintendent E. T. SHEPPARD, in his management of the school,
has brought order out of confusion and has inspired in all a desire to work in harmony for the upbuilding of the one
institution in which all have a common interest. In his efforts he has had the hearty co-operation of the teachers, the
members of the school board and the patrons of the school, all of which is essential to the success of the school. President
ALLYN suggested in his address that the board is planning for better equipment and a larger course of study. The outlook
for the Mount Ayr schools is promising. The Class of 1911
Burris BEARD | Clifford HANKS | Elsie HOLLOWAY |
Frank WILSON | | Lester WRIGHT | |
Submission by Theola Weeda, June of 2013
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, June of 2013
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Mount Ayr Record-News Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa Thursday, June 30, 1961
Mount Ayr Class of 1911 50th Reunion

Six of the surviving members of the
graduation class of 1911 of the Mount Ayr high school enjoyed their 50th reunion Saturday in Mount Ayr. Present for the
observance were Burrus BEARD of Aurora, IL; Dr. Fay NORRIS of Houston, TX; Earl FENDER of Glenwood Springs, CO; Lova THOMPSON
of Des Moines; Elsie HOLLOWAY MOFFATT of Daytona Beach, FL; Clifford HANKS of Kewanee, IL and Frank F. WILSON of this
city. Three other members of the class, the Rev. Rex LAWHEAD of Canoga Park, CA, Lester WRIGHT of Des Moines and Carroll
SPURRIER of Woodlake, CA sent greetings and expressed their regrets at not being able to attend the reunion. Deceased members of
the class of 12 are Edna LAIRD, Lena OGDEN and Zoe SPURRIER.
Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, July of 2011
