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  Mount Ayr Record News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
Thursday, May 09, 2013

High School Band Members: Jasper Abarr, Trevor Anderson, Jennifer Blair, Neesie Brand, Samantha Crawford, Erin Dolecheck, Emily Fox, Erik Freed, Caitlin Giles, Madison Hosfield, Wyatt Jackson, Maggie Jennett, Holly karr, Lew Knapp, Jed McCreary, MKayla O'Mailia, Braydee Poore, Matt Poore, Blake Roberts, April Shields, Grant Staaats, Quency Vos, Allison Wallace, Bailey Webb, Alexandra Young and Cameron Young.

Middle School Band Members: Bailey Anderson, Molly Anderson, Adrianne Bennett, Cauy Bickel, Mercadex Birkenholz, Alex Booth, Cassie Brand, Kayla Brown, Laura Campbell, Shaniece Conkin, Amber Cox, Gavin Dine, Brianna Dory, Logan Enonn, Addyson Flemming, Nathaniel Fletchall, Kaylee Goodson, Breanne Haley, William Hunt, Mitchell Jensen, Dylan McAlexander, Jacob McCreary, Megan Reasoner, Ashley Schafer, Ashton Sheil, Katie Sickels, Mason Smith, Noah Smith, MaiLynn Taylor, Bradley Wurster, Lucs Wurster, John Young, Kirsten Young and William Young.

Sixth Grade Band Members: BrieAnn Byrd, Paige Lynch, Samantha McGill, Emma Mobley, Samantha Schaefer, Billy Webb, Caitlyn, nah Jackson, Kylee Smith, Kaley Whittington, Samuel Blanton, Lanie Shiel, Wes Armstrong, Drew Willis, Bobby Peterman, Josh Cox, Andrew Belzer, Myles Greene, Chase Henry, John Shields and Connor Swank.

Fifth Grade Band Members: Hope Bennett, Jordyn Brown, Rachel Gregg, Alexis Main, Gracie Mobley, Kaley Adams, Jaycee Knight, Bailey Mastin, Isaac Grose, Keelan Klommhaus, Cayden Lambert, Byanca Smith, Belinda Sovern, Dalton Elwood, Dawson Frost, Ryker Hickman, Jordon McAlexander, Joan Truillo, Haylynn Ellis, Austin Greenland, Avery Riggs, Hanna Ackley, Kaitlyn Dolecheck, Zach Doster, Tyler Jones, Reas Knapp, Jacob Rushing and Courtney Young.


  2013 Arion Award Winners:
  Jennifer Blair & April Shields
  Outstanding Clarinda
  Jamboree Marcher:
  Jasper Adams
  Large Group Marching Band Festival
  Council Bluffs, II Rating
  Distinguished Academic to
   HS Marching Band with a
  cumulative GPA of 3.56
  among highest GPA in state
  Simpson Jazz Festival
  2nd Place
  Outstanding Musicianship Awards
  Simpson Jazz Festival
  Madi Hosfield, alto sax
  April Shields, flute
  Allison Wallace, alto sax
  Jennifer Blair, bari sax
  Caitlin Giles, vibes
  Selected to
  "Simpson Jazz Dream Team"
  Caitlin Giles, vibes
  SW Iowa District Jazz
  Festival Blizzard
  4th Place
  Outstanding Musicianship
  SW IA Dist. Jazz Festival:
  Madi Hosfield, alto sax
  Jennifer Blair, bari sax
  Braydee Poore, bass guitar
  Pride of Iowa Honor Band
  Graceland Univesity:
  April Shields, flute
  Jennifer Blair, bari sax
  Emily Fox, trombone
  Quency Vos, alto sax
  Allison Wallace, alto sax
  Bionic Mouth Award:
  Lew Knapp
  Pep Band Award:
  Jasper Abarr
  Section Leader,
  Marching Band:
  Jennifer Blair
  (Most Valuable Player):
  Braydee Poore
  Outstanding 9th Grade Marcher:
  Cameron Young
  Outstanding 10th Grade
  Marcher: Blake Roberts
  Outstanding 11th Grade
  Marcher: Matt Poore
  Outstanding Senior Marcher:
  Jasper Abarr & Jennifer Blair
  Outstanding 9th Grade
  Concert Band:
  Cameron Young
  Outstanding 10th Grade
  Concert Band:
  Blake Roberts
  Outstanding 11th Grade
  Concert Band:
  Allison Wallace
  Outstanding Seionors
  Concert Band:
  Madison Hosfield
  & April Shields
  Dunderhead Award:
  MaKayla O'Mailia
  Outstanding Sophomore Flag:
  Nessie Brand
  Outstanding Junior Flag:
  Holly Karr
  Outstanding Senior Flag:
  April Shields
  & Maggie Jennett


Photographs courtesy of Mount Ayr Record News

Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, May of 2013

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