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 Mount Ayr Record-News
Mount Ayr, Ringgold County, Iowa
Thursday, June 15, 2017, Page 14

Alumni Reunion held

The Mount Ayr High School Alumni Reunion was held May 27, 2017 at the Mount Ayr High School Commons.

Attendees included:

Jake Dailey, 1940; Theola (Hightshoe) Weeda, 1944: Norma (Swartz) French, 1945, and guest Leesa Lester; Olive (Reynolds) Davis, 1947; Hazel (Smith) Foltz, 1947; Jim Sheil, 1947, and guests; Peggy (Foltz) Wagenknecht, 1947; Gerold and Jean Willey, 1947; Edna (Walter) Jones, 1949; Iona (Baker) Triggs, 1949; Jessie (Ward) Woollums, 1949; Janet (Hudson) Hickman, 1954; Phil Foltz, 1955; Bob and Kay Sickels, 1955; Dan Cunning, 1957; Beverly McCord, 1957; Sybil (Denhart) Kelley, 1958; Leland and Wanda Rauch, 1959; Jim Ward, 1961; Art and Sherry (Norris) Allen, 1966; Leola (Minnick) Kralik, 1966; Alice (Minnick) Beavers, 1967; Tom Carr, 1967; Richard Pence, 1967; Ed and Kathy Shields, 1967; Sharon (Wilson) Smith, 1967; Lee Foltz, 1968; Joyce (Baker) Ward, 1968; Sharon (Pederson) Carr, 1969; Linda (Hill) Foltz, 1969; MaryLee Foltz, 1971; Bernard and Marla Crawford, 1972; Mike Avitt, 1975; and Stacy (Cunning) and C. R. Lage, 1986.

Alumni President Sherry Allen welcomed the guests and Mount Ayr High School Superintendent Joe Drake spoke about the new football field, new auditorium, and other school topics.

Art Allen offered a prayer before we sat down to the banquet catered by Donetta Phelps of the Tingley Cafe. We then moved to the new, state-of-the-art auditorium.

Sherry read some passages from the 1937 and 1947 Ayrians and then we had class recognition and roll call. We also recognized all teachers in the audience.

The Secretary/Treasurer's report was followed by Mount Ayr High School Alumni Scholarship Committee President Janet Hickman's report. The committee is looking for one new member to replace Janet as she retires.

The earliest graduate present was Donald "Jake" Dailey who graduated in 1940. The farthest traveled graduate was Leland Rauch who came from Branson, Missouri. The family with the most graduates present was the Foltz family and the latest graduate was Stacy (Cunning) Lage from 1986.

A picture slideshow was presented by Art Allen and Mike Avitt. Many photos of old gas stations were shown this year.

The program closed with the singing of the old and current Mount Ayr High School fight songs.

We hope to see you next year and thank you!

Transcription by Sharon R. Becker, July of 2017


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